Airship Weaponry: Ammunition
Airship Weaponry: Ammunition
Airship Weaponry: Ammunition
devestating explosion, splintering of wood, Each Weapon is anchored to the ship at the Hardpoint, some
shattering of metal, bullets cutting thrrough the weapons have a stronger kick, while others are more stable.
sky with unholy screams of destruction. these To stop them from ripping the ship they're attached to apart
are the tools of war. Airship weaponry is they have varrying levels of flexibility. Line arc, Medium Arc,
specially designed to take down other sky craft and Wide arc.
while not tearing the vessle its bolted down to
apart. Each device in this arsenal delivers Line Arc: a 20° cone originating from the weapon flank,
destruction in their own special way. Your ship has a limited these weapons trade their wide arc for powerfully long
number of hardpoints that are specificly designed to carry ranges.
certan types of weapons, so choose wisely.
These are used for specific weapons, the capacity of the
magaziene is determined by the weapon it is loaded into.
Bullets: smaller caliber full metal jacket ammunition,
generally used in light weaponry.
Value: 8gp per magazine
Cannonballs: classic, big metal ball leave big mark, me
happy, enemy dead.
Value: 10gp per Mag
Missiles: rocket propelled ammunition thanks to heavier
Value: 12gp per Mag Medium Arc: a 50° cone originating from the weapon flank,
Artillery: Heavier, armor piercing rounds, found on long these weapons are often 'jack of all trade' type weapons,
range weaponry. often for mid range and highly versitile.
Value: 12gp per Mag
Scatter: Buck shot, small pieces of metal packed in front of
some gunpowder.
Value: 5gp per Mag
Special: includes mines, flame thrower canisters, lightning
cells, among other non conventional types of ammunition.
Value: 15gp per Mag