Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP) : B.E. (EC) Electronics and Communication Engg
Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP) : B.E. (EC) Electronics and Communication Engg
Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP) : B.E. (EC) Electronics and Communication Engg
Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (EC) Electronics and Communication Engg.
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2007
Category Title Code Credits-4C Theory Papers
Basic Mathematics-III BE 301 L T P Max Marks-100
Sciences 3 1 0 Min Marks-35
BS-5 Duration-3 Hrs
Unit 1 Functions of Complex Variables: Analytic functions, Harmonic Conjugate, Cauchy - Riemann
Equations, Line integral, Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's Integral formula, Singular points, Poles and
Residues, Residue theorem, Evaluation of Real Integral, Bilinear Transformation.
Unit 2 Numerical Analysis: Difference operators, Errors and Approximations, Interpolation, Inverse
interpolation, Numerical differentiation, Numerical Integration by using Simpson’s method, Weddel’s
rule and Gauss legendre open quadrate formula.
Unit 4 Introduction to optimization by linear programming, only two variable problems solution by
graphical and simplex method, concept of degeneracy and duality; simple three variable transport
and assignment problems and modeling into LPP.
Unit 5 introduction to Q theory and Markovian process, time independent property of exponential
distribution, solution of only M/M/1 (∞/∞/FCFS) Queues; introduction to design of experiments,
factorial design, sampling methods, Taguchi Loss Function, robust design methods, variance
reduction and six (±3)σ outliers in quality.
1. Kreyszig E; Advanced Engineering Mathematics; Wiley Eastern Limited.
2. Ramana BV; Higher Engineering Mathematics; TMH
3. Grewal BS; Higher Engineering Mathematics; Khanna Publisher.
4. Taha H; Operations Research an Introduction; PHI
5. Ross; Taguchi techniques for Quality engineering, TMH
6. Spiegel; Theory and problems of probability and statistics; TMH
7. Chandrasekharaiah DS; Engineering Maths Part II & III; Prism Books Pvt.
8. Johnson; Miller and Freund’s Probability and statistics for Engineers; PHI.
9. Jaggi, Mathur; Engineering Mathematics; Khanna Publisher.
Category Title Code Credits-4C Theory Papers
Humanities Energy Environment BM/CS/EC/ L T P Max Mark-100
Science HS Ethics and Society EE/EI/EX/IT 3 1 0 Min Mark-35
2 302 Duration-3Hrs
Unit 1 Energy: linkage with development, world energy scenario, fossil fuel resource- estimates and
duration, India’s energy scenario; Finite/ depleting energy resources, coal, oil, gas, nuclear fission,
promises and present status of nuclear fusion energy; Renewable energy, solar, hydro, wind,
biomass, ocean, tidal, wave and geothermal. Synergy between energy and environment, global
environment issues, greenhouse gas emission, global warming, green energy solutions.
Unit 4 (a) Air pollution-primary, secondary; chemical and photochemical reactions, effects of CO,
NO, CH and particulates, acid rain, Ozone depletion; monitoring and control of pollutants
(b) Noise pollution-sources and control measures.
(c) Water pollution, analysis and management, heavy metals- and nuclear pollutions; industrial
pollution from paper, pharmacy, distillery, tannery, fertilizer, food processing and small scale
Unit 5 Ethics and moral values, ethical situations, objectives of ethics and its study, role morality
and conflicts; values, policies and Organization Culture; Non-professional, quasi- and hard-
professionals; preventive, personal, common and professional ethics; different ethical value criteria
like utilitarian, virtue, right and duty ethics with discussion on the case of priority for improvement of
urban (high traffic) or rural (low traffic) intersections causing equal number of fatalities; codes of
ethics and their limitations; Institute of engineers code for corporate member, IEEE and ACM
1. Miller G. T Jr; Living in the environment; Cengage Publisher.
2. Cunningham W; Principles of Environmental Science: TMH
3. Harris CE, Prichard MS, Rabins MJ, Engineering Ethics; Cengage Pub.
4. Martin; Ethics in Engineering; TMH
5. Govindrajan, Natrajan, Santikumar; Engineering Ethics; PHI pub.
6. Rana SVS;Essentials of ecology and environment; PHI Pub.
7. Gerard Kiely, Environmental Engineering; TMH
8. Khan BH; Non Conventional energy resources; TMH Pub.
9. Raynold G.W. “Ethics in Information Technology; Cengage
Course Contents
Category Title code Credit-6 Theory paper
DC-1 Electronic EC--303 L T P Max. Marks-100
Instrumentation 3 1 2 Min. Marks: 35
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit-I Measurement and Error, Accuracy and Precision, Sensitivity, Linearity, Resolution, Hysterisis,
Loading Effect. Measurements of Current, Voltage, Power and Impedance: DC and AC Ammeter, DC
Voltmeter-Chopper type and solid-state, AC voltmeter using Rectifier, Average, RMS, Peak
Responding voltmeters, Multi-meter, Power meter, Bolometer and Calorimeter.)
Unit-II Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO): Different parts of CRO, Block diagram, Electrostatic
focusing, Electrostatic deflection, Post deflection acceleration, Screen for CRTs, Graticules, Vertical
and Horizontal deflection system, Time base circuit, Oscilloscope Probes, Applications of CRO,
Special purpose CROs-Multi input, Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog and Digital)
Unit-IV Wave Analyzer (Frequency selective and Heterodyne), Harmonic Distortion Analyzer,
Spectrum Analyzer, Network Analyzer, Signal and Function Generators, Sweep Frequency Generator,
Pulse and Square Wave Generator, Beat Frequency Oscillator. (Required Hours: 6)
Unit-V Digital Measurement and Instruments: Advantages of Digital Instrument over Analog
Instrument, Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) - Variable resistive type, R-2R ladder Type, Binary
ladder, Weighted converter using Op-amp and transistor, Practical DAC. Analog-to-digital Conversion
(ADC) -Ramp Technique, Dual Slope Integrating Type, Integrating Type (voltage to frequency),
Successive Approximations, digital voltmeters and multi-meters, Resolution and sensitivity of digital
meter, PLC structure, principal of operation, response time and application.
1. H. S. Kalsi : Electronics Instrumentation, TMH.
2. K. Sawhney : Instrumentation and Measurements, Dhanpat Rai and Co.
3. Helfric and Cooper: Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques;
List of Experiments (Expandable):
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps. Step 1: Circuit
should be designed/ drafted on paper. Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using
Simulation S/W (TINA-V7/ PSPICE/ Labview/ CIRCUIT MAKER). Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit
should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results. Step 4: The
bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB prepared on PCB machine.
Course Contents
Category Title code Credit-6 Theory paper
Department Electronic EC--304 L T P Max. Marks-100
DC-2 Devices Min. Marks: 35
3 1 2 Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit-I :Semiconductor intrinsic and extrinsic, p-type and n-type, energy band diagrams, majority and
minority carrier, charge density in semiconductor, generation and recombination of charges, process of
diffusion, diffusion and drift currents, Hall effects and its applications. p-n junction, depletion layer,
potential barrier, electric field, forward and reverse biased junction, current components in p-n diode,
current equation, V-I characteristics, cut in voltages of Si and Ge diode, transition and diffusion
capacitance, power dissipation, p-n junction diode as rectifier, clipper and clamper.
Unit II: Optoelectronic and miscellaneous devices: Characteristics and application of Zener diode,
Varactor diode, Schottky diode, Tunnel Diode, PIN diode, LED, photoconductor cells, photodiodes,
solar cell, phototransistors, opto-couplers, thermistors, Seven segment displays.
Unit-III: Bipolar junction transistor – Construction, basic operation, current components and
equation. CB, CE and CC-configuration, input and output characteristics, Early effect, region of
operation- active, cutoff and saturation region, Ebers-Moll model, power dissipation in transistor (Pdmax
rating), Uni-junction Transistor (UJT) : Principle of operation, characteristics.
Unit IV: FET construction- Construction, n channel and p channel, characteristics, parameters,
equivalent model and voltage gain, Enhancement and depletion MOSFET and its characteristics,
analysis of FET in various configuration.
Unit V:Thyristor Family- Silicon Controlled Rectifier, V-I Characteristics, Transistor Analogy, Turn-On
and Turn-Off Mechanism, Series and Parallel Combination of SCR, Protection Circuits. Introduction to
Diac, Triac, Power MOSFET, IGBT and GTO.
1. Boylestad and Nashelsky : Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson Education
2. Millman and Halkias : Integrated electronics, TMH
3. Graham Bell : Electronic Devices and Circuits , PHI
4. Ned Mohan : Power electronics, John Wiley and Sons
5. Sendra and Smith : Microelectronics, Oxford Press.
6. Streetman : Electronic Devices, Pearson Education.
7. Neamen Donald : Electronic Circuits Analysis and Design, TMH
8. Salivahanan et al : Electronic Devices and Circuits, TMH
List of Experiments(Expandable):
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps. Step 1: Circuit
should be designed/ drafted on paper. Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using
Simulation S/W (TINA-V7/ PSPICE/ Labview/ CIRCUIT MAKER). Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit
should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results. Step 4: The
bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB prepared on PCB machine.
1. V-I characteristics of various Diodes (p-n, Zener, Varactor, schottky. Tunnel, Photodiode etc)
2. Characteristics of Transistors (BJT and FET)
3. Study of Power electronic devices (Diac, Triac, SCR, Power Mosfet, IGBT etc.)
Course Contents
Category Title Code Credit-6 Theory paper
DID 1 Network BM/EC/EE L T P Max. Marks-100
Analysis /EI/EX-305 Min. Marks: 35
3 1 2 Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit I
Introduction to circuit elements R,L,C and their characteristics in terms of linearity & time dependant
nature, voltage & current sources controlled & uncontrolled sources KCL and KVL analysis, Nodal &
mesh analysis, analysis of magnetically coupled circuits, Transient analysis :- Transients in RL,
RC&RLC Circuits, initial conditions, time constants. Steady state analysis- Concept of phasor & vector,
impedance & admittance, Network topology, concept of Network graph, Tree, Tree branch & link,
Incidence matrix, cut set and tie set matrices, dual networks, Dot convention, coupling co-efficient,
tuned circuits, Series & parallel resonance.
Unit II
Network Theorems for AC & DC circuits- Thevenins & Norton’s, Superpositions, Reciprocity,
Compensation, Substitution, Maximum power transfer, and Millman’s theorem, Tellegen’s theorem,
problems with dependent & independent sources.
Unit III
Frequency domain analysis – Laplace transform solution of Integro-differential equations, transform of
waveform synthesized with step ramp, Gate and sinusoidal functions, Initial & final value theorem,
Network Theorems in transform domain
Unit IV
Concept of signal spectra, Fourier series co-efficient of a periodic waveform, symmetries as related to
Fourier coefficients, Trigonometric & Exponential form of Fourier series.
Unit V
Network function & Two port networks – concept of complex frequency, Network & Transfer functions
for one port & two ports, poles and zeros, Necessary condition for driving point & transfer function.
Two port parameters – Z,Y, ABCD, Hybrid parameters, their inverse & image parameters, relationship
between parameters, Interconnection of two ports networks, Terminated two port network.
1. M.E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, (PHI)
2. F.F.Kuo, Network Analysis.
3. Mittal GK; Network Analysis; Khanna Publisher
4. Mesereau and Jackson; Circuit Analysis- A system Approach; Pearson.
5. Sudhakar & Pillai; Circuit & Networks- Analysis and Synthesis; TMH
6. Hayt W.H. & J.E. Kemmerly; Engineering Circuit Analysis; TMH
7. Decarlo lin; Linear circuit Analysis; Oxford
8. William D Stanley : Network Analysis with Applications, Pearson Education
9. Roy Choudhary D; Network and systems; New Age Pub
10. Charles K. Alexander & Matthew N.O. Sadiku: Electrical Circuits :TMH
11. Chakraborti :Circuit theory: Dhanpat Rai
12. B.Chattopadhyay & P.C.Rakshit; Fundamental of Electrical circuit theory; S Chand
13. Nilson & Riedel , Electric circuits ;Pearson
List of experiments (Expandable):
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps. Step 1: Circuit
should be designed/ drafted on paper. Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using
Simulation S/W (TINA-V7/ PSPICE/ Labview/ CIRCUIT MAKER). Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit
should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results. Step 4: The
bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB prepared on PCB machine..
Course Contents
Category Title Code Credit-4 Practical
IT-2 Java CS/EC/BM 306 L T P Max. Marks-50
- - 4 Min. Marks: 25
UNIT-I Basic Java Features - C++ Vs JAVA, JAVA virtual machine, Constant & Variables, Data
Types, Class, Methods, Objects, Strings and Arrays, Type Casting, Operators, Precedence relations,
Control Statements, Exception Handling, File and Streams, Visibility, Constructors, Operator and
Methods Overloading, Static Members, Inheritance: Polymorphism, Abstract methods and Classes
UNIT–II Java Collective Frame Work - Data Structures: Introduction, Type-Wrapper Classes for
Primitive Types, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Linked List, Stack, Queues, Trees,
Generics: Introduction, Overloading Generic Methods, Generic Classes, Collections: Interface
Collection and Class Collections, Lists, Array List and Iterator, Linked List, Vector.
Collections Algorithms: Algorithm sorts, Algorithm shuffle, Algorithms reverse, fill, copy, max and min
Algorithm binary Search, Algorithms add All, Stack Class of Package java. Util, Class Priority Queue
and Interface Queue, Maps, Properties Class, Un-modifiable Collections.
UNIT–III Advance Java Features - Multithreading: Thread States, Priorities and Thread Scheduling,
Life Cycle of a Thread, Thread Synchronization, Creating and Executing Threads, Multithreading with
GUI, Monitors and Monitor Locks. Networking: Manipulating URLs, Reading a file on a Web Server,
Socket programming, Security and the Network, RMI, Networking, Accessing Databases with JDBC:
Relational Database, SQL, MySQL, Oracle
UNIT–IV Advance Java Technologies - Servlets: Overview and Architecture, Setting Up the Apache
Tomcat Server, Handling HTTP get Requests, Deploying a web Application, Multitier Applications,
Using JDBC from a Servlet, Java Server Pages (JSP): Overview, First JSP Example, Implicit Objects,
Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives, Multimedia: Applets and Application: Loading, Displaying and
Scaling Images, Animating a Series of Images, Loading and playing Audio clips
1. Deitel & Deitel, ”JAVA, How to Program”; PHI, Pearson.
2. E. Balaguruswamy, “Programming In Java”; TMH Publications
3. The Complete Reference: Herbert Schildt, TMH
4. Peter Norton, “Peter Norton Guide To Java Programming”, Techmedia.
5. Merlin Hughes, et al; Java Network Programming , Manning Publications/Prentice Hall
1. Installation of J2SDK
2. Write a program to show Scope of Variables
3. Write a program to show Concept of CLASS in JAVA
4. Write a program to show Type Casting in JAVA
5. Write a program to show How Exception Handling is in JAVA
6. Write a Program to show Inheritance
7. Write a program to show Polymorphism
8. Write a program to show Access Specifiers (Public, Private, Protected) in JAVA
9. Write a program to show use and Advantages of CONTRUCTOR
10. Write a program to show Interfacing between two classes
11. Write a program to Add a Class to a Package
12. Write a program to show Life Cycle of a Thread
13. Write a program to demonstrate AWT.
14. Write a program to Hide a Class
15. Write a Program to show Data Base Connectivity Using JAVA
16. Write a Program to show “HELLO JAVA ” in Explorer using Applet
17. Write a Program to show Connectivity using JDBC
18. Write a program to demonstrate multithreading using Java.
19. Write a program to demonstrate applet life cycle.
20. Write a program to demonstrate concept of servlet.
Course Contents
Category Title Code Credits-4C Theory Paper
DID-2 Computer System CS/IT/EC L T P Max. Marks-100
Organization 401 3 1 0 Min.Marks-35
Unit I Computer Basics and CPU: Von Newman model, various subsystems, CPU, Memory, I/O,
System Bus, CPU and Memory registers, Program Counter, Accumulator, Instruction register, Micro
operations, Register Transfer Language, Instruction Fetch, decode and execution, data movement and
manipulation, Instruction formats and addressing modes of basic computer. 8085 microprocessor
Unit-II Control Unit Organization: Hardwired control unit, Micro and nano programmed control unit,
Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro Instruction formats, Micro program sequencer,
Arithmetic and Logic Unit: Arithmetic Processor, Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division,
Floating point and decimal arithmetic and arithmetic units, design of arithmetic unit.
Unit-III Input Output Organization: Modes of data transfer – program controlled, interrupt driven and
direct memory access, Interrupt structures, I/O Interface, Asynchronous data transfer, I/O processor,
8085 I/O structure, 8085 instruction set and basic programming. Data transfer – Serial / parallel,
synchronous/asynchronous, simplex/half duplex and full duplex.
Unit-IV Memory organization: Memory Maps, Memory Hierarchy, Cache Memory - Organization and
mappings. Associative memory, Virtual memory, Memory Management Hardware.
Unit V Multiprocessors: Pipeline and Vector processing, Instruction and arithmetic pipelines, Vector
and array processors, Interconnection structure and inter-processor communication.
1. Morris Mano: Computer System Architecture, PHI.
2. Gaonkar: Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, Applications with 8085; Penram Int.
3. William Stallings: Computer Organization and Architecture, PHI
4. Carter; Computer Architecture (Schaum); TMH
5. Carl Hamacher: Computer Organization, TMH
6. Tanenbaum: Structured Computer Organization, Pearson Education
Course Contents
Category Title Code Credit-4 Theory paper
DID-2 Control System EC-402 L T P Max. Marks-100
3 1 0 Min. Marks: 35
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit I Basic Control System Terminology and Classification of control System, Examples of control
System, Transfer Function of Linear Control System, Block Diagram Representation, Signal flow Graph
Mathematical Modeling of Electrical Network: AC and DC Servomotors, Error Detector, Stepper
Motor, Optical Encoder, Linearization.
Unit II Sensitivity of control Systems, Effects of Feedback on gain and time constant, pole location,
bandwidth, Sensitivity, Stability, Disturbance signal, Control over System Dynamics by use of
Feedback. Time Response Analysis- Standard Test Signals, Time Response of 1st Order System,
Model of Prototype DC Position Control System, Time Response of Prototype 2nd Order System,
Performance Specification of 2nd Order System, Steady-State Errors and Error Constants, Effects of
Additions of Poles and Zeros to Open Loop and Closed Loop System, Design Specification of 2nd
Order System and Higher-Order System, Performance Indices, Optimal Control System.
Unit III : Time Domain Stability Analysis- Concept of Stability of Linear Systems, Effects of Location
of Poles on Stability, Necessary Conditions for Stability, Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criteria, Relative
Stability Analysis, Root Locus Concept, Guidelines for Sketching Root-Locus,. Frequency Domain
Stability Analysis- Performance Specification in Frequency Domain, Co-relation between frequency
Domain and Time Domain, Bode Plot, Minimum-Phase and Non-Minimum Phase System, Polar Plots,
Inverse Polar Plot, Nyquist Stability Criterion, Assessment of Relative Stability (Phase Margin, Gain
Margin and Stability), Constant-M and N Circle, Nichols Chart.
Unit IV : Approaches to System Design, Types of Compensation, Design of Phase-Lag, Phase Lead
and Phase Lead-Lag Compensators in Time and Frequency Domain, Proportional, Derivative, Integral
and PID Compensation.
Unit V : Concept of State, State Variables and State Model, State Space Representation of
Systems, Block Diagram for State Equation, Transfer Function Decomposition, Solution of State
Equation, Transfer Matrix, Relationship between State Equation and Transfer Function, Controllability
and Observability.
1. B. C Kuo : Automatic Control System, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Nagrath and Gopal : Control System Engineering, New Age International Publishers.
3. Samarjit Ghose : Control Systems Theory and Applications, Pearson Education
4. Distefano; Feedback and Control System (Schaum); TMH
5. B. S. Manke : Linear Control System (with MATLAB Application), Khanna Publishers.
6. Ogata : Modern Control Engineering, PHI
7. AK Mandal : An introduction to Control Engineering – Modeling, Analysis and Design, New Age
International Publishers
Course Contents
Category Title Code Credit-6 Theory paper
Departmental Core Digital EC-- 403 L T P Max. Marks-100
DC-3 Electronics 3 1 2 Min. Marks: 35
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit I Review of Number systems and Binary codes, Binary arithmetic, addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division algorithms. Boolean algebra: theorems and functions, Simplification of
Boolean functions, minimization techniques, Karnaugh's map method, Quine and McCluskey's method,
realization of various binary functions using AND ,OR ,NOT,XOR logic gates.
Unit II: Universal gates: NAND, NOR, realization of Boolean function using universal gates. Half and
full adder, half and full subtractor, Series and parallel adder, BCD adders, look-ahead carry generator,
Decoders, Encoders, multiplexers and de-multiplexers. Analysis and design of combination circuits,
realization of various Boolean functions using NAND, NOR gates and Multiplexers.
Unit III Multivibrators: Astable, Monostable and bistable multivibrators, 555 timer chip and its
application in multivibrators. Flip-Flops: R-S, Clocked R-S, T, D, J-K, race around problem, Master-
slave J-K., State and Excitation Tables Shift registers and counters: synchronous and
asynchronous counters, Binary ripple counter, up-down counter, Johnson and ring counter, Analysis
and Design of Sequential Circuits.
Unit IV: Semiconductor memories: Organization and construction of RAM, SRAM, DRAM, RAMBUS
Unit V Logic families: RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, IIL, PMOS, NMOS and CMOS logic etc. Interfacing
between TTL and MOS, vice-versa.
1. M. Mano : Digital Logic and Computer Design, Pearson Education
2. W.H. Gothman : Digital Electronics, PHI.
3. Millman and Taub : Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms, TMH
4. Salivahanan and Ari Vahagan : Digital Circuits and Design, Vikas Publishing House
5. Leach and Malvino : Digital Principles and Applications, TMH
6. Rajkamal : Digital Systems – Priciples and Design, Pearson Education
1. To test and study of operation of all logic Gates for various IC's.
2. Implementation of AND, OR, NOT, NOR, EX-OR and X-Nor Gates by NAND and NOR
Universal gates.
3. Binary Addition by Half Adder and Full Adder circuit.
4. Binary Subtraction by Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor circuit.
5. Design a BCD to excess-3 code converter.
6. Verification of the Demorgan's Theorem.
7. Study of RS, JK, T & D flip-flops.
8. Multiplexer/Demultiplexer based boolean function realization.
9. Study and Application of 555 timer (Astable, Monostable, Schmitt trigger, VCO).
Course Contents
Category Title Code Credit-6 Theory paper
Deparmental Electronic EC/BM-404 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core DC-4 Circuits 3 1 2 Min. Marks: 35
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit-I Amplifier Basics, Transistor as an amplifier, load line, Q-point and its selection criteria,
designing of fixed bias and self-bias, stability of biasing circuits, calculation of stability factor.
Transistor at low frequency: frequency response, bandwidth, h-parameter analysis of CC, CB and
CE configuration, simplified model, gain and impedance calculation of single stage amplifier.
Transistor at high frequency, high frequency model (hybrid-π), Parameters and their definition,
Miller capacitance and its effect on voltage gain,
Unit-II Feedback amplifier: positive and negative feedback loop gain, effect of negative feedback on
gain stability, distortion, bandwidth, input and output impedance of amplifier, types of feedback
(voltage, current, series and shunt) and their analysis.
Oscillators: condition of sustained oscillation, RC phase shift, LC (Hartley and Collpit) Oscillators,
Wein Bridge, Negative resistance (Tunnel diode and UJT) oscillators, crystal oscillators.
Unit III Power amplifier, classification, operation, analysis and design of Class A, Class B, Class-AB,
Class C, transformer coupled, push pull and complementary symmetry amplifiers, power dissipation
in transistors (Pdmax rating) and efficiency calculations.
Tuned amplifier and its applications, Q factor, selectivity and bandwidth, effect of loading, double
tuning (synchronous and stagger)
Unit IV Cascade amplifiers, Calculation of gain, Input and output impedance, Effect of Cascading on
bandwidth, Transformer, RC and direct-coupled amplifier and their performance.
Darlington connection, equivalent circuit and Calculation of gain and impedances, Cascade
amplifier: advantage, circuit diagram and analysis, feedback pair and applications of BIFET,
Bootstrapping technique.
Differential amplifier - configuration, transfer characteristics, DC analysis, h-parameter analysis,
differential and common mode gain, CMRR, constant current source and current mirror, level shift.
Unit-V Operational amplifier (IC741), specifications, ideal and practical characteristics, frequency
response, unity gain bandwidth, limitations, slew rate and its effect on full power bandwidth, input
offset voltage, bias and offset currents, compensation.
Applications of Op-Amp: Inverting and non-inverting amplifier Analog computation, summer
(inverting and non-inverting), averager, integrator, differentiator, scalar, sign changer, phase changer,
multiplier, buffer, Differential amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, comparator, Schmitt trigger,
precision rectifier, log and antilog amplifier, voltage-to-current and current-to-voltage converter.
1. Millman and Halkias : Integrated electronics, TMH
2. Gayakwad ; OPAMP and Linear Integrated Circuits, Pearson Education
3. Boylestad and Nashelsky : Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, PHI
4. Sendra and Smith : Microelectronics, Oxford Press
5. Graham Bell : Electronic Devices and Circuits , PHI
6. Donald A Neamen : Electronic Circuits Analysis and Design, TMH
7. Salivahanan et al : Electronic Devices and Circuits, TMH
List of Experiments (Expandable):
All experiments (wherever applicable) should be performed through the following steps. Step 1: Circuit
should be designed/ drafted on paper. Step 2: The designed/drafted circuit should be simulated using
Simulation S/W (TINA-V7/ PSPICE/ Labview/ CIRCUIT MAKER). Step 3: The designed/drafted circuit
should be tested on the bread board and compare the results with the simulated results. Step 4: The
bread board circuit should be fabricated on PCB prepared on PCB machine..
1. Char. Of Op-Amp (input offset voltage, slew rate, CMRR, BW, input bias current).
2. Linear application of Op-Amp (voltage follower, inverting and non-inverting amplifier and their
frequency response, adder, subtractor, differential amplifier, integrator and differential
frequency response)
3. To design and construct a shunt and series regulator and find line and load regulation.
4. Design and performance evaluation of transistors amplifiers in CE, CB and CC configuration
5. Design and performance evaluation of FET amplifiers.
6. Design and performance evaluation of feedback amplifiers.
7. Design and performance evaluation of power amplifiers.
8. Design and performance evaluation of tuned amplifiers.
Course Contents
Category Title Code Credit-6 Theory paper
Departmental Analog EC-405 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core DC-5 Communication 3 1 2 Min. Marks: 35
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit-I Different types of Signals (Continuous, Discrete, Periodic), Time Domain and Frequency
Domain Representation, Introduction to basic Transform Techniques applicable to these Signals.
Spectral Analysis: Fourier Technique, Fourier Transform and their Properties, Transform of Gate
Signal, Impulse Function and Unit Step Function, Fourier Transform Technique for Periodic Signal,
Transform of Train of Pulses and Impulses, Sine and Cosine wave.
Signal Energy and Power, Spectral Density of various types of signals, Spectra (Parseval’s
Theorem), Density Spectra of Periodic Gate and Impulse train.
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems, Impulse Response, Convolution, Convolution with Impulse
Function, Casual and Non Causal System, Distortion less System, Impulse Response of Distortion less
System, Ideal Filter and Practical Filter.
Unit-II : Modulation Techniques: Need and types of modulation techniques, Amplitude Modulation,
Frequency Spectrum, Power Distribution, Modulation by Complex Signal, Low Level and High Level
AM Modulators, Linear Integrated Circuit AM Modulators, Suppressed Carrier Generation
(Balance/Chopper and Square Law Modulation), SSB Generator (Phase and Frequency Discrimination
Method), VSB Transmission and Application. Detection of AM signals: Envelope Detector Circuit, RC
Time Constant, Synchronous Detection Technique, Error in Synchronous Detection, SSB signal
detection, PLL and its use in demodulation.
Unit-III : Angle Modulation: Frequency and Phase Modulation Frequency spectrum, bandwidth
requirement, Frequency and Phase Deviation, Modulation Index, NBFM and WBFM, Multiple
frequencies FM. FM Modulators: Direct (Parameter Variation Method) and Indirect (Armstrong) Method
of frequency modulation. FM Detector: Slope Detector, Foster Seely Discriminator, Ratio Detector and
PLL detectors.
Unit-IV : Radio Transmitters: AM transmitter, block diagram and working of Low Level and High Level
Transmitters, Trapezoidal Pattern and Carrier Shift, SSB Transmitters, FM transmitters - Frequency
Multiplication Applied to FM Signals, FM transmitters.
Radio Receivers: Block Diagram of Radio Receiver, Receiver Characteristics (Selectivity, Fidelity and
Sensitivity), AM Receiver, RF Receiver, Super-heterodyne Receiver, RF Amplifier, Frequency Mixer,
AVC and AFC, Image Signal, Intermediate Frequency Selection, Diversity Reception, FM Receiver.
Unit-V Noise : Sources and types of noise and their power density, White Noise, Noise from Single
and Multiple noise source for Linear Systems, Super Position of Power Spectrum, Equivalent Noise
Bandwidth, Noise Figure, and Equivalent Noise Temperature, their Relationship, Calculation of Noise
Figure and Noise Temperature for Cascade Systems, Noise Performance of Communication System,
Band Pass Noise Representation in Terms of Low Pass, In-phase and Quadrature Phase Component
and their Power Spectral Density, Figure of Merit, Calculation for AM, AM-SC and SSB System, Noise
in Angle Modulate System, Figure of Merit for FM, Noise Density of Output of FM Detector, Pre-
emphasis and De-emphasis, Phasor Representation of Noise, Capture Effect, Comparison of Noise
Performance of AM and FM.
1. B.P. Lathi : Modern Analog and Digital Communication System, Wiley Eastern limited
2. Taub and Schilling : Principles of communication Systems, TMH
3. Singh and Sapre : Communication Systems, TMH
4. S Haykin : Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons Inc
5. S Ghose, Signals and Systems, Pearson Education.
6. A Bruce Carlson : Communication System, TMH
7. Steven : Communication Systems – Analysis and Design, Pearson Education
8. Hsu: Analog and digital communication (Schaum); TMH
Course Contents
Category Title Code Credit-4 Practical
IT-3 Software lab - I EC- 406 L T P Max. Marks-50
Min. Marks: 25
- - 4 Duration: 3 hrs.
Study of Circuit Simulation Software (any one - TINA-PRO/ PSPICE/ Labview/ CIRCUIT MAKER).
PCB Layout Software (any one - PROTEL/ ORCADE/ ALTERA).
Design and Simulation of basic Electronic Circuits (Example Rectifiers, Amplifiers, Oscillators, Digital
Circuits, Transient and steady state analysis of RC/RL/RLC circuits etc). Design and fabrication of
PCB pertaining to various circuits studied on PCB machine.
1. Chapman Stephen J.: MATLAB Programming for Engineers, 3rd Edition, Thomson /Cengage.
2. Rudra Pratap: Getting Started with MATLAB 7, Oxford University Press (Indian Edition).
3. Palm; Matlab 7.4; TMH.
4. Proakis John G.: Contemporary Communication System Using MATLAB; Thomson Vikas Pub.
5. B.S. Manke: Linear Control Systems - with MATLAB Application, Khanna Publishers.
6. Simulation/Designing Software Manuals.
7. Hassan S; Automatic Control Systems (with MATLAB Programming); Kataria and Sons, Delhi.
Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (EC) Electronics and Communication Engineering
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2007
Distribution of Marks
Pract Assessment
Period Per Theory ical
Course Week Exam Exam MST TW Total Total
S. Course Code
No Category (New) Subject L T P C I II III I+II+III
1. DC-6 EC-501 Voice Communication 3 1 0 4 100 - 20 20 120
Page 1 of 16
Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (EC) Electronics and Communication Engineering
Revised Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2007
Distribution of Marks
Practi Assessment
Period Per Theory cal
Course Week Exam Exam MST TW Total Total
S. Course Codes
No. Category (New) Subject L T P C I II III I+II+III
1. DC-11 EC-601 Digital Signal Processing 3 1 0 4 100 - 20 - 20 120
Cellular Mobile
2. DC-12 EC-602 3 1 0 4 100 - 20 - 20 120
Data Communication and
3. DC-13 EC-603 3 1 2 6 100 50 20 30 50 200
4. DC-14 EC-604 Microwave Engineering 3 1 2 6 100 50 20 30 50 200
Communication Network and
5. DC-15 EC-605 3 1 2 6 100 50 20 30 50 200
Transmission Lines
6. DC-16 EC-606 Minor Project 0 0 4 4 - 50 - 50 50 100
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Communication Engineering
COURSE: EC-501 Voice Communication
Category of Course Title Course Credit-4C Theory paper (ES)
course code
Departmental Voice EC-501 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core (DC-6) Communication 3 1 0 Min. Marks: 35
Duration: 3 hrs.
Course Contents
Unit I
Basic Telephony : Introduction, standard telephone set, function, local loop, block diagram, basic call procedure, call
progress tones and signals, cordless telephones, caller identification, electronic telephones, telephone circuit - local
subscriber loop, channel noise and units of power measurements, transmission parameters, voice frequency circuit
arrangements, crosstalk.
Unit II
Public telephone network: Introduction, transmission system environment, public telephone network, instruments,
local loops, trunk circuits, telephone exchanges - local exchanges, automated central office switches and exchanges,
telephone numbering plan, telephone services, telephone switching hierarchy, common channel signaling system-
evolution of SS7, signaling points, call setup, Multiplexing of telephone channels - frequency division multiplexing,
FDM hierarchy, composite base-band signals, formation of groups, super groups, master groups and radio channel,
wavelength division multiplexing.
Traffic analysis: traffic characterization and measurement, arrival and holding time distributions, loss systems, lost
call estimation, network blocking probabilities.
Unit III
Digital telephony: Introduction, advantages and disadvantages of digital voice network, voice digitization, time
division multiplexing of PCM signals, digital carrier, Super-frame TDM format, Fractional T Carrier Service, Digital
hierarchy, Master Group and Commercial TV, Picture Phone Terminal, Data Terminal, Digital Carrier Line Encoding,
Duty Cycle, Bandwidth Requirement, Clock and Framing Bit Recovery, Error Detection, T Carrier System, T-1 Carrier
System, , Statistical TDM, Codec and Combo Chips.
Unit IV
Digital transmission: Introduction, digital data and digital signal, pulse transmission, inter-symbol, interference,
synchronous and asynchronous transmission, line coding – level encoding, bipolar coding, Code Space redundancy,
N zero substitution, Pair Selected ternary, Ternary coding, digital biphase, differential encoding, coded mark
inversion, multilevel signaling, partial response signaling, error performance, performance monitoring, time division
multiplexing - Bit vs Word Interleaving, framing, TDM loops and rings.
Unit V
Digital switching: Switching function, space division switching, multistage switching, non-blocking switches, blocking
probabilities, four wire switches, switch matrix control, time division switching – analog and digital, two dimensional
switching, multi stage time and space switching, STS and TST switching, digital cross connect systems, digital
switching in analog environment.
1. W. Tomasi: Advanced Electronic Communication Systems, 6 Edition, PHI
2. W. Tomasi: Electronic Communication Systems, Pearson Education
2. John C.Bellamy: Digital Telephony, 3rd Edition, Willey India Pvt. Limited
3. T. Vishwanathan: Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks, PHI.
4. James Martin: Telecommunication and Computers, PHI
5. G. F. Snyder: Introduction to Telecommunication Networks, Vikas Publishing House.
6. Cole Marion: Introduction to Telecommunication, Pearson Education.
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Communication Engineering
COURSE: EC-502 Electromagnetic Theory
Unit II
Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, solution of Laplace’s equation. Electric dipole, dipole moment, potential and
electric field intensity due to dipole. Behavior of conductors in an electric field. Conductor and insulator, electric field
inside a dielectric, polarization. Boundary value conditions for electric Field. Capacitance and Capacitances of various
types of capacitors. Energy stored and energy density in static electric field. Current density, conduction and
convection current density, Ohms law in point form, equation of continuity.
Unit III
Static Magnetic Field, Biot-Savart’s law, Magnetic Field intensity due to straight current carrying filament, circular,
square and solenoidal current carrying wire. Relationship between magnetic flux, flux density and magnetic field
Ampere’s circuital law and its applications, magnetic field intensity due to infinite sheet and various other
configurations, Ampere’s circuital law in point form.
Magnetic force, moving charge in a magnetic field, Lorentz force on straight and long current carrying conductors in
magnetic field, force between two long and parallel current carrying conductors. Magnetic dipole and dipole moment,
a differential current loop as dipole, torque on a current carrying loop in magnetic field, magnetic boundary conditions.
Unit IV
Scalar magnetic potential and its limitations, Vector magnetic potential and its properties, vector magnetic potential
due to different simple configurations;
Self and Mutual inductances, determination of self and mutual inductances, self inductance of solenoid, toroid coils,
mutual inductance between a straight long wire and a square loop. Energy stored in magnetic Field and energy
Faraday’s Law, transformer and motional EMF equations. Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations as
generalization of circuit equations, Maxwell’s equation in free space, Maxwell’s equation for harmonically varying
field, static and steady fields. Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral form.
Unit V
Electro Magnetic Waves: Uniform plane wave in time domain in free space, Sinusoidally time varying uniform plane
wave in free space, Wave equation and solution for various medium, Uniform plane wave in dielectrics and
Poynting Vector theorem, instantaneous, average and complex poynting vector, power loss in a plane conductor,
energy storage.
Polarisation of waves. Reflection by conductors and dielectric – Normal and Oblique incidence. Reflection at surface
of a conducting medium, surface impedance, transmission line analogy.
1. Mathew N.O Sadiku: Elements of Electromagnetic, Oxford.
2. N.N. Rao: Element of Engineering Electromagnetic, Pearson Education.
3. William H. Hayt: Engineering Electromagnetic, TMH.
4. John D. Kraus: Electromagnetics, Mc. Graw Hill.
5. Jordan Balmian: Electromagnetic wave and Radiating System, PHI.
6. David K. Cheng: Electromagnetic Fields and Wave, Addison Wesley.
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
COURSE: EC-503 Digital Communication
Category of Course Title Course code Credit-6C Theory paper (ES)
Departmental Digital EC- 503 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core (DC-8) Communication 3 1 2 Min. Marks: 35
Duration: 3 hrs.
Course Contents
Random Processes
Random variables:- Cumulative distribution function, Probability density function, Mean, Variance and standard
deviations of random variable, Gaussian distribution, Error function, Correlation and autocorrelation, Central-limit
theorem, Error probability, Power Spectral density of digital data.
Pulse Modulation
Analog Signals:- Sampling of Signal, Sampling Theorem for Low Pass and Band Pass Signals, Aliasing, Pulse
Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Channel Bandwidth for PAM-TDM Signal, Types of
Sampling, Instantaneous, Natural and Flat Top (Mathematical and Spectral Analysis), Aperture Effect, Introduction to
Pulse Position and Pulse Duration Modulation.
Pulse Code Modulation
Digital Signal:- Quantization, Quantization Error, Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), Signal-to-Noise Ratio in PCM,
Companding, Data Rate and Bandwidth of Multiplexed PCM Signal, Inter-symbol Interference, Differential PCM
(DPCM), Delta Modulation (DM), and Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM), Comparison of various system in terms of
Bandwidth and Signal-to-Noise Ratio.
Digital Modulation Techniques :- Analysis, Generation and Detection (Block Diagram), Spectrum and Bandwidth of
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK), Offset and
Non-offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), M-ary PSK, Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK), M-ary FSK,
Minimum Shift Keying, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), Comparison of digital modulation techniques on the
basis of probability of error, Matched Filter.
Spread Spectrum Modulation
Introduction to Spread Spectrum modulation, Generation and Characteristics of p-n Sequences, Direct sequence
Spread Spectrum System, Spread Spectrum with Code division Multiple Access (CDMA), Frequency Hopping Spread
List of Experiments:
Simulation of different modulation techniques using Scilab (Freeware-Downloadable from
www.Scilab.com) /Matlab/Any Similar Software. Plotting of signal constellation diagrams and signals
(modulated/ unmodulated). Calculation of Bit error rates BER and comparison of various modulation
1. Study of Sampling Process and Signal Reconstruction and Aliasing.
2. Study of PAM, PPM and PDM.
3. Study of PCM Transmitter and Receiver.
4. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Demultiplexing.
5. Study of ASK, PSK and FSK Transmitter and Receiver.
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Communication Engineering
COURSE: EC-504 Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Embedded Systems
Category of Course Title Course code Credit-6C Theory paper (ES)
Departmental Core Microprocessor, EC- 504 L T P Max. Marks-100
(DC-9) Microcontroller and Min. Marks: 35
Embedded Systems Duration: 3 hrs.
3 1 2
Course Contents
Microprocessor 8086 Architecture - BIU and EU, Registers, Pin Diagram, Memory Addressing, Clock Generator
8284, Buffers and Latches, Maximum and Minimum Modes.
Addressing Modes, Instruction set of 8086, Assembly Language Programming, Assemblers, Procedures, Macros,
Interrupts, 8086 Based Multiprocessor Systems - Coprocessors (8087 NDP), Closely and Loosely Coupled
Multiprocessor Systems (8089 IOP).
Interfacing Chips- IC 8155 (Static Ram with I/O Ports and Timer), 8755 (EPROM with I/O Ports), 8251A (USART),
8255A (Programmable Peripheral Interface), 8253/8254 (Programmable Interval Timer/Counter), 8257 (DMA
Controller), 8259A (Programmable Interrupt Controller).
Microprocessors Vs Microcontrollers - Microcontroller 8051- Architecture, Pin Diagram, I/O Ports, Internal RAM
and Registers, Interrupts, Addressing Modes, Memory Organization and External Addressing, Instruction Set,
Assembly Language Programming, Real Time Applications of Microcontroller- Interfacing with LCD, ADC, DAC,
Stepper Motor, Key Board and Sensors.
Embedded Systems-Introduction, Classification, Processors, Hardware Units, Software Embedded into System,
Applications and Products of Embedded Systems, Structural Units in Processor, Memory Devices, I/O Devices,
Buses, Interfacing of Processor Memory and I/O Devices, Case Study of an Embedded System for a Smart Card.
1. B. B. Brey: The Intel Microprocessors, Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, Pearson Education.
2. Liu Gibson: Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family- Architecture, Programming and Design , PHI
3. D. V. Hall: Microprocessors and Interfacing, TMH.
4. Mazidi and Mazidi: The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson Education.
5. Ayala Kenneth:- The 8051 microcontroller, Third Edition, Cengage Learning
6. A. V. Deshmukh: Microcontroller (Theory and Application), TMH.
7. Raj Kamal: Embedded Systems- Architecture, Programming and Design, TMH, New Delhi.
8. Barret: Embedded Systems, Pearson Education
List of Experiments:
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Telecommunication
Category Course Course Title Course Code Credit-6C Theory Paper (ES)
CMOS Processing Technology
CMOS Technologies: Background, Wafer Formation, Photolithography, Well and Channel Formation, Silicon Dioxide
(SiO2), Isolation, Gate Oxide, Gate and Source/Drain Formation, Contacts and Metallization, Passivation, Metrology.
Layout Design Rules: Design Rules Background, Scribe Line and Other Structures, MOSIS Scalable CMOS Design
Rules, Micron Design Rules. CMOS Process Enhancements: Transistors, Interconnect, Circuit Elements, Beyond
Conventional CMOS.
Circuit Characterization and Performance Estimation
Delay Estimation: RC Delay Models, Linear Delay Model, Logical Effort, Parasitic Delay. Logical Effort and Transistor
Sizing: Delay in a Logic Gate, Delay in Multistage Logic Networks, choosing the Best Number of Stages. Power
Dissipation: Static Dissipation, Dynamic Dissipation, Low-Power Design. Interconnect: Resistance, Capacitance,
Delay, Crosstalk. Design Margin: Supply Voltage, Temperature, Process Variation, Design Corners. Reliability,
Analog Circuits
MOS Small-signal Model, Common Source Amplifier, The CMOS Inverter as an Amplifier, Current Mirrors, Differential
Pairs, Simple CMOS Operational Amplifier, Digital to Analog Converters, Analog to Digital Converters, RF Circuits.
Combinational Circuit Design
Circuit Families: Static CMOS, Ratioed Circuits, Cascode Voltage Switch Logic, Dynamic Circuits, Differential
Circuits, Sense Amplifier Circuits, BiCMOS Circuits, Low Power Logic Design, Comparison of Circuit Families.
Standard Cell Design: Cell Hierarchies, Cell Libraries, Library Entries, Cell Shapes and Floor Planning.
1. Neil H.E. Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee: CMOS VLSI Design, Third Edition, Pearson.
2. Neil H.E. Weste, Kamran Eshraghian: Principle of CMOS VLSI Design, Pearson Education.
3. J. P. Uyemura: Chip Design for Submicron VLSI, Cengage Learning.
4. Philip E. Allen and Douglas R Holberg: CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Oxford
5. Carver Mead and Lynn Conway: Introduction to VLSI systems, BS Publication.
6. J. P. Uyemura: Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, Wiley.
7. Plummer: Silicon VLSI Technology, Pearson Education.
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List of Experiments:
1. Design of MOS Generator Using any Electronic Design Automation (EDA)- eg. Microwind / Cadence /
Sylvaco / Tanner silicon HiPer / Xilinx ISE 9i or any similar software
2. DC MOSFET Curves using EDA.
3. Design of CMOS Logic Gates using EDA.
4. Draw the following CMOS circuits using 0.12 µm and 65 nm technology and simulate for transfer
characteristics along with 2D and 3D view from 450 angles. Compare power consumption and rise/fall delays
in both technologies:
a. CMOS Inverter with 0.1pF and 0.1fF capacitance loads, in both cases with equal rise and fall times.
Plot output eye diagram also.
b. CMOS NAND and NOR gates with 0.01pF load and equal rise and fall times. Comment on area
requirement of both gates.
5. To design Current Mirror using CMOS 0.18 micron Technology.
6. Design a basic differential amplifier circuit using current mirror logic. Show gain of amplifier and comment
on bandwidth.
7. Design the Schmitt trigger circuit with UTP= 4.5 V and LTP = 2.0 V. Plot transfer curve analysis (with
hysteresis effect) VO versus VI.
8. Design a 2-bit parallel adder from schematic and its CMOS layout. List global delay of all nodes. Identify
the critical path and comment on its optimization.
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Telecommunication
COURSE: EC-506 Software Lab-II- Hardware Description Languages
Category Course Title Course Code Credit-4C Practical Exam
IT-4 Software EC-506 L T P Max. Marks-50
Lab-II 0 0 4
Course Contents
Introduction to EDA environment, eg. Microwind / Cadence / Sylvaco / Tanner silicon HiPer / Xilinx ISE 9i / any similar
software / Any Freeware - EDA, its study and simulation/analysis/design of circuits.
Introduction, Language Element, Expression, Gate Level Modeling, User-Defined Primitives, Data Flow Modeling,
Behavioral Modeling, Structural Modeling, Synthesize, Verilog Constructs To Gate, Modeling- Combinational Logic,
Modeling-Sequential Logic, Modeling A Memory.
Introduction, Entity Declaration, Architecture Body, Configuration and Package Declaration, Package Body, Model
Analysis, Simulation, Basic Language Elements, Behavioral Modeling, Data Flow Modeling, Structural Modeling.
List of Experiments:
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Telecommunication
COURSE: EC--601 Digital Signal Processing
Category of Course Title Course code Credit-4C Theory paper (ES)
Departmental Digital Signal EC- 601 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core (DC-11) Processing Min. Marks: 35
3 1 0 Duration: 3 hrs.
Course Contents
Unit – I
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
Discrete-Time Signals, Discrete-Time Systems, Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Time-Invariant Systems, Discrete
Time systems described by Difference Equation, Implementation of Discrete-Time Systems, Signal flow Graph
representation of digital network, matrix representation.
Unit - II
The z-Transform: The Direct z-transform, Properties of the z-transform, Rational z-transforms, Inversion of the
z-transform, analysis of Linear Time-Invariant systems in the z- domain.
Unit - III
Frequency Analysis of Discrete Time Signals: Discrete Fourier series (DFS), Properties of the DFS, Discrete
Fourier Transform (DFT), Properties of DFT, Two dimensional DFT.
Unit - IV
Efficient Computation of the DFT: FFT algorithms, decimation in time algorithm, Decimation in frequency algorithm,
Decomposition for ‘N’ composite number.
Unit - V
Digital filters Design Techniques: Design of IIR and FIR digital filters, Impulse invariant and bilinear transformation,
windowing, rectangular and other windows, Examples of FIR filters, design using Windows
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Telecommunication
COURSE: EC-602 Cellular Mobile Comm.
Category of Course Title Course code Credit-4C Theory paper (ES)
Departmental Cellular Mobile EC- 602 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core (DC-12) Communication Min. Marks: 35
3 1 0 Duration: 3 hrs.
Course Contents
Introduction to cellular mobile system, a basic cellular system, performance criteria, Uniqueness of mobile radio
environment, Operation of cellular systems, Planning of cellular system.
Elements of Cellular Radio System Design: General description of problem, Concept of frequency reuse, channels,
Co channel interference, reduction factor, Hand off mechanisms, Cell splitting, Consideration of the components of
cellular systems.
Co-channel Interference, real time co-channel interference measurement at mobile radio transceivers, Design of
antenna system - Omni directional and directional, Lowering the antenna height, Reduction of co-channel
interference, Umbrella- Pattern effect, Diversity receiver, Designing a system to serve a predefined area that
experiences Co-Channel Interference.
Types of Noncochannel interference- adjacent channel Interference, Near-End-Far-End interference, Effects on Near-
End mobile units, Cross-Talk, Effects on coverage and interference by applying power decrease, antenna height
decrease, Beam Tilting, Effects of cell site Components, Interference between systems, UHF TV Interference, long
distance interference.
Cell coverage for signal and traffic : General introduction, Obtaining the mobile point-to-point model, Propagation
over water or flat open area, foliage loss, propagation in near in distance, long distance propagation, point-to-point
prediction model, Cell site antenna heights and signal coverage cells, Mobile-to-mobile propagation.
Cell site antennas and mobile antennas: Equivalent circuits of antennas, Gain and Pattern Relationship, Sum and
Difference patterns, Antennas at cell site, mobile antennas.
Frequency management and Channel Assignment: Frequency management, Frequency spectrum utilization, Setup
channels, Fixed channels assignment, Non-fixed channel assignment algorithms, Traffic and channel assignment.
Handoffs and Dropped Calls: Types of Handoff, Initiation of Handoff, Delaying a Handoff, Forced Handoff, Queuing of
Handoff, Power- Difference Handoff, Mobile Assisted Handoff and Soft Handoff, Cell-site Handoff and Intersystem
Handoff, Dropped Call Rate.
Digital Cellular System: GSM, Architecture, Layer Modeling, Transmission, GSM channels and Channel Modes,
Multiple Access Scheme: CDMA, Terms of CDMA systems, output power limits and control, Modulation
characteristics, Call processing, Hand off procedures.
Miscellaneous Mobile Systems: TDD Systems, Cordless Phone, PDC, PCN, PCS, Non Cellular Systems, Mobile
Integrated Radio Systems, Mobile Satellite Communication.
1. Lee: Cellular and Mobile Communication, 2 edition, McGraw Hill.
2. Faher Kamilo: Wireless Digital Communication, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
3. D. P. Agrawal and Q. An Zeng: Wireless and Mobile Systems, Cengage Learning, 2006.
4. Schiller : Mobile Communication, Pearson Education
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Communication Engineering
COURSE: EC-603 Data Communication and Networks
Category of Course Title Course code Credit-6C Theory paper (ES)
Departmental Data EC- 603 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core (DC-13) Communication Min. Marks: 35
and Networks 3 1 2 Duration: 3 hrs.
Course Contents
Unit – I
Introduction to Data Communication and Networks: Data Communication, Networks – Physical structures ;
different topologies, Categories of Networks : LAN, MAN, WAN, Interconnection of networks, The Internet, Protocols
and Standards, Standards Organizations. Network Models, Layered tasks, The OSI model, different layers in OSI
model. TCP/IP protocol suite ; different layers, addressing, - physical, logical, port and specific addresses, Analog
and digital, digital signals-Bit Length, Digital Signal as a Composite Analog Signal, Transmission of Digital Signals,
Data Rate Limits-Noiseless Channel, Noisy Channel.
Unit – II
Physical Layer : Digital-to-Digital Conversion-Line Coding, Line Coding Scheme, Block Coding, Scrembling.
Multiplexing – Frequency Division, Wavelength Division, Synchronous Time Division, Statistical Time Division
Multiplexing. Circuit-Switched Networks – Three Phases, Efficiency, Delay. Datagram Networks - Routing Table,
Efficiency, Delay, Datagram Networks in the Internet. Virtual Circuit Networks - Addressing, Three Phases, Efficiency,
Delay, Circuit Switched Technology in WANs. Structure of Circuit and Packet switches, Dial-up Modems, Digital
Subscriber Line - ADSL, ADSL Lite, HDSL, SDSL, VDSL, Cable TV for Data Transfer- Bandwidth, Sharing, CM and
CMTS, Data Transmission Schemes.
Unit – III
Data Link Layer: Introduction - Types of Errors, Redundancy, Detection Vs Correction, Forward Error Correction Vs
Retransmission, Modular Arithmetic. Block Coding - Error Detection, Error Correction, Hamming Distance, Minimum
Hamming Distance. Linear Block Codes, Cyclic Codes - Cyclic Redundancy Check, Hardware Implementation,
Polynomials, Cyclic Code Analysis, Advantages. Checksum, Framing - Fixed and Variable-Size. Flow and Error
Control, Protocols, Noiseless Channels – Simplest and Stop-and-Wait Protocols. Noisy Channels - Stop-and-Wait
Automatic Repeat Request, Go-Back-N Automatic Repeat Request, Selective Repeat Automatic Repeat Request.
Unit - IV
Medium Access: Random Access- ALOHA, Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), Carrier Sense Multiple Access
with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD), Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA). Controlled
Access-Reservation, Polling, Token Passing. Channelization- Frequency-Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time-
Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA). IEEE Standards, Standard Ethernet,
Changes in the Standard, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.11- Architecture, MAC Sub layer, Addressing
Mechanism, Physical Layer. Bluetooth- Architecture, Radio Layer, Baseband Layer, L2CAP.
Unit V
Connecting LANs: Connecting Devices- Passive Hubs, Repeaters, Active Hubs, Bridges, Two-Layer Switches,
Three-Layer Switches, Gateway. Backbone Networks-Bus, Star, Connecting Remote LANs. Virtual LANs -
Membership, Configuration, Communication between Switches, Network layer – logical addressing - .
IPv4Addresses- Address Space, Notation, Classful Addressing, Classless Addressing, Network Address Translation
(NAT). IPv6 Addresses - Structure and Address Space. Internetworking - Need for Network Layer, Internet as a
Datagram Network, Internet as a Connectionless Network. IPv4- Datagram, Fragmentation, Checksum, Options. IPv6
- Advantages, Packet Format, Extension Headers. Transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Address Mapping- Logical to
Physical Address, Physical to Logical Address, Routing – Delivery forwarding techniques and processes, routing
table,, Unicast routing protocols – Optimization, inter domain, intra domain, distance vector, link state and path vector
routing, Multicast routing protocol - Unicast, multicast and broadcast, applications, multicast routing and routing
Page 12 of 16
1. B. A. Forouzan and Sophia Chung Fegan: Data Communications and Networking, 4 Ed, TMH.
2. W. Tomasi: Introduction to Data Communications and Networking, Pearson Education.
3. A. S. Tanenbaum: Computer Networks, Pearson Education.
4. W. Stalling: Data and Computer Communication, Pearson Education.
5. P. C. Gupta: Data Communications and Computer Networks, PHI.
6. Duck: Data Communication and Networking, Pearson Education
List of Experiments:
Simulation of various ARQ protocols, error detection and correction techniques in Scilab (Freeware-
Downloadable from www.Scilab.com) / MATLAB/ Any Similar software, Simulation of various MAC
sublayer protocols using Matlab Software.
1. Demonstration of working of different ARQ Protocols.
2. Demonstration of different error detection and error correction techniques.
3. To initialize and establish the logical ring using IEEE 802.4.
4. To establish Point to Point Communication between two nodes in the network.
5. To establish Broadcast Communication from one node to all other nodes.
6. To demonstrate the Network Management in any network.
7. To demonstrate different ring management operations in IEEE 802.5.
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Telecommunication
COURSE: EC- 604 Microwave Engineering
Category of Course Title Course code Credit-6C Theory paper (ES)
Departmental Microwave EC- 604 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core (DC-14) Engineering Min. Marks: 35
3 1 2 Duration: 3 hrs.
Course Contents
Microwave Transmission System
General representation of E M field in terms of TEM, TE and TM components, Uniform guide structures, rectangular
wave guides, Circular Wave guides, Solution in terms of various modes, Properties of propagating and evanescent
modes, Dominant modes, Normalized model voltages and currents, Power flow and energy storage in modes
frequency range of operation for single mode working, effect of higher order modes, Strip line and micro strip lines-
general properties, Comparison of coaxial, Micro strip and rectangular wave guides in terms of band width, power
handling capacity, economical consideration etc.
Microwave Networks and Component
Transmission line ports of microwave network, Scattering matrix, Properties of scattering matrix of reciprocal,
nonreciprocal, loss less, Passive networks, Examples of two, three and four port networks, wave guide components
like attenuator, Phase shifters and couplers, Flanges, Bends, Irises, Posts, Loads, Principle of operation and
properties of E-plane, H-plane Tee junctions of wave guides, Hybrid T, Multi-hole directional coupler, Directional
couplers, Microwave resonators- rectangular. Excitation of wave guide and resonators by couplers. Principles of
operation of nonreciprocal devices, properties of ferrites, Isolators and phase shifters.
Microwave Solid State Devices and Application
PIN diodes, Properties and applications, Microwave detector diodes, detection characteristics, Varactor diodes,
parametric amplifier fundamentals, Manley-Rowe power relation MASER, LASER , Amplifiers, Frequency converters
and harmonic generators using Varactor diodes, Transferred electron devices, Gunn effect, Various modes of
operation of Gunn oscillator, IMPATT, TRAPATT and BARITT.
Microwave Vacuum Tube Devices
Interaction of electron beam with electromagnetic field, power transfer condition. Principles of working of two cavity
and Reflex Klystrons, arrival time curve and oscillation conditions in reflex klystrons, mode-frequency characteristics.
Effect of repeller voltage variation on power and frequency of output. Principle of working of magnetrons. Electron
dynamics in planar and cylindrical magnetrons, Cutoff magnetic field, Resonant cavities in magnetron, Π-mode
operation Mode separation techniques, Rising sun cavity and strapping. Principle of working of TWT amplifier. Slow
wave structures, Approximate gain relationship in forward wave TWT.
Microwave Measurements
Square law detection, Broadband and tuned detectors. Wave-guide probes, Probe and detector mounts, Slotted line
arrangement and VSWR meter, Measurement of wave-guide impedance at load port by slotted line, Microwave
bench components and source modulation.
Measurement of scattering matrix parameters, High, Medium and low-level power measurement techniques,
Characteristics of bolometers, bolometer mounts, Power measurement bridges, Microwave frequency measurement
techniques, calibrated resonators (transmission and absorption type)
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4. R.E.Collins: Foundations of Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, Wiley Publications.
5. J.H. Reich: Microwave Principles, East West Press.
6. D. M. Pozar: Microwave Engineering, 3rd Edition, Wiley Publications.
List of Experiment:
1. Study the characteristics of Klystron Tube and to determine its electronic tuning range.
2. To determine the frequency and wavelength in a rectangular wave-guide working on TE10 mode.
3. To determine the Standing Wave – Ratio and reflection coefficient.
4. To measure an unknown impedance with Smith Chart.
5. To study the V-I characteristics of Gunn Diode.
6. To study the following characteristics of Gunn Diode.
(a) Output power and frequency as a function of voltage.
(b) Square wave modulation through PIN diode.
7. Study the function of Magic Tee by measuring the following parameters.
(a) Measurement of VSWR at different ports and
(b) Measurement of isolation and coupling coefficient.
8. Study the function of Isolator / Circulator by measuring the following parameters.
(a) Input VSWR measurement of Isolator / Circulator.
(b) Measurement of insertion loss and isolation.
9. Study the function of Attenuator (Fixed and Variable type) by measuring the following parameters.
(a) Input VSWR measurement.
(b) Measurement of insertion loss and attenuation.
10. Study the function of Multi Hole Directional Coupler by measuring the following parameters.
(a) To measure main line and auxiliary line VSWR.
(b) To measure the coupling factor and directivity.
11. Study of a network analyzer and measurements using it.
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PROGRAMME: Electronics and Telecommunication
COURSE: EC-605 Communication Network and Transmission Lines
Category of Course Title Course code Credit-6C Theory paper (ES)
Departmental Communication EC-605 L T P Max. Marks-100
Core (DC-15) Network and Min. Marks: 35
Transmission Lines 3 1 2 Duration: 3 hrs.
Course Contents
Unit – I
Characteristic Parameters of symmetrical and asymmetrical two port networks and their design: image impedance,
iterative impedance, characteristic impedance, propagation coefficient, image transfer coefficient ,iterative transfer
coefficient, Lattice and Bridged-T networks, reactive matching networks, matching techniques, Insertion Loss,
symmetrical and asymmetrical attenuators and their design.
Unit – II
Passive LC Filters: Analysis and design of Low pass, high pass, band pass and band elimination filters, m-derived
filters, composite filters, Filter specifications, Butterworth approximation, Chebyshev approximation, elliptic function
approximation, frequency transformation.
Unit – III
Positive real function, LC, RL, RC, and RLC network synthesis, Foster and Cauer network, minimum positive real
function, Brune’s method, Bott-Duffin method, Synthesis-Coefficient.
Unit – IV
Transmission line fundamentals: Lumped parameter equivalent, voltage and current on a transmission line, infinite
line, characteristic impedance and propagation constant, waveform distortion, attenuation and phase equalizers,
distortionless line, loading, liner reflection on a line, reflection coefficient, input and transfer impedances, open circuit
and short circuit line, reflection factors, reflection loss, insertion loss, T and π equivalents of a line, location of line
fault. Construction and design of two wire line and coaxial cable.
Unit – V
Line at radio frequencies, parameters of line and coaxial cable at radio frequencies, dissipationless line, voltage and
current on a dissipationless line, standing waves, standing wave ratio, input impedance of open circuit and short
circuit, power and impedance measurement on lines, eighthwave, quarter-wave and half wave line, circle diagram,
Smith chart, solution of problems using Smith chart, single and double stub matching .introduction to microstrip lines
and its analysis.
1. J.D. Ryder: Networks and Transmission Lines, 2nd edition, PHI
2. M.E. Valkenberg: Introduction to Modern Network synthesis, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. G.K. Mithal: Network Analysis, Khanna Publishers.
4. Umesh Sinha: Networks and Transmission Lines, Satya Prakashan.
5. Suresh: Electric Circuits and Networks, Pearson Education.
List of Experimental:
1. Introduction: Measurement set up of Transmission Line Analyzer.
2. To set up the standing waves formation on a transmission line and observe their maxima and minima using
frequency domain method.
3. To measure the characteristic impedance of transmission lines using frequency domain method and to
differentiate between the matched and unmatched lines.
4. To measure the VSWR, reflection coefficient and return loss in a transmission line.
5. To measure the dielectric constant of insulator in the transmission line.
6. To measure the velocity of propagation and wavelength in the given transmission line.
7. To study the attenuation characteristics of signal along a transmission line and observe its variation with
frequency. Also calculate the phase constant and propagation constant.
8. To study the effect of reactive loads on transmission lines.
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9. To study the difference between lossy and loss less line.
10. To study the physical dimensions of transmission line and estimation of characteristic impedance.
11. To study behavior of infinite and short lines.
12. To study the operation of Balun transformer.
13. To study the loading of transmission lines and estimate the cut off frequency of a loaded line.
14. To study the use of coaxial lines as tuned circuits and delay lines.
15. To study the input and output impedance of any RF circuits and match it to 50/75 ohms.
16. Simulation of various filters.
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