General Surgery MCQs
General Surgery MCQs
General Surgery MCQs
a. Giving colloids and crystalloids ratio of 1:1
a. Jejunostomy tube feeding
b. Maintaining pH by ensuring acid base are balanced
b. Gastrostomy tube feeling
c. Maintaining permissible hypotension to avoid bleeding
c. Nasogastric tube feeding
d. Maintaining airway breathing and circulation
d. Central venous hyper alimentation
5. Nasogastric tube length is measured by: (AIIMS Nov 2017)
a. Nose to ear to midpoint between xiphisternum and umbi-
14. A patient undergoes a prolonged and complicated
pancreatic surgery for chronic pancreatitis. Most preferred
route for supplementary nutrition in this patient would be:
b. Nose to ear to xiphoid process
(All India 2008)
c. Nose to umbilicus
d. Oral feeding
15. A patient undergoes a prolonged and complicated
3. c b. Feeding gastrostomy
4. c c. Feeding jejunostomy
5. b d. Oral feeding
6. a OLD EXAM PATTERN QUESTIONS 16. Not a contraindication of enteral nutrition: (Punjab 2009)
7. c a. Severe diarrhea b. Severe pancreatitis
8. c NUTRITION IN SURGERY c. IBD d. Intestinal fistula
9. b 7. Preferred route for giving TPN for a patient for < 14 days 17. In percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), which of
10. a and there is no other use of central vein: the following is not used? (MHSSMCET 2008)
11. c (Recent Pattern 2017) a. Push technique b. Pull technique
12. b a. EJV b. IJV c. Retraction method d. Introducer technique
13. a c. Peripheral Vein d. PICC 18. Which of the following nutrients are not included in TPN?
14. c 8. Which of the following is not an indication of TPN? (All India 2011)
15. c (Recent Pattern 2015) a. Lipids b. Carbohydrates
16. b a. Acute pancreatitis c. Proteins d. Fibers
17. c b. Enterocolic fistula 19. Best vein for total parenteral nutrition is:
18. d c. Chronic liver disease (MHPGMCET 2002)
19. a d. Fecal fistula a. Subclavian vein
9. Complication of TPN are all, except (Recent Pattern 2015) b. Femoral vein
a. Volume overload b. Hypochloremia c. Brachial vein
c. Metabolic acidosis d. Hypokalemia d. Saphenous vein
Multiple Choice Questions
20. One is not indication of total parenteral nutrition: 30. Complication of TPN include: (AIIMS 2007)
all except: (MCI Sept 2009) a. Up to 7 days b. 7-10days
a. Hyperglycemia c. 10-15th day d. 15th day onwards
b. Hyperkalemia 35. TPN may be complicated by: (AIIMS 2000)
c. Hyperosmolar dehydration a. Obstructive jaundice
d. Azotemia
r, b. Hyperosteosis
c. Hypercalcemia
25. Which of the following is preferred for cannulation in TPN?
(MCI Sept 2009) d. Pancreatitis
a. Subclavian vein 36. Complication of total parenteral nutrition is:
a. Parenteral 37. After an RTA adult patient was admitted in Hospital with 20. c
b. Enteral PR=116/minute, RR=24/minute, BP =120/80 mm Hg, Mild 21. a
c. Gastrostomy
Surgery Sixer for NBE
41. In what type of hemorrhagic shock, there is 15–30% blood 53. Hypokalemia with alkalosis is found in: (Orissa 2011)
Section 1 General Surgery
b. Intracardiac infusion
c. Thoracotomy c. Duodenal
d. CPR d. Sigmoid colon
57. Most common cause of metabolic alkalosis is:
46. Which of the following is not used for intravascular volume
(Karnataka 2004)
maintenance is: (July 2016)
a. Hydroxy ethyl starch b. Dextran
r, a. Cancer stomach
b. Pyloric stenosis
c. Erythropoetin d. Gelatin
c. Small-bowel obstruction
47. The most common shock in children is:
d. Diuretics
(Recent Pattern 2016)
b. Decreased K+ in urine
hemorrhagic shock (Recent Pattern 2016)
c. Elevated pH of blood
a. Metabolic acidosis
d. Metabolic alkalosis
Ans. b. Respiratory acidosis 59. After ureterosigmoidostomy which electrolyte abnormality
Multiple Choice Questions
63. The highest concentration of potassium is in:(AIIMS 2005) 74. A young man weighing 65 kg was admitted to the hospital
d. 3% normal saline
d. Thrombocytopenia 77. All electrolyte abnormalities are seen in immediate postop-
67. Central venous pressure (CVP) and pulmonary wedge erative period, except: (AIIMS Nov 2000)
pressure give an accurate assessment of all the following,
a. Negative nitrogen balance
except: (UPSC 2005)
b. Hypokalemia
a. Tissue perfusion
b. Volume depletion
r, c. Glucose intolerance
d. Hyponatremia
c. Volume overload
78. Concentration of sodium in RL is: (Recent Pattern 2013)
d. Myocardial function
a. 154 b. 120
Surgery Sixer for NBE
85. Hemorrhage leads to: (MCI Sept 2005) 96. A patient with spine, chest and abdominal injury in road
Section 1 General Surgery
c. Decreased in vasopressin (Recent Pattern 2014)
d. Decreased cutaneous blood flow a. 20% Rapid loss of blood
89. Features of hypovolemic shock are all, except: b. O2 carrying capacity less than 50%
(NIMHANS 2006) c. Hb <6
a. Oliguria
c. Low BP
b. Bradycardia
d. Acidosis
r, d. Tachycardia and hypotension refractomy to volume
90. One of the following is the earliest indication of concealed 100. Most common blood transfusion reaction is:
acute bleeding: (All India 2005) (All India 2008)
a. Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction
a. Tachycardia
b. Postural HT b. Hemolysis
c. Oliguria c. Transmission of infections
d. Electrolyte imbalance
106. One unit of fresh blood arises the Hb% concentration by: 117. True about FFP (Fresh frozen plasma) is the following
(Recent Pattern 2012) c. 6 hours before operation
a. Alloimmunization d. 12 hours after operation
b. Antibodies against donor leukocytes and HLA Ag 121. Rosenthal’s syndrome is seen in deficiency of factor:
c. Allergic reaction (Recent Pattern 2001)
d. Anaphylaxis
111. Blood grouping and cross-matching is must prior to infu-
r, a. II
b. V
sion of: (AIPG 2008) c. IX
a. Gelatin b. Dextran d. XI
Surgery Sixer for NBE
in Shock cases. tubes.
•• Modified Shock Index (MSI) includes Diastolic BP also and
•• Prime purpose of the tubes are- Feeding and Aspiration*
defined as heart rate divided by Mean arterial pressure.
•• MAP= Systolic Pressure+ (2 X Diastolic Pressure) divided
by 3
•• High MSI indicates- Hypodynamic state r,
•• Low MSI indicates- Hyperdynamic state
•• MSI is better indicator than SI to predict the mortality in
•• Grey: 16 G
•• Green: 18 G
•• Pink: 20 G
•• Blue: 22 G
•• Yellow: 24 G
4. Ans.
(c) Maintaining permissible hypotension to avoid 6. Ans. (a) Change central venous catheter tube every two
bleeding weeks routinely
Ref: Sabiston Page 69, Surgery Sixer page 11) Ref: Page no 56/ Schwartz 10th Edition
•• It has been found in trauma resuscitation with crystalloids Patients on Long term TPN via Central venous catheter:
it stimulated the inflammation more severe than any other •• Central venous Catheter must be managed very carefully
fluid.. It has also been observed the lowest inflammatory with full sterile precautions.
response is seen with 7.5% HTS (Hypertonic Saline) fluid . •• Inspect daily the catheter site for infection
•• Usage of aggressive crystalloids also resulted in abdominal •• Early sign of Catheter related sepsis is Sudden Glucose
compartment syndrome. intolerance
•• Hence a new concept of damage control/Hemostatic/ •• Suspected Catheter sepsis- Remove the catheter and send
balanced resuscitation came into act which used permissible for Culture and sensitivity.
hypotension to avoid bleeding from trauma sites. •• Catheter is changed only in suspected infections- Not
•• With the promotion of damage control resuscitation, changed routinely
clinical studies indicated that aggressive early use of blood •• Increased risk of catheter related infections is seen in Multi
products, such as PRBCs and FFP, actually reduced the total lumen catheter.
volume of PRBCs used by 25% (PRBC- Packed red blood •• Risk is highest with Femoral Vein catheter> IJV > Subclavian
cells) vein catheter
Multiple Choice Questions
•• Monitor LFT and RFT every week once Surgeries where early feeding must not be given:
low oral fat diet (enteral nutrition) •• Pull Technique
•• Chronic liver disease is not an indication for TPN.
There is no retraction technique
•• In acute pancreatitis severe type TPN is given.
18. Ans. (d) Fibers
9. Ans. (b) Hypochloremia
Ref: Sabiston’s Textbook of surgery, 20th ed p-121-22 r, Ref: Bailey 26/e p264
Total Parenteral nutrition contains:
•• In TPN hyperchloremic acidosis occurs. •• Carbohydrates
•• Lipids
•• Water
11. Ans. (c) Mid-arm circumference
Suprailiac regions.
•• Mid arm circumference 20. Ans. (c) Chronic liver disease
12. Ans. (b) Ear lobe to the umbilicus 21. Ans. (a) Subclavian vein
•• The length of the feeding tube to be used is measured by
measuring the length from ear lobe to epigastrium* 22. Ans. (d) Hyperphosphatemia
•• Hypophosphatemia is the complication of TPN
13. Ans. (a) Jejunostomy tube feeding
•• Hyperphosphatemia is not seen*
Ref: Sabiston 19/e p132-136)
23. Ans. (c) Congestive cardiac failure
•• Patient in coma has a normal GIT. So he can be given
enteral feed.
24. Ans. (d) Azotemia
•• Of the enteral feeds- NG feeding has risk of aspiration as
he is in Coma. So either of NJ tube of surgical jejunostomy •• Least common problem seen is azotemia*
is ideal.
25. Ans. (a) Subclavian vein
14. Ans. (c) Feeding jejunostomy
•• Jejunostomy will be the ideal for patients who have 26. Ans. (a) Parenteral
undergone pancreatic surgery. Jejunostomy feeding gives
rest to pancreatic stimulation. 27. Ans. (c) Hypotriglyceridemia
•• Hyper triglyceridemia is the complication seen in TPN
Surgery Sixer for NBE
Section 1 General Surgery
28. Ans. (a) Catheter related complications •• Pulse pressure decreases at Class 2 Hemorrhagic shock
•• Evaporation in Burns
•• Third space loss pancreatitis, bowel
36. Ans. (c) Metabolic acidosis obstruction
•• Hyperchloremic Metabolic acidosis happens on TPN*
40. Ans. (a) Increased Adrenaline
37. Ans. (b) 750-1500 mL r, Ref: Bailey and Love 27th edition page 14)
Ref: Bailey and Love 27th Edition Page 19) In response to Stress hormones status is depicted below
Based on the table we have discussed already. This is a
Hormones Changes
hemorrhagic shock with only pulse rate and RR are increased,
BP is normal** ACTH Increased
So as per the table below it is Class 2 Shock** Growth Hormone
•• Class 1 Shock is 15% of 5 Litres of Blood= < 750 mL TSH/ FSH/LH Variable
Pulse pressure Normal Decreased Decreased Decreased 42. Ans. (c) Crystalloids
Respiratory 14–20/min 20–30/ 30–40/min >35/min
Ref: Bailey and Love 27th edition page 19)
rate min
The ideal fluid of choice in emergency ward is crystalloids and
Urine (mL/hr) >30 20–30 5–15 Negligible
especially the best is normal saline > Ringer lactate.
Fluid Crystalloid Crystalloid Crystalloid Crystalloid
+ blood + blood 43. Ans. (a) CVP
Ref: Bailey and love 26/e, p17)
•• Pulse rate increases at Class 2 Hemorrhagic shock •• Accurate method to monitor IV fluids, inotropic agents and
•• Blood pressure decreases at Class 3 Hemorrhagic shock vasodilators in shock is CVP**
Multiple Choice Questions
•• Intraosseus cannulation is straightforward and safe in Hypokalemia
children less than 6 years. Hyponatremia
Metabolic alkalosis
46. Ans. (c) Erythropoetin Paradoxical aciduria
Ref: Crystalloids versus colloids in fluid resuscitation: a
55. Ans. (c) Duodenal
systematic review. Crit Care Med.
•• Colloids increase intravascular volume Ref: Sabiston 19/e p1271)
•• Colloids are dextran, gelatin, hydroxyethyl starch. High output fistula is seen in fistulas arising from:
Ref: Recognition and Initial Management of Shock. Nichols DG, •• Duodenum (Maximum Fluid and electrolyte imbalance)
ed. Roger’s Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care. Philadelphia •• Proximal jejunum
•• Colon
48. Ans. (a) Metabolic acidosis •• Pancreatic
Ref: ‘’Anion Gap: Acid Base Tutorial’’. University of Connecticut 56. Ans. (d) Sigmoid colon
Health Centre
Ref: Schwartz 10/e p69
•• Lactic acidosis is seen in hemorrhagic shock.
•• Lactic acidosis causes increase anion gap metabolic acidosis. •• Highest concentration of potassium seen in Colon (30
49. Ans. (d) All of the above •• Highest absorption of potassium occurs in colon
Ref: Bailey and Love Principles and Practice of Surgery, 26th ed 57. Ans. (b) Pyloric stenosis
Indicators of hypoperfusion 58. Ans. (b) Decreased K+ in urine
•• Systolic BP < 90 mm hg
•• Increased potassium excretion happens resulting in
•• Mean blood pressure by 30 mm of hg
•• Acidosis
•• pH in blood is metabolic alkalosis (Increased pH)
•• Elevated lactate level
•• Oliguria. 59. Ans. (a) Hyperchloremic acidosis
50. Ans. (b) 15–30 % •• Uretero sigmoidostomy results in metabolic acidosis*
•• Hyperchloremia is seen* (Just opposite to GOO)
Ref: Sabiston 20 th Page 50
•• Class 1 <15% blood loss 25
Surgery Sixer for NBE
10% glucose – – – – – 100 400 Calories are calculated by catabolism of glucose (not proteins)
0.45 NaCl/5%
77 – 77 – – 50 200 •• Amount of glucose in 20% glucose in 3000 mL of solution:
3000 × 20/100= 600 g
121 35 103 – 53 – –
r, •• 1 g of glucose on catabolism produces: 4.2 Kcal
•• 600 g of glucose would produce 600 x 4.2 = 2520 kcal
64. Ans. (b) Degraded gelatin
•• Percentage of protein in fluid: 4.25%
•• Hemaccel is made up of degraded gelatin polypeptides
67. Ans. (a) Tissue perfusion 76. Ans. (d) 3% normal saline
Ref: Sabiston 19/e p87
Hypotonic Isotonic Hypertonic
•• The best guide for tissue perfusion is urine output**
Hemodynamic monitoring: 0.45% NS 5% Dextrose 5% Dextrose +
•• CVP Saline 0.9% ½ NS
•• PCWP Ringer Lactate 5% Dextrose
Urine output is best for Tissue perfusion, response to •• These are the + NS
resuscitation common fluids we 10% Dextrose
PCWP is the best for measuring blood volume, left have in wards
ventricular function and to guide inotrophic agents*
77. Ans. (d) Hyponatremia
68. Ans. (c) Hypertonic
78. Ans. (c) 130
69. Ans. (c) Cardiopulmonary problem
In trauma causing hypotension due to bleeding there will be 79. Ans. (c) Albumin
low CVP*
In cardiogenic shock: 80. Ans. (a) Urine Output
•• Hypotension
•• Elevated CVP
Multiple Choice Questions
83. Ans. (d) Hypotension and bradycardia 94. Ans. (a) Septic shock
•• Colloids are used in septic shock at rate of 300—500 mL in
84. Ans. (d) Ringer lactate 30 minutes*
•• The best fluid for blood loss- Blood*
95. Ans. (b) 8-12 mm Hg
•• In trauma in the initial few hours of resuscitation the fluid
that is best is Ringer lactate as it is balanced salt solution and •• Normal PCWP- 6-12 mm Hg
mimic extracellular fluid. •• Measured by using Swan Ganz Catheter*
•• Resuscitation with colloids is no more effective than
96. Ans. (d) Neurogenic shock
crystalloids but is more expensive*
•• Hypotension and tachycardia means the patient had
85. Ans. (c) Hypovolemic Shock developed hemorrhagic shock (Chest/ Abdominal injuries)
in trauma*
86. Ans. (a) Injury to solid intra-abdominal organs •• Hypotension and bradycardia in a trauma means the patient
had developed neurogenic shock*
87. Ans. (b) Ringer lactate
97. Ans. (b) 1.5 minutes
•• Current principles crystalloids + blood is preferred for
•• In patients on shock it is difficult to get peripheral IV access.
moderate hemorrhage
So immediately get a central venous line or intraosseous line
88. Ans. (d) Decreased cutaneous blood flow r, in 90 seconds*
•• Decreased in cutaneous blood flow results in Cold 98. Ans. (a) Whole blood volume in 24 hrs
Ref: Schwartz 10th 100)
89. Ans. (b) Bradycardia •• Massive transfusion is defined as whole blood volume
transfusion in 24 hrs.
•• Tachycardia is not seen in Class 1 Shock. It’s seen in Class 2 •• 20% blood loss comes under Class 2 shock which is managed
Shock only (at blood loss more than 15%) by crystalloid
91. Ans. (b) Hypovolemic 100. Ans. (a) Febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction
•• Most common complication on Blood transfusion is fever*
92. Ans. (d) Cardiac
101. Ans. (c) Dengue virus
Ref: Sabiston 85/19th Edition
•• Dengue virus is not transmitted in blood.
•• Most common cause of death in septic shock- Hypotension*
•• But Malaria can be transfused via blood*
•• Hypotension is due to decreased cardiac output leading to
hypotension* 102. Ans. (d) Metabolic acidosis
•• Electrolyte imbalance in Massive transfusion:
93. Ans. (a) IV fluids+ Dopamine
Hyper kalemia
Ref: Sabiston Page 85: (Highly expected question Hypocalcemia
International Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis Hypomagnesemia
Metabolic alkalosis
and Septic Shock:
Very Rare- Metabolic acidosis.
•• Target CVP >8 mm Hg, crystalloids or colloids are used*
•• Maintain MAP >65 mm Hg. Vasopressors are not initially 103. Ans. (d) 24 hours
advised- Dopamine and Noradrenaline are the initial
•• Fresh blood transfusion is the term given if you transfuse
vasopressors of choice*
within 24 hours of collecting*
•• For renal perfusion low dose Dopamine must not be used*
•• Dobutamine is used as inotrophic if cardiac function is
Surgery Sixer for NBE
Section 1 General Surgery
•• If adenine is added to CPD we can increase storage time to 117. Ans. (a) Good source of all coagulation factors
35 days
•• FFP is a good source of only stable coagulation factors.
•• With SAG-M- 5 weeks (latest storage material)
Labile factors like 5 and 8 will be diminished*
•• On storage there is diminished count of Factor 5 and 8*
109. Ans. (a) Whole blood volume in 24 hours
•• Massive blood transfusion is defined as transfusion r,
118. Ans. (c) Factors 5 and 8
of Patient’s total blood volume in 24 hours or as acute
transfusion of more than 10 units of blood in few hours. 119. Ans. (a) It is used as volume expander
•• Transfusion must be done just before shifting to operation
110. Ans. (b) Antibodies against donor leukocytes and HLA Ag room*
of Factor XI*
•• It is a polysaccharide polymer of varying molecular weight
producing an osmotic pressure similar to plasma. 122. Ans. (c) Factor VIII
•• Types:
LMW dextran 123. Ans. (b) Factor VIII
HMW dextran
LMW dextran- Short acting, Prevents sludging of RBC in 124. Ans. (a) Cryoprecipitate
vessels and renal shut down in severe hypotension. Less
chances of Rouleaux formation* 125. Ans. (b) Factor IX
•• Cryoprecipitate contains- Fibrinogen, factor 8, VWF*
Multiple Choice Questions
a. Hypoglycemia b. Hyperglycemia blood transfusion reaction is true? (PGI June 2004)
c. Hypercalcemia d. Hypercapnia a. Complement mediated hemolysis is seen
e. Hypophosphatemia b. Type III hypersensitivity is responsible for most cases
6. TPN is indicated in all, except: (PGI Dec 2005) c. Rarely life threatening
a. Short bowel syndrome
b. Burn
r, d. Renal blood flow is always maintained
e. No need for stopping transfusion
c. Sepsis 18. True about blood transfusions: (PGI June 98)
d. Entero cutaneous fistula a. Antigen “D” determines Rh positivity
7. True about TPN: (PGI June 2008) b. Febrile reaction is due to HLA antigens
a. Carbohydrate forms about 40% of energy source c. Anti-d is naturally occurring antibody
b. In abdominal injury early parenteral nutrition should be d. Cryoprecipitate contains all coagulation factors
started 19. Massive blood transfusion is defined as: (PGI 05)
d. Lipids form 20% of energy source c. 1 litre in 5 min d. Whole blood volume
8. In IV hyperalimentation, we give: (PGI June 2002) 20. Massive transfusion in previous healthy adult male can Ans.
a. Hypertonic saline b. Fats cause hemorrhage due to: (PGI 2000) 1. a,c,e
c. Amino acids d. Dextrose a. Increased t-PA 2. a,b,c
e. LMW dextran b. Dilutional thrombocytopenia
3. e
9. The minimum amount of proteins needed for positive c. Vitamin K deficiency 4. All
nitrogen balance is: (PGI 2004) d. Decreased fibrinogen 5. All
a. 20-30 g/day b. 35-40 g/day 21. Mismatched blood transfusion in anesthetic patient 6. c
c. 50 g/day d. 60 g/day presents is: (PGI June 2000) 7. d
10. Chronic vomiting leads to all except: (PGI Nov 2011) a. Hyperthermia and hypertension 8. b,c,d
a. Hyponatremia b. Hypotension and bleeding from site of wound 9. d
b. Hypochloremia c. Bradycardia and hypertension 10. d
c. Metabolic alkalosis d. Tachycardia and hypertension 11. c
d. Metabolic acidosis 22. Massive transfusions results in: (PGI 2008) 12. a
13. b
e. Hypokalemia a. DIC b. Hypothermia
14. a
11. A postoperative patient with pH 7.25, MAP (men arterial c. Hypercalcemia d. Thrombocytopenia 15. c
pressure) 60 mm of Hg treated with: (PGI 2003) 23. Indication of fresh frozen plasma is/are: 16. e
a. IV sodium bicarbonate (PGI Nov 2011) 17. a
b. Only normal saline a. Hypovolemia 18. a,b
c. Fluid therapy with CVP monitoring b. Nutritional supplement 19. d
d. Fluid restriction c. Coagulation factor deficiency 20. b
12. Which among the following is best method to assess the d. Warfarin toxicity 21. b
response to given fluids in polytrauma patient? e. Hypoalbuminemia 22. a,b,d
(PGI June 2006) 24. Half-life of factor VIII is: (PGI 2008) 23. c,d
a. Urinary output b. CVP a. 4 hours b. 8 hours 24. b
c. Pulse d. BP c. 34 hours d. 48 hours
Surgery Sixer for NBE
1. Ans. (a) Intestinal obstruction, (c) Severe diarrhea, 11. Ans. (c) Fluid therapy with CVP monitoring
(e) Intestinal fistula •• The best monitor for fluid therapy is PCWP, but commonly
Ref: Sabiston 19th edition Page-1523 used is CVP in managing fluids.
•• Severe pancreatitis is not a contraindication for enteral 12. Ans. (a) Urine output
feeding as per recent updates.
•• Although TPN provides most nutritional requirements, it is
13. Ans. (b) Suction bottles
associated with mucosal atrophy, decreased intestinal blood
flow, increased risk of bacterial overgrowth in the small Ref: Sabiston Page 112/19th edition
bowel, antegrade colonization with colonic bacteria, and Blood loss in major surgery is measured by – adding up the
increased bacterial translocation. volume of fluid in suction bottle+ (weight of soaked swab- dry
•• In addition, patients with TPN have more central line weight of the swab)
infections and metabolic complications (e.g., hyperglycemia,
electrolyte imbalance). 14. Ans. (a) Urine Output
•• Whenever possible, enteral nutrition should be used, rather
•• Most common type of Shock- Hypovolemic shock
than TPN.
•• Most best parameter to monitor/guide tissue perfusion*-
2. Ans. (a) Constipation, (b) Diarrhea, (c) Aspiration Urine output
•• Most best method to manage shock with fluids- PCWP* >
CVP monitor*
Ref: Sabiston 19/e p135 •• There will be Metabolic acidosis associated with Shock*
Ref: Sabiston 19/e p137-141 r, •• Clenched Fist size clot = 500 mL blood loss
•• Even for pancreatitis if patient cannot tolerate Enteral 16. Ans. (e) All of the above
nutrition we give them TPN
(c) Hypercalcemia, (d) Hypercapnia, •• These are life threatening and can lead to oliguria and Acute
(e) Hypophosphatemia renal failure due to decreased renal blood flow*
7. Ans. (d) Lipids form 20% of energy source •• Cryoprecipitate contains only factor-8
•• Anti- D is not naturally occurring antibody. It is prepared
Ref: Sabiston 19/e p138 for infusing in Rh incompatible babies. (Rh Negative
•• Fat free TPN- has no fat mother with Rh Positive baby)
•• Fat TPN has 20% of fat as energy source
•• Fat free TPN needed in Hepatic steatosis* 19. Ans. (d) Whole blood volume
•• Patient’s whole blood volume getting replaced is known as
8. Ans. (b) Fats, (c) amino acids, (d) Dextrose massive blood transfusion- e.g. 5 litres in adults.
10. Ans. (d) Metabolic acidosis 21. Ans. (b) Hypotension and bleeding from site of wound
Ref: Sabiston 19/e p1196 Ref: Schwartz 10/e p119
•• Hypochloremic, Hypokalemic, Metabolic Alkalosis with •• The dominant sign of mismatched blood transfusion
Paradoxical renal aciduria are the feature of Chronic in sedated patient in theatre- Diffuse bleeding and
vomiting* hypotension*
Multiple Choice Questions