Collisions Theory

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Consider a constant force F which acts for a time t on a body of mass m, thus,
changing its velocity from u to v . Because the force is constant, the body will travel
with constant acceleration a where

F  ma
And a t  v u
Hence, t v u
or Ft  mv  m u

The product of constant force F and the time t for which it acts is called the impulse
 J  of the force and this is equal to the change in linear momentum which it

Thus Impulse  J   F t  P  P f  P i

Instantaneous Impulse: There are many occasions when a force acts for such a short time that
the effect is instantaneous, e.g., a bat striking a ball. In such cases, although the magnitude
of the force and the time for which it acts may each be unknown but the value of their
product. (i.e., impulse) can be known by measuring the initial and final momenta. Thus, we
can write.

J   F dt  P  P f  P i

The above equation is called impulse – momentum theorem.

1. Impulse applied to an object in a given time interval can also be calculated from the
area under force time (F-t) graph in the same time interval.

2. Impulse is a vector quantity, whose direction is along change in momentum.

SI unit of impulse is kg  ms1 and is having the dimensional formula MLT  .

Impulsive Force

A force, of relatively higher magnitude and acting for relatively shorter time, is called
impulsive force.
An impulsive force can change the momentum of a body in a finite magnitude in a very
short time interval. Impulsive force is a relative term. There is no clear boundary between
an impulsive and Non-Impulsive force.

1. Usually colliding forces are impulsive in nature.
2. Gravitational force and spring force are always non-Impulsive.
3. Normal force and frictional force may be impulsive or non-impulsive depends on the
4. In case of collision, normal forces at the surface of collision are always impulsive.

Example 1

If two blocks are colliding as shown in the above figure. N1 is normal reaction at the surface
of collision. Therefore N1 is impulsive. But N1g  m1g and N2g  m2g , since gravitational force
is non-conservative N1g and N2g are also non-impulsive.

If the surface between ground and blocks is rough then friction between ground and blocks
is non-impulsive because N1g and N2g are non-impulsive.

Example 2
Consider the collision between two spheres as shown.


Here N1 is impulsive because it is normal force at the surface of collision.
From FBD of large sphere

N2  mg  N1 cos 
Here N2 is less than mg or the sphere may leave the surface also. Therefore N2 is non-
Since N2 is non-impulsive fk (frictional force between ball and ground) is non-impulsive.]

From FBD of small sphere

N3  mg  N1 cos 
Since N1 is impulsive N3 and fk ' are also impulsive

Impulsive Tensions

When a string jerks, equal and opposite tensions act suddenly at each end. Consequently
equal and opposite impulses act on the objects to which the two ends of the string are
attached. There are two cases to be considered.

a) One end of the string is fixed

The impulse which acts at the fixed end of the string cannot change the momentum of the
fixed object there. The object attached to the free end however will undergo a change in
momentum in the direction of the string. The momentum remains unchanged in a direction
perpendicular to the string where no impulsive forces act.

25. A string AB of length 2l is fixed at A to a point on a smooth horizontal table. A particle of

mass m attached to B is initially at a distance l from A as shown in figure. The particle is
projected horizontally with speed u at right angles to AB. Find the impulsive tension in the
string when it becomes taut and the velocity of the particle immediately afterwards.

Sol. When the string becomes taut AB'  2 and B'AB  60 Just before the string jerks that the
particle has velocity components parallel and perpendicular to AB' of u sin60 and u cos 60
respectively. When the string becomes taut the length of AB is fixed and particle cannot
travel in the direction AB' . After the jerk the velocity of the particle is, therefore,
perpendicular to AB' .

Using impulse = change in momentum

a) Along B' A, J = Final momentum – initial momentum
 J  0   musin60  or J mu (taking in the direction of impulsive force +ve)
(b) Perpendicular to B' A (no impulsive component) 0  mv  mucos 60
or v  ucos 60 
Therefore, the velocity of the particle just after the string becomes taut is perpendicular to
the string.

b) Both ends of the string attached to movable objects

In this case equal and opposite impulses act on the two objects, producing equal and
opposite changes in momentum. The total momentum of the system therefore remains
constant, although the momentum of each individual object is changed in the direction of the
string. Perpendicular to the string however, no impulse acts and the momentum of each
particle in this direction is unchanged.

The velocities of two objects moving at the ends of a taut string are not independent. The
relationship between them is illustrated as under.

AB is a taut string. Particles A and B are moving with velocities as shown in the diagram. The
important components of velocity are those along AB since:
If v1 cos 1  v2 cos 2 the string is not taut
And if v2 cos 2  v1 cos 1 the string is snapped.
Hence, for the string to remain taut and unbroken.
v1 cos 1  v 2 cos 2
So, the two ends of a taut string have equal velocity components in the direction of the

26. Two particles A and B of equal mass m each are attached by a string of length 2l and initially
placed over a smooth horizontal table in the position shown in figure. Particle B is projected
across the table with speed u perpendicular to AB as shown in figure. Find the velocities of
each particle after the string becomes taut and the magnitude of the impulsive tension.

Sol. When the string becomes taut, both particles begin to move with equal velocity component v
in the direction AB' .

Perpendicular to AB' there is no impulse on either particle, velocity components in this

direction are therefore unchanged.
Using conservation of momentum in the direction AB'
0  musin60  mv  mv , or v u
Just after the jerk therefore,
(i) velocity of mass A  u along AB'
 3  7
 ucos 60
(ii) velocity of mass B    u   u
 4  4

ucos 60  1  2 
In a direction inclined to AB' at tan1   , i.e., at tan  
 v   3
The magnitude of impulsive tension (J) can be calculated by considering the change in
momentum of one of the particles.
For the mass A, in the direction AB' J  mv  0 or J  mu

27. Two identical blocks A and B, connected by a massless string, are placed on a frictionless
horizontal plane. A bullet having the same mass, moving with speed u, strikes block B from
behind as shown. If the bullet gets embedded into block B, then find

i. The velocity of A, B, C after collision.

ii. Impulse on A due to tension in the string.
iii. Impulse on C due to normal force of collision.
iv. Impulse on B due to normal force of collision.
Sol. i. If we include three particles into the system, there are no external horizontal forces on
the system. Thererfore linear momentum is conserved along horizontal direction.
Initial momentum of the system
Pi  mA  0   mB  0   mC  0   m u
Let v be the common velocity after C embedded into B.
Then final momentum of the system
Pf   mA  mB  mC  v  3mv

Applying momentum conservation

Pi  Pf  mu  3mv  v 
ii. Impulse on A due to tension in the string

Applying impulse- momentum theorem to particle A

J   Tdt  m  v f  v i   u
 m   v    0   m   (Taking in the direction of force +ve).

iii. Impulse on C due to normal force of collision.

Applying impulse- momentum theorem to particle C

J   Ndt  m  v f  v i   
 m   u   u    2m
 3 

iv. Impulse on B due to normal force of collision.

According to Newton’s third law, the same normal impulsive force act on B in the
opposite direction. Therefore impulse on B due to normal force is 2m .

Applying impulse- momentum theorem to particle B

   u   u u u
J    Ndt   Tdt  m  v f  v i    J  m     0   m   Ndt  m  m (from (ii))
   3   3 3 3
  Ndt  2m

28. In the figure shown, the heavy ball of mass 2m rests on the horizontal surface and the lighter
ball of mass m is dropped from a height h > 2l. At the instant the string gets taut, find the
upward the velocity of the heavy ball.

Sol. Just before jerk, velocity of m  2g  2  2 g

Let v be the speed of both the blocks just after the string taut.

u2 g

Just before string jerks Just after string jerks

Applying impulse momentum theorem to mass m

J  Tdt  m  v f  v i 

 m  v   2 g  (Taking in the direction of impulsive force +ve)

 J  m v  2 g  __________(i)

at rest
Applying impulse momentum theorem to body mass 2m
Just before string taut, Just after the string taut

J  Tdt   2m   v f  v i   J   2m  v    0   J  2m v _____________________(ii)

From (i) and (ii) 
m v2 g   2m v  3v  2 g  v

29. A ball of mass m, travelling with velocity 2iˆ  3ˆj receives an impulse 3miˆ . What is the
velocity of the ball immediately after wards?
Sol. Using J  m  v f  v i 

     
3miˆ  m  v f  2iˆ  3ˆj  or vf  3iˆ  2iˆ  3ˆj or v f  ˆi  3ˆj

30. A bullet of mass 10 3 kg strikes an obstacle and moves at 60 to its original direction. If its
speed also changes from 20m/s to 10m/s. Find the magnitude of impulse acting on the

Mass of the bullet m  103 kg Consider components parallel to J1.

 10cos 60   2 (Taking in the direction of impulse + ve)

J1  103 

or J1  15 103 N  s Similarly, parallel to J2 ,

we have J2  103 10sin60  0  5 3 103 N  s

The magnitude of resultant impulse is given by

 
15 
J  J12  J22  10 3  5 3  J 3 102 N  s

43. A truck of mass 2 103 kg travelling at 4 m/s is brought to rest in 2 s when it strikes a wall.
What force (assume constant) is exerted by the wall?
Ans. 4 103 N

44. Velocity of a particle of mass 2kg varies with time t according to the equation

 
v  2t ˆi  4 ˆj ms 1 . Here t in seconds. Find the impulse imparted in the time interval from

t  0 to t  2sec ?

Ans. (8iˆ N  s)

45. A particle of mass 2kg is initially at rest. A force starts acting on it in one direction whose
magnitude changes with time. The force time graph is shown in figure. Find the velocity of
the particle at the end of 10 s.

Ans. 50 m/s
46. A ball of mass 1 kg is attached to an inextensible string. The ball released from the position
shown in figure. Find the impulse imparted by the string to the ball immediately after the
string becomes taut. Take g  10m/s2

Ans. 2 10N  s

47. Two blocks A and B are joined by means of a slacked string passing over a mass less pulley
as shown in diagram. The system is released from rest and it becomes taut when B falls a
distance 0.5 m, then

a) Find the common velocity of two blocks just after string become taut.
b) Find the magnitude of impulse on the pulley by the clamp during the small interval while
string becomes taut.
10 4
Ans. a) ms 1 b) 5N  ms 1
3 3

48. Two particles A of mass 2m and B of mass m, are connected by a light inextensible string
which passes over a smooth fixed pulley. Initially the particles are held so that they are both
at a height 0.81m above a fixed horizontal plane and the string is just taut. The system is
then released from rest. Find.
a) The impulse exerted by the plane when A strikes it (without bouncing)
b) The velocity with which A next leaves the plane.
3 1
Ans. a) m 6g b) 6g
5 10

49. Two small disc A and B are connectedly by an inextensible string of length 5L. Mass of ball A
is m and that of ball B is 2m. The balls are resting on a frictionless horizontal surface with
the distance between them 3 L. In this position, ball B is given a horizontal velocity u
perpendicular to the wire joining two balls.

a) Find the speeds of ball A and ball B just after the string sets taut.
b) Find the impulse of the tension in the string when the string becomes taut.
c) Find the steady tension in the string much after the string gets taut.
8u 12u 8mu 2mu2
Ans. a) , b) c)
15 15 15 15L

50. Two blocks of masses m and 2m are connected by a relaxed spring with a force constant
k. The blocks rest on a smooth horizontal table. At t=0, the block on the left is given a
sharp impulse “J” towards the right, and the blocks begin to slide along the table. Find
the maximum compression in the spring.

J 2m
m 3K

51. After falling from rest through a height h a body of mass m begins to raise a body of mass
M (M  m) connected to it through a pulley.
a) Determine the time it will take for the body of mass M to return to its original position.
b)Find the fraction of kinetic energy lost when the body of mass M is jerked into motion.

2m 2h M
Ans. a) b)
Mm g Mm

52. A particle A of mass 2kg lies on the edge of a table of height 1m. It is connected by a light
inelastic string of length 0.7m to a second particle B of mass 3kg which is lying on the
table 0.25m from the edge (line joining A & B is perpendicular to the edge). If A is pushed
gently so that it starts falling from table, then find the speed of B when it starts to move.
Also find the impulse of the tension in the string at that moment. Assume all contacts are
smooth. g = 10 m/s2

Ans. 1.2 m/s , 3.6 Ns

53. A heavy mass M resting on the ground is attached to a small mass m via massless
inextensible string passing over a pulley. The string connected to M is loose. The smaller
mass falls freely through a height h and the string becomes tight. Obtain the time from
this instant when the heavier mass again makes contact with the ground. Also obtain the
loss in K.E when M is jerked into motion.

2m 2h Mmgh
Ans. ,
 M  m g M  m

54. Two particles A and B of equal masses lie close together on a horizontal table and are
connected by a light inextensible string of length . A is projected vertically upwards with
a velocity 10g . Find the velocity with which it reaches the table again.

Ans. 2 g

55. Two blocks A and B of mass 2 kg and 1 kg respectively are connected by a light
inextensible flexible string and arranged as shown in figure. The pulley P1 and P2 are light
and frictionless.
A shell of mass 1kg moving vertically upward with velocity 10 m/s collides with block B
and gets stuck to it. Calculate
a) time after which block B starts moving downwards
b) maximum height reached by B
C) total loss of mechanical energy up to that instant.

Ans. a) 1 second; b) 2 m; C) 30J


In a collision, two objects exert forces on each other for an identifiable time interval, so
that we can separate the motion into three parts: before, during and after the collision.
Before and after the collision, we assume that the objects are far enough apart that they do
not exert any forces on each other. During the collision, the objects exert forces on each
other; these forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, according to Newton’s
third law. We assume that these forces are much larger than any forces exerted on the two
objects by other objects in their environment. The motion of the objects (or at least one of
them) changes rather abruptly during the collisions, so that we can make a relatively clear
separation of the situation before the collision from the situation after the collision.

Contrary to the meaning of the term ‘collision’ in our everyday life, in physics it does
not necessarily mean one particle ‘striking’ against other. Indeed two particles may not even
touch each other and may still be said to collide. For example, when an alpha particle ( 4He
nucleus) collides with another nucleus the force exerted on each by the other may be the
repulsive electrostatic force associated with the charges on the particles. The particles may
not actually come into direct contact with each other, but we still may speak of this
interaction as a collision because a relatively strong force, acting for a time that is short
compared with the time that the alpha particle is under observation, has a substantial effect
on the motion of the alpha particle.

All that is implied is that as the particles approach each other,

(i) an impulse (a large force for a relatively short time) acts on each colliding particles.
(ii) the total momentum of the particles remain conserved.
The collision is in fact a redistribution of total momentum of the particles. Thus, law of
conservation of linear momentum is indispensible in dealing with the phenomenon of
collision between particles.
On the basis of Energy
1. Elastic collision

Consider a collision between two blocks of equal mass on a smooth surface which
interact via good coil springs. Suppose that initially block 1 has speed v as shown and block
2 is a rest. After collision we can observe experimentally, 1 is at rest and 2 moves to the right
with speed v. It is clear that momentum has been conserved and that the total kinetic energy
of the two bodies, Mv2 /2 , is the same before and after the collision.
A collision in which the total kinetic energy is unchanged is called an elastic collision. A
collision is elastic if the interaction forces are conservative, like the spring force in our
Of course, there are no springs in collisions between real bodies ___ it is the colliding objects
themselves that behave elastically, just like springs. The interatomic forces of the objects can
be regarded as elastic; the objects do work on one another in changing each other’s kinetic
energy, but the net work done by the entire system of the two objects is zero, so the change
in kinetic energy of the system is zero.

2. Inelastic collision:
A collision in which total kinetic energy of the system after collision is less than total kinetic
energy before collision is called Inelastic collision.
Where does this loss in kinetic energy go? It may go into the work done in deforming one of
the bodies or changing it shape, as for example in a collision involving a ball of clay. Real
objects do not compress like ideal springs _ often there are dissipative (non-conservative)
forces similar to friction. Some of the energy might go into creating a shock wave or raising
the temperature of the objects.

3. Perfectly Inelastic collision:

If velocity of separation just after collision becomes zero i.e., the velocities of the two bodies
after collision are same (the bodies may stick together or may not stick) then the collision is
said to be perfectly inelastic collision.
Line Of impact: [Line of action of impulse]
Line of impact is the line along which two objects exert forces on each other during collision.
If two smooth bodies physically touch each other during collision then, the line passing
through the common normal to the surfaces in contact during the impact (collision) is the
line of impact or line action of impulse.



According to direction of velocities and line of collision, collision is classified in two types.

i) Head-on collision: A collision is said to be head on (or direct) if the directions of the
velocity of colliding objects are along the line of action of impulses, acting at the instant
of collision.

In the above figure velocities before collision along line of impact (dotted line), therefore
the above collision is head on.
ii) Oblique collision: If just before collision, at least one of the colliding objects was moving in
a direction different from the line of action of the impulses, the collision is called Oblique

In the above figure velocities before collision are not along the line of impact, therefore the
above collision is oblique.


When collision between two bodies starts, the bodies start exerting forces on one another and
bodies starts deforming i.e., kinetic energy of the bodies start converting into
deformation potential energy.

At a certain instant the deformation of the bodies is maximum and upto this instant loss in
kinetic energy is maximum. At this instant relative velocity between bodies is zero i.e.,
velocity of both bodies are same. Both the bodies move with velocity equal to velocity of
centre of mass (to conserve linear momentum).

After this instant the bodies start gaining (start reforming) their original shape and size and
by the end of collision the bodies get their original shape and size to the possible extent
depending on nature of collision and forces involved in collision.

In the above figure collision starts at t=0, and t=t1 deformation of bodies is maximum and
collision ends at t=t2.
The time interval between t=0 and t=t1 is called deformation period and the time interval
between t=t1 and t=t2 is called reformation period.
Impulse of Deformation

JD= change in momentum of any one body during deformation

 m2  vcm  u2  for m2 ,  m1  vcm  u1  for m1
Impulse of Reformation
JR  change in momentum of any one body during reformation
 m2  v2  vcm  for m2

 m1  vcm  v1  for m1


Let the two balls of mass m1 and m 2 collide each other elastically with velocities u1 and u2 in
the directions shown in fig. Their velocities become v1 and v 2 after the collision along the
same line.

Applying conservation of linear momentum, we get

m1u1  m2u2  m1v1  m2 v 2 _________________________(i)


In an elastic collision kinetic energy before and after collision is also conserved. Hence,
1 1 1 1
m1u12  m2u22  m1v12  m2 v 22 ________________________(ii)
2 2 2 2

Solving Eqs, (i) and (ii) for v 2 , we get

 m  m2   2m2 
v1   1  u1    u2 ______________________(iii)
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
 m  m1   2m1 
and v2   2  u2    u1 _____________________(iv)
 m1  m2   m1  m2 

Special Cases
1. If m1  m2 , then from Eqs, (iii) and (iv), we can see that
v1  u2 and v 2  u1
i.e., when two particles of equal mass collide elastically and the collision is head on, they
exchange their velocities., e.g.

2. If m1  m2 and u 1  0

Then 0

 m2 
With these two substitutions  u1  0 and  0
 m2 
We get the following two results:
v1  0 and v 2  u2
i.e., the particle of mass m1 remains at rest while the particle of mass m2 bounces back with
same speed u2 .

3. If m2  m1 and u1  0

With the substitution  0and u1  0 , we get the results
v1  2u2 and v 2  u2
i.e., the mass m1 moves with velocity 2u2 while the velocity of mass m2 remains unchanged.


When two objects are in direct (head on) impact, the speed with which they separate
after impact is usually less than or equal to their speed of approach before impact.
Experimentally evidence suggests that the ratio of these relative speeds is constant for two
given set of objects. This property formulated by Newton, is known as the law of restitution
and can be written in the form.

Im pulse of reformation  JR  v2  vcm

e 
Im pulse of deformation  JD  vcm  u2
m1u1  m2u2 m1v1  m2v2
But vcm  
m1  m2 m1  m2
v2  v1 Velocity of separation
Substituting in the above equation e  
u1  u2 Velocity of approach
Note a) If collision is elastic
i) e 1
ii) Impulse of Reformation =Impulse of Deformation
iii) Velocity of separation = Velocity of approach
iv) Kinetic energy of particles after collision would be equal to that of before collision.

b) If collision is perfectly inelastic

i) e=0
ii) Impulse of Reformation =0
iii) Velocity of separation along line of impact=0
iv) Kinetic energy of particles after collision is less than that of before collision.

c) If collision is inelastic
i) 0<e<1
ii) Impulse of Reformation < Impulse of Deformation
iii) Velocity of separation < Velocity of approach
iv) Kinetic energy of particles after collision is less than that of before collision.


We know in inelastic collision the kinetic energy of the particles no longer remains conserved.
However, in the absence of external forces, law of conservation of linear momentum still
holds good.
Applying conservation of linear momentum
m1u1  m2u2  m1 v1  m2 v 2
Further, separation speed =e(approach speed)
or v1  v2  e  u2  u1 
Solving Eqs,
 m  em2   m2  em2 
v1   1  u1    u2
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
 m  em1   m1  em1 
v2   2  u2    u1
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
Special Cases

1. If collision is perfectly inelastic, i.e., e=0 , then

m1u1  m2u2
v1  v2   v say 
m1  m2

2. If m1  m2 and u1  0 , then’

1  e  1  e 
v1    u 2 and v2    u2
 2   2 
3. If a body collides a fixed wall or ground as shown.

velocity of seperation v
e e v  eu
velocity of approach u
i) It mass of one body is very-very greater than that of the other, then after collision
velocity of heavy body does not change appreciably (Whether the collision is elastic or

ii) We can easily analyze the special case-(3) to centre of mass frame (C frame). We know
C- frame is zero momentum frame. Velocity of centre of mass centre of mass is
zero. Therefore in C-frame we can consider the centre of mass as a fixed wall. In C-
frame the bodies approach the centre of mass with equal and opposite momentum
before collision and after collision they move away from the centre of mass with equal
and opposite but with different momentum.
31. Two particles of mass m and 2m moving in opposite directions collide elastically with
velocities v and 2v. Find their velocities after collision.
Sol: Here , u1  u,u2  2u,m1  m and m2  2m

 m  m2   2m2   m  m1   2m1 
v1   1  u1    u2 and v2   2  u2    u1
 m1  m2   m1  m2   m1  m2   m1  m2 
Substituting the values
 m  2m   4m   2m  m   2m 
v1     u     2u and v2     2u     u
 m  2m   m  2m   m  2m   m  2m 
u 8u 2 2
v1    3u and v 2  u  u  0
3 3 3 3
i.e., the second particle (of mass 2m) comes to a rest while the first (of mass m) moves with
velocity 3u towards right.

Alternate solution in C frame:

 2m  2v  mv
vc   v (Taking towards right +ve)
u1c  u1  v c  2v  v  v
u2c  u2  vc   v   v  2v or 2v towards left

After collision velocity are as shown in the figure centre of mass.
Therefore velocities of particles ground.
v1  v1c  v c   v   v  0
v2  v2c  vc   2v   v  3v

32. A block of mass 2 kg is pushed towards a very heavy object moving with 2 m/s closer to the
block (as shown). Assuming elastic collision and frictionless surfaces, find the final velocities
of the blocks.
2m/s very
10m/s heavy
2kg object


Sol. Velocity of heavy object does not change after collision. Let V be the velocity of 2kg block
after collision as shown.

v2  v1
e here u1  10 , u2  2, v1   v , v 2  2
u1  u2

For elastic collision e  1 .

 2   v  i.e., 14ms 1 towards left.

1   v  14ms 1
10   2

33. On a frictionless surface, a ball of mass m moving at a speed v makes a head on collision
with an identical ball at rest. The kinetic energy of the balls after the collision is 3/4th of the
original. Find the coefficient of restitution.

From special case (2) of inelastic collision

1  e  1  e 
v1'    v and v2'   v
 2   2 
Given that Kf  Ki
1 1 3 1 2
or mv1’2 + mv2’2 =  mv 
2 2 4 2 
Substituting the value, we get
2 2
1  e  1  e  3
  +   =
 2   2  4
or e= Ans.

34. Two balls of masses 2 kg and 4 kg are moved towards each other with velocities 4 m/s and 2
m/s respectively on a frictionless surface. After colliding the 2 kg ball returns back with
velocity 2m/s.
Just before collision Just after collision

4m/s 2m/s 2m/s

2kg 4kg 2kg 4kg v2
//////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////
Then find:

a) velocity of 4 kg ball after collision

b) coefficient of restitution e.
c) Impulse of deformation JD.

d) Maximum potential energy of deformation.

e) Impulse of reformation JR.

Sol. a) By momentum conservation,

2(4) – 4(2) = 2(–2) + 4(v2) Þ v2 = 1 m/s

velocity of separation 1   2 3

b) e= =   0.5
velocity of approach 4   2 6

c) At maximum deformed state, by conservation of momentum,

common velocity is v (velocity of centre of mass) = 0.
JD = m2(v – u2) = 4(0 – (-2)) = 8 N -s

(d) Potential energy at maximum deformed state U = loss in kinetic energy during

1 1  1 1 1 2 1
U   m1u12  m2u22    m1  m2  v2   2  4  4  2    2  4 0 
2 2
2 2  2 2 2  2
or U = 24 Joule
(e) JR = m2 (v – v2) = 4 (1 – 0) = 4 N-s

or e =  JR = eJD = (0.5) (8) = 4 N-s

35. A block of mass m is projected with velocity  as shown. The ground is smooth but there is
friction between A and B. If collision is elastic

a) Find the final common velocity of A and B.

b) Find total energy dissipated in friction.
Assume that A does not fall off B.
Sol. a) Let v1 be the velocity of C and v 2 be the velocity of B just after collision.

Initial momentum of the system (B & C) just before collision  Pi  m  v   2m  0   mv

Momentum of the system just after collision Pf  mv1  2mv 2
Using conservation of momentum between B and C
m  m1  2m2 ….. (1)
(Here we do not include A in the system because friction is non impulsive).
Collision between B and C is elastic
v2  v1 v2  v1
From Newton’s law restitution e  1  1    v  v2  v1 ….. (2)
u1  u2 v 0
From (1) and (2)  2 
Let v f be the common velocity of A & B
2 4
Using momentum conservation for (A & B) 2m  
  3mf f 
 3  9
2 2
1 4 1 2 4
b) Change in kinetic energy  K.E  K f  K i   3m      2m    =  m2
2  9  2  3  27
-Ve sign shows energy is decreased.
Therefore energy dissipated = m2

56. A particle moving with kinetic energy K makes a head on elastic collision with an identical
particle at rest. Find the maximum elastic potential energy of the system during collision.

57. What is the fractional decrease in kinetic energy of a particle of mass m1 when it makes a
head on elastic collision with a particle of mass m2 kept at rest?
 m1  m2 

58. Two balls are moving towards each other on a vertical line collides with each other as shown.
Find their velocities just after collision. It is given that e 

Ans. 4ms1 and ms 1
59. Four identical balls A, B, C and D are placed in a line on a frictionless horizontal surface. A
and D are moved with same speed ‘u’ towards the middle as shown. Assuming elastic
collisions, find the final velocities.

Ans. v A  u    ; vB  0; vC  0 and vD  u   

60. A ball is moving with velocity 2 m/s towards a heavy wall moving towards the ball
with speed 1m/s as shown in fig. Assuming collision to be elastic, find the
velocity of the ball immediately after the collision.

Ans. 4m/s

61. Ball 1 collides directly with an another identical ball 2 at rest. Velocity of second ball
becomes two times that of 1 after collision. Find the coefficient of restitution between the two
Ans.  

62. A particle of mass 0.1 kg moving at an initial speed v collides with another particle of same
mass kept initially at rest. If the total energy becomes 0.2J after the collision, what would be
the minimum and maximum values of v?
Ans. 2ms 1,2 2 ms 1
63. Two particles of mass m and 2m moving in opposite directions on a frictionless surface
collide elastically with velocity 2v and v respectively. Find (i) their velocities after collision (ii)
the fraction of kinetic energy lost by the colliding particles.

2v v
m 2m

Ans. (i). the mass 2m returns with velocity v while the mass m returns with velocity 2v (ii) zero.

64. A ball falls on the ground from a height h. The coefficient of restitution between the ball and
the ground is e. Find the speed and height upto which it rebounds after nth impact of the
ball with the ground?
Ans. en 2gh,e2nh

65. A sphere A of mass m, travelling with speed v, collides directly with a stationary sphere B. If
A is brought to rest and B is given a speed V, find (a) the mass of B (b) the coefficient of
restitution between A and B?
mv V
Ans. a. b.
V v

66. An elevator platform is going up at a speed of 20 m/s and during its upwards motion a small
ball of 50 g mass, falling in downward direction, strikes the platform at speed 5 m/s. Find
the speed with which the ball rebounds.
Ans. 45 m/s upward

67. A ball of mass m is disturbed from the top of a fixed smooth circular tube in a vertical plane
and falls impinging on a ball of mass 2 m at the bottom. The coefficient of restitution is 1/2 .
Find the heights to which the balls rise after a second impact.
a a
Ans. Ball of mass m raises to a height , and other ball to a height
2 8

68. A ball of mass 4 kg moving with a velocity of 12 m/s impinges directly on another ball of
mass 8 kg moving with velocity of 4 m/s in the same direction. Find (i) their velocities after
impact (ii) the loss of KE due to impact if e=0.5.
Ans. (i) 4 m/s , 8 m/s (ii) 64 J

69. A ball is approaching ground with speed u. If the coefficient of restitution is e.

Find the impulse exerted by the normal due to ground on the ball.
Ans. mu 1  e 

70. A block of mass 0.18 kg is attached to a spring of force-constant 2 N/m. The coefficient of
friction between the block and the floor is 0.1. Initially the block is at rest and the spring is
un-stretched. An impulse is given to the block as shown in the figure. The block slides a
distance of 0.06 m and comes to rest for the first time. The initial velocity of the
block in m/s is V= N/10. Then N is

Ans. 4

71. A particle moving with kinetic energy K makes a head on elastic collision with an identical
particle at rest. Find the maximum elastic potential energy of the system during collision.
Ans. K/2

72. Three balls A, B and C are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Given that mA = mC = 4mB.
Ball B collides with ball C with an initial velocity v as shown in figure. Find the total number
of collisions between the balls. All collisions are elastic.

Ans. number of collisions = 2

73. A particle of mass m moving with a speed v hits elastically another stationary particle of
mass 2m in a fixed smooth horizontal circular tube of radius r. Find the time when the next
collision will take place?
Ans. t =

74. A block of mass 1 kg moving at a speed of 2.5 m/s collides with another block of mass 0.5
kg. If both the blocks come to rest after collision what was the velocity of the 0.5 kg block
before the collision?
Ans. 5 m/s opposite to the direction of motion of the first ball.

75. Three objects A,B and C are kept in a straight line on a frictionless horizontal surface. These
have masses m, 2m and m, respectively. The object A moves towards B with a speed 9 m/s
and makes an elastic collision with it. Thereafter, B makes completely inelastic collision with
C. All motions occur on the same straight line. Find the final speed (in m/s) of the object C.

Ans. 4


During collision between two objects a pair of equal and opposite impulses act at the moment
of impact. If just before impact at least one of the objects was moving in direction different
from the line of these impulses the collision is said to be oblique.

In the figure, two balls collide obliquely. During collision impulses act in the direction of line
of impact (line of action of impulse). If the sphere are smooth then line of impact will be along
common normal

Let XX ' be the line of impact and YY' be an axis perpendicular to it.
Following points are important regarding oblique collision
i) Linear momentum of the system is conserved along any direction
ii) All the formulas derived for head on collision are also applicable here for the components
along XX ' (a long line of impact)

Let u1x and u2x be the velocity components of spheres along XX ' before collision and
v1x and v 2x be the velocity of components of spheres along XX ' after collision; then
 m  em2   m2  em2 
v1x   1  u1x    u2x
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
 m  em1   m1  em1 
v2x   2  u2x    u1x
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
iii) Law of restitution is also applicable along line of impact i.e., for the components along

XX '
v  v1x
i.e., Velocity of separatinalong line of impact  2x
Velocity of approachalong line of impact u1x  u2x

iv) The components along YY' do not change as there are no forces acting along this line
i.e., u1y  v1y and u2y  v2y


All the components to be substituted with proper sign.

i) Line of impact will be along the change in momentum of any one body
ii) If one body is at rest before collision then the line of impact will be along the direction of
the motion that body after collision

36. Two spheres are moving towards each other. Both have same radius but their masses are 2
kg and 4 kg. If the velocities are 4 m/s and 2 m/s respectively and coefficient of restitution is
e = 1/3, find.
2m/s R


a) The common velocity along the line of impact.

b) Final velocities along line of impact.
c) Impulse of deformation.
d) Impulse of reformation.
e) Maximum potential energy of deformation.
f) Loss in kinetic energy due to collision.

A 4m/s C Line of motion

2kg 
R 4kg
Line of motion 2m/s B
Line of impact

BC R 1
Sol. In  ABC sin  = = = or  = 30º
AB 2R 2
a) By conservation of momentum along line of impact.


2kg 4m/s
2cos30º 4sin30º
2m/s B 4kg
2sin30º 2sin30º

Just Before Collision Along LOI Maximum Deformed State

2(4 cos 30º) – 4(2cos 30º) = (2 + 4)v
or v = 0 (common velocity along LOI)

A v
2kg 1
4kg B

Just After Collision Along LOI

Let v 1 and v 2 be the final velocity of A and B respectively then, by conservation of
momentum along line
of impact,
2(4cos 30º) – 4(2cos 30º) = 2(v1) + 4(v2)
or 0 = v1 + 2v2 ......... (1)
By coefficient of restitution,
velocity of separation along LO 
velocity of approach along LO 
1 v 2  v1
or = or v2 – v1 = 3 ........ (2)
3 4 cos 30 º2 cos 30 º
from the above two equations,
2 1
v1 = m /s and v2 = m /s .
3 3
c) JD = m1(v – u1) = 2(0 – 4 cos 30º) = 4 3 N-s
1 4
d) JR = eJD = (–4 3 ) = – N-s
3 3
e) Maximum potential energy of deformation is equal to loss in kinetic energy during
deformation upto maximum deformed state,
1 1 1
U = m1(u1 cos  )2 + m2(u2 cos  )2 – (m1 + m2)v2
2 2 2
1 1 1
= 2(4 cos 30º)2 + 4(–2cos 30º)2 – (2 + 4) (0)2 or U = 18 Joule.
2 2 2
f) Loss in kinetic energy,
1 1 1 1 2
m1(u1 cos  )2 + m2(u2 cos  )2 –  m1v1  m2 v 2 
 KE =
2 2 2 2 
 1  2 2 1  1 2 
= 2(4 cos 30º) + 4(–2 cos 30º) –  2
2 2   4  
 2  3  2  3  
 
 KE = 16 Joule

37. A sphere of mass m is moving with a velocity 4iˆ  ˆj when it hits a wall and rebounds with
velocity ˆi  3ˆj . Find the impulse it receives. Find also the coefficient of restitution between the
sphere and the wall.
Sol. Using impulse = change in momentum

  
J  m ˆi  3ˆj  m 4iˆ  ˆj 
= m 3iˆ  4jˆ
To find the coefficient of restitution we require the velocity components, before and after
impact, in the direction of impulse, i.e., in the direction 3iˆ  4ˆj
The unit vector in the direction of J is

3iˆ  4ˆj .
The magnitudes of the velocity components in this direction are:

   1

4iˆ  ˆj . 3iˆ  4ˆj  
(before impact)

   
ˆi  3ˆj . 1 3iˆ  4ˆj  9
5 5
(after impact)

The significance of the negative sign in  is simply an indication that this component is in
a direction opposite to that of J. The speed of approach to the wall is therefore, and the
speed of separation is .
9  16  9
Newton’s law of restitution gives   e    or e
5  5  16

38. Two point particles A and B are placed in line on a frictionless horizontal plane. If particle A
(mass 1 kg) is moved with velocity 10 m/s towards stationary particle B (mass 2 kg) and after
collision the two move at an angle of 45º with the initial direction of motion, then find :

1kg 10m/s 2kg


a) Velocities of A and B just after collision.

b) Coefficient of restitution.

Sol. The very first step to solve such problems is to find the line of impact which is along the
direction of force applied by A on B, resulting the stationary B to move. Thus, by watching
the direction of motion of B, line of impact can be determined. In this case line of impact is
along the direction of motion of B. i.e. 45º with the initial direction of motion of A.
45º y

Line of impact x
a) By conservation of momentum, along x direction: mA uA = mAvA cos 45º + mBvB cos 45º


uA A
A 45º B 90º
uA cos45º vA cos 90º vB


Before collision After collision

or 1(10) = 1(vA cos 45º) + 2(vB (cos 45º)

or vA + 2vB = 10 2 ............ (1)

along y direction
0 = mAvA sin 45º - mBvB sin 45º

or 0 = 1(vA sin 45º) – 2(vB sin 45º)

or vA = 2vB ............ (2)

solving the two equations,

10 5
vA = m/s and vB = m/s.
2 2

velocity of separation along line of impect

(b) e
veloctiy of approach along line of impect
v  v A cos 90º 1
or e= B = 2 =
uA cos 45º 10 2

39. A ball is projected from the ground with speed u at an angle  with horizontal. It collides
with a wall at a distance ‘a’ from the point of projection and returns to its original position.
Find the coefficient of restitution between the ball and the wall.
Sol. The horizontal component of the velocity of ball during the path OAB is u cos  while in its
return journey BCO it is eu cos  . The time of flight T also remains unchanged. Hence,
T  tOAB  t BCO

2usin  a a
or  
g ucos  eucos 
a 2usin  a a 2u2 sin  cos   ag
or   or 
eucos  g ucos  eucos  gucos 
e 
2u sin  cos   ag

or e
 u sin 2

  1
 ag 

76. A spherical ball strikes a plane with velocity 8m/s at an angle of 30 with the plane.
Determine the magnitude and direction of the velocity after impact if e= 0.5

Ans. 
2 13ms1 ,   tan1 2 3 
77. A ball falls vertically on an inclined plane of inclination  with speed v0 makes a perfectly
elastic collision. Where will it hit the plane again?
Ans. At distance of sin  along the incline

78. A ball of mass m makes an elastic collision with another identical ball at rest. Show that if
the collision is oblique, the bodies go at right angles to each other after collision.

79. Two billiard balls of same size and mass are in contact on a billiard table. A third ball of
same mass and size strikes them symmetrically and remains at rest after the impact. Find
the coefficient of restitution between the balls?

80. A smooth sphere is moving on a horizontal surface with velocity vector 2iˆ  2ˆj immediately
before it hits a vertical wall. The wall is parallel to ˆj and the coefficient of restitution of the
sphere and the wall is e  . Find the velocity of the sphere after it hits the wall?

Ans. i  2 j

81. A ball is projected from the ground at some angle with horizontal. Coefficient of restitution
between the ball and the ground is e. Let a, b and c be the ratio of times of flight, horizontal
range and maximum height in two successive paths. Find a, b and c in terms of e?

1 1 1
Ans. , ,
e e e2
82. A smooth sphere of mass m is moving on a horizontal plane with a velocity 3î  ˆj
when it collides with a vertical wall which is parallel to the vector ˆj . If the
coefficient of restitution between the sphere and the wall is , find
(a) the velocity of the sphere after impact,
(b) the loss in kinetic energy caused by the impact.

(c) the impulse J that acts on the sphere.
3 27 9
Ans. a)  i  j , b) m, c)  mi
2 8 2

83. Two smooth spheres A and B of equal radius and mass are moving on a horizontal table
   
with velocity vectors i  2 j, 3 i  j respectively and collide when the line joining their

centres is parallel to i . Find the velocity vectors of A and B after the impact if (A) e =1/2,
(b) e = 1, (c) the collision is inelastic.
          
Ans. A) 2 i  2 j, j b) 3 i  2 j, i  j c)  i  2 j,  i  j

84. A uniform smooth sphere moving with speed V on a horizontal surface strikes a
stationary identical sphere, the direction of motion being at 600 to the line of centres at
impact. If the coefficient of restitution between the spheres is 1/2, find the speed of the
second sphere immediately after impact.

85. A 3kg block ‘A ‘ moving with 4 m/sec on a smooth table collides in elastically
and head on with an 8kg block ‘B’ moving with speed 1.5 m/sec towards ‘A ‘.
Given e = 1/2
(a) What is final velocities of both the blocks
(b) Find out the impulse of reformation and deformation
(c) Find out the maximum potential energy of deformation
(d) Find out loss in kinetic energy of system.
3 99
Ans. (a) V A = 2m/s, V B = m /s , (b) 6Ns, 12 Ns,(c) 33J,(d) J
4 4

86. A bullet of mass M is fired with a velocity 50 m/s at an angle with the horizontal. At the
highest point of its trajectory, it collides head on with a bob of mass 3M suspended by a
massless rod of length m and gets embedded in the bob. After the collision the rod
moves through an angle 120°. Find
(A) The angle of projection.
(b) The vertical and horizontal coordinates of the initial position of the bob with respect to
the point of firing of the bullet. (g = 10m/s2)

Ans. (A) 37º,(b) x = 120 m and y = 45 m

87. Two smooth spheres made of identical material having masses ‘m’ and 2m
undergoes an oblique impact as shown in figure. The initial velocities of the
masses are also shown. The impact force is along the line joining their centres.
The coefficient of restitution is . Calculate the velocities of the masses after the
impact and the approximate percentage loss in kinetic energy.

2m  =sin–1(4/5)
 m


10 ˆ 5 ˆ 224
Ans. i  8ˆj ; i  4ˆj ,  25%
3 3 9

88. A particle is projected from point O on the ground with velocity u = 5 5 m/s at angle
 = tan–1 (0.5). It strikes at a point C on a fixed smooth plane AB having inclination of 37º
with horizontal as shown in figure. If the particle does not rebound, calculate.

(a) coordinates of point C in reference to coordinate system as shown in the figure.

(b) maximum height from the ground to which the particle rises. (g = 10 m/s2)
Ans. (a) (5m, 1.25m) (b) 4.45 m


Consider at any time t a mass m (call it main mass) and a small mass (call it elementary
mass) dm are moving as shown. In time dt the elementary mass dm is added to the main
mass m and both move with velocity v  dv at time t  dt as shown in the figure. Let F ext be
the external force acting on the system for time dt

Impulse =change in momentum

  
 Fext dt   m  dm v  dv  mv  dmu 
 mdv  vdm  dm.dv  dm u

But dm.dv is very small, so it is negligible

 F ext dt  mdv  u  v dm
 F ext dt  v rel dm  mdv

Where v rel  u  v is the relative velocity of the elementary mass dm w.r.t the main mass of

dm dv
 F ext  vrel m
dt dt

i) In the above equation is the acceleration of main mass m at any time t, therefore
m is the net force on the main mass m at time t.
ii) If we include only main mass in the system, then the net external force on the main
 dm 
mass m has two parts. (i) F ext and (ii) v rel  .
 dt 
 dm 
Here the second term v rel   is the force exerted by elementary mass dm on main mass m
 dt 
and is called thrust force.

Problems related to variable mass can be solved in following four steps

1. Make a list of all external forces acting on the main mass and apply them on it.

2. Apply an additional thrust force F , on the mass, the magnitude of which is

 dm 
vr    and direction of  v r , if it is decreasing.
 dt 
3. Find net forces on the mass and apply
F net  m (m= mass at that particular instant)

4. Integrate it with proper limits to find velocity at any time t.

40. A flat car of mass m0 starts moving to the right due to a constant horizontal force F. Sand
spills on the flat car from a stationary hopper. The rate of loading is constant and equal to 
kg/s. Find the time dependence of the velocity and the acceleration of the flat car in the
process of loading. The friction is negligibly small.

m0 F

Sol. Initial velocity of the flat car is zero. Let v be its velocity at time t and m its mass at that
instant. Then

At t = 0, v = 0 and m = m0 and at t = t, v = v and m = m0 +  t

Here, vr = v (backwards)
= 
 Ft = vr = mv (backwards)
Net force on the flat car at time t is Fnet = F – Ft
or m = F – v ....(i)
or (m0 +  t) =F –  v
dv t dt

or  0 F  v
0 m0  t
1 1
 – [ln (F –  v)] 0v = [ln (m0 +  t)] 0t
 
 F   m  t 
 l n   = l n  0 
 F  v   m 0 
F m0  t Ft
 = or v=
F  v m0 m0  t
From Eq. (i), = acceleration of flat car at time t
F  v
a =
 Ft 
F  
 m 0  t 
a= or a=
 m0  t  (m0  t )2
 
 

41. A cart loaded with sand moves along a horizontal floor due to a constant force F coinciding in
direction with the cart’s velocity vector. In the process sand spills through a hole in the
bottom with a constant rate  kg/s. Find the acceleration and velocity of the cart at the
moment t, if at the initial moment t = 0 the cart with loaded sand had the mass m0 and its
velocity was equal to zero. Friction is to be neglected.
Sol. In this problem the sand spills through a hole in the bottom of the cart. Hence, the relative
velocity of the sand vr will be zero because it will acquire the same velocity as that of the cart
at the moment.
vr = 0
 dm  v
Thus, Ft = 0  as Ft  v r  m
 dt 
and the net force will be F only. v
 Fnet = F
 dv 
Or m  = F ....(i)
 dt 
But here m = m0 –  t
dv v F dt
 (m0 –  t)
=F or  0
dv = 
0 m  t

F F  m0 
 v=  n ( m0   t )  t0 or v= ln  
   m0  t 
From eq. (i), acceleration of the cart
dv F F
a= = or a=
dt m m0  t

Suppose, a chain of mass per unit length  begins to fall through a hole in the ceiling as
shown in figure (a) or the end of the chain piled on the platform is lifted vertically as in figure
(b). In both the cases, due to increase of mass in the portion of the chain which is moving
with a velocity v at certain moment of time a thrust force acts on this part of the chain which
is given by

 dm 
Ft  v t  
 dt 
Here, v r  v and  v
Here, v r is upwards in case (a) and downwards in case (b). Thus,
The direction of Ft is upwards in case (a) and downwards in case (b)

42. A pile of loose – link chain, mass per unit length  , lies on a rough surface with coefficient of
kinetic friction  k . One end of the chain is being pulled horizontally along the surface by a
constant force p. Determine the acceleration of the chain in terms of x and  .

d dM
Sol. As M  Fext  rel ………. (1)
dt dt
dM dM dx
here rel  0   and   
dt dx dt
Also Fext  P  fk  P  k mg  P  k gx
Substituting in equation (1)  P   k gx    x   2
d P  k gx  2 P 2
On rearranging the equation, we have  =  k g 
dt x x x

89. A uniform chain of mass m and length l hangs on a thread and touches the surface of a table
by its lower end. Find the force exerted by the table on the chain when half of its length has
fallen on the table. The fallen part does not form heap.

Ans. mg (vertical upwards)

90. A freight car is moving on smooth horizontal track without any external force. Rain is
falling with a velocity u m/s at an angle  with the vertical. Rain drops are collected in
the car at the rate of m kg/s. If initial mass of the car is m0 and velocity v0 then find its
velocity after time t.
u sin 

u cos 
u 


 t  m0
Ans. v  usin   
 m0  t  (m0  t)

91. Sand drops from a stationary hopper at the rate of 5 kg/s falling on a conveyor belt
moving with a constant speed of 2 m/s. What is the force required to keep the belt moving
and what is the power delivered by the motor moving the belt?
Ans. F e x t = 10N; P = 20 watt.

92. Two masses of M0 each are hanging with the help of a light string, which passes over a
massless pulley. Mass of A starts leaking out at a rate of  kg/s with velocity v0 with
respect to mass A. Find the speed of block B as a function of time.

 2M0 g  v0   2M0 

Ans. v  ln    gt
    2M0  t 
93. Determine the force P required to give the open link chain of total length L a constant
velocity v=dy/dt. The chain has mass  per unit length. Neglect the small size and mass
of the pulley and any friction in the pulley.

Ans. P  v2  g  h  y 

Let m0 be the mass of the rocket at time t = 0. m its mass at any time t and v its velocity at
that moment. Initially, let us suppose that the velocity of the rocket is u.

  dm 
Further, let   be the mass of the gas ejected per unit time and vr the exhaust velocity
 dt 
  dm 
of the gases with respect to rocket. Usually   and vr are kept constant throughout the
 dt 
journey of the rocket. Now, let us write few equations which can be used in the problems of
rocket propulsion. At time t = t,

  dm 
1. Thrust force on the rocket Ft = vr   (upwards)
 dt 
2. Weight of the rocket W = mg (downwards)
3. Net force on the rocket Fnet = Ft – W (upwards)
  dm 
or Fnet = vr   –mg
 dt 
4. Net acceleration of the rocket a=
dv v r   dm  vr
or =   –g or dv =  dm  – g dt
dt m  dt  m
v m  dm t
or u 
dv  v r
m0 m
–g  0

 m0 
Thus, v = u – gt + vr ln   ...(i)
Note :-
  dm  dm
1. Ft = vr   is upwards, as vr is downwards and is negative.
 dt  dt
2. If gravity is ignored and initial velocity of the rocket u = 0, Eq. (i) reduces to v = v r ln
 m0 
  .

43. A rocket, with an initial mass of 1000 kg, is launched vertically upwards from rest under
gravity. The rocket burns fuel at the rate of 10 kg per second. The burnt matter is ejected

vertically downwards with a speed of 2000 ms–1 relative to the rocket. If burning stops after

one minute. Find the maximum velocity of the rocket. (Take g as at 10 ms–2)
Sol. Using the velocity equation

 m0 
v = u – gt + vr ln  
Here u = 0, t = 60s, g = 10 m/s2, vr = 2000 m/s, m0 = 1000 kg
and m = 1000 – 10 × 60 = 400 kg

 1000 
We get v = 0 – 600 + 2000 ln  
 400 
or v = 2000 ln 2.5 – 600
The maximum velocity of the rocket is 200(10 ln 2.5 – 3) = 1232.6 ms–1

94. A rocket of mass 20kg has 180kg fuel. The exhaust velcoity of the fuel is 1.6km/s. Calculate
the minimum rate of consumption of fuel so that the rocket may rise from the ground. Also
calculate the ultimate vertical speed gained by the rocket when the rate of consumption of
fuel is ( g  9.8m/s2 )
(i) 2 kg/s (ii) 20 kg/s
Ans. 1.225 kg/s (i) 2.8 km/s, (ii) 3.6 km/s

95. a) A rocket set for vertical firing weighs 50kg and contains 450 kg of fuel. It can have a
maximum exhaust velocity of 2km/s. What should be its minimum rate of fuel consumption?
(i) to just lift it off the launching pad.
(ii) to give it an acceleration of 20 m/s2
b) What will be the speed of the rocket when the rate of consumption of fuel is 10kg/s after
whole of the fuel is consumed? Take g  9.8m/s2 .
Ans. a) (i) 2.45 kg/s (ii) 7.45 kg/s b) 4.164 km/s

96. A rocket of initial mass m0 has a mass m0 1  t /3  at time t. The rocket is launched from
rest vertically upwards under gravity and expels burnt fuel at a speed u relative to the rocket
vertically downward. Find the speed and height above the launching pad at t = 1.
3 4 g
Ans. u n    g,u n    u
 2 9 2

1. A stream of particle of mass m and separation hits a perpendicular surface with

velocity v. The stream rebounds along the original line of motion with velocity v' . The
mass per unit length of the incident stream is   m  . What is the force on the surface?

Sol: The incident stream transfers momentum to the surface at the rate 2 .However, the
reflected stream does not carry it away at the rate  '2 , since the density of the stream
must change at the surface. The number of particles incident on the surface in time t
is vt / and their total mass is m  mv t / . Hence, the rate at which mass arrives at
the surface is
dm m
 v  

The rate at which mass is carried away from the surface is  '  ' . Since mass does not
accumulate on the surface, these rates must be equal. Hence  '  '  v, and the force on
the surface is

dp ' dp
F    ' v '2  v 2
dt dt
 v  v ' v  .
If the stream collides without rebound, then v;  0 and F  v2 .
If the particle undergo perfect reflection, then v'  v, and F  2v2 . The actual force lies
somewhere between these extremes.

2. A uniform thin rod of mass M and length L is standing vertically along the y – axis on a
smooth horizontal surface, with its lower end at the origin(0,0). A slight disturbance at
time t = 0 causes the lower end to slip on the smooth surface along the positive x-axis,
and the rod starts falling. (a) What is the path followed by the centre of mass of the centre
of mass of the rod during its fall. (b) Find the equation of trajectory of a point P on the rod
located at a distance r from the lower end. What is the shape of the path of the point?
Sol: (a) As the floor is smooth, no horizontal forces act on the rod.

So, centre of mass moves vertically downwards or the path followed by centre of mass is a
vertical line along y-axis, i.e., x = 0.
(b) At any instant for a point P on the rod. x   L /2  r  cos  and y  r sin 
x2 y2
So eliminating  between these, we get trajectory of the point P as  1
 L /2  r 
which is an ellipse.

3. A wedge of mass M = 2m rests on a smooth horizontal plane. A small block of mass m

rests over it at left end A as shown in figure. A sharp impulse is applied on the block, due
to which it starts moving to the right with velocity v0  6ms1 . At highest point of its
trajectory, the block collides with a particle of same mass m moving vertically downwards
with velocity v  2ms 1 and gets stuck with it. If the combined body lands at the end point
A of body of mass M, calculate length l. Neglect friction. ( g  10m2 )

Sol. At point B, velocity of block relative to wedge is vertical. Thus the horizontal velocities of
both is same. Let it is vx.
According to law of conservation of momentum along horizontal direction
 M  m v x  mv0,

Substituting the value, we get v x  2ms1

Let at B, vertical component of velocity of block be vy. According to law of conservation of
1 1 1
 
energy, m v x  v y  Mv x  mg  0.20   mv 0
2 2



Substituting the values, we get v y  20 ms 1

Due to vertical component vy, block further rises a height  1m
 Maximum height of block from initial level h = 0.20+1.0=1.20m
Upto this instant block and wedge have identical horizontal velocity. Therefore, both are
moving horizontally with velocity v x  2ms1 and block is vertically above the end B.

Now a particle moving vertically downwards, collides with the block and gets stuck with
Horizontal component v x ' and vertical component v y ' of the combined body, just after
collision can be calculated by applying momentum conservation principle.
  M  m v x '  mv x or v x '  1ms1 and m  m vy '  m  2 or v y '  1ms

First considering vertically downward motion of combined body from the instant of
collision to the instant of its landing at A,
u  v y '  1ms 1,a  g  10 ms 2 ,s  h  1.20m,t  ?
1 2
Using s  ut  at , t  0.4sec
Horizontal displacement of combined body during this interval, x '  tv x  0.40m and
displacement of the wedge, x  tv x  0.80m but  x  x '  0.40m or 40 cm.

4. A cannon and a supply of cannon balls are inside a sealed rail road car. The cannon fires
to the right, the car recoils to the left. The canon balls remain in the car after hitting the
far wall. Show that no matter how the cannon balls are fired, the rail road car cannot
travel more than L, assuming it starts from rest.

Sol: Initially, the whole system is at rest, so vCM  0 . As there is no external force acting on

the system. v CM  co ns tan t  0 . So position of centre of mass of system remains fixed.

mx1  Mx 2
x CM  ________________(i) Where m is mass of the cannon balls and
M that of the (cart + cannon) system. As x CM  0 ,

therefore mx1  Mx 2  0..............  ii 

As cannon balls cannot leave the car, so maximum displacement of the balls relative to
the car is L and in doing so the car will shift a distance x 2  D (say) relative to the
ground, opposite to the displacement of the
balls; then the displacement of balls relative to ground will be
x1  L  D ____________________(iii)

Substituting the value of x1 from Eq. (iii) in Eq. (ii), we get

m  L  D  MD  0  D  mL  L
D  L
Mm M
i.e., rail road car cannot travel more then L.

5. Two blocks of mass m1 and m2 are connected by a spring of force constant k. Block of mass
m1 is pulled by a constant force F1 and other block is pulled by a constant force F2. Find the
maximum elongation in the spring.

 F1  F2 
Sol. We will solve this problem in CM frame which is accelerated. a CM 
m1  m2
Assuming that F1  F2 , CM frame is non- inertial, we have to apply pseudo force on the
 F  F2   F1m2  F2m1 
Therefore net external force on m1 F '1  F1  m1a c  F1  m1  1    towards
 m1  m2   m1  m2 

 F  F2   F1m2  F2m1 
and on m2, F '2  F2  m2a c  F2  m2  1   towards left
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
In CM frame, the blocks move in opposite directions thereby stretching the spring. The spring
will have maximum extension when blocks are instantaneously at rest, in CM frame. Let
right block displaces distance x1 and left displaces a distance x2 from their initial positions.

' ' 1
k  x1  x 2  or
In CM frame, from work energy theorem, we get F1 x1  F2 x 2 

1 2F1' 2  F1m2  F2m1 

F1'  x1  x 2   k  x1  x 2   x1  x 2  
 x max   
2 k k  m1  m2 

6. A ball is dropped from a height h0 on an inelastic floor. If the coefficient of restitution is e,

(a) determine the time interval t between the first impact with the floor and the second.;
t n 1
(b) express the ratio of the time intervals between successive bounces of the ball in
t n
terms of the coefficient of restitution.
2h0  1  e 
(c) show that the quantity   represents an upper limit on the total time from the
g 1  e 
release of the ball until it stops bouncing. Use the sum of the geometric series

1  a  a 2  a 3  .....   a n 
n 0 1 a
(d) what is the average force exerted by the ball on the floor during the entire motion?
Sol. The ball strikes the ground for the first time with velocity 2gh0 after time t0  2h/g.

From the definition of coefficient of restitution the rebound velocity is e 2gh0 . The ball
returns with the same velocity to the ground. Rebound velocity after second impact is
e2 2gh0 .
Thus, velocity after nth impact  e 2gh0 .

21 2e 2gh0
(a) Time of flight after first impact t1  
g g
2n 2e 2gh0 t n1
(b) Time of flight after nth impact t n   . and  n  1 th impact e
g g t n
(c) Total time of flight = t0  t1  t2 
21 22 2
 t0    .....  n
g g g
2e 2gh0 2e2 2gh0 2en 2gh0
 t0    ..... 
g g g
 1  2e 1  e  e2  .....
8  
For large number of collisions we can apply sum of geometric series with n tending to
2h   1  2h 1  e 
infinity. T 1  2e   
g   1  e  g 1  e 
(d) Change in momentum after first impact  m1   m0   m  1  0 
Change in momentum after second impact  m  2  1  .
Change in momentum after nth impact =  m  n  n1  .
Total change in momentum  m  1  0  2  1  ......  n  n1 
 m  0  21  22  ......2n 
 m0 1  2e  2e2  ....

  1 
 m0 1  2e  
  1  e 
1  e 
 m 2gh  
1  e 
P 1  e  g 1  e 
Average force   m 2gh     mg
t 1  e  2h 1  e 

7. A ball of mass m= 1kg falling vertically with a velocity v0=2m/s strikes a wedge of mass
M=2kg kept on a smooth horizontal surface as shown in figure. The coefficient of
restitution between the ball and the wedge is e  . Find the velocity of the wedge and the
ball immediately after collision.

Sol. Given M = 2kg and m = 1kg


Let, J be the impulse between ball and wedge during collision and v1, v 2 and v 3 be the
components of velocity of the wedge and the ball in horizontal and vertical directions
Applying impulse = change in momentum
We get Jsin 30  Mv1  mv 2 or  2v1  v 2 …..(i)
Jcos 30  m  v3  v 0  or J   v3  2 ……(ii)
Applying, relative speed of separation = e (relative speed of approach) in common normal
direction, we get  v1  v 2  sin 30  v 3 cos 30   v 0 cos 30  or v1  v2  3v3  3 …(iii)

1 2
Solving Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get v1  m /s v2  m /s and v 3  0
3 3
1 2
Thus, velocities of wedge and ball are v1  m /s and v2  m /s in horizontal
3 3
direction as shown in figure.

Note: If a particle (or a body) can move in a straight line and we want to find its velocity
from the given conditions we take only one unknown v. If the particle can move in plane
we take two unknowns v x and v y (with x  y). Similarly if it can move in space we take
three unknowns v x , v y and v z .
For instance in the above example, the wedge can move only in horizontal line, so we took
only one unknown v1. The ball can move in a plane, so we took two unknowns v2and v3 .
Further, note that x and y axis should be perpendicular to each other. They may be along
horizontal and vertical or along common tangent (along the plane in this case) and
common normal (perpendicular to plane).
8. A sphere A is of mass m and another sphere B of identical size but of mass 2m, move
towards each other with velocity ˆi  2ˆj and ˆi  3ˆj respectively. They collide when their
line of centres is parallel to ˆi  ˆj . If e  , find the velocities of A and B after impact.
Sol. Before we can draw working diagrams, the velocity components, before and after impact,
parallel and perpendicular to the line of centres must be found. To do this we need unit
vectors in these two directions.
1 ˆ ˆ
Let the unit vector along the line of centres be â, where â 
 
i j

ˆ  1 ˆi  ˆj
and a unit vector perpendicular to the line of centres is b̂ , where b   The
velocity components in these directions can now be found
Magnitude of component
Parallel to â Parallel to b̂

A ˆi  2ˆj . 12 ˆi  ˆj   1

ˆi  2ˆj . 12 ˆi  ˆj  3

B  ˆi  3ˆj . 12 ˆi  ˆj  2 2  ˆi  3ˆj . 12 ˆi  ˆj  2

Let u and v be the components of velocities of A and B along line of impact after collision.
Using conservation linear momentum and the law of restitution along the line of centre
 1  1 1 
gives m 
 2
 
  2m 2 2  mu  2mv and 2 2 
  uv
Hence, u  2 2 and v 2
After collision the components along b̂ do not change, therefore
1 ˆ ˆ  3  1 ˆ ˆ
The velocity of A after impact is uaˆ 
3 ˆ

b  2 2
 
i j  
 2 2

i j 
1 ˆ
 i  7ˆj    
ˆ 
The velocity of B after impact is vaˆ  2b 
 5
 4
 1 ˆ ˆ
 2

i j    2  12 ˆi  ˆj  14  ˆi  9ˆj
9. A simple pendulum is suspended from a peg on a vertical wall. The pendulum is pulled
away from the wall to a horizontal position (see Fig.) and released. The ball hits the wall,
the coefficient of restitution being . What is the minimum number of collisions after
which the amplitude of oscillation becomes less than 60 degrees?

Sol. As shown in figure initially when the bob is at A, its potential energy is mgl. When the bob
is released and it strikes the wall at B, its potential energy mgl is converted into its kinetic
energy. If v be the velocity with which the bob strikes the wall, then

mg  mv 2 or v   2g  …..(i)
Speed of the bob after rebounding (first time) v1  e  2g  ……(ii)

The speed after second rebound is v 2  e

 2g 
In general after n rebounds, the speed of the bob is v n  e
 2g  ……(iii)
Let the bob rises to a height h after n rebounds. Applying the law of conservation of
energy, we have mv n  mgh

v 2n e2n .2g
 h   e2n .
2g 2g
2n n
 2  4
  .  5 ……(iv)
 5  
If  n be the angle after n collisions, then h   cos n  1  cos n  …..(v)
n n
4 4
From Eqs. (iv) and (v), we have    1  cos n  or    1  cos n 
5 5
For  n to be less then 60 , i.e., cos n is greater than 1/2 , i.e., 1  cos n  is less than
4 1
1/2, we have   .   
5 2
This condition is satisfied fro n = 4.
Required number of collisions = 4.
10. A smooth ring is fixed horizontally on a smooth horizontal surface. From a point A of the
ring, a particle is projected at an angle  to the radius vector at A. If the coefficient of
restitution between the ring and the particle is 0.5 and the particle returns to the point of
projection A after two reflections, then find cot2 

Sol: Let u be the velocity of projection at the point A and velocity at B after collision can be
formed as follows:

usin  tan 
tan 1  
eucos  e
and u1  u2 sin2   e2u2 cos2 
tan  1 tan 
Similarly, at C tan 2   2
e e

and u2  u1 sin 1  e u1 cos  1

2 2 2 2 2

Since, the particle returns to the point of projection

  1  2 
or tan    1  2   
or 1   tan  tan 1  tan 1 tan 2  tan 2 tan    0
 tan 1 tan 1 tan 2 tan 2 
1  tan2     0
 tan  tan2  tan  

1 1 1 
1  tan2    3  2   0
e e e 
1 1 1  1 1 1
tan2    2  3   1 or cot 2    2 3
e e e  e e e
1 1 1
   or cot2   14
0.5  0.5  2
 0.5 

11. A small steel ball A is suspended by an inextensible thread of length =1.5m from O.
Another identical ball is thrown vertically downwards such that its surface remains just in
contact with thread during downward motion and collides elastically with the suspended
ball. If the suspended ball just completes vertical circle after collision, calculate the velocity
of the falling ball just before collision. (g = 10 ms–2)


Sol: Velocity of ball A just after collision is 5gl
Let radius of each ball be r and the joining centers of the two balls makes an angle  with
the vertical at the instant of collision, then


v0 cos30º
r 1 v0 sin30º
sin  = = or  = 30º v0
2r 2
Let velocity of ball B (just before collision) be v0. This velocity can be resolved into two
components, (i) v0 cos 30º, along the line joining the center of the two balls and (ii) v0 sin
30º normal to this line. Head -on collision takes place due to v0 cos 30º and the
component v0 sin 30º of velocity of ball B remains unchanged.

Since, ball A is suspended by an inextensible string, therefore, just after collision, it can
move along horizontal direction only. Hence, a vertically upward impulse is exerted by
thread on the ball A. This means that during collision two impulses act on ball A
simultaneously. One is impulsive interaction J between the balls and the other is
impulsive reaction J’ of the thread.
Velocity v1 of ball B along line of collision is given by
J – mv0 cos 30º = mv1

or v1 = – v0 cos 30º ............ (i)
Horizontal velocity v2 of ball A is given by J sin 30º = mv2
or v2 = ........(ii)

mv0 cos 30º


'J' v1
mv0 sin 30º
mv0 sin 30º J
A v2 sin30º
small size

Since, the balls collide elastically, therefore, coefficient of restitution is e = 1.

v 2 sin 30º(v1 )
Hence, e= 1 ............ (iii)
v 0 cos 30º0
Solving Eqs. (i), (ii), and (iii), J = 1.6 mv0 cos 30º

 v1 = 0.6 v0 cos 30º and v2 = 0.8 v0 cos 30º

Since, ball A just completes vertical circle, therefore v2 = 5g
 0.8v0 cos 30º = 5g or v0 = 12.5 ms

12. Three particles A, B and C of masses m, 2 m and 3 m respectively lie on a smooth

horizontal table at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. A and B as well as B and C are
connected by ideal strings. C is given a velocity v0 parallel to AB as shown in the figure.
Find at what speed eventually, A begins to move.

Sol: As C moves, the string BC is slack and it gets taut and impulse acts along BC, when BC
makes an angle 60 with AB as shown below

For BC system, from conservation of moment in Y-direction, we have

0  3m  v C  y  2m  v B  y   v C  y    v B  y
If v1 and  v 2 be x and y-components of final velocity of B. then
 vB y  v2   vC  y 
For (A+B+C) system, from conservation of momentum along X-direction, we have
3 mv 0  mv1  2 mv1  3 mv 3
 v 0  v1  v 3 ___________(i)
For particles B and C, the components of velocities along BC will be equal.
v1 cos 60  v 2 cos 30   v 2 cos 30  v 3 cos 60
v1 3 v v
  v2  3  2
2 2 2 3
or v1  v 3  v 2  0 _____________(ii)
Since, impulse, J=change in momentum we can write

For C along X-axis, Jcos 60  3 m  v0  v3 

  3 m  v 0  v 3  _____________(iii)
2 
For C along Y-axis, Jcos 30  3m  .v2   2mv 2
3 
or J  2mv 2 _____________(iv)
On solving Eqs, (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv), we get
v1  v0

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