Background of The Study

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Background of the Study

Objectives of the Study

This study will be conducted to determine the growth

and yield performance of bush sitao using different organic


Specifically it seeks to:

1. Determine the growth performance of bush sitao

growth and yield performance of bush sitao using different

organic manure in terms of plant height and number of

functional leaves and number of days to flower.

2. Determine the yield performance of growth and yield

performance of bush sitao using different organic manure in

terms of the number of fruit, weight of harvested fruit,

and weight of marketable fruit.

3. Determine if there is a significant difference on the

growth and yield performance of bush sitao using different

organic manure.
4. Compute the return of investment of the c growth and

yield performance of bush sitao using different organic


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is limited to find out the growth and

yield performance of bush sitao using different organic

manure. The growth will be determined in terms of plant

height and number of functional leaves, number of days to

flower, while yield will be determined in terms of the

number of fruit, weight of harvested fruit and weight of

marketable fruit. There were five (5) treatments replicated

three (3) times using Randomized Complete Block Design

(RCBD). The treatments will be: Treatment A-Unfertilized

(control), B-Inorganic fertilizer, chicken dung, mudpress,


An experimental area of ____ square meters will be

utilized in which _______ containers of sacks with 30

kilograms soil capacity were distributed with a distance of

30 centimeters between treatments and 50 centimeters between

replications. There were four sacks per treatment with two

hills each, having two seeds per hill with a distance of 12

The data was analysed using the Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and data

with significant results will be further subjected to

Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).

This study will be conducted at ________from

__________ to__________.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study can help the bust sitao

farmers choose which organic manure best in bush sitao.

To the extension workers, this will provide

information about effects of applying different organic

manure. The result will also serve as their basis to

encourage farmers to utilize organic manure as fertilizer.

To the researcher, this will give them information

about which organic manure are best in growth and yield on

bush sito and will serve as basis for the conduct of

similar studies.

( sugpuni, pwd sa advantages sa pag gamit sang

organic manure sa environment)




Definition of Terms

The following terms will be defined to clarify their

meaning and to avoid confusion arising from varied view

points of the readers:

Bush sitao.

Chicken dung.


Container Growing. The process of planting plants

inside a container. In this study empty sacks will be used.




Marketable Tubers.


Organic manure.


Randomize Complete Block Design.

Sandy Loam Soil.




This chapter presents the review of related

literature and studies relevant to the present study. The

topics included are organic manure and bush sitao.

Organic manure

(what is bush sitao, benefits, characteristics, nutrients ,

etc.) with reference

related studies ( organic manure applied to bust sitao or

any crops from the family of bush sitao)

Bush sitao

(what is bush sitao, benefits, characteristics, nutrients ,

etc.) with reference

related studies ( organic manure applied to bust sitao or

any crops from the family of bush sitao)



This chapter includes the materials and methods used

in the study.


The following were the materials used in the study:

chichen dung, mudpres, compost, sacks, sprinkler, meter

stick, weighing scale, spade, trowels, ruler, sandy loam

soil, bamboo sticks, card board, black V-net and one hundred

sixty (160) bush sitao seeds.


This section discusses the experimental design and

treatments, cultural management practices and procedures,

instruments for data collection, methods of data gathering,

statistical tools and analysis.

Experimental Design and Treatments

The experimental area will be laid-out in Randomized

Complete Block Design (RCBD) using five (5) treatments

replicated three (3) times as shown in Figure 1, through

random sampling. Five (5) treatments will be used: Treatment

A-Unfertilized (control), B- Inorganic Fertilizer, C-

chicken dung, D– mudpress, E- compost.








Figure 1. Experimental lay-out of the study


A-unfertilized (control)
B–Inorganic Fertilizer
C–chicken dung
E- compost

Cultural Management Practices and Procedures

The cultural management practices and procedures

include the following: site and location, gathering of sandy

loam soil, preparation of soil media, land preparation and

field lay-outing, application of inorganic fertilizer,

sowing of seeds, water management, weeding, control of pest

and diseases, harvesting and post-harvest operation.

Site and Location. The study will be conducted at

______________. The area will be enclosed with a black v-

net to avoid the entrance of stray animals.

Gathering of Sandy Loam Soil. Sandy loam soil will be

gathered from the river bank, hauled and brought to the

experimental area. This will be done a month before the

start of the study. Soil will be placed on the sack.

Preparation of Soil Media. The soil media used in the

study will be prepared by mixing the sandy loam soil with

the corresponding the treatments used per replication. The

treatments will be used are chicken dung, mudpree, and

compost. The application of organic manure will be done two

days before sowing of seeds.

Land Preparation and Field Lay-Outing. An

experimental area of _____ square meters will be cleaned

thoroughly of weeds with the use of the spade and trowels.

This will be enclosed with black V-net to prevent the

entrance of stray animals. After this, experimental sacks

representing the experimental treatment will be distributed

following the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with

the distance of 30 cm between treatments and 50 cm between

replication. There will be ____ sacks in the experimental

area, each treatment was composed of 4 sacks with a distance

of 12 cm between sacks.
Application of Inorganic Fertilizer. Application of

inorganic fertilizer will be done by mixing 14-14-14

fertilizer to the soil at a rate of about 20 grams (g) base

on the treatments used. This will be done two days before

sowing of seeds.

Sowing of Seeds. Seeds of radish will be sown

directly on the sacks with two seeds per hill and will be

thinned out when the true leaves had developed leaving only

one seedling per hill.

Water Management. Watering will be done immediately

after sowing of seeds to provide enough moisture for the

uniform germination of seeds. Watering will be done

preferably early in the morning and late in afternoon.

Weeding. Weeding will be done manually using bare

hands to control and prevent competition of weeds on bush

sitao plants. Extra care will be also observed to avoid root

damage. Weeding will be done one week after sowing or as


Control of Pest and Diseases. Clean culture will be

practiced to prevent pest, and diseases infestation of the

experimental plant. Regular monitoring for the presence of

pests and diseases will be observed. Control will be done by

hand picking, and crushing insect pests. Spraying of

botanical pesticides will be done two (2) weeks after

planting and synthetic chemicals will be also sprayed one

week after spraying of botanical pesticides to control the


Harvesting and Post-Harvest Operation. The bush sitao

will be harvested 45 days after sowing. Data on the yield

per treatment will be taken from all the plants per

treatment per replication. Harvested plants will be bundled,

weighed, cleaned and marketable fruit of bush sitao will be

brought to the market and sold.

Instruments for Data Collection

Instruments such as ruler and weighing scale will be

used in the study. The ruler will be used to measure the

height of the plant while weighing scale will be used to

measure the total yield per treatment per replication.

Methods of Data Gathering

The data on the growth and yield performance of bush

sitao applied with different organic manure will be

determined as follows:

Growth Parameters

Plant Height. The height of the radish plant will be

measured from the base of the plant up to the tip of the

highest leaf using a ruler. The average height will be

determined by summing up the height of the sample plants

divided by the number of the samples. This will be measured

14 days after sowing and this will be repeated at 7 days

interval until harvest.

Number of Functional Leaves. The number of functional

leaves will be determined by counting all the fully opened

leaves from 14 days after planting and this will bd repeated

with one week interval until harvest.

Number of days to harvest.

Yield Parameters

Number of fruit. The number of fruit will be

determined by counting the length of all fruit of bush

sitao per treamnetns per replication. The average number of

fruit will be determined by summing up the number of fruits

of the sample plants divided by the number of the samples.

This will be measured 45 days after sowing.

Weight of Harvested fruit. The weight of harvested

fruit will be determined by weighing the entire harvested

fruit in kilograms from each treatment per replication

after harvesting.

Weight of Marketable Tubers. The weight of the

marketable fruits will be determined by weighing all the

harvested fruits that are damage free using a 20 kg capacity

weighing scale.
Return of Investment. The return of investment (ROI)

will be determined by dividing the net profit from the

total expenses multiplied by 100. The net profit will be

determined by subtracting the total expenses incurred

during the conduct of the study from the total sales of

harvested fruit. The expenses will be computed based on the

prevailing price of materials used in the study and the

facilities will be based on the depreciation cost using

straight-line analysis.

Statistical Tools and Analysis

The data on the growth and yield performance of bush

sitao applied with different organic manure will be

analysed statistically using the Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) for Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Data

with significant results will be subjected to Duncan’s

Multiple Range Test (DMRT).


(author’s name, title of book, year, and website, etc. )

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