Congressionaldistrict1beeler 4270 1435942 Beeler Form Finished

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House (WA)- District 1 Term: 2 Years Jeffery Beeler Republican

The duties of each representative or congressman/congresswoman is to serve the people of

their specific congressional district as well as introduce bills and resolutions, offer
amendments and serve on committees.


There have been dishearten and graphuic moments of police brutality that have been inexcusable. There have
also been an 28% increase of deaths among police officers according to the FBI. My question is how would you
improve the relationship between citizens/communities and law enforcement, keep police officers accountable,
and still give enough power to police officers to enforce law? Candidtate Beeler sees that the union is protecting the
good and bad cops, “…they’re defending them and finding ways to get out using loopholes.” “One thing we could do
is to work better with the unions for the police officers.” He also believes that the police officers who get fired from
one police force shouldn’t be able to go to a different police force and hurt the communities there, he wants their
records to follow them. With that he wants to, “…put more funding into these police forces so they can get the proper
education, so they understand when they go into these high tense situations where you don’t know where you’re
walking is to they know how to handle them better.”

Do you belive in woman’s choice(abortion rights)? If so, do you also believe in the option for late-term abortion?
“I generally support Pro-Life legislation. As a man of faith, there is no greater value than that of the unborn child. It is
our obligation to protect the rights of the most vulnerable in our community, which includes those in a mother's womb.
Only in circumstances of rape, incest, or the life of the mother would I consider ending one life to save another. Once a
heartbeat is detected, human life should be protected as with any other life. We should be providing programs and
services to help mothers during the pregnancy and once their baby is born”.

What’s your plan on fighting Covid-19? (Like: how to keep families safe, what’s the best way to re-open
schools/the economy) The candidate wants to help support the businesses negatively impacted. “The COVID-19
pandemic has impacted many businesses negatively. We should be providing financial relief to those who can show
that the pandemic was the main contributor to their losses. Relief can be generated in ways like tax incentives, small
business loans, and grants.” He sees the lack of one on one attention from online school is a big challenge and he “
likes some of the strategies…” to bring kids back like, “…bring in part of the school one day or two days a week and
the other part of the school the other two days a week”. He believes that the kids need to get back to school.

What’s your views on gun control? “I support background checks to prevent felons from purchasing guns. Enforcing
existing gun laws would be a big step to cracking down on criminal activity involving guns. Increasing the penalties on
crimes where the use of a firearms is used could deter crimes. Why should law abiding citizens be penalized and lose
their 2nd Amendment rights because criminals are not responsible law abiding citizens?”.

Endorsements Press
King County Republican Party, Snohomish County -
Republican Party, Skagit County Repoublican Party, say-they-would-bring-business-experience-to-congress/
Whatcom County Republican Party, Washington State -
Farm Bureau PAC, Chinese American Alliance, Debbie podium/beyond-the-podium-rep-delbene-vs-beeler-for-wa-1st-
Blodgett (Sno. County Republican Chair)

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