HSC Physics Circular Motion Summary

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Adithya Manoj HSC Physics

Circular Motion Summary

● Conduct investigations to explain and evaluate, for
objects executing uniform circular motion, the
relationships that exist between:
○ Centripetal Force
○ Mass
○ Speed
○ Radius

The apparatus was set up as shown. The length (L) was

measured to 0.3m, and the stopper and hanging mass were
weighed, adjusted to be of similar mass. The stopper mass was
then swung horizontally so as to travel in a circular path. After
the stopper mass gained a constant velocity, the time taken for
the stopper mass to complete 20 revolutions was recorded. This
was then repeated for increasing lengths of 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and
0.8m. The process described above was repeated two more
times, in order to ensure reliability. The period was then
calculated from the data obtained. A graph T^2 V L was then
plotted, thereby showing a linear relationship, as shown below.
This indicates that there is a relationship between mass, speed,
radius and centripetal force, as shown by the formula:

mv 2
Fc = r
● Analyse the forces acting on an object executing uniform circular motion in a variety of situations, for
○ Cars moving around horizontal bends
○ A mass on a string
○ Objects on banked tracks

Car moving around horizontal bends

To first analyse the motion of the car, it is important to understand
how a car can actually move. When a car is moving, its tyres push
on the ground. Due to Newton’s third law of motion, the ground will
push back on the tyres, enabling it to travel forward.
To consider the net force of the car, we must consider ALL the
forces acting on the car. This includes​ the perpendicular normal
force, force of gravity and the parallel friction force​. As mentioned
before, we have to keep note that the ​centripetal force acts as a
constant and that all forces fulfil this value.
The friction force acts on the tyres in the direction of the car’s
motion, thereby allowing it to travel. Therefore, we can derive a
mv 2
ΣF = F f riction = r = μs F n
Adithya Manoj HSC Physics
We can conclude from this formula that the greater the velocity of the car, the greater the frictional force required
as of the square of the velocity. Remember that the​ road can only exert a ​maximum frictional force,​ and that if the
car exceeds this value, it would result in skidding and so on.

Mass on a String

Motion in a horizontal circle

Two forces impact the motion of an object when it is swung in a circular fashion on a horizontal plane. T​hese two
forces include ​gravity a
​ cting downwards and the ​tension w​ ithin the string itself​. In order to find the net force acting
on the object, we need to find the net force. Like with all calculations, we need to split it up into its ​horizontal and
vertical component.

For the calculation of the vertical

component, we will need to
consider the force and gravity and
the vertical component of the

ΣF y = mg + F t,y

ΣF y = mg + F t sinθ
Take a look at the 2nd diagram above. As you can see, the vertical component of the tension and the force of
gravity is in opposite directions. This means that​ both forces will ​cancel e
​ ach other out​. Therefore, we can reach
a conclusion for the vertical component of net force.

ΣF y = mg + F t sinθ = 0
NB. We also use this formula to find the vertical component of tension, which is:

F t,y = − mg
Since the vertical component of the net force is zero, we can consider​ ​the horizontal component of the net
force AS the net force itsel​f.​ We can also equate the horizontal component to the centripetal force, which is
also considered the net force as well:
mv 2
ΣF x = F t,x = r

mv 2
ΣF x = F t cosθ = r
Therefore, with this, we can also find the horizontal component of the tension as well:
mv 2
F t,x = r

As a side note, you might also be asked to calculate the tension as a whole. It’s formula is:
Adithya Manoj HSC Physics

2 2
Ft = F t,x + F t,y
F t,y
tanθ = ( F )

Motion in a vertical circle

This time, we will have to consider the net force of the object at
at different times, not just all together. Firstly, it is important to
understand that the​ centripetal force is always considered to
be the net force of the object.​ It is a constant and does
not change. ​The tension and force of gravity always add to
fulfil the centripetal force.​ With that out of the way, let us
examine the net force acting on the object at different parts of the object’s motion.
In this situation, we add up the vectors to give our net force, which would be equal to the centripetal force.
​ nsion would be smallest​ as of the weight providing to the
A:​ ​te
centripetal force as well. Both are in the same direction, so they
mv 2
ΣF = r = Ft + Fg
C:​ ​tension would be largest​ as it would have to counter the weight
and provide to the net force as well. The weight is working against
the tension, so:
mv 2
ΣF = r = Ft − Fg
B & D:​ ​the​ tension will provide all of the centripetal force​, as of
weight being perpendicular to the tension.
mv 2
ΣF = r = Ft

Objects on banked corners

Let us examine the net force acting on a car turning a banked
corner. To find the net force we must consider all forces, which
includes the ​force due to gravity, normal force and the force of
friction.​ To start, we need to split up the net force into its
horizontal and vertical components.
The vertical component of the net force would be the force of
gravity and the normal force:
ΣF y = F g + F n, y
ΣF y = mg + F n cosθ
As the force of gravity and normal force cancel each other
out​, we end up with the formula for vertical component of the net force equalling zero:
ΣF y = mg + F n cosθ = 0
As this is the case, we can find the formula for the normal force as well:
Fn = cosθ
Since the only force acting on the horizontal component is the horizontal component of the normal force, we
equate the net force of the horizontal component as this:
Adithya Manoj HSC Physics

ΣF x = F n,x
ΣF x = F n cosθ
As we know the force of normal already, we substitute it into the equation:
ΣF x = − mg tanθ
As the vertical component of the net force is zero, we can equate the horizontal component of the net
force as being the net force itself:
mv 2
ΣF = − mg tanθ = r

● Solve problems, model and make quantitative predictions about objects executing uniform circular motion
in a variety of situations, for example:
○ ac = r
○ v= T
○ F c = mvr
○ ω = Δθt
Uniform circular motion can be defined as ​the motion undertaken by an object in a circular path at constant
An object takes ​a period of time complete one revolution of a circle with radius ‘r’.​ Therefore, the object
travels one circumference in a period of time:
circumf erence 2πr
v= time
= T
Most people assume that there is no change in velocity as the object travels in a circular path. This is WRONG.
Even though the velocity remains constant, ​the direction is always CHANGING​. This is why the object travels in
a circular path. Therefore, ​the direction of velocity will be in the direction of the tangent at that point.
If there is a change in velocity (direction), there must be an acceleration as well. Therefore, we subtract the two
velocities as vectors, shown in the diagrams below.

To find the magnitude of centripetal acceleration,

we also compare the radial vectors that are
separated by displacement as well, resulting in a
proof of similar triangles:
ac = r (units : ms−2 )
If there is acceleration, then there must be a
force. By using Newton’s 2nd law, f=ma, we can
Adithya Manoj HSC Physics
derive the formula for centripetal force, of which the direction is towards the centre:
mv 2
Fc = r (units : N ewtons)
These formulas describe linear motion, but in fact, it is much more better to use angular units when describing
circular motion.

Before we begin, we must first understand that the​ angle used must be in radians,​ not degrees. To convert it
from degrees to radians, use the formula:
2π = 360 degrees
The ​angular displacement of an object is the angle through which an
object has moved​, with its formula being:
Δθ = r
As velocity is displacement over time, angular velocity is defined as the
angular displacement per unit time:
ω= t (units : rads s−1 )
If we derive it even further we reach:
Δθ Δs v
ω= t = rΔt = r (units : rads s−1 )

Some more formulas…

2 (ωr)2
ac = vr = r = ω 2 r
F = ma = mω 2 r

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