Worksheet: Photosynthesis & Cell Energy: Directions: Answer The Following Questions Using Your Class Notes and Textbook

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Name _______________________________________ Date ______________ Period _______

Worksheet: Photosynthesis & Cell Energy


Directions: Answer the following questions using your class notes and textbook.

1. What are the name of the structures seen in the

chloroplast to the right?

a. Granum

b. Lumen

c. Thylakoid

d. Stroma

2. What is the equation for photosynthesis?

6CO2 +6H2O>>>>>>C6H12O6+6O2
3. What are the names of the two main stages of photosynthesis? Light-Dependant and Light-
Independent reactions.
4. What molecules enter the light-dependent reaction and what molecules are produced in the
light-dependent reaction? H2O enters and O2 is produced.
5. What molecules enter the light-independent reaction and what molecules are produced in the
light-independent reaction? CO2 enters and
sugar/glucose is produced.
H2 CO 6. Label the diagram to the right with the
chloropl O 2 following: water, oxygen, carbon
ast A dioxide, glucose, ATP, NADP
T 7. What is the name of the cyclic
P reaction taking place on the right side of
N the diagram? Calvin Cycle
D 8. Where does the energy of food originally come
P from? Sunlight
O2 glu
e 9. Complete the table of types of organisms.

Autotrophs Plants

Heterotrophs Animals

10. What is one of the principal chemical compounds that living things use to store energy?
Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP
11. How is ATP different from ADP? ATP has three phosphate molecules and ADP has only two
phosphate molecules.
12. Label each part of the ATP molecule illustrated below.
Adenine Ribose
3 Phosphate Groups

13. When a cell has energy available, how can it store small amounts of that energy?
The cell can add a phosphate group to its ADP, which will produce more ATP.
14. When is the energy stored in ATP released? The energy is released when ATP
converts to ADP.
15. What are three factors that affect the rate at which photosynthesis occurs? Availability of Water,
Temperature, and Light Intensity.

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