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Registration No: February 19, 2012, Time: 10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. Booklet Series:

Instructions to the candidates: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

1. Please do not open the seal of the question paper before 10.00 A.M. 2. The set which is given to you contains question paper with some blank sheets and a machine readable Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet. 3. Enter your registration number in the boxes provided on the top of this question paper with blue/black ball point pen. 4. In the OMR sheet, enter your name, registration number and signature at the appropriate places. Strictly follow the instructions written on the OMR sheet. 5. There are 50 multiple choice questions in the paper and only one of the four answers in each question is correct. 6. First 25 questions carry 3 (three) marks each and the last 25 questions carry 1 (one) mark each. 7. A correct answer gives full credit (3 for the rst 25 questions and 1 for the last 25 questions) and a wrong answer reduces your marks by 1 for the rst 25 questions and by one third (1/3) for the last 25 questions. 8. In the OMR sheet, completely darken the bubble corresponding to your answer. Mark in the OMR sheet only after you are sure of the answer. Strictly follow the instructions written on the OMR sheet. 9. Use of pocket calculators is permitted but exchange of the calculators among the candidates is not permitted. Use of other gadgets (mobile phone, palmtops, laptops, pagers etc.,) are not permitted. 10. For rough work, use only the blank pages attached at the end of the question paper. 11. At the end of the examination, return the OMR sheet. You may keep the question paper and the copy of the OMR sheet for your records. Speed of light, c Plancks constant, h Boltzmanns constant, kB Gas constant, R Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Electron charge, e Electron mass, me Proton mass, mp Acceleration due to gravity, g Wiens displacement constant Avogadros number, N Angstrom unit, 1 A 1 eV 1 calorie 3 1010 cm s1 6.62 1027 erg sec 1.381 1016 erg K1 8.314 107 erg K1 mol1 5.67 105 erg cm2 s1 K4 1.6 1019 C 9.11 1028 gm 1.67 1024 gm 981 cm s2 0.2898 cm-K 6.02 1023 mol1 108 cm 1.6 1012 erg 4.18 Joules


1. A monoatomic ideal gas at 17 C is adiabatically compressed to 1/8 of its original volume. The temperature after compression is (a) 2.1 C (b) 17 C (d) 887 C (c) 200.5C

2. An observer in an inertial frame nds that at a point P the electric eld vanishes but the magnetic eld does not. This implies that in any other inertial frame the electric eld E and the magnetic eld B satisfy (a) |E|2 = |B|2 (b) E B = 0 (c) E B = 0 (d) E = 0 3. Consider a system of particles in three dimensions with momentum p and energy E = c|p|, c being a constant. The system is maintained at inverse temperature , volume V and chemical potential . What is the grand partition function of the system? (a) exp [e 8V /(ch)3 ] (b) e 6V /(ch)2 (c) exp [e 6V /(ch)3 ] (d) e 8V /(ch)2 4. The ground state (apart from normalization) of a particle of unit mass moving in a one-dimensional h potential V (x) is exp(x2 /2) cosh( 2x). The potential V (x), in suitable units so that = 1, is (up to an additive constant) (b) x2 /2 2x tanh( 2x) (c) x2 /2 2x tan( 2x) (d) x2 /2 2x coth( 2x) (a) x2 /2

5. A magnetic eld B = B0 ( + 2 4k) exists at a point. If a test charge moving with a velocity, v = i j + 2k) experiences no force at a certain point, the electric eld at that point in SI units is v0 (3i j (a) E = v0 B0 (3 2 4k) i j (b) E = v0 B0 ( + + 7k) i j (c) E = v0 B0 (14 + 7k) j (d) E = v0 B0 (14 + 7k) j

6. For small angular displacements (i.e., sin ), a simple pendulum oscillates harmonically. For larger displacements, the motion (a) becomes aperiodic (b) remains periodic with the same period (c) remains periodic with a higher period (d) remains periodic with a lower period

7. A planet orbits a massive star in a highly elliptical orbit, i.e., the total orbital energy E is close to zero. The initial distance of closest approach is R0 . Energy is dissipated through tidal motions until the orbit is circularized with a nal radius of Rf . Assume that orbital angular momentum is conserved during the circularization process. Then (a) Rf = R0 /2 (b) Rf = R0 (c) Rf = 2R0 (d) Rf = 2R0 8. A binary system consists of two stars of equal mass m orbiting each other in a circular orbit under the inuence of gravitational forces. The period of the orbit is . At t = 0, the motion is stopped and the stars are allowed to fall towards each other. After what time t, expressed in terms of , do they collide? The following integral may be useful (x = r1/2 ) x2 dx x = 2 x2 x2 + sin1 2 x .

2 (b) 2 (c) 2 2 (d) 4 2 (a)

9. Consider a system maintained at temperature T , with two available energy states E1 and E2 each with degeneracies g1 and g2 . If p1 and p2 are probabilities of occupancy of the two energy states, what is the entropy of the system? (a) S = kB [p1 ln(p1 /g1 ) + p2 ln(p2 /g2 )] (c) S = kB [p1 ln(p1 g1 ) + p2 ln(p2 g2 )]

(b) S = kB [p1 ln(p1 g1 ) + p2 ln(p2 g2 )]

(d) S = kB [(1/p1 ) ln(p1 /g1 ) + (1/p2 ) ln(p2 /g2 )] 10. Consider the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom. If is the ne-structure constant, the velocity of the electron in its lowest orbit is c 1+ c or (1 ) c (b) 1 + 2 (c) 2 c (a) (d) c 11. Consider a particle of mass m moving inside a two-dimensional square box whose sides are described by the equations x = 0, x = L, y = 0, y = L. What is the lowest eigenvalue of an eigenstate which changes sign under the exchange of x and y? (a) 2 /(mL2 ) h (b) 3 2 /(2mL2 ) h (c) 5 2 /(2mL2 ) h (d) 7 2 /(2mL2 ) h

12. Consider an ideal gas of mass m at temperature T1 which is mixed isobarically (i.e. at constant pressure) with an equal mass of same gas at temperature T2 in a thermally insulated container. What is the change of entropy of the universe? (a) 2mCp ln (b) 2mCp ln (c) 2mCp ln (d) 2mCp ln
T1 +T2 2 T1 T2 T1 T2 2 T1 T2 T1 +T2 2T1 T2 T1 T2 2 T1 T2

13. In a certain inertial frame two light pulses are emitted at points 5 km apart and separated in time by 5 s. An observer moving at a speed V along the line joining these points notes that the pulses are simultaneous. Therefore V is (a) 0.7c (b) 0.8c (c) 0.3c (d) 0.9c 14. A circular conducting ring of radius R rotates with constant angular velocity about its diameter placed along the x-axis. A uniform magnetic eld B is applied along the y-axis. If at time t = 0 the ring is entirely in the xy-plane, the emf induced in the ring at time t > 0 is (a) B 2 R2 t (b) BR2 tan(t) (c) BR2 sin(t) (d) BR2 cos(t) 15. Dene x = (f + f ), and y = i(f f ), where the s are Pauli spin matrices and f, f obey anticommutation relations {f, f } = 0, {f, f } = 1. Then z is given by (b) 2f f 1 (c) 2f f + 1 (d) f f 16. The value of the integral (a) 0 (b) /4 (d) /2 (c) /2
ln x dx 0 (x2 +1)2

(a) f f 1


17. An electric eld in a region is given by E(x, y, z) = ax + cz + 6by k. For which values of a, b, c does this i j represent an electrostatic eld? (a) 13, 1, 12 (b) 17, 6, 1 (c) 13, 1, 6 (d) 45, 6, 1

18. If x denotes the greatest integer not exceeding x, then (a) (c) (d)
1 e1

x dx 0 xe


(b) 1
e1 e e 2 1 e

19. Consider a system of two spin-1/2 particles with total spin S = s1 + s2 , where s1 and s2 are in terms of Pauli matrices i . The spin triplet projection operator is (a) (b) (c) (d)
1 4 3 4 3 4 1 4

+ s1 s2 s1 s2 + s1 s2 s1 s2

20. A collection of N two-level systems with energies 0 and E > 0 is in thermal equilibrium at temperature T . For T , the specic heat approaches (a) 0 (b) N kB (c) 3N kB /2 (d) 21. Consider a spin-1/2 particle in the presence of a homogeneous magnetic eld of magnitude B along z-axis 1 which is prepared initially in a state | = 2 (| + | ) at time t = 0. At what time t will the particle be in the state | (B is Bohr magneton)? (a) t = (b) t = (c) t =
h B B 2 h B B h 2B B

(d) Never 22. The classic three op-amp instrumentation amplier conguration is shown below:
V2 R R R R R R V1 R V0

The op-amps are ideal and all resistors are of equal value R. The gain, dened as the output voltage V0 divided by the dierential input voltage V1 V2 , is equal to (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6

23. A capacitor C is connected to a battery V0 through three equal resistors R and a switch S as shown below:


The capacitor is initially uncharged. At time t = 0, the switch S is closed. The voltage across the capacitor as a function of time t for t > 0 is given by (a) (V0 /2)(1 exp(t/2RC))

(b) (V0 /3)(1 exp(t/3RC))

(d) (V0 /2)(1 exp(2t/3RC)) 1 1 1 24. As x 1, the innite series x x3 + x5 x7 + . . . 3 5 7 (a) diverges (b) converges to unity (c) converges to /4 (d) none of the above 25. A beam of X-rays is incident on a BCC crystal. If the dierence between the incident and the scattered wavevectors is K = h + k + l where x, y , z are the unit vectors of the associated cubic lattice, the x y z necessary condition for the scattered beam to give a Laue maximum is (a) h + k + l = even (b) h = k = l (c) h, k, l are all distinct (d) h + k + l = odd

(c) (V0 /3)(1 exp(3t/2RC))


26. A small magnet is dropped down a long vertical copper tube in a uniform gravitational eld. After a long time, the magnet (a) attains a constant velocity (b) moves with a constant acceleration (c) moves with a constant deceleration (d) executes simple harmonic motion 27. The ground state energy of 5 identical spin-1/2 particles which are subject to a one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator potential of frequency is (a) (15/2) h (b) (13/2) h (c) (1/2) h (d) 5 h 28. Eciency of a perfectly reversible (Carnot) heat engine operating between absolute temperatures T and zero is equal to (a) 0 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.75 (d) 1 29. Consider a particle of electric charge e and mass m moving under the inuence of a constant horizontal electric eld E and constant vertical gravitational eld described by acceleration due to gravity g. If the particle starts from rest, what will be its trajectory? (a) parabolic (b) elliptic (c) straight line (d) circular 30. A thermally insulated ideal gas of volume V1 and temperature T expands into another enclosure of volume V2 through a porous plug. What is the change in the temperature of the gas? (a) 0 (b) T ln(V1 /V2 ) (c) T ln(V2 /V1 ) (d) T ln[(V2 V1 )/V2 ]

31. The spatial part of a two-electron state is symmetric under exchange. If | and | represent the spin-up and spin-down states respectively of each particle, the spin-part of the two-particle state is (a) | |

(b) | |

(c) (| | | | )/ 2 (d) (| | + | | )/ 2 (a) N

32. The ratio of maximum to minimum resistance that can be obtained with N 1- resistors is (b) N 2 (c) 1 (d) 33. The wave function of a free particle in one dimension is given by (x) = A sin x + B sin 3x. Then (x) is an eigenstate of (a) the position operator (b) the Hamiltonian (c) the momentum operator (d) the parity operator 34. A point charge +q is placed at (0, 0, d) above a grounded innite conducting plane dened by z = 0. There are no charges present anywhere else. What is the magnitude of electric eld at (0, 0, d)? (a) q/(80 d2 ) (b) (c) 0 (d) q/(16o d2 ) 35. What is the value of the following series? 1+ (a) 0 (b) e (c) e2 (d) 1 36. The second order maximum in the diraction of X-rays of 0.20 nanometer wavelength from a simple cubic crystal is found to occur at an angle of thirty degrees with respect to the crystal plane. The distance between the lattice planes is (a) 1 Angstrom (b) 2 Angstroms (c) 4 Angstroms (d) 8 Angstroms 1 1 + + 2! 4!


1 1 + + 3! 5!


37. A jet of gas consists of molecules of mass m, speed v and number density n all moving co-linearly. This jet hits a wall at an angle to the normal. The pressure exerted on the wall by the jet assuming elastic collision will be (a) p = 2mnv 2 cos2 (b) p = 2mnv 2 cos (c) p = (3/2)mnv cos2 (d) p = mnv 2 38. A time-dependent magnetic eld B(t) is produced in a circular region of space, innitely long and of radius R. The magnetic eld is given as B = B0 t z for 0 r < R and is zero for r > R, where B0 is a positive constant. The electric eld for r > R is (a) (b)
B0 R2 r r B0 R2 2r

2 0R (d) B2r

(c) B0rR r

39. If the coordinate q and the momentum p form a canonical pair (q, p), which one of the sets given below also forms a canonical pair? (b) (q 2 , p2 ) (d) (q 2 , p2 ) 40. The net charge of an n-type semiconductor is (a) positive (b) zero (c) negative (d) dependent on the dopant density 41. The length and radius of a perfect cylinder are each measured with an RMS error of 1%. The RMS error on the inferred volume of the cylinder is roughly (a) 1.7% (b) 3.3% (c) 0.5% (d) 1%. 42. When unpolarised light is incident on a glass plate at a particular angle, it is observed that the reected beam is linearly polarised. What is the angle of the refracted beam with respect to the surface normal? Refractive index of glass is 1.52 (a) 56.7 (b) 33.4 (c) 23.3 (d) The light is completely reected and there is no refracted beam. (c) (p, q) (a) (q, p)

43. The Dulong-Petit law fails near room temperature (300 K) for many light elements (such as boron and beryllium) because their Debye temperature is (a) 300 K (c) 300 K

(b) 300 K (d) 0 K

44. An unbiased die is cast twice. The probability that the positive dierence (bigger smaller) between the two numbers is 2 is (a) 1/9 (b) 2/9 (c) 1/6 (d) 1/3 45. A cube has a constant electric potential V on its surface. If there are no charges inside the cube, the potential at the center of the cube is (a) V (b) V /8 (c) 0 (d) V /6 46. A girl measures the period of a simple pendulum inside a stationary lift and nds it to be T seconds. If the lift accelerates upward with an acceleration g/4, then the period of the pendulum will be (a) T (c) 2T / 5 (d) 2T 5 47. The quantum state sin x | + exp(i) cos x | , where | = 0 and x, are real, is orthogonal to: (b) cos x | + exp(i) sin x | (a) sin x | (b) T /4

(d) exp(i) cos x | + sin x | 48. The binding energy of the hydrogen atom (electron bound to proton) is 13.6 eV. The binding energy of positronium (electron bound to positron) is (a) 13.6/2 eV (b) 13.6/1810 eV (d) 13.6 2 eV (c) 13.6 1810 eV

(c) cos x | exp(i) sin x |

49. For an N N matrix consisting of all ones, (a) all eigenvalues = 1 (b) all eigenvalues = 0 (c) the eigenvalues are 1, 2, . . . , N (d) one eigenvalue = N , the others = 0


50. A sodium atom in the rst excited 3P state has a lifetime of 16 ns for decaying to the ground 3S state. The wavelength of the emitted photon is 589 nm. The corresponding linewidth of the transition (in frequency units) is about (a) 1.7 106 Hz (c) 6.3 107 Hz

(b) 1 107 Hz

(d) 5 1014 Hz



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