Figure(s) in the margin indicate(s) each mark(s) 1: E B ϵ E μ B ϵ E B B

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Ist Internal Test, 2020

VI Semester, BSc (PHY)

Paper – X
Electromagnetic Theory
Full Marks – 12

Figure(s) in the margin indicate(s) each mark(s)

1. An electromagnetic waves travels along z-axis. Which of the following pairs of space and
time varying fields would generate such a wave 1
a) E x, B y
b) E y, Bx
c) E z, Bx
d) E y, Bz
2. The displacement current arises due to 1
a) Positive charge only
b) Negative charge only
c) Both positive and negative charges
d) Time varying electric field
3. The energy of electromagnetic wave in vacuum is given by the relation 1
2 2
a) +
2 ϵ o 2 μo
1 2 1 2
b) ϵ o E + μo B
2 2
1 2 B2
c) ϵoE +
2 2 μo
2 2
E +B
4. The differential form of Ampere’s law in magnetostatics is 1
−∂ B
⃗ ∂B⃗
a) ⃗
∇×⃗ B =−μ0 ⃗J b) ⃗∇×⃗B =μ0 ⃗J c) ⃗
∇×⃗E= d) ⃗
∂t ∂t
5. The speed of light in free space is 1
1 ϵ0 μ0
√ μ 0 ϵ0 √
b) √ μ0 ϵ 0 c)
μ0 √ d)

6. Define radiation pressure and give its relation with intensity of electromagnetic wave.

7. Deduce the wave equations satisfied by the electric field vector and magnetic field vector.
Obtain their plane wave solution and hence show that the electromagnetic waves are
transverse in nature. 5

Ist Internal Test, 2020

IV Semester, BSc (PHY)
Atomic, Nuclear Physics-I and solid state Physics-I
Full Marks – 20

Figure(s) in the margin indicate(s) each mark(s)

1. The number of atoms per unit body centred cubic (bcc) cell is 1
a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1
2. For a face centred cell (fcc), the coordination number is 1
a) 8 b) 10 c) 12 d) 14
3. Nuclei of the same element having different numbers of neutrons are called 1
a) Isotope b) isobars c) atomic number d) mass number
4. Define aprimitive cell. Can a unit cell be primitive? 1
5. Write two characteristics of a space group. 1
6. Define nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. 1
7. What is nuclear chain reaction. 1
8. What are positive rays? Give their three properties. 2
9. Write the postulates of Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom. 2
10. Derive the expression for the total energy of an electron in an orbit. 3
11. What do you mean by a symmetry operation. Explain briefly the various symmetry
operations of a lattice. 3
12. Using classical harmonic oscillator concept, derive Dulong and petit’s law. 3

Ist Internal Test, 2020
2nd Semester, BSc (PHY)
Thermodynamics & Mathematical Physics – I
Full Marks – 20

Figure(s) in the margin indicate(s) each mark(s)

1. A field ⃗ F is said to be irrotational when 1

⃗ ⃗ ⃗
(a) ∇ × F =2 ω (b) ∇ × F =ω ⃗ ⃗
(c) ∇ × F =0
⃗ ⃗
(d) ∇ × F =3 ω

2. A vector V is called a solenoidal vector function when
⃗ 1
(a) ∇ V =0
⃗ ⃗
(b) ∇ . V =0
⃗ ⃗
(c) ∇ × V =0⃗ ⃗
(d) ∇ . V =1

3. The specific heat ratio for a monoatomic gas is 1
(a) 5/2 (b) 5/3 (c) 3/5 (d) 7/5
4. Entropy remains constant during 1
(a) Isothermal process (b) Adiabatic process (c) Carnot’s cycle (d) irreversible change
5. Give the kinetic interpretation of temperature. 1
6. What are reversible and irreversible change. 1
7. Derive the relation ¿ 1+ , where f is the number of degrees of freedom and γ is the ratio
of specific heat of gases. 2
2 3 2 ⃗
8. If ¿ 3 x y− y z , find ∇ φ at the point ((1,-2,-1). 2
9. Show that a⃗ × ( ⃗b × c⃗ )=(⃗a . ⃗c ) ⃗b −( a⃗ . b⃗ )⃗c 2
10. Find the eigen values and eigen vectors of the following matrix 2
0 −i
[ i 0 ]
11. Find the value of the constant a, b and c for which the vector
^ ( bx+3 y −z ) ^j+(3 x+ cy + z) k^ is irrotational
V = ( x + y +az ) i+
⃗ 3
12. Using the matrix method, solve the following algebraic equations
.x +2 y +3 z=10
2 x−3 y+ z=1
3 x+ y−2 z=9 3


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