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Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) Extract and Oregano

(Origanum vulgare) Leaves Extract as a Natural Cockroach

(Periplaneta) Deterrent

A Capstone Project Presented To

The Faculty of Senior High School Department

Filamer Christian University, Roxas City, Capiz

In partial fulfilment of

the Requirements for Capstone Project I

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Fahad O. Anggoling
Jazell Khet H. Castro
Angelica Monique D. Cosca
Jhanella Marie A. Dalman
Allysa Kythe S. Llano
Clark Christ Emmanuel C. Pareja
Jewel May A. Ureta

March 2022

Chapter Page


Background of the Study 2

Conceptual Framework 6

Significance of the Study 8

Statement of the Problem 8

And Hypothesis

Definition of Terms 9

Delimitation of the Study 11


Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) 14

Oregano (Origanum Vulgare) leaves 18

Cockroach (Periplaneta) 21

Synthesis 24


Materials and Tools 27

Research Design 28

Experimental Layout 28

General Procedure 30

Data Gathering Procedure 37

Data Analysis Procedure 37

References 39

Figure Title Page

1 Schematic diagram shows 6

the sample dies under
the time until the solutions
of Ampalaya and Oregano Leaves Extract

2 Plant of Momordica Charantia 14

3 Plant of Oreganum Vulgare 18

4 Cockroach 21
5 Different measurements of solutions 28
And Replications
6 Procedural Design 30
7 Collection of Ampalaya 30
8 Collection of Oregano Leaves 30
9 Gathering of tools needed in Experiment 31
10 Collection of cockroaches bought from 32
Live Feeders Iloilo Mealworms and
Super worms
11 The alternative cave made of plastic 32
Bottle, fishing net and rubber bands
12 Extractions of Ampalaya (Momordica 33
13 Extractions of Oregano (Origanum 34
Vulgare) Leaves
14 Measuring of solutions into 34
Three Different Sets.
15 Set A applications (50 mL ampalaya 35
Extract and 50 mL oregano Leaves extract)
16 Set B applications (60mL ampalaya 36
Extracts and 40 mL oregano leaves
17 Set C applications (40 mL ampalaya 36
Extract and 60 mL oregano leaves
18 Group 1 group pictures with the three 37
Sets of solutions

Chapter 1

Introduction to the study

This introductory chapter consists of five parts,

namely: (1) Background and literature Framework of the

study, (2) Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis, (3)

Significance of the study, (4) Definition of Terms, and (5)

Delimitation of the study.

Part One, Background and Literature Framework of the

study, presents the introduction and discusses existing

scientific knowledge and problems to be addressed.

Part Two, Statement of the problem, presents the general

problem and cites the specific problems, which needs to be

answered and the hypothesis to be tested.

Part Three, Significance of the study, consists of some

explanation of the benefits of the study will give, who will

benefit and how, and the contributions it will add to the

future researchers.

Part Four, Definition of terms, defines important terms

used in the study conceptually and operationally.

Part Five, Delimitation of the study, sets the scope of

the research in terms of the variables, participants, data

gathering, instrument and statistical tools used in

analyzing the result of the study.


Background of the Study

Cockroaches are among the most common pests in many

homes and other buildings. At night they search for food in
kitchens, food storage places, rubbish bins, drains and
sewers. They are pests because of their filthy habits and
bad smell. Some people may become allergic to cockroaches
after frequent exposure. Cockroaches can sometimes play a
role as carriers of intestinal diseases, such as diarrhea,
dysentery, typhoid fever and cholera. Cockroaches are
difficult to control with insecticides for several reasons,
one of which is that they may become resistant to commonly
used compounds. Moreover, many insecticides are repellent to
them and are therefore avoided. Chemical control gives only
temporary relief and, wherever possible, it should be
accompanied by environmental sanitation and house
improvement (Roth Millis ER, 2016).
Cockroaches have been a problem in each home and are
one of the most common pests. Cockroaches not only ruin
food, but they also spread infections, trigger allergic
responses, and create mental misery. According to the study
of International Journal of Zoology (2013), Many harmful
organisms have been identified with cockroaches as a
possible mechanical vector of human illnesses. Viruses,
bacteria, fungus, protozoa, and helminths are among them. To
combat the cockroach infestation in their houses, people
have been utilizing a variety of tools and one of the most
commonly used are the Insecticide sprays. The majority of
them are capable of killing cockroaches and insects, but
they can also harm human (Wooster MT, 2018).
According to the study done by the German cockroach
(2019), it is a worldwide urban pest species that lives

entirely in human settings” and “impact human health through

production of asthma and rhinitis-triggering allergens,
vectoring of enteric pathogens and by causing psychological
stress.” “Sensitization to cockroach allergens is one of the
strongest risk factors for the development of asthma in low-
income urban populations worldwide,”
According to the results of a fairly recent study in
Scientific Reports (2021), they’re becoming harder than ever
to kill. Here in the Philippines, the most common types are
the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) and the
German cockroach (Blattella germanica). Unsurprisingly, to
say that most people don’t like seeing them around is
perhaps an understatement. For starters, these nasty little
pests carry harmful bacteria and parasitic worms, and can
even trigger allergies in some people. Furthermore, they’re
pretty much everywhere: in our homes and on the streets,
eating our leftovers or frequenting our garbage bins.
Humanity has tried everything from insecticides to the most
common ways to get rid of these invasive insects.
tougher-to-kill/ Retrieved 03/06/22).
According to Vardeleon (2017), many of those who suffer
from bleeding disorders cannot afford treatment and are
appealing to have the bill filed by Senator Joel Villanueva
to be passed. At least four died in the past few months as
of 2017 including a four-year-old boy in Cagayan De Oro from
lack of access of treatment, said Andrea
Trinidad-Echavez, president of Hemophilia Advocates-
Philippines. With this, Senate Bill No. 1335 or the
“Bleeding Disorder Standards of Care Act of 2017” filed on
February 17 of 2017 by Villanueva aims to include the
Philippines in the list of governments providing government-
funded treatment to bleeding disorders patients.

Since time immemorial, ancestors have long practiced

self-medications with medical plants as an aid and treatment
for common ailments. Through the passage of time, the
dependency of the society towards medical plants is still
being promoted even with the presence of the modern era and
the new technological realm. Medical plants are considered
as rich resources of ingredients which can be used in drug
development either pharmacopoeial, non-pharmacopoeial or
synthetic drugs. A part from that, these plants play a
critical in the development of human cultures around the
whole world, moreover, some are considered as important
source of nutrition and as a result of that, they are
recommended for their therapeutic values (Khan, 2016).
People have used various instruments to control the
cockroach problem in homes. The most popular is the commonly
used insecticide sprays. Most of these can destroy
cockroaches but they can also do serious damage to humans as
well. According to the study of Bayer Coth (2019), the
active ingredients in these sprays, like tetramethrin, and
petroleum distillates can cause severe chest pains and cough
attacks when inhaled. The second most popular instrument is
the cockroach coils. These coils can kill cockroaches yet
the active ingredients in these coils like allethrin,
pynamin forte, prothrin and pyrethrin, can cause harm to
humans when inhaled. It also has an ozone-depleting
ingredient which can caused to a gradual thinning of Earth's
ozone layer in the upper atmosphere caused by the release of
chemical compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine
from industry and other human activities. The third most
popular is the flypaper. The cockroaches will just stick
into it. But when they are stuck, the cockroaches will die
and carcass can spread more bacteria. (Bayer Coth, 2019).
According to the report by Hanafi-Bojd and Sadaghiani, there

are 24 species of cockroaches from 4 families: Polyphagidae

(12 species), Blattidae (5 species), Blattellidae (5
species), and Ectobiidae (2 species), that have been
identified throughout the cities of Iran so far. Three
species, the German cockroach, the American cockroach, and
the Oriental cockroach, are the most common species that
have caused health problems in urban communities (e.g.,
residential buildings, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, and
shopping) of Iran. Additionally, Polyphaga indica, P.
aegyptiaca, Periplaneta australasiae, and Blatta lateralis
are the other important cockroaches in Iran (Shahraki 2013).
A study showed that Momordica charantia can be a
medicine to diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome are
becoming epidemic both in developed and developing countries
in recent years. Complementary and alternative medicines
have been used since ancient era for the treatment of
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Bitter melon is widely
used as vegetables in daily food in Bangladesh and several
other countries in Asia. The fruits extract of bitter melon
showed strong antioxidant and hypoglycemic activities in
experimental condition both in vivo and in vitro. Recent
scientific evaluation of this plant extracts also showed
potential therapeutic benefit in diabetes and obesity
related metabolic dysfunction in experimental animals and
clinical studies. These beneficial effects are mediated
probably by inducing lipid and fat metabolizing gene
expression and increasing the function of AMPK and PPARs,
and so forth. This review will thus focus on the recent
findings on beneficial effect of Momordica charantia
extracts on metabolic syndrome and discuss its potential
mechanism of actions (Md Ashraful Alam 2015).
According to John Marc (2017) he stated that with how
unhygienic the streets of the Philippines are, cockroach

prevention and control is extremely important if you live in

the city. A cockroach infestation is immensely stressful,
frustrating, and can actually expose you to multiple health
issues. If food is not properly sealed or if one doesn’t
practice good hygiene, then he can be infected.
tm retrieved April 20, 2022).
In addition to the side effects of these materials, the
costs of these cockroach repellent are costly. All these set
aside, the question on everyone’s mind is: What can be an
effective and natural cockroach deterrent?

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Set A – 50 mL Ampalaya
Extract and 50 mL
Oregano Leaves Extract.

Set B – 60 mL Ampalaya
Extract and 40 mL
Time Until the Sample
Oregano Leaves Extract.
Dies under the
Set C – 40 mL Ampalaya
Extract and 60 mL
Oregano Leaves Extract.

Negative control - 15mL

Distilled water

Figure 1. Schematic diagram shows the time until the sample

dies under the solutions of Ampalaya and Oregano Leaves

Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study aims to find out the efficacy of

ampalaya extract (Momordica charantia) and oregano leaves
extract (Origanum vulgare) as a Natural Cockroach Deterrent.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following:

1. To determine the time of reaction until the sample dies

on the treatment of ampalaya extract (Momordica
charantia) and oregano leaves extract (Origanum
2.  To determine which of the Set-up A, B, and C of
Ampalaya Extract (Momordica charantia) and Oregano
Leaves Extract (Origanum vulgare) kills the cockroach
3. Is there a significant difference on Set-up A, B, and C
of Ampalaya Extract (Momordica charantia) and oregano
leaves extract (Origanum vulgare) as a natural
cockroach deterrent?
4. Is there a significant difference in the sample
(cockroach) on Set-up A, B, and C before and after
treatment of ampalaya extract (Momordica charantia) and
oregano leaves extract (Origanum vulgare)?


Based on the aforementioned objective, the hypothesis below

was formulated:
1.  There is a significant difference on Set-up A, B, and
C of Ampalaya Extract (Momordica charantia) and Oregano
Leaves Extract (Origanum vulgare) as a Natural
Cockroach Deterrent.
2. There is a significant difference in the sample
(cockroach) on Set-up A, B, and C before and after
treatment of Ampalaya Extract (Momordica charantia) and
Oregano Leaves Extract (Origanum Vulgare).

Significance of the Study

This study can generate information about the Ampalaya

(Momordica charantia) Extract and Oregano (Origanum Vulgare)

Leaves Extract as a natural Cockroach (Periplaneta)

deterrent which may be beneficial to the following


The Local Government. The local government will support

the researchers and they will help to improve this study

to help the people. It would enable this institution

to provide an environment of learning, encouraging

students to conduct research that has a valid impact on

the society

The Community. The community will benefit and further

realize promoting the use of medicinal plants, especially


ampalaya (Momordica charantia) and Oregano (Origanum

Vulgare) leaves that has a major source of alkaloids and

the chemical content which is responsible for repelling

cockroaches. This could be impactful because using this

alternative cockroach deterrent lessens cases of diseases

around the community.

The Residents. The residents will be grateful because they

are assured that every member of their family is safe and

clean from any harmful insects, specifically cockroaches.

Future researchers. Future researchers will benefit from

this study because it will help them to be more aware

and knowledgeable of the processes involved in the

round of alternatives using cockroach repellents. It

will help them to be a better analyst and this study

will serve as a future reference for more cockroach

related studies.

Definition of Terms

The following terms that were used in the study were defined
conceptually and operationally:
Ampalaya - refers to a tropical annual vine that has
yellow flowers and a green warty fruit also known as bitter
melon that has a bitter taste due to the presence of
momordicin(a chemical compound found in bitter melon), and

is believed to be among the most bitter vegetables. Various

parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine but
mostly for food (Medical Health Guide, 2020).
In this study, ampalaya (Momordica charantia) referred
to crude extract administered as a natural cockroach
deterrent to evaluate its effect on eliminating cockroaches.
Oregano - refers to a bushy, woody-branched perennial
member of the mint family, lamiaceae. Used extensively in a
variety of cuisines, it is known for its earthy, robust,
aromatic flavor. It has established itself in folkloric
medicine as relaxant, antibacterial and can boost the immune
system and studies suggested it can help to prevent cancer
(Gardeners Path, 2020, Medical Health Guide, 2020).

In this study, Oregano (Origanum Vulgare) referred to

crude extract and orally administered as a natural cockroach
deterrent to evaluate its effect on killing cockroaches

Deterrent - refers to an agent that are used to protect

the body from the bites of insects that can cause local or
systemic effects. Often referred to as insect repellent; it
has characteristics that kills insects. Currently fall into
two categories: chemical and natural deterrents (Dermnetnz,
In this study, Deterrent referred to the product
extracts of natural samples varies in solutions as
substitute agent which is effectively repels and kills
Cockroach - refers to a flattened, brownish, fast-running
insects, with long, slender antennae commonly hide in
warmth, dark, moisturized places. Commonly known as
household pest which contaminate food, impart an unpleasant
odor to residences, and may transmit diseases. German

cockroach are the most common cockroach infesting residences

and buildings that reproduce rapidly (Entomology ca uky edu,
2018, Extension umn edu, 2019).
In this study, Cockroach reffered to the insect subjected
for experimentation in determining the efficiency of
ampalaya (Momordica charantia) and oregano (Origanum
vulgare)) extract as a natural cockroach deterrent.

Delimitation of the Study

The experimental study "Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia)

Extract and Oregano (Origanum Vulgare) Leaves Extract as a
Natural Cockroach (Periplaneta) Deterrent" will be
conducted to determine if ampalaya and oregano leaves
extract are effective as a cockroach deterrent. This study
is delimited to determining of what measurement of the
solution will be most effective to bust the periplaneta.
The investigation was conducted at Brgy. Banica,
Sunshine Village Roxas city, Capiz.
There was 3 substances used namely: Set up A (50 mL
ampalaya extract and 50 mL oregano leaves extract), Set up B
(60 mL ampalaya extract and 40mL oregano leaves extract),
and Set up C (40mL ampalaya extract and 60 mL oreganum
leaves extract). Complete Randomized Design (CRD) will be
retained in conducting the research and 3 replicates per set
up will be used to avoid variability. In each replication, 1
periplaneta will be used, in total of 12 periplaneta with
the same sizes accustomed throughout the experiment.
Cockroach or the periplaneta is the only animal used
as a subject for the experiment and there is one parameter
measured in this study which is the time that the subject
dies from the solution.

The study will undergo evaluation after the extracts

are soaked with the periplaneta depending on the time that
the subject dies from the solution.
Furthermore, the statistical tool will be used are
descriptive and inferential tools. It includes the mean,
standard deviation, and frequency count. It will determine
the results and average of three replicates of Set up A
(50mL ampalaya extract and 50mL oregano leaves extract),
Set up B (60mL ampalaya extract and 40mL oregano leaves
extract), and Set up C (40mL ampalaya extract and 60mL
oregano extract).
To determine the efficiency of the solution, timer
will be used to find out who among the three sets of
solutions kills the cockroach faster. 
T-test and One-Way ANOVA set at 0.05 alpha level of
significance will be used to determine if there is a
significant difference among the solutions measured.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Chapter 2 presents the review of related literature and

studies, which have relevance on the study under

investigation. This chapter is divided into four parts: (1)

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia), (2) Oregano (Origanum

vulgare), (3) Cockroach (Periplaneta), and (4) Synthesis.

Part One, Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) discusses the

different chemical substance found in Ampalaya that is

significant in its potential as deterrent.

Part Two, Oregano (Origanum vulgare) discusses the

different chemical substance found in Oregano that is

significant in its potential as deterrent.

Part Three, Cockroach (Periplaneta) discusses the

different study about the issue and the bad effects of

cockroach to the human, economic and human health.

Part Four, Synthesis, sums up the literature reviewed

in this study.

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)

Ampalaya also known as

Bitter melon (Momordica
charantia) is a popular
vegetable/fruit in many
countries. Research output in
recent years has shed light on
the multifarious health
benefits of bitter melon’s
seeds, fruits, leaves, and
other parts of the plant.
These effects encompass
antidiabetic, antiobesity,
antitumor, antifungal, anti-
Figure 2. Plant of
HIV, and antibacterial
Momordica Charantia
activities. Most of the plant
Photo Taken From
parts, especially the seeds,
contain oil. Bitter melon seed
oil is rich in stearic acid,
oleic acid, and linoleic acid,
and it exhibits antidiabetic
and antitumor activities. In
view of the fact that bitter gourd is a common dietary
component and its safety has been demonstrated, studies on
bitter melon essential oil are interesting and have
promising commercial applications (Evandro Fei Fang 2016).
In terms of nutritional contents, the fruits and leaves
of the ampalaya are reportedly rich in minerals and
vitamins, notably iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B.

In the Philippines, it is prepared into various dishes: it

be stir-fried with ground beef and oyster sauce, or with
eggs and diced tomato. A very popular dish from the Ilocos
region is the ‘pinakbet,’ which consists mainly of ampalaya,
eggplant, okra, string beans, tomatoes, lima beans, and
other various regional vegetables stewed with a little
bagoongbased stock (Tacio 2012).

Philippine traditional medicine attributes many

medicinal properties to ampalaya. Books and articles on
Philippine medicinal plants list several diseases where
ampalaya is apparently beneficial. Reportedly, the extract
from the leaves or roots shrinks hemorrhoids. The leaf juice
is supposedly a good antitussive (i.e., it stops cough),
antipyretic (i.e., for fever), purgative and anthelmintic
(i.e., against roundworms) Ampalaya is also used to treat
sterility in women and it can supposedly alleviate liver
problems. Likewise, it is claimed that ampalaya has some
antimicrobial activity and can help infected wounds. It is
indigenous to Asia, but is cultivated around the world,
where it goes by almost 90 different names (Tacio 2012).

Ampalaya, which is a member of the Cucurbitaceae

family, is susceptible to soilborne diseases with incidence
and severity aggravated by excess soil moisture. Management
practices such as installation of low-cost protective
structures made of bamboos and pruning have been shown to
reduce the problem and increase the yield of vegetable
crops. This study was conducted to evaluate different
pruning treatments on the growth, yield, disease incidence
and profitability of ampalaya grown under either a
protective structure or in the open field. Horticultural
characteristics, yield and yield components, meteorological
data, which include rainfall and temperature, and diseases

incidence were monitored (HB Dimabuyu, ZC Gonzaga, DC

Lusanta, JS Mangmang, OB Capuno, GS Rogers 2014).

The study is anchored from the theorical support done

by Obico and Ragrario (2014) cited Ampalaya (Momordica
charantia L.) as one of the indigenous plants used by Ayta
people of Pampanga to repel Cockcroaches. The plant part
that was primarily used is a combination of stems and leaves
specifically dried and fallen ones. This mode is relatively
more sustainable than gathering the whole plant (including
the roots) since the plants can grow new stems and leaves.
The use of leaves and stems could imply that compounds with
repellent activity are more concentrated in these parts. The
secondary metabolites of plants are usually found in the
leaves and stem since these chemicals function to deter
herbivores. (Obico and Ragrario 2014).

 According to Basch, Gabardi and Ulbricht, Bitter melon

(Momordica charantia) isan alternative therapy that has
primarily been used for lowering blood glucose levels in
patients with diabetes mellitus. Components of bitter melon
extract appear to havestructural similarities to animal
insulin. Antiviral and antineoplastic activities have
alsobeen reported in vitro. Four clinical trials found
bitter melon juice, fruit and dried powderto have a moderate
hypoglycemic effect. These studies were small and were
notrandomized or double-blind, however. Reported adverse
effects of bitter melon includehypoglycemic coma and
convulsions in children, reduced fertility in mice, a
favism-like synrome, increases in γ-glutamyl transferase and
alkaline phosphatase levels in animalsand headaches. Bitter
melon may have additive effects when taken with other
glucose-lowering agents. Adequately powered, randomized,
placebo-controlled trials are needed.

(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12625217/ retrieved on
April 21, 2022).

According to Jea Joy A. Muñoz of DOST in Region

III, Momordica Charantia orampalaya is known for its power
to improve numerous infections, cancer and leukemia.It also
has the ability to help a person recover from having a
deadly disease known asDiabetes Mellitus. These days,
diabetes mellitus is a disease that contributes to morethan
25,000 deaths per year. It is caused by hypoglycemia and the
inability of the body to utilize insulin. People from the
different walks of life suffer from its harmful anddreadful
effects. Many studies regarding medicines against it were
performed yet less were reached by ordinary people and those
who usually die amongst those unfortunate.From the article
“Super Food Ampalaya”, it was said that ampalaya was a super
food eaten by people of other countries as well as Filipinos
because it resembles a big cucumber with wartd on it. It is
native to the tropics just like mallunggay and always seen
as one of the ingredients of pinakbet and also in bagoong.
It also said that the medical uses of ampalaya are more
important than the culinary uses because its bitter taste
has different its nutrients that is very helpful in our
body. In our country, there are areas of malnutrition in
different provinces.

The State of the World’s Children says it is due to

financial problem and also to the food they eat. Children
now seldom eats vegetables and fruits because of many junk
foods in the store that they are tempt to buy because of its
delicious taste, not knowing that it has bad effects on
their health, especially if they eat too much sweet which
can cause tooth decay, tonsillitis and may turn out to be
diabetes, and if too much sour, it can also cause. U.T.I and

or kidney failure. It is not advisable to each too much junk

food because it will turn out to be very bad on your health.
ry_Project retrieved April 21, 2022)

OREGANO (Origanum vulgare)

Oregano is a popular herb and

its scientific name is Origanum
vulgare. It helps to enhance the
flavor of your food and also boost
your overall health. Oregano is
native to southwest Eurasia and the
Mediterranean area. It has been a
culinary ingredient and an
alternative medicine option mainly
for coughs for thousands of years. Figure 3. Plant of
Interestingly, it is closely related Oreganum vulgare
to mint as it belongs to the same Photo Taken From
family- Lamiaceae. For this reason, https://
the two share many similar organic www.trees.com/herb-
components and have many of the same plants/oregano
health benefits. The leaves are the
most commonly used part of the plant. Its taste ranges
from bitter, zesty, and astringent to sweet and mild. The
flavor depends on the climate it grows in. The aroma and
flavor of the herb are better in its dried form rather
than the fresh one (John Staughton 2021)
Aside from being used as an herb, it is also
available in other forms like essential oil and capsule.
Oregano oil is an extremely concentrated form of oregano
and as it is very potent, it should always be diluted.
Oregano is packed with some interesting and healthy

nutrients. A teaspoon of dried oregano leaves contains

protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. It is a good source of
minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,
and iron. It contains many other nutrients and compounds
like vitamin K, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and
folate. The essential oils in this herb contain terpenes
like thymol, ocimene, carvacrol, limonene, caryophyllene,
and terpinene. These compounds have antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties (John Staughton 2021).
Origanum vulgare is a natural, less toxic, residue
free feed supplement for poultry when compared to other
synthetic ingredients. It contains key bioactive
components, including as thymol and carvacrol. O. vulgare
as a poultry feed supplement has had an antimicrobial,
antioxidant, antiviral, immunomodulatory and
antiparasitic effect. The potential advantages of
utilizing oregano extracts, in poultry diets include
improved feed intake and feed conversion, enhanced
digestion, expanded productive performance, down-
regulated disease incidence and economic losses. From the
available literature, average inclusions of oregano
essential oil up to 600 mg/kg in broiler diets increased
body weight gain. Using 1% oregano oil in broiler diets
improved feed conversion ratio and feed utilization.
Moreover, oregano can induce a marked improvement on the
intestinal microbiota and ileal villus height of broilers
when combine with attapulgite by ratio 15 mg/kg of
oregano. Broilers fed 300 ppm oregano oil in their diet
display higher relative to those reared on control
(without supplementation) diet. Including 240 mg oregano
supplementation per kg diet appears to give an optimum
level for protecting broiler chickens from C. perfringens
infections. Bioactive components extracted from O.

vulgare parts could be used in poultry diets levels of 10

to 30 g/kg. This review includes information on the use
of O. vulgare and its derivatives in poultry nutrition.
To maximize the overall productivity of poultry, oregano
may be used as a natural alternative to antibiotics and
drugs due to the absence of side effects and residues (M
Alagawany, ME Abd El-Hack, MR Farag, HM Shaheen, MA
Abdel-Latif, AE Noreldin, AK Patra 2018).
Food consumers and industries urged the need of
natural alternatives to assure food safety and quality.
As a response, the use of natural compounds from herbs
and spices is an alternative to synthetic additives
associated with toxic problems. This review discusses the
antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of oregano
essential oil (OEO) and its potential as a food additive.
Oregano is a plant that has been used as a food seasoning
since ancient times. The common name of oregano is given
to several species: Origanum (family: Lamiaceae) and
Lippia (family: Verbenaceae), amongst others. The main
compounds identified in the different OEOs are carvacrol
and thymol, which are responsible for the characteristic
odor, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activity; however,
their content may vary according to the species,
harvesting season, and geographical sources. These
substances as antibacterial agents make the cell membrane
permeable due to its impregnation in the hydrophobic
domains, this effect is higher against gram positive
bacteria. In addition, the OEO has antioxidant properties
effective in retarding the process of lipid peroxidation
in fatty foods, and scavenging free radicals. In this
perspective, the present review analyzes and discusses
the state of the art about the actual and potential uses

of OEO as an antimicrobial and antioxidant food additives

(JF Ayala-Zavala
It is classified in Ayurvedic medicine as a rasayana
herb, meaning "circulation of the nutrient" in Sanskrit,
considered to enhance longevity, promote intelligence and
prevent disease. This plant contains a bitter principle,
colombine (2.22%); traces of an alkaloid; and a
glucoside. It is also containing an amorphous bitter
principle, picroretine and traces of berberine. Makabuhay
is considered febrifuge, vulnerary, tonic, antimalarial,
parasiticide, and insecticidal. Studies suggest
cardiotonic, antioxidant, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial,
antidiabetic, antiproliferative, hypolipidemic,
antimalarial, antinociceptive properties. Decoction of
leaves and stems are used for malaria and fever and as a
tonic (Stuart, 2019).

Cockroach (Periplaneta)

Cockroach allergen exposure

does not have a major role in
northern European countries,
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
It is a common problem in many areas
of the US, South America, and
Mediterranean countries. Exposure
and sensitization are associated
with inner-city asthma and lower
social status.8,53 In the US, the
inner-city population with asthma is
often sensitized to cockroaches (60–
80%54). Poorer outcome and increased
asthma-related health care use
(emergency rooms) in inner-city
children with asthma and cockroach Figure 4. Cockroach
sensitization may also be because of
social status, exposure to other
risk factors such as fast food, Photo Taken From
obesity, and tobacco smoke exposure, https://
and to less access to
pharmacotherapy (inhaled
corticosteroids). (Susanne Lau & cockroaches
Magnus Wickman 2016).
Cockroaches are very good at avoiding capture and
death, be it by a predator or a rolled-up newspaper. Kenneth
Roeder first asked how they do this in the 1940s. Beginning
in the mid-1970s, Jeffrey Camhi and colleagues, including
Roy Ritzmann and Christopher Comer, have pursued the
question in great depth. This work has been paralleled by
very detailed studies of the comparable escape system in
crickets in the labs of John Palka, Roderick Murphey, Gwen
Jacobs, John Miller, and others (Jacobs et al., 2012 to
Cockroaches are a diverse group but their behavior is
known primarily from laboratory studies of household pests.
These serve as important models in a variety of fields,
including locomotion, neurobiology, and chemical ecology.
The widest range of comparative data exists for cockroach
mating and social behavior. Mate selection involves a
complex interaction of male competition and female choice.
Social behavior in cockroaches is arguably the most diverse
among insects, ranging from simple egg protection to long-
term biparental care of altricial offspring in a nest.

Social interactions profoundly influence individual

physiology, providing insight into the evolution of caste
control in their termite relatives. (Christine A. Nalepa
American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) behave
according the social expectations of a group, even though
they may vary in individual levels of boldness, according to
a study published today (February 4) in Proceedings of the
Royal Society B. Personality—defined as a persistent
behavior such as sociability, aggression, or daring—had
previously been shown in a variety of invertebrates such as
spiders and octopi, but had not yet been demonstrated in
cockroaches. Since the insects are social but not
constrained to a leader-driven hierarchy, Isaac Planas-Sitjà
and his colleagues at the Université libre de Bruxelles in
Belgium decided to use P. americana to study the differences
between individual and group personality. The researchers
glued radio frequency tags on more than 300 four-month-old
male roaches sorted into groups of 16. Over the course of a
week, the groups of light-averse insects spent most of their
time in dark, with the exception of three evenly spaced
three-hour sessions in an enclosed and brightly lit test
environment that had two shaded areas for shelter. Some
cockroaches were consistently shy and dashed to the shaded
areas as soon as they were placed in the environment, while
others took their time exploring the well-lit area during
each of the trials. By the end of each trial, however, all
16 members of the group ended up under the same shelter.
“There is a collective dynamic—a social influence—that
dilutes the individual personality differences,” Planas-
Sitjà told Science. “So, in the group, you end up with a
similar behavior in everyone.” (Jenny Rood, 2015)
According to Renz Que (2015) he stated
that...Cockroaches are part of urban jungles and
environmental sanctuaries alike. It is one of the
identifiable bugs among all insects that also vary on
different types, shapes and sizes. Some cockroaches can help
to sustain a healthy environment, while other species

dwell to infest our communities, mall restaurants and

also our homes. Here in the Philippines, roaches are
anywhere. They are commonly seen in garbage, sewer,
drainage, crevices, boxes, and grocery bags. They are
capable for finding ways to enter your home through cracks,

when roaches invade our home there can be a possibility of

cockroaches infesting our food, utensils, toiletries and
groceries. The Cockroach is well-known as the dirtiest
insect. The cockroach lifecycle is quite long, and
very productive that is why it is too hard to do away with
them, and they produce quickly and in large numbers. One
type of cockroach like German can lay eggs that hatched 20-
30 up to 8 times in a lifetime. Each egg capsule contains
30-48 nymphs depending on the availability of food in the
area. Cockroaches eat from the food we eat, they also feed
on the dead plants, animals, facial soap, toothpaste, fallen
hair and almost anything. They can contaminate our food
while feeding, cockroaches regurgitate their own saliva and
digestive fluids from their mouth to inoculate your food
with germs or bacteria. (https://ph.seekweb.com/ws?
axkdxpfZlmVD16XuneCPB9KSqnWL2e1M5ggsaAtwBEALw_wcB Retrieved
April 20, 2022)


(Momordica charantia) is a popular vegetable/fruit in

many countries. Research output in recent years has shed
light on the multifarious health benefits of bitter gourd
seeds, fruits, leaves, and other parts of the plant. These
effects encompass antidiabetic, antiobesity, antitumor,
antifungal, anti-HIV, and antibacterial activities.
(Evandro Fei Fang 2016). In terms of nutritional contents,
the fruits and leaves of the ampalaya are reportedly rich
in minerals and vitamins, notably iron, calcium, phosphorus
and Vitamin B. (Tacio 2012).
Ampalaya is indigenous to Asia, but is cultivated
around the world, where it goes by almost 90 different

names. The leaf juice is supposedly a good antitussive

(i.e., it stops cough) Ampalaya is also used to treat
sterility in women and it can alleviate liver problems. It
is claimed that ampalaya has some antimicrobial activity
and can help infected wounds. (HB Dimabuyu, ZC Gonzaga, DC
Lusanta, JS Mangmang, OB Capuno, GS Rogers 2014).
Oregano is a popular herb and its scientific name is
Origanum vulgare. It helps to enhance the flavor of your
food and also boost your overall health. Its taste ranges
from bitter, zesty, and astringent to sweet and mild.
Oregano oil is an extremely concentrated form of oregano
and as it is very potent, it should always be diluted.
Broilers fed 300 ppm oregano oil in their diet display
higher IgG titres relative to those reared on control
(without supplementation) diet.
Bioactive components extracted from O. vulgare parts
could be used in poultry diets levels of 10 to 30 g/kg.
Oregano may be used as a natural alternative to antibiotics
and drugs due to the absence of side effects and residues.
The main compounds identified in the different OEOs are
carvacrol and thymol, which are responsible for the
characteristic odor, antimicrobial, and antioxidant
activity. Makabuhay is considered febrifuge, vulnerary,
tonic, antimalarial, parasiticide, and insecticidal.
It is classified in Ayurvedic medicine as a rasayana
herb, meaning "circulation of the nutrient" in Sanskrit.
Decoction of leaves and stems are used for malaria and
fever and as a tonic.
Cockroach allergen exposure does not have a major role
in northern European countries, Germany, Austria, and
Switzerland. It is a common problem in many areas of the
US, South America, and Mediterranean countries. Exposure
and sensitization are associated with inner-city asthma and

lower social status. Inner-city population with asthma is

often sensitized to cockroaches (60–80%54). American
cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) behave according to the
social expectations of a group, even though they may vary
in individual levels of boldness.
Researchers glued radio frequency tags on more than 300
four-month-old male roaches and sorted them into groups of
16. Over the course of a week, the groups of light-averse
insects spent most of their time in dark, with the
exception of three evenly spaced three-hour test sessions
in a brightly lit test environment. By the end of each
trial, all 16 members of the group ended up under the same
shelter. Cockroaches are one of the identifiable bugs among
all insects that also vary on different types, shapes and
sizes. They are capable for finding ways to enter your home
through cracks, when roaches invade our home there can be a
possibility of cockroaches infesting our food, utensils,
toiletries and groceries. The cockroach lifecycle is quite
long, and very productive that is why it is too hard to do
away with them, and they produce quickly and in large
cockroaches have been in existence for about 360
million years, and they are one of the important groups of
insect pests in urban environments. Cockroaches not only
spoil food but also transfer pathogens and cause allergic
reactions and psychological distress. As a potential
mechanical vector of human diseases, many pathogenic
organisms have been associated with cockroaches. These
include poliomyelitis viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa,
and helminthes. Pai et al. reported cockroaches as potential
vectors of nosocomial infections. Moreover, bacteria with
antibiotic resistance have been isolated from household
cockroaches [8, 9]. The most common important species is

associated to surveyed locations. In the southeastern United

States, smokybrown cockroach, in New Zealand, German
cockroach, and in Southeast Asia, American cockroach were
found to be the most dominant species, respectively. While
the German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), are not
present in households in Southeast Asia, they are prevalent
insect pests in hotels and food outlets. There are over
3,500 species of cockroaches worldwide. Of these only
several species are commonly associated with humans. Three
domiciliary species of importance are the German cockroach,
the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), and the
Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis). German cockroach has
a worldwide distribution, although it originated in north or
tropical Africa despite the misleading common name. However,
German cockroach has created substantial pest problems in
many developing countries. This species reported a common
indoor pest in low-income housing (Shahraki 2013).

Chapter 3


This chapter is consist of four parts: (1) Materials

and Tools, (2) Research Design and Experimental Layout, (3)

Procedural Design and (4) Data Analysis Procedure

Part one, Materials and Tools, enumerates the needed

materials and tools for the conduct of the study.


Part two, Research Design and Experimental Layout,

describes the Research Design employed and the physical

arrangement of experimental units in space.

Part three, Procedural Design, discusses the

explanatory sequence of methods or procedure for each phase.

Part four, Data Analysis Procedure, discusses the

procedure and statistical tools used to test the hypothesis.

Materials and Tools

The materials that were used in the study were ampalaya

(Momordica charantia) extract, Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
leaves extract and twelve (12) cockroaches (periplaneta).
The tools that were used are measuring cups, scissors,
knife, twelve (12) plastic bottles, mosquito net, chopping
board, rubber bands, mortar and pestle, three (3) spray
bottle consist of 500 mL each and.
Research Design

The Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was employed in

the study. A completely randomized design (CRD) is the
simplest design for comparative experiments, as it uses only
two basic principles of experimental designs: randomization
and replication. In CRDs, the treatments are allocated to
the experimental units or plots in a completely random
manner (Salkind, 2015).

Experimental Layout

Figure 5. Different measurement of Solutions and Replicates


A- 50 mL Ampalaya Extract
and 50 mL Oregano
Leaves Extract.

B- 60 mL Ampalaya Extract
and 40 mL Oregano
Leaves Extract.

C- 40 mL Ampalaya
Extract and 60 mL
Oregano Leaves Extract.
Negative control - 15mL
Distilled water

Procedural Design

Collection of

Collection of
Oregano leaves

Gathering of tools
needed in Experiment

Collection of

Extraction of Extraction of Oregano

Ampalaya Leaves

Application of
different Sets

Data Gathering

Data Analysis
Figure 6. Procedural Design

General Procedure

Collection of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia)

Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) was bought from Iloilo
Central Market on April 27, 2022. The Ampalaya was randomly

Figure 7. Collection of Ampalaya

Photo By: Ms. Allysa Llano

Collection of Oregano (Origanum Vulgare) Leaves

Oregano (Origanum Vulgare) Leaves were taken from
Brgy. San Jose, Sitio proper, Roxas city. The Oregano
Leaves was randomly selected.

Figure 8. Collection of Oregano Leaves

Photo by: Mr. Clark Pareja and Ms. Allysa Llano

Gathering of tools needed in Experiment

Measuring cups, knife, twelve (12) Plastic Bottles,

Rubber bands, chopping board and mortar and pestle was taken
from Brgy. Banica Sunshine Village in Roxas, Capiz and was
randomly selected while the Three (3) spray bottle consist

of 500 mL each and mosquito net was bought in supermarket in

Pob. Ilaya, Dumarao, Capiz.
The tools and materials that were used was sterilized
and disinfected to ensure the cleanliness and sanitation of
the experimentation.

Figure 9. Gathering of tools needed in experiment.

Photo by: Ms. Allysa Llano

Collection of Cockroaches
The Cockroaches was bought in Live feeders Iloilo
Mealworms and Super worms in 5000 Iloilo Proper. The
cockroaches were randomly selected.
The alternative Cave of the cockroach was made of
plastic bottle and a small piece of fishing net and rubber

Figure 10. Collection of Cockroach bought from Live feeders

Iloilo Mealworms and Super worms.

Photo by: Ms. Jhanella Dalman

Figure 11. The alternative cave made of plastic bottle and

fishing net.

Photo by: Ms. Allysa Llano and Mr. Fahad Anggoling

Extraction Method
The ampalaya was the first to be extracted using the
mortar and pestle. The extraction lasted until it reaches
150 mL. The next to be extracted is the oregano leaves, the
process used to extract the ampalaya was also used to obtain
the oregano extract, and the extraction lasted until it
reaches 150 mL.

After the extractions, measuring cups are used to

obtain the 150 mL of ampalaya extract and 150 mL of oregano
leaves extract into three different sets. In the Set A, it
consists of 50 mL Ampalaya Extract and 50 mL Oregano Leaves
extract. Set B; 60 mL ampalaya extract and 40 mL oregano
leaves extract and lastly, the Set C consisting 40 mL
ampalaya extract and 60 mL oregano leaves extract.

Figure 12. Extraction of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia).

Photo by: Ms. Allysa Llano


Figure 13. Extraction of oregano (Origanum vulgare) leaves.

Photo by: Ms. Allysa Llano


Figure 14. Division of solution into three different sets.

Set A, consists of 50 mL Ampalaya Extract and 50 mL Oregano
Leaves extract. Set B, 60 mL Ampalaya Extract and 40 mL
Oregano Leaves Extract and Set C, 40 mL Ampalaya Extract and
60 mL Oregano Leave extract.

Photo by: Mr. Fahad O. Anggoling


Application of different Sets

There will be 3 substances used namely: Set up A (50 mL
ampalaya extract and 50 mL oregano leaves extract), Set up B
(60 mL ampalaya extract and 40mL oregano leaves extract),
and Set up C (40mL ampalaya extract and 60 mL oreganum
leaves extract). Complete Randomized Design (CRD) will be
retained in conducting the research and there will be 3
replicates per set up to avoid variability. In each
replication, 1 periplaneta will be used, in total of 12
periplaneta with the same sizes accustomed throughout the
Cockroach or the periplaneta is the only animal that
was used as a subject used for the experiment and there is
one parameter that will be measured in this study which is
the time that the subject dies from the solution.
The study will undergo evaluation after the extracts
are soaked with the periplaneta depending on the time that
the subject dies from the solution.
The timer will be used to determine the time until the
sample die under the solutions.

Figure 15. Set A applications (50 mL ampalaya extract and 50

mL oregano leaves extract)

Photo by: Ms. Jewel Ureta


Figure 16. Set B applications (60 mL ampalaya extract and

40mL oregano leaves extract)

Photo by: Ms. Jewel Ureta

Figure 17. Set C applications (40mL ampalaya extract and 60

mL oreganum leaves extract)

Photo by: Ms. Jewel Ureta


Figure 18.Group 1 group Pictures with the three sets of


Photo by: Zyrene Alcazaren

Data Gathering Procedure

After the applications of three different set, The

study will undergo evaluation depending on the time that the
subject dies from the solution. The timer will be used to
determined the time until the sample die under the

Data Analysis Procedure

The statistical tool that will be used is descriptive

and inferential tools. It includes the mean, standard
deviation, and frequency count. It will determine the
results and average of three replicates of Set up A (50mL

ampalaya extract and 50mL oregano leaves extract), Set up B

(60mL ampalaya extract and 40mL oregano leaves extract), and
Set up C (40mL ampalaya extract and 60mL oregano extract).
To determined the efficiancy of the solution, the timer
will be used who among the three sets of solutions kills the
cockroach faster. 
T-test and One-Way ANOVA set at 0.05 alpha level of
significance was used to determine if there is a significant
difference among the solutions measured.


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