37 Prepping Supplies To Hoard That Are NOT Food PDF

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37 critical supplies to stockpile

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Critical Supplies to Hoard (non-food)

37 prepping supplies to hoard before crisis

List of critical supplies preppers should hoard (that aren't food).

If you've read our guide on the 37 Foods to Hoard Before Crisis,
then you'll want to take a peek at our guide of 37 things to
stockpile that aren't food. You'll be happy that you planned
ahead by stocking these prepping supplies for survival and

Remember, this free list is what a prepper needs beyond beans Prepper Deal Alerts Check
our daily deals for prepping
and bullets! Print this list and head to the store now, before
gear and food storage.
disaster strikes. What supplies to stockpile for teotwawki...
37 Critical Supplies to Hoard This article has been
featured on Cracked.com:
The number one item to hoard for survival is water (because
you can live only three days without it) and next is food! This preppers-stockpile-that-
list of 37 Supplies to Hoard in Crisis, does not include food or make-sense
water. Here are the 37 other things to store for survival:
#1 Supply to Hoard: pain medications.
Pain is something you can't avoid, but you can avoid the feeling
the pain. Make sure you have enough pain medications to get
you through an emergency when the pharmacies are closed.

Aspirin. Aspirin is a pain reliever with many useful

applications for preppers beyond relieving headache pains.
Read Weird (and Not so Weird Uses) of Aspirin. And you'll
find that when directly applied to skin, aspirin will relieve a
bee sting or a bug bite. Some say aspirin can help plants
fight infection! Aspirin applied orally can protect your heart Bayer Aspirin Packs
by keeping your blood flowing freely, so for heart attack
mitigation it's highly effective! Aspirin is not appropriate
for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you
begin an aspirin regimen.

Benzocaine. You'll need a topical oral anesthetic as well.

Clove essential oil is a good start for a homeopathic
remedy, but have on hand Hurricaine or similar topical
anesthetic gel. Hurricaine is made of 20% benzocaine in a
Aspercreme with Lidocaine
bottle that tastes of wild cherry to anesthetize mucosal
tissue to relieve discomfort.

Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is a analgesic and anti-inflammatory

drug found under many brand names such as Advil or

Lidocaine. Fast acting, odor free Aspercreme pain relief

creme numbs away pain with 4% Lidocaine. It penetrates
to desensitize aggravated nerves. Lidocaine is a topical
anesthetic cream that targets nerve receptors without
burning or irritation.
Hurricaine wild cherry benzocaine

#2 Supply to Hoard: Baking Soda.

Baking soda has been important to man since antiquity and one
of the most basic prepping supplies. Stockpile baking soda!
Egyptians used natron (a second cousin to baking soda -
hydrated sodium carbonate), settlers travelled hundreds of
miles for saleratus (potassium carbonate), and today we have
many names for this crystalline white substance. Technically,
baking soda is a food (and doesn't belong on this list); however
preppers have many uses for baking soda, which go well beyond
baking applications!
Organic Baking Soda
#3 Supply to Hoard: Unscented Bleach.
Another prepper favorite is bleach. Preppers have plenty of uses
for bleach, which go beyond washing clothes. See #12 dishpan
and you'll see how to use unscented chlorine bleach for washing
dishes in camp.

#4 Supply to Hoard: Borax and laundry detergent.

Sure Borax deodorizes and freshens as an all natural laundry
booster, but it's also quite a handy thing to have in post
apocalyptic times. Learn the many prepper uses of Borax.

Did you know you can make your own laundry detergent? Be
sure you know how to make your own laundry detergent using
Zote Soap.

#5 Supply to Hoard: BIC Lighters.

A BIC lighter truly is more valuable than a generator and it's
the firestarter of choice for many famous survivalists, including
Mykel Hawke. So go ahead and flick your BIC!

An anonymous survivor of the civil war in Bosnia wrote, "A

generator is good, but 1000 BIC lighters are better. A generator
will attract attention if there's any trouble, but 1000 BIC
lighters are compact, cheap and can always be traded."
#6 Supply to Hoard: Buckets and lids.
You'll need plenty of food grade buckets for stockpiling freeze
dried emergency foods and grains Not all plastics are created
the same. Be sure to get a supply of gamma seal lids, too.
They will keep your food fresh and make it easy to quickly get
your wares.

Remember to buy only food grade buckets and not those and
blue ones you get at Lowes or Home Depot. Those are toxic. It
would be a shame to only have toxic plastic buckets available Hawke's Survival Handbook
when you need to transport water or food.

You'll need food-grade buckets to collect water or crops, like

apples from the orchard. Save the other buckets to collect grey
water for your other uses, such as washing clothes or handling

#7 Supply to Hoard: Can openers + Lid Openers.

You'll have a difficult time opening buckets and cans without
the proper tools. They will break eventually, so be sure to have
backups! Get military can openers in bulk to keep with all your
canned goods. Be sure to load up on lots of extra can openers
and know how to use a military can opener.
Shelby 10-pack can openers

#8 Supply to Hoard:  Seasoned Wood, and tinder.

Wood needs time to age, and your stash might get wet. Adding
a few logs of commercial firewood to your prepping list will
ease your mind a bit about warmth in the coldest months. Stack
up on some Duraflame firestart.

Grab whatever available wood you can to fuel your fires. It

takes time to chop wood yourself, so you may need to start
with wood seasoned by someone else, especially if you're new
to prepping. Don't delay on getting yourself firewood. Duraflame Fire start

#9: Supply to Hoard: Charcoal and Lighter Fluid.

You'll need a variety of ways to cook your food and charcoal is
quite handy for cooking. Even if you don't have a fire pit or
charcoal grill, charcoal provides an easy storage answer. Store
charcoal in lidded buckets to keep them dry.

Remember the matches too!

#10: Matches.
Matches are the perfect match for a prepper. The relationship
between a prepper and his or her firestarter is significant. The
two are inseparable, or at least hope to be. While the de facto
standard is a BIC lighter or ferrocerium rod, the humble match
Strike on Box Matches by
has an important place in survival. Diamond - Green tip
Stock up on the many kinds of matches.

#11 Supply to Hoard: Cotton Balls and Ear Swabs.

For application of ointments and creams, cotton balls and ear
swabs are essential first aids supply, but there are many more
applications useful to preppers:

Gun cleaning: If you don't have a gun cleaning swab, the

next best thing in an SHTF scenario are ear swabs. Clean
your equipment any way you can.

Pest deterrent: Cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil

make a wonderful deterrent for pests, particularly spiders
and mice.

Fuel / Tinder:
Create fire starters with cotton balls coated in
petroleum jelly. This method is a scouting favorite.
Create fuel for your bugout bag with cotton balls Q-tips Ear Swabs
soaked in wax. This acts as a small candle and can
keep a flame for around five minutes. It is a bushcraft

NOTE: Do not use cotton swab sticks in the ear canal as it

could cause injury. To remove ear wax, apply hydrogen
peroxide drops into the ear to flush the wax.

#12 Supply to Hoard: Dishsoap, gloves, scrubbers!

You can scrub and boil away food particles without soap, but if
you want to keep as healthy as possible, you'll stockpile the
liquid dish soap to help you clean them. The exception is cast
Dawn Dish soap
iron. Never use soap on your cast iron pans. Liquid soap will
provide an unsavory soapy seasoning to your food!

You'll need two kinds of dishwashing soap:

1. Your favorite dishwashing liquid, like Dawn which cuts

away at the grease is great for use at home. Dawn
contains a biodegradable surfactants, and contains no
phosphate, making it an ideal choice.
2. Camp suds, which can help wash dishes and your body
too! Best of all, Camp Suds won't harm the environment,
so it's great for your off-grid location.
80 rolls Toilet paper deal
Get yourself some dishwashing gloves and scrubbers too.
It's not for vanity's sake that you will need dish washing
gloves. In doing the dishes you may cut yourself! Minimize the
risk, so you won't get an infection.
Be sure also to get plastic dish pans or a camp sink.
Ideally you'll need three dishpans for your off the grid kitchen:
one filled with water to scrape off the food particles, the next
to wash the dishes clean, and finally a chlorine bleach and
water rinse. Be sure to add a final rinse with chlorine bleach
(unscented). You'll need one good squirt from a bottle if you've
transferred the bleach (or about a cap-full directly from the
bleach container) in a Rubbermaid dishpan filled with water is

Double Wash Basin

Camp Suds

The correct scouting way to clean your dishes in the great

outdoors is:
1. Scrape off the food debris (paper towels make it easy).
2. Pre-rinse in a tub of water with a squirt of bleach and
water mix.
3. Hand wash in hot soapy (biodegradable) water.
4. Final rinse in warm water to get off the soap.
5. Dry by hanging in a mesh bag.

Dishpans would also be helpful for rinsing fruits and vegetables

and collecting water in the absence of buckets.  Ideally you
need three buckets and not two! You may as well get two of
the double wash basins. The extra can be for washing hands.

#13 Supply to Hoard: Duct tape,

A prepperwill find infinite uses for duct tape in crisis from
hemming clothing or patching up gear to medical uses and
more. Duct tape can help you set up a quarantine, fix your gear
and improvise to survive.

#14 Supply to Hoard: Cable Ties.

Cable ties are an essential for your bugout bag to fasten
camping equipment.

You'll find cable / zip ties handy for automotive repair, too!Of
the many creative uses for a cable tie, we've seen it used as a
hair fastener, tourniquet, kindling tie, food sealer.
#15 Supply to hoard: Super Glue.
Be a fix it prepper with super glue. Super Glue will repair shoes
and will help you fit together any piece of plastic. Discover the
many super and surprising uses for Superglue in prepping.

#16 Supply to Hoard: Facial Tissues.

Preppers hoard toilet paper, but they often forget about facial
tissues, which are generally softer on the nose. You won't want
to rough it out on your nose during a cold or flu. Facial tissues
will provide comfort in uncertain times, but ultimately, they will
also help prevent the spread of sickness, which would be
particularly important during a pandemic.

#17 Supply to Hoard: Fever Reducer and

The single most urgent medicine in your prepper's medicine
cabinet to own is a fever reducer. Children's Advil suspension is
a fever reducer and pain reliever contains ibuprofen to
temporarily reduce fevers, relieve minor aches and pains due to
the common cold, flu, sore throat or headaches and toothaches;
however ibuprofen may cause a severe allergic reaction,
especially in people allergic to aspirin. Ask your doctor what
fever reducer is appropriate for you.

Eight kinds of Drinks to Hoard for Emergency Preparedness.

#18 Supply to Hoard: Freezer bags.

Freezer bags are stronger than ordinary plastic bags and have a
multitude of uses for preppers. Not that you'll be freezing in an
off the grid scenario, but freezer bags will help you preserve or
make new portions of food.

Pedialyte Powder
Imagine the luxury of having freezer bags if there's a great
depression or you have a personal job loss. Freezer bags are
expensive, but you can stock up when they go on sale.

In your bugout bag, these bags will keep your contents dry and
may even help you collect more food and water.

#19 Supply to Hoard: Garbage bags.

You'll be using garbage bags more often in uncertain times,
including sanitation of human wastes and even for use in
burying the dead. Costco and Home Depot carry large garbage
bags in bulk by the rolls and at very reasonable prices. Stock up
while they are still available.

#20 Supply to Hoard: Hand sanitizers.

Minimize water use in times of drought by keeping hand
sanitizers handy. Stocking up on hand sanitizers will help you
through pandemics, and for cleaning hands after meat handling.
Handy indeed. Fresh bath wipes are ideal also for cleansing.

Learn how to make your own hand sanitizers.

#21 Supply to Hoard: Hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is essential in first aid, but Hydrogen
Peroxide has so many other applications including water
purification and cleaning kitchen tools.

See the many prepper uses for hydrogen peroxide.

#22 Supply to Hoard: Lamp oil, Candle Wax and

Candle making and lamp making will be essential when the
lights go out permanently. You can "mind your own beeswax"
by stocking up on supplies.

Did you know beeswax candles burn with almost no smoke

or scent and clean air by releasing negative ions?

Lamp making: Stock up on the tools to craft your own

lamps, and learn the lost art of candle making.

#23 Supply to Hoard: Lip balm, Lotions and Creams.

Skin hydration will be key, particularly when water is at a
premium or when you reside in arid areas of the country as
Arizona. Don't overlook these inexpensive finds at the dollar
stores, including Blistex and Chapstick lip balms, cocoa butter
creams. The bonus of packing a petroleum based lip balm, such
as Chapstick is that the balm itself may be used as a firestarter.

Stock up also on Vaseline. With petroleum jelly you can

make your own lip balm and skin softener. Preppers have
endless uses for Vaseline!

#24 Supply to Hoard: Lysol.

Disinfectants are an important part of combatting the common
cold and flu and something more serious like Coronavirus. You'll
appreciate keeping cold and virus flus at bay with Lysol. Having
spray is also effective in combating lice, which may spread
rapidly in uncertain times. Lice is more of a nuisance than a
survival problem, but certainly you don't want to have them
around when SHTF.

#25 Supply to hoard: Water purification tablets

Water purification tablets work against bacteria, fungi,
protozoa, viruses and other harmful pathogens, so you can stay
hydrated and not get ill from these microorganisms. They help Aquatabs

you turn water from lakes and streams into potable drinking.
Water purification tablets, such as the Aquatabs, pictured right,
are a good addition to your survival plan because they are
highly portable, relatively inexpensive and extremely effective
at fighting pathogens such as bacterium, virus, or other
microorganisms that can cause illness and disease.

#26 Supply to Hoard: Paper cups, Paper Plates and

Paper Bowls and paper towels.
For your hot beverages (coffee, tea, cocoa), using paper cups
will save on the precious resource of water and is far more
healthy than drinking from Styrofoam. You'll likely need more
paper bowls than you think as they are ideal for soups, cereals
and chili, as well as freeze dried pasta and rice dishes. Get a
few sizes of paper plates to accommodate your meal size.

Dixie Paper Plates

If you're short on space, consider Shop Towels. These strong,

absorbent towels are great for wiping hands and cleaning up
grease, oil, grime, and fluids. You'll need fewer than ordinary
paper towels, so it will take up less space.

#27 Supply to Hoard: Plastic Cups + Utensils.

Plastic cups will hold up better than paper cups. Mark plastic
cups with a Sharpie to ensure water glasses are used to their
full potential. Save your water in using disposable utensils as

#28 Supply to Hoard: Paracord.

Paracord is cordage crafted from parachute material. It's strong
and has many uses for preppers and survivalists. An essential
for your bugout bag, paracord will also provide entertainment.
It's a favorite pastime of military and a good prepper skill to

What will you craft from paracord?

#29 Supply to Hoard: Propane + Propane Tanks.

One of your most essential prepper fuels, stock up on the
propane for generators and cookstoves. Left, the Vocano stove
takes three kinds of fuel - propane, charcoal and wood.

#30 Supply to Hoard: Mouthwash, Shampoo, Soap

+ Deodorant.
In an off the grid scenario, like an EMP, there won't be much
opportunity for bathing unless you've made plans, such as a
solar shower or a galvanized tub. For an economic collapse;
however, you'll be glad you stocked up on shampoo, soaps, and
deodorants. You'll want your money spent acquiring fresh
meats, produce or other essentials.

Personal hygiene is important. You might not take as many

baths or showers as  you might in economically depressed
times or in a true survival situation, but having an adequate
supply of shampoo is a frugal idea. Stock up on inexpensive
shampoo at the Dollar stores.

Read more about the 12 weird survival uses of mouthwash.

#31 Supply to Hoard: Nails, Bolts, and Screws.

You will need to repair and rebuild at some point. Having the
necessary nuts and bolts will get you through the job.

#32 Supply to Hoard: Sewing Materials.

A survival sewing and repair kit is essential for a well packed
bugout bag. Tents tear, equipment may rip and clothes will
eventually wear. Make do with what you have by fixing it.

#33 Supply to Hoard Steel Wool.

Steel wool is an excellent supply to help you scrub pots, but did Steelwool Pad 16pk
you know that steel wool is an excellent fire starter? All you
need is a 9-volt battery and some steel wool.  

Read: Steel Wool Uses for Preppers.

#34 Supply to Hoard: Toilet paper.

Preppers often find toilet paper high on their personal prepping
supply list! Proper sanitation, including adequate supply of
toilet paper is essential.

Learn how people survived before toilet paper.

#35 Supply to Hoard: Toothbrushes + Toothpaste.

Buy one toothbrush per month for each family member and six
toothpaste tube per family member for a one-year supply.

Get toothbrushes and toothpaste cheaply at the dollar stores. Wysi-Wipes toilet paper tabs
Don't have a dollar store handy? No worries! You can get a (100 pucks for
dozen Colgate medium bristle toothbrushes for just $7.99.
That's even cheaper than the dollar stores!

Generic toilet paper tabs

toothbrushes cheaper than the dollar store!

#36 Supply to Hoard: Vaseline (Petroleum jelly).

Vaseline or the generic equivalent is an ideal fuel when
combined with cotton balls as a firestarter. Petroleum jelly helps
protect minor cuts, scrapes, and burns, and also protects skin
from wind burn and chapping. Use petroleum jelly as a lip balm!
To help heal chapped hands, load a generous portion on hands,
then cover hands in plastic bags to keep them moistened for 20-

Read more about Vaseline for Survival.

#37  Supply to Hoard: Writing instruments and

pencil sharpener.
Pens, pencils and paper will be a luxury in an off grid world;
however, they are also essential to providing an education,
fighting boredom, and providing a record for future generations.
A Sharpie pen will help you label food expiration dates on cans
and shelf stable items. Additionally, it will help identify
assigned cups and plates. If you anticipate a home school
scenario, consider getting chalk and a chalk board.

Pencil sharpener use: A good quality manual pencil

sharpener will become a precious commodity at home, but
you should also consider having a small pencil sharpener in
your bugout bag. A pencil sharpener can help make tinder
from twigs!

In case you think we forgot about water, read on! We

recommend you store distilled water or bottled water to sustain
you. Read more in  37 Foods to Hoard Before Crisis.


top of drinking water and water to clean utensils you'll need...
* a half gallon of water just to boil noodles
* 1 cup of water for each individual serving of freeze dried food.
* 2 cups of water for every cup of rice
* Cover dried beans with three inches of water to soak
Add up your inventory and you'll be surprised where you stand.

The time to build a well is not when you're thirsty. A family of

four needs five 55-gallon barrels to help survive three months.
Learn the seven lessons of Water for Survival.

What are the most hoarded items in an emergency?

Preppers can learn from disasters of the past (hurricanes,
floods, earthquakes and tornadoes) about the things that
disappear first from a grocery store before and after crisis.

We gathered a list of the top ten things to disappear in crisis by

following news clippings, consider these the last-minute
provisions for prepping!

Top Ten Things to Disappear from Grocery Shelves in Crisis

1. Bottled water (learn the bottled waters to avoid.)
2. Soft drinks (learn the 8 kinds of drinks to hoard in crisis).
3. Bread
4. Chips and crackers (American's eat 1.2 billion pounds of
potato chips annually according to National Geographic).
5. Snack bars and energy bars
. Medications
7. Diapers
. Alcohol like Vodka
9. Cigarettes
10. Garbage bags (used to loot the wares).

Will you be hoarding food and supplies? Preppers have the right
to gather supplies for their survival.  The United States
Constitution guarantees this right. Arm yourself with knowledge!
The Fourth Amendment  prohibits unreasonable search and
seizure for concerned citizens of the United States of America.
Have the constitution on hand to defend your rights.

Happy endings...
What you hoard will help ensure you live happily ever after.
There are many things you could hoard, and we have more
related articles, including the most overlooked preps, and where
to stock up on the preps for just a buck!
Katadyn Microfilter
Some of our most popular prepping articles...
1. 101 random survival ideas.
2. 37 foods to hoard (one of our most popular articles).
3. 37 Unusual things to hoard.
4. 99 ways to save a buck prepping the dollar stores.
Click Here To Vote For Me!
5. How to use Amazon to get FREE groceries and preps.
. Ten free preps - we promise they won't cost you a dime.
7. Money Saving Lessons of the Great Depression.
. EMP: who will live and who will die This article was featured on
Cracked.com - 6 Odd Things
9. Daily prepper deals: see what great deals there are today! Doomsday Preppers Stockpile
(That Make Sense) for our
Prepare to live happily ever after with us at happypreppers.com - the Web site of comments on baking soda:
emergency preparedness, prepping, survival, homesteading and self-sufficiency.

------------------------------------------------- Revised 02/04/20

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