2020-10-13 Submission SJC SSCI - Part 2 of 2

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Bruce Ohr provided the FBI with research his wife Nellie Ohr conducted for Fusion GPS. This research was stored on a thumb drive.

Bruce Ohr provided the FBI with research his wife Nellie Ohr conducted for Fusion GPS. The research had the Fusion GPS header stripped. Nellie Ohr conducted the research as work for Glen Simpson at Fusion GPS.

Christopher Steele informed Bruce Ohr that he had received a letter from the Senate Intelligence Committee asking if Steele had provided information to the US government, the scope of Steele's investigation, and if Steele had any additional information to provide. The SIC was also considering sending staffers to the UK.

FD-302 (Rev 5-8- 10)

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Date of entry 12/27/2016


Do not disseminate outside the FBI without the permission of the originator or program
manager .

Bruce OHR , , currently the Associate

Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of Justice ' s
Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) was interviewed at
FBI Headquarters . After being advised of the identity of the interviewing
Agent and the nature of the interview , OHR provided the following
information :

On December 20 , 2016 , at 11 : 00 A . M. OHR provided writer with an

8GB SanDisk Cruzer Glide USB micro digital data storage drive (thumb
drive) . Glen Simpson at Fusion GPS hired OHR ' s wife , Nellie Ohr , to
conduct research for his firm . OHR voluntarily provided his wife ' s
research to the FBI . OHR provided the interviewing Agent with the thumb
drive and indicated it contained the totality of the work Nellie Ohr
conducted for Simpson , but the Fusion GPS header was stripped . Nellie Ohr
is a Russian linguist/analyst and a former Russian History professor . The
thumb drive was entered into evidence .

lnvestigationon 12/20/2016 at Washington, District Of Columbia , United States (In Person)

~~# Datedrafied 12/20/2016

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It 1s the property of the FBI and 1s loaned to your agency; 1t and its contents are not
to be distributed outside your agency

FD- I 087 (Rev. 5-8- 10) De
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Colleot ed Item Log

Event Title: Nellie Ohr research for Date : 12/20/2016

Fusion GPS

Approved By :

Drafted By :




Do not disseminate outside the FBI without the permission of the originator or
program manager .

Full Investigation Initiated : 07/31/2016

Collected From : Associate Deputy Attorney General

and Director of the Department of Justice ' s
Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task
Force (OCDETF) Bruce Ohr

Receipt Given ?: No


Details :

On December 20 , 2016 , at 11 : 00 A . M. Bruce OHR ,

currently the Associate Deputy Attorney General and
Director of the Department of Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. II is the propeny of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its
contents arc not to be distributed outside your agency.

Title : Nellie Ohr research for Fusion GPS
Re : , 12/20/2016

Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) provided writer with an 8GB SanDisk

Cruzer Glide USB micro digital data storage drive (thumb drive).

Glen Simpson at Fusion GPS hired OHR ' s wife , Nellie Ohr , to
conduct research for his firm . OHR voluntarily provided ·his wife ' s
research to the FBI . OHR provided the interviewing Agent with the
thumb drive and indicated it contained the totality of the work Nellie
Ohr conducted for Simpson , but the Fusion GPS header was stripped .
Nellie Ohr is a Russian linguist/analyst and a former Russian History
professor .

Item Type Description

lB Digital 8GB SanDisk Cruzer Glide USB micro digital
data storage drive (thumb drive)
Collected On : 12/20/2016 11:00 AM EST
Seizing Individual :
Collected By :
Location Area :
Specific Location :
Device Type : USB Micro Storage Device (thumb drive)
Make : SanDisk
Data Capacity : 8 GB
Designation : Original
Number of Devices Collected : 1


FD-302 (Rev 5-8- 10)
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Date of entry 01/31/2017


Do not di ssemi nate ou tside the FBI without the permission of t he or i g i nator or program
ma nager .

Bruce OHR , , currently the

Associate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of
Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Forc e (OCDETF) was
interviewed at FBI Headquarters, 935 Pennsylvania Ave ., Washington , DC .
After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Special Agent and
Intelligence Analyst and the nature of the interview , OHR provided the
following information :

On January 20 , 2017, OHR received an e - mail from Glen Simpson

asking OHR to contact Simpson . OHR subsequently contacted Simpson
telephonically. During the telephonic conversat i on, Simpson told OHR that
one of Christopher Steele ' s employees has been identified and will likely
be publicly named by the media within the next couple of days . Simpson did
not know the identity or c o ntact information of the employee , only that the
employee was intimately involved in compiling the information contained
within the dossier on Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign . Due to the
sensitive nature of the employee's work and contacts, revealing the
identity of the employee could place the employee in danger . Simpson was
c onsidering putting the employee in contact with an attorney to advise the
employee . When OHR asked for more information regarding the employee and
the nature o f the threat, Simpson replied he would contact Steele for more
information and then re- contact OHR.

In the early hours of January 21 , 2017 , OHR received a text

message from Steele which OHR did not notice until later in the morning .
Around 8:00 am on the same day, OHR received call from Steele . During this
conversation Steele relayed his concerns regarding the safety of his

lnvestigationon 01/23/2017 at Wa s hington, Dis t ric t Of Columbia , Un i t ed State s ( I n Pe r s on)

Fl~# Date drafted 01I25/2 01 7


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It 1s the propeny of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not
to be distributed ou!Slde your agency

FD-302a (Rev 05-08- 10)

I n t erview o f Bruce Ohr 23

Ja,n ua r y 2017
ContinuationofF[1.302of . On 01/23/201 7 Page 2 o f 2
empioyee if t~e effiployee's Aaffie was rel e ased iA tne med ia . St e e le s tated i f
the employee ' s name was released , the employee "may need help quickly . u
Steele has been unable to directly contact the employee
indicating the employee was
alright . When asked for the employee ' s identity, Steele replied that he did
not have the employee ' s permission to share the information , but if contact
was needed , , ,
whom Steele identified as and was known to both Steel and OHR could
arrange contact. Steele believed the employee ,
, would be scared if the US Government
contacted the employee ; the employee ' s natural inclination would be to ' lay
low .'

In addition to the publication of the employee ' s name , an

individual Steele identified as was about to be exposed (NFI) in the
public which would also lead to the employee being identified .

Steele also told OHR that he spoke with a staff member of

Senator John McCain ' s office sometime prior to October 2016 . Steele had
this conversation at the request of . Since October 2016 ,
Steele had not spoken to anyone regarding the Trump dossier .

OHR took notes during the contact with Simpson and Steele to
preserve his memory and referred to them during the interview . OHR ' s notes
are an attachment to this document .

FD-302 (Rev 5-8-1 0)
- 1 of 1 - O FFICIAL A BCOAD


Date of entry 01/27/2017


Do not d i s semina te ou t side the FBI wit hout the pe r mission of the originato r or program
manager .

Bruce OHR , , currently the

Associate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of
Justi c e ' s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF ) was
interviewed at FBI Headquarters , 935 Pe n nsylvania Ave . , Washing ton , DC .
After being advised of the ide n tity of the inte r viewing Special Agents and
the nature of the interview , OHR provided the following information :

On January 24 , 2017 , OHR received a WhatsApp notification from

Christopher Steele . On January 25 , 2017 , Steele con tacted and spoke with
OHR via WhatsApp . During this conversation , Steele again relayed his
concerns regarding the safet y of his employee . Due to the possibility of
the employee ' s identity being e x posed by the media , the employee had ' went
to ground ' but rece n tly ' semi- emerged ' (NF!) i ndicating Steele could
establish contact . Steele ' s concern was exacerbated by add itional media
reporting on

Steele re- iterated to OHR the employee was an "absolute gem ."
Steele would attempt contact with the employee on January 201 7 to "see
where he is ." After Steele spoke with the employee , Steele would re-co ntac t

OHR took notes d u ring the conta c t with Steele to pre s erve his
memory and referred t o them during the interview . OHR ' s notes are an
attachment to this doc ument .

lnvestigauon on 01 /25/2 01 7 at Washing t on , District Of Col umbia , Un ited States (In Person)
Date drafted 01/2 5/ 2 01 7

This document coma ms neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI ll 1s the propcny of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; 1t and its contents arc not
to be distributed outside your agency

FD-302 (Rev. 5-8-1 0) ~
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Date of entry 01/27/2017


Do not dissemi nate outside the FBI without the permission of the originator or program
manager .

Bruce OHR , , currently the

Ass oci ate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of
Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) was
interviewed at FBI Headquarters , 935 Pennsylvania Ave ., Washington, DC .
After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Special Agents and
the nature of the interview, OHR provided the following information :

On January 27 , 2017, OHR received a WhatsApp notification from

Christopher Steele indicating Steele ' s employee was alright and Steele
would like to keep the line of communication open with OHR for future
contact . OHR replied in the affirmative .

lnvestigationon 01/27/2017 at Washington , District Of Columbia , United States (In Person)

Date drafted 0 1 I 2 7 I 2 0 17

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not
to be distributed outside your agency

FD-302 (Rev. 5-8-1 0) ()a "'P""'-"' 'Iyo, ..
Al. .. ""'" .... ~T. . . . . . t-) •
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Date of entry 02/08/2017


Do not dis s emi n ate outs ide the FBI without the permission of the originator or p rog r a m
mana g er .

Bruce OHR , , currently the

Associate Deputy Attorney Gene r al and Director of the Department of
Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF ) was
interviewed at FBI Headquarters , 935 Pennsylvania Ave. , Washingto n , DC .
After being advised of the identity o f the interviewing Special Agents and
the nature of the interview , OHR provided the following information :

OHR stated he had been contacted by Christopher Steele , via

WhatsApp, on January 31 , 2 0 17 . On January 30 , 2017, the Trump
Administration fired Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates and Steele had
contacted OHR to determine if OHR anticipated being fired as well and , if
so , who in the Department of Justice could he continue to reach out to.
OHR added that he had previously explained to Steele at some p o int , his
contact with the U.S . Government would have to involve the FBI.
Interviewing agents asked OHR t o ask Steele if he would be comfo rtable
getting the name of an FBI agent.

OHR advised Kathleen Kavalec , Deputy Assistant Secretary,

Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs , U. S . Department of State would be
meeting representatives in order to discuss p o tential Russian
influence in their upcoming Presidential elections . OHR reminded the
interviewing agents Kavalec did speak with Steele several times p r ior to
the 2016 US Presidential ele c tion and believed Steele's reporting to have
generated from mainly one s o urce .

OHR also advised , an attorney representing

, explained his client felt
were recently complicated by the FBI, who he

lnvestigationon 02/06/2017 at Wa s hington , Di s t r ict Of Columbia , United States (In Pe rs on)

Datcdrafied 02/08/20 17

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property oflhe FBI and is loaned to your agency; il and its contents are not
lo be distributed outside your agency

FD-302a (Rev 05-08-10)

Interview of Bruce Ohr 06

Contmuauon,ofED-302 of Februa~y
2017 . . On. 02/06/2017 Pa11.e 2 of 2
relt vie wed hiffi as a er1ffi1Aal. in f orffied ' UHR t ha t would
like to ' clean things up ' and felt the circumstances surrounding the 2016
US Presidential election had become ' too emotional . ' OHR stated , as he
understood it , was informed of what was required during the FBI
interview .

FD-302 (Rev 5-8-1 0) ,., ....,...._ ..................
()o ... ,..... Y4'


Date of entry 02/15/20 17


Do not di ssemi nate ou tsid e the FBI without t he permission of t he origi nator o r program
ma nager .

Bru ce OHR , , currently the

Associate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of
Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF ) was
interviewed at FBI Headquarters , 935 Penns y lvania Ave ., Washington , DC .
After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Special Agents and
the nature of the interview , OHR pro vided the foll o wing i nformation :

OHR stated he h ad been c o ntacted by Christoph er Steele , via

WhatsApp and OHR responded via FaceTime on 02 / 11/2017 .

Steele advised OHR that his contact was still doing we l l and
he was going to continue to monitor his situation .

St e ele ' s company is continuing to work for both

, another attorney for ,
Ho wever , OHR explained Steele is beginning to wo rry about his
business and was preparing a report on Edward Snowden to broker a business
relati o nship with the FBI . Steele advised OHR , ' Yo u may see me re - emerge
in a couple of weeks .'

OHR responded he had yet to ask Steele if he would like to

be provided with an FBI contact .

OHR also advised Steele ' s fa mily was doing fine , but were
still a bit " freaked out ." However , it seemed to Stee l e that things were
calming down and he was pleased about a recent CNN article that stated U. S .

lnvestigation on 02/14/2017 at Washington , Di s tri ct Of Columbia , Un i ted State s (I n Person )

Date drafled 02/15/2017


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned lo your agency; it and its contents are 1101
to be d1s1n bu1cd outside your agency.

FD-302a (Rev 05-08-10)

Interview of Bruce Ohr 14

Febr.uary 2Ql7 .
Con11nua11orwfFD-302of On 02/14/~017 . Paite . 2 of 2
~ov ernmeRt iRvest1~at10Rs fiad eoRfiFmed some of tne re~o FtlR ~ ih ni !'!--~~~
dossier .

FD-302 (Rev 5-8-10)
- 1 of 2 -


Date of entry 04/04/2017


Do not disseminate outside the FBI without the permi s sion of t he originator or pr ogram
manager .

Bruce OHR , , currently

the Associate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of
Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Fo rce (OCDETF) was
interviewed at FBI Headquarters, 935 Pe nnsylvania Ave . , Washington, DC .
After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Special Agents and
the nature o f the interview , OHR pro vided the following information:

OHR stated he had recently been contacted by Christopher

Steele on three separate occasions via WhatsApp or FaceTime . On 12 March
2017, Steele t o ld OHR he was concerned about receiving a letter from
Senator Grassley asking Steele to disclose additional details regarding
the dossier Steele compiled on Donald J . Trump. Steele also expressed
concern about the well - being of o ne of his previous employees who was
instrumental in obtaining the information published in the dossier .

On 15 March 2017 , Steele told OHR if asked, Steele would

tell the investigating congressional committees what he could about the
dossier , but Steele must protect the sources and methods used to collect
the information .

On 26 March 2017 , Steele told OHR he expected a letter fr om

the congressi o nal committee investigation at any moment. Steele was aware
that Glen Simpson has already revived suc h a letter . Steele further told
OHR that an attorney representing
and was in contact with Steele . Steele noted since he resided in

Investigation on 03/27 at Washington , District Of Columbia , United States (I n Person )


File # Date drafted 04 I 03I201 7


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclus10ns of the FBI. It 1s the propenyof the FBI and 1s loaned to your agency, it and its contents are not
to be distributed outside your agency.

FD-302a (Rev 05-08- 10)

97F- HQ- 2 063 661

Interview of Bruce Ohr 27 03/27
Ma rc h. 2017
Conunuauon_o.fFD-302of O"s /201 7 Paae 2 of 2
cne unit es KiR~eem aRe wa3 a former ; t eele weule answ ~e~r~~~-
written questions from investigat o rs only after receiving

FD-302 (Rev 5-8- 10)
- 1 of 2 - OFF ICI AL RECORD


Date of entry 05/10/2017

On 5/8/2017 ,
interviewed BRUCE OHR , , currently the
Associate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of
Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug En forcement Task Force (OCDETF) at FBI
Was h i n gton Field Of fice , 601 4t h Street , Washington , DC . After being
advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the natur e of the
interview , OHR provided the follo wing information :

OHR and STE ELE communicated via te x t message in WhatsApp and

arra nged a call for 5/3/2017 at 8 : 00 AM . STEELE told OHR that business
was good .

STEELE had been worried about Director Corney ' s upcoming

testimony to congress , especially his response to questions that would be
raised by Representative Grassley . STEELE was specifically concerned
about anything Director Corney would say that mig ht expose a sensitive
source . STEELE was happy with Director Corney ' s response .

In a previous conversation , STEELE had expressed concern for

the well-being of a source . STEELE des c ribed the curren t disposition of
this sour c e as " stable " .

STEELE in f ormed OHR that the disclosure laws in the UK were

more narrow than in the United States and therefore limited his ability to
testify before Congress . STEELE cited specificall y that he was restricted
from .

was a former and had been on the staff

of the . At the time of the interview ,

Washington, District Of Columbia , Un ited States (In

lnvcsugauon on 05 /08/201 7 at Person)
File # Datedrafled 05/08/2017

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. lt 1s the propcny of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents arc not
to be distributed outside your agency

FD-302a (Rev 05-08-1 0)

Interview of Bruce Ohr 8 May 05/08

Continuation of FD-302 of 201 7 , On __1_2_0_1_7_ _ , Page 2 of 2
GLENN SIMPSON of FUSION - GPS and would be visiting STEELE
soon and were in the process of " lawyering up " (NFI) .

JONAT HAN WINER was bringing over a letter separately (NFI) .

STEELE was interest ed in working with the FBI and had

additional information if the FBI was interested .

FD-302 (Rev 5-8-10)
- 1 of 1 - OFFICIAL A l!COAD


Dale of entry 05 / 12/2017

On 5/12/2017 ,
interviewed BRUCE OHR , , currently the
Associate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of
Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) at FBI
Washington Field Office, 601 4th Street , Washington , DC . After being
advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the
interview , OHR provided the following information :

STEELE sent OHR a text message in WhatsApp some time around

Tuesday and they set up a call via WhatsApp for Wednesday 2 : 00 PM EST .

Over the course of their telephone call , STEELE informed OHR

that he had received a letter from the Senate Inte l ligence Committee
(SIC) . The letter requested answers to the following questions :

1. Had STEELE provided information to the US Government?

2. What was the scope of STEELE ' s investigation?
3. Did STEELE have any additional information to provide?

STEELE mentioned that SIC was considering sending staffers to

the UK .

SSA requested that OHR ask STEELE if he would be willing

to have a conversation with FBI agents in the UK . OHR agreed to pass
along the message .

Was hi ngton , Dis tr ict Of Columb ia , United States (I n

lnvesugauonon 05/12/ 2017 at Person)
File# 97F-HQ- 2063 661 Date drafted 05/ 12 I 201 7
~ Broc k W. Domi n
This document contains neither recommendauons nor conclusions of the FB I It 1s the property of the FBI and 1s loaned to your agency; 1t and its contents are not
to be distributed outside your agency

FD-302 (Rev 5-8-1 0) °" - r - -
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Date of entry 05/16/2017

On 5/15/2017 ,
interviewed BRUCE OHR , , currently the
Associate Deputy Attorney General and Director of the Department of
Justice ' s Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) at FBI
Washington Field Office , 601 4th Street, Washington , DC . After being
advised of the identity of the interviewing agents and the nature of the
interview , OHR provided the following information :

CHRISTOPHER STEELE sent OHR a text message in WhatsApp on or

around Friday , 5/12/2017 . The two set up a call via WhatsApp for Saturday
at 9 : 00 AM EST.

Per FBI ' s previous request , OHR asked STEELE if he would be

willing to meet with FBI agents . STEELE responded that the answer was an
immediate yes but that he would need to check with his business partner
. OHR was clear that this would be nothing more
than a conversation with the FBI and STEELE said that would be alright .

STEELE informed OHR that he had information regarding a

conversation between .

STEELE contacted OHR via Whatsapp at 9 : 45 AM on Monday , 5/15

/2017 . STEELE said and his business partner were both ok
with him talking to the FBI .

SSA told OHR that he would communicate with headquarters

regarding FBI agents meeting with STEELE and let him know when he received
a response.

Washington , District Of Columbia , United States (In

Investigation on 05I15I201 7 at Person)
File# Date drafted 05/15I201 7

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. ll is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not
to be distributed outside your agency


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