The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case Study On Crafts Bazaar - Comparative Analysis Hindustan University Entry Spaces

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The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts Bazaar - Comparative Analysis

Contents Dilli Haat, Delhi Shilparamam, Hyderabad Hastakalaramam, Tirupathi
Entry spaces
There is huge entrance plaza
which marks the entry to the
Public Entry (Includes entry, reception, ticketing site and are accessible easily Located near the main road and Located near the main road and
and coat check spaces.) from the road. provides straight access. provides straight access.
Elders Entry (Includes reception and gathering
space) N/A N/A N/A
School/Group Entry (Includes orientation space,
back-pack storage and restrooms) N/A N/A N/A
Possible Second Public Collections and/or
Archives Entry (Includes Loading/Unloading
bays) N/A N/A N/A
Store Located in the craft stalls. Located in the admin area. Located in the admin area.
Located at the far end of the Located amidst the recreation Located amidst the recreation
linear site to make the visitors areas for easy accessibility by areas for easy accessibility by
to cross through the crafts the visitors and one more near the visitors and one more near
Café (Includes Kiosks) bazaar intentionally. the entry. the entry.
Located at almost 6 areas Located at almost 6 areas
Located amidst the food court covering the entire recreation covering the entire recreation
Public Restrooms (Wash and Toilet) and crafts bazaar. area. area.
Forum spaces
Large Community Meeting Room (Could be used
for native forums, community meetings and
events) N/A N/A N/A
Small Community Meeting Room(s) (break-out
room(s) N/A N/A N/A
Classroom(s) (Includes screening, listening and
storytelling areas) N/A N/A N/A
Workshops (Includes activity areas) Located amidst Crafts bazaar N/A N/A
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts Bazaar - Comparative Analysis
Contents Dilli Haat, Delhi Shilparamam, Hyderabad Hastakalaramam, Tirupathi
Forum spaces
The souvenir shop is located at
the entrance for the
convenience of specific Annual Crafts festival is held at
purchasing and followed by the crafts bazaar which is
Crafts Bazaar (Includes stalls and Souvenir permanent and then by located at the middle of Shops are located allover the
shops) temporary stall. recreation areas. site.
Located next to the food court
which facilitates the visitors to
Performing centre (Includes spaces related to enjoy the performance along
performing arts) with food. N/A N/A
Theater (Could be used for performances and
storytelling) N/A N/A N/A
Changing Rooms (changing rooms for
performances ) N/A N/A N/A
Kitchen (Indoor/Outdoor) Near the food court. Near the food court. Near the food court.
Forum Storage (Includes Stacks/Rooms) N/A N/A N/A
Content spaces N/A N/A N/A
Library and Archive spaces N/A N/A N/A
Tribal Treasure store N/A N/A N/A
Office and support spaces
Staff (Includes Mix of closed office and open Located near the entrance Located near the entrance Located near the entrance
workstations) plaza. plaza. plaza.
Community Resources and Services (Includes Located within the admin Located within the admin Located within the admin
Mix of closed office and open workstations) block. block. block.
Office Space for other Organizations (Includes Located within the admin Located within the admin Located within the admin
Resources to share office and copy) block. block. block.
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts Bazaar - Comparative Analysis
Contents Dilli Haat, Delhi Shilparamam, Hyderabad Hastakalaramam, Tirupathi
Office and support spaces
Located within the admin Located within the admin Located within the admin
Staff Conference Room block. block. block.
Located within the admin Located within the admin Located within the admin
Staff Restrooms block. block. block.
Located within the admin Located within the admin Located within the admin
Staff Locker Rooms block. block. block.
Artisans in Residence N/A N/A N/A
Tourist Accommodation N/A N/A N/A
Mechanical and Electrical Located near the craft stalls. Dispersed all over the site. Dispersed all over the site.
Outdoor entry spaces
Gateway (A space to mark entrance) Entrance plaza. Entrance plaza. Entrance plaza.
Landing | Arrival Zone (A resting/landing area Parking is provided from the Arrival zone next to the Arrival zone next to the
where pedestrians and bicyclists are welcomed to road hence there is not any parking which acts as a landing parking which acts as a landing
the Cultural Village) space associated wait arrival. area. area.
Parking is provided from the
Drop-Off Area (Bus and vehicle drop-off at main road hence there is not any Drop-off next to the parking Drop-off next to the parking
entry to Cultural Village) space associated with arrival. which acts as a buffer area. which acts as a buffer area.
Entry Courtyard (Round open space linking
Cultural Village facilities) Entrance plaza. Entrance plaza. Entrance plaza.
Outdoor forum spaces
There is a play area at the very
Playing Field for demonstration of Native Games end of the site but not for
(Large open field for Native games) native games. N/A N/A
Public Events Area
(Outdoor Theater - Large, semi-formal gathering Performance area near play Event area near food court and Event area near food court and
space for events, performances, concerts.) area acts as public events area. recreation area. recreation area.
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts Bazaar - Comparative Analysis
Contents Dilli Haat, Delhi Shilparamam, Hyderabad Hastakalaramam, Tirupathi
Outdoor forum spaces
Traditional Meeting Area/ Campfire / Ceremonial
Events (Gathering and Dance Circles-Open
circular area, planted with soft grasses (for
dancing) and with areas designed for traditional
fires) N/A N/A N/A
Storytelling | Demonstration Areas (Medium to
small size areas with seating, shade, access to
Physically challenged.) N/A N/A N/A
Outdoor content spaces N/A N/A N/A
Outdoor support spaces
Support Facilities: Restrooms, Showers, Cooking
Areas N/A N/A N/A
Camping Grounds N/A N/A N/A
Parking Outside the site. Near the entrance. Near the entrance.

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