City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Udrb Application Form

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City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department


(To be completed by Applicant)

Downtown 1st
PROJECT NAME ____________________________________________________________

Approx. 30 SW 1 Street
PROJECT ADDRESS_________________________________________________________

Mixed Use
PROPOSED USE____________________________________________________________

Downtown/Brickell 2
NET DISTRICT___________________________________COMMISSION DISTRICT______

T6-80 O
TRANSECT ZONE ___________________________________________________________

34 Plaza, LLC

305 438 1001 [email protected]

PHONE NUMBER __________________E-mail_____________________________________

425 NE 22 ST, Suite 301 Miami, FL 33137

MAILING ADDRESS __________________________________________________________

Iris Escarra, Esquire


305-579-0737 [email protected]
PHONE NUMBER___________________E-mail ____________________________________

Greenberg Traurig, PA 333 Avenue of the Americas, Miami, Florida 33131

MAILING ADDRESS___________________________________________________________

Please reflect all e-mail addresses where you wish to receive any information about your project as well as the UDRB Resolution.


TOTAL FLR (sq. ft.) 585,456 (292,728) 743,073
TOTAL DENSITY (units per acre) 1,000
OFFICE AREA (sq. ft.) 12,930
OPEN SPACE (sq. ft.) 2,439 3,575
HEIGHT (stories) 58
HEIGHT (feet) 537'-0"
PUBLIC BENEFITS (type) Bonus / TDR Bonus / TDR


58-Story, Mix-Use Building: 560 Residential Units, 12,930sf of Office and 3,575sf of Retail

Pursuant to the Planning and Zoning Department fee schedule, a fee of $150 shall be required prior to the review
and issuance of this planning application. The application fee for signs and murals is $75. Permit fees are non-


Iris V. Escarra
Tel. 305-579-0737
Fax 305-961-5737
[email protected]

February 3, 2020
Updated June 16, 2020

Via ePlan

Joseph Ruiz
Zoning Administrator
City of Miami
444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor
Miami, Florida 33131

Re: Letter of Intent for Waiver Application / Downtown 1st / 22, 30, and 34 SW
1st Street, 35, 25, and 19 SW 2nd Street and 112 South Miami Ave, Miami,
Florida (Folio Nos. 01-0106-030-1015, 01-0112-040-1050, 01-0112-040-1060,
01-0112-040-1160, 01-0112-040-1170, 01-0112-040-1180, 01-0112-040-1035) /

Dear Mr. Ruiz:

We represent 32 Plaza, LLC and 34 Plaza, LLC (collectively, the “Applicant”), owners of
the properties located at 22, 30, and 34 SW 1st Street, 35, 25, and 19 SW 2nd Street and 112 South
Miami Ave, Miami, Florida (collectively, the “Property”), in connection with the proposed
redevelopment of the Property. On behalf of the Applicant, we respectfully submit the enclosed
Waiver application for the development of the Property, as depicted in the enclosed site plan
prepared by Melo Architecture (the “Site Plan”). The Waivers requested for the development of
the Property are in compliance with the requirements of Miami 21 as set forth below. Specifically,
this letter discusses how each of the requested Waivers for the development of the Property:

• Promotes the intent of the Transect Zone;

• Is consistent with the guiding principles of Miami 21;

• Is needed due to the practical difficulty in otherwise meeting the standards of the
Transect Zone; and

I. Property Information

The Property is located within the City’s Urban Core in the Central Business District, an
area of the City which is being revitalized through new residential, commercial and office uses.
The Property is bounded by SW 1st Street on the north, the I-95 on-ramp to the south, an office
building known as the Commonwealth Building to the west, and a commercial building to the east.

Greenberg Traurig, P.A. | Attorneys at Law

333 Southeast Second Avenue | Suite 4400 | Miami, FL 33131 | T +1 305.579.0500 | F +1 305.579.0717
Joseph Ruiz
Downtown 1st
Updated June 16, 2020

The Property is a narrow, irregularly shaped site which fronts one (1) accessible street (SW 1st
Street) and the I-95 on-ramp which does not provide access to the Property. These unique
conditions create practical difficulties in strict adherence to certain Miami 21 requirements.

The Property’s location makes it the ideal candidate for the proposed mixed-use
development. The Property is located within walking distance of major institutional and
government facilities, including the Miami-Dade County Courthouse, the Stephen P. Clark
Government Center building, and the United States Internal Revenue Service building. The
Property is uniquely served by an extensive network of major public transportation facilities and
transit corridors. The Property is located: across the street from the Miami Avenue Metromover
Station, a few blocks south of the Government Center transportation hub which provides
connections to Metrorail, Metromover, Brightline and, soon Tri-Rail service. The Property also
provides convenient access to major thoroughfares such as South Miami Avenue (to the east) and
Flagler Street (to the north).

Under Miami 21, the Property is zoned T6-80-O. Pursuant to the City of Miami’s Future
Land Use Map, the Property has a land use designation of Central Business District. According to
the Survey prepared by South Peninsula Surveying Corp., and dated January 21, 2020, the Property
consists of a total lot area of 24,394 square feet or 0.560 acres. The Property is currently improved
with a surface parking lot.

Greenberg Traurig, P.A. | Attorneys at Law
Joseph Ruiz
Downtown 1st
Updated June 16, 2020

II. The Project

The Applicant is proposing to improve the Property with a mixed-use development

consisting of a 57-story multifamily residential tower with ground floor retail and office uses. The
Project contains 560 residential units and a combined 28,765 square feet of commercial and office
space (the “Project”). The Project has been designed to activate this portion of the Central
Business District area and enhance the pedestrian experience in this section of Downtown Miami.
The Project’s parking Podium is masked with Habitable Liners along SW 1st Street.

III. Waiver Request

The Applicant seeks approval of the following Waivers in connection with the Project:

1. Waiver requested pursuant to Article 7, Section, to permit substitution of

one (1) Industrial Loading Berth for two (2) Commercial Loading Berths.

A required Industrial Loading Berth may be substituted by two (2) Commercial Loading
Berths, by Waiver, if the size, character, and operation of the Use is found to not require the
dimensions specified and the required Loading Berth could not otherwise be provided. The
Floor Area proposed by the Project triggers the Industrial Loading Berth requirement.
However, in lieu of providing one (1) Industrial Loading Berth, the Applicant is requesting
to provide two (2) Commercial Berths. The proposed Commercial Loading Berths are more
appropriate for the Uses being proposed, the Project’s location within the Urban Core, and
the limited dimensions of the Property.

The required Industrial Loading Berth would limit loading operations at the Project to one
truck at a time. Given the Project’s mixed-use character, providing multiple Loading Berths
is preferable as it will allow multiple movings to occur simultaneously while also providing
loading space for the commercial and office tenants. Additionally, the Project’s location
within the City’s Urban Core—its densest, most intense area—makes it incompatible with a
single oversized Loading Berth as most loading activities in this area take place with smaller
trucks that can be better served my multiple, smaller Loading Berths. Finally, this Waiver is
necessary to accommodate the required Loading given the Property’s limited dimensions.
According to the Survey, the Property is approximately 144 feet in width by 164 feet in
length and has access to only one (1) street. These limited dimensions and limitations make
it unfeasible to provide one (1) large, Industrial Loading Berth without reducing habitable
space along the ground floor.

Greenberg Traurig, P.A. | Attorneys at Law
Joseph Ruiz
Downtown 1st
Updated June 16, 2020

2. Waiver requested pursuant to Article 7, Section, to permit an up to 10%

reduction in the drive aisle width from 23’ to 22’.

The Project proposes a drive aisle width of twenty-two (22) feet. Article 4, Table 5 of Miami
21 requires an access aisle width of twenty-three (23) feet where parking is provided. This
Waiver is appropriate to reduce the access aisle width from twenty-three (23) feet to twenty-
two (22) feet in order to alleviate the practical difficulties associated with the site’s limited
dimensions and to provide a more efficient design. In order to meet Miami 21’s requirements
for parking placement along the Principal Frontage, the Project provides liner offices
concealing the parking along SW 1st Street. The proposed 4.5% reduction in the required
access aisle width is necessary to accommodate these liner units and provide adequate
parking facilities while maintaining the safety of the residents and visitors.

3. Waiver pursuant to Article 5, Section 5.6.1.g to permit a reduction of the Frontage

Setbacks above the 8th Story upper level setbacks for lots having one dimension of 100
feet or less.

The Applicant seeks the approval of a Waiver pursuant to Section 5.6.1(g) of Miami 21 for
the reduction of the required setback above the 8th Story for Lots having at least one (1)
dimension of 100 feet or less. As reflected in the Survey and the Site Plan, the Property
contains a Lot dimension of 77.68 feet, 35 feet, and 52 feet along its eastern boundary.
Pursuant to Section 5.6.1(g) of Miami 21, Frontage Setbacks above the 8th Story for Lots
having one (1) dimension of 100 feet or less may be reduced to a minimum of zero (0) feet.
Due to site constraints caused by the narrow, irregular lot dimensions and in order to create
an efficient design on the Property, a Waiver is required to reduce the Frontage Setbacks
(along the Principal and Secondary Frontages) above the 8th Story, to a minimum of nine
(9) feet.

4. Waiver pursuant to Article 5, Section 5.6.1.h to permit a reduction of the side Setbacks
above the 8th Story upper level setbacks for lots having one dimension of 100 feet or

The Applicant seeks the approval of a Waiver pursuant to Section 5.6.1(h) of Miami 21 for
the reduction of the required setback above the 8th Story for Lots having at least one (1)
dimension of 100 feet or less. As reflected in the Survey and the Site Plan, the Property
contains a Lot dimension of 77.68 feet, 35 feet, and 52 feet along its eastern boundary.
Pursuant to Section 5.6.1(h) of Miami 21, side and rear setbacks above the 8th Story for
Lots having one (1) dimension of 100 feet or less may be reduced to a minimum of twenty
(20) feet. Due to site constraints caused by the narrow lot dimensions and in order to create
an efficient design on the Property, a Waiver is required to reduce the side setbacks above
the 8th Story along the west side of the Property and for a portion of the Property’s east
side, to a minimum of twenty-seven (27) feet.

Greenberg Traurig, P.A. | Attorneys at Law
Joseph Ruiz
Downtown 1st
Updated June 16, 2020

5. Waiver requested pursuant to Article 7, Section, to permit parking to

encroach into the 2nd layer, above the first Story, along the Secondary Frontage, with
an art or glass treatment approved by the Planning Director.

In order to accommodate the parking spaces while providing an efficient and safe design,
encroachment into the 2nd layer along the Secondary Frontage must occur. The safety and
security of the residents and guests are given priority with the parking placement, and an art
or glass treatment, of a design approved by the Planning Director, will be provided. This
design provides the most efficient circulation within the parking structure with a focus on
the resident experience. It is important to note that all parking along the Principal Frontage
is located within the third layer behind Habitable Liner.

6. Waiver requested pursuant to Article 7, Section, to permit a 10% increase

in the maximum Lot Coverage.

The Applicant seeks approval of a Waiver pursuant to Section of Miami 21 to

permit a less than 10% increase of the permitted Lot Coverage from 80% to 85%. Please see
Sheet A-0.6 of the Site Plan reflecting the proposed Lot Coverage for the Property. The
Property is a narrow and irregularly shaped site which creates a practical difficulty in strict
adherence to the Miami 21 Lot Coverage requirements. The Project is appropriate for this
dense, urban environment. As such, a Waiver is requested to permit 85% Lot Coverage at
the Property to alleviate this practical difficulty and allow the development of a functional
design which provides the necessary circulation space. The Project provides a 15% Open
Space which exceeds the minimum Open Space requirement even with the increased Lot

7. Waiver pursuant to Section Article 7, Section of Miami 21 to allow

vehicular entries for loading docks, and service areas from the Principal Frontage.

The Applicant seeks approval of a Waiver pursuant to Section of Miami 21 to

allow vehicular entries, loading docks, and service entries on the Primary Frontage, SW 1st
Street. This Waiver request is necessary to alleviate a practical difficulty of the site, namely
the fact that Property’s only accessible frontage is SW 1st Street. The Property also has a
limited frontage along the I-95 on-ramp but the required parking, loading and access mandate
that Loading and vehicular access be provided along SW 1st Street. Accordingly, the Waiver
is necessary in order to permit the required vehicular entry, loading docks, and service entries
to the Project from the Principal Frontage.

Greenberg Traurig, P.A. | Attorneys at Law
Joseph Ruiz
Downtown 1st
Updated June 16, 2020

IV. Guiding Principals

The Guiding Principals in support of all the Waivers described below are as follows:

Section The City:

b. Growth strategies should encourage Infill and redevelopment.

-- The proposed Project is an Urban Core infill project fronting a highly

traversed street, SW 1st Street. The Project seeks to develop the existing surface
parking to provide multifamily housing, ground floor retail and office uses.

b. New Development should be structured to reinforce a pattern of Neighborhoods

and urban centers focusing growth at transit nodes rather than along Corridors.

-- The Project is proposed as an urban core mixed use project providing for a
variety of uses, with a lined garage. The Project accomplishes being a traffic
node as a Transit Oriented Development, abutting the Miami Avenue Metro
mover Station and within walking distance of the Government Center
transportation hub.

f. The City should include a framework of transit, pedestrian, and bicycle systems
that provide alternatives to automobile use.

-- The Project includes vehicular and bicycle parking options and is being built
as a Transit Oriented Development.

Section The Community

a. Neighborhoods and urban centers should be the preferred pattern of Development

and Transect Zones emphasizing single use should be the exception.

-- The Project is proposed as an urban core mixed use project providing for
Residential, office, and retail Uses.

b. Neighborhoods and Urban centers should be compact, pedestrian-oriented and

Mixed-Use. Density and Intensity of Use should relate to degree of transit

-- The Project is compact with a variety of uses and located along a major
corridor, SW 1st Street. The abutting Miami Avenue Metromover Station
provides abundant mass transit.

Greenberg Traurig, P.A. | Attorneys at Law
Joseph Ruiz
Downtown 1st
Updated June 16, 2020

c. The ordinary activities of daily living should occur within walking distance of
most dwellings, allowing independence to those who do not drive.

-- The Project is centrally located at an intersection which has a variety of retail,

civic, and restaurant uses located on all sides of the Project. With the abutting
Metromover Station, the entirety of Downtown, Omni, and Brickell is
accessible from the Property.

d. Interconnected networks of Thoroughfares should be designed to disperse and

reduce the length of automobile trips and to encourage walking and bicycling.

-- The Project is located within a Transit Oriented Development area.

f. Appropriate building Densities and land uses should occur within walking
distance of transit stops.

-- There is an abutting Metromover Station, as well as multiple bus stops within

walking distance.

i. Within Neighborhoods, a range of housing types and price levels should

accommodate diverse ages and incomes.

-- The Project proposes to have a Residential, office and commercial

development, providing a variety of residential options. The Block and the Building

a. Buildings and landscaping should contribute to the physical definition of

Thoroughfares as civic places.

-- The Project exceeds the required Open Space in Miami 21. The development
of the Property will provide ground level retail, which the existing surface
parking lacks. This will enhance the pedestrian realm and encourage
walkability along a stretch of downtown with no retail frontages.
b. Development should adequately accommodate vehicles while respecting the
pedestrian and the spatial form of public space.

-- The Project’s onsite parking is lined along the Primary Frontage, while
providing a level of parking appropriate for the tenant mix and the Property’s
Transit Oriented Development designation.

Greenberg Traurig, P.A. | Attorneys at Law
Joseph Ruiz
Downtown 1st
Updated June 16, 2020

c. The design of Thoroughfares and Buildings should reinforce safe environments,

but not at the expense of accessibility. Designs should incorporate principles of
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).

-- The Parking access has been internalized within the site.

d. Architecture and landscape design should grow from local climate, topography,
history, and building practice.

-- The Landscape plan incorporates native trees into the proposed landscaping
plan. The existing site is predominantly covered in asphalt and/or concrete.

e. Buildings should allow their inhabitants to experience the geography and climate
through energy efficient design.

-- The Project is being proposed as a LEED Silver project or its equivalent.

If you require any additional information or would like to discuss this request further,
please contact me at 305-579-0737. Thank you for your attention and favorable consideration of
this matter.


Iris V. Escarra


Greenberg Traurig, P.A. | Attorneys at Law
Note: Annual Registration Expires on 12/3112019


Instructions Please complete all sections of this form and submit the completed form, with the applicable
fee(s), to the Office of the City Clerk. If you need more space to complete a section, use a separate sheet(s)
of paper. If you have nothing to report in a particular section, you must type or print ooNone" or "N/A" in

Important: It is the responsibility of the Iobbyist to ensure that ALL active lobbyist registration forms,
including active lobbyist registration forms submitted in previous years, remain up-to-date.

(r) Lobbyi st Name: Escarra, lris

(Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Are you a Principal of the corporation, partnership, trust, etc.? YES NO ,/ (vou must check YES or NO)

Business phone: 305-579-0737 Emait: [email protected] !

7 t\t
Business Address (include Zip Code): f)
333 SE 2nd Avenu e, 44th Floor, Miami, FL 33131
-L' ,-B 4 rrl
^-l s- lIff

(2) Princ,ipal Represented: 32 PLAZA LLC =(

> -{:
(Name of corporation, partnership, tnrst, etc., you are
l"r1 (l'
Business Address (include Zip Code): H _I-.

425 NE 22nd Street, Suite 301, Miami, FL 33137

CAREFULLY. If a lobbyist represents a corporation, partnership or trust, the lobbyist must disclose the name
and business address of the chief officer, partner or beneficiary of the corporation, partnership or trust, and the
names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly,, at least five percent (57o) ownership interest
in sairl corporation, partnership or trust. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not applicable vou
must fvpe or print t'None" or ttN/At'.

Please see Ownership Disclosure attached hereto.

(4) Specific issue associated with lobbying. Describe with as much detail as is practical. Attach a separate sheet if
needed. If you are using this form for your Annual Registration, please write "Annual Registration" and the
year that you are registering for (ex: Annual Registration 2019).

Development entitlements for 30 SW 1 St, Miami, Florida

Page 1 of 2

Office of the City Clerk,3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 / Phone: (305)250-5361 / Email: [email protected]
CM-LRF (Rev. 06/19)
partnership, or
(5) Lobbyists shall be requirecl to state the existence of any direct or indirect business association,
financial relationship rvith the Mayor, any member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the
City Manager o r a member of the City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. Attach separate
ttN or ttN/Att
sheet if needed. If this is not annlicable vou rrst tvne or nrint


plus $105.00 for

Lobbyists, as defined in City Code Section 2-653, shall pay an annual registration fee of $525.00,
each principal representecl for each issue lobbied on behalf of any one principal. Each issue associated
with lobbying
reject any
shall be described with as much cletail as is practical. The City Clerk, or the City Clerk's designee, shall
registration statement that does not provide a clear description of the specific issue on which such lobbyist
has been
retained to lobby or if any section of this form is left blank. Regardless of the date of the annual registration,
lobbyists' annual registrations shall expire December 31 of each calendar year and shall be renewed on a calendar
year basis.

Each lobbyist shall, within sixry (60) days after registering as a lobbyist, submit to the Office of the
City Clerk a
certificate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics
& Public
the preceding
Trust (66Ethics Commission',). Lobbyists who have completed the initial ethics course mandated by
sentence and have continuously registered as a lobbyist thereafter shall be required to complete
a refresher ethics
a refresher ethics
course offered by the Ethics Commission every two (2) years. Each lobbyist who has completed
course shall submit a certificate of completion within sixfy (60) days after registering as a lobbyist.

I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and n I d or am familiar with the
provisions contained in Chapter 2, Article VI, Sections 2-651 City Code, as amended.

Signature of Lobbyist q r\)

Florida G'
c} ,'rl (--'t
Miami-Dade .-.J
-tr -rl E TII
this [ ' day ot a_
{} ,20
Sworn to (or aff irmed) and subscribed before me
r: (-) b<
_*" -_l

lris Escarra
= |r-j
(Name of person making statement)
rrt C4t

\q S"J \
Name of Notary Typed, Printed or
Signature of NotarY Public

Personally Known ,/ OR Produced ldentification: *: -a-
#GG 07518t

Type of ldentification Produced:


FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Check f Receipt fi

CM-LRF (Rev. 06/19) Page 2 of 2


50% Carlos Ferreira de Melo

50% Martin Ferreira de Melo

ti ,\,
.l Fql
(),.i L
-:,- r:-- ai,)
;+ fJ rrl -

cr:l I
-r:i=;j €- {)

a ,'-f
xs- c^)
Note: Annual Registration Expires on l2l3l/2019


Instructions: Please complete all sections of this form and submit the completed form, with the applicable
fee(s), to the Office of the City Clerk. If you need more space to complete a section, use a separate sheet(s)
of paper. If you have nothing to report in a particular section, you must type or print 'oNone" or "N/A" in

Important: It is the responsibility of the lobbyist to ensure that 3!!! active lobbyist registration forms,
including active lobbyist registration forms submitted in previous years, remain up-to-date.

(1) Lobbyist Name: Diaz, Carlos L.

(Last Name. First Name, Middle Initial)

Are you a Principal of the corporation, partnership, trust, etc.? YES NO

Business phone: 305-579-0502 Email: [email protected]

r-l'l 73
Business Address (include Zip Code): I11
ct ,|-l
f.) i
333 SE 2nd Avenue,44th Floor, Miami, FL 33131
r-i -lO
i i-l
(2) Principal Represented: 32 Plaza, LLC f\)
(Name ofcorporation, partnership, trust, etc., you are representin$ cf,
Business Address (include Zip Code):

425 NE 22nd Street, Suite 301, Miami, FL 33137

CAREFULLY. If a tobbyist represents a corporation, partnership or trust, the lobbyist must disclose the name
and business address of the chief officer, partner or beneficiary of the corporation, partnership or trust, and the
names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (57o) ownership interest
in said corporation, partnership or trust. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not applicable vou
must tvpe or print ooNonett or toN/Att.

Please see Ownership Disclosure attached hereto

(4) Specific issue associated with lobbying. Describe with as much detail as is practical. Attach a separate sheet if
needed. If you are using this form for your Annual Registrationn please write "Annual Registration" and the
year that you are registering for (ex: Annual Registration 2019).

Development entitlements for 30 SW 1st Street, Miami, Florida

Page 1 of 2

Office of the City Clerk,3500 Pan American Drive, Miami,FL33133 / Phone: (305) 250-5361 / Email: [email protected]
CM-LRF (Rev. 06/19)


Lobbyists, as defined in city code section 2-6s3, shail pay O.

each principal represented for each issue lobbied on behalfofany one princ
an annual registration fee of $525.00, plus f#
ipal. Each issue associated with lobbiing
shall be described with as much detail as is practical. The city clerk,
or the Cify Clerk's designee, shall reject any
registration statement that does not provide a clear description of the specific
issue on which such lobbyist has been
retained to lobby or if any section of this form is left blank. Regardless
of the date of the annual registration, all
lobbyists' annual registrations shall expire December 3l of ea ch calendar year
and shall be renewed on a calendar
year basis.

Each lobbyist shall, within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist,
submit to the office of the City clerk a
certificate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Miami-Dade
county commission on Ethics & public
Trust ("Ethics commission"). Lobbyists who have completed the initial ethics
course mandated by the preceding
sentence and have continuously registered as a lobbyist thereafter
shall be required to complete a refresher ethics
course offered by the Ethics commission every two (2) years. Each
lobbyist who has completed a refresher ethics
course shall submit a certificate of completion within sixty (60) days
after registering as a lobbyist.

I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct,
and I have read or am familiar with the
provisions contained in chapter 2, Article vI, sections 2-651 through
2-65g of the Miami city code, as amended.

S ignature of Lobbyist
srATE oF Florida
couNry ep Miami-Dade

Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this Itk o.u la ( 2020 by

Carlos L. Diaz
(Name of person making statement)

Signature of Notary Public

Notary T yped, Printed or Stamped

Personally Known OR Produced ldentification: It

Type of ldentiflcation Produced:

+ -.- +
FOR OFFICE USE ONLy: Check # ?v6z I Receipt ffil0z
CM-LRF (Rev. 06/19) Page 2 of 2

50% Carlos Ferreira de Melo

50o/oMartin Feneira de Melo

(.', g*)
- ..i sll

'' )-: ,--li

i' ,'!
Certificate of Completion
This is to certify that

Artruro Griego

has satisfactorily fu filled the requirements for lobbyist

training under section 2- 11. 1 ( s), Miami -Dade County Code, by participating in

Miami - Dade Ethics Training Certificate

conducted by the Miami -Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust on

This Certificate is valid through

August 27, 2020 to August 27, 2022

Jose Arrojo, Executive Director

Miami - Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust

City of Miami
C30 Sales T Total $ Date:
411 Z02()
100 Dollars


For: L/ a 7.
This Receipt not VALID u less dated,
filled in and signed by authorized em-
ployee of department or division des-
ignated hereon and until the City has
collected the proceeds of any checks Division: _
tendered as payment herein.

C FN/ TM 402 Rev. 03/ 03 Distribution: White - Customer; Canary - Finance; Pink - Issuing Department

975 Arthur Godfrey Road Ste.
Miami Beach FL 33140 401glri
8/ 31/ 20 K
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63- 9045/ 2670

Architecture I Engineering I Construction www.
M g3aec.
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PAY TO THE City Of Miami '"` 630. 00


Six Hundred Thirty and 00/ 100 ,

t r ,: ri t1. at 3+(;. K' itrx lad DOLLARS
a• F rt r'
City of Mia m1ir
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Downtown 1st UDRB application Lobbyist AUW16 Eo TURE

11100 3 La 711' 1: 26 70904 5 Si: 00 300 213 7 7911'

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