Developing Student Worksheet Based On Higher Order Thinking Skills On The Topic of Transistor Power Amplifier

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ICVEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 336 (2018) 012045 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/336/1/012045

Developing Student Worksheet Based On Higher Order

Thinking Skills on the Topic of Transistor Power Amplifier

Luckey Sardia Ratna Kusuma*, Lusia Rakhmawati , Wiryanto

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to develop a student worksheet about the transistor
power amplifier based on higher order thinking skills include critical, logical, reflective,
metacognitive, and creative thinking, which could be useful for teachers in improving student
learning outcomes. Research and Development (R & D) methodology was used in this study.
The pilot study of the worksheet was carried out with class X AV 2 at SMK Negeri 5
Surabaya. The result showed satisfies aspect of validity with 81.76 %, and effectiveness
(students learning outcomes is classically passed out with percentage of 82.4 % and the
students gave positive responses to the student worksheet of each statement. It can be
concluded that this worksheet categorized good and worthy to be used as a source of learning
in the learning activities.

1. Introduction
Globalization is a very real phenomenon that is transforming the world economic system including
nearly all aspects of life. With the emergence of a new development model, particularly in the highly
industrialized economies, knowledge and information take on increasing importance[4]. Thus, the era
of globalization has tremendous concomitant implications for knowledge, education and learning.
Educational aspect is intended to advance the quality of education in Indonesia as contained in enacted
a new Law No. 20 of 2013 on National Education System.
The Law sets forth aims and functions of education, and national standards and the principles of
the education system. It applies to all educational institutions that exist or may be created in the
Republic of Indonesia. Its underlying philosophy is that education is a national movement in order that
different stakeholders participate in the development of education as a life-long process. As such, the
Law recognizes active partnership with local government and other local authorities in the process of
education decentralization.
In order to realize the goal of national education in Indonesia that then formed a new curriculum
in the 21st century, the 2013 curriculum[3]. The application of Curriculum 2013 at the Vocational
High School (SMK) refers to the paradigm of 21st century learning curriculum which leads to changes
of the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) to the 2013 Curriculum. These changes include the
change of teaching to learning, from a teacher-centered learning into a student-centered learning, and
from passive learning to active learning.
All the teaching and learning systems are updated in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. Not
only the system of teaching and learning, but also learning device was overhauled to re-adjust to the
learning system used. Learning device in question includes syllabi, lesson plans, worksheets,

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ICVEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 336 (2018) 012045 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/336/1/012045

evaluations, modules, and other learning tools that support the learning process. Using the 2013
curriculum, the process of learning is the process of Higher Order Thinking (HOT).
Higher order thinking skills include critical, logical, reflective, metacognitive, and creative
thinking[1]. They are activated when individuals encounter unfamiliar problems, uncertainties,
questions, or dilemmas. Successful applications of the skills result in explanations, decisions,
performances, and products that are valid within the context of available knowledge and experience
and that promote continued growth in these and other intellectual skills. Higher order thinking skills
are grounded in lower order skills such as discriminations, simple application and analysis, and
cognitive strategies and are linked to prior knowledge of subject matter content. Appropriate teaching
strategies and learning environments facilitate their growth as do student persistence, self-monitoring,
and open-minded, flexible attitudes.
This definition is consistent with current theories related to how higher order thinking skills are
learned and developed[2]. Although different theoreticians and researchers use different frameworks
to describe higher order skills and how they are acquired, all frameworks are in general agreement
concerning the conditions under which they prosper.
On the subject Basic Electronics Engineering at SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya, the 2013 curriculum
has been implemented properly by using cooperative learning model as recommended by the
education minister[8]. Applying bi-polar transistor as the power amplifier is the basic competencies
that have not been obtained by the students of class X AV in the process of teaching and learning in
the classroom, and worksheets to the basic competence is also not available from the teachers of the
concerned in SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya, to the researchers want to use such material as the material
development of worksheets in a study conducted with the hope of helping teachers to make students'
better understanding of the material. The purpose of this study is: Determine the validity, practicality,
and effectiveness of student worksheet based on HOTS which the 2013 curriculum implementation in
the basic competence to apply bi-polar transistors as power amplifier in SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya.

2. Methodology
This research study was carried during the academic year of 2013-2014 in the class X Audio Video
department at SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya. Research and Development (R & D) methodology was used in
this study [6].
A worksheet based on HOT, which could be useful for student to support their awareness and
knowledge of bi-polar transistors as power amplifier, was developed about factors effecting solubility.
While the worksheet was developed, these next steps were taken:
1. A topic was determined for preparing the worksheet.
2. Which HOT could be gained from the worksheet were confirmed.
3. A draft of the worksheet was prepared.
4. Experts’ input was solicited and received for consideration.
5. The worksheet was revised according to experts’ recommendations.
6. The worksheet was applied as a pilot study to bi-polar transistors as power amplifier

In addition, we used FJ King et al approach for teaching strategies. Lessons involving higher
order thinking skills require particular clarity of communication to reduce ambiguity and confusion
and improve student attitudes about thinking tasks. Modelling of thinking skills, examples of applied
thinking, and adaptations for diverse student needs were part of Lesson plans. Scaffolding (giving
students support at the beginning of a lesson and gradually requiring students to operate
independently) helps students develop higher order learning skills. However, too much or too little
support can hinder development. Useful learning strategies include rehearsal, elaboration,
organization, and metacognition.
Lessons specifically designed to teach specific learning strategies. Direct instruction (teacher-
centered presentations of information) used sparingly. Presentations were short (up to five minutes)
and coupled with guided practice to teach sub skills and knowledge. Teacher- and/or student-generated

ICVEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 336 (2018) 012045 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/336/1/012045

questions about dilemmas, novel problems, and novel approaches elicit answers that have not been
learned already.
Sincere feedback providing immediate, specific, and corrective information informs learners of
their progress[5]. Small group activities such as student discussions, peer tutoring, and cooperative
learning effective in the development of thinking skills. Activities involve challenging tasks, teacher
encouragement to stay on task, and ongoing feedback about group progress. Computer-mediated
communication and instruction provide access to remote data sources and allow collaboration with
students in other locations.
Valid assessment of higher order thinking skills requires that students be unfamiliar with the
questions or tasks they are asked to answer or perform and that they have sufficient prior knowledge to
enable them to use their higher order thinking skills in answering questions or performing tasks.
Psychological research suggests that skills taught in one domain can generalize to others. Over long
periods of time, individuals develop higher order skills (intellectual abilities) that apply to the
solutions of a broad spectrum of complex problems.
Three item/task formats are useful in measuring higher order skills: (a) selection, which
includes multiple-choice, matching, and rank-order items; (b) generation, which includes short-
answer, essay, and performance items or tasks; and (c) explanation, which involves giving reasons for
the selection or generation responses[7].
In addition classroom teachers recognize the importance of having students develop higher
order skills yet often do not assess their students’ progress. Several performance-based models are
available to assist them in teaching and assessing these skills. Comprehensive statewide assessment of
higher order skills is feasible but would be expensive.

3. Results
The results from this study are the student worksheet based on higher order thinking skill, which is
used as a source of learning in the learning process. Details of worksheet development are as follows
and part of the worksheet can be seen in Figure 1.
a. Defining the problem
b. Determining solution
c. evaluating solutions
d. applying the solution
(1) Formulating Problems
(2) Formulate Hypothesis
(3) Determining Variable
(4) Designing Step Trial
(5) Conducting Experiments
(6) Write the Experimental Results
e. Analyze

This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of student worksheet. It can be seen from
the results of the validation, the results of student responses, and student learning outcomes-based the
2013 curriculum for basic electronics engineering subjects on the basis of competence apply bipolar
transistor as power amplifier.
Evaluation phases done by evaluate learning process used student worksheet and analyze data of
practicality and effectiveness. Validation student worksheet is categorized into three criteria:
appearance, language, and content. Based on validation calculations to the overall criteria indicates
that the worksheets are valid with a percentage value of 82 %. From these categories can be concluded
that the worksheet suitable as a source of learning in the learning activities.

ICVEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 336 (2018) 012045 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/336/1/012045

Figure 1. Part of worksheet development of bi-polar transistors as power amplifier

In addition the results of student responses of 17 students who work on worksheets, there are
three students who received a score of 70; 6 students who received grades of 80; and 8 students
received grades of 90, which means that amounted to 17.65% from 17 students obtained a score of 70;
amounting to 35.29% of the 17 students received grades of 80; and amounted to 47.06% from 17
students received grades 90. The total overall value of these was in 1390, with an average value of
81.76. Finally, practicality quality using student response questionnaire based on actual score is 81.5
%, it means student worksheet is practice.
The measurement of higher order thinking skills requires that students are unfamiliar with the
questions or tasks they are asked to answer or perform and that they have sufficient prior knowledge to
enable them to apply their higher order thinking skills to answer the question or solve the problem.
Meeting these requirements is problematic in dealing with either real-life or subject-matter domain
problems. Student profiles of correct answers can help to determine the extent to which the overall
assessment is novel for individual students.


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ICVEE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 336 (2018) 012045 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/336/1/012045

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