Herbalism: Defined, Refined, and Usable

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Defined, Refined, and Usable

Whether it is the old woman on the village’s edge cutting herbs and spices into a cauldron to soothe a child’s rash or a kindly cleric
meticulously mixing rare plants to cure a devoted follower’s leprosy or even a young wizard throwing ingredients in a pot to
disastrous results as he learns potion making, herbalists come in all sorts of shapes and from all walks of life. They study the ways of
nature and its glorious power’s manifestation in the flora of the world, some to better the lives of those around them, some to
master the ways of old, and some to turn a quick coin.

The tool “Herbalism Kit” in the PHB defines the kit “contains a variety of instruments such as clippers, mortar and pestle, and
pouches and vials used by herbalists to create remedies and potions. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to
any ability checks you make to identify or apply herbs. Also, proficiency with this kit is required to create antitoxin and potions of
healing.” (PHB 154) The following is a workable system that allows players to use their proficiency in herbalism beyond the
guidelines above.

The herbalism kit allows for the creation of multiple items; brews, oils, poultices, salves, and tinctures. Players can use their skill to
create any of these types of items providing they have the knowledge and materials to craft them. Most items are less potent than
magic, yet more advantageous than going without, in general a crafted item from the herbalism kit boosts an ability that a character
possesses rather than instill a new ability as magic does. In some cases though a creation can (as in the case of healing potions) work
like magic.

Characters with proficiency in herbalism possess a book with their known formulas written in blue ink and the following skills:

 Identify animals, herbs, and plants which are ingredients to items they know how to craft without making a check
 Identify animals, herbs, and plants which are ingredients to items they do not know how to craft with a successful
Knowledge Nature(INT) check, DC15
 The ability to craft the following items, provided they possess the requisite material: Antitoxin, Assassin’s Blood, Herbalist’s
Ink, Potion of Healing (common), and Truth Serum
 Learn the formula for new items through the following methods: discovery of new formulas through adventuring, formal
training from another herbalist, barter/trade formulas with other herbalists, personal research and development, or
distillation of an herbalism item

Herbalist’s Book
The creation of an item requires a formula, essentially this is a step by step set of directions that gives specific instructions on
crafting the item. Formulas can be any mixture of ingredients, as long as the directions lead to the successful creation of an item it is
a formula. There are known formulas, forgotten formulas, and those yet to be discovered. Players can come by formulas through a
myriad of means; discovery, distillation, invention, trade, and training. Any formula a player possesses can be used to craft an item
of that formula provided the player has the requisite ingredients to satisfy the formula.

A character can have as many formulas in their herbalism book as they can collect, there is no limit to the amount of items a
character can know how to craft with the herbalism skill. The Herbalist’s book is not a magic item and is not required to be anything
more than a collection of pages they keep notes in for later reference. A character can have as many or as few herbalist books as
they choose and may make as many copies of as they wish. Most herbalists choose to write in a special ink, called “Herbalist Ink”,
which is blue and made from Cornflower; the herb referred to as the patron herb of herbalists.

If a character loses their book or it is destroyed, they can attempt to recreate it and all the formulas contained in the book. This is
done with an Intelligence check DC15 and they are allowed to add all modifiers including proficiency bonus. Each formula they
attempt to remember requires a separate check. Any item the character has crafted, and needs to distill to regain the formula
automatically succeeds and they can regain the information.

Items by Type
There are several different types of items an herbalist can craft. Each is used in a different way, to better serve its purpose. The type
of items an herbalist chooses to craft are of their own choosing, but because a formula for one works does not mean that the same
formula can be applied to another; for example a formula for a brew may work, but when used to make a salve it may not.

Brew: This a liquid for drinking, it is kept in a standard sized vial and must be used all at once to be effective.

Oil: This is a liquid with a design for applying it to the skin of the user. It is often stored in a flask and needs to be used completely to
be effective.

Poultice: This is a soft mass of plant material applied to the body and then covered to keep in place. It is stored in a jar of glass or
clay, it is often reapplied over time as the material dries out and becomes ineffective.

Salve: This is an ointment that is rubbed into the skin of the user. It is normally stored in a small jar to be used as needed to maintain
its effectiveness.

Tincture: This is a liquid extract of herbs that are potent in small amounts. They are often stored in small vials and require only a few
drops to be effective.

The ingredients of the trade are as numerous as the plants that grow on the planet, then too the fluids of animals can be added to
achieve still more effects. There are countless uses for plants and a near limitless possibility of creations to fit a myriad of situations;
salves to relieve diseases, incenses to open the mind to visions, drinks that free the soul to travel freely across the planes, oils that
allow the body to press beyond its limits, poultices that mend wounds, and more as the creative mind of a skilled herbalist learns the
way of the craft.

There are of course, standard ingredients, those whose uses are well known and time tested. These ingredients are categorized into
their requisite powers. There are 20 separate spheres of influence, each a broad stroke of what its constituent ingredients is capable
of achieving, that define the general purpose of an ingredient and give some indication of the effect it will yield. The spheres are
loose and the actual effects can vary widely among different ingredients within the same sphere. Although all ingredients within a
field pertain to the same type of effects not all ingredients are as potent and as capable of producing the same effect in the same
strength. For example, although two ingredients may be in the strength sphere they may not both be well suited to make a brew
that allows a character to carry twice its normal allowable weight without becoming encumbered, that is information a character
must get from the formula or by trial and error.

Charisma: This sphere of influence concerns the ability to interact with others from leadership to performance. Ingredients from this
sphere may have effects which alter a character’s ability to perform, cast spells, speak in public, is received by a king, or they may
influence the way a crowd sees a leader. The power to alter one’s appearance in subtle ways by changing eye or hair color. They
could boost a character’s ability score in a time of need.

Cleansing: This sphere of influence concerns the removal of the unwanted from disease to curses. Ingredients from this sphere may
have effects like cure the black plague, wash away the evil spirits that reside in an old house, hold a curse at bay long enough to get
a victim to a priest, or remove the taint of evil on an heirloom. They could halt the onset of a magic disease in the hopes of finding a

Constitution: This sphere of influence concerns health, stamina, and vital force from overcoming injury to ignoring harmful effects.
Ingredients from this sphere may have effects like allow a warrior to do extra damage, give a rogue the ability to carry a chest full of
gold, give a child the ability to resist an illness, heal a broken bone. They could grant a boost to a character’s ability score in a time of

Death: This sphere of influence concerns the life energy moving away from the body from preserving a corpse to stopping death at
the last breath. Ingredients from this sphere may have effects like stabilizing a dying person, granting a reprieve from death with a
short coma that halts all body functions, bring a vicious ruler to death’s door with a sip of wine, or give a dying woman one last
moment with her child. They could stop a character from dying by applying a salve over their heart.

Dexterity: This sphere concerns agility and reflexes from nimble fingers to avoiding obstacles. Ingredients from this sphere may have
effects like granting a bonus action in a round of combat, giving an extra 10’ of movement for a minute, granting advantage on a skill
check, or allowing a movement to be unhindered. They could grant advantage on dexterity saves.

Divination: This sphere concerns the gaining of other worldly knowledge from a moment of prescience to a sign from a deity.
Ingredients from this sphere may have effects like allowing astral dreaming, allow a spirit to communicate with the living, grant
inspiration, or hide a person from scrying. They could create a fluid for scrying that surpasses all others.

Emotion: This sphere concerns emotional effects from calming a raging bull to stirring a placid man. Ingredients from this sphere
may have effects like creating love, hatred, prejudice, friendship, or obsession. They could make a king declare war in a fit of rage.

Healing: This sphere concerns restoring injury from hit points lost in battle to eyesight lost from disease. Ingredients from this
sphere may have effects like healing burns, soothing rashes, mending wounds, or fix broken bones. They could cure a plague before
it destroys a town.

Holy: This sphere concerns all the outsider’s ways from the gifts of the goodly to the curses of the evil. Ingredients from this sphere
may have effects like craft a sacred ointment to bless holy items, free a child from the ravages of the evil eye, or make an oil that
allows a cleric’s blessing to last longer. They could grant a vision of one’s deity in a time of need.

Intelligence: This sphere concerns mental acuity and the ability to reason in a logical format. Ingredients from this sphere may have
effects which help strengthen the mind from solving puzzles to remembering information. They could temporarily raise a character’s
intelligence score to help raise saves against spells.

Luck: This sphere concerns all that is left to chance from a game of dice to a falling stone. Ingredients from this sphere may have
effects like gaining odds in games of chance, bringing the right people around in times of need, allowing the winds of fate to blow
destiny in your favor, or alter the course of conversation by a slip of the tongue. They could bedevil an opponent with bad luck and
setbacks, while others prepare to move against them.

Negative/Positive Energy: This sphere concerns the manipulation of divine energy from the turning of a cleric to the unholy blessing
of an evil coven’s temple. Ingredients from this sphere may have effects like create a field of positive energy, embolden those
around with the fervor of a deity, empower undead with the energy of hades, or strengthen the taint of evil on an altar. They could
grant a cleric extra turning ability in a fit of devotion.

Perception: This sphere concerns with the way the world is seen from a watchful eye to an unseen rogue. Ingredients from this
sphere may have effects like allow a sneaker to be extra stealthy, dull the eyes of a watchman, grant sight into another plane, make
scars unnoticeable to observers, or grant a rogue extra sensitive ears. They could make a hiding character almost invisible to all.

Persuasion: This sphere concerns the way inhabitants act from glib leaders to unyielding masses. Ingredients from this sphere may
have effects like making someone a skilled orator, allow a crowd to hear the veiled threats of an evil leader without noticing, give
sway to one’s words whispered into the king’s ear, or a lawyer the ability to sway a magistrate. They could allow a character to lie in
a zone of truth.

Poison: This sphere concerns the creation of ways to debilitate from diseases that disfigure to death in a bottle. Ingredients from
this sphere may have effects like crafted poison arrows, making antidotes, creating quaffs that only appear to kill, or sickening
people at banquets. They could create poisons that never leave and need antidotes daily.

Prosperity: This sphere concerns the well-being of the masses from ensuring a farmer’s crop sell to saving a village’s fishing
livelihood. Ingredients from this sphere may have effects like creating business opportunities between new partners easier to
negotiate, helping business owners choose what products to sell, or making unforeseen profits appear from nowhere. They could
give one the ability to find gold by its scent.

Protection: This sphere concerns safety from the personal well-being of an adventurer to stopping evil spirits. Ingredients from this
sphere may have effects like providing protection from certain damage types, making one immune to diseases, casting out benign
evil spirits from a home, or preventing evil to enter a dwelling. They could give a character the advantage on certain saves.

Ritual: This sphere concerns tradition from the blessing of crops to the creation of a druids harvesting knife. Ingredients from this
sphere may have effects like invoke a deity in prayer, craft an incense that assists in meditation, make a brazier’s fire burn for longer,
or create scented chips of incense that invoke elemental’s favor. They could make the inks of a magic circle stronger or permanent
or impenetrable.

Strength: This sphere concerns bodily power and athleticism from a warrior’s strong sword arm to a woman lifting a horse.
Ingredients from this sphere may have effects like granting one the ability to carry extra weight without fatiguing or being
encumbered, swim a vast distance without making a check, hold a gate so others can escape, jump twice as far as normal. They
could raise a character’s ability score in a time of need.

Sustenance: This sphere concerns all the necessities of life from a square meal to air for breath. Ingredients from this sphere may
have effects like make a small meal seem satisfying, allow one to stay hydrated with half water rations, remind one of the loved ones
far away and grant them the will to continue, or give inspiration when all hope is lost. They could make a food so filling one need not
eat for weeks.

Wisdom: This sphere concerns intuition and perceptiveness from sensing motives to feeling the work of evil in the world.
Ingredients from this sphere may have effects like allow one to intuitively sense another’s intention, grant insight into the mind of a
magistrate, or sense the past of a place though it is long abandoned. They could raise a character’s ability score in a time of need.

Rarity Level
In addition to the spheres of influence each ingredient has a level of rarity associated to it. An ingredient can be common,
uncommon, rare, special, or extraordinary. The levels of rarity define how easily an ingredient can be found in the world, some
ingredients are easy to procure while others are very difficult to find. Also, an ingredient’s rarity affects the value of the ingredient,
more common ingredients are lower value and cheaper to purchase than uncommon ones, in turn uncommon ingredients are lower
value and cheaper to purchase than rare ingredients, and thus it goes.

The rarity of an ingredient also affects its potency in an item crafted from it. In general the rarer an item is the more potential that
its power will have a dramatic effect in the crafted item. In creating formulas, the more pronounced an herbalist desires an effect to
be the more likely the herbalist will use higher rarity level ingredients from the desired sphere of influence. For an example a
formula using ingredients from the sphere of strength with rarity levels rare, special, and extraordinary is not likely to provide a
protection sphere effect.

Many ingredients can be purchased or foraged in the correct areas, but special ingredients are difficult to gauge in rarity and can
only be purchased in certain areas if at all. The rarest ingredients, extraordinary ingredients, are almost never found for sale and
must be foraged in the wild or grown specifically in gardens.

Rarity Level Average Cost per Ounce Actual Cost per Ounce
Common 2gp 1d4
Uncommon 4gp 2d4
Rare 8gp 2d8
Special 12gp 2d12
Extraordinary Varies* Varies*
*If purchasable

Ingredient Storage
Any ingredient, whether bought or foraged, must be stored if it is to be used later. The proper storage of an ingredient ensures that
it will last until it is needed to craft an item. The proper way to store an ingredient is in an air tight container, similar to a jar or a
stoppered vial. An ingredient stored in this way remains usable for quite some time, ingredients stored improperly last shorter
periods of time. For example, an ingredient stored in a wrapped up cloth will not stay fresh for very long and may become unusable
after a matter of days.

Storage Method Average Shelf Life Actual Shelf Life

Open Air 2 Days 1d4 Days
Semi Sealed Container (Not Glass) 1 Week 1d4-1 Weeks
Semi Sealed Container (Glass) 2 Weeks 1d4 Weeks
Air Tight Container 4 Weeks 2d4 Weeks
Magical Container Indefinite Indefinite
When an ingredient has passed its shelf life it is no longer a viable ingredient and will not successfully create an item. An herbalist
can visually see when an ingredient is no longer usable without making a check. The ingredient is visibly desiccated and brittle, with
no sense of life left to it.

In the case of buying an ingredient from an apothecary or herbalism type shop, there is no shelf life penalty applied to the
ingredient; it is assumed that all such shops have a viable means of storing ingredients. The actual shelf life does not start until a
character actually purchases the item and removes it from the store’s protected environment.

Crafting Items
Crafting an item requires a formula, the herbalist kit, workspace, all requisite ingredients, and the appropriate time. The formula can
be a known formula or a research and development attempt at a formula. The herbalism kit is the standard kit from the Player’s
Handbook. The workspace can be anything from an actual lab in a wizard’s tower or apothecary’s store to a humble kitchen in a
house or inn. The requisite ingredients are at least one ounce of all ingredients required by the formula to craft the item.

The time required to craft the item is a function of the formula’s value, the time required to craft an item is 1 day per 50gp base
value of the item; wherein base value is determined as the cost of all ingredients multiplied by 2. Ingredients which do not have a
standard average value are factored as having a value of 25gp for the purposes of determining base value. The character is expected
to work for 8 hours per day on the item and can pursue other activities during the other time, but cannot leave an item unattended
for more than 16 hours without risking the creation process become unstable and go awry resulting in a total loss of the item and

Any item in the creation process left unattended for more than 16 hours has a cumulative failure rate of 25% per 8 hours left
unattended; thus the first 8 hour period unattended has a 25% chance of failure, the second 8 hour period has a 50% chance of
failure, the third 8 hour period has a 75% chance of failure, and the fourth 8 hour period has a failure chance of 100%. This check is
made at the end of each 8 hour period. Once an item fails a check, the item is useless and all ingredients are expended.

Learning New Formulas

There are a great many other items to craft aside from the original 5 each character knows, the process of learning formulas for new
items is a mixture of time and exposure. Adventurers may come across new formulas in the treasure troves of adversaries, or meet
other herbalists in their travels with whom they can swap formulas. There are possibly apothecaries whose knowledge of herbalism
may spans generations willing to teach characters new formulas in exchange for rare herbs, new herbal lore, or even gold.
Characters can attempt to discover new items by researching the craft and trying new formulas to see what happens. Lastly
characters can distill a formula from an item. Regardless, of the method by which a character gains a formula; once they have the
formula they can write it in their herbalism book and forever keep it to use as they will. There is no limit to the amount of formulas a
character can learn or know.

Discovery: Characters can find new formulas throughout the world; temple libraries, tomes of lore, or treasure troves. A character
who finds a formula in such a manner need only copy this formula into their herbalist book to craft the item at a later time.

Distillation: Characters who find new items can attempt to learn a crafting formula by distillation, provided the creator has crafted
the item using the herbalism skill. In distilling an item, the character breaks the item and reverse engineers the formula. To distill a
formula a character needs; the item to be distilled, the herbalism kit, workspace, and time. The distillation process takes twice as
long as the crafting time of the item distilled; thus it is a function of the base value, wherein the time required to distill the item is
equal to 4 times the base value.

Also, as in crafting an item the distillation process must be monitored and requires 8 hours of work daily. It cannot be left
unattended for more than 16 hours. Any item in the distillation process left unattended for more than 8 hours has a
cumulative failure rate of 25% per 8 hours left unattended; thus the first 8 hour period unattended has a 25% chance of failure, the
second 8 hour period has a 50% chance of failure, the third 8 hour period has a 75% chance of failure, and the fourth 8 hour period
has a failure chance of 100%. This check is made at the end of each 8 hour period. Once an item fails a check, the distillation is a
failure. The item is ruined and the character does not know the formula to craft the item

At the end of the process the character makes an herbalism skill check (DC15) using intelligence and proficiency modifiers. Success
on this check means the character has successfully distilled the formula to craft this item and can write a formula in their herbalism
book to craft the item, failure on this check means the character has not distilled a formula and cannot craft this item. A character is
aware of the success or failure of the distillation process and immediately knows if they have a formula for the item. Regardless of
success or failure, the item distilled is ruined and its ingredients are worthless.

Research: Characters can use their time to research into herbalism and attempt to devise their own formulas for items. To begin this
process, players choose the type of item they want to craft; brew, oil, poultice, salve, or tincture and what effect this item will create
on the user. Next, they look into the available ingredients and what sort of effects the ingredients generally create. After that they
choose a list of ingredients and attempt to craft the item.

Players choose ingredients from the spheres of influence which create effects they want the item to create, most formulas involve
ingredients from more than one sphere of influence with the predominant sphere of influence being two or more ingredients from
different levels of rarity. In developing a new formula, players choose the item type and the desired effect, they then discuss the
item with the DM. The DM has the final call about an item, determining if it is too powerful, if it requires ingredients not listed, or if
the formula will have effects other than the player’s desired effect.

After mutually agreeing with the DM on the formula and effect, the character attempts to craft the item using the normal
procedures of crafting with the added step of the success determination roll at the end of the crafting process. The success
determination roll is made at the very end of the crafting process and determines whether the formula is a failure, success, or has an
unintended outcome.

d% Roll Success Determination Outcome

01-10 Poison, DC15 Con, 1d6 Con damage
11-20 Formula works as intended, but leaves user with 2 levels of exhaustion after its effect ends
21-30 Formula works as intended, but leaves user with 1 level of exhaustion after its effect ends
31-98 Formula works as intended
99 Formula works as intended, but this attempt and no other, produces 2x the expected amount
100 Formula works as intended, but this formula produces 2x the expected amount

The Success Determination roll is only made on the first attempt to create a specific formula, and its result is always applied to this
specific formula. The results of the success determination roll are permanent, they always apply to a formula that a character has
attempted to create; thus if a character attempts a formula and receives a result of poison, that particular formula always creates
poison. If a character attempts a formula and receives a result of works as intended, this formula always works as intended.

For example if a character makes a formula and at the end of crafting makes the success determination roll and rolls 08% they have
crafted a poison which deals 1d6 constitution damage; every time they craft this formula it will make this same poison. Likewise, if
the same character crafts a different formula and at the end makes the success determination roll and rolls 99%; this formula works
and this particular crafting creates twice the expected amount but all future crafting will produce only the normal expected amount.
In both instances, the character knows the exact result of the formula and does not need to roll for success determination if they use
that formula again.

Research Formula Sample

Adam plays a monk, he finds that he often uses all of his Ki Points and wants to make a brew that will refresh his Ki Points.
He first looks at the spheres of influence and decides he will need to pick from the spheres; Constitution, Healing,
Protection. He wants the base to be Constitution, so he chooses a Rarity Level Common ingredient from the sphere of
influence Constitution; Athelas. Adam knows he really wants a healing effect so he chooses the next ingredient a Rarity
Level Uncommon from Sphere of Influence Healing; Tansy. Next he wants to account for the protection of Ki so his third
ingredient is from Rarity Level rare from the Sphere of influence Protection; Gourd. Finally, Adam wants this brew to be
very effective so he decides to use a Rarity Level Special ingredient from the Sphere of Influence Constitution; Rue.

Adam then approaches his DM, he explains his idea to the DM stating, he wants a brew to restore Ki Points, then he gives
the DM the final list of ingredients. The DM decides that such a brew should be possible with the caveat that it will not
restore all the Ki Points. The DM decides the brew will restore one half the Maximum Ki Point Total Adam’s monk possesses
and that the brew needs to have an ingredient from the Sphere of Influence Ritual in the formula and that this ingredient
must be Rarity Level Special, because the meditation is a ritual for the monk and the replenishment of Ki Points is a ritual.

Adam agrees, he goes back to the ingredients and finds an ingredient that fits the requirement then alters the formula;
Sphere of Influence Ritual; Broom. His character then gathers one ounce of each requisite ingredient and spends the time
to craft the brew. When the brew is completed Adam makes a Success Determination Outcome Roll and rolls a 29, his brew
works as expected, but it leaves his monk with one level of exhaustion. Adam now has a formula for this brew that will
always work this way.

Trade: Herbalists and apothecaries swap knowledge and lore freely with each other in an effort to further the craft and hone their
personal skill. Trading formulas is common amongst many in the trade and it is the easiest way to learn more common formulas.
There is no issue with copying notes from one herbalist book to another, provided it is a language the copier understands.

Train: The ability to train may present itself in any manner; academy, apprenticeship, guild, or school. Regardless of the form or
formalness of the training characters can acquire new formulas by training. In general the cost of a formula is twice the value of the
item and takes 1 day per 50gp value of the item to learn.

The following is a list of common items that can be found or purchased from an alchemist, apothecary or herbalist. These items can
be crafted by a character with the herbalism skill, who meets all the requirements of crafting the item. The list is not complete as
there are countless items yet to invent or items whose knowledge is lost.

When a character uses an item the same basic rules are applied, regardless of the characters class, level or the item’s effects. Each
item description starts with a block of information that gives the item’s name, type, cost, ingredients, and effect.

Type: This is the type of herbalism item which the described item is, (B) Brew, (O) Oil, (P) Poultice, (S) Salve, or (T) Tincture. In the
following formula list, the type is expressed as a single letter referencing the first letter of the type.

Cost: This is the market price of the item expressed in gold pieces (gp), it is the price a character would expect to pay for the item. It
is not the cost to craft the item.

Ingredients: This is the requisite ingredients required to craft the item, unless specified otherwise the necessary amount of the
ingredient required is 1 ounce. A character may possess all the ingredients for an item, but not be able to craft it because they do
not have the formula.

Effect: This is the effect the user has after using the item, it will contain all the relevant game data to effectively play the use of the

Accuracy (T) 50gp

Ingredients: Buchu, Corn, Mistletoe, Vervain
Effect: Player gains advantage on one attack roll made within 1 hour.

Alertness (B) 100gp

Ingredients: Aconite, Amaranth, Chicory, Coffee, Golden Rod, Sorrel Wood
Effect: Player gains advantage on active perception checks for 1 hour.

Antitoxin (B) 50gp

Ingredients: Apricot, Mandrake, Rattlesnake Root
Effect: Player gains advantage on saves against poison for 1 hour.

Assassin’s Blood (B) 150gp

Ingredients: Acacia, Belladonna, Dogbane, Hemlock, Mandrake, Pennyroyal, Thistle
Effect: Poisoned creature must make a save Con DC10 or take 1d12 poison damage and be poisoned for 24 hours, save reduces
damage to half and removes poisoned status.

Athleticism (O) 150gp

Ingredients: Alyssum, Bay, Cardamom, Ox Sweat, Rowan
Effect: Player gains advantage on athletics checks for 1 hour.

Camouflage (S) 150gp

Ingredients: Aconite, Chicory, Edelweiss, Heliotrope, Poppy
Effect: Player gains advantage on hide checks for 1 hour.
Concentration (T) 50gp
Ingredients: Benzoin, Bodhi, Citron, Vetivert
Effect: Player gains advantage on concentration checks for 1 hour.

Courage (T) 50gp

Ingredients: Bachelor’s Buttons, Bamboo, Barley, Bodhi, Groundsel
Effect: Player gains advantage on saves against fear for 1 hour.

Decision (S) 50gp

Ingredients: Arrow Root, Be-Still, China Berry, Copal, Gotu Kola, Horehound, Hyacinth, Indian Paint Brush, Sassafras
Effect: Player gains inspiration.

Divinity Focus (T) 50gp

Ingredients: Anise Star, Curry, Lily, Vervain
Effect: Player gains 1 additional use of Channel Divinity; bestows 2 level of fatigue.

Dodge (O) 300gp

Ingredients: Cat’s Hair, Cattail, Dragon’s Blood (Herb), High John the Conqueror, 100gp of Jet
Effect: Player gains a bonus +1 to AC for 1 hour.

Fortitude (B) 2,500gp

Ingredients: Joe Pye Weed, Oak, 1,000gp of Diamond
Effect: Player gains advantage on all Constitution saves for 1 hour.

Healing (Common) (B) 50gp

Ingredients: Athelas, Banana, Balm of Gilead, Strawberry
Effect: Player heals 2d4+2 hp.

Healing (Greater) (B) 250gp

Ingredients: Athelas, Banana, Balm of Gilead, Strawberry, Troll Blood
Effect: Player heals 4d4+4 hp.

Healing (Superior) (B) 1,250gp

Ingredients: Athelas, Banana, Balm of Gilead, Strawberry, Troll Blood, Slaad Blood
Effect: Player heals 8d4+8 hp.

Healing (Supreme) (B) 6,250gp

Ingredients: Athelas, Banana, Balm of Gilead, Strawberry, Troll Blood, Slaad Blood, Vampire Dust
Effect: Player heals 10d4+20.

Herbalist Ink (O) 5gp

Ingredients: Cornflower
Effect: Blue ink for writing.

Hex Bane (T) 75gp

Ingredients: Asafoetida, Henna, Hydrangea, Vervain
Effect: Delays onset of curses for 1d12 hours.

Invisible Ink (O) 30gp

Ingredients: Dogwood, Dragon Blood (Herb)
Effect: Ink that cannot be seen until heat is applied to reveal it, once revealed the ink will not vanish again.

Jump (B) 25gp

Ingredients: Birch, Cinquefoil, Hemlock
Effect: Player gains advantage on jump checks for 1 hour; bestows 1 level of fatigue.

Panacea (P) 150gp
Ingredients: Aloe, Camphor, Goldenseal, Jobs Tears, Southern Wood, Thistle Milk, Thyme, Willow
Effect: Delays the onset of non-magical diseases for 1d12 hours.

Reflex (O) 2,500gp

Ingredients: Agaric, Bamboo, Celandine, Eyebright, Life Everlasting, Mace, Prickly Ash, Skunk Cabbage, 1,000gp of Cat’s Eye Agate
Effect: Player gains advantage on Dexterity saves for 1 hour.

Restive (P) 75gp

Ingredients: Balm of Gilead, Benzoin, Linden, Thistle (Holy)
Effect: Player gains double healing during a short rest.

Sleep (T) 25gp

Ingredients: Poppy
Effect: Player sleeps for 8 hours or until woken by normal means.

Speed (T) 250gp

Ingredients: Cat Hair, Dragon Blood (Herb), Ginseng, Star Anise
Effect: Player gains +10’ movement for 1 hour; bestows 1 level of fatigue.

Strength (O) 50gp

Ingredients: African Violet, Amaranth, Lemon, Ox Sweat, Snapdragon
Effect: Player gains advantage on strength checks for 1 hour; bestows 1 level of fatigue.

True Sight (S) 50gp

Ingredients: Bluebell, Briony, Lucky Hand, Potato
Effect: Player gains advantage on saves against illusions and phantasms for 1 hour.

Truth Serum (B) 150gp

Ingredients: Angelica, Bluebell, Cascara Sagrada, Chamomile, Ebony
Effect: Player must make a DC11 constitution save or become poisoned, poisoned creatures cannot knowingly lie for 1 hour; bestows
2 levels of fatigue.

Will (T) 2,500gp

Ingredients: Aster, Almond, Asafoetida, Bedstraw, Benzoin, Bistort, Cardamom, Iris, Rue, 1,000gp of Fire Opal
Effect: Player gains advantage on all Wisdom saves for 1 hour.

The following is a list of well-known ingredients, these ingredients can be used to create a nearly limitless amount of items using the
Herbalism Skill. This list is not the entirety of ingredients that an herbalist can use to craft items with an Herbalist Kit, such
ingredients not appearing on this list are under the direction of the DM as usable ingredients.

Each ingredient description starts with a statistic block giving its name, Rarity Level, and Sphere of Influence.

Rarity Level: In parentheses after the ingredient’s name is a single letter identification of the Rarity Level; Common (C), Uncommon
(U), Rare (R), Special (S), or Extraordinary (E).

Sphere of Influence: After the Rarity Level, each Sphere of Influence the ingredient is associated with is listed.

Aboleth Slime (E) Intelligence

Acacia (U) Protection, Wisdom
Aconite (C) Holy, Perception, Poison, Protection, Wisdom
African Violet (U) Protection, Strength
Agaric (C) Dexterity, Emotion,
Agrimony (R) Emotion, Healing, Poison
Alder (C) Holy, Ritual
Alfalfa (C) Prosperity, Sustenance
Allspice (S) Healing, Luck, Prosperity
Almond (C) Prosperity, Wisdom
Aloe (C) Emotion, Healing, Luck, Protection
Aloes, Wood (S) Holy, Protection, Wisdom
Althea (R) Charisma, Intelligence, Protection, Wisdom
Alyssum (U) Emotion, Protection, Strength
Amaranth (S) Healing, Holy, Strength, Perception, Wisdom
Anemone (U) Constitution, Healing, Poison
Angel Hair, Solar (E) Holy, Perception, Protection, Wisdom
Angelica (S) Holy, Positive Energy, Wisdom
Anise Seed (C) Charisma, Protection, Persuasion
Anise, Star (R) Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Wisdom
Apple (C) Emotion, Healing, Intelligence,
Apricot (C) Emotion, Poison, Sustenance
Arabic Gum (R) Holy, Negative/Positive Energy
Arbutus (U) Protection, Dexterity
Arrow Root (C) Divination, Luck
Asafoetida (U) Divination, Holy, Ritual, Wisdom
Ash (C) Emotion, Healing, Intelligence, Wisdom
Aspen (C) Charisma, Perception, Persuasion
Aster (U) Emotion, Constitution
Athelas (C) Constitution, Divination, Healing, Intelligence, Wisdom
Avens (U) Holy, Protection
Avocado (C) Charisma, Emotion, Sustenance

Bachelor's Buttons (R) Constitution, Emotion

Balm, Lemon (R) Charisma, Emotion, Healing
Balm of Gilead (S) Healing, Protection
Bamboo (C) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Luck, Protection, Strength, Wisdom
Banana (U) Healing, Prosperity, Sustenance
Banyan (R) Luck, Prosperity
Barley (C) Constitution, Emotion, Healing, Protection, Sustenance
Basil (C) Charisma, Emotion, Holy, Protection, Wisdom
Bay (U) Charisma, Divination, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Bean (C) Holy, Protection, Sustenance
Bedstraw (C) Emotion, Constitution
Beech (C) Charisma
Beet (C) Emotion, Sustenance
Belladonna (C) Divination, Poison,
Benzoin (R) Charisma, Holy, Intelligence, Ritual, Wisdom
Bergamot, Orange (R) Luck, Prosperity, Sustenance
Be-Still (S) Luck, Perception
Betony, Wood (S) Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Protection, Wisdom
Bezoar (R) Healing, Poison
Birch (C) Holy, Ritual
Bistort (R) Charisma, Divination, Intelligence, Prosperity, Wisdom
Bittersweet (R) Healing, Protection
Blackberry (C) Healing, Protection Prosperity
Bladderwrack (S) Charisma, Intelligence, Prosperity, Wisdom
Bleeding Heart (S) Emotion, Negative/Positive Energy
Bloodroot (R) Emotion, Protection
Bluebell (U) Emotion, Luck
Blueberry (C) Protection, Sustenance
Blue Flag (S) Luck, Prosperity
Bodhi (S) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Protection, Wisdom
Boneset (S) Holy, Protection, Wisdom

Borage (S) Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom
Bracken (R) Divination, Healing, Protection
Brazil Nut (S) Emotion, Intelligence
Briony (R) Divination, Protection, Wisdom
Bromeliad (U) Protection, Prosperity
Broom (S) Divination, Holy, Ritual
Buchu (U) Divination, Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom
Buckthorn (C) Holy, Luck, Protection
Buckwheat (C) Prosperity, Protection, Ritual
Burdock (S) Healing, Protection

Cactus (C) Perception, Poison, Protection, Sustenance

Calamus (U) Charisma, Healing, Intelligence, Luck, Prosperity, Protection, Wisdom
Cambion Blood (S) Negative/Positive Energy, Ritual
Camellia (U) Luck, Prosperity
Camphor (U) Divination, Healing
Caraway (C) Charisma, Emotion, Intelligence, Protection, Wisdom
Cardamom (C) Constitution, Emotion, Strength
Carnation (U) Healing, Strength
Carob (C) Healing, Intelligence, Protection
Carrot (C) Emotion, Perception
Cascara Sagrada (R) Holy, Positive/Negative Energy, Protection, Wisdom
Cashew (C) Prosperity, Sustenance, Wisdom
Castor (R) Negative/Positive Energy, Poison, Wisdom
Cat Hair (C) Dexterity, Perception
Catnip (U) Constitution, Emotion, Luck
Cattail (C) Dexterity, Emotion, Protection, Perception
Cedar (C) Charisma, Healing, Intelligence, Luck, Wisdom
Celandine (R) Dexterity, Emotion, Luck
Celery (C) Charisma, Divination, Emotion, Intelligence, Perception, Wisdom
Centaury (R) Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Wisdom
Chamomile (C) Luck, Positive/Negative Energy, Sustenance
Cherry (C) Divination, Emotion, Sustenance, Wisdom
Chestnut (C) Emotion, Dexterity, Strength, Sustenance
Chickweed (R) Charisma, Perception, Poison, Strength
Chicory (U) Charisma, Luck, Perception, Sustenance
Chili Pepper (U) Constitution, Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Sustenance, Wisdom
Chimera Sinew (E) Constitution, Strength
China Berry (R) Intelligence, Luck, Prosperity, Perception
Chrysanthemum (C) Intelligence, Poison, Wisdom
Cinnamon (U) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Divination, Intelligence, Positive/Negative Energy, Poison, Strength, Wisdom
Cinquefoil (R) Dexterity, Strength, Wisdom
Citron (C) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Clove (C) Emotion, Perception, Wisdom
Clover (C) Emotion, Luck, Prosperity, Strength
Couatl Feather (E) Dexterity, Protection, Ritual, Sustenance, Wisdom
Coconut (R) Cleansing, Constitution, Protection, Sustenance
Coffee (C) Dexterity, Perception, Ritual, Sustenance
Cohosh, Black (R) Constitution, Emotion, Protection, Strength
Coltsfoot (C) Divination, Emotion, Intelligence, Strength
Columbine (U) Holy, Perception, Ritual, Strength
Comfrey (R) Dexterity, Healing, Prosperity, Protection
Copal (C) Cleansing, Intelligence, Perception
Coriander (C) Constitution, Holy, Protection, Ritual
Corn (C) Divination, Holy, Luck, Ritual, Sustenance

Cornflower (C) Charisma, Cleansing, Constitution, Death, Dexterity, Divination, Emotion, Healing, Intelligence, Negative/Positive
Energy, Perception, Poison, Strength, Wisdom
Cotton (C) Charisma, Healing, Intelligence, Luck, Wisdom
Cowslip (S) Healing, Holy, Prosperity, Ritual
Crocus (U) Cleansing, Death, Divination, Emotion, Dexterity
Cucumber (C) Charisma, Healing, Intelligence, Perception, Sustenance, Wisdom
Cumin (R) Emotion, Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Perception
Curry (U) Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Protection, Ritual
Cyclamen (R) Emotion, Holy, Ritual, Wisdom
Cyclops Hair (E) Strength
Cypress (U) Death, Emotion, Luck, Perception, Ritual

Daffodil (C) Charisma, Death, Luck

Daisy (C) Divination, Emotion, Luck, Strength
Damiana (U) Emotion, Perception, Prosperity
Dandelion (C) Constitution, Divination, Healing, Sustenance
Death Knight Bone (E) Charisma, Strength
Demon Blood (E) Ritual,
Deerstongue (R) Charisma, Intelligence, Perception, Wisdom
Devil’s Blood (E) Ritual
Dill (C) Emotion, Luck, Prosperity, Protection
Displacer Beast Hair (E) Perception
Dock (R) Constitution, Healing, Prosperity
Dog Hair (C) Healing, Protection
Dogbane (U) Emotion, Poison
Dogwood (R) Dexterity, Holy, Luck, Perception, Protection,
Dragon's Blood, Herb (R) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Emotion, Strength, Protection, Wisdom
Dragon Blood, True (E) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Dulse (S) Cleansing, Death, Emotion, Ritual
Dutchman's Britches (R) Charisma, Emotion, Luck, Prosperity, Sustenance

Ebony (U) Death, Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Protection, Wisdom

Echinacea (C) Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom
Edelwiess (S) Dexterity, Perception, Protection
Elder (U) Healing, Protection, Wisdom
Elecampane (S) Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom
Elm (C) Cleansing, Emotion
Empyrean Sweat (E) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Ritual, Strength, Wisdom
Endive (U) Death, Emotion, Poison,
Eucalyptus (C) Constitution, Healing, Protection
Eyebright (U) Charisma, Cleansing, Dexterity, Intelligence, Perception, Wisdom

Fennel (R) Cleansing, Constitution, Healing, Protection

Fenugreek (S) Negative/Positive Energy, Prosperity
Fern (C) Holy, Luck, Negative/Positive Energy, Ritual
Feverfew (R) Cleansing, Healing, Protection
Fig (U) Divination, Sustenance, Wisdom
Figwort (C) Cleansing, Death, Protection
Flax (C) Charisma, Cleansing, Intelligence, Wisdom
Fleabane (R) Cleansing, Poison, Protection
Foxglove (R) Death, Divination, Poison
Frankincense (U) Death, Divination, Holy, Ritual, Wisdom

Gardenia (R) Cleansing, Healing, Ritual

Garlic (C) Cleansing, Healing, Protection
Gentian (R) Constitution, Strength

Geranium (C) Health, Protection, Wisdom
Ginger (U) Constitution, Healing, Intelligence, Strength
Ginseng (U) Constitution, Dexterity, Emotion, Negative/Positive Energy
Goats Rue (R) Cleansing, Constitution, Healing
Goldenrod (R) Divination, Luck, Perception
Goldenseal (S) Cleansing, Healing, Protection
Gorse (S) Luck, Protection, Prosperity
Gotu Kola (S) Intelligence, Wisdom
Gourd (R) Protection
Grain (C) Cleansing, Death, Prosperity, Persuasion, Sustenance
Grape (C) Emotion, Sustenance
Grass (C) Cleansing, Healing, Intelligence, Wisdom
Grimlock Ear Wax (E) Perception, Protection
Ground Ivy (C) Divination, Perception
Groundsel (S) Constitution, Healing, Perception

Hawthorn (U) Charisma, Intelligence, Perception, Wisdom

Hawk Feather (C) Perception
Hazel (R) Cleansing, Death, Luck, Ritual
Heather (U) Charisma, Divination, Holy, Luck
Heliotrope (S) Divination, Perception, Prosperity, Wisdom
Hellebore, Black (R) Holy, Poison, Protection, Ritual
Hemlock (C) Cleansing, Divination, Poison
Hemp (C) Cleansing, Divination, Healing
Henbane (S) Cleansing, Poison, Negative Energy, Wisdom
Henna (R) Cleansing, Healing, Holy, Protection, Ritual
Hibiscus (U) Emotion, Protection, Sustenance
Hickory (C) Charisma, Death, Luck, Perception
High John the Conqueror (S) Constitution, Dexterity, Luck, Strength
Holly (U) Cleansing, Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Prosperity
Honesty (R) Charisma, Persuasion
Honeysuckle (U) Charisma, Divination, Intelligence, Prosperity, Wisdom, Ritual
Hops (C) Healing, Emotion
Horehound (R) Emotion, Holy, Intelligence, Ritual
Horse Chestnut (S) Luck, Persuasion,
Horseradish (C) Cleansing, Constitution, Perception
Horsetail (S) Charisma, Persuasion
Houseleek (U) Luck, Protection, Ritual
Huckleberry (C) Cleansing, Luck, Protection
Hyacinth (U) Intelligence, Protection
Hydrangea (S) Negative/Positive Energy, Protection
Hyssop (C) Cleansing, Divination, Wisdom

Indian Paint Brush (C) Emotion, Perception

Iris (U) Cleansing, Wisdom
Irish Moss (C) Protection, Prosperity
Ivy (C) Healing, Protection

Jasmine (U) Divination, Luck, Prosperity

Jobs Tears (S) Healing, Luck, Prosperity
Joe Pye Weed (S) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Juniper (C) Cleansing, Holy, Protection

Kava-Kava (U) Divination, Luck, Protection

Knotweed (U) Constitution, Strength, Sustenance

Lady's Mantle (R) Death, Emotion, Wisdom
Lady's Slipper (R) Protection, Strength, Wisdom
Larch (C) Protection, Strength
Larkspur (U) Protection, Healing
Lavender (C) Cleansing, Death, Divination, Emotion, Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Protection, Ritual
Leek (C) Cleansing, Ritual,
Lemon (C) Cleansing, Strength
Lemongrass (U) Charisma, Emotion, Intelligence, Negative/Positive Energy, Wisdom
Lemon Verbena (R) Cleansing, Ritual
Lettuce (C) Dexterity, Persuasion, Luck, Prosperity
Licorice (U) Emotion, Persuasion
Life Everlasting (S) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Lilac (C) Cleansing, Persuasion, Protection
Lily (C) Death, Holy, Luck, Negative/Positive Energy, Ritual
Lily of the Valley (R) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Lime (U) Healing, Protection
Linden (R) Death, Luck, Protection, Ritual
Liverwort (R) Cleansing, Poison
Loosestrife (C) Cleansing, Perception
Lotus (R) Charisma, Cleansing, Constitution, Death, Dexterity, Emotion, Healing, Holy, Luck, Negative/Positive Energy, Perception,
Persuasion, Poison, Prosperity, Protection, ritual, Strength, Sustenance, Wisdom
Lovage (R) Emotion, Ritual
Love Seed (R) Emotion, ritual
Lucky Hand (S) Luck, Prosperity

Mace (R) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom

Magnolia (C) Cleansing, Persuasion
Maidenhair (U) Emotion, Persuasion
Male Fern (R) Emotion, Persuasion
Mallow (C) Cleansing, Protection
Mandrake (U) Charisma, Divination, Healing, Intelligence, Poison, Protection, Prosperity, Persuasion
Maple (C) Emotion, Prosperity
Marigold (C) Death, Divination, Holy, Protection, Ritual
Marjoram (U) Emotion, Healing, Protection
Mastic (U) Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom
Meadow Rue (R) Divination
Meadowsweet (R) Divination, Emotion
Mesquite (R) Healing
Mimosa (U) Cleansing, Protection
Mint (U) Cleansing, Protection, Negative/Positive Energy, Ritual
Mistletoe (C) Cleansing, Healing, Holy, Ritual, Wisdom
Moonwort (R) Cleansing, Holy, Ritual
Moss (C) Luck, Prosperity
Mugwort (R) Charisma, Holy, Intelligence, Negative/Positive Energy, Ritual, Strength, Wisdom
Mulberry (U) Protection, Strength
Mullein (U) Cleansing, Divination, Protection
Mustard (C) Charisma, Intelligence, Protection, Wisdom
Myrrh (U) Death, Holy, Ritual
Myrtle (R) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom

Nettle (C) Cleansing, Healing, Protection

Norfolk Island Pine (S) Protection, Sustenance

Oak (C) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Holy, Intelligence, Strength, Ritual, Wisdom
Olive (C) Healing, Protection

Onion (C) Cleansing, Divination, Healing
Orange (C) Cleansing, Healing, Protection
Orchid (U) Death, Emotion, Persuasion
Oregon Grape (R) Death, Divination, Poison
Orris (R) Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Protection, Ritual
Owl Feather (C) Perception, Wisdom
Ox Sweat (C) Strength

Palm, Date (U) Emotion, Persuasion

Pansy (C) Charisma, Intelligence, Persuasion, Wisdom
Papaya (R) Emotion
Parsley (C) Cleansing, Protection
Passion Flower (C) Emotion, Persuasion, Sustenance
Patchouli (U) Emotion, Perception, Ritual
Peach (C) Divination, Poison
Pear (C) Constitution, Sustenance
Pecan (C) Dexterity, Sustenance
Pennyroyal (U) Death, Emotion, Perception, Persuasion, Poison
Peony (S) Perception, Persuasion
Pepper (C) Cleansing, Healing, Protection
Peppermint (U) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Periwinkle (U) Charisma, Intelligence, Negative/Positive Energy, Poison, Wisdom
Persimmon (U) Healing
Pimento (U) Emotion
Pine (C) Cleansing, Protection, Perception
Pineapple (R) Luck, Prosperity
Pistachio (R) Cleansing, Protection
Plum (C) Healing
Poke (R) Constitution
Pomegranate (R) Divination, Luck, Prosperity
Poplar (C) Luck, Prosperity
Poppy (R) Luck, Perception, Prosperity
Potato (C) Luck
Prickly Ash (S) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Primrose (U) Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Ritual
Purple Worm Venom (E) Poison
Purslane (U) Dexterity, Persuasion, Perception

Quince (R) Emotion, Perception, Persuasion

Radish (C) Emotion, Persuasion, Sustenance

Ragweed (C) Constitution
Raspberry (C) Death, Divination, Ritual
Rattlesnake Root (R) Death, Poison
Rhubarb (U) Protection
Rose (C) Charisma, Emotion, Intelligence, Perception, Persuasion, Wisdom
Rosemary (U) Cleansing, Healing, Protection
Rowan (R) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Rue (S) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Poison, Strength, Wisdom

Saffron (S) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom

Sage (U) Protection, Wisdom
Sagebrush (U) Cleansing, Protection
St. John's Wort (R) Healing, Holy, Protection, Wisdom
Sandalwood (U) Cleansing, Healing, Holy
Sarsaparilla (R) Persuasion

Sassafras (R) Perception
Savory, Summer (S) Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom
Skullcap (U) Death, Poison
Senna (U) Persuasion
Sesame (R) Sustenance
Shallot (S) Cleansing
Skunk Cabbage (R) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Slaad Blood (E) Healing
Slippery Elm (U) Death, Poison
Snake Venom (E) Cleansing, Death, Healing, Poison
Snakeroot (S) Death, Poison
Snakeroot, Black (S) Divination, Poison
Snapdragon (R) Protection, Strength
Solomon's Seal (S) Cleansing, Protection
Sorrel Wood (S) Perception, Persuasion
Southern Wood (R) Healing, Protection, Sustenance
Spanish Moss (S) Protection, Sustenance, Wisdom
Spearmint (U) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Spider Venom (E) Death, Poison
Spiderwort (U) Cleansing, Divination, Poison,
Spikenard (S) Poison, Protection
Star Anise (R) Dexterity, Luck, Persuasion
Strawberry (C) Healing, Sustenance
Sugar Cane (C) Emotion, Negative/Positive Energy
Sunflower (U) Strength, Sustenance
Sweetgrass (S) Divination, Holy, Negative/Positive Energy

Tansy (U) Cleansing, Healing

Thistle (U) Cleansing, Poison
Thistle, Holy (R) Death, Poison
Thistle, Milk (R) Healing, Protection
Thyme (U) Cleansing, Healing, Strength
Toadflax (C) Cleansing, Healing, Protection
Toadstool (C) Death, Divination, Poison
Tonka Bean (R) Luck, Protection
Troglodyte Skin (E) Poison
Troll Blood (E) Healing
Turmeric (R) Cleansing
Turnip (C) Cleansing, Protection

Unicorn Blood (E) Healing, Poison

Unicorn Horn (E) Charisma, Intelligence, Ritual, Wisdom
Uva Ursa (S) Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom
Valerian (U) Cleansing, Protection
Vanilla (C) Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom
Vampire Dust (E) Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Healing, Perception
Venus Flytrap (S) Protection, Constitution
Vervain (S) Divination, Holy, Negative/Positive Energy, Ritual
Vetch, Giant (S) Charisma, Perception, Persuasion
Vetivert (U) Constitution
Violet (U) Luck, Prosperity

Walnut (C) Healing, Intelligence

Willow (C) Healing, Protection
Wintergreen (U) Cleansing, Healing, Protection
Witch Hazel (S) Cleansing

Wolf's Bane see Aconite
Wood Rose (S) Luck
Woodruff (R) Protection, Strength
Wormwood (R) Divination, Strength
Wyvern Stinger (E) Poison

Yarrow (U) Cleansing, Intelligence

Yellow Evening Primrose (U) Luck
Yerba Mate (S) Emotion
Yerba Santa (S) Charisma, Perception, Persuasion
Yew (R) Healing, Holy, Ritual, Strength, Wisdom
Yucca (S) Charisma, Constitution


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Anise Seed Aspen Bay Althea Bladderwrack Death Knight Bone
Avocado Bamboo Buchu Balm, Lemon Bodhi Dragon’s Blood, True
Basil Beech Calamus Benzoin Borage Empyrean Sweat
Caraway Cedar Chicory Bistort Horsetail Unicorn Horn
Celery Citron Cinnamon Chickweed Joe Pye Weed Vampire Dust
Cornflower Cotton Eyebright Deerstongue Life Everlasting
Cucumber Daffodil Hawthorn Dragon’s Blood, Herb Prickly Ash
Echinacea Flax Heather Dutchman’s Britches Rue
Hickory Honeysuckle Lemongrass Elecampane Saffron
May Apple Mugwort Mandrake Honesty Savory, Summer
Mustard Oak Mastic Lily of the Valley Uva Ursa
Pansy Rose Peppermint Lotus Vetch, Giant
Vanilla Periwinkle Mace Yucca
Spearmint Myrtle
Skunk Cabbage


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Copal Cornflower Crocus Coconut Dulse Snake Venom
Elm Figwort Eyebright Fennel Goldenseal
Flax Garlic Holly Feverfew Henbane
Grain Grass Iris Fleabane Shallot
Hemlock Horse Radish Mimosa Gardenia Solomon’s Seal
Huckleberry Hyssop Mint Goats Rue Witch Hazel
Juniper Lavender Mullein Hazel Yerba Santa
Leek Lemon Rosemary Henna
Lilac Loosestrife Sagebrush Lemon Verbena
Magnolia Mallow Sandalwood Liverwort
Mistletoe Nettle Spiderwort Lotus
Onion Orange Tansy Pistachio
Parsley Pepper Thistle Turmeric
Pine Thyme Valerian
Toadflax Turnip Wintergreen


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Athelas Bamboo Anemone Bachelor’s Buttons Bodhi Chimera Sinew
Barley Bedstraw Aster Coconut Borage Dragon’s Blood, True
Cardamom Citron Catnip Cohosh, Black Groundsel Empyrean Sweat
Coriander Cornflower Chili Pepper Dock High John the Conq. Vampire Dust
Dandelion Echinacea Cinnamon Dragon’s Blood, Herb Joe Pye Weed
Eucalyptus Horse Radish Ginger Fennel Life Everlasting
Oak Pear Ginseng Gentian Prickly Ash
Ragweed Knotweed Goats Rue Rue
Peppermint Lily of the Valley Saffron
Spearmint Lotus Venus Flytrap
Vetivert Mace Yucca
Skunk Cabbage


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Cornflower Daffodil Crocus Foxglove Dulse Snake Venom
Figwort Grain Ebony Hazel Snakeroot Spider Venom
Hickory Lavender Endive Lady’s Mantle
Lily Marigold Frankincense Linden
Raspberry Toadstool Myrrh Lotus
Orchid Oregon Grape
Pennyroyal Rattlesnake Root
Skullcap Thistle, Holy
Slippery Elm


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Agaric Bamboo Arbutus Celandine Bodhi Couatl Feather
Cat Hair Cattail Cinnamon Cinquefoil Edelwiess Dragon’s Blood, True
Chestnut Citron Crocus Comfrey High John the Conq. Empyrean Sweat
Coffee Cornflower Eyebright Dogwood Joe Pye Weed Vampire Dust
Lettuce Oak Ginseng Dragon’s Blood, Herb Life Everlasting
Pecan Peppermint Lily of the Valley Prickly Ash
Purslane Lotus Rue
Spearmint Mace Saffron
Skunk Cabbage
Star Anise


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Arrow Root Athelas Asafoetida Bistort Broom
Belladonna Celery Bay Bracken Heliotrope
Cherry Coltsfoot Buchu Briony Snakeroot, Black
Cornflower Daisy Camphor Foxglove Sweetgrass
Dandelion Ground Ivy Cinnamon Goldenrod Vervain
Hemlock Honeysuckle Crocus Meadow Rue
Hyssop Lavender Fig Meadow Sweet
Marigold May Apple Frankincense Oregon Grape
Onion Peach Heather Pomegranate
Raspberry Toadstool Jasmine Wormwood


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Agaric Aloe Alyssum Agrimony Bleeding Heart
Apple Apricot Aster Bachelor’s Buttons Brazil Nut
Ash Avocado Bluebell Balm, Lemon Dulse
Barley Basil Catnip Bloodroot Yerba Mate
Bedstraw Beet Crocus Celandine
Caraway Cardamom Damiana Cohosh, Black
Carrot Cattail Dogbane Cumin
Celery Cherry Endive Dragon’s Blood, Herb
Chestnut Clove Ginseng Dutchman’s Britches
Clover Coltsfoot Hibiscus Horehound
Cornflower Daisy Lemongrass Lady’s Mantle
Dill Elm Licorice Lotus
Grape Hops Maidenhair Lovage
Indian Paint Brush Lavender Marjoram Love Seed
Maple Passion Flower Orchid Male Fern
Radish Rose Palm, Date Meadow Sweet
Sugar Cane Patchouli Papaya
Pennyroyal Quince


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Aloe Apple Anemone Agrimony Allspice Slaad Blood
Ash Athelas Banana Balm, Lemon Amaranth Snake Venom
Barley Blackberry Calamus Bezoar Balm of Gilead Troll Blood
Carob Cedar Camphor Bittersweet Burdock Unicorn’s Blood
Cornflower Cotton Carnation Bracken Cowslip Vampire Dust
Cucumber Dandelion Elder Comfrey Goldenseal
Dog Hair Eucalyptus Ginger Dock Groundsel
Garlic Geranium Larkspur Fennel Jobs Tears
Grass Hops Lime Feverfew
Ivy May Apple Mandrake Gardenia
Mistletoe Nettle Marjoram Goats Rue
Olive Onion Persimmon Henna
Orange Pepper Rosemary Lotus
Plum Strawberry Sandalwood Mesquite
Thyme Toadflax Tansy St. John’s Wort
Walnut Willow Wintergreen Southern Wood
Thistle, Milk


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Aconite Alder Asafoetida Anise, Star Aloes, Wood Angel Hair, Solar
Basil Bean Avens Arabic Gum Amaranth
Birch Blackthorn Chili Pepper Benzoin Angelica
Coriander Fern Columbine Cascara Sagrada Betony, Wood
Juniper Lavender Curry Centaury Boneset
Lily Marigold Ebony Cumin Broom
Mistletoe Oak Frankincense Dogwood Cowslip
Wolf’s Bane Heather Hellebore, Black Sweetgrass
Holly Henna Vervain
Myrrh Horehound
Primrose Lotus
Sandalwood Moonwort
St. John’s Wort


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Apple Ash Bay Althea Bladderwrack Aboleth Slime
Athelas Bamboo Buchu Benzoin Bodhi Dragon’s Blood, True
Caraway Carob Calamus Bistort Borage Empyrean Sweat
Cedar Celery Cinnamon China Berry Brazil Nut Unicorn Horn
Chrysanthemum Citron Eyebright Deerstongue Joe Pye Weed
Coltsfoot Copal Ginger Elecampane Life Everlasting
Cornflower Cotton Hawthorn Horehound Prickly Ash
Cucumber Echinacea Hyacinth Lily of the Valley Rue
Flax Grass Lemongrass Mace Saffron
Honeysuckle May Apple Mandrake Mugwort Savory, Summer
Mustard Oak Mastic Myrtle Uva Ursa
Pansy Rose Peppermint Rowan
Vanilla Walnut Periwinkle Skunk Cabbage


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Aloe Arrow Root Bluebell Banyan Allspice
Bamboo Blackthorn Calamus Bergamot, Orange Be-Still
Cedar Chamomile Camellia Celandine Blue Flag
Clover Cotton Catnip China Berry Gorse
Daffodil Daisy Chicory Dogwood High John the Conq.
Dill Fern Heather Dutchman’s Britches Horse Chestnut
Hickory Huckleberry Houseleek Goldenrod Jobs Tears
Lettuce Lily Jasmine Hazel Lucky Hand
Moss Poplar Kava-Kava Linden Wood Rose
Potato Violet Lotus
Yellow Evening Primrose Pineapple
Star Anise
Tonka Bean

Negative/Positive Energy

Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Chamomile Cornflower Chili Pepper Anise, Star Angelica
Fern Lavender Curry Arabic Gum Betony, Wood
Lily Sugar Cane Ebony Cascara Sagrada Bleeding Heart
Ginseng Castor Cambion Blood
Holly Centaury Fenugreek
Lemongrass Cumin Henbane
Mint Lotus Hydrangea
Periwinkle Mugwort Sweetgrass
Primrose Orris Vervain


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Aconite Aspen Chicory Chickweed Amaranth Angel Hair, Solar
Cactus Carrot Columbine China Berry Be-Still Displacer Beast Hair
Cat Hair Cattail Damiana Cumin Edelwiess Grimlock Ear Wax
Celery Clove Eyebright Deerstongue Groundsel Vampire Dust
Coffee Copal Hawthorn Dogwood Heliotrope
Cornflower Cucumber Patchouli Goldenrod Peony
Ground Ivy Hawk Feather Pennyroyal Lotus Sorrel Wood
Hickory Horse Radish Purslane Poppy Vetch, Giant
Indian Paint Brush Loosestrife Quince Yerba Santa
Owl Feather Pine Sassafras
Rose Wolf’s Bane


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Anise Seed Aspen Licorice Honesty Horse Chestnut
Grain Lettuce Maidenhair Lotus Horsetail
Lilac Magnolia Mandrake Male Fern Peony
May Apple Pansy Orchid Quince Sorrel Wood
Passion Flower Radish Palm, Date Sarsaparilla Vetch, Giant
Rose Pennyroyal Star Anise Yerba Santa


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Aconite Apricot Anemone Agrimony Henbane Purple Worm Venom
Belladonna Cactus Cinnamon Bezoar Rue Snake Venom
Chrysanthemum Cornflower Dogbane Castor Snakeroot Spider Venom
Hemlock May Apple Endive Chickweed Snakeroot, Black Troglodyte Skin
Peach Toadstool Mandrake Fleabane Spikenard Unicorn’s Blood
Wolf’s Bane Pennyroyal Foxglove Wyvern Stinger
Periwinkle Hellebore, Black
Skullcap Liverwort
Slippery Elm Lotus
Spiderwort Oregon Grape
Thistle Rattlesnake Root
Thistle, Holy


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Alfalfa Almond Banana Banyan Allspice
Blackberry Buckwheat Bromeliad Bergamot, Orange Bladderwrack
Cashew Clover Calamus Bistort Blue Flag
Dill Grain Camellia China Berry Cowslip
Honeysuckle Irish Moss Damiana Comfrey Fenugreek
Lettuce Maple Holly Dock Gorse
May Apple Moss Jasmine Dutchman’s Britches Heliotrope
Poplar Mandrake Lotus Jobs Tears
Violet Pineapple Lucky Hand


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Aconite Aloe Acacia Althea Aloes, Wood Angel Hair, Solar
Anise Seed Bamboo African Violet Bittersweet Balm of Gilead Couatl Feather
Barley Basil Alyssum Bloodroot Betony, Wood Grimlock Ear Wax
Bean Blackberry Arbutus Bracken Bodhi
Blueberry Blackthorn Avens Briony Boneset
Buckwheat Cactus Bromeliad Cascara Sagrada Burdock
Caraway Carob Calamus Coconut Edelwiess
Cattail Coriander Curry Cohosh, Black Goldenseal
Dill Dog Hair Ebony Comfrey Gorse
Eucalyptus Figwort Elder Dogwood Hydrangea
Garlic Geranium Hibiscus Dragon’s Blood, Herb Norfolk Island Pine
Huckleberry Irish Moss Houseleek Fennel Solomon’s Seal
Ivy Juniper Hyacinth Feverfew Spanish Moss
Larch Lavender Kava-Kava Fleabane Spikenard
Lilac Mallow Larkspur Gourd Venus Flytrap
Marigold May Apple Lime Hellebore, Black
Mustard Nettle Mandrake Henna
Olive Orange Marjoram Lady’s Slipper
Parsley Pepper Mimosa Linden
Pine Toadflax Mint Lotus
Turnip Willow Mulberry Orris
Wolf’s Bane Mullein Pistachio
Rhubarb St. John’s Wort
Rosemary Snapdragon
Sage Southern Wood
Sagebrush Thistle, Milk
Valerian Tonka Bean
Wintergreen Woodruff


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Alder Birch Asafoetida Benzoin Broom Couatl Feather
Buckwheat Coffee Columbine Gardenia Cambion Blood Demon Blood
Coriander Fern Curry Hazel Cowslip Devil’s Blood
Honeysuckle Lavender Frankincense Hellebore, Black Dulse Empyrean Sweat
Leek Lily Houseleek Henna Vervain Unicorn Horn
Marigold Mistletoe Mint Horehound
Oak Raspberry Myrrh Lemon Verbena
Patchouli Linden
Primrose Lotus
Love Seed


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Bamboo Cardamom African Violet Chickweed Amaranth Chimera Sinew
Chestnut Citron Alyssum Cinquefoil Bodhi Death Knight Bone
Clover Coltsfoot Bay Cohosh, Black High John the Conq. Dragon’s Blood, True
Cornflower Daisy Carnation Dragon’s Blood, Herb Joe Pye Weed Empyrean Sweat
Larch Lemon Cinnamon Gentian Life Everlasting
Oak Ox Sweat Columbine Lady’s Slipper Prickly Ash
Sunflower Thyme Ginger Lily of the Valley Rue
Knotweed Lotus Saffron
Mulberry Mace
Peppermint Mugwort
Spearmint Myrtle
Skunk Cabbage


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Alfalfa Apricot Banana Bergamot, Orange Norfolk Island Pine Couatl Feather
Avocado Barley Chicory Coconut Spanish Moss
Bean Beet Chili Pepper Lotus
Blueberry Cactus Fig Sustenance
Cashew Chamomile Hibiscus Southern Wood
Cherry Chestnut Knotweed
Coffee Cucumber
Dandelion Grain
Grape Passion Flower
Pear Pecan
Radish Strawberry


Common Common Uncommon Rare Special Extraordinary

Aconite Almond Acacia Althea Aloes, Wood Angel Hair, Solar
Ash Athelas Asafoetida Anise, Star Amaranth Couatl Feather
Bamboo Basil Bay Benzoin Angelica Dragon’s Blood, True
Caraway Cashew Buchu Bistort Betony, Wood Empyrean Sweat
Cedar Celery Calamus Briony Bladderwrack Unicorn Horn
Cherry Chrysanthemum Chili Pepper Cascara Sagrada Bodhi
Citron Clove Cinnamon Castor Boneset
Cornflower Cotton Ebony Centaury Borage
Cucumber Echinacea Elder Cinquefoil Heliotrope
Flax Geranium Eyebright Deerstongue Henbane
Grass Honeysuckle Fig Dragon’s Blood, Herb Joe Pye Weed
Hyssop Mistletoe Frankincense Elecampane Life Everlasting
Mustard Oak Hawthorn Lady’s Mantle Prickly Ash
Owl Feather Pansy Iris Lady’s Slipper Rue
Rose Vanilla Lemongrass Lily of the Valley Saffron
Wolf’s Bane Mastic Lotus Savory, Summer
Peppermint Mace Spanish Moss
Periwinkle Mugwort Uva Ursa
Sage Myrtle
Spearmint Rowan
St. John’s Wort
Skunk Cabbage

Shameless Self Promotion
Check out some of my other work:

Alchemy: Defined, Refined, and Usable dmsguild.com

Tom’s Tale: Slytherin’s Heir inkitt.com

Many more titles to come…..

Seriously, I work my tail off to bring the best at every turn and you are sure to love these as much as you do this; which you must if
you made it this far into it. I mean, you are reading a promotional piece now and still into it. Think about it for a second, you are
reading a commercial, we invented DVR’s to skip this BS on TV, but you are expending valuable time and the precious resource of
your brain power to read one. What better proof that you will enjoy my stuff?

Yeah, you might endure a scantily clad sex object cooing on TV about some product to ogle them, but there is no sexy here; only my
words that amuse and delight. Every word specifically chosen to ensnare the senses and bring a little more dopamine to your brain.
Tom’s Tale can be read for free, enjoy it; if you get to page 50 you will beg for the next installment or I will give you a hardy shrug
and a non-committal grunt.

In the gaming realm there are many more pieces to come; 2 different and completely new monsters, a spell compendium of over 50
new spells for all spell casting classes, and (if I can figure out to scan/download or whatever the hell I need to do to get it on my
computer) a fully developed continent with cities, dungeons, towns, and unique features as never before seen in the gaming world.
The plans to get more excitement into our game has no limit, I sleepwalk through this world of cold economics, politics, and
stagnation dreaming of our world; the gaming world where our dreams come to life and every day is an adventure as beautiful,
exotic, and amazing as us.

Now, let’s roll some dice and some fun…. (After you finish reading my stuff!)

Stay Awesome,



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