Let's See What You Already Know

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In this module you will develop an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of

speech and variations in language through reading, discussion and practice. You will
look at poetry, prose fiction, and other forms of creative expression and articulation; and
how these literary devices are used to evoke meaningful responses from readers.

You will learn to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction,
figure of speech, and specific experiences which you will include in your creative writing

So, explore this module and be able to express your ideas and experiences in
the different forms of creative writing.

Let’s See What You

Already Know
Direction: In your activity notebook, match Column A to Column B.

Column A Column B

1. Repetition of the beginning sounds of neighboring Imagery

words. Simile
2. It uses exaggeration for emphasis or effect.
3. This figure of speech occurs when there's a marked
contrast between what is said and what is meant, or Onomatopoeia
between appearance and reality. Metaphor
4. It makes a comparison between two unlike things or
5. It is used in poetry to help the writing appeal to the Diction
senses. Alliteration
6. It gives human qualities to non-living things or ideas.
7. The term for a word that sounds like what it is
describing. Hyperbole
8. A comparison between two unlike things using the
words "like" or "as."
9. It refers to word choice and phrasing in any written
or spoken text.
10. The repetition of vowel sounds (not just letters) in
words that are close together. The sounds don't
have to be at the beginning of the word.


At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Understand creative writing and its purpose
2. Measure attitude towards writing
3. Recognize imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on language in
the literary texts presented
4. Distinguish words or lines in the literary text that evoke imagery, diction, and
figures of speech
5. Express ideas and feelings by writing short paragraphs or vignettes using
imagery, diction, figure of speech, and specific experiences

Creative Writing in a Gist

Introduction and Preliminary Activities


What is Creative Writing?

While creative writing is new to many, it can be traced back to the era when the
writing systems were invented and developed. Stories which was once passed on from
one generation to another through oral storytelling traditions were now written and can
now be read. In the pursuit of understanding and enhancing written literatures, creative
writing workshops and programs were introduced alongside with the study of literature.
According to Adèle Ramet, creative writing is having the power to create an
imaginative, original literary production or composition. Creative writing’s purpose
is both to entertain and share human experiences. It can be applied to a very broad
spectrum of writing genres such as poetry, drama, prose fiction and non-fiction, etc.
Though not everyone is a naturally gifted writer, writing can be learned and
mastered. Just like any other skills, writing can be practiced and developed. Being a
reader of various literary genres can be of great help in developing the writing skill.
As we enjoy reading and listening to stories, poems, and dramas, as well as
watching movies and televisions shows, writing about it is a different experience. Writing
is both work and pleasure. Thinking of writing as work might be challenging especially
for amateurs. Gene Fowler, American journalist, author, and dramatist, once said
“Writing is easy. You only need to stare at a blank piece of paper until drops of blood
form on your forehead.” Although Fowler’s statement concerns his own experience
about writing, this is also true to many writers. On the other hand, writers can find
pleasure to writing if it is approached as an intellectual and emotional opportunity than
merely a sentence. An opportunity to express ideas and feelings towards the various
issues in the society and in the personal experiences of the writers.
The knowledge on the various elements of literary genres and the literary devices
such as imagery, diction, and figurative language and an imaginative mind can aid in
the production creative fictions and non-fictions.
Determine Your Attitude Toward Writing

Your attitude toward anything you do in life greatly affects your success in doing
it. Writing is no exception. Think about your attitude toward writing as you complete the
following exercises.

A. Circle the appropriate responses to the following statements about writing in your
own language.

Use the following scale:

1 = Strongly Agree 2 = Agree 3 = Neutral
4 = Disagree 5 = Strongly Disagree

a. I enjoy keeping a diary. …………………………………………………………………… 12345

b. I like to write letters to my family and friends. ………………………………………….. 12345
c. Writing about my feelings help me relax. ……………………………………………….. 12345
d. I enjoy working on reports for school and work. ……………………………………….. 12345
e. I enjoy personal essays. ………………………………………………………………….. 12345
f. I like to write poems, stories, or songs. …………………………………………………. 12345
g. I enjoy using e-mail. ……………………………………………………………………….. 12345
h. I like to write for my school or town newspaper. ……………………………………….. 12345
i. Writing is a creative outlet for me. ……………………………………………………….. 12345
j. I feel good about my writing ability. ………………………………………………………. 12345

Add up the numbers for each of your answers and put that number in the box.

B. Take the number from the box and divide it by ten (10). The final number is your
average score for the ten questions. Overall, it will tell you how much you like to write.
The closer your score is to “1,” the more you like to write. The closer your score is to “5,”
the less you like to write.

C. Based on your answers, what general conclusions can you make about your attitude
toward writing?

D. Write a paragraph about your general attitude toward writing.


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