02 - Jurnal Pendidikan Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan (JPTPP) - Publish 15 Mei 2023

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Available online Jurnal Pendidikan:

http://journal.um.ac.id/index.php/jptpp/ Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan

EISSN: 2502-471X Volume: 8 Number 5, May, 2023
DOAJ-SHERPA/RoMEO-Google Scholar-IPI Page: 315—320

Development of Local Wisdom-Based Physics E-Modules to
Improve Students Critical Thinking and Scientific
Argumentation Skills on Newtonian Mechanics Topics
Briliantama Akbar Taufiq, 2Hidayatullah Hana Putra, 3Trisya Afidah Sukma
1,2 Departmentof Physics-Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang St, Number 5, East Java, Indonesia
3Department of Physics-Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Colombo Yogyakarta St, Number 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The results of the identification of the objective conditions of learning in schools show
Article History: problems, including students who memorize the material, but do not understand and are
Accepted: 02-09-2022 unable to connect physics material with the application of local wisdom in everyday
Approved: 15-05-2023 life. This study aims to develop a local wisdom-based physics e-module product that
was developed in terms of the components of illustration presentation, language, and
Keywords: material suitability for students' critical thinking and scientific argumentation skills on
e-module physics; the Newtonian mechanics topics. Product development refers to the ADDIE research
local wisdom; model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation). The results of
critical thinking skills; validation by material experts show that the local wisdom-based physics e-module
scientific argumentation skills; developed has an average percentage of 93.83% (very valid), from media experts at
newtonian mechanics 84.72% (quite valid), and learning experts at 97.22 % (very valid). Therefore, the
overall average of the results of the local wisdom-based physics e-module media
assessment by the experts is 92.59% with a very valid category. The developed e-
module learning media received very good responses from students. This can be seen
from the average student response of 90.61% (very good). Based on the validation
results from the experts, the product in the form of a physics e-module local wisdom-
based is very valid to be used in the learning process.
Correspondence Address:
Briliantama Akbar Taufiq
Department of Physics
Universitas Negeri Malang
Semarang St, Number 5, East Java, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

Based on the Framework for 21st Century Learning, to face the 4.0 revolution era, one of the competencies that must be
developed in students is literacy skills (Meliantina, 2019; Subekt et al., 2017) critical thinking skills (Giri & Paily, 2020) and
scientific argumentation skills (Khishfe et al., 2012). McKinsey's digital research (2016) suggests that every student must
prepare mentally and skills well to improve self-competence to face the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. In learning physics,
there are four important elements that students need to understand and know, including material and its interactions, forces and
interactions, energy, waves and their application (NRC, 2012). Newtonian mechanics is one of the materials included in the
important elements of force and its interactions, so the concept of Newtonian mechanics is very important to be developed in
learning and become the main focus for students to learn (Muna, 2015).
Critical thinking and scientific argumentation in Newtonian mechanics are important skills for students. Scientific
arguments are applied so that students not only gain knowledge, but also can organize their knowledge of Newtonian mechanics
and can develop their mental activities (Guler & Dogru, 2017). Students will understand various points of view based on
evidence when involved in scientific arguments (Khishfe et al., 2012). Scientific argumentation serves as a means for students
to discover, verify, and evaluate the principles or concepts of Newtonian mechanics. Students who are able to argue well will be
able to give correct claims and be supported by justifications that are in accordance with the correct concepts. Research on
scientific argumentation skills is very important because these skills lead students to think critically, analytically and able to
solve problems (Sari et al., 2019). Therefore, a research is needed on students' scientific argumentation and critical thinking
skills through verbal scientific argumentation.
Research related to critical thinking and scientific argumentation skills in students needs to be done considering that it
is often found when providing explanations related to a phenomenon in everyday life, there are still many students who do not
consistently use the concept of style (Steinberg & Sabella, 1997) when solving a problem presented in a different context
(Savinainen et al., 2013). In addition, based on research by Taufiq & Purwaningsih (2022), it is stated that teachers or educators
are still lacking in linking physics learning with local wisdom. These data indicate that Newtonian mechanics is a physics topic
that has complex, complicated, and abstract characteristics, and also requires competence and integration of local wisdom to be

316 Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Vol. 8, No. 5, May, 2023, Page 315—320

able to solve problems in everyday life (Taqwa et al., 2013). To be able to connect local wisdom with physics material in
learning, we need a media that can bridge it. Learning media that are deemed appropriate to connect local wisdom with physics
material are in the form of modules (Ongowo & Indoshi, 2013; Ting & Siew, 2014). The module not only serves to help
students learn independently (Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas, 2008), but can also be used to improve literacy
skills that are used to hone critical thinking and scientific argumentation skills. Based on the analysis of modules circulating in
the field, some modules only contain material summaries and practice questions. In fact, 88.9% of students feel more helpful in
solving physics problems if through practical activities (Wulansari et al., 2020). The use of modules can help students to
improve critical thinking skills and scientific argumentation in solving physics problems.
The results of the identification of the objective conditions of learning in schools showed problems, including, students
memorized the material, but did not understand and were unable to connect concepts with the application of local wisdom in
everyday life, as well as difficulties in understanding abstract concepts of material through the lecture method. In addition,
based on the results of observations and interviews with three physics teachers in Magetan, it showed that 53% of learning from
three high schools in Magetan still used book media, 38% used website media, and the rest had used online media such as
PhET, e-learning, and even in the form of educational games (Taufiq & Purwaningsih, 2022).
Based on the conditions described above, this article will discuss the development of local wisdom-based physics e-
modules on the topic of Newtonian mechanics, which so far the program used by teachers in delivering Newtonian mechanics
material is still very limited. The results of increasing students' critical thinking and scientific argumentation skills against the
use of local wisdom-based physics e-modules are also presented in graphical form. The use of this e-module program is
expected to replace the role of the teacher, and is presented through electronic media so that it can be accessed anywhere and

This research is a development research, namely developing local wisdom-based physics e-module media on the topic
of Newtonian mechanics. The development of this media was carried out at the Physics Department campus, State University of
Malang, while the trial was carried out at SMAN 1, 2, and 3 of Magetan. The research design for the development of local
widom-based physics e-module media on the topic of Newtonian mechanics is in accordance with the ADDIE model (Mellisa
& Yanda, 2019). The ADDIE model consists of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and
In this study, quantitative and qualitative data analysis was carried out. The analyzed data is viewed from the
components of illustration presentation, language, and material suitability. Qualitative data were obtained in the form of an
analysis of the needs of teachers and students, suggestions and comments from material experts, media experts, learning
experts, and students, through observation and interviews. Quantitative data were obtained from the results of the validation
experts' assessment and student response questionnaires. The data obtained from the results of this product development are
used as a basis for determining the feasibility and attractiveness of the resulting product to the local wisdom-based physics e-
module media on the topic of Newtonian mechanics that has been produced. Data collection techniques used in this study were
in the form of validation sheets and student response questionnaires. The local wisdom-based physics e-module media
validation sheet is an assessment sheet used by material experts, media experts, and learning experts to validate the local
wisdom-based physics e-modules developed. The data from this study are the results of responses and input from experts on the
quality of local wisdom-based physics e-module product on the topic of Newtonian mechanics in the form of scores, which are
then converted into a Likert scale. Moreover, the student response questionnaire aimed to determine student responses to the
product being developed.
The data analysis technique used a scale with a modified Likert scale. Likert scale is used in the questionnaire to reveal
a person's attitudes and opinions towards a phenomenon. Responses of respondents, in the form of quantitative data, expressed
in the form of a range of answers ranging from strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), agree (3), and strongly agree (4). The
eligibility criteria according to the validator's assessment can be seen in table 1.

Table 1. Eligibility Criteria According to Validator Assessment

Validity Criteria Validity Level
85.01% - 100% Very valid, or can be used without revision.
70.01% - 85% Quite valid, or usable but need minor revision.
50.01% - 70% Less valid, it is recommended not to use it because it needs major revision.
01.00% - 50% Invalid, or should not be used.

The data obtained from the calculation of student responses were analyzed using categories based on rules (Purwanto,
2010) as presented in table 2.
Taufiq, Putra, Sukma, Development of Local… 317

Table 2. Student Response Analysis Criteria

Validity Criteria Validity Level
86% - 100% Very good
76% - 85% Good
60% - 75% Average
55% - 59% Deficient
≤ 54% Very deficient


The development of local wisdom-based physics e-module products in terms of illustration presentation components,
language, and material suitability for students' critical thinking and scientific arguments skills on the topic of Newtonian

Media Validation Results by Material Experts

The assessment of the product by the material validator includes two aspects, namely the learning aspect and the
material aspect. The results of the validation of local wisdom-based e-module media are presented in Table 3, in which the
validation results of this material expert are carried out only once because the results of the media assessment are included in
the very valid category. It is because the percentage score obtained in the learning aspect is 100% and the material aspect is
91.67%. This also means that the learning media does not need to be revised to be tested. In addition, the validation results also
state that the local wisdom-based physics e-module media on the topic of Newtonian mechanics has met the standards of
learning media in terms of the suitability of the material with the learning objectives, clarity of learning instructions, coherence
of the material, suitability of the material with the truth of the concept, and the use of easy-to-understand language.

Table 3. Quantitative Data Validation Results by Material Experts

Validator Rated Aspect Validity Percentage (%) Validity Level
Learning 100% Very Valid
Validator 1
Material 91.67% Very Valid
The average assessment of material experts on all aspects 95.83% Very Valid

Media Validation Results By Media Experts

Media expert validation focuses the assessment on aspects of the appearance and aspects of the program being
developed. The results of the media expert's validation are presented in Table 4. Based on the validation results, it can be
concluded that the media is quite valid because the percentage achieved is 84.72%. Thus, the media has met the criteria of
validity according to Akbar (2013), which is expected to help increase the stimulation of students in learning activities, and can
make it easier for students to understand the material.

Table 4. Quantitative Data Validation Results by Media Experts

Validator Rated Aspect Validity Percentage (%) Validity Level
Appearance 77.78% Quite Valid
Validator 2
Program 91.67% Very Valid
The average assessment of media experts on all aspects 84.72% Quite Valid

Media Validation Results by Learning Experts

Table 5 shows the results of the validation of learning experts about the local wisdom-based physics e-module learning
media that was developed. It can be seen that the results of the assessment carried out by learning experts have reached an
average percentage of 97.22% from 100%, which means that the media is categorized as very valid. In the learning aspect and
the material aspect, the percentage is 100%, while the display aspect is 91.67%. This also implies that the local wisdom-based
physics e-module media that was developed is feasible to be used as an alternative learning media.
318 Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Vol. 8, No. 5, May, 2023, Page 315—320

Table 5. Quantitative Data Validation Results by Learning Experts

Validator Rated Aspect Validity Percentage (%) Validity Level
Learning 100% Very Valid
Validator 3 Material 100% Very Valid
Appearance 91.67% Very Valid
The average assessment of learning experts on all aspects 97,22% Very Valid

Media Validation Results by Material Experts, Media Experts, and Learning Experts
Based on the validation of local wisdom-based physics e-module media on the topic of Newtonian mechanics by
material experts, media experts, and learning experts, the overall media validation results are shown in table 6.

Table 6. Validation Results of Isomorphic-Based Physics E-Module Media by All Validators

Validator Rated Aspect Validity Percentage (%) Validity Level Validity Average (%) Validity Level
Learning 100% Very Valid
Validator 1 95.83% Very Valid
Material 91.67% Very Valid
Appearance 77.78% Quite Valid
Validator 2 84.72% Quite Valid
Program 91.67% Very Valid
Learning 100% Very Valid
Validator 3 Material 100% Very Valid 97.22% Very Valid
Appearance 91.67% Very Valid
The overall average of the assessment of material experts on all aspects 92.59% Very Valid

Table 6 shows the results of the overall validation by experts regarding the local wisdom-based physics e-module
media that was developed. It can be seen that material experts get an average percentage of 95.83%, media experts 84.72%, and
learning experts 97.22%, so that the overall average results of the assessment of local wisdom-based e-module physics learning
media in Newton's mechanics topics by experts amounted to 92.59% with a very valid category.

Student Response Results Data

The data from the feasibility test of the developed media were obtained from the results of the questionnaire response
analysis of 30 students. This trial aims to obtain an overview of student responses to local wisdom-based physics e-module
learning media through student comments and suggestions as well as student assessments of the product. The instrument used in
this trial was the student response sheet or questionnaire. The results of the limited feasibility trial can be seen in the following
table 7.

Table 7. Results of Analysis of Student Responses to Isomorphic-Based Physics E-Module Media

Response Percentage
Aspects Students Students Students Average (%) Qualification
(1-10) (11-20) (21-30)
Appearance 88.21% 90.71% 87.85% 88.92% Very good
Learning 90.00% 92.50% 88.75% 90.41% Very good
Material 92.50% 95.00% 90.00% 92.50% Very good
Average (%) 90.23% 92.73% 88.87% 90.61% Very good

Based on the table above, the highest percentage of test results is 92.50% (very good) in the material aspect, 90.41%
(very good) in the learning aspect, while the lowest percentage is 88.92% (very good) in the appearance aspect. The results of
the student's limited trial of the developed media obtained an average percentage of 90.61% with a very good category. Based
on the results of student responses, it can be concluded that the local wisdom-based physics e-module media that was developed
was very feasible to use and received a positive response from students. This can be seen from the average student response,
which is 90.61% with a very good category.

Descriptive Results of Students' Critical Thinking Skills

Based on the results of the analysis of students' critical thinking skills on the topic of Newtonian mechanics before and
after using the local wisdom-based physics e-module product, it is presented in Figure 1 as a whole.
Taufiq, Putra, Sukma, Development of Local… 319

Figure 1. Description of the Average Score of Students' Critical Thinking Skills

Figure 1 describes that the students' initial critical thinking skills seen based on the pretest scores have not reached the
school's minimum passing criteria score. Both from the control class (40.21) and the experimental class (43.69) show their
initial abilities are at the same value, there is no significant difference between the initial ability of the control class and the
experimental class.
The students' posttest results showed an increase in critical thinking skills. However, the increase in the experimental
class was greater than the increase in the control class. This provides information that the use of local wisdom-based physics e-
modules is more effective in improving students' critical thinking skills than conventional learning.

Descriptive Results of Students' Scientific Argumentation Skills

Based on the results of the analysis of students' scientific argumentation skills on the topic of Newtonian mechanics, it
is presented as in Figure 2 as a whole.

Figure 2. Description of the Average Score of Students' Scientific Argumentation Skills

Based on the data from the students' answers, the highest average score was obtained in the aspect of the ability to
make claims, with an average score of 2.68 (very good). This shows that students are able to conclude the explanation given
during learning. It appears that students have been able to make a statement correctly after analyzing the phenomenon of
changes in the direction of motion of objects in two children who give each other a certain force (tug of war). Students can
make statements and draw conclusions that a change in the direction of motion of objects indicates a difference in the frictional
force acting on the two children. Then when students are asked to analyze the lines of force acting on an object, students can
conclude that there are several types of forces acting on the child against the reference point.
320 Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, Vol. 8, No. 5, May, 2023, Page 315—320

Research on the development of local wisdom-based physics e-module media on the topic of Newtonian mechanics is
very valid based on the validity criteria according to the validator's assessment. Based on the results of the validation of material
experts 95.83% (very valid), media experts 84.72% (quite valid), and learning experts 97.22% (very valid), so that the overall
average of the assessment results of the local wisdom-based physics e-module media by experts is 92.59% with a very valid
category. Local wisdom-based physics e-module learning media on the topic of Newtonian mechanics received very good
responses from students. This can be seen from the average student response of 90.61% (very good). After validating and
limited trials, the development of learning media in the form of local wisdom-based physics e-modules is very valid/feasible to

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