Individual Summary: Product-Oriented Performance Based Assessment
Individual Summary: Product-Oriented Performance Based Assessment
Individual Summary: Product-Oriented Performance Based Assessment
• product oriented assessment is a kind of assessment where in the assessor views and scores
the final product made and not onthe actual performance of making that product.
• It is concern on the product alone and not on the process. It is more concern to the outcome
or the performance of the learner. It also focuses onachievement of the learner.
Learning Comptencies
the learning competencies associated with products or outputs are linked with the assessment
with three levels of performance manifested by the product namely:
• skilled level
• expert level
There are other ways to state product-oriented learning competencies. For instance, we can
define learning competencies for products or outputs in the following way:
Level 1: Does the finished product or project illustrates the minimum expected parts or
functions? ( Beginner)
Level 2 : Does the finished product or project contains additional parts and functions on top of
the minimum requirements which tend to enhance the final product? (skilled level)
Level 3: Does the finished product contains the basic minimum parts and functions, have the
additional features on top of the minimum, and is aestheticaly pleasing ? (Expert level)
Scoring Rubrics
These are descriptive scoring schemes that are developed by teachers to guide the analysis of
the products or processes of students' efforts.
Criteria Setting
Criteria are statements which identify "what really counts" in the final output.
• Essay
• Oral presentations
Where and when a scoring rubric is used does not depend on the grade level or subject, but
rather on the purpose of the assessment
Other Methods
Checklists are appropriate for evaluation when the information that is sought is limited to the
determination of whether specific criteria have been met.
Scoring rubrics are based on descriptive scales and support the evaluation of the extent to
which criteria have been met. If the purpose of assessment have been met.