Agromorphological Characterisation of Foxtail Millet (Setaria

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M. Sapkota et al.

(2016) Int J Appl Sci Biotechnol, Vol 4(3): 298-307

DOI: 10.3126/ijasbt.v4i3.14545

Research Article


Manoj Sapkota1*, Madhav Prasad Pandey2 and Dhruba Bahadur Thapa3
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur Chitwan, Nepal
Agriculture and Botany Division, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Lalitpur, Nepal

*Corresponding author email: [email protected]

Ten foxtail millet accessions were collected from different parts of Nepal and were characterized for different agro morphological traits at
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Chitwan. Ten accessions were experimented in Randomized Complete Block Design
with three replications. Observations were taken for quantitative traits i.e. days to heading, days to anthesis, days to maturity, peduncle length,
plant height, flag leaf length, flag leaf breadth, flag leaf length breadth ratio and stay green period and yield attributing traits i.e. panicle length,
panicle exertion, number of panicle per square meter, hundred grain weight, five panicle weight and yield per plant. The mean performance
was obtained and correlation analysis was performed between grain yield and other traits. Observations were also taken for qualitative traits
i.e. tip of first leaf, anthocyanin at leaf base, lobe compactness, length of bristles, anthocyanin presence, leaf blade altitude, flag leaf color, lobe
in panicles, panicle lodging, inflorescence compactness, overall color, panicle anthocyanin, panicle shape and growth habit. Significant
differences were observed among the accessions for many characters. Based on quantitative and yield attributing traits, Humla-149 was
considered the best performing accession. The UPGMA clustering and PCA analysis revealed three distinct clusters of the studied accessions.
Most closely related accessions were Co-1896 and Co-5645 and most distantly related accessions were Co-1896 and Humla-522.

Keywords: Foxtail millet; Setaria italica; agromorphological characterization; cluster analysis

Introduction et al., 1996; Lu et al., 2009). Also, constituting the richness
Millets are underutilized and neglected crops of grass of diferent amino acids and nutritional minerals taken as
family that are hardy. These crops can grow well in dry food, it exhibits high photosynthetic efficiency and drought
zones and marginal lands as rain-fed crops (Singh et al., tolerance (Dai et al., 2008; Dai et al., 2011a). Additionally,
2015), making them the preferred cereal crop for drought its cooked porridge is also a traditional food in Asia,
prone areas. Millets were domesticated around 8000 years Europe, North America, Australia, and North Africa. It is
ago in the highlands of central China (Amgai et al., 2011). generally grown on marginal areas and lands having
Foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.) is thought to be scarcity of irrigation. The crop can perform well even with
indigenous to southern Asia and considered one of the little fertilizer and organic manures (Dai et al., 2009; Dai et
oldest cultivated millets (Oelke, 1990). It is an important al., 2011a, b).
cereal crop in Nepal, cultivated on 271,183 ha with the The foxtail millet is an annual crop. It has stems with little
production of 304,105 mt and productivity of 1,121 kg/ha branching, and has a well-developed, deep root system. The
(MoAD, 2014). Foxtail millet is a self-pollinating crop with stem of the plant stalk is composed of loose tissues. The
chromosome numbers, 2n=18, classified under the family leaf-blade is wide-lanceolate type, is long-acuminate, dense
Poaceae and subfamily Panicoideae (Fedorov, 1974). It is scabrous, and with bright colour midrib and the leaf edges
cultivated in around 26 countries, and ranks second among are serrate. Leaf-sheaths are longer than the nodes. The
the millets as for world production. About six million tons collar is indistinct and the ligule are small, short and thick.
of foxtail millet is produced globally; mainly in southern Inflorescence has a main stalk with short branches which
part of Europe, in temperate, subtropical and tropical Asia bears spikes and bristles. The plant bears two flowers per
(Marathee, 1993). Foxtail millet is taken as a significant spikelet, in which the upper flower is bisexual. The
cereal since old times and has important role in cultivated varieties have two to three bristles in one spikelet.
development of human civilization in Asia and Europe (Li
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M. Sapkota et al. (2016) Int J Appl Sci Biotechnol, Vol 4(3): 298-307
The fruit is a caryopsis and has grains of different colours. Not much study and research has been done on the
The seeds are enclosed within thin, papery hulls bearing neglected crops, especially on foxtail millets.
small, convex seed, which is either oval or elliptical (Malm Characterization of the accessions of foxtail millet can
and Rachie, 1971). The grains can be cooked in same provide pivotal information for the breeding of crop and in
procedure as of rice. The crop has many food applications the management of genetic resources. Characterization and
as porridge, pudding, breads, rolls, chips, cakes, flour and evaluation of local foxtail millet landraces is necessary for
noodles. Healthy and medical food products can be the utilization in crop improvement. Also, cluster study of
manufactured from this crop, which can be to maintain good these landraces can be pivotal to identify accessions with
health (Kamatar, 2013; Kamatar et al., 2014a; Kamatar et diverse traits, which can be helpful in breeding programs.
al., 2014 b; Kotagi et al., 2013). The characterization of foxtail millets will help to explore
the genetic variability available in Nepal, which ultimately
Foxtail millet consumption improves glycemic control,
contribute in exploitation of genetic resources for the future
inhibits hyperinsulinemia and decreases plasma lipid
breeding research. The objective of the present study was to
concentrations in persons with type-2 diabetes (Jali et al.,
characterize agro-morphology and evaluate grain yield of
2012). According to Tirajoh (2012), foxtail millet can be
foxtail millet accession collected from different parts of
used as a poultry feed ingredient to replace corn,
Nepal and to analyze genetic diversity and association
specifically yellow foxtail millet. Millets are grown
among economically important traits.
primarily as feeding seed for birds, hay or as an alternative
crop for cash. Millets are consumed by low economic Materials and Methods
statused people and also as forage crop, in the developing Ten foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.) accessions
countries (Baker, 2003). The nutrient composition is at par collected from different parts of Nepal were studied (Table
or even higher to staple cereals as wheat and rice (Gopalan 1). The seed samples were obtained from National Genetic
et al., 2004). Minerals, vitamins, amino acids and Resource Centre, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. The research
phytochemicals content is high in millets, and thus the crop plot was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design
is termed as nutri-cereals. The crop also has higher content (RCBD) with 10 foxtail millet accessions as treatment and
of dietary fibre and non-starchy polysaccharides. Millets three replications. The unit plot size was 1 m2 and had 4
have a low glycemic index and they release sugars slowly rows of crop sown at a distance of 25 cm between the rows.
(Bala Ravi, 2004). Millets are also used for the Inter block spacing of 1m and inter plot spacing of 50 cm
manufacturing of malt in the brewing industry. Millet flour was maintained. Fertilizer application was done at the rate
serves as a stabilizer (in ice creams) and it is also added to of 30:20:0 kg NPK per ha. The seeds were sown continuous
wheat flour for preparing special types of pastries and bread. at about 2.5 cm deep on rows with inter row spacing of 25
Some millet grain extracts are also used in cosmetic cm. The panicles in each plot were harvested separately by
industry for making different care products. In Nepal, cutting from the peduncle base and placed in paper
foxtail millets are grown up to 3150m, constituting a rich envelops. The harvestings were done from 23rd September
and diverse collection of millet genotypes (Upreti, 1999). 2015 till 18th October 2015.
Approximately 790 millet accessions have been identified
from different parts of Nepal (Gupta et al., 2000). The study Phenological Observations
of genetic diversity and genetic relatedness is necessary for Days to heading, flag leaf duration, days to anthesis, days
crop improvement and in developing appropriate strategies to flag leaf senescence, days to maturity, flag leaf length
for the conservation, exploitation and utilization of foxtail breadth ratio, plant height, panicle length, hundred seed
millet accession (Upadhya and Joshi, 2003). High genetic weight and yield per plant were recorded.
diversity has been reported among different foxtail millet Qualitative Observations
accessions of Nepal collected by Nakayama et al. (1999). Characters were evaluated following the foxtail millet
Nakayama et. al. grouped Nepalese foxtail millet landraces descriptor (IBPGR, 1985). First leaf shape: assessed at
into tropical group based on the Pro2f allele of prolamin Zadok’s scale 11, seedling anthocyanin coloration of basal
(Nakayama et al., 1999), however, the study also showed leaf sheath: assessed at Zadok’s 15, foliage colour: assessed
Pro2b allele was found to be uncommon in the studied at Zadok’s 35, plant growth habit: assessed at Zadok’s 35,
accessions. Kawase and Sakamoto (1984) also reported plant anthocyanin coloration of leaf pedestal assessed at
variation in esterase alleles in Nepalese foxtail millets. Zadok’s 35, leaf altitude of blade: assessed at Zadok’s 47,
Significant variabilities are observed in foxtail millet for panicle anthocyanin coloration of bristles, anther color:
yield and other yield contributing traits (Kamatar et al., assessed at Zadok’s 65, length of bristles: assessed at
2014; Brunda et al., 2014) and in nutritional traits (Brunda Zadok’s 65, panicle attitude in relation to stem: assessed at
et al., 2014). Zadok’s 91 and panicle shape: assessed at Zadok’s 91; were
evaluated based in foxtail millet descriptor.

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Table 1: Details of 10 foxtail millet accessions included in the study

SN Accession Local name District Location Altitude (m, asl)
1 Co-1896 Kaguno Jumla Chandannath-1 2,290
2 Co-3474 Kaguno Bajhang Sunkuda-8, Suwakot 1,764
3 Co-5148 KaloKaguno Humla Kharpunath-7 2,200
4 Co-5645 SetoKaguno Lamjung Ghanpokhara-6 1,800
5 Humla-149 RatoKaguno Humla Raya 2,300
6 Humla-150 KaloKaguno Humla Raya 2,300
7 Humla-164 PiyaloKaguno Humla Chhipra 2,100
8 Humla-213 KaloKaguno Humla Saya 2,200
9 Humla-522 SetoKaguno Humla Syanda 2,050
10 Humla-523 RatoKaguno Humla Syanda 2,050

Data entry and processing was carried out using Microsoft morphological traits among the foxtail millet accessions
Excel 2016 and Microsoft Word 2016 software. Mean and was reflected by the wide ranges for most of the studied
Standard deviations, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), mean traits. Variation was observed in terms of tip of cotyledon
performance and DMRT was calculated by using RStudio leaf, anthocyanin pigmentation, colour of the plant and leaf,
version 3.1.1. Pearson’s correlation co-efficient was growth habit of the plants, panicle shape, lobe
computed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Multivariate characteristics of the panicle and inflorescence. All the
analysis was done with Minitab 15.0. accessions were erect in habit and had white anther color.
The qualitative attributes of the studied accessions
Results and Discussions presented in Appendix 4.
This study focused on the characterization of 10 foxtail
millet accessions collected from several part of Nepal using Cluster Analysis
different agro-morphological attributes evaluated at The clustering of foxtail millet accessions based on
Rampur, Chitwan. Results showed significant variation of morpho-physiology, agronomic traits and grain yield
studied traits among the accessions, and it was possible to presented in Fig. 1. Based on the similarity percentage and
group accessions based on genetic similarity related characters three clusters were constructed. Most
closely related accessions were Co-1896 and Co-5645 and
Quantitative Traits most distantly related accessions were Co-1 In cluster 1,
Significant variation was found among the studied four accessions, Co-1896, Co-5645, Co-5148 and Humla-
accessions for days to heading, days to anthesis, days to 149 are grouped. It is observed that high value of traits like
maturity, yield per plant, panicle exertion, panicle length, panicle exertion, panicle length, peduncle length, flag leaf
peduncle length, flag leaf length-breadth ratio, stay green length breadth ratio, panicle number per square meter and
period and number of panicle per m2. It was non-significant yield per plant are associated with the accessions found in
for plant height, flag leaf length, flag leaf breadth, five this cluster. In cluster 2, four accessions, Co-3474, Humla-
panicle weight and hundred grains weight. Mean 164, Humla-213 and Humla-522 are grouped. It is observed
performance of accessions for these traits is presented in that high value of trait like panicle length, days to heading,
Appendix 1. Phenotypic variation of the foxtail millet days to anthesis and days to maturity are associated with the
accessions was found to be related to the diverse geographic accessions found in this cluster. Likewise, in cluster 3, two
origins. Most of studied traits (Appendix 1) are quantitative accessions, Humla-150 and Humla-523 are grouped. It is
and the extensive variability among accessions is probably observed that high value of trait like harvest flag leaf length
attributed to the genetic differences and also due to the breadth ratio, and low value of traits like plant height, days
environment from which they were collected (Moriss, to booting, days to heading and days to maturity are
2009). associated with the accessions found in this cluster. The
Correlation Coefficient Analysis observation of first cluster and the associations therein of
Pearson’s correlation coefficients between different studied high value for the traits like panicle exertion, panicle length,
traits are presented in Appendix 2. peduncle length, flag leaf length breadth ratio, panicle
number per square meter and yield per plant hint that
Qualitative Traits
selection of accession from the first cluster can be
Characterization of the qualitative traits revealed a wide
variation among the accession. High variation in agro-
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M. Sapkota et al. (2016) Int J Appl Sci Biotechnol, Vol 4(3): 298-307

Fig. 1: UPGMA clustering of 10 foxtail millet accessions grown at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal in 2015

Fig. 2: Principal component analysis of first two components of 10 foxtail millet accessions grown at Rampur,
Chitwan, Nepal in 2015
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Successful breeding of high yielding varieties depends on
The PCA in general confirmed the groupings obtained the yield contributing morphological traits and choosing
through cluster analysis. Results of PCA are given in small number of important traits having positive
Appendix 3 and Fig. 2. The first two principal components correlation. Flag leaf area, plant height, peduncle length and
with ≥ 1 eigen value accounted for 81.6 % of the total number of tillers per plant are an important morphological
variance. Individually, PC 1, PC 2 and PC 3 contributed yield contributing traits that are positively correlated with
61.9, 19.7 and 9.4 % of total variation, respectively. yield per plant (Khaliq et al., 2008). The present study also

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M. Sapkota et al. (2016) Int J Appl Sci Biotechnol, Vol 4(3): 298-307
suggested that high yielding accessions of foxtail millet Baker RD (2003) Millet Production (Guide A-414) [PDF]. New
may be selected by indirect selection of flag leaf length, flag Mexico State University
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for most of the yield related traits and therefore can be
Baniya BK (1999) Some wild relatives of amaranth, barley,
relevant one for further evaluation in other locations of buckwheat and finger millet of Nepal: Wild relatives of
Nepal similar to Chitwan valley. cultivated plants in Nepal. Pp. 90-101 in Wild relatives of
In a previous study by Reddy et. al. (2006), in which they cultivated plants in Nepal (R.Shrestha and R. Shrestha,
eds.), Proceedings of National conference, 2-4 June 1999,
had collected and characterized 1535 foxtail millet
Kathmandu. GEM Nepal.
accessions from 26 countries that included 21 accessions
from Nepal had higher grain yield than in the present study. Brunda SM, Kamatar MY, Naveenkumar KL and Hundekar R
The lower grain yields in this study might be due to the (2014). Study of Genetic Variability, Heritability and
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Amgai et al. (2011) studied five Nepalese foxtail millet Veterinary Science 7(11): 2319-2372.
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(Appendix 2). Similarly, the grain yield was positively
(2009) Accumulation of sucrose and starch contents
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negatively correlated with the grain yield indicating that
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(Prasad et. al., 2008). Gupta SR, Upadhyay MP and Dongol DM (2000) Nepalese
accession catalogue 2000. Agriculture Botany Division,
NARC, Khumaltar.
The author is highly indebted to Senior Scientist, Krishna
Hari Ghimire, National Agriculture Genetic Resource IBPGR. (1985) Descriptors for Setaria italica and S. pumila.
Centre (NAGRC), Khumaltar,Mr. Rajeev Dhakal, Mr. Rome, Italy: IBPGR Secretariat
Sandesh Neupane and Mr. Sajal Sthapit, for their constant Jali, MV, Kamatar MY, Jali SM, Hiremath MB and Naik RK
monitoring and valuable suggestions during the research (2012). Efficacy of value added foxtail millet therapeutic
period. The author would also like to acknowledge LI- food in the management of diabetes and dyslipidamea in
BIRD for the provision of the fund and economic support type 2 diabetic patients. Recent Research in Science and
Technology 4(7).
for the conduction and success of the research.
Kamatar MY, Meghana DR, Goudar G, Brunda SM and Naik R
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Appendix 1: Mean of traits of 10 foxtail millet accessions under study
Panicle Panicle Peduncle Plant Flag Leaf Flag Leaf Length Stay Panicle
Panicle Days to Days to Days to Hundred
Treatments Exertion length length Height Length Breadth Breadth Green number per
Weight heading anthesis maturity grain weight
Ratio m2
Cm cm Cm cm Cm cm Days gm


Co-1896 10.111 b 9.222 abcd 22.750 abc 66.944 17.444 1.200 14.628 abc 26.000 a 2.266 61.000 ab 43.666 cd 47.333 bc 71.333 ab 0.08
c abc d abcd
Co-3474 5.277 10.944 14.611 59.666 17.655 1.222 14.244 19.67abcd 1.366 46.67 abc 55.000 a 57.666 a 76.666 a 0.053
Co-5148 16.111 a 7.667 cd 27.766 a 61.877 20.111 1.277 15.893 a abc 2.353 56.00abc 35.666 e 39.333 d 60.666 c 0.068

Co-5645 9.611 b 9.111 abcd 19.055 bcd 75.555 19.944 1.611 12.462 bcde 23.34 ab 3.000 61.000 ab 45.666 bc 48.333 b 70.000 b 0.049

Humla-149 13.077 ab 11.978 a 25.100 a 63.333 22.000 1.611 13.707 abcd 20.67 abc 1.872 71.666 a 34.666 e 39.666 d 59.000 c 0.012

Humla-150 10.283 b 7.300 cd 18.616 cd 49.277 19.111 1.255 15.339 ab 12.666 d 0.868 35.666 bc 39.666 de 43.333 cd 58.000 c 0.068

Humla-164 10.194 b 11.806 ab 16.638 d 64.250 18.855 1.555 12.251 cde 15.000 cd 1.400 33.000 bc 49.666 ab 53.000 a 70.000 b 0.046

Humla-213 8.611 bc 5.777 d 17.222 cd 53.777 13.511 1.166 11.621 de 18.00 bcd 1.033 26.000 c 53.000 a 56.000 a 73.666 ab 0.046

Humla-522 5.277 c 6.556 d 8.888 e 42.722 14.000 1.333 9.741 e 17.67bcd 1.000 25.666 c 53.000 a 55.000 a 73.000 ab 0.052

Humla-523 11.744 b 8.211 bcd 24.466 ab 52.844 18.666 1.222 15.333 ab 18.34bcd 1.248 41.34abc 36.333 e 39.666 d 61.666 c 0.056

10.030 8.857 19.511 59.025 18.130 1.345 13.522 19.333 1.640 45.800 44.633 49.933 67.400 0.064
F-test 0.000 *** 0.007** 0.000 *** 0.264 0.375 0.476 0.001 ** 0.023 * 0.190 0.023 * 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.557

LSD 4.114 3.269 5.393 2.578 6.767 27.729 5.327 4.343 5.113 0.072

CV (%) 23.911 21.520 16.115 23.733 23.485 22.805 11.114 20.405 58.857 35.294 6.957 5.282 4.422 65.780

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Appendix 2: Pearson’s correlation coefficient among different traits of accessions of foxtail millet under study
Days to Days to Days to Panicle Panicle Peduncle Plant Flag Flag Flag Stay Five No of 100 Yield
Heading Anthesis Maturity Length Exertion Length Height Leaf Leaf Leaf Green Panicle Panicle grain per
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Length Breadth Length Period Weight per weight plant
(cm) (cm) Breadth (gm) square (gm) (gm)
Ratio metre
Days to Heading 1
Days to Anthesis 0.979** 1
Days to Maturity 0.847** 0.859** 1
Panicle Length
-0.159 -0.102 -0.022 1
Panicle Exertion
-0.772** -0.752** -0.639** 0.255 1
Peduncle Length
-0.769** -0.781** -0.601** 0.242 0.832** 1
Plant Height (cm) -0.233 -0.214 0.020 0.637** 0.474** 0.479** 1
Flag Leaf Length
-0.591** -0.576** -0.393* 0.586** 0.599** 0.529** 0.698** 1
Flag Leaf Breadth
-0.275 -0.249 -0.114 0.573** 0.295 0.212 0.703** 0.799** 1
Flag Leaf Length
-0.590** -0.599** -0.478** 0.151 0.576** 0.568** 0.181 0.508** -0.099 1
Breadth Ratio
Stay Green Period -0.205 -0.163 0.275 0.209 0.201 0.269 0.457* 0.214 0.178 0.144 1
Five Panicle
-0.318 -0.317 -0.011 0.464** 0.476** 0.498** 0.887** 0.686** 0.663** 0.176 0.541** 1
Weight (gm)
No of Panicle per
-0.553** -0.515** -0.286 0.517** 0.372* 0.534** 0.589** 0.645** 0.534** 0.291 0.500** 0.648** 1
square metre
100 grain weight
-0.373* -0.334 -0.221 0.049 0.111 0.155 -0.093 -0.051 -0.116 0.129 0.297 -0.139 0.237 1
Yield per plant
-0.567** -0.600** -0.299 0.361 0.626** 0.745** 0.649** 0.625** 0.446* 0.370* 0.507** 0.796** 0.656** -0.070 1
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

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M. Sapkota et al. (2016) Int J Appl Sci Biotechnol, Vol 4(3): 298-307
Appendix 3: Statistics of Multivariate analysis of accessions under study
Eigen analysis of the Correlation Matrix

Eigen value 6.1904 1.9704 0.939 0.4917 0.2667 0.079 0.0373 0.0255 0.0002 0
Proportion 0.619 0.197 0.094 0.049 0.027 0.008 0.004 0.003 0 0
Cumulative 0.619 0.816 0.91 0.959 0.986 0.994 0.997 1 1 1

Variable PC 1 PC 2 PC 3

Panicle Exertion 0.361 0.146 0.063

Panicle length 0.099 -0.34 -0.862
Peduncle length 0.383 -0.003 0.086
Length Breadth Ratio 0.304 0.115 -0.112
Stay Green 0.157 -0.583 0.418
Panicle/m2 0.306 -0.417 -0.116
Days to heading -0.381 -0.191 -0.002
Days to anthesis -0.377 -0.2 -0.043
Days to maturity -0.316 -0.398 0.125
Yield per plant 0.339 -0.318 0.166

Cluster Centroids

Variable Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Grand centroid

Panicle Exertion 12.2275 7.3398 11.0135 10.0296

Panicle length 9.4945 8.7707 7.7555 8.8572
Peduncle length 23.6677 14.3398 21.541 19.5112
Length Breadth Ratio 14.1725 11.9643 15.336 13.5219
Stay Green 22.9997 17.583 15.4995 19.333

Panicle/m2 62.4165 32.833 38.4995 45.7997

Days to heading 39.916 52.6665 37.9995 44.6329
Days to anthesis 43.6662 55.4165 41.4995 47.933
Days to maturity 65.2498 73.333 59.833 67.3997
Yield per plant 0.1463 0.0457 0.0845 0.0937

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P. Alexander. (2016) Int J Appl Sci Biotechnol, Vol 4(3): xxx-xxx
DOI: 10.3126/ijasbt.v4i3.xxxxx

Appendix 4: Characterization of Agro-morphological traits of accessions of foxtail millet under study

overall Leaf blade
Growth Length of
Anthocyanin color altitude
Tip of leaf habit Anthocyanin Anther bristles
presence at (1-light at leaf base color (1 erect, 2
(1=pointed, (1-erect,2- (1-very
Accession Zadok 15 green,2- semi erect, 3
2=pointed to semi (1-presence, (0- short,2-
(1=Presence, medium horizontal
round) erect,3- 0-absence) pink) medium,3-
0=absence) green,3- and 4
spreading) long)
dark green) drooping)

Co-1896 1 0 2 1 0 0 3 3
Co-3474 2 0 2 1 0 0 3 3
Co-5148 1 1 2 1 1 0 4 2
Co-5645 2 0 3 1 0 0 2 2
Humla-149 2 1 1 1 1 0 4 2
Humla-150 2 1 2 1 1 0 3 2
Humla-164 1 0 2 1 1 0 3 3
Humla-213 2 0 2 1 0 0 3 1
Humla-522 1 0 2 1 1 0 3 2
Humla-523 1 1 2 1 1 0 3 3

Length Inflorescence
Panicle shape compactness Flag leaf
of Lobe
Panicle (1 conical, 2 bristles Lobe in compactness Lobe Panicle
anthocyanin spindle, 3 panicles compactness 1 light anthocyanin
Accession (1 short, 3 loose, 5
(1-presence cylindrical, 4 club, 1 present, green, 2 (1-presence
3 medium, 7 3 loose, 5
,0-absence) 5 duck mouth, 6 0 absent medium ,0-absence)
medium compact, 9 medium, 7
cat foot and 7 green, 3
and 5 spongy) compact, 9
branched) dark green
long) spongy

Co-1896 0 3 3 1 7 7 2 0

Co-3474 0 3 3 1 3 5 2 0

Co-5148 1 3 2 1 3 3 1 1

Co-5645 0 3 2 1 5 9 2 0

0 3 2 1 5 5 2 0

0 3 2 0 5 2 0

0 3 3 1 3 5 3 0

0 3 1 0 7 2 0

0 3 1 0 5 1 0

0 3 3 1 3 5 1 0

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