ZEISS Axiocam Family: Your Guide To Microscope Camera Technology From ZEISS

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Version 2.

ZEISS Axiocam Family

Your Guide to Microscope Camera Technology from ZEISS.
The moment
your data change
scientific minds.
This is the moment we work for.

Visualization and Documentation

Camera technology as diverse as your imaging

and documentation tasks.

Recent years have seen rapid developments in the processing and All things considered, there is simply no such thing as the perfect
documentation of m
­ icroscopic images. Technology has evolved microscope camera – it just depends on the applications at hand.
from video cameras connected by frame-grabbing control cards to This guide aims to give you an overview of the whole portfolio of
today’s purely digital cameras operated via USBs, FireWire or quick ZEISS Axiocams. These dedicated microscope cameras range from
Ethernet interfaces. Whichever camera technology you are using ­compact color cameras for routine documentation to fast, sensitive
for microscopy, you will always need high contrast resolution, monochrome cameras for gentle live cell imaging. Explore typical
good sensitivity and dynamic performance, and a high readout applications and use the performance matrix to decide which
speed. Often, short exposure times and the option of r­ ecording ­Axiocam is the right one for you. Use the camera terminology
a quick series of images will be just as important as exact color chapter to learn about fundamental principles and the words we
­reproduction. use to describe them.

4 5
Select Your ZEISS Axiocam to Match Your Requirements.

Welcome to the fascinating world of microscope cameras. In this compendium

we have brought together the whole portfolio of ZEISS Axiocams with many
­exciting applications for you to discover. Use it as a guide to selecting the right
camera for all your imaging and documentation.

Cameras for Teaching and Routine Labs Integrated Network Cameras

These cameras meet the needs for easy operation and efficiency. These cameras can be connected to your WiFi – giving you freedom of sharing
You benefit from live images with exactly the right resolution and crisp contrast. your images with colleagues. Already integrated into the microscope stand, these
cameras are always well adjusted.

Page 8 Page 44

High End Color Cameras Software

These cameras all deliver outstanding true color images in high resolution. Each Axiocam comes with a bundle of free software for basic imaging tasks.
Their high dynamic range and high frame rates meet the needs of even the Or can be combined with several high end modules of ZEN imaging software
most demanding pathology or histology imaging. tailored to your applications.

Page 20 Page 48

High End Fluorescence Cameras Knowledge Base

These sensitive monochrome cameras are dedicated to capture even faint Learn about fundamental terms of camera technology and their meaning.
signals from your living samples. Each Axiocam contributes a unique combination See how sensor type, resolution, frame rate and sensitivity are interconnected
of resolution, sensitivity and speed to your most demanding live cell imaging and influence your results.

Page 30 Page 54

6 7
Cameras for Teaching and Routine Labs

Enjoy Efficient, Easy Operation.

8 9
Cameras for Teaching and Routine Labs

ZEISS Axiocam 105 color

Your 5 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Documentation in Routine Labs

Fish, HE staining, brightfield, acquired with ZEISS Stemi 305 Graphite in brightfield, objective: EC Epiplan-NEOFLUAR 20×

Axiocam 105 color is your small, no-frills microscope camera. Recommended for Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated. 1.0

With its compact design, it makes quick and efficient work of • Applications with bright samples • 5 megapixel CMOS sensor 0.9

your daily documentation needs. • Documentation • 15 images per second at full 5 megapixel color resolution

Relative Spectral Sensitivity


With its USB 3.0 connection, experience a high speed data • Education / Teaching • 8 bit digitization

transfer rate for handling your high resolution 5 megapixel color • Routine tasks • High resolution with 2.2 μm pixel 0.5

images. Offering an exposure time range of 100 μs to 2 s and a • Materials testing • Easy to use super-speed USB 3.0 connection 0.4

live frame rate of up to 33 images per second, the camera allows • Quality assurance / Quality control • Color and black & white imaging modes 0.3

you to be well prepared to cover multiple tasks. Document your • Fast and efficient operation with ZEN imaging software

results quickly and conveniently. 0.0

400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
With its attractive price-performance ratio, you can also expand
Wavelength (nm)
the capability of your fluorescence imaging system with color
imaging. Axiocam 105 color is ideal as a secondary camera on Relative spectral sensitivity

fluorescence microscopes that are traditionally equipped with

monochrome cameras.
The camera’s small form factor also lends itself well to environ-
ments with limited space.

10 11
Cameras for Teaching and Routine Labs

ZEISS Axiocam ERc 5s

Your 5 Megapixel Standalone Microscope Camera

Micrasterias radiata (algae), brightfield Pig gut, May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining

This 5 megapixel CMOS camera from ZEISS offers you flexible Recommended for Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated.    

technology at an impressive price-performance ratio. • Applications with bright samples • 5 megapixel CMOS sensor

With Axiocam ERc 5s you capture the finest details of structures in • Documentation • 8 bit digitization

your sample in high resolution. Connect your camera in a multi- • Education / Teaching • High resolution with 2.2 μm pixel

Relative Spectral Sensitivity


tude of ways. Attach it to your PC to acquire crisp images with ZEN • Routine tasks • Color and black & white imaging modes

or use it as a digital video camera by connecting it directly to a • Industrial work • Flexibility – use Axiocam ERc 5s in multiple ways:

monitor. Produce an exceptional live image for observing dynamic • Quality assurance / Quality control • As a stand-alone camera – acquire images / movies directly

processes. Or exploit the full flexibility of Axiocam ERc 5s as a to an SD card


standalone camera in your lab. You can store your images directly • As digital video camera – stream HD (720p60 or 1080p30)

onto an SD card and transfer them to a computer later, making via HDMI cable directly to a monitor or projector. Control the

your laboratory processes even more efficient. camera via remote control – define your acquisition settings

The camera can also be connected to a network via Ethernet and store for later use to carry out routine tasks independent 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

Wavelength (nm)
cable. Wirelessly connect your iPad on the same network and of any computer
access the controls via Labscope. This means you can check in on • Via Labscope with a network connection and an iPad Relative spectral sensitivity

your sample away from the system, freeing you to work on other • Efficient operation with ZEN via an easy to install USB
tasks. Or share the live image by connecting multiple iPads to ­connection to a PC
promote discussion amongst students or colleagues.

12 13
Cameras for Teaching and Routine Labs

ZEISS Axiocam 305 mono

Your Fast 5 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Routine Fluorescence Applications

Antibody staining of mouse brain section. Cell nuclei (blue), astrocytes (green), EOSIN staining of brine shrimp, acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager,
cytokeratin (red), acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, objective: EC Plan-NEOFLUAR 20× / 0.50
objective: EC Plan-NEOFLUAR 20× / 0.50

Axiocam 305 mono your 5 megapixel camera from ZEISS for Recommended for Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated.
fluorescence imaging for your routine lab and enables a range of • Fluorescence imaging applications with live and fixed cells • 5 megapixel CMOS global shutter sensor 70,000

applications for live cell observation. The state-of-the-art CMOS • Documentation of fluorescent cell cultures • 11.1 mm image diagonal

Relative Spectral Sensitivity


Global Shutter technology lets you follow and capture samples • Routine tasks in cell laboratories • Fast readout with 36 images per second in full color resolution 50,000

accurately . Thanks to its high dynamic range, you can acquire • Materials Research in near infrared wavelengths • 12 bit digitization finer gradation in signal 40,000

images with various high contrasts and intensities in a single • Time lapse recording • Small 3.45 micron pixels for better sampling at low 30,000

image. A dark homogenous background helps you see even the • Multi channel imaging without the need for hardware trigger ­magnifications 20,000

finest structural details. And it's a really fast camera, acquiring synchronisation • Global shutter architecture for distortion-free images 10,000

up to 36 frames per second at full 5 MP resolution. Highly • Active thermal stabilization of the sensor for extremely 0,000












sensitive sensor technology and sophisticated camera engineer- ­reproducible image quality
Wavelength (nm)
ing means your Axiocam 305 mono will deliver reproducible • Easy to use super-speed USB 3.0 connection
results every time. The sensor is temperature-stabilized, resulting • Fast and efficient operation with ZEN imaging software Relative spectral sensitivity

in reproducible quality and reduced background noise. Easy to

use ZEN imaging software fully supports the robust camera
performance by an intuitive user interface through a simple and
fast USB 3.0 connection.

14 15
Cameras for Teaching and Routine Labs

ZEISS Axiocam 305 color

Your Fast 5 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Routine and Research Labs

Liver of Amphiuma in brightfield, HE-staining, acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, Pure iron in brightfield, reflected light, acquired with ZEISS Axio Observer, objective:
objective: EC Plan-NEOFLUAR 20× / 0.50 EC Epiplan-APOCHROMAT 50× / 0.9

Axiocam 305 color is your 5 megapixel camera for high Recommended for Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated.

­resolution imaging at fast speeds. With state-of-the-art CMOS • Applications with bright samples • 5 megapixel CMOS global shutter sensor 0.9

global shutter technology, you can follow and capture samples • Documentation • 11.1 mm image diagonal 0.8

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

distortion-free and with great accuracy. Thanks to this highly • Routine tasks • Fast readout with 36 images per second in full color resolution 0.7

sensitive sensor technology and precise camera engineering, your • Materials Research • 12 bit digitization finer gradation in signal 0.6

Axiocam 305 color allows the capture of quality color images for • Quality assurance / Quality control • Small 3.45 micron pixels for better sampling at low 0.5

a wide range of applications. Acquire great color images with • Fast high resolution live image for co-observation ­magnifications

crisp contrast or use the optional black & white mode to • Fast image acquisition and time-lapse recording • Global shutter architecture for distortion-free images

document basic fluorescence. • Active thermal stabilization of the sensor for extremely 0.1

With this fast camera offering up to 36 frames per second at ­reproducible image quality 0.0
400 450 500 550 600 650 700
full resolution, achieve efficient searching, fast focusing and • Easy to use super-speed USB 3.0 connection
Wavelength (nm)
­ergonomic handling at your digital microscope workplace. • Color and black & white imaging modes
Cover more of your area of interest with its 2/3” sensor format • Fast and efficient operation with ZEN imaging software Relative spectral sensitivity

and produce great color images on your compound, stereo, or

zoom microscope.
Though a simple and fast USB 3.0 connection, control the
camera and experience robust performance with easy to use
ZEN imaging software and its intuitive user interface.

16 17
Cameras for Teaching and Routine Labs

Pathology & Histology

HeLa cells, green: Tubulin Alexa 488, red: pHistone 3 – Alexa 568, Histological section, red: MPOX2, blue: nuclear counterstaining,
blue: Hoechst 33342, acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, objective: EC Epiplan-NEOFLUAR 10× / 0.3
objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 40× / 1.4 Courtesy of: A. Schmitt-Gräff, Pathology, University of Freiburg, Germany

The field of pathology aims to better understand the causes, At ZEISS, the use of optical instruments in the battle against But nowadays it’s not just color stainings for transmitted light Color cameras from ZEISS reproduce color stains exactly the way
mechanisms and consequences of disease by studying the disease dates back to Robert Koch’s groundbreaking discovery of illumination that are used. You also employ fluorescent dyes to they have to be, reliably and reproducibly. For fluorescence
structural and functional changes that take place in cells and the causative agent of tuberculosis. Today, you carry out research label and identify different kinds of cells and structures. This helps ­applications, ZEISS monochrome cameras offer the sensitivity and
tissues during disease processes. Soon after microscopes became and routine diagnosis in pathology and histology with different you to get more specific information and, by multiplexing with dynamic range to reveal even the faintest signals. Be they mono-
available, pathologists began to realize how much help these kinds of microscopes and preparation techniques, and this is one many dyes, allows to extract a lot more information in one chrome or color, your Axiocam will match your ZEISS microscope
instruments would be in carrying out such studies. Especially in of the most important procedures in practical medicine. Among workflow step. perfectly and always give you the best available resolution for the
conjunction with staining techniques, microscopes became the most famous stainings for transmitted light applications is the structures you have to see.
powerful tools for identifying normal and abnormal tissue as well classic Hematoxylin and Eosin stain (HE) that colors different tissue In both cases, the microscope has the task of presenting you an
as cell-morphologies. This consequently developed into the science portions in violets and reds, according to their composition. image that corresponds perfectly to the real features of the
of histology, which would have been impossible without such specimen. This is true for observations through the oculars, but
progress in optics and microscope manufacturing. even more so when digital cameras are used, since a digital image
might be re-evaluated after the original specimen is long gone or
destroyed-sometimes even decades later.

18 19
High End Color Cameras

Get True Color Images

in High Resolution

20 21
High End Color Cameras

ZEISS Axiocam 503 color

Your 3 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Fast Image Acquisition in Research Labs

Lung of sheep, objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 10× / 0.45 Hippocampus of rat, objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 20× / 0.8

This fast 2.8 megapixel scientific grade color camera allows high Recommended for Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated. 1.0

resolution live images and time-lapse recordings at video speed. • Life and materials sciences • 2.8 megapixel CCD sensor with standard 11 mm image diagonal 0.9

Axiocam 503 color brings the convenience of fast color HDTV • Co-observation with fast high resolution live image in • 38 images per second in color 0.8

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

cameras to the digital domain, including all the advantages of high quality color • High image contrast with 14 bit signal conversion 0.7

extended parameter control and the image quality you expect • Fast image time-lapse recording • Optimum 4.54 micron pixels for best combination of resolution 0.6

from scientific camera products. • High quality documentation of colored samples i.e. and light sensitivity 0.5

in ­pathology, cytology or materials research • Fast quad-port read-out with global shutter architecture for

Such speed makes it the best choice for analysis of colored • Broad range of intensities and exposure times distortion-free images

samples where sample navigation and visualization are your • Active thermal stabilization of the sensor for extremely repro-

maximum priorities – for example, in pathology, cytology or ducible image quality 0.0

scientific materials research. • Easy to use super-speed USB 3.0 connection 400 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength (nm)
• Color and black & white imaging modes
• Thermo electrical cooled sensor Relative spectral sensitivity

22 23
High End Color Cameras

ZEISS Axiocam 506 color

Your 6 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Fast Imaging in True Color

Human intestinal polyps, HE staining, acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, Human kidney, Azan staining, acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager,
Objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 20× / 0.8 Objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 10× / 0.45

This high quality 6 megapixel color camera offers you an Recommended for Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated. 1.0

amazingly fast live image and acquisition speed despite its large • Color imaging applications in life sciences and • 6 megapixel CCD sensor with 16 mm image diagonal 0.9

pixel count and the very large 16 mm diagonal field of view. materials science • 19 full resolution color images per second 0.8

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

This makes it the camera of choice whenever large sample areas • Co-observation with fast high resolution live image in • High image contrast with 14 bit signal conversion 0.7

have to be screened and recorded by taking many image tiles high quality color with a very large field of view • Small 4.54 micron pixels for optimal resolution 0.6

repeatedly in a minimum amount of time due to reduced number • Large pathology, cytology and materials samples • Fast quad-port read-out with global shutter architecture 0.5

of tile positions. • Fast tile scanning applications for distortion-free images 0.4

This is extremely beneficial in acquiring large pathological tissue • Broadest range of intensities and exposure times • Black & white imaging mode
sections or large colored materials samples. • Reproducible image quality due to active thermal stabilization

of the sensor 0.0

• Easy to use super-speed USB 3.0 connection 400 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength (nm)
• Thermo electrical cooled sensor
Relative spectral sensitivity

24 25
High End Color Cameras

ZEISS Axiocam 512 color

Your 12 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Imaging of Large Sample Areas – Fast, in True Color, and High Resolution

Intestine of rat, HE staining, acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, Steel with ferrite perlite grains in reflected light brightfield, acquired with
objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 10× / 0.45 ZEISS Axio Observer 7, objective: EC Epiplan-NEOFLUAR 10×

This 12 megapixel scientific grade color camera has a 1” Recommended for Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated.
(16 mm diagonal) CCD sensor. Given its large sensor size • Color imaging applications in life sciences and materials science • Large field of view with high resolution of 12 megapixels 0.9

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

combined with small pixel sizes, you are able to acquire large • Quality control and inspection • CCD sensor with a size of 1” (diagonal 16 mm) 0.8

object fields with low magnification and high aperture objectives • Pathology, cytology and colored materials • Excellent live image and high acquisition speed 0.6

without stitching. You can zoom into the digital image and still • Macroscopic imaging applications, e. g. with Axio Zoom.V16 • Pixel size of 3.1 μm to detect small structures 0.5

see the finest details of your sample. The USB 3.0 interface • Simple PC connection through USB 3.0 interface technology 0.3

delivers an excellent live image at high acquisition speeds. • Thermo electrical cooled sensor 0.2


400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Axiocam 512 color is a highly evolved digital color camera
Wavelength (nm)
addressing the needs of scientific microscopy, including
­documentation, reporting and analysis. Fast and artifact-free Relative spectral sensitivity

imaging with optimized color reproduction makes your work

comfortable and efficient. In addition, exploring your sample
on the screen, instead through the oculars, becomes a true and
very convenient alternative.

26 27
High End Color Cameras

Large Area Imaging

Young mouse, cross section brightfield, acquired with ZEISS Axio Zoom.V16, Foil capacitor, cut open, with dielectric in between; acquired with
objective: PlanApo Z 0.5× magnification 6× ZEISS Axio Zoom.V16, reproduction of object / camera 0.8

You use microscopes to make small structures appear bigger. Generally, a very common approach to achieving large area While this procedure has commonly been used for many years, Your Axiocam with high pixel counts and small pixel sizes matches
Nevertheless, these small structures are often embedded in larger imaging is to scan the sample with the aid of a motorized scanning the current generation of ZEISS Axiocams is able to speed things your micro- and macroscopic ZEISS microscope perfectly, making
collections of cells or in tissues. This is the case throughout the stage and then create a tile image that can be merged into one up greatly and at the same time generate higher quality data. most of their objectives with high numerical apertures at low
life sciences, but also in materials science, forensics and in seamless reproduction of the sample. A perfect demonstration of When using lower magnifications, you need cameras with small magnifications. Whether for classic scanning of tissues and
diagnostic applications. Examples include tiny synapses of large this approach is digital slide scanning for research pathology. pixels, large sensor diameter and high pixel counts to retain materials or for imaging of inflated and expanded specimens.
neurons in brain tissue, inclusions and defects on the surfaces Axio Scan.Z1, for example, is an instrument that has driven a fast resolution in the final image.
of polished materials as well as sperms, hair, skin and other scanning regime in transmitted or fluorescent applications with
remains on forensic evidence. on-the-fly stitching and merging of tile image data to perfection. In addition, since 2014 the scientific community explores a new
technique called ‘expansion microscopy’. This involves physically
These samples in their entities are usually too big to be seen or inflating biological tissues, which means that even small biological
captured within a single field of view of a microscope or digital specimens such as single cells can get quite large and, consequently,
camera, even at low magnifications. Often it will be crucial to the imaging procedure may take several times longer than before.
image the entire area – or at least a large part of it – to answer The exciting new possibilities that come with it – for example, an
your question. After a large area has been digitized, you can increased level of detail – have to be paid for by imaging a larger
identify rare events or make a more accurate statistical analysis area, thus resulting in longer imaging time.
on the images.

28 29
High End Fluorescence Cameras

Capture Even Faint

Fluorescent Signals.

30 31
High End Fluorescence Cameras

ZEISS Axiocam 503 mono

Your Flexible and Sensitive 3 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Live Cell Imaging

SK8 / K18 cells, staining: intermediate filaments labeled tagged with GFP (green), HeLa cells, staining: AuroraB – Alexa 488 (green), Tubulin – Alexa 568 (red),
Aktin Alexa 546 (red), DAPI (blue), acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, Hoechst 33342 (blue), acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager,
objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 63× / 1.4 objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 63× / 1.4

This 3 megapixel microscope camera is your best workhorse. You will enjoy working with a high quality and rapidly refreshed Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated.
The camera features a 2/3” sensor with an image diagonal of live image as well as extreme sensitivity for low light and live cell • USB 3.0 interface technology with fast 5-gigabit / s 80%

11 mm. In combination with the number of pixels, you have all imaging. Its high sensitivity lets you use short exposure times, data transfer rate 70%

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

the advantages of high resolution imaging. The cooled quad-port even with weak fluorescent markers, preventing damage to your • High-end quad-port CCD sensor technology for a
CCD camera with its four outputs provides exceptional versatility samples. Optional synchronization of other components by fast image refresh rate of 38 images per second

and offers you benefits such as a wide range of exposure times, hardware trigger signals assures maximum reproducible imaging • Up to 90 images per second with binning

binning up to 5 × 5 for super sensitive detection, a choice of precision. • Ideal for high-aperture and low-magnification objective 20%

lowest noise single port or high-speed multiport read-out modes, lenses, thanks to small (4.54 μm) pixel structures 10%

and very low levels of read-out noise. Recommended for • Thermo electrical cooled sensor 0%
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

• Live and fixed cell imaging • Optional hardware trigger synchronization

Wavelength (nm)
• Fluorescence applications with high dynamics
• Near Infrared fluorescence dyes Relative spectral sensitivity

• Near Infrared observation in materials applications

32 33
High End Fluorescence Cameras

ZEISS Axiocam 506 mono

Your 6 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Live Cell Imaging – Fast, Flexible, and Sensitive

SK8 / K18 cells, staining: intermediate filaments labeled tagged with GFP (green), HeLa cells, staining: Tubulin Alexa 488 (green), pHistone 3 – Alexa 568 (red),
Tubulin Antibody label (red), DAPI (blue), acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager, Hoechst 33342 (blue), acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager,
objective: EC Plan-NEOFLUAR 40× / 0.7 objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 40× / 1.4

This flexible 6 megapixel microscope camera is a true all-rounder. The camera’s 1” sensor combines with the large number of pixels Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated.
It produces a high quality and rapid live image as well as the to give you a field of view twice as large as that of 2/3” cameras. • Excellent coverage of the microscopic field of view and sample 80%

highest level of sensitivity for low-light and live cell imaging. You will always have a good overview of your sample. Optional overview, thanks to the 1” sensor – twice the field of view 70%

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

Its high sensitivity enables you to use short exposure times, even synchronization of other components by hardware trigger signals compared to 2/3” cameras
with weak fluorescent markers, preventing damage to your assures reproducible imaging precision. • USB 3.0 interface technology with fast 5 gigabit data transfer

samples. You can increase sensitivity through pixel binning – and rate and qad-port, high-end CCD sensor technology for rapid

still have enough resolution for optimal imaging. Recommended for frame rates 20%

• Live cell imaging • 2752 horizontal pixels × 2208 vertical pixels gives high resolu- 10%

• High-resolution fluorescence imaging tion, even when using pixel binning 0%

400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

• Fluorescence scanning applications • Up to 56 fps with binning 5 × 5

Wavelength (nm)
• Near Infrared fluorescence dyes • Expanded area of application for high-aperture and low-­
• Near Infrared observation in materials applications magnification objectives, thanks to 4.54 μm small pixel struc- Relative spectral sensitivity

tures – highest resolution with a large field of view

• Thermo electrical cooled sensor
• Optional hardware trigger synchronization

34 35
High End Fluorescence Cameras

ZEISS Axiocam 512 mono

Your 12 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Imaging of Large Sample Areas

Indian Muntjac fibroblast cells, objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 10× / 0.45. Mouse kidney, objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 10× / 0.45.
AlexaFluor 488 Phalloidin & MitoTracker Red CMXRos. Samples courtesy of:
Michael Davidson, Florida State University.

With a sensor size of 1” (16 mm diagonal) this 12 megapixel The number of images necessary for large area acquisition is Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated.
CCD sensor delivers an excellent live image of fluorescent significantly reduced so you get more valuable data in less time, • Large field of view with high resolution of 12 megapixels 1.0

samples. That lets you acquire large object fields with low not only in screening applications. • 1” CCD sensor (diagonal 16 mm)

Relative Spectral Sensitivity


magnification and high numerical aperture objectives, and • Excellent live image and high acquisition speed
with good resolution – all in one shot. If you need to increase sensitivity for your live cell applications, • 10 fps at full resolution of 4248 × 2832

you can do this with pixel binning and at the same time benefit 22 fps in HD format (1936 × 1080) 0.4

Images acquired with typical optical microscopes always feature from an increased frame rate. • Highest resolution with a large field of view: 3.1 μm pixels
a compromise between the level of detail in the image and how make it perfect for high-aperture and low-magnification
much of a sample can be shown. For example, densely packed Recommended for objectives 0.0
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

individual cells often cannot be distinguished in an image that • Fluorescence scanning applications • Simple PC connection through super-speed USB 3.0
Wavelength (nm)
shows an entire organism, larger colonies or cells. • Applications with elevated throughput interface technology
With Axiocam 512 mono you capture tissues and other samples • High sensitivity monochrome imaging with • Thermo electrical cooled sensor Relative spectral sensitivity

in a way that allows the study of fine details. extended spectral range • Optional hardware trigger synchronization
• Near Infrared fluorescence dyes
• Near Infrared observation in materials applications

36 37
High End Fluorescence Cameras

ZEISS Axiocam 702 mono

Your 2.3 Megapixel Microscope Camera for Fast Low Light and Live Cell Imaging

Indian Muntjac cultured cells. Mouse kidney section.

Sample courtesy of: Michael W. Davidson, Florida State University Sample courtesy of: Michael W. Davidson, Florida State University

Fundamental to the investigation of weak and rapidly changing Peltier cooling ensures low noise and reproducible image quality, Simpler. More intelligent. More integrated.
signals in biology is the recent advancement in camera techno­ particularly when you are dealing with long exposure times and 0.8

logy. Axiocam 702 mono offers cell biologists and all other dark areas in the sample. • Monochrome CMOS microscope camera with 2.3 megapixels 0.7

Relative Spectral Sensitivity

researchers a high-speed CMOS imaging solution that • Sensor size of 1/1.2” (diagonal 13.3 mm) and 1920 × 1216 pixels
is very sensitive and affordable. Highest light sensitivity combined with low noise and high frame • Pixel size of 5.86 μm

If provides also distortion free high temporal resolution at a very rates give you the temporal resolution that you always longed for • Up to 128 fps at full resolution and up to 1000 fps @ 0.3

budget friendly price. in live cell imaging. 1024 × 128 pixels 0.2

• Dynamic range > 5000:1 (>74 dB) at typical < 6e read noise 0.1

This high-performance CMOS microscope camera has Recommended for • Thermo electrical cooled sensor 0.0
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

2.3 megapixels and a 1/1.2” sensor (diagonal 13.3 mm), making it • Live cell imaging with high temporal resolution • Optional hardware trigger synchronization
Wavelength (nm)
the ideal choice for fast and sensitive fluorescence imaging. • Low light applications
• Imaging at higher magnifications Relative spectral sensitivity

38 39
High End Fluorescence Cameras

Live Cell Imaging

BSC-1; African green monkey kidney cells, DAPI, Alexa 488 Tubulin, Alexa 568 SK8 / K18 cells, green: intermediate filaments labeled tagged with GFP,
TOMM20, acquired with ZEISS Axio Imager.Z2, ZEISS Axiocam 506 mono, red: Aktin Alexa 546, blue: DAPI, acquires with ZEISS Axio Imager,
ZEISS Apotome.2 with deconvolution ZEISS Axiocam 503 mono, objective: Plan-APOCHROMAT 63× / 1.4

Fluorescence has revolutionized biological research in many areas. Your challenge is that most cell types of mammals and other Furthermore, emission spectra of fluorescent dyes and proteins are The Axiocam portfolio leaves the researcher with a choice between
It started some decades ago with still images and single or dual animals – and even plants – are not used to being exposed to light distributed across almost the entire spectrum. Cameras have to be cameras with two different types of sensors. You can choose a
stainings. Today, multiple fluorescence stainings or many fluores- during their physiological processes. That makes it the natural goal sensitive in all spectral ranges where the relevant dyes fluoresce, camera with a CCD sensor that is flexible and allows you to switch
cent proteins in a live cell approach have become the standard. for you when imaging living specimens to minimize exposure to such as in the near-infrared range. between higher resolution applications and live cell applications by
Often, you are also attempting 3-dimensional imaging to obtain light, all the while ensuring image quality is good enough to binning pixels. Or you select a CMOS-type camera that allows
more information from the sample at every time-point. address your scientific question. High intensity light itself is There are specialized techniques such as lightsheet fluorescence extremely fast imaging at low-light conditions with excellent noise
damaging to cells and further phototoxic effects will result from microscopy (LSFM) to achieve this, and ZEISS has transferred this level.
Tracking vesicles, observing changes in nuclear architecture or fluorophore photobleaching. In addition to decreasing the process into a product called Lightsheet Z.1. On the other hand,
organelles and following differentiation of stem cells are just a few available fluorescence signal with each exposure, photobleaching the right choice of microscope and camera also make a big In addition, your Axiocam is always precisely controlled by the
examples of live cell imaging applications that are becoming more leads to free radicals and other reactive products. difference when you are imaging with classic light microscopes, imaging software from ZEISS and ideally matched to the optical
and more frequent. This often means acquiring hundreds or even such as Axio Observer or Axio Imager, or novel automated imaging properties of our imaging stands and systems. That lets you exploit
thousands of images to get the data you want from your sample. This poses many challenges to the imaging system and especially platforms, such as Celldiscoverer 7 and Axio Scan.Z1. the possibilities of the newest sensor technology to the maximum.
to the camera. The most critical experimental challenge in
collecting meaningful live cell microscopy data is to minimize Short exposure times are key for successful live cell imaging
photodamage while acquiring images with a sufficient signal-to- experiments. To detect dim fluorescent signals, it is essential to use
noise ratio. cooled scientific grade cameras with low read-out Noise. And such
systems need to be precisely controlled so that the sample is only
exposed to light during the actual exposure time of the camera.

40 41
Rat Brain Horizontal Section
Sample courtesy of M. W. Davidson, The Florida State University
Integrated Network Cameras

Connect Your Microscopes

and Your Students.

44 45
Integrated Network Cameras

Your Digital Classroom

Document and archive your results.

And share the images in your digital network.
It is full of possibilities.

Your students use microscopes to learn about the morphology of Whenever you consider buying new school equipment, think
human, animal or plant cells. They will need a deeper knowledge about installing a digital classroom. An interactive digital classroom
of sample preparation, staining procedures and finally sample will help you produce the engaging atmosphere that motivates
examination if they are to learn to identify, for example, blood cell students to discover their field of study and reach their learning
disorders. goals.

Some lectures also require a thorough knowledge of various ZEISS microscopes and the imaging software Labscope make it
microscopy techniques and software for image acquisition and easy to create a digital classroom with a network of connected
documentation. school microscopes. You can now monitor all student microscopes
from your own iPad or iPhone. And get your students encouraged
Hand drawings of samples like onion ephithelium or oral mucosa by interactively involving them in your teaching. They will get on
still play an important role in understanding morphology. In with their learning success in an enjoyable way and have fun in * Labscope can run on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (both 32-bit and 64-bit).
addition, digital school equipment such as smart boards, tablets, your training session by sharing their microscope images in their
e-learning and interactive video courses are becoming an essential networks.
part of your learning and teaching methods.

46 47

Use ZEISS Imaging Software

to Make Most of Your Axiocam

48 49

ZEISS ZEN Imaging Software

All Axiocam models come with a free version of ZEN, the user-friendly imaging software from ZEISS. ZEN unleashes all of
your camera features so you will quickly and easily be acquiring brilliant images with your microscope. It presents all
Axiocam functions in a simple user interface. Turn on automatic functions to support your imaging needs and get great
results – fast! Non-destructive image handling and file formats, developed specially for microscopy, are just two benefits
that guarantee you will get maximum information content in your images. In addition, the free ZEN packages are
extended with useful features such as recording movies or exporting to various image data formats. Image scaling
information is made available and stored together with your image data. Or simply use ZEN imaging software as an
image viewer for both simple and complex images with multiple dimensions acquired on ZEISS microscopy systems.

ZEN lite ZEN 2 starter

Your Microscope Software for Applications in Life Sciences Your Microscope Software for Industrial Applications

ZEN lite brings you into the core functionality of advanced ZEN Upgrade ZEN lite with optional features: The free microscope software ZEN 2 starter brings you these key Upgrade ZEN 2 starter with optional features:
software. For instance, you can modify your user interface color • Acquire multichannel images of your specimens features for materials applications: • Control ZEISS microscopes
scheme to better suit your environment. Use ZEN lite in compact • Acquire time-lapse images of your specimens • Use workbenches for repetitive application tasks
mode for a clear overview, or use the full view for quick access to • Use extended measurement functions to evaluate your sample • Control ZEISS Axiocam microscope cameras • Analyze your images automatically
all functions. ZEN lite saves your imaging conditions together with • Create image analysis workflows / wizards • Use customizable workbenches • Control and acquire temperature-triggered image sequences
the metadata in the .CZI file format. • Create, manage and export manually-scaled microscope images with the Linkam heating stage
and record videos • Manage and link your data to IMS
• Control ZEISS Axiocam microscope cameras • Use the manual focus of your microscope to create extended • Correlate your images between light- and scanning electron
• Create, manage and export manually-scaled microscope images depth-of-focus images microscopes
and record videos • Stitch images on-the-fly using the automated panorama • Take advantage of GxP functionalities for audit trail and process
• Use the manual focus of your microscope to create extended ­functionality insurance
depth of focus images • Use basic measurement functions to analyze your sample
• Stitch images together using the panorama functionality • Create Microsoft Word reports
• Use basic measurement functions to analyze your sample • Save your data and documents in the Data Archive
• Review the metadata in your .CZI image files

50 51

ZEISS Labscope
Your Imaging Software for Digital Classrooms and Routine Laboratory Work

Configured to Your Requirements Simpler. More Intelligent. More Integrated. Created for Your Applications
• Take your choice: HDMI, USB, and LAN interfaces and an • Document results or dynamic processes for specific microscopes
Labscope is your easy-to-use imaging software for connected Microscopes SD card slot offer you many options with images and videos directly on your iPad
microscopy. Be it for the laboratory, university, school or even your All microscopes with a camera interface • Use the HDMI interface to view directly on a screen without a PC • Make direct comparisons with other images
hobby – it's easier than ever before to snap images, record videos Primo Star HDcam • Simply save images and videos to an SD card at the touch • Take measurements, annotate the results and save them on the
and measure your microscopic samples. Primovert HDcam of a button file server integrated into the network
Stemi 305 cam • Connect the camera to your Wi-Fi network and enjoy the • Load application images onto the iPad for talks and presenta-
Labscope transforms your ZEISS network-compatible microscopes ­benefits of the imaging software Labscope tions, and use its image processing tools
into a WiFi-enabled imaging system. You can easily create digital Camera • Use the integrated laser pointer to lead your students to areas of • Create individual reports with ease
classrooms or digital labs – just connect to any of the microscopes Axiocam ERc 5s interest. Let them do their hand drawings with the drawing tube • Give a live presentation with your iPad, iPhone or Windows PC
at any point in time and from anywhere in your room. Explore the function • Network your classroom and move around freely while teaching
advantages of an interactive learning atmosphere where you can Software
engage your students fully and enthuse them with the content of ZEISS iPad imaging software Labscope
your lessons. You don't need to invest in parallel IT-equipment for (free download in iTunes store)
your sequential processes. Control your cell laboratory microscopes
with a connected iPad, iPhone or Windows PC, store images by Functionality
workplace and observe cell cultures comfortably from your office. Documentation, image processing, camera control, storage on SD,
Then share your images – at the touch of a finger. iPad, iPhone, PC, server (cloud), report function, social media,
mea­surements  /  annotations, parallel display of several microscope
52 cameras 53
Knowledge Base

Your Resource for Camera Terminology

54 55
Knowledge Base

Sensor Size vs Camera Adapter vs Field of View (FOV) your microscope (intermediate image). Typical intermediate The unit cell size can be estimated by taking the geometrical Color filter
Use a c-mount camera adapter to mount your camera onto your image sizes are 25 mm for Axio Imager, 23 mm for Axio Observer length (height) of one sensor line (column) and dividing it by the
microscope. Depending on the magnification factor of the or 23 mm for Axio Zoom.V16. number of all pixels in one line (column).
adapter, the camera’s sensor may cover more (lower magnifica-
tion) or less (higher magnification) of the image coming out of Typical image sensor diameters are 7.9 mm (1/2” format), 11 mm Effects of pixel size:
(2/3” format) or 16 mm (1” format). Smaller pixels are Sensor pixel
Adapter 1.0× • good for higher resolution
Different C-mount adapter magnifications are 1×, 0.63×, 0.5×. • lower in dynamic range
Using a lower adapter magnification such as 0.63× causes into a: • less light sensitive
• Demagnification of the intermediate image, resulting in a • noisier
Sensor pixel
Axiocam 506
larger field of view for the final image
Axiocam 702 Axiocam 503
• Enlargement of pixel size, thus increasing light intensity Larger pixels are: Monochrome and color sensors – a comparison.

­detected by the sensor • good for better light sensitivity

• Enlargement of pixel size, which reduces the effective camera • less noisy
resolution • higher in dynamic range
Same pixel count
• reducing the spatial resolution
D = 23 mm
The spatial resolution of a digital camera is related to the pixel The best pixel size is a balance between sensitivity (larger pixel)
density, which is defined by the pixel count per sensor area. and resolution (smaller pixel) to get the best possible compromise 1 Pixel 1 Pixel

Adapter 0.63× The smaller the pixel aperture, the finer is the sampling of the for the imaging requirements at a given optical setup.
presented structure. The reproduction of fine structures (lines)
requires at least two pixels per structure sequence (line pair). Even when the pixel count is the same, the image taken with the larger-sized pixels

Depending on the spectral composition of the signal, the optical is less noisy because the CCD sensor is larger.

Axiocam 506 resolution of color cameras can be slightly lower compared to

Name of Effect Related Limitation Counter Measure
Axiocam 702 Axiocam 503
monochrome cameras because of the color filter array. However,
Dark current Maximum exposure time, Given for a specific sensor-technology,
elaborate interpolation algorithms allow color cameras to provide
Spurious signal by thermally generated electrons Low light sensitivity, dynamic range, single pixel active thermo-electrical cooling
optimal image quality. inside the sensor silicon material. ­defects (hot pixels)
This signal varies from pixel to pixel and causes an
­exposure time dependent signal offset for each
Pixel Size
­individual pixel.
D = 23 mm In addition it contributes to the signal noise.
Readout noise Low light sensitivity, directly limiting the potential Sensor design and analog signal management dependent,
Noise added to the signal during read-out low light detection threshold, dynamic range signal amplification by EMCCD architecture
Adapter 1.0× Adapter 0.63× 1 × 1 2 × 2 5 × 5 10 × 10 20 × 20 50 × 50 100 × 100
Photon shot noise Detection precision at high intensity levels, Theoretical and practical limit of detection is absolute,
Physical property of light, proportional to square noisy, low light images therefore no direct countermeasures
2/3" Sensor 1" Sensor
root of produced electrons
Axiocam 503 Axiocam 506: 4.54 µm / 0.63 = 7.21 µm
ADC effects Detection precision, intensity errors Use of good ADCs, use more bits than needed, software
Pixelsize = 4.54 µm Axiocam 512: 3.10 µm / 0.63 = 4.92 µm
Differential and integral linearity effects, calibration algorithms
(7.21 µm @ 0.63)
quantitation errors

480i 720p 1080p Static sensor artefacts Visible cosmetic defects, fixed patterns in image On the fly processing of the image data with correction
640 × 480 pixels 1280 × 720 pixels 1920 × 1080 pixels Defective pixels, non-uniformity effects of photo ­overlaying image information algorithms, black reference, pixel wise dark current maps,
(66 % of 720p) (66 % of 1080p) (66 % of 1080p) response, dark current, dark offset, electronic glow, use of selected sensors,
hot pixels, column or row offsets, Correction by calibration of static effects, dead pixel stor-
> 5× larger FOV
The pixel size defines the resolution. black offset non-uniformities age memory in camera
Axiocam 512 with
even higher resolution Dynamic sensor artefacts Visible cosmetic defects, traveling overlaid patterns High quality electronic design, electronic shielding, high
One pixel is the smallest effective area on the sensor which is to Blinking pixels, hot pixels, pixel and line offset flicker in image, subsequent artefacts in multi channels quality cables and connectors, on the fly dynamic correc-
­effects, electro-magnetic crosstalk of high frequency or Z-stack images causing errors in 3D renderings, tion algorithms, selection of high quality components,
become one image picture element.
­interference effects, etc. errors in post processing algorithms like segmen­ high quality sensors and dark current calibration.
Different sensor sizes in relation to field of view.
tation, counting, etc.


56 57
Knowledge Base

temperatures – say, –20 °C – are not always required. Cooling is


100 counts noise without noise still unavoidable for EMCCD cameras, due to their specific
Peltier cooler (white plate),
mounted on heat sink working principle. All other camera technologies have a benefit by

intensity [counts]

intensity [counts]
cooling only at long exposure times (after some 30s and more),
when the low dark current sums up and gets disturbing again.



Heat sink for cooler, connected
Camera sensitivity can be increased by combining photo gener-
with housing for dissipation
ated signal charges from neighboring pixels during read-out.

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400

position [pixel] position [pixel] Dark Noise (Thermal Noise): origin by thermal electrons in the CCD cooling about This also increases the camera frame rate. One side effect is the
8 – 10° reduces dark rushing by factor two loss of image resolution. Binning factors can range from 1 × 1
Sensor Socket
(no binning) up to multiple pixels such as 5 × 5. Multiple charge
Noise Sensor Cooling binning is mainly available for CCD sensors. Binning in CMOS
Noise in a digital camera is a random fluctuation of the image Cooling is used to minimize the thermal generation of electrons camera sensors is traditionally done in the digital domain by
signal which causes a detection error. Noise can come from (dark current) in the sensor silicon material and the resulting dark adding neighboring pixel values, which gives no extra sensitivity.
various physical sources and it limits the detection capability of current noise. You can reduce the dark current by approximately Digital CCD cameras and common effects dark current – Thermo Electrical Cooling

a given camera. Post-processing algorithms can be used to a factor of two by lowering the sensor temperature by 7 °C. Framerate
minimize noise, but this sacrifices other image factors such as Active thermo-electrical cooling prevents the sensor from being Cooling requires a heat sink to dissipate power from the The frame rate of a digital camera denotes the number of images
resolution. heated by the power dissipation inside the camera electronics. thermo-electrical cooler itself. Additional measures are needed which can be delivered per second (fps = frames per seconds).
to prevent condensation from humidity on the cold sensor Unlike TV cameras, scientific cameras are not limited to standard
Electronic Signal Gain surface. Modern sensors show a vastly reduced amount of dark video frame rates. Digital camera frame rates depend on various
current compared to devices from the past. Extremely low parameters:
Description Explanation Advantage Disadvantage

Analog Gain Amplification of the analog • Increases the brightness impression of • S tandard case: when the ADC can handle the full
­voltage signal at the output of an the signal ­signal amplitude of the sensor no sensitivity improve- Exposure time shorter = faster:
image sensor before the Analog- • N
 eeded to optimally adapt the analog ment can be achieved by analog gain Exposure time limits the absolute frame rate independent from all other technical factors. If the time to collect photons lasts
Digital-Converter (ADC) ­signal output from the camera sensor to • Images look very noisy for 100 ms, the maximum achievable frame rate is 1 / 100 ms = 10 fps.
the input range of the Analog-Digital • R
 eduction of available intra-scene dynamic range Sensor readout speed / clock speed higher = faster:
­Converter (ADC) within the camera Total time to readout: accumulate photon signal+ conversion into a digital signal + transmission to a PC. Exposure and Read-
­electronics out correspond to a full cycle of an image acquisition.
Pixel count less = faster:
Special case: in the case of a bottleneck from
The more pixels, the longer the readout cycle, the slower the frame rate.
the ADC input range  analog gain can be
The interface bandwidth can become the bottleneck if the pixel count cannot be transferred within the sensor readout time.
used as sensitivity improvement
Sensor sub frame / region of interest smaller = faster:
EM-Gain Electron Multiplication-Gain. • C
 ompensation for read noise limitation  • Image affected by new noise source  Definition of sensor sub areas (ROI) help reduce the amount of transmitted image data  frame rates can be increased,
Dedicated on-chip high-voltage real detection improvement of low light random bright pixel events  Prerequisite: exposure time is shorter then readout time of ROI
acceleration stage ­image signals minimization of EM-gain r­ equired
Bandwidth of digital interface higher = faster:
• In combination with back thinning tech- • G
 ain efficiency affected by ageing 
Data transfer capacity of the interface. Effective USB 3.0 bandwidth is approximately 320 Mbytes / s.
nology and large pixels  providing best limited durability of EM gain
possible low light sensitivity • R
 eduction of available intra-scene dynamic range Parallel readout architecture of more = faster:
CMOS sensors CMOS sensors exceed the frame rates of comparably sized CCD sensors due to significantly more parallel output structures on
Digital Gain Multiplication of the digital pixel • M
 athematical way to increase brightness • N
 o increase in detection sensitivity
the sensor.
value by a numerical factor • C
 ommonly used for adapting different • H
 istogram representation affected 
The interface bandwidth is more likely to be the data transfer bottleneck.
­intensities to display different fluorescence gaps in the histogram data
Trigger signal synchronization Synchronization of external trigger components with image acquisition  reduction of the maximum achievable frame rates
channels in a multichannel image • R
 eduction of available intra-scene dynamic range
with improvement of precision.
Overlapping readout and exposure Special optimization for fast time series acquisition (fast time-lapse) without switching external components  overlap of ex-
posure event while readout of the previous image.
Ways to amplify signals in cameras
Only if exposure time is longer than readout  frame rate limited by exposure time.

58 59
Knowledge Base

CMOS Sensor with high dark current, 10s, 4 °C ZEISS Axiocam 702 mono, 10s, 15 °C White Balance
The color of the illuminating light source influences the color of
0.9 an object. The relative intensity of the color channels of a color
0.8 camera needs to be adjusted to assure a neutral color reproduc-

Relative Spectral Sensivity

0.7 tion. For this, you will need a manual or automatic selection of a
neutral (grey) point in the image. Fine-tune the color reproduc-
tion by assigning slightly shifted target values for the neutral
point. Adjust the color temperature of the monitor (i.e. 3,200 K)
to reach the desired color reproduction.


Display Curve
The image display curve is a powerful tool in ZEN imaging
400 450 500 550 600 650 700
ZEISS Axiocam 702 mono offers extended flexibility for long exposure times up to 60 s
Wavelength (nm) software, used to define how image data is displayed on a
Hot Pixel Spectral Sensitivity / Quantum efficiency computer screen without changing the raw image data. Use this
Cosmetic sensor defects are caused by a local emission of All kind of light detectors show a wavelength dependent light Spectral Sensitivity ZEISS Axiocam 506 color and ZEISS Axiocam 503 color tool to adjust dark areas of your image visually by selectively
electrons in the sensor material. Hot pixels are visible as static sensitivity. The conversion efficiency is the ratio of incoming changing the curvature or the steepness of the curve. Shift the
single bright pixels against the black background. Their intensity photons to generated signal electrons stated as a percentage. minimum or maximum points to allow for the limitation of the
varies widely and scales with exposure time and sensor tempera- Detection range of silicon based sensors like CCD or CMOS can The spectral sensitivity of color cameras is lower than mono- visualized intensity range. The color rendition can be influenced
ture. The signal cannot be differentiated from photon generated stretch from approximately 350 nm up to 1000 nm, with a peak chrome cameras. The color filter dyes on the pixels reduce the by a Gamma curvature. Image characteristics are applied to the
electrons. If the sensor is temperature stabilized, the dark current between 500 nm – 600 nm. For detection of radiation outside of peak spectral QE by approximately 15 %. Color cameras also image data, if the image gets exported into non .CZI image
can be compensated for by subtracting the spurious signal in this spectral range, other materials need to be used. need an IR filter as color is only defined in the visible spectrum. formats.
correspondence with exposure time. Saturated pixels need to be
interpolated because image information in these pixels is lost and Modern front illuminated devices offer a typical QE in the range Color Temperature
cannot be reconstructed. Cosmic radiation can induce new hot of 70 %. Monochrome peak QE can be improved with back
pixel defects over time. thinned technology by up to 95 % in peak. 2,000 K 3,000 K 5,000 K 7,000 K 10,000 K

CMOS sensor with long exposure times ZEISS Axiocam 702 mono Sunrise / Sunset Incandescent Daylight / Flash Cloudy Day Shade Under

Candlelight Light Bulb a Blue Sky

Color temperature is a temperature value (in Kelvin) of a light

source and is used to describe the spectral characteristic of the Gamma adjustment – linear display

corresponding spectral emission. It indicates the color impression

of a light source: lower temperatures are more red, higher
temperatures are more blue.

The color temperature of the light influences how the human eye
perceives color.

Left: Dark background, non uniformity from common CMOS sensor at 10s, Gamma Adjustment – Gamma 0.45
Right: ZEISS Axiocam 702 mono with modern CMOS sensor at 10s with very dark background, low non uniformity

60 61
Knowledge Base

Dynamic Range
The available range of measurable intensities within one single For example, full well 15,000 e⁻/ read noise 6 e⁻ = 2,500
image can be computed as the ratio between the brightest and ­resolvable intensity values in one image. In this case, a 12 bit
the dimmest point in an image. analog-digital converter (ADC) is necessary to properly display
these values.
Maximum range is the difference between the saturation of the
sensor (full well capacity) and the noise floor (read noise).

Sensor Technology Explanation Advantage Disadvantage

CCD “Charge Coupled Device”, High sensitivity, good dynamic range, External driver electronics and ADC required,
Proven reliable technology with a long very homogenous image quality, ­Relatively high heat production from external
history of optimization. low number of image artefacts, support circuitry,
Stable technology and quality Usable for long exposure times with cooling. Limited readout speed due to charge transport
Minimum amount of post-processing needed, mechanism,
Global shutter architecture for simultaneous Speed limitation due to architecture
Front illuminated and back illuminated solutions,
Wide selection of pixel counts and pixel sizes
available, different architectures (Interline global
shutter, frame transfer)
CMOS “Complementary Metal Oxide Products with broad range of different quality Limited range of usable exposure time, m
­ assive
­Semiconductor” and performance levels. post-processing of image data due to high amount
A nearly linear Gamma over the whole dynamic range delivers a rather dark The same image displayed with a steep display curve – cutting away some of the Successor of CCD technology, recent Fastest image readout due to massive parallel of non-uniformities and c­ osmetic defects,
­d isplay of this transmitted light image. dark and bright information – shows too much contrast. breakthrough for mass production of readout architecture, highest dynamic range, Widely used rolling shutter architecture can cause
quality products, high light sensitivity, rolling and global shutter geometrical distortions from moving objects.
currently high innovation rate technology available, high quality mass produc- Charge binning feature is not commonly avail-
tion technology, sensor control and signal pro- able.
cessing including on-chip ADC, wide selection of
pixel counts and pixel sizes,
Front illumination as standard, growing mass pro-
duction of back thinned global shutter devices.
Advantages of Monochrome Cameras for
sCMOS “Scientific Complementary Metal Oxide Breakthrough technology, very low average Only rolling shutter, mandatory post-processing of
Fluorescence Applications Semiconductor” ­readout noise enables very good low light signal image data due to non-uniformities and c­ osmetic
Monochrome cameras are better suited for fluorescence imaging High end CMOS breakthrough detection, high dynamic range, high frame rates defects, limited exposure range, cooling required
­technology possible, sensor control and signal processing due to high dark current, blinking pixel noise,
than color cameras due to multiple reasons:
­including on-chip ADC, large field of view ­extreme bandwidth requires dedicated interface
technology, i.e. camera link currently no charge
Feature Explanation ­binning feature
Spectral Sensitivity Full spectral range of the silicon, effective range sCMOS High end CMOS technology with back Further improved sensitivity by higher QE Expensive, low volume manufacturing,
Range from 350 nm up to 1000 nm due to for the lack of an Back Thinning thinned technology for higher QE up to 95 % Only rolling shutter architecture, mandatory post-
IR blocking filter. processing of image data due to non-uniformities
Absolute QE Higher quantum efficiency of +8 % up to +30 % and cosmetic defects, limited in maximum usable
depending of the wavelength, due to no color filters exposure time, cooling r­ equired to suppress high-
on the pixels. er dark current, new type of noise, currently no
Spatial Resolution Higher spatial / optical resolution, since there is no charge ­binning feature
color filter pattern on the pixels. EMCCD Electron multiplication CCD, Highest available detection sensitivity with Low resolution, low pixel count,
With a color camera, the pixels are 25 % red, 25 % Back thinned Frame Transfer CCD with ­semiconductor imagers, best choice for super Possible artefacts due to frame transfer
blue and 50 % green. With the monochromatic signal dedicated structure for amplification of low light imaging requirements, amplification ­architecture, limited dynamic range, ageing e­ ffect
from fluorescence, only a fraction of these pixels is photo generated electrons ­architecture is built to skip the read noise of on-chip amplification structure, deep cooling
then stimulated, and is thus less efficient. ­limitation for detection of lowest signals mandatory for correct f­ unction, very high pricing

As seen here, a nonlinear Gamma curvature in the range of 0.45 over the whole
dynamic range often delivers good results for transmitted light images. Advantages of Monochrome Cameras for Fluorescence Applications

62 63
Knowledge Base

Technical Data

Axiocam 105 color Axiocam ERc 5s Axiocam 305 color Axiocam 305 mono Axiocam 503 color Axiocam 503 mono Axiocam 506 color Axiocam 506 mono Axiocam 512 color Axiocam 512 mono Axiocam 702 mono

Sensor type CMOS, CMOS, CMOS, CMOS, CCD, Sensor type CCD, Quad Port CCD, Quad Port CCD, Quad Port CCD, Quad Port CCD, Quad Port Active Pixel CMOS,
Rolling Shutter Rolling Shutter Global Shutter Global Shutter Quad Port ­Progressive Scan ­Progressive Scan ­Progressive Scan ­Progressive Scan ­Progressive Scan Global Shutter,
color / mono Progressive Scan octa port readout
Sensor size 5.70 mm × 4.28 mm, 5.7 mm × 4.28 mm, 8.5 mm × 7.1 mm, 8.5 mm × 7.1 mm, Effective sensor size: Sensor size Effective sensor size: Effective sensor size: Effective sensor size: Effective sensor size: Effective sensor size: Effective sensor size:
­equivalent to ¹∕₂.₅” ­equivalent ¹∕₂.₅” equivalent ²∕₃” ­equivalent ²∕₃” 8.8 mm × 6.6 mm, 8.8 mm × 6.6 mm, 12.5 mm × 9.8 mm; 12.5 mm × 9.8 mm; 13.1 mm × 8.8 mm; 13.1 mm × 8.8 mm; 11.3 mm × 7.1 mm;
(diagonal 7.1 mm) (diagonal 7.1 mm) (diagonal 11.1 mm) (diagonal 11.1 mm) Image diagonal 11 mm, image diagonal image diagonal image diagonal image diagonal image diagonal image diagonal
equivalent to ²∕₃” sensor 11 mm, equivalent to 15.7 mm, equivalent 15.7 mm, equivalent 15.8 mm, equivalent 15.8 mm, equivalent 13.3 mm, equivalent
­format ²∕₃” sensor format to 1” sensor format to 1” sensor format to 1” sensor format to 1” sensor format to ¹∕₁·₂” sensor format
Pixel Count 5.0 megapixel: 5.0 megapixel: 5.07 megapixel: 5.07 megapixel: 2.83 megapixel: Pixel Count 2.83 megapixel: 6 megapixel: 6 megapixel: 12 megapixel: 12 megapixel: 2.4 megapixel:
2560 (H) × 1920 (V) 2560 (H) × 1920 (V) 2464 (H) × 2056 (V) 2464 (H) × 2056 (V) 1936 (H) × 1460 (V) 1936 (H) × 1460 (V) 2752 (H) × 2208 (V) 2752 (H) × 2208 (V) 4250 (H) × 2838 (V) 4250 (H) × 2838 (V) 1920 (H) × 1216 (V)
Pixel size 2.2 µm × 2.2 µm 2.2 μm × 2.2 μm 3.45 µm x 3.45 µm 3.45 µm × 3.45 µm 4.54 µm × 4.54 µm Pixel size 4.54 μm × 4.54 μm 4.54 μm × 4.54 μm 4.54 μm × 4.54 μm 3.1 μm × 3.1 μm 3.1 μm × 3.1 μm 5.86 µm × 5.86 µm

Full Well Capacity – – 10,500 e⁻ 10,500 e⁻ 15,000 e⁻ Full Well Capacity 15,000 e⁻ 15,000 e⁻ 15,000 e⁻ 9,000 e⁻ 9,000 e⁻ 32,000 e⁻

Quantum Efficiency Quantum Efficiency 74 % @ 500 nm 74 % @ 500 nm 74 % @ 500 nm 78 % @ 525 nm

Binning Yes Yes Yes, digitally Yes, digitally Yes Binning Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, digitally

Readout Noise – – typ. 2.2 e⁻ typ. 2.2 e⁻ typ. < 6.5e (39 MHz), Readout Noise typ. < 6.5e (39 MHz), typ. < 6.5 e⁻ (39 MHz), typ. < 6.5 e⁻ (39 MHz), typ. < 6.8 e⁻ (39 MHz), typ. < 6.8 e⁻ (39 MHz), 6.0 e⁻ @ gain 1×,
typ. 6 e⁻ (13 MHz) typ. 6 e⁻ (13 MHz) typ. 6 e⁻ (13 MHz) typ. 6 e⁻ (13 MHz) typ. 6.5 e⁻ (13 MHz) typ. 6.5 e⁻ (13 MHz) 3.9 e⁻ @ gain 4× (opt),
3.75 e⁻ @ gain 16×
Dark current – – typ. < 1.0 e⁻ / p / s @ 25 °C typ. < 1.0 e⁻ / p / s @ 25 °C < 0.06 e⁻/p / s @ 18 °C Dark current < 0.06 e⁻/p / s @ 18 °C < 0.06 e⁻/p / s @ 18 °C < 0.06 e⁻/p / s @ 18 °C < 0.1 e⁻/p / s @ 23 °C < 0.1 e⁻/p / s @ 23 °C 1.1 e⁻ / p / s @ 15  °C

Bit Depth 8 bit 8 bit 12 bit/8 bit, 12 bit/8 bit, 14 bit/12 bit/8 bit, Bit Depth 14 bit/12 bit/8 bit, 14 bit/12 bit/8 bit, 14 bit/12 bit/8 bit 14 bit/12 bit/8 bit, 14 bit/12 bit/8 bit, 14 bit/12 bit/8 bit,
adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable
Exposure Time Range 100 µs – 2 s 10 μs – 2 s 100 μs – 4 s 100 μs – 4 s 250 µs – 60 s Exposure Time Range 250 µs – 60 s 250 µs – 60 s 250 µs – 60 s 250 µs – 60 s 250 µs – 60 s 100 μs – 60 s

Frame rate live 15 fps @ 2560 × 1920 Not recommended for 36 fps @ full frame 36 fps @ full frame 38 fps @ Frame rate live 38 fps @ 19 fps @ 19 fps @ 10 fps @ 10 fps @ 128 fps @ 1920 × 1216,
image / time lapse 33 fps @ 1920 × 1080 time-lapse imaging 67 fps @ 1920 × 1080 67 fps @ 1920 × 1080 1936 × 1460 (slow); image / time lapse 1936 × 1460 (slow); 2752 × 2208 (slow); 2752 × 2208 (slow), 4248 × 2832 (slow), 4248 × 2832 (slow), 210 fps @ 1929 × 720,
recording (ROI in HD format) (ROI in HD format) (ROI in HD format) 76 fps @ 640 × 484 recording 61 fps @ 33 fps @ 33 fps @ 26 fps @ 26 fps @ 288 fps @ 1920 × 512,
62 fps @ 1280 × 720 99 fps @ 1280 × 720 99 fps @ 1280 × 720 (medium); 968 × 728 (medium); 917 × 733 (medium); 1376 × 1104 (medium), 1416 × 944 (medium), 1416 × 944 (medium), 534 fps @ 1920 × 256,
(ROI in HD format) (ROI in HD format) (ROI in HD format) 93 fps @ 384 × 292 (fast), 86 fps @ 51 fps @ 51 fps @ 35 fps @ 35 fps @ 1000 fps @ 1024 × 128
45 (ROI in HD format) 640 × 484 (fast), 550 × 440 (fast), 912 × 736 (fast), 848 × 564 (fast), 848 × 564 (fast),
45 (ROI in HD format) 32 (ROI in HD format) 32 (ROI in HD format) 22 fps with ROI in 22 fps with ROI in
1936 × 1080 HD 1936 × 1080 HD
format format
Cooling system – – Sensor temperature Sensor temperature Delta-T 20 °C, sensor tem- Cooling system Delta-T 20 °C, sensor Delta-T 20 °C, sensor Delta-T 20 °C, sensor Delta-T 15 °C, sensor Delta-T 15 °C, sensor Delta-T 23 °C, sensor
­stabilized at 25 °C ­stabilized at 25 °C perature 18 °C temperature 18 °C temperature 18 °C temperature 18 °C temperature 23 °C temperature 23 °C temperature 18 °C
External trigger No No No No Yes External trigger Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Spectral Sensitivity Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Spectral Sensitivity Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
400 nm – 650 nm, 400 nm – 700 nm, 380 nm – 720 nm, ­ 380 nm – 1000 nm, 400 nm – 720 nm, 350 nm – 1000 nm, 400 nm – 720 nm, 350 nm – 1000 nm, 400 nm – 720 nm, 350 nm – 1000 nm, 350 nm – 1000 nm,
IR filter IR filter coated IR cut filter near IR capable, coated IR cut filter near IR capable, coated IR cut filter near IR capable, coated IR cut filter near IR capable, near IR capable
coated protective glass coated protective glass coated protective glass coated protective glass coated protective glass
Interface USB 3.0 Micro-B 1× SD card slot, USB 3.0 SuperSpeed USB 3.0 SuperSpeed USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Interface USB 3.0 SuperSpeed USB 3.0 SuperSpeed USB 3.0 SuperSpeed USB 3.0 SuperSpeed USB 3.0 SuperSpeed USB 3.0 SuperSpeed
(Camera) to USB 3.0 1× mini USB 2.0, (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth (5 Gbit / s); Bandwidth
­Standard A (PC  /  Board) 1× RJ 45 (LAN), max. 240 MB / s; max. 240 MB / s; max. 240 MB / s; max. 240 MB / s; max. 240 MB / s; max. 240 MB / s; max. 240 MB / s; max. 240 MB / s; max. 240 MB / s;
1× HDMI (DVI-D) USB 2.0 optional, USB 2.0 optional, USB 2.0 optional, USB 2.0 optional, USB 2.0 optional, USB 2.0 optional, USB 2.0 optional, USB 2.0 optional, USB 2.0 optional,
with lower speed with lower speed with lower speed with lower speed with lower speed with lower speed with lower speed with lower speed with lower speed

64 65
Knowledge Base

Technical Data

Axiocam 105 color Axiocam ERc 5s Axiocam 305 color Axiocam 305 mono Axiocam 503 color Axiocam 503 mono Axiocam 506 color Axiocam 506 mono Axiocam 512 color Axiocam 512 mono Axiocam 702 mono

Power supply 1.7 W through 5 W through powered by 4 W through powered by 4 W through powered by 7 W through Power supply powered by 7 W powered by 7 W powered by 7 W powered by 7 W powered by 7 W powered by 7 W
USB 3.0 2× USB 2.0 USB 3.0 – Bus from PC USB 3.0 – Bus from PC USB 2.0 and USB 3.0-Bus through USB 2.0 and through USB 2.0 and through USB 2.0 and through USB 2.0 and through USB 2.0 and through USB 2.0 and
from PC; For maximum USB 3.0-Bus from PC; USB 3.0-Bus from PC; USB 3.0-Bus from PC; USB 3.0-Bus from PC; USB 3.0-Bus from PC; USB 3.0-Bus from PC;
­performance connection For maximum perfor- For maximum perfor- For maximum perfor- For maximum perfor- For maximum perfor- For maximum perfor-
to both USB 3.0 and mance connection to mance connection to mance connection to mance connection to mance connection to mance connection to
USB 2.0 required both USB 3.0 and USB both USB 3.0 and USB both USB 3.0 and USB both USB 3.0 and USB both USB 3.0 and USB both USB 3.0 and USB
2.0 required (dual con- 2.0 required (dual con- 2.0 required (dual con- 2.0 required (dual con- 2.0 required (dual con- 2.0 required (dual con-
nection cabling provid- nection cabling provid- nection cabling provid- nection cabling provid- nection cabling provid- nection cabling provid-
ed with camera) ed with camera) ed with camera) ed with camera) ed with camera) ed with camera)
Operating system Microsoft Windows 7/10  Microsoft Windows 7/10  Microsoft Windows 7/10  Microsoft Windows 7/10  Microsoft Windows 7/10  Operating system Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
(please ask for SP1 × 64 Ultimate, Profes- SP1 × 64 Ultimate, Profes- SP1 × 64 Ultimate, Profes- SP1 × 64 Ultimate, Profes- SP1 × 64 Ultimate, Profes- 7/10  SP1 × 64 Ulti- 7/10  SP1 × 64 Ulti- 7/10  SP1 × 64 Ulti- 7/10  SP1 × 64 Ulti- 7/10  SP1 × 64 Ulti- 7/10  SP1 × 64 Ulti-
more information) sional sional sional sional sional mate, Professional mate, Professional mate, Professional mate, Professional mate, Professional mate, Professional
Software ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition; Software ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition; ZEN 2.x blue edition;
(please ask for ZEN 2 core; ZEN 2 core; ZEN 2 core; ZEN 2 core ZEN 2 core; ZEN 2 core ZEN 2 core; ZEN 2 core ZEN 2 core; ZEN 2 core ZEN 2 core
more information ) AxioVision SE64 4.9.x AxioVision SE64 4.9.x AxioVision SE64 4.9.x AxioVision SE64 4.9.x AxioVision SE64 4.9.x AxioVision SE64 4.9.x

Dynamic range – – Typical > 1:4800 Typical > 1:4800 Typical 1 : 2500 (68 dB) Dynamic range Typical 1 : 2500 (68 dB) Typical 1 : 2500 (68 dB) Typical 1 : 2500 (68 dB) Typical > 1380 : 1 Typical > 1380 : 1 Typical > 5000 : 1
(>73 dB) (>73 dB) (63dB) (63dB) @ gain 1×,
HDR Mode 25.000 : 1
Analog Gain Yes No Yes Yes Yes Analog Gain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Axiocam 105 color Axiocam ERc 5s Axiocam 305 color Axiocam 305 mono Axiocam 503 color Axiocam 503 mono Axiocam 506 color Axiocam 506 mono Axiocam 512 color Axiocam 512 mono Axiocam 702 mono

Histology / Pathology ++ ++ +++ + ++++ Histology / Pathology + ++++ + ++++ + +

Live Cell Imaging + + ++ +++ +++ Live Cell Imaging ++++ +++ ++++ ++ ++++ ++++
Fluorescence Imaging + + ++ ++++ ++ Fluorescence Imaging ++++ ++ ++++ ++ ++++ ++++
Low Light Imaging + + +++ ++++ ++++ Low Light Imaging ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++ ++++
for Dim Samples for Dim Samples
Semiconductor ++ ++ +++ +++ +++ Semiconductor ++ ++++ +++ ++++ +++ +
Inspection Inspection
Large Samples + + +++ +++ +++ Large Samples +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++
Materials Research +++ ++ ++++ + ++++ Materials Research + ++++ + ++++ + +
Quality Control +++ +++ +++ + +++ Quality Control + +++ + ++++ + +
Teaching +++ ++++ +++ +++ ++ Teaching + + + + + +
Clinical Routine ++++ +++ +++ ++ ++ Clinical Routine + + + ++ + +
Dynamic Range + + ++++ ++++ ++++ Dynamic Range ++++ ++++ ++++ ++ ++ ++++
Color Rendition ++ ++ +++ n.a. ++++ Color Rendition n.a. ++++ n.a. ++++ n.a. n.a.

66 67
Service and Support
for Your ZEISS Microscope System

ZEISS Moments are about passion. The same passion

that drives us to support and accompany you and
your ZEISS microscope over its life cycle ensures that
your work will lead systematically to success.

You work hard. We make sure your microscope keeps pace with you.
High imaging quality, reliable results and instrument availability are the parameters of
your day-to-day working life. Your ZEISS microscope integrates seamlessly into this
­demanding workflow. It provides you with insights and results that you can trust:
­thorough, comprehensive and reproducible. With our Life Cycle Management we help
you keep your microscope in optimum condition to get these optimum results.

Life Cycle Management comes with your microscope.

Life Cycle Management from ZEISS backs up our solutions throughout the working life of
your ZEISS microscope system. From the procurement phase onward, you can count on
our support with site surveys to optimize the location for your microscope system.
Throughout the operational phase we will complement our service with support for
relocations and upgrade opportunities that enhance or expand your possibilities. As soon
as you think about replacing your long-serving microscope with a new one, we will take
care of the disassembly and disposal of systems that are no longer needed. Rely on our
service features: our employees analyze the status of your system and solve problems via
remote maintenance or directly at your location.

From expert to expert

Never hesitate to ask our application specialists to support your specific tasks. Take
advantage of our training sessions for any colleagues or employees who will be working
with your ZEISS microscope.

Peace of mind and availability with regular maintenance

Your service plan is tailor-made for you. Make sure you take advantage of all the
­opportunities your ZEISS microscope system offers. Get optimized performance, instru-
ment reliability and availability, all at predictable costs. Choose from different service levels
of our Protect-Service Plans, ranging from Protect preventive, via Protect a­ dvanced, to
Protect premium. We look forward to discussing your ideal Service Plan personally.

The moment you see something that
has been hidden from you until now.
This is the moment we work for.

How will doctors treat their patients in the future? How far can we go with the miniatur-
ization of semiconductor structures? What role will photographs and videos play in the
way we communicate in years to come? These and many other questions are what drive
us every day at ZEISS. Only those who ask will find the answers.

As pioneers in the industry and one of today’s worldwide leaders in the field of optics and
optoelectronics, we have always pushed the limits of the imagination at ZEISS.

The questions for medicine in the future are already being worked on by our people –
with boldness, passion and innovation. From this impetus will come medical instruments
that optimize the success of treatments and laboratory devices that will underpin medical

The many challenges that industry faces also motivate us to continue setting new
standards in technology. As we do, quality in all components is being safeguarded by
ZEISS. Just as it will be in the smaller, higher-performance and low-priced microchip of the

ZEISS researchers and developers are working with equal determination to realize their
­quality standards for moving and fixed images. Whether in the largest planetarium in the
world or in the smallest smartphone that has ever been built, it’s going to happen and you
will see it. This passion for topmost performance links all business areas at ZEISS. That’s
how we create advantages for our customers and inspire the world to look for things that
have been hidden until now.


07745 Jena, Germany
[email protected]
Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
Not all products are available in every country. Use of products for medical diagnostic, therapeutic or treatment purposes may be limited by local regulations.

Contact your local ZEISS representative for more information.

EN_40_010_025 | CZ 11-2018 | Subject to design changes and changes to contents included in delivery, as well as technological advancements. | © Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH

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