Molecular Cytogenetics Methods
Molecular Cytogenetics Methods
Molecular Cytogenetics Methods
First of all, I cannot give a word to fulfill my deeps love and thanks
to (Allah) for lighting me the way not only throughout this piece of work
but also throughout my whole life.
Title Page
Introduction 1
Review of Literature 4
I- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 4
1-Definition 4
2-Incidence of Leukemia 5
3-Types of leukemia 6
4-Biological Classification of ALL 6
5-Causing of Leukemia 7
6-The Signs of Leukemia 9
7-Stages of Childhood ALL 11
8-Treatment of Childhood ALL 11
9-Four Phases of Treatment 14
II- Cell cycle and apoptosis 15
1-Cell cycle 15
1-1-Cell cycle and cancer 19
2-Apoptosis and its markers 20
2-1-The mechanism of apoptosis 21
2-2-Apoptosis-targeted therapies for hematologica malignancies 25
2-3-The apoptosis promoter (p53) 30
2-4-The inhibitor of apoptosis 35
2-4-1-Bcl2 proteins 35
2-4-2-C-myc oncogene 38
III-Flow cytometry 42
1-Introduction 42
2-Principles of flow cytometric instrumentation 44
2-1-Fluidic system 46
2-2-Illumination system 49
2-3-Optical and electronics system 53
2-4-Data storage and computer control system 54
3-Data analysis 59
IV- Applications of flow cytometry
1-Cell cycle analysis 65
1-1-Staining procedure 66
1-2-Evaluation of DNA histogram 67
2-Immunophenotyping Applications 71
2-1-Erythrocyte analysis 72
2-2-HIV monitoring 73
2-3-Immunophenotyping of leukemias 73
2-4Quantification of stem cells 75
2-5-Platelet analysis 75
2-6-Testing for HLA-B27 76
3-Major applications of apoptosis analysis 76
3-1- Apoptosis light scatter 77
3-2-Apoptosis DNA analysis 78
3-3-Apoptosis cell membrane analysis 80
3-4-Apoptosis enzyme analysis 82
3-5-Apoptosis organelle analysis 83
4- Detection of apoptotic markers 83
V- Flourescence in situ hybridization
1-Introduction 86
2-Three different types of FISH probes 91
2-1-Locus specific probes 91
2-2-Alphoid or centromeric repeat probes 91
2-3-Whole chromosome probes 92
3-Applications of FISH 92
3-1-ALL investigation by FISH 96
3-1-1-Philadelphia 97
VI- References 106
VII- Life Flowcytometric Figures 144
VIII-Life FISH Pictures 147
List of Figure
Review of Literature Page
Figure (2-1) A schematic representation of the mammalian cell cycle 18
Figure (2-2) The intrinsic or mitochondrial pathway 22
Figure (2-3) The mechanism of apoptosis (Apoptosis triggered by 24
external signals: the extrinsic or death receptor path way)
Figure (2-4) Diagram of the mitochondrial and death receptor pathways 26
of cell death
Figure (3-1) Facscaliblur flow cytometry instrument 47
Figure (3-2) Flow cytometer system (Facscalibur) 48
Figure (3-3) Flow cytometers use the principle of hydrodynamics 50
focusing for presenting cells to a laser
List of Abbreviations
AL Acute leukemia
ALL Acut lymphoblastic leukemia
ALT Alanine amino transaminase
AO Acridine orange
AST Aspartate amino transaminase
BM Bone marrow
CBC Complete blood picture
CD Cluster of differentiation
CML Chronic myeloid leukemia
CV Coefficient of variation
DAPI 4-6 diamino -2-2phenylindole
DI DNA index
DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
EB Ethedium bromide
EDTA Ethyline diamine tetraacetic acid
FAB French American British
FACS Flow activated cell sorter
FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridization
FITC Flourecien isothiocyanate
G0/G1 Phase represents the gap in of DNA replication time
between mitosis and the start
G2/M Phase represents the gap between the end of DNA
replication onest of mitosis
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HLA Human leukocyte antigen
HPV Human papilloma virus
LC Liver cirrhosis
MMC Mithramycin
MRD Minimal residual disease
PBS Phosphate buffer saline
PI Propidium iodide
PS Phosphatidylserine
S phase DNA syntheis
WBC White blood cells
The DNA content of the cell can provide a great deal of information
about the cell cycle. The measurement of the DNA content of cells was one
of the first major applications of flow cytometry (Albro et al., 1993).
Normal blood cells contain white blood cells, red blood cells,
platelets and fluid called plasma. All of these products are formed in the bone
marrow, a spongy area located in the center of bones. It contains a small
percentage of cells that are in development and are not yet mature. These
cells are called blasts. Once the cell has matured, it moves out of the bone
marrow and into the circulating blood. The body has mechanisms to know
when more cells are needed and has the ability to produce them in an orderly
fashion (Carroll et al., 2003).
1-Incidence of Leukemia:
2-Types of leukemia:
By considering whether leukemias are acute or chronic, and whether
they are myelogenous or lymphocytic, they can be divided into four main
types. The first one is an acute myeloid leukemia which occurs in both
children and adults. The second one is an acute lymphocytic leukemia which
is the most common type seen in children, but also seen in adult's over65.The
third one is a chronic myelogenous leukemia which occurs mostly in adults.
Chronic lymphocytic is the fourth type which is the most often seen in people
over age55, can affect younger adults, but almost never seen in children (Pui,
4-Causing of Leukemia:
The causes of the disease are not known, but experts believe that
ALL develops from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. A
number of genetic mutations associated with ALL have been identified.
Missing or defective genes that suppress tumors are responsible for cases of
ALL (Guo et al., 2005).
A complete blood cell count is the first step in diagnosing ALL. This
test will often show various findings, including the following: The presence
of circulatory leukemic blast cells, the presence and severity of anemia and
the count of a variety of blood cell types. (A high white blood cell count
indicates a more severe disease.) These tests will not always show the
presence of leukemic cells. Blood tests do not always detect leukemia, and
about 10% of patients with ALL have a normal blood cell count (Adachi et
al., 2005).
The drugs used depend on factors such as the patient's age and the number
and type of leukemia cells in the blood. Unfortunately, chemotherapy also
kills normal cells, so ALL patients receiving chemotherapy may have side
effects, including nausea, tiredness and a higher risk of infections (Balduzzi
et al., 2005).
from a relative or person not related to the patient is called an allogeneic bone
marrow transplant (Ulrich et al., 2001).
There are generally four phases of treatment for ALL. The first
phase, remission induction therapy, uses chemotherapy to kill as many of the
leukemia cells as possible to cause the cancer to go into remission. The
second phase, called central nervous system (CNS) prophylaxis, is preventive
therapy, it involves using intrathecal and/or high-dose systemic
chemotherapy to the CNS to kill any leukemia cells present there. It is also
used to prevent the spread of cancer cells to the brain and spinal cord even if
no cancer has been detected there. Radiation therapy to the brain may also be
given, in addition to chemotherapy, for this purpose. CNS prophylaxis is
often given in conjunction with consolidation therapy. Once a child goes into
remission and there no signs of leukemia, a third phase of treatment called
consolidation or intensification therapy, is given. Consolidation therapy uses
high-dose chemotherapy to attempt to kill any remaining leukemia cells. The
fourth phase of treatment, called maintenance therapy, uses chemotherapy for
several years to maintain the remission (Attal et al., 1995).
1-Cell cycle:
The concept of the cycle in its current form is introduced by
Howard and Plec, (1953). They observed that DNA synthesis (S- phase) in
individual cells was discontinuous and occupied a discrete portion of the cell
life and was constant in duration. Mitotic division (M-phase) was seen to
occur after certain period of time following DNA replication. A distinct
phase between DNA replication and mitosis was also apparent (Look et al.,
illustrated for mammalian cells in Fig (2-1). In each cell division cycle,
chromosomes are replicated once (DNA synthesis or S-phase) and segregated
to create two genetically identical daughter cells (mitosis or M-phase). These
events are spaced by intervals of growth and reorganization (gap phases G1
and G2). Cells can stop cycling after division, entering a state of quiescence
(G0). Commitment to traverse an entire cycle is made in late G1. At least two
types of cell cycle control mechanisms are recognized: a cascade of protein
phosphorylations that relay a cell from one stage to the next and a set of
checkpoints that monitor completion of critical events and delay progression
to the next stage if necessary (Nasmyth, 1996).
In the extrinsic or death receptor pathway, Fas and the TNF receptor
are integral membrane proteins with their receptor domains exposed at the
surface of the cell. Binding of the complementary death activator (FasL and
TNF respectively) transmits a signal to the cytoplasm that leads to activation
of caspase 8. Caspase 8 (like caspase 9) initiates a cascade of caspase
activation leading to phagocytosis of the cell Fig. (2-3). For example,
cytotoxic T cells recognize (bind to) their target, they produce more FasL at
their surface, this binds with the Fas on the surface of the target cell leading
to its death by apoptosis. In some cases, final destruction of the cell is
guaranted only withits engulfment by a phagocyte (Bijangi et al., 2005 and
Vega et al., 2005).
In the third way, neurons, and perhaps other cells, have another way
to self-destruct that unlike the two paths described above, doesn't use
caspase. Apoptosis- inducing factor (AIF) is a protein that is normally located
in the inter membrane space of mitochondaria. When the cell receives a
signal telling it that it is time to die, AIF is released from the mitochondrial, it
is migrates into the nucleus and binds to DNA, Which triggers the destruction
of the DNA and cell death (Urbano et al., 2005).
p53 stimulates a wide network of signals that act through two major
apoptotic pathways. The extrinsic, death receptor pathway triggers the
activation of a caspase cascade, and the intrinsic, mitochondrial pathway
shifts the balance in the Bcl-2 family towards the pro-apoptotic members,
promoting the formation of the apoptosome, and consequently caspase-
A novel insight into the interplay between p53 and its family
members, p63 and p73, in the induction of apoptosis has been recently
revealed (Flores et al., 2002). The effect of p63 and p73 on p53
transcriptional activity, using a selection of knockout mouse embryo
fibroblasts (MEFs), defined two distinct classes of target gene. Whereas p53
alone is sufficient for the induction of p21 and Mdm2, the induction of the
apoptotic genes PERP, Bax and Noxa requires p53 together with p63 and p73.
This finding demonstrates an essential role for both p63 and p73 in the
efficient induction of apoptotic target genes by p53. The mechanism of this
cooperation is currently unknown, but it may involve an enhanced binding to
and/or stabilization of the transcription complex on the promoters of p53
apoptotic target genes by the cooperative action of all three members (Urist
and Prives, 2002).
2-2-Bcl2 proteins
and extending cell life. However, overexpression can also lead to retardation
of cell cycling via prolongation of the G1 phase of the cycle (Webb et al.,
2005 and Green & Reed, 1998).
may undergo concomitant cell death. TGF beta induced apoptosis is blocked
in myeloblastic leukaemia cells by BCL2 expressed at a level that does not
block but merely delays p53-induced apoptosis. This may reflect the fact that
both TGF beta and p53 suppress BCL2 but only p53 has the ability to
activate BAX, thus deflecting the expression pattern towards apoptosis
(Seckin et al., 2002).
The relationship between gene expression of Bcl 2 and Bax and the
therapeutic effect in oral cancer patients had investigated. A significant
correlation between Bcl-2/Bax gene expression ratio in the peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from the patients, and the therapeutic effect of
radiation therapy These findings suggested that Bcl-2 and Bax gene
expression in PBMCs may be useful as a prognostic factor in oral cancer
patients (Oshikawa et al., 2006).
protein that causes the cell to increase its own production of Bcl2. Both these
actions make the cell more resistant to apoptosis (thus enabling the cancer
cell to continue to proliferate). Even cancer cells produced without the
participation of viruses may have tricks to avoid apoptosis (Lu et al., 2005).
2-3C-myc oncogene:
The c-myc gene was discovered as the cellular homolog of the retro
viral v-myc oncogene 20 years ago. The c-myc proto-oncogene was
subsequently found to be activated in various animal and human tumors. It
belongs to the family of myc genes that includes B-myc, L-myc, N-myc, and
s-myc; however, only c-myc, L-myc, and N-myc have neoplastic potential
(Wechsler et al., 1997 and Facchini & Penn, 1998). Targeted homozygous
deletion of the murine c-myc gene results in embryonic lethality, suggesting
that it is critical for development. Homozygous inactivation of c-myc in rat
fibroblasts caused a marked prolongation of cell doubling time, further
suggesting a central role for c-myc in regulating cell proliferation (Mateyak
et al., 1997).
The role of c-Myc in the cell cycle has been a confusing area due to
the collection of data from different experimental models, although it is well
established that c-myc is an early serum response gene. It should be noted
that models of serum or growth factor stimulation of starved cells primarily
address the G0/G1 and G1/S transitions. Therefore, early studies implicated c-
Myc in the G0/G1 transition. In cycling cells, however, the participation of c-
Myc in the cell cycle may be different. Furthermore, in anchorage-dependent
cell growth, c-Myc may affect other components of the cell cycle (Amati et
al., 1998).
III-Flow cytometry
directly and specifically bind to certain components of the cell (i.e. DNA) are
used for cell cycle analysis (Reckenwald, 1993 and Shapiro, 1995).
There are two distinct types of flow cytometers that can be used to
acquire data from particles. One type can perform acquisition of light
scattering and fluorescence only. The other type is capable of acquiring
scattering and fluorescence data but also has the powerful ability to sort
particles. Both types function in a similar manner during acquisition, for
example FACScan (Becton Dickinson), this equipped with an air –cooled 15
mw argon ion laser emitting at 488 nm. Three fluorescence channels can be
measured as well as two light scatter parameters. The FACScan is also
equipped with a doublet discrimination module allowing the analysis of the
cell cycle. The FACScan is user-operated (after instruction) and is available
for use 24 hours per day (Kandathil et al., 2005).
1-1-Fluidic system:
The fluidic system is the heart of a flow cytometer and is responsible
for transporting cells or particles from a prepared sample through the
instrument for data acquision Fig. (3-2). The primary component of this
system is a flow chamber. The fluidic design of the instrument and the flow
chamber determine how the light from the illumination source ultimately
meets and interrogates particles. Typically, a diluent, such as phosphate
buffered saline, is directed by air pressure into the flow chamber. This fluid is
referred to as sheath fluid and passes through the flow chamber after which it
is intersected by the illumination source. Then, the sample under analysis, in
the form of a single particle suspension, is directed into the sheath fluid
stream prior to sample interrogations. The sample then travels by laminar
flow through the chamber (Ormerod, 1994).
The flow cell is the functional core of the fluidic system because it
presents cells in a single file for interrogation by the cytometer illumination
system. A typical flow cell Fig. (3-3) consists of a converging nozzle in
which sample is introduced at low flow rates into a larger laminar flow of
isotonic saline or sheath fluid. The cells in the sample follow the converging
streamlines and are hydrodynamically focused into alignment. The sample is
injected into the center of a sheath flow. The combined flow is reduced in
diameter, forcing the cell into the center of the stream. This the laser one cell
at a time. This schematic of the flow chamber in relation to the laser beam in
the sensing area (Philip, 2002).
1-2-Illumination system:
Flow cytometers use laser beams that intersect a cell or particle that
has been hydro dynamically focused by the fluidic system. Light from the
illumination source passes through a focusing apparatus before it intersects
the sample stream. This apparatus is a lens assembly that focuses the laser
emission into a beam with an elliptical cross-section that ensures a constant
amount of particle illumination despite any minor positional variations of
particles within the sample stream (Zimmermann and Truss, 1979).
Laser options
Light and fluorescence are generated when the focused laser beam
strikes a particle within the sample stream. These light signals are then
quantitated by the optical and electronics system to yield data that is inter-
prêt able by the user (Shapiro, 1995).
Light scattered and emitted in all directions (360º) after the laser
beam strikes an individual cell or particle that has been hydrodynamically
focused. The optical and electronics system of a typical flow cytometer is
responsible for collecting and quantitating at least five types of parameters
from this scatter light and emitted fluorescence. Two of these parameters are
light scattering properties. Light that is scattered in the forward direction (in
the same direction as the laser beam) is analyzed as one parameter, and light
scattered at 90º relative to the incident beam is collected as a second
After the different signals or pulses are amplified they are processed
by an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) which in turn allows for events to
be plotted on a graphical scale (One Parameter, Two parameter Histograms).
Flow cytometry data outputs are stored in the form of computer files
(Radcliff and Jaroszeski, 1998).
to determine how the data is gated, and contains all the Regions from which
your statistics will be generated. In addition, Protocols contain other specific
information that serves as direct interface between the computer workstation
and the cytometer. These pertain to high voltage settings for the PMT
detectors, gains for amplification of linear parameters, sample flow rates,
fluorescence compensation, discrimination settings, etc. Once your data has
been collected and written into a list-mode file you can replay the file either
using the specific Protocol used for collection or any other program
specifically designed for analysis of flow cytometry data. However, you
should keep in mind that you can only adjust Regions, Gating, and
Parameters to be displayed. Settings such as amplification, fluorescence
compensation, etc., can not be modified. Therefore, when collecting data
make sure that your instrument settings are correct. Finally, if you open your
listmode files using a programs such as FlowJo Fig. (3-6), WINMIDI, and/or
ExPO you will have to specify parameter displays, and create Regions and
Gating corresponding to the Protocol used for collecting the data (McCoy,
Figure (3-5): Two parameter histogram and dot plot displaying FL1-
FITC on the x axis and FL2-PE on the y axis (Roederer et al., 2004).
2-Data analysis:
Figure (3-7): Analysis pulse width versus pulse height or area we can
eliminate the majority of G0 doublets that appear as G2 (Abu- Absi et
al., 2003).
Common characteristic
Field Clinical application
The measurement of the DNA content of cells was one of the first
major applications of flow cytometry and is still one of the biggest
applications in this laboratory today (Albro et al., 1993).
DNA ploidy and proliferative activity (S-phase fraction) are the two
biological parameters commonly measured by DNA flow cytometric
analysis. The prime purpose of most studies is the investigation of the
prognostic value of DNA flow cytometry in addition to the information
provided by conventional clinicopathological factors known to affect disease
prognosis. The general statement, for tumors in the same histopathological
stage of the disease, is that diploid and/or low proliferative tumors have a
more favourable prognosis than aneuploid and/or high proliferative tumors,
1-1-Staining procedure:
The preparation and staining of cell suspension are the major factors
determining the validity and reproducibility of flow cytometric analysis.
There is no flow cytometric staining procedures which is universally
accepted and a number of different protocols have been advocated. All of the
DNA specific stains and the phenanthridinium dyes have been used for total
DNA staining of chromosomes. The former group has the potential
disadvantage that UV excitation is required but this constitutes no problem
for mercury arc lamp based system or those with a laser tunable to UV lines
(Hartwell, 1998).
Since the cell material always contained normal diploid cells such as
leukocytes or normal kidney cells, these were used as an internal standard
and regarded as diploid (2C) (Tribukati, 1984).
The degree of ploidy of this cell line was calculated by relating the
G1 maximum of these cells to DNA of the diploid G1 cells which are always
present. These diploid cells can be leukocytes, fibroblasts, normal urothelial
2- Immunophenotyping Applications:
The most common applications of flow cytometry are measurement
of DNA content in tumors and immunophenotyping of haematopoietic
2-1-Erythrocyte analysis:
Tests that appear to have the greatest potential for routine
application of flow cytometry include reticulocyte and reticulated platelet
enumeration, detection of erythrocyte-bound immunoglobulin,
2-2-HIV monitoring:
More than 35 million people in developing countries are living with
HIV infection. While drug prices have dropped considerably, the cost and
technical complexity of laboratory tests essential for the management of HIV
disease, such as CD4 cell counts, remain prohibitive. New, simple, and
affordable methods for measuring CD4 cells that can be implemented in
resource-scarce settings are urgently needed (Dieye et al., 2005, Walker et
al., 2005 and Pattanapanyasat & Thakar, 2005).
2-3-Immunophenotyping of leukemias:
Immunophenotyping has become common in the diagnosis and
classification of acute leukemias and is particularly important in the proper
identification of cases of minimally differentiated acute myeloid leukemia.
To evaluate the immunophenotype of adult AML, cases were studied by
cytochemical analysis and by flow cytometry with a panel of antibodies
(Khalidi et al., 1998).
Flow cytometry has become the major technique for the quality
control of stem cell-containing products such as apheresis concentrates, bone
marrow or cord blood (Grieson et al., 1995). Stem cells can be easily
identified with flow cytometry due to their unique characteristics. They
demonstrate a medium level of CD34 expression, a low level of CD45
expression and a low forward side scattered (Jennings & Foon, 1997 and
Maslak et al., 1994).
2-5-Platelet analysis:
The analysis of platelets by flow cytometry is becoming more
common in both research and clinical laboratories. Platelet-associated
immunoglobulin assays by flow cytometry can be direct or indirect assays,
similar to other platelet-associated immunoglobulin immunoassays. In
autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, free serum antibodies are not found
as frequently as platelet-bound antibodies (Ashman et al., 2003).
The sub-G1 Fig. (4-2) method relies on the fact that after DNA
fragmentation, there are small fragments of DNA that are able to be eluted
following washing in either PBS or a specific phosphate-citrate buffer. This
means that after staining with a quantitative DNA –binding dye, cells that
have lost DNA will take up less stain and will appear to the left of the G1
peak. The advantage of this method is that it is very rapid and will detect
cumulative apoptosis and is applicable to all cell types (Darzynkiewicz,
However in order to be seen in the sub G1 area, a cell must have lost
enough DNA to appear there, so if cells enter apoptosis from the S or G2/M
phase of the cell cycle or if there is an aneuploid population undergoing
apoptosis, they may not appear in the sub G1 peak (Schwartz and Osborne,
Also cells that have lost DNA for any other reason e.g. death by some
other form of oncosis, will appear in the sub G1 region so we have to be
careful about how we define the sub G1 peak (Nicoletti et al., 2001).
Figure (4-3): Early apoptotic cells are annexin positive but (in this case)
PI (negative) (Telford et al., 2004).
Figure (5-1):
Analytical uncertainty over DNA probe assays also may stem from
issues related to inherent population variation. The use of some repeat
sequence probes has been discontinued because of inability to detect targeted
sequences in individuals who possess very few repeats, leading to insufficient
probe label in the targeted region which precludes visualized of the signal.
Such probes have been eliminated (Myrata et al., 1997 and Bossuyt et al.,
3-Applications of FISH:
The clinical uses of FISH were considered in three main areas;
diagnosis of individuals with birth defects and mental retardation, prenatal
diagnosis and screening, and identification and monitoring of acquired
chromosome abnormalities in leukemia/ cancer. In each area the critical
consideration remains a clear understanding of the capabilities and
limitations of a test to provide useful information (Bossuyt et al., 1995 and
Pauletti et al., 1996).
The reagents and probes themselves were not sufficient for all
applications. For instance, the efficiency of hybridization site detection
decreased with decreasing probe size, creating significant limits to what
could be observed via fluorescence microscopy. The number of differently
colored fluorescent dyes was limited, and the photostability of the dyes was
poor. But new developments in fluorescent dye technology and spin-off
technology from the federally funded Human Genome Project are now
having an impact. There are probes for all the human chromosomes and a
FISH was performed with specific probes to make the rapid prenatal
diagnosis of Down syndrome. FISH was performed respectively with locus-
specific probe (LSI) and centromeric probe (CEP) X/Y on the uncultured
amniotic fluid. FISH is a rapid and reliable method to detect Down syndrome
in uncultured amniotic fluid (Wang et al., 2005)
The presence of the t(9;22)(q34;q11) translocation, commonly
known as Philadelphia chromosome (Ph), in about 3% to 5% of all children
with ALL is considered as one of the molecular markers associated with a
particularly high risk for treatment failure (Ribeiro et al., 1987, Crist et
al.,1990, Pui et al., 1990, Fletcher et al., 1991, Reiter et al., 1994, and
Chessells et al., 1995) .
exons a1 and a2) on chromosome 9, two different ones affect the breakpoint
cluster region on chromosome 22: the more frequent one (approximately in
2 of 3 of all cases) shows a break in the minor breakpoint cluster region (m-
BCR) between the exons e1 and e2. This is predominant in ALL. In 1 of 3 of
all Ph+ ALL cases, the major (M-) BCR found between exons b2 and b3 or
exons b3 and b4 is affected. M-BCR is also found in nearly all patients with
chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Chimeric proteins of 210 kD (p210)
and 190 kD (p190) result from the M-BCR/ABL and m-BCR/ABL
rearrangements, respectively (Kantarjian et al., 1991).
Nearly all Ph + ALL cell lines have the m-bcr e1-a2 fusion gene
(only two ALL cell lines have a b3-a2 fusion) whereas all CML cell lines, but
one carry the M-bcr b2-a2, b3-a2 or both hybrids. The mu-bcr e19-a2 has
been detected in one CML cell line. Four cell lines display a three-way
translocation involving chromosomes 9, 22 and a third chromosome.
Additional Ph chromosomes (up to five) have been found in four Ph + ALL
cell lines and in 18 CML cell lines; though in some cell lines the extra Ph
chromosome(s) might be caused by the polyploidy (tri- and tetraploidy) of
the cells. Another modus to acquire additional copies of the BCR-ABL fusion
gene is the formation of tandem repeats of the BCR-ABL hybrid as seen in
CML cell line K-562. Both mechanisms, selective multiplication of the
der(22) chromosome and tandem replication of the fusion gene BCR-ABL,
presumably lead to enhanced levels of the fusion protein and its tyrosine
kinase activity (genetic dosage effect). The availability of a panel of Ph + cell
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(A) (B)
(A) (B)
Figure (3): Histogram showing cell cycle parameters (diploid) using flow
.cytometer FACS caliber program modfit
Figure A Figure B
Figure C Figure D
Figure E Figure F