Evo Ma10: Scanning Electron Microscope

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Carl Zeiss SMT - Nano Technology Systems Division

Product Specification
Scanning Electron Microscope
Nano Technology Systems Division

EVO® MA10 - Product Specification

For Materials Analysis, the EVO® MA10 scanning electron microscope is a comprehensive high
resolution imaging tool for a very wide range of applications. The EVO® MA10 enables users to
achieve previously unattainable image quality, and analytical accuracy, for non conductors using
advanced VPSEM technology. The large multiported chamber includes two accessory ports, one port
for EDS operating at the class leading analytical working distance of only 8.5 mm, and several
smaller accessory ports.
The motorised 5 axis stage offers large movements coupled with unrivalled repeatability performance.
A broad range of specimen holders is available to customise the microscope to its intended
application. With the ability to fit 3rd party specialist devices such as tensile and forensic stages the
microscope is suitable for all applications. The stage control Graphical User Interface (GUI) combines
clarity with precision to offer the fastest means to navigate the specimen.
The SmartSEM™ GUI provides a user interface that can be adapted to match individual users and
their application. The Future Assured capability ensures that the EVO® MA10 has the capacity to
grow to meet emerging application requirements.

Application related parameters

Imaging solutions All vacuum stable, conducting, specimens.
All vacuum stable, non conducting specimens.
Image resolution W columns :
SE: 3 nm in high vacuum with SE
BSE: 4.5 nm in variable pressure with optional BSD
SE: 20 nm at 1 kV in high vacuum
SE: 10 nm at 3 kV in high vacuum
LaB6 columns
SE: 2 nm in high vacuum
BSE: 4.5 nm in variable pressure with optional BSD
SE: 15 nm at 1 kV in high vacuum
SE: 10 nm at 3 kV in high vacuum
SE: 15 nm at 30 kV and 1 nA in high vacuum
Pressure range 10 to 400 Pa of nitrogen or air. Optionally water vapour.
Magnification Range: 7x to 1,000,000x.
Adjustment: Continuously variable in either coarse or fine modes.
Pre-sets: Selectable from a user definable table, plus a low-
magnification facility which automatically selects the lowest available
magnification for the operating conditions.
Auto-Compensation: Magnification is precisely corrected
automatically for changes in working distance or acceleration

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Specimen navigation Field of view:

Maximum 6 mm diameter at the analytical working distance (AWD)

of 8.5 mm.

Maximum 20 mm, measured as a diagonal, at the longest working


Field Mode: For navigation and large depth of field.

Fisheye Mode (option) : For fast navigation using a super large

field of view able to observe all stubs on the nine way carousel

Chamberscope (option): Live imaging of the specimen, objective

lens, and detectors. Two chamberscopes may be fitted.
Graphical user interface SmartSEM™ with

User interface with icons with words, graphically based selection of

specimen holders. An accurate stage navigation though accurate
graphical representation of the stage, chamber, and detectors.

X-ray Analytical Working Variable to allow optimisation to different imaging applications:

Distance Shortest: 8.5 mm (Class leading)
Longest: 20 mm (suitable for combined analysis with EBSD)
X-ray Analysis EDS take-off angle: 35 degrees.

Beam Gas Path Length: 2 mm with the optional BeamSleeve®


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Nano Technology Systems Division

Electron Optics
Column design Three lens electron column
Standard column: W filament
High performance column: LaB6 emitter
Acceleration Voltage Range: 0.2 to 30 kV. Continuously variable in 10 V steps.
Probe Current Range: 0.5 pA to 5 μA. Continuously variable
Electron Source Gun Bias: Automatically selected from a set of more than 1000
values, to maintain optimum gun conditions for all beam energies.
Alignment: Automatic
Automatic Gun Run-up: Sets the gun conditions automatically to
optimum conditions or pre set values.
Image control OptiBeam® : The ZEISS proprietary algorithm that combines the
highest electron optical performance with ease of use.
Resolution Mode: Automatically selects the minimum probe
diameter for any selected probe current.
Depth Mode: Automatically selects the maximum depth of field to
ensure in-focus imaging even at low magnifications.
Analysis Mode: Automatically maintains focus for changes in probe
Field Mode: A navigation mode with a large field of view combined
with a large depth of field.
Probe Current Selection: Automatic control of all lenses.
Optionally, a Faraday cup specimen is available for accurate probe
current measurements during analytical measurements. The two
condensor lenses are driven by two independent highest quality
power supplies.
Long life: Mode to extend the life of emitters when maximum
brightness is not required.
Objective Lens Control: OptiBeam® control that combines performance with ease
of use.
Objective: Conical for focussing. Semi-angle of 40 degrees.
Working Distance: Free working distance from 2 mm to 100 mm.
Focus Control: Automatic and manual. Sensitivity is proportional to
EHT compensation: Automatic compensation to minimise focus
changes over the entire beam energy range
Rotation Compensation: Automatic correction of apparent image
rotation with changes in working distance.
Dynamic Focus: For correction of focus on specimens with
surfaces inclined between -80° to +80°.
Stigmator Automatic Stigmation Control: Standard.
Manual control through the mouse or optional Controlpanel.
Aperture centring Focus Wobble: To assist the operator to optimise the aperture
position for all pressure modes, with adjustable amplitude and

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Specimen Chamber and Stage

Chamber High rigidity, round, thick walled, and very large specimen chamber.
Internal Dimensions: 310 mm diameter x 220 mm high.
Accessory Ports:
Two accessory ports suitable for EBSD, cryo, etc.
One 35 degree inclined EDS, or parallel WDS, port
One port for the optional lens mounted BSD electronics.
Two 85 mm 20 degree inclined square detector ports.
One small vacuum accessory port.
The total number of chamber and stage door ports is nine.
Specimen Stage Standard Type: High precision 5-axes motorised stage.
Chamber Mounting: Drawer type with very easy access.
Stage door: Two accessory ports.
Maximum Specimen Dimensions:
Height: 100 mm (with the ZTR module removed).
Diameter: 230 mm at the analytical working distance.
Movements: X 80 mm
Y 100 mm
Z 35 mm motorised
Tilt 0 - 90°
Rotation 360° continuous
Maximum Specimen Weight:
Up to 0.5 kg (tilted)
Up to 2.0 kg (not tilted)
Up to 5.0 kg (XY platform only)

Tilt direction: To the rear. Optionally to the left.

Stage movement: By mouse controlled, on screen graphic or

optional joystick. Sensitivity is proportional to magnification.

Stage navigation: By SmartSEM™ graphic with accurate,

zoomable 3D views of the stage and the complete EVO® MA10
specimen holder catalogue. Thumbnail images of positions of
interest on the specimen may be stored to aid later navigation.

Repeatability: Less than or equal to 2 μm.

Minimum step size: 90 nm.

Drift: The stage drift is less than 40 nm in 360 seconds (stage un-
tilted) after twenty minutes of stabilisation.

Touch Alarm: Audible warning with on-screen message.

Specimen Mount: Quick fit dovetail style.
Specimen holder: One carousel for nine 13 mm stubs. A series of
optional specimen holders is available for specialised applications.
SmartSEM™ presents all specimen holder shapes and sizes to the

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Standard Detector Secondary electron type: High sensitivity secondary electron
Geometry: Optimised detector permits imaging at any valid working
distance. Large diameter specimens can be imaged at all working
distances larger than 5 mm.
Collector Bias: Continuously adjustable from -250 V to +400 V.
Mounting: 20 degree inclined port.
Optional Detectors Secondary electron type: ZEISS patented, with improved
sensitivity, third generation, Variable Pressure Secondary Electron
detector (VPSE G3) for class leading secondary electron imaging of
Geometry: Optimised detector permits the analysis of large
diameter specimens at all valid working distances.
Mounting: 20 degree inclined port.
Collector Bias: Continuously variable, with intelligent defaults.
Backscatter electron type: Thin four quadrant backscatter electron
detector (LM-4Q-BSD). Independent control of all 4 diodes enables
full compositional, shadow, and topographical modes
Mounting: From a fixture within the chamber.
Geometry: Optimised detector geometry permits the maximum
collection efficiency for specimens located at the X-ray AWD.
Backscatter electron type: Retractable four quadrant backscatter
electron detector (4Q-BSD). Independent control of all 4 diodes
enables full compositional, shadow, and topographical modes.
Mounting: From one of two large accessory ports.
Geometry: Optimised detector geometry permits the maximum
collection efficiency for specimens located at the X-ray AWD
STEM detector type: Dovetail mounted scanning transmission
electron microscopy holder for four standard 3 mm grids. Dark field
and bright field imaging. Makes use of the electronics associated
with an installed lens mounted, or retractable, CZ BSD detector.
Mounting: On the stage.
Other detectors: A wide range of third party detectors can be fitted
to all microscopes as a result of the ZEISS OPEN X policy.

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Controls Brightness and Contrast: Automatic or manual control.

Signal Inputs Detectors: Six detectors can be supported.
PAL TV sources: Two.
Mixing: Any two video inputs can be mixed for enhanced image
Selection: Through the SmartSEM™ GUI.
Control: Both manual and automatic contrast and brightness built-
in, compatible with all video-type input detector signals. Signals
may also be selectively inverted.

Dual Channel (option): Displays 1024x768 pixel sized images live

from two detectors onto separate monitors eg. SE on screen 1 and
BSD on screen 2.

Dual channel provides the most informative, productive, class-

leading, true two channel imaging. A second monitor must be
available for this option.

Scanning Scanning speeds: Fifteen non-interlaced electron beam scan
speeds. The fastest scan speed is 10 frames per second and the
slowest frame rate is one frame in 21 minutes.
Scanning modes: Proprietary scanning modes are provided to
optimise the image quality with non conducting specimens.
Additional Scan Modes Fast Mode: Allows the user to set up a specific recipe of scan
parameters, image modes and noise reduction to optimise ease of
Small Raster: Adjustable reduced area scanning for fine
adjustment of stigmation, focus, etc.
Spot Mode: Allows the electron beam spot location to be defined
freely in X and Y. The position of the beam on the specimen is
indicated by a crosshair superimposed upon a frozen image of the
Line Scan: Allows repeated scanning of a single line on the
specimen. The position of the line is freely adjustable.
Line Profile: Shows the variation of signal levels along the chosen
line scans, allowing precise adjustment of contrast and brightness.
Scan Rotation: 360 degree continuous scan rotation at all scan
Tilt Correction: Correction of image compression on tilted samples.

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Image Processor
Image Store Resolution: 3024 x 2304 pixels; 16 bit deep.
Display: Non-interlaced display of frame store contents with either
1024 x 768 pixel resolution with annotation and operating system
Image Acquisition Continuous pixel averaging: Strategies at all scan speeds for
highest quality images on all specimens.
Frame Averaging: Averaging between 2 to 256 frames.
(user selectable) at all scan speeds and store resolutions, with
image freeze on user demand.
Frame Integration: Integration between 2 and 256 frames.
(user selectable) at all scan speeds and store resolutions, with
automatic image freeze at end of integration cycle.
Line Averaging: Averaging between 2 and 256 lines
(user selectable) at all store resolutions, with image freeze on user
Line Integration: Integration between 2 and 256 lines
(user selectable) at all store resolutions, with automatic image freeze
at end of frame.
Realtime filtering option: Improvements in signal to noise by
averaging of adjacent pixels. A default scheme and user definable
schemes are available.

Image display
Standard Monitor Type: High contrast colour flat panel TFT display. Displays both
image and operating system menus.
Size: 17 inch
Optional Monitors Type: High contrast colour flat panel TFT display
Size: 19 inch

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SmartSEM™ Display Split Screen: Side by side live display, on a single monitor, of the
Modes same field of view using input from two installed detectors. Image
halves may be selectively processed and frozen.
Histogram: Displays grey level histogram of live and stored
images. Cursor control allows the amplitude of any individual grey
level to be displayed.
Profile Mode: Displays grey level intensity along a selected line.
For stored images, line orientation is freely adjustable.
Pseudo-Colour: Images may be pseudo coloured using the colour
look-up table editing facility from a palette of up to 16 million colours.
Individual or user-defined bands of grey levels may be coloured, with
the aid of image-to-LUT correlation and flexible grey band selection.

Dual Channel: An option that displays live 1024x768 pixel sized

images from two detectors onto separate monitors eg. SE on screen
1 and BSD on screen 2. A second monitor must be available for this

SmartTIFF: An image browser for ZEISS format images that can be

used on any PC and distributed to clients.

Image Overlays
Data Zones Standard Data Zone: A standard data zone is supplied, displaying
the following information: acceleration voltage, working distance and
a scale bar. The data zone information appears on the hard copy
output, and may also be disabled. Text and background colours,
including transparent, are freely selectable. Datazone is optionally
displayed on a stored image.
Custom Data Zone: A customised data zone may be assembled
using any of the available system parameters, e.g. aperture,
detector, etc. Text, font, and background colours, including
transparent, are freely selectable.
Status Menu System Status: Operating parameters may be monitored using a
system status display. Any available system parameter, e.g.
brightness, contrast may be chosen for display. Status display
choice lists may be freely stored and recalled.
Image Annotation Annotation: User text may be entered from the keyboard to any
position on a stored or live image. Windows® operating system fonts
and sizes are available, plus micron markers both fixed and
adjustable. Text colour, style and background are freely selectable.
Overlay text may be stored either separately or merged with the
image as required.
Measurement Functions Line Width: Determines the distance between a pair of vertical, or
horizontal, lines on either a live or stored image. One horizontal and
one vertical measurement can be displayed simultaneously.
Point-to-Point: Determines the distance, and the angular bearing,
between a pair of cursor centres on either a live or stored image.
Two point-to-point measurements may be displayed simultaneously.
Angular: Determines the included angle defined by three cursor
centres on either a live or stored image. Two angular measurements
may be displayed simultaneously.
Diameter: Determines the diameter of a circle defined by two cursor
centres on either a live or stored image. Two diameter
measurements may be displayed simultaneously.

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Image Input/Output
Hardcopy The operating system of the EVO® MA10 series uses standard
Windows® printer drivers allowing flexibility in choice of local or
network printers.
Printers: Images may be transferred to an optional printer. Any
image and associated overlays may be recorded.
Archiving Hard Disk: Images may be stored on the large standard hard disk.
These can be imported into DTP or image processing applications.
Auxiliary storage devices are optionally available, e.g. CD/DVD-
recorder. All images are stored in the industry standard TIFF format
(8 bit deep as standard or 16 bit deep optionally), bitmap (BMP),
JPG, and optional AVI format.
Colour Images: Images that have been pseudo-coloured can be
stored on the larger archive media as an industry standard colour
TIFF file.
TIFF Files: All relevant image and instrument set-up data and an
80-character descriptive text string are stored with the image for
future reference.
TIFF, BMP, JPG, and AVI (option) Files: Industry compliant
Image Gallery Recall: Viewing of all images in a subdirectory.

Integrated Computer Environment

Processor Type: Intel. Minimum 3.0 GHz.
RAM: 512 Mb
Operating System Microsoft® Windows® XP Pro Multilingual
SEM System All SEM functions are carried out through the SmartSEM™ GUI.
External Communications USB, serial, and parallel.
Network 10/100/1000 baseTx with RJ45 connection.
Disk Drives Hard Disk: Minimum 160 GB Serial ATA.
Optical Drive: DVD and CD reader
Input devices Wireless keyboard: Windows® operating system enhanced type.
Wireless mouse: Quality mouse for instrument control.

Control panel: Optional panel featuring rotary encoders and push


Service support Remote support over the internet by CZ service personnel.

An internet connection to the SEM is required.

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Vacuum System
Time to image : Normally less than 3 minutes with dry nitrogen
Control: All valves are fully automatic and electromechanical.
Turbo Molecular Pump: 250 litre/sec.
Rotary Pump: A single two-stage 10 cubic metre/hr.
Indication: Pressure readings, vacuum ready, and valve status can
be shown in the GUI vacuum menu and optionally in the status
menu. Pressure may be displayed in Pa, torr, or mbar units.

Environmental and Utility Requirements

Power 100 - 230 V, 50/60 Hz single phase.
The SEM is completely robust against power supply failure.
Power Consumption Less than 2 kVA.
Microscope cooling Air cooling.
Ambient Temperature 15-30 °C.
Relative Humidity Less than 70 %.
AC Magnetic Fields Less than 3 mG peak to peak at 50 or 60 Hz.
Vibration Velocity Level:
Less than 6 μm/sec rms to 30 Hz.
Less than 12 μm/sec rms from 30 Hz.
The environmental and utility requirements shall be the responsibility of the customer and shall be
provided at the time of installation. Failure to comply with these conditions will adversely affect the
performance figures quoted in this specification.
Note: EVO® MA10 microscopes do not require water-cooling or a compressed air supply.

Dimensions and Weights

The following data are provided as a guide only:
Overall Dimensions 1010 mm deep x 1930 mm wide.
Overall Weight 510 kg. Typical weight of the basic SEM.

Room Size
The following room size is regarded as a minimum and allows only for the instrument and an
Minimum Size 3mx3m

As per general conditions of sale, the performance figures quoted in this specification document are
those typically obtained on test in our factory under specific test conditions. They do not constitute
guaranteed "on-site" figures unless specifically stated in the contract of sale.

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EVO® MA10 - Floor Plan

Static Damping Block Rotary






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Enabling the Nano–Age World® P

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