Microsoft Excel 2010: Data Manipulation

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Microsoft Excel  

Data Manipulation 
February 2011  
Microsoft Excel 2010 – Data Manipulation 

Table of Contents

IMPORTING TEXT FILES ......................................................................................................... 4 
WHAT IS A DELIMITED TEXT FILE? ......................................................................... 4 
IMPORTING A DELIMITED TEXT FILE ....................................................................... 4 
NAMED RANGES ........................................................................................................................ 9 
NAMING CELL RANGES ..................................................................................... 9 
REMOVING A NAMED RANGE ............................................................................. 11 
NAMED CELL RANGES AND FUNCTIONS ................................................................. 12 
SORTING AND FILTERING DATA ....................................................................................... 13 
SORTING DATA BY MULTIPLE COLUMNS AT THE SAME TIME ........................................... 13 
APPLYING A PRE-INSTALLED CUSTOM SORT ........................................................... 16 
REMOVING A CUSTOMIZED LIST ......................................................................... 22 
USING AUTOFILTER ...................................................................................... 24 
USING AUTOFILTER TO PERFORM MULTIPLE QUERIES ................................................ 28 
TOP 10 AUTOFILTER ..................................................................................... 31 
REMOVING ALL AUTOFILTERS FROM A WORKSHEET .................................................. 33 
ADVANCED FILTER CRITERIA ............................................................................ 34 
SUB-TOTALING............................................................................................ 36 
REMOVING SUBTOTALS .................................................................................. 39 
EXPANDING AND COLLAPSING OUTLINE DETAIL LEVELS ............................................... 41 
LINKING & EMBEDDING ...................................................................................................... 44 
WHAT IS EMBEDDING AND LINKING? .................................................................... 44 
LINKING DATA WITHIN A WORKSHEET ................................................................... 44 
LINKING CELLS BETWEEN WORKSHEETS WITHIN A WORKBOOK ....................................... 46 
LINKING DATA BETWEEN WORKBOOKS.................................................................. 47 
LINKING DATA FROM EXCEL TO A WORD DOCUMENT .................................................. 48 
LINKING AN EXCEL CHART TO A WORD DOCUMENT ................................................... 49 
UPDATING, LOCKING AND BREAKING LINKS............................................................. 51 

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Importing Text Files

What is a delimited text file?
A delimited file is a text only formatted file that uses items such as commas or tab
stops to separate each item of data within each row of the list.

A common example used to supply mail merge addresses, is a CSV file format, in
which the delimiter is a comma.

When you open a delimited, text formatted file within Excel, it will automatically try
to recognize the type of delimitation used and display the relevant data in the
familiar column and row format, used by Excel.

Importing a delimited text file

 Press Ctrl+O and the Open dialog box will be displayed.
 If necessary, click on the Documents folder displayed down the left side of the
dialog box, to display the contents of the Documents folder.

 Double click on a folder called Excel 2010 Advanced Course to display the
contents of your sample files folder.

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 Click on the down arrow next to the Files of type section and select All Files.

 Select a text file called Delimited Text. This file uses Tab delimitation.

TIP: Tab delimitation, means that each item within this text file is separated
from the next item in a row by a tab.

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 Click on the Open button. You will see the Text Import Wizard (Step 1 of 3)
dialog box, as illustrated.

 Notice that the dialog box has two areas, the upper referring to choices you can
make, the lower showing the data you are about to import. The wizard looks at
your source data and the original file format and determines whether it is
delimited or not. You can choose to alter this decision if you wish.
 Click Next and the Text Import Wizard (Step 2 of 3) dialog box is displayed.
The upper half of this box allows you to select the required field delimiter. The
default is Tab.
 Make the appropriate choice(s) as more than one can be selected. I.e. select
items, such as Space, Comma or Tab.

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 When you have chosen your delimiter the data display in the lower half of the
dialog box shows the effect.

 When this is as you want click on the Next button. The Text Import Wizard
(Step 3 of 3) dialog box is displayed.

 You now select the data format for each of the columns. You can also decide
whether you wish to import a column or not.
 When you have made your decisions, click on the Finish button to import the
text into your spread sheet. The data should be neatly separated into columns,
as illustrated below.

NOTE: You may have to widen the columns to accommodate the data.

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 Click on the Save button in the Quick Access Toolbar. The following dialog will
be displayed. Read this dialog carefully.

 Click on the No button. The Save As dialog box will be displayed. Enter the file
name My Text File and then click on the Save button.

 Close the workbook.

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Named Ranges
Naming cell ranges
 Open a file called Named Ranges 01.
 We are going to give a name to the Quantity Sold range.
 Select the range to be named, in this case cell B4:B9.

 Click in the Name Box (to the top-left of your screen) with the mouse and enter
the name you want to give to the cell(s), in this case Quantity_Sold, and press
Enter. (If you see an error message, this is because you did not place an
underscore character between the words Quantity and Sold).

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 We are now going to name the range for the Price per Item.
 Click on cell E3.
 Click in the Name Box with the mouse and enter the name for the range, in this
case Price_per_item, and press Enter. (If you see an error message, this is
because you did not place an underscore character between the words).

 If you click on the down arrow, next to the Name Box, you will see both
named ranges listed.

 Within Excel functions you may now reference the name of these ranges, rather
than have to specify the cell range. This makes understanding functions much

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Removing a named range

 Open a file called Named Ranges 02.
 Click on the down arrow next to the Name Box
and you will see that this worksheet contains two
named ranges.

 Click on a Formulas tab and within the Defined Names group, click on the
Name Manager button.

 The Name Manager dialog box will be displayed. Select the named range that
you wish to delete, such as Quanity_Sold and then click on the Delete button.

 A warning dialog box will be

displayed. Click on the OK button.

 Click on the Close button to close the Name Manager dialog box.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Named cell ranges and functions

 Open a file called Named Ranges 03.
 Click on the down arrow next to the Name Box and you will see that this
worksheet contains two named ranges.
 Click on the Price_per_item named range as
displayed within the Name Box and you will see
the named range highlighted within the worksheet.
 Click on the Quantity_ Sold named range as
displayed within the Name Box and you will see
the named range highlighted within the worksheet.
 Click on cell B10.
 Click on the Formulas button, and within the
Function Library group, click on the upper part of the AutoSum button.

 As you can see the function automatically used the name of the range, within the
function syntax.


 Press the Enter key.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Sorting and Filtering Data

Sorting data by multiple columns at the same time
 Open a file called Sorting Data.
 In this example, we wish to sort the data
by second name, and then by first
name. If you examine the list you will see
that there are 3 people with the second
name Smith.
 Click within the Second_name column of

 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort And Filter group click on the Sort

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 This will display the Sort dialog box.

 Click on the down arrow to the right of the Sort by section of the dialog box,
and select Second-name. Within the Order section of the dialog box make sure
the order is set to A to Z.

 Click on the Add Level button.

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 A second sort level will now be displayed as illustrated.

 Click on the down arrow to the right of the Then by section of the dialog box,
and select First-name. Make sure that the A to Z order option is selected.

 Click on the OK button and the data will be sorted by second name and then by
first name, as illustrated. You can more clearly see the effect by looking at the
way the people called Smith are sorted.

 Save your changes and

close the workbook.

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Applying a pre-installed custom sort

 Open a workbook called Custom Sorting 01.

 This worksheet contains details for a small air travel company, operating flights
to different countries that leave on specific days of the week. We wish to sort
the data by the days of the week.
 The easy way to do this is to click within the Day Flights Available column and
then click on the Data tab and click on the A-Z Sort button (within the Sort &
Filter group).

 If we click on the A-Z Sort button you will see the following, which is not really
what we want.

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 What we want is the list sorted so

that we see Monday’s flights listed
first, then Tuesday's and so on.
To do this we need to perform a
custom sort.

 Click on the Data tab and within the

Sort And Filter group click on the
Sort button.

 This will display the Sort dialog box. In the Sort by section of the dialog box
make sure that Day Flights Available is selected.

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 Click on the down arrow to the right of the Order section and select Custom

 This will display the Custom

Lists dialog box. Select the days
of the week as illustrated.

 Click on the OK button and the

Sort dialog box will now look like

 Click on the OK button to close

the dialog box and sort the list.

 Save your changes and close the


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Creating a customized list and performing a custom sort

 Open a workbook called Custom Sorting 02.

 We want to perform a custom sort so that

the planets are sorted by distance from
the Sun. The easy way to sort this list is
to click within the Planets of the Solar
System column and then click on Data
tab and select the A-Z Sort button (within
the Sort & Filter group).

 If we click on this Sort button you will see the following, and which is not what
we want. The results of an A-Z sort will look like this.

 Excel is supplied with a list of custom sort collections, but we need to create a
new custom list to sort the planets by distance from the Sun.

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 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort And Filter group click on the Sort

 This will display the Sort dialog box. In the Sort by section of the dialog box
make sure that Planets of the Solar System is selected.

 Click on the down arrow to the right of the Order section and select Custom

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 This will display the Custom Lists dialog box. Select New List as illustrated.

 Enter the following list into the List

entries section of the dialog box:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,

 The dialog box will now look like this.

 Click on the Add button. You will

now see the new list displayed
within the Custom lists section of
the dialog box.

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 Click on the OK button to close the Custom List dialog box. The Sort dialog
box will now look like this.

 The list will now be sorted in order of distance from the Sun.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

Removing a customized list

 Re-open a workbook called Custom Sorting 02.
 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort and Filter group click on the Sort

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 This will display the Sort dialog box. In the Sort by section of the dialog box
make sure that Planets of the Solar System is selected.

 Click on the down arrow to the right of the Order section and select Custom
List. This will display the Custom Lists dialog box. Select Planets of the solar
system as illustrated.

 Click on the Delete button.

You may see a warning dialog box, if so click on the OK button to delete the list.

 Close the document without saving any changes that you may have made to the

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Using AutoFilter
 Open a workbook called
AutoFilter 01.

 Click on any cell within the list.

 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort & Filter group click on the Filter

 The display will change as illustrated. We can click on the down arrows
displayed to apply filters to the data.

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 To see only sales relating to the North region, click on the down arrow in the
Region column and click on the check box next to Select All.

 The drop down list will now look like this.

 Click on the North check box.

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 You will then only see sales relating to the North region.

 To remove the filter and see all the

regions, click on the down arrow
in the Regions column and re-click
on the Select All.

 You will now see all the regions displayed again.

 Experiment with filtering the Units Sold column. Let's say you want to only
display details for sales people that have sold more than 11 units. Click on the
down arrow in the Units Sold column, and select the Number Filters
command. From the sub-menu displayed select Custom Filter.

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 This will display the Custom

AutoFilter dialog box.

 Click on the down arrow next to the

Units Sold section and select 'is
greater than'.

 In the box to the right enter the number

11. The dialog box will now look like

 Click on the OK button and the filtered list will look like this.

 Spend a little time experimenting

with applying and removing filters
using the options available.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Using AutoFilter to perform multiple queries

 Open a workbook called AutoFilter 03.

 You can use AutoFilter to perform a query using multiple criteria. For instance
you can filter the list to only show sales within the North region of more than 11
 Click within the data table.
 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort & Filter group click on the Filter

 The display will change as illustrated. We can click on the down arrows
displayed to apply filters to the data.

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 Click on the down arrow in the Region

column and click on the check box next
to Select All.

 Click on the check box next to North.

 Your table will now only show sales

relating to the North region.

 Click on the down arrow in the Units_Sold column and select Number Filters.
From the sub-menu menu displayed click on Custom Filter.

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 The Custom AutoFilter dialog box is displayed. Click on the down arrow in
the Units_sold section of the dialog box, and select is greater than.

 Type the number 11 into the text box in the right hand section of the dialog box.
The dialog box should now look like this.

 Click on the OK button to apply the filter.

 You will now only see data relating to the North, for sales over 11 units.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Top 10 AutoFilter
 Open a workbook called Top 10 AutoFilter.
 Click within any cell within the list.
 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort & Filter group click on the Filter

 The display will change to show the

AutoFilter drop down arrows.

 Click on the down arrow in the Units_Sold column.

 From the drop down menu displayed click on Number Filters. From the
submenu displayed click on Top 10.

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 The Top 10 AutoFilter dialog box will

be displayed. Change the Top value to
5, as illustrated.

 Click on the OK button and you will see the top 5 entries listed, as illustrated.

 You can then sort these in descending order. To do this click on the AutoFilter
down arrow in the Units_Sold column and click on the Sort Largest to
Smallest command.

 The sorted data will look like this.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Removing all AutoFilters from a worksheet

 Open a workbook called AutoFilter 02.

 An AutoFilter has been applied to the list within this worksheet.

 Click within the data table.
 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort & Filter group click on the Filter

 This will remove all filters and display all records.

 Close your workbook without saving your changes.

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Advanced Filter Criteria

 Open a workbook called Advanced Filter Criteria. This worksheet contains a
sales list. We wish to filter the list so only sales made by Agustín to the UK are

 Enter the following (i.e. "Agustín" and "UK") into the criteria area beneath the

 Select a cell within the Sales Person list.

 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort & Filter group click on the Advanced

 This will display the Advanced Filter dialog box. Excel should have
automatically entered your list range into the List range box.

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 We wish to filter according to the criteria in cells A25:D26, so click within the
Criteria range box and enter $A$25:$D$26.

 Click on the OK button and Excel will filter the list, showing only records that
match your criteria.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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 Open a workbook called Subtotals 01.

 Click within the Sales Region column.

 Click on the Data tab and within the Sort and Filter group click on the A to Z
Sort button.

 The list will now look like this.

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 Click on the Subtotal button within the

Outline group under the Data tab.

 This will display the Subtotal dialog box, as illustrated.

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 Use the settings illustrated in the dialog box, and then click on the OK button.
The data will now display subtotals.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Removing subtotals
 Open a workbook called
Subtotals 02. This contains a
list displaying subtotals.

 Click within the data table.

 Click on the Subtotal button within the Outline group under the Data tab.

 This will display the Subtotal dialog box.

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 Click on the Remove All button. The data will now look like this.

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Expanding and collapsing outline detail levels

 Open a workbook called Outlining.
 Controls for expanding and collapsing outline levels are displayed to the left of
the worksheet.

 The numbers at the top of the column allow you to expand or collapse all the
groups at a level simultaneously.

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 Click on the number 2 level.

 The sales for each region have now collapsed so that only the total sales are
 Click on the number 1 level.

 Now the region totals have collapsed, leaving just the grand total.
 Click on the number 3 level to expand all the groups once more.

 It is also possible to collapse

individual groups by clicking on
the associated – (minus) icon.
Click on the – (minus) icon
displayed to the left of the
East Total.

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 The East Total group has been collapsed, leaving just the total for the group.
 Expand the East Total group by clicking on the + (plus) icon displayed to the
left of the East Total.

 Close the workbook and save your changes.

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Linking & Embedding

What is embedding and linking?
 If you create a chart within Excel, copy it to the Clipboard, and then paste it into
a Word document, then by default the chart will be embedded within the Word
document. This means that the chart within the Word document is a separate
copy of the original chart within Excel. If you make changes to the original chart
within Excel, the chart within the Word document will not be updated.
 If you copied the chart within Excel to the Clipboard and then within in the Word
document 'paste linked' the chart into the document, then in this case changes
made to the original chart within Excel will be seen in the linked copy displayed
within the Word document.

Linking data within a worksheet

 Open a workbook called Linking cells within a worksheet. In this worksheet,
the postage and packing cost is stored in cell A3.

 Click on cell C7 and add the following formula. =$A$3.

TIP: Adding the $ symbols makes the reference an absolute reference, rather
than a relative reference, so that if you extend a series containing these
references they will still point to the absolute cell reference containing the price
for postage and packing.

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 Copy this formula to cells C8:C11 (by clicking on cell C7, moving the pointer to
the bottom-right of the cell, until the mouse pointer changes to the shape of a
small cross, and then dragging down to cell C11). The worksheet should then
resemble the illustration shown.

 Click on cell A3 and change the value to 3.0. This should automatically change
the data in the “postage and packing” column data. This demonstrates the
advantage of linking data - it saves the time it would take to change each value

 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Linking cells between worksheets within a workbook

 Open a workbook called Linking cells
between worksheets within a

NOTE: This workbook contains two

page tabs. The Postage and
Packing value is stored on the
second sheet.

 In this example, we will link the “postage

and packing” value on the second
worksheet to a cell within the first
worksheet of the workbook.
 Click on cell C4 on the first worksheet.
 Type in the equals sign (=).
 Click on the tab of the second worksheet,
called Postage and Packing.

 Click on cell A4 (within the second worksheet).

 Press Enter and you will return to the first worksheet.
 Re-click on cell C4 and you can look at the formula displayed within the
Function bar.

The formula is:

='Postage and Packing'!A4

 This formula established a link between the two worksheets, within the
workbook. Switch to the second worksheet and change the postage from 2.50
to 3.00. Switch back to the first worksheet and you will see that the data has
been automatically updated.
 Save your changes and close the workbook.

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Linking data between workbooks

 Open two Excel workbooks called:
Linking Between Workbooks 01
Linking Between Workbooks 02.

 Display the workbook called Linking

Between Workbooks 01.

 Within the first workbook, select the

data range B3:D7.

 Press Ctrl+C to copy the selected range

to the Clipboard.
 Switch to the second workbook.
 Click on the cell that you wish to paste
the selected data to, in this case click on
cell B2.
 Click on the Paste button (under the Home tab)
and from the drop down list displayed, select the
Paste Link command.

 The data will be paste linked into the first

worksheet of the second workbook.

TIP: You may need to adjust

the column widths to display
the data.

 Try altering the data in the first workbook and you will see that the data within
the second workbook also changes.
 Save your changes and close both workbooks.

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Linking data from Excel to a Word document

 Open a workbook called Linking Excel data to Word.
 Within Excel, select the data that you wish to link, in this case the range A4:C6
and copy it to the Clipboard.

 Press Ctrl+C to copy this range to the Clipboard.

 Start Microsoft Word, which by default will start and display a new empty
 Place the insertion point at the location within the document where you wish to
paste the data.
 Within the Word program click on the lower part of the Paste button (displayed
under the Home tab). From the drop down list displayed, select the Paste
Special command.

 This will display the Paste Special dialog box.

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 Click on the Paste Link button and then click on the OK button. The data will be
displayed within Word.
 Switch back to Excel and change some of the sales values.
 Switch back to Word and the changes that you made within the Excel workbook,
will be displayed within the Word document, showing that the data displayed
within the Word document is linked to the data within the Excel workbook.
 Save your Word document into the folder containing your sample files for this
course. Use the file name My Linked Excel Data.
 Save your changes to the Excel worksheet and close the workbook.

Linking an Excel chart to a Word document

 Open a workbook called
Linking an Excel chart to
 Select the chart, by clicking on
the chart border.
 Press Ctrl+C to copy the chart
to the Clipboard.
 Start Microsoft Word, which by
default will start and display a
new empty document.
 Place the insertion point at the
location within the document
where you wish to paste the

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 Within the Word program, click on the lower

part of the Paste button (under the Home
tab) and select the Paste Special command.

 This will display the Paste Special dialog box.

 Click on the Paste Link button and then click on the OK button. The chart will
be displayed within Word.
 Switch back to your Excel workbook. Change some of the data values within the
Excel workbook and the chart will change within Word.
 Switch back to your Word document and you will see that the chart has also
changed within your Word document. This shows that the chart displayed within
the Word document is linked to the chart within Excel.
 Save your word document into the folder containing your sample files for this
course. Use the file name My Linked Excel Chart.
 Save your changes to the workbook and close the workbook.

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Microsoft Excel 2010 – Data Manipulation 

Updating, locking and breaking links

 Open a workbook called Controlling links. This worksheet contains a table of
data and a chart.

 Start Microsoft Word and open the Sales Data document.

TIP: Remember that this document is stored in a folder called Excel 2010
Advanced Course, contained within the Documents folder.

The Word document is currently empty.

 Switch back to the Microsoft Excel workbook.

 Select the cell range B3:D7.

 Press Ctrl+C to copy the selected range

to the clipboard.

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 Switch back to the Microsoft Word document.

 Within the Microsoft Word document click on
the down arrow under the Paste button, and
from the drop down list displayed click on the
Paste Special command.

 This will display the Paste Special dialog box.

 Click on the Paste Special link and then click on the OK button. The linked
table data will now be displayed within your Word document.

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Microsoft Excel 2010 – Data Manipulation 

 Within the Microsoft Word document, right click on the table data and from the
pop-up menu displayed, click on the Linked Worksheet Object command.
From the sub-menu displayed click on the Links command.

 The Links dialog box will be displayed.

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 You will see a number of buttons that allow you to control the way the link from
Excel works.

Update Now: Will force the object within word to update to take account of any
changes made to the original data within Excel.

Open Source: Will open the data within Excel.

Changes Source: Allows you to change the data source.

Break Link: Breaks the link between the chart displayed within the Word
document with the original data within the Excel worksheet.

Locked: In addition there is a check box called Locked, which allows to you
temporarily stop the updating of the chart displayed within the Word document,
even if changes are made to the original data within Excel.

NOTE: By default a linked object will update automatically. To force an update,

click on the Update Now button.

 Click on the Break Link button. You will see a warning dialog box displayed.

 Click on the Yes button.

 Switch back to Excel and make some changes to your data.
 Switch back to the Word document and you will see that the data has not now
been updated, as you have broken the link.
 Save your changes to the Excel worksheet and close the worksheet.
 Save your changes to the Word document and close the Word program.

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District Software Training & Support 
9596 Walnut St. Dallas, TX 75243 

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