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Lesson: What Is Art: Introduction and Assumptions

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1. What makes that thing an art? What is art?

Pen is an art, because it is a product of a human imagination that can

used importantly in any write ups or an art. Art is a result of a passionate
heart and a skillful mind, it is a result of
anyone’s imagination. It may be an
expression of what they feel, it is a result of
what they really want. There are so different
ways of expressing an art, your talent is an
art, dancing is an art, singing also is an art,
not just only those skill or talent that is using
by the hand like painting or the different
sculpture. Art is the best way to show the
world who really you are and what you can

2. This wallet of mine is my art, I make it

with an effort and a passionate heart, I believe
that is an art because it is the result of my
imagination or what I want to do. It is made by
my crochet, the needs that you need in this is the
crochet hook in any sizes that you want and next
is any color of yarn, and a small scissors. The
important of crocheting is make sure that the
garments is best because in knitting it will be
stretchy. Crocheting has a good health benefits
it will help you to relax your mind out of this
stress world and you may can start a business
with it.


1. There was a time when I came to an

exhibit, this art catch my attention, i can’t
understand why it is displayed here, where it is all
different color and nothing even form this, but
when I really analyze and understand to content of
an art is an lady that crying and the colors may
represent her mix emotions or maybe her different
experience. The art was “The weeping woman”

A. The art field that I explore is pageant,

because since I am elementary, I was trained by my teachers and they
always push me to join. I discover my capacity and my skills that I really
explore myself about it. Through the pageants I was really discover
myself by the art of pageant.

B. I utilize pageant by expressing myself in front of different people to

the community and it improve my confidence, through this I build my
good relation with my colleagues and it really help to me to have a good
relationship with others.

TYPES OF ART EXAMPLE (NAME How does this express? How does this unmask
EXPRESSION AND PHOTO OF ART the artist’s creativity?
1. Visual Arts (2D and Spolarium It was used by the dark The artist use symbolism
3D) color and morbid scenes. to express the real
meaning of the painting
like, using roman people
to symbolize the struggles
of the Filipinos during the
colonization of the
Spaniards in Philippines.
2. Film ( Digital Walang himala it expresses the Filipino Flor Contemplation
Arts/Analog) culture and the showcase the life OFW
supersticous beliefs
3. Performance Art El Gamma Penumbra It express trough dancing The artist shows different
into a shadow. kind of dancing by his
artistic mind and idea.
4.Poetry Performance He Who Sleeps on My It was written in two The author describes how
Lap stanzas narrative the reality bits in the
romantic relationship in
the LGBT community
5. Architecture Gardens by the Bay It was built with Expressed with lush and
enormous Architectural beautiful gardens by the
designs and materials bay dominated by the
sleekly sculptured
biodomes- marvels of
architecture, design and
6. Dance Ballet Expressed by executing This showed us the
dance routine with grace movement of the body
and perfection and mimic the action of
the animals and other
elements present in the
7. Literary Art My Father Goes to Court It was expressed in a The author used
narrative form which tells cleverness and at the same
a story about a clever humor in the story.
8. Theater Arts Frozen It was expressed in The artists animate the
magical fantasy inanimate objects to give
life to the scenes and
create surreal
9. Applied Arts (Fashion Vintage or Retro fashion It was expressed as It revives the old designs
and Furniture) clothing fashion design and styles in fashion with
some touch of modernity.

A. The art of pageant changes my life because it helps me to gain more
confidence and through this, I was able to out from my comfort zone. And helps
me to discover more about myself, to gain more friends and discover by the nearby
barangays. And because of pageant I met my husband and it was literally changing
my whole life.
B. Yes art has always a function to our emotion because it gives happiness
to anyone depends in their wants. Like an example an interpretative dance that
sometimes even if you are just watching them dancing, you will cry also because
of the music and feelings expressing by the dancers. Art is an art, it sometimes a
fashion or any expressions of someone in his/her life.

C. Yes, because art is an expression individual, even though it is ceased to

have function but art is already an art, because art is defined as an human
imagination or expression of a human of what they want and what desire of their
hearts. Art is always a function for the owner who made it.

2. As I look around our house, I

see this as a product of art. It was
originated from the legend of Calamba,
during Spaniards time it tells the story of
the two Spanish soldier who is asking
the two-native woman. This banga was
very good in cooking because the natural
taste of the dish while using this in
cooking was a quite yummy and

a. What I am seeing?
b. What I am supposed to see?

I am seeing a bridge with a water lily and
a lovely nature. But what I am supposed to see
the real meaning of this art which maybe it B.
I think is is oil canvas paint, and it was
represent that trough two support it can create a
just like colors only but if focus on the picture I
strong foundation to succeed.
supposed to see that it is a mountain with a
tress. It’s all about nature.

At first I was just like a shapes, a
rectangle, square and etc. But clearly seen the
I am seeing a man, an old man, and
paint it is like a tower or a building that also has
maybe the colors around him are his
a tree.
experiences in his life, it shows that when you
I am seeing light color, and
just like a castle that has a snow
outside I imagine the frozen movie.
Every time I see this I picture
out on my mind that it is comic, is
shows an art with a conversation. A
simple but full of lesson.

I see a half of a clock and it maybe a
pearl also, I was supposed to see that it is an art
which represent that time is gold. Time is
precious so we spend it wisely.

Normally it is a man with different tools
in his head, but it was supposedly represent

that a man’s head has many functions, it an
think, control, listen and analyze.

Claude Monet 1840-1926

Claude Monet was born on born November 14,

1840, Paris, France, died December 5, 1926, Giverny). He
enrolled in the Academie Suisse. After an art exhibition in
1874, a critic insultingly dubbed Monet's painting style
"Impression," since it was more concerned with form and
light than realism, and the term stuck. Monet struggled with
His full namepoverty and illness
is Rembrandt throughout van
Harmenszoon his life.
Rembrandt originally spelled Rembrant, (born July 15, 1606,
Leiden, Netherlands—died October 4, 1669, Amsterdam),
Dutch Baroque painter and printmaker, one of the greatest
Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890
storytellers in the history of art, possessing an exceptional ability
Rembrandt van Rijn 1606-
to render people in their various moods and dramatic guises.
Rembrandt is also known as a painter of light and shade and as
an artist who favored an uncompromising realism that would lead
some critics to claim that he preferred ugliness to beauty.
His full name is Vincent Willem van Gogh, (born March
30, 1853, Zundert, Netherlands—died July 29, 1890, Auvers-
sur-Oise, near Paris, France), Dutch painter, generally
considered the greatest after Rembrandt van Rijn, and one of
the greatest of the Post-Impressionists. The striking colour,
emphatic brushwork, and contoured forms of his work
powerfully influenced the current of Expressionism in modern
art. Van Gogh’s art became astoundingly popular after his
death, especially in the late 20th century, when his work sold
for record-breaking sums at auctions around the world and was
featured in blockbuster touring exhibitions. In part because of
his extensive published letters, van Gogh has also been
mythologized in the popular imagination as the quintessential
tortured artist.

Frida Kahlo 1907-1954

Her full name is Frida Kahlo de Rivera, original

name Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderon,
(born July 6, 1907, Coyoacán, Mexico—died July 13,
1954, Coyoacán), Mexican painter best known for her
uncompromising and brilliantly colored self-portraits that
deal with such themes as identity, the human body, and
Hedeath. Although
is also called Sir Francis
she denied Bacon, (born January
the connection, she is22,often
1561, York House, London,
identified England—died
as a Surrealist. In April
addition 9, 1626,
to her work, Kahlo
London), lord
was chancellor of England (1618–21).
known for her tumultuous relationship A lawyer,
Chuck Close statesman, philosopher,
muralist Diego and master of
Rivera (married the English
1929, tongue,
divorced he
is remembered in literary
remarried 1940)terms for the sharp worldly wisdom
of a few dozen essays; by students of constitutional history for
his power as a speaker in Parliament and in famous trials and
as James I’s lord chancellor; and intellectually as a man who
Francis Bacon 1561-1626
claimed all knowledge as his province and, after a magisterial
survey, urgently advocated
Charles Thomasnew ways by which
Close (born man
July 5, might
1940) is an
establish a legitimate command over nature for the
American painter, artist and photographer. He makes relief of his
estate.massive-scale photorealist portraits. Close often paints
abstract portraits of himself and others, which hang in
collections internationally. Close also creates photo
portraits using a very large format camera. Even though
a catastrophic spinal artery collapse in 1988 left him
severely paralyzed, he has continued to paint.
A mark left in the path of a moving
point, a mark with length and direction(s)
• Lines can be: vertical, horizontal,
diagonal, straight, curved, angular or bent,
thick or wide, thin, blurred, fuzzy,
controlled, or meandering.
• Lines can create an outline or contour. Shape and Form
• Lines are often used to define space or
direct the movement of your eyes.

Shape is one of the elements

of art. When lines meet shapes are
Form is one of the elements of
art. Forms are three dimensional---they
have height, width and depth. Shapes are
flat, forms are not.

Color (hue) is one of the elements of art. Artists use color in many
different ways. The colors we see are light waves absorbed or reflected by
everything around us. In nature, a rainbow is white light that is broken apart by
the moisture in the air.

Color has three properties:


Texture is one of the

elements of art. Texture is the way
something feels when you touch
it- actual texture: examples, rug,
clothes, wood etc. Artists also
create the illusion of texture in
artworks such as paintings
drawings and prints- implied
texture; created with elements
such as pattern and line.


Space is one of the elements

of art. Space is an empty place or
surface in or around a work of
art. Space can be two-dimensional,
three-dimensional, negative and or
positive. AUDITORY

Rhythm is the element of "TIME" in music. When you tap
your foot to the music, you are "keeping the beat" or following the
structural rhythmic pulse of the music. There are several important
aspects of rhythm:
All musical aspects relating
to the relative loudness (or
quietness) of music fall under the
general element of DYNAMICS.


Melody is the LINEAR/HORIZONTAL presentation of pitch (the word

used to describe the highness or lowness of a musical sound). Many famous
musical compositions have a memorable melody or theme.
Melodies can be described as:
• CONJUNCT (smooth; easy to sing or play)
• DISJUNCT (disjointedly ragged or jumpy; difficult to sing or play).

Harmony is the
VERTICALIZATION of pitch. Often,
harmony thought of oras TIMBRE
the art of
combining pitches into chords (several
notes played simultaneously as a "block").
These chords are usually arranged into
sentence-like patterns called chord

Texture refers to the number of individual musical lines

(melodies) and the relationship these lines have to one

Balance is concerned with the visual distribution or weight of
the elements in a work of art. A painting could be balanced if one half
is of the same visual weight as the other half? Or, you could have a
small area of heightened significance which is balanced against a
much larger area of less significance, like in the painting below.


Scale refers to the size of an object compared to the

rest of the surroundings. For example, the size of a man
compared to the tree he is sitting under or the size of a
mountain compared to the clouds. Scale is different to
proportion in that scale refers to the size of an entire object
whereas proportion UNITYto the relative size of parts of an

Harmony is a bit vague compared to some of the other

principles. Generally speaking, it refers to how well all the visual
elements work together in a work of art. Elements which are
in harmony should have some kind of logical progression or
relationship. If there is an element which is not in harmony with
Your paints cannot physically move, but you can arrange
the rest of an artwork, it should stick-out and be jarring to look at.
the paints in a way which gives the illusion or suggestion of
Kind of like an off-note in a song.
movement. One of the most effective techniques for creating
movement in your painting is to use bold and directional
Variety refers to the use of differing
qualities or instances of the visual
elements. Variety can be used to break up
monotonous or repetitive areas.


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