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Spatial Planning in the context of

the Responsible Governance of


What is Spatial Planning?

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This course is funded by the European Union through the EU-FAO

Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction Programme.
© FAO, 2015
What is Spatial Planning?

In this lesson
Learning objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
The role of spatial planning .......................................................................................................................... 3
Key principles ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Spatial planning functions............................................................................................................................. 8
Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

Text-only version 1
What is Spatial Planning?

Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
 understand a definition of spatial planning;
 understand the key principles that define the scope of spatial planning.

This lesson will provide an overview of what spatial planning is. In particular, it will identify a general
definition of this discipline and then it will examine the main principles on which spatial planning is
founded and its fundamental functions.

Before arriving at a general definition of spatial planning, let’s first consider a series of different aspects
related to this discipline, as they are summarized in the questions below:

To what other disciplines is spatial planning related?

? Does spatial planning support sustainable development?
With which levels of decision-making is spatial planning concerned?

How would you answer these questions?

We could answer as follows:

 Spatial planning enhances the integration between diverse disciplines
Discrete professional disciplines that involve spatial planning include use of land, fisheries and forests,
urban, regional, transport and environmental planning. Economic and community planning are other
important related areas.

 It creates an enabling environment for sustainable development.

Spatial planning is an iterative procedure carried out in order to create an enabling environment for
sustainable development of land, fisheries and forests which meets people’s needs and demands. It
activates social processes of decision-making and consensus building.

It is a public sector activity at all levels (UNECE, 2008)

Spatial planning takes place at local, regional, national and international levels and often results in the
creation of a spatial plan in which the tensions among sectoral policies are reconciled.

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What is Spatial Planning?

The role of spatial planning

Spatial planning can be examined under a number of aspects and its definition varies given the multiple
and diverse administrative and planning systems that exist around the world. Whatever definition is
used for spatial planning, there is at least one common element in all of them: reference is made to
the attempts of society to influence the spatial distribution of people, their activities and resources.
A common definition of spatial planning can be distilled out of this multitude of terms:

Spatial planning is defined and understood as any attempt by society, particularly the public sector, to
influence or control the arrangement and use of land, fisheries and forest.

Given this definition, it becomes clear that "balancing different, often conflicting, public and private
interests is a key element in spatial planning" (Sager, 2012).

Conflicting interests related to spatial planning could be caused, for example, by different policies
regarding infrastructure, environment, urban and rural development.

For example, an infrastructure project might cause damage to the environment.

The key role of spatial planning is to balance the different demands in order to ensure a rational
arrangement of the activities and the linkages between them, and to ensure that competing policy
goals are reconciled. If such demands are not managed, the development might not be the most
desirable for sustainability and improvement of living conditions, in general.

For example, an urban expansion project might cause damage to the adjacent prime agricultural area.

What are the aims of spatial planning?

Among others, the aims of spatial planning are to:

1. manage rapid growth, urbanization and large-scale investments;
2. ensure sufficient infrastructure, water supply and sewage systems;
3. avoid corruption and ad hoc decision-making;
4. improve the linkages between urban and rural areas;
5. reduce environmental damage and limit impacts of natural disasters;
6. ensure sufficient availability of land, fisheries and forest to suit future requests;
7. enhance and protect natural resources; and
8. adapt to and prepare for climate changes.

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What is Spatial Planning?


Thousands of demonstrators have marched today to protest against the planned construction of a large
highway which is going to link the country capital to the coast. Hundreds of people were injured in
clashes with the police and more than 20 people were arrested. Fierce opposition from locals and
environmental campaigners is causing delays in the beginning of works. There are competing interests:
 Supporters believe the new infrastructure will cut journey times and bring opportunities of
economic growth.
 Its opponents say it is unnecessary and will have a negative impact on the coastal environment.
A representative of the newly elected government has met a group of campaigners and has
demonstrated a positive approach based on spatial planning strategies and its role. This is what the
government has declared to the protesters:

“The project was planned without taking into account the involved parties who opposed it, so it will be
now re-discussed with all stakeholders.”

The key role of spatial planning is to promote a more rational arrangement of activities and to reconcile
competing policy goals.

Key principles
Despite the variety of interpretations of spatial planning, a number of key principles are common to all
spatial planning systems. GIZ (2012) (www.giz.de/en/html/index.html) and UNECE (2008) identify a
number of these principles which are applicable to spatial planning. The first three key principles to
examine include:
Dialogue-based Inclusive process Civic engagement

  
A central part of spatial planning All stakeholder groups should To ensure implementation of a
is the initialization of be represented: local direct spatial plan, the population should
a dialogue allowing all and indirect users, public actively participate in the planning
stakeholder groups to express authorities, process. All relevant
their interests and enable them non-governmental stakeholders should be
to agree on future uses of land, organizations (NGOs), private included throughout the spatial
fisheries and forests that respect investors. Stakeholders’ planning process, including in the
all positions in a fair and participation can be direct or development of spatial planning
adequate way. indirect. proposals.

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What is Spatial Planning?

As with the other key principles, these ones help to define the scope of spatial planning in a specific
context. They also determine the knowledge and skills planners should possess to execute their tasks
and responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner.

In the process of spatial planning, local conditions and knowledge should be considered and valorized.
According to the following three principles, spatial planning is oriented to:

Local conditions Not only should the content of a plan be adapted to local conditions, but the
methods also have to fit the technical, economic and organizational capacities of
the local population as well as administration.

Local knowledge The knowledge within the society should be considered and valorized. Rural
societies or groups often possess a complex autochthonous knowledge of their
natural environment. Therefore, they can contribute valuable information and
should be mobilized during the planning process.

Local strategies Traditional rural societies have their own way of approaching problems and settling
conflicts concerning the use of land, fisheries and forestry. In the process of spatial
planning, such mechanisms have to be understood and taken into account.

The framework of laws and policies of spatial planning has at its basis the two following principles, as
 Subsidiarity  Proportionality

Central government has backed the extension of The natural reserve does not allow local
industrial areas around the main cities to promote populations to use natural water resources. Not
their economic development, but urban expansion all people respect this prohibition, because it
has destroyed local agricultural resources around damages all local productions and does not
these centres. The protests of local communities have consider that there are those who are
been ignored. This policy of development has to stop. respectful of the environment.
We want our say.

In this example, all steps of urban development have In this case, too strict rules and legislation risk
been decided at a central level, which has proven the destruction of local initiative and creativity.
irresponsive to the needs of citizens and to local They also can be unfeasible to implement and

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What is Spatial Planning?

requirements. enforce.
Subsidiarity Proportionality
 
The subsidiarity principle implies decentralizing the The proportionality principle refers to defining
spatial planning to the level where it belongs; in the proper balance between rules and
principle, to the lowest level possible. In other words, regulations and the responsibility that can be
"decentralize if possible, centralize if necessary". left to the citizens, local communities and the
private sector.
In each of these situation, the following principles have been applied
Pastoral farmers of the local tribe attended a meeting with government Local knowledge
technicians working on a project of forest landscape restoration. The project
works to combine the best of traditional practices with the best of modern,
improved practices.

The upgrades of the major transport infrastructure of the country were Subsidiarity
decided, planned and implemented at national level because of the scale of
the project.

The decision-making process involved all stakeholders, including local Inclusive process
populations and, for the first time, nomadic tribes which are concerned by
the project’s implementation of fencing of cropland.
According to the principle of subsidiarity, the decision-making process should be driven by local
requirements. However, it may be necessary for the decision to be made at higher levels because of the
scale of the issue or the objective being pursued (as in the case of a major infrastructure). In addition, in
the process of spatial planning, local knowledge should be considered and valorized and all stakeholder
groups should be represented.

Spatial planning is also based on the two following key principles:

Vertical level Horizontal level

Spatial planning needs to combine local needs and Spatial planning requires sector coordination and
interests with provisions made by higher levels. coordination across administrative borders with
This combination can only be achieved in a other affected authorities (neighbourhood

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What is Spatial Planning?

sustainable way if stakeholders from all levels districts, municipalities etc.). The diverse functions
participate in the process and talk and listen to and uses of land, fisheries and forestry make it
each other. necessary to apply an interdisciplinary approach.

Spatial planning is also based on the two following key principles:

Stakeholder improvement Transparency
The participatory methods used in all steps of spatial If there is no transparency on decisions about
planning promote the technical and organizational future uses of land, fisheries and
capabilities of all participants, thereby improving their forestry, risks are high that some people will
capacity to plan and act. In the medium term, this leads to be deprived of their rights and/or that future
an improvement in the capacity of local groups or use will be non-sustainable.
administrative entities for self-determination.

The dam was built with the involvement of local farmers who participated from the planning stage
to the final construction and implementation. They could have access to information about
development proposals, plans and policies, and were able to comment on proposals. Their objections
were discussed by local authorities and, where possible, taken into consideration and implemented.
The systems so far developed is operated and maintained by the farmers themselves.

Spatial planning is oriented to:

Future Iterative process
Spatial planning is not only about mapping Iteration is both the principle and the method of
the current property uses or covers. It should spatial planning. New developments and findings are
also determine how the property will be used specifically observed and incorporated into the
in the future. planning process. It may lead to the revision of
decisions and the repetition of steps already taken.

Two years after the creation of the National Park to protect the forest ecosystem, local authorities
consulted the population to verify the impact of the park on local farmers and to sustain them to
find new sources of revenue. Practical small-scale enterprises have been set up to improve
livelihoods using natural resources in a sustainable way, because the purpose of the park is not only

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What is Spatial Planning?

to improve progressively the natural resources in the area, but to sustain the economic
development and quality of life of rural households.

Spatial planning functions

To understand what spatial planning is, we have identified a definition of spatial planning and have
examined the key principles that define the scope of spatial planning.
Now, we can conclude the lesson by reviewing the main functions that spatial planning serves in order
to manage the competing interests and demands on land, fisheries and forests. These functions include:
 The development function
 The regulatory or restrictive function
 The coordinative function
These functions should be undertaken at the various administrative levels (national, regional and/or
local level) depending on what is the most suitable distribution of responsibilities for a certain
context (UNECE, 2008).
Through spatial planning:

...new spatial developments  This is the development function.

are created It includes the creation of infrastructure and of new urban areas; the
exploitation of natural resources; the regeneration of former industrial areas;
and the provision of basic services.

...rules and regulations are  This is the regulatory function.

developed, applied and Rules and regulations are necessary to control certain uses of land, fisheries
enforced and forests, to protect public and private ownership and to avoid negative or
to facilitate positive externalities of certain land uses.

...the plans of the various  This is the coordination function.

actors are coordinated by The intentions and efforts of the actors are brought together to avoid conflict,
identifying priorities and reduce redundancy and, where possible, create synergy, for example,
providing a common direction between plans on climate adaptation and plans on renovation of the drainage

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What is Spatial Planning?

Spatial planning refers to the methods used by the public sector to influence the distribution of people
and activities in space and time of various scales. It serves as a means to avoid uncontrolled rapid
growth, to ensure a facilitation of the required and basic supply network, to protect the environment
and to manage the diverging interests regarding the use of land, fisheries and forestry. It is, therefore,

important that these conflicting interests are balanced and coordinated through the spatial plans.

A number of key principles should be applied when undertaking spatial planning, including the
involvement of all stakeholders. The local circumstances and traditions should be considered by using a
holistic, transparent and inclusive planning approach.

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