Cobra FRS 220 Manual PDF

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Operating Instructions for your

2 Way Radio
FRS 220

Nothing comes close to a Cobra™

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How to Use Your Cobra®
The Family Radio Service Story 2-Way Radio

The Family Radio Service Story Contents

Ever wish you could talk to someone who wasn’t Features ..........................................................................1
Features of This Product
within earshot? Like contacting ski partners back The FRS Story ...............................................................A1
at the lodge? Or letting a friend know how to FCC Warnings • Two-way static-free
find you in a busy mall? Cobra®’s microTALK® Included Accessories radio with up to a
FRS 220 is a great way for friends or family to Controls & Indicators................................................A2 2 mile range
increase their fun–and safety–by staying in touch Our Thanks to You......................................................A3
• 14 channels
while on the go. Customer Support ...................................................A3
Operating your microTALK® • SuperFlex™ antenna
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Battery Installation...................................................2 • Holster belt clip
has created 14 license free frequency bands, Turning On..................................................................3
or channels, called Family Radio Service (FRS) • Roger beep confirmation
Illuminating the Display ........................................3
frequencies. These channels are in the tone
Auto Squelch .............................................................4
UHF (Ultra High Frequency) band which means Maximum Range Extender/Auto Monitor ......4 • Backlit LCD
great penetration through buildings, thick forests, Select Channel ..........................................................5 • Speaker/Microphone
hills, and other dense structures. They are also Auto Battery Save.....................................................6 jacks
FM (Frequency Modulation) signals which Calling Another Party .............................................7
means crystal clear reception even in crowded Talking To Another Party .......................................8
noisy environments. Roger Beep Confirmation Tone...........................9
Listening For Another Party .................................9
FCC Warnings Lock Function ............................................................10
microTALK® Range...................................................11
Replacement or substitution of transistors, regular
1 Making Life Easier And Safer ...............................12
diodes or other parts of a unique nature, with
Holster/Belt Clip/Desk Stand ...............................13
parts other than those recommended by Cobra®,
External Microphone/Speaker Jack...................14
may cause a violation of the technical regulations
Caring for Your microTALK®..................................15
of part 95 of the FCC Rules, or violation of Type
microTALK® Specifications ....................................16
Acceptance requirements of Part 2 of the Rules.
Limited Two Year Warranty....................................18
Optional Accessories ................................................19
Included with your microTALK® Order Form ....................................................................20
1. Holster/Belt Clip/Desk Stand
If You Think You Need Service.............Back Cover

A1 1

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Controls and Indicators Our Thanks to You

1. Antenna Thank you for purchasing the Cobra® FRS 220

2. Microphone/Speaker 2-way Radio. Properly used, this Cobra® product
Jack will give you many years of reliable service. Cobra® Customer Service
3. On/Off Power Button Live operators are available
1 2
Customer Support M-F 8:00 am - 6:00 pm CST
4.L LCD Display Panel Should you encounter any problems with the at: 773.889.3087
5.? Light/Max Range Button product or not understand its many features,
6. Key Lock please refer to this owner’s manual. If, after Automated Technical
7. Down/Up Volume referring to the manual, you still need help, Assistance available 24
Control call Cobra® Customer Service at 773.889.3087. hours a day, seven days a
week. E-mail questions to:
8. Speaker 2 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC [email protected]
9. Microphone rules. Operation is subject to the following
10. Battery Compartment two conditions: Cobra® on the World Wide
11. Charge Pads 14 (1) this device may not cause harmful Web: Frequently Asked
12 interference, and Questions (FAQ) can be
12. Talk Button found on-line at:
(2) this device must accept any interference
13. Call Button received, including interference that may
14. Channel Button 13 15 cause undesired operation.
15. Mode Button 5 6
7 12 14
9 8 13 15

10 11

A2 A3

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Operation Operation

Battery Install Batteries Turning On Your microTALK® Turning

Installation On Your
Always use high quality Note
alkaline or NiMH batteries.
Whenever the unit is on
Incorrect positioning can you can receive
damage both the batteries communications.
and the unit.
Only the Cobra® NiMH -+-+ 1
Push and hold the POWER button for
battery (Part #FA-BP) 2 seconds. An audible “tone” will indicate the
pack can be recharged. unit is on, and display will illuminate for 10
+-+- seconds.
See Accessories on page 19.
Charge ports for recharging Illuminating the Display Illuminating
NiMH (Nickel Metal the Display
Hydride) battery pack are
located on back of unit.
Note 1 Pull lock tab down 2 Insert four “AAA”
When batteries are low or to remove battery batteries. Position
need charging the cover. batteries according
indicator will blink. Replace to polarity markings.
alkaline batteries or
recharge NiMH battery
1 Push and release LIGHT/MAX RANGE
button to illuminate display for ten seconds.

2 3

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Operation Operation

Auto Squelch Auto Squelch Select Main Channel (1-14) Select Main
Your microTALK® is equipped with Auto Squelch, 1 Turn on the microTALK® 2-Way Radio. Channel
which automatically shuts off weak transmissions Note
and unwanted noise due to terrain conditions or Units must be on same
if you have reached your range limit. channel and privacy code
to communicate.
Maximum Maximum Range Extender Note
Range Auto squelch can be temporarily removed to allow Channels 8-12 generally are
Extender all signals to enter (Maximum Range Extender). less used and give better
results for communications
Note in most areas.
To learn more about the Note
range of your microTALK®,
HOLD Push and hold the channel
2 Select any of the 14 channels by moving the
see page 10. channel button up or down. button for fast channel
Range is dependent on
battery condition and
Select CTCSS Privacy Code (00-38) Select CTCSS
geographic territory. 1 Push and hold LIGHT/MAX RANGE 1 Press the mode button. After a short delay, small Privacy Code
button to allow all signals to enter. numbers will flash next to the channel display Note
LCD indicating the privacy code. Selecting a CTCSS
Auto Monitor Auto Monitor privacy code will allow you
to only hear conversations
When the signal you want to hear is consistently
on that selection. For
weak, you may place the radio in Maximum Range
example, you may be with
mode without having to constantly hold the
a group of friends. If all of
button: Press and hold the Maximum Range
you select channel 7 and
Extender button for five seconds. To return to
2 Select privacy code number by moving the privacy code 1, you will
normal operation, momentarily press the
channel button up or down. hear your friends but will
Maximum Range Extender button again or
3 When the desired code is displayed push the not hear anybody else on
change channels.
mode button and release. An audible tone will channel 7, privacy code 2
confirm your selection. through 38.

4 5

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Operation Operation

Battery Low Battery Low Calling Another Party Calling

Note When in normal use the icon may begin flashing. To alert another party that you wish to Another
When battery capacity is at This is a warning to you that the batteries are communicate: Party
the 1/4 level it is getting low.
recommended that you
replace alkaline batteries or Replace alkaline batteries as soon as possible
recharge your NiMH (Nickel and/or recharge NiMH battery pack.
Metal Hydride) battery pack.

Only the Cobra® NiMH

battery (Part #FA-BP)
pack can be recharged.

Note 1 Turn on your microTALK® 2-way radio. An

If the NiMH rechargeable audible “tone” will indicate the unit is on.
battery pack (Item #FA-BP)
and desktop charger
(Item #FA-CR) are not
included with this unit,
2 Select a channel
see Accessories Section on by pushing the
page 19. CHANNEL button
up or down.
Auto Battery Auto Battery Save
Save Your FRS 220 has a unique circuit designed to
Note extend battery life. If there are no transmissions or
The Auto Battery Save receptions within 10 seconds, the unit will
Circuit does not affect the automatically switch to battery save mode and
unit’s ability to receive will be shown in the display.
incoming transmissions.

6 7

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Operation Operation

Note Roger Beep Confirmation Tone Roger Beep

Your incoming “Call” signal Confirmation
level is dependent on your Your listener will hear an
unit volume setting. audible tone when you Tone
release the TALK button.

This alerts the other party

3 Push and release CALL button. The unit you that you are finished talking
are calling will hear a two second ringing tone. and it’s OK for them to begin
Talking To Talking To Another Party
Another Party
Listening For Another Party Listening For
Note When finished talking: Another Party
While the TALK button
is depressed you cannot
receive incoming calls. While the TALK button
is depressed you cannot
1 Push and hold 2 The TX indicator will receive incoming calls.
TALK button. be displayed.

1 Release TALK button to receive incoming

Your microTALK® is always in listening mode
when the TALK button is not pressed.
3 Hold mic about 4 Release TALK
2 inches from button and listen 2 Adjust volume by pushing
mouth. Speak in a for response. DOWN/UP buttons.
normal voice.

8 9

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Operation Operation

Lock Function Lock Function microTALK® Range microTALK®

The purpose of the LOCK function is to lock most Your microTALK® Radio has a range of up to Range
buttons to avoid accidental operation. 2 miles. This effective range can be shortened
Call button, Range To engage the LOCK function: under some conditions. Note
Extender button and Talk To achieve maximum
button do not lock and are range the auto squelch
fully operational while the can be overridden. Refer to
unit is locked. Maximum Range Extender
section on page 4.
The unit cannot lock while
in function mode.

1. Under flat, open 2. Range can be

1 Push and hold Lock button until conditions you reduced by
flashes. Channel up/down, Mode and Power will experience buildings and
buttons are now locked. the microTALK®’s foliage in the
2 To “unlock” push and hold Lock button maximum range. path of the signal.
until disappears.
3. Range will be
further reduced by
dense foliage and
hilly terrain.

10 11

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Making Life Easier and Safer Making Life Easier and Safer

microTALK® microTALK® 2-Way Radio Can Make Life

2-Way Radio Easier and Safer
Can Make As you become familiar with your microTALK®
Life Easier Radio you will find many of your own uses for the
and Safer unit.
Some suggestions include:

5. Checking on 6. Agree on a meeting

traveling spot after an event.
companions in
another car.
1. Talking with fellow 2. Keeping track Holster/Belt Clip/Desk Stand Holster-
hikers. of the kids in a
shopping mall. Your microTALK® Radio comes with a custom Belt Clip and
molded plastic holster. Its unique dual-function Desk Stand
design enables it to act as a handy desktop storage
unit, as well as easily attaching to your belt for
maximum convenience and portability.

3. Communicating 4. Talking to a
between basement neighbor or a
and first, second or friend.
third floor. 1. Desk Stand 2. Belt Clip

12 13

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External Microphone/
Speaker Jack Caring for Your Radio

External External Microphone/Speaker Jack Caring for Your microTALK® Radio Caring
Microphone/ Your microTALK® 2-Way Radio can be fitted with The microTALK® 2 Way Radio will give you years for Your
Speaker Jack an external microphone/speaker, freeing your of service if cared for properly. microTALK®
hands for other tasks. Radio
To attach the external microphone/speaker: Here are some suggestions:

Note Modifying or tampering
with the radio’s internal
If an External microphone/
components can cause
speaker is not included with
malfunction and will
the unit, see Accessories on
invalidate the warranty.
page 19 for available units.
If your radio is not
performing as it should,
1 Open Spkr/Mic tab on top of unit. 1. Handle unit gently. 2. Keep away please call Cobra® at
from dust. 773.889.3087.
Do not return the unit to
the retailer.

3. Never place the 4. Avoid exposure

2 Insert plug into the Mic/Spkr jack. unit in water or in to extreme
a moist place. temperatures.

14 15

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Specifications Specifications


Channel Channel 2. MAX. AUDIO OUTPUT @ 10% THD mW 150
FRS Frequency FRS Frequency
Channel in MHz Channel in MHz
1 462.5625 8 467.5625 a) SENSITIVITY dBm -121
2 462.5875 9 467.5875 b) ATTACK TIME mS 120
3 462.6125 10 467.6125 c) CLOSING TIME mS 200
4 462.6375 11 467.6375 5. AUDIO FREQUENCY RESP.
5 462.6625 12 467.6625 @ 300 HZ dB -15
6 462.6875 13 467.6875 @ 2500 HZ dB -10
7 462.7125 14 467.7125 6. SIGNAL DISPLACEMENT BW +/- KHZ 5
Channel Frequency Channel Frequency
01 67.0 Hz 21 136.5 Hz UNIT NOMINAL
02 71.9 Hz 22 141.3 Hz 1. EFFECTIVE RADIATED POWER mW 500
03 74.4 Hz 23 146.2 Hz
04 77.0 Hz 24 151.4 Hz 2. CARRIER FREQ. STABILITY Hz +/-500
05 79.7 Hz 25 156.7 Hz 3. MODULATION LIMITING kHz 2.5
06 82.5 Hz 26 162.2 Hz 4. CARRIER ATTACK TIME mS 30
07 85.4 Hz 27 167.9 Hz
08 88.5 Hz 28 173.8 Hz 5. AUDIO FREQUENCY RESPONSE
09 91.5 Hz 29 179.9 Hz @ 300 HZ dB -10
10 94.8 Hz 30 186.2 Hz @ 2500 HZ dB 4
11 97.4 Hz 31 192.8 Hz 6. AUDIO DISTORTION % 3
12 100.0 Hz 32 203.5 Hz 7. HUM NOISE dB 38
13 103.5 Hz 33 210.7 Hz
14 107.2 Hz 34 218.1 Hz 8. TRANSIENT FREQ. BEHAVIOR
15 110.9 Hz 35 225.7 Hz a) TX ON mS 30
16 114.8 Hz 36 233.6 Hz b) TX OFF mS 5
17 118.8 Hz 37 241.8 Hz
18 123.0 Hz 38 250.3 Hz E. POWER SUPPLY
19 127.3 Hz
20 131.8 Hz 1. BATTERY LIFE (1:1:18 RATIO) HR 24
2. BATTERY V 4.2-6.0

16 17

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Limited Two Year Warranty Optional Accessories


its COBRA® FRS Radios, and the component parts thereof,
will be free of defects in workmanship and materials for
period of two (2) years from the date of first consumer
purchase. This warranty may be enforced by the first
consumer purchaser, provided that the product is
Vox/Headset Mic
utilized within the U.S.
Wa VOX (Voice Operated
ar rra COBRA® will, without charge, repair or replace, at its Transmitter) headset and Ear Bud Mic with PTT
2 Ye

option, defective FRS radios, products or component parts


microphone allows Compact earbud and microphone

upon delivery to the COBRA® factory Service Department, Replacement Holster hands-free operation. with Push-to-Talk switch.
accompanied by proof of the date of first consumer FA-HR1 MA-VOX MA-EBM
purchase, such as a duplicated copy of a sales receipt.
You must pay any initial shipping charges required to ship UP

the product for warranty service, but the return charges NICd BATTERY PACK

will be at Cobra®'s expense, if the product is repaired or FACING OUT

Cobra® Electronics replaced under warranty.

Corporation NiMH Rechargeable
Exclusions: This limited warranty does not apply;
6500 West Cortland Street Battery Pack
1) to any product damaged by accident; 2) in the event
Chicago, Illinois 60707 USA of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of High performance Nickel
Lapel Speaker/Microphone 2 Port Desktop Charger
unauthorized alterations or repairs; 3) if the serial Metal Hydride battery pack for
Remote microphone/speaker multiple charging. Charges two microTALK® radios
number has been altered, defaced or removed;
with Push-to-Talk switch. FA-BP or two NiMH battery packs.
4) if the owner of the product resides outside the U.S. FA-CR
All implied warranties, including warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
You Can Find These Fine Accessories At Your Local Cobra® Dealer
are limited in duration to the length of this warranty. If you wish, you can order directly from Cobra®.
COBRA® shall not be liable for any incidental,
consequential or other damages; including, without Order by phone
limitation, damages resulting from loss of use or cost Call 773.889.3087 (Press 1 from the main menu) 8 a.m.-8 p.m. M-F CST. )
of installation. Order by mail or fax
Some states do not allow limitations on how long Call 773.889.3087 for pricing. Fill out order form on next page, and mail/fax directly to Cobra®.
an implied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the Order over the Web
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitations may not apply
to you.

18 19

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Accessory Order Form
Item # Description Cost Ea. Qty. Amount
MA-EBM Ear Bud Mic with PTT
MA-VOX Vox Headset Mic
MA-SM Lapel Speaker/ Microphone
FA-HR1 Replacement Holster
FA-CR Charger
FA-BP Battery
Shipping & Handling Prices subject to change without notice. Subtotal
Amount Shipping/ Tax Table (Tax if applicable)
Illinois residents add 8.75%
of Order Handling Shipping/handling
Indiana residents add 5%
$25.00 and under $4.75 Michigan residents add 6 % Total
$25.01 - $40.00 $6.95 Ohio residents add 5%
Wisconsin residents add 5%
$40.01 - $80.00 $9.25
$80.01 - $120.00 $10.25
$120.01 - $160.00 $11.75 For credit card orders fill out order Make check or money order (no
$160.01 and up $14.50 form and fax to: 773.622.2269 stamps) payable to:
or call 773.889.3087 Cobra® Electronics
For AK, HI and PR please (Press 1 from the main menu) Attn: Accessories Dept.
add an additional $15.00 8:00 am - 8:00 pm, M-F, CST. 6500 West Cortland Street
for UPS shipments. Chicago, IL 60707 USA

Please print clearly

Address (No P.O. Box)
City State
Telephone ( )
Credit Card No. Exp. Date
Customer Signature
Circle One: Visa MasterCard Discover

Allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery. Offer valid in Continental U.S. only.

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Cobra® Electronics Corporation
6500 West Cortland Street
Chicago, IL 60707 USA
If You Think You Need Service
The Cobra® line of quality products
For technical assistance, please call our Automated Help Desk which can assist also includes:
you by answering the most frequently asked questions about Cobra® products.
(773) 889-3087 • Citizens Band Radios
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
A Consumer Service Representative can be reached through this same number
8:00 am - 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, CST. • microTALK® Radios
Technical assistance is also available on-line in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section at or by e-mail to [email protected] • Radar/Laser Detectors
If you think you need service call 773.889.3087
“If your product should require factory service please call Cobra® first before sending your • SafetyAlert®
unit in. This will ensure the fastest turn-around time on your repair.”
You may be asked to send your unit to the Cobra® factory. It will be necessary to furnish the Traffic Warning Systems
following in order to have the product serviced and returned.
1. For Warranty Repair include some form of proof-of-purchase, such as a mechanical reproduction • Accessories
or carbon or a sales receipt. If you send the original receipt it cannot be returned.
2. Send the entire product. • HighGear™ Accessories
3. Enclose a description of what is happening with the unit. Include a typed or clearly print name
and address of where the unit is to be returned.
4. Pack unit securely to prevent damage in transit. If possible, use the original packing material.
5. Ship prepaid and insured by way of a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS) or First
Class Mail to avoid loss in transit to: Cobra® Factory Service, Cobra® Electronics Corporation,
6500 West Cortland Street, Chicago, IL 60707 USA.
6. If the unit is in warranty, upon receipt of your unit it will either be repaired or exchanged
depending on the model. Please allow approximately 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us for
status. If the unit is out of warranty a letter will automatically be sent informing you of the
repair charge or replacement charge. If you have any questions, please call 773.889.3087 for
Nothing comes close to a Cobra™
© 2002 Cobra® Electronics Corporation
Printed in Thailand
Part No. 480-306-P-001

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