Skeletal System 1 The Anatomy and Physiology of Bones
Skeletal System 1 The Anatomy and Physiology of Bones
Skeletal System 1 The Anatomy and Physiology of Bones
In this article...
● T
he key functions and structure of bone
● Bone formation and growth, and the process of remodelling
● Diet and lifestyle factors that can affect bone structure
Skeletal system 1:
the anatomy and physiology of bones
Key points
Author Jennie Walker is principal lecturer, Nottingham Trent University.
Bones are key to
providing the body Abstract The skeletal system is formed of bones and cartilage, which are connected
with structural by ligaments to form a framework for the remainder of the body tissues. This article,
support and the first in a two-part series on the structure and function of the skeletal system,
enabling movement reviews the anatomy and physiology of bone. Understanding the structure and
purpose of the bone allows nurses to understand common pathophysiology and
Most of the body’s consider the most-appropriate steps to improve musculoskeletal health.
minerals are stored
in the bones Citation Walker J (2020) Skeletal system 1: the anatomy and physiology of bones.
Nursing Times [online]; 116: 2, 38-42.
Diet and lifestyle can
affect the quality of
bone formation he skeletal system is composed of Protection
bones and cartilage connected by Bones provide protective boundaries for
After bones have ligaments to form a framework for soft organs: the cranium around the brain,
formed they the rest of the body tissues. There the vertebral column surrounding the
undergo constant are two parts to the skeleton: spinal cord, the ribcage containing the
remodelling l A
xial skeleton – bones along the axis of heart and lungs, and the pelvis protecting
the body, including the skull, vertebral the urogenital organs.
Changes in the column and ribcage;
remodelling process l A
ppendicular skeleton – appendages, Mineral homoeostasis
can result in such as the upper and lower limbs, As the main reservoirs for minerals in the
pathology such as pelvic girdle and shoulder girdle. body, bones contain approximately 99% of
Paget’s disease of the body’s calcium, 85% of its phosphate
bone or osteoporosis Function and 50% of its magnesium (Bartl and Bartl,
As well as contributing to the body’s 2017). They are essential in maintaining
overall shape, the skeletal system has sev- homoeostasis of minerals in the blood with
eral key functions, including: minerals stored in the bone are released in
l S
upport and movement; response to the body’s demands, with
l P
rotection; levels maintained and regulated by hor-
l M
ineral homeostasis; mones, such as parathyroid hormone.
l B
lood-cell formation;
l T
riglyceride storage. Blood-cell formation (haemopoiesis)
Blood cells are formed from haemopoietic
Support and movement stem cells present in red bone marrow.
Bones are a site of attachment for ligaments Babies are born with only red bone
and tendons, providing a skeletal frame- marrow; over time this is replaced by
work that can produce movement through yellow marrow due to a decrease in eryth-
the coordinated use of levers, muscles, ten- ropoietin, the hormone responsible for
dons and ligaments. The bones act as stimulating the production of erythro-
levers, while the muscles generate the cytes (red blood cells) in the bone marrow.
forces responsible for moving the bones. By adulthood, the amount of red marrow
Clinical Practice
Systems of life
l 2
5% water (Robson and Syndercombe one of the main minerals present in bones. between the lacunae, in which the osteo-
Court, 2018). While bones need sufficient minerals to cytes are networked to each other by fila-
Organic matrix (osteoid) is made up of strengthen them, they also need to prevent mentous extensions. In the centre of each
approximately 90% type-I collagen fibres being broken by maintaining sufficient osteon is a central (Haversian) canal
Clinical Practice
Systems of life
structures; this primitive skeleton is gradually replace the cartilage with bone
Bone and marrow are highly vascularised referred to as the skeletal template. These matrix through endochondral ossification
and account for approximately 10-20% of structures are then developed into bone, (Robson and Syndercombe Court, 2018).
cardiac output (Bartl and Bartl, 2017). either through intramembranous Mineralisation starts at the centre of the
Clinical Practice
Systems of life
Fig 3. Growth plate zones growth stops (Ralston and McInnes, 2014).
Males are on average taller than females
because male puberty tends to occur later,
Changes in so male bones have more time to grow
Growth plate zones
chondrocytes (Waugh and Grant, 2018). Over-secretion of
human growth hormone during child-
Resting or hood can produce gigantism, whereby the
quiescent zone Matrix production person is taller and heavier than usually
expected, while over-secretion in adults
results in a condition called acromegaly.
Growth or If there is a fracture in the epiphyseal
proliferation zone Mitosis growth plate while bones are still growing,
this can subsequently inhibit bone growth,
resulting in reduced bone formation and
the bone being shorter. It may also cause
misalignment of the joint surfaces and
cause a predisposition to developing sec-
ondary arthritis later in life. A discrepancy
Hypertrophic zone Matrix calcification in leg length can lead to pelvic obliquity,
with subsequent scoliosis caused by trying
to compensate for the difference.
Once bone has formed and matured, it
Calcification zone Cell death undergoes constant remodelling by osteo-
clasts and osteoblasts, whereby old bone
tissue is replaced by new bone tissue (Fig 4).
Primary Bone remodelling has several functions,
spongiosa including mobilisation of calcium and other
Zone of
ossification minerals from the skeletal tissue to main-
tain serum homoeostasis, replacing old
spongiosa tissue and repairing damaged bone, as well
as helping the body adapt to different forces,
loads and stress applied to the skeleton.
Calcium plays a significant role in the
body and is required for muscle contrac-
cartilage structure, which is known as the this zone become ossified and form tion, nerve conduction, cell division and
primary ossification centre. Secondary part of the ‘new diaphysis’ (Tortora and blood coagulation. As only 1% of the body’s
ossification centres also form at the epi- Derrickson, 2009). calcium is in the blood, the skeleton acts as
physes (epiphyseal growth plates) (Dan- Bones are not fully developed at birth, storage facility, releasing calcium in
ning, 2019). The epiphyseal growth plate is and continue to form until skeletal maturity response to the body’s demands. Serum
composed of hyaline cartilage and has four is reached. By the end of adolescence around calcium levels are tightly regulated by two
regions (Fig 3): 90% of adult bone is formed and skeletal hormones, which work antagonistically to
l R esting or quiescent zone – situated maturity occurs at around 20-25 years, maintain homoeostasis. Calcitonin facili-
closest to the epiphysis, this is although this can vary depending on geo- tates the deposition of calcium to bone,
composed of small scattered graphical location and socio-economic con- lowering the serum levels, whereas the
chondrocytes with a low proliferation ditions; for example, malnutrition may parathyroid hormone stimulates the
rate and anchors the growth plate to the delay bone maturity (Drake et al, 2019; Bartl release of calcium from bone, raising the
epiphysis; and Bartl, 2017). In rare cases, a genetic muta- serum calcium levels.
l G rowth or proliferation zone – this tion can disrupt cartilage development, and Osteoclasts are large multinucleated
area has larger chondrocytes, arranged therefore the development of bone. This can cells typically found at sites where there is
like stacks of coins, which divide and result in reduced growth and short stature active bone growth, repair or remodelling,
are responsible for the longitudinal and is known as achondroplasia. such as around the periosteum, within the
growth of the bone; The human growth hormone (somato- endosteum and in the removal of calluses
l H ypertrophic zone – this consists of tropin) is the main stimulus for growth at formed during fracture healing (Waugh
large maturing chondrocytes, which the epiphyseal growth plates. During and Grant, 2018). The osteoclast cell mem-
migrate towards the metaphysis. There puberty, levels of sex hormones (oestrogen brane has numerous folds that face the
is no new growth at this layer; and testosterone) increase, which stops surface of the bone and osteoclasts break
l Calcification zone – this final zone of cell division within the growth plate. As down bone tissue by secreting lysosomal
the growth plate is only a few cells the chondrocytes in the proliferation zone enzymes and acids into the space between
thick. Through the process of stop dividing, the growth plate thins and the ruffled membrane (Robson and Syn-
endochondral ossification, the cells in eventually calcifies, and longitudinal bone dercombe Court, 2018). These enzymes