Bataan, Joy Jesica G.-SS123

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General Instructions:
1. Choose one category given below and identify one artwork that you are familiar
with. This can be the last artwork that you have come across with one that made the
most impact to you. Criticize each using the guide questions provided.

Category: A piece of Clothing

Artwork: Catriona Gray’s Lava Gown
1.What is it about? What is it for?
The dress was originally known as the Mayon gown or Mayon Volcano gown because of its
design, which was inspired by Albay's Mayon Volcano, and later became known as the "lava
gown". This gown was designed by a popular Filipino fashion designer Mak Tumang and
worn by Catriona Gray during the evening gown competition in Miss Universe 2018.

2. What is it made of?

It was made of stretch tulle with cutouts that were embroidered with thousands of
monochromatic red crystals in 12 stones that glint. The gown was accompanied by a pair of
golden pearl studs and a diamond-ruby ear cuff called "Alab at Dangal," which was inspired
by the Philippine flag and included gold rays, two stars, and one star that hung at its tip.
3. What is its style?
It was incredibly a high revealing slit and a distinct fiery red to dark red color. It has bareback
design features and was weighed 10 pounds according to Mak Tumang. The dress was
associated with the fire element that is closest to red to have a flowing lava effect that makes
it more stunning.

4. How good is it?

The dress was created with a Philippine-themed on it which is inspired by Filipino culture,
literature, and the arts. It becomes a well-known dress Catriona wore in one of the most
prestigious pageants Miss Universe. The iconic Lava gown made an impact in pageantry
and was usually worn by numerous beauty queens around the globe and imitating Catriona
on her lava walk. This trendy gown opens great opportunities for Filipino designers to create
their version of the lava gown during its popularity and inspires Filipino people on a winning


Let’s work in this

Answer the following questions precisely yet thoroughly as possible.
1. What art field will you explore? Why?
I want to explore the field of performing arts because every time I watched musical theater, and
drama I am immersed in their talents and skills shown by the performers. I want to increase my
knowledge of how they do it and the sets of processes they did for a successful performance.
One thing also that caught my interest in this field is that they showcase the artist's voice, acting
skills, and body gestures throughout the presentation, for this reason, I'd like to witness more
stage plays in the future and learn further about the secret behind a meaningful play that
captivates the audience attention.
2. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community and relation to
Arts is everything to me, without art life would be dull and has no creativity. The use of art helps
me to divert my emotions such as when the time that I'm weary I tend to write poems and songs
to express my sentiments. Through artworks, I relate myself to other people and learn from their
experiences that have been shown in their masterpieces. The emergence of painting,
sculptures, poems and many artworks enables us to see the beauty of our nature surrounded by
the visual forms inspired by our culture.
Let’s Make it Happen
Using the table below, write down examples of the different art forms studied in this
lesson. Provide ways on how these forms express and unmask creativity from the

Type of Expression Example How does this How does this

express? unmask the artist’s

Spoken poetry is an The poet or the

Poetry Performance Spoken Poetry approach to performer has
presenting a poem enhanced their
that is conveyed capacity to create
through the emotions mind-blowing poems
of the poet. The and perform them to
message is the listeners. It’s a
expressed in deeper unique performance
sentiments to build a full of life and
connection with the emotions developed
audience for them to from the poet’s skills
get entertained. This and originality.
could include hand
gestures and
dramatic pauses with
the firm delivery in
each line.
Cinematography The film is expressed The film director, the
Film movies with the artist who writer, and the staff
acts on a character seek a distinct kind
Ex. Hello, Love, in a drama. The of drama that differs
Goodbye concept and the from the others. They
content had a vital come up with an
part in directing the iconic storyline and
flow of the story that use their expertise in
expresses its point of using devices and
view. The film is not innovative tools for
a film itself when successful
there's no sound and filmmaking. They
expressive elements truly expand their
shown in the movies creativity to create a
for good remarkable movie
cinematography to that would be loved
make every scene by the viewers.
real and credible.
Architecture Through the field of
Architecture Burj Khalifa in Dubai represents how we architecture, prestige
display ourselves buildings have given
across the earth's identity for an
landscape, and it instance in Dubai
develops with there's what we
fashions, technology, called Burj Khalifa
and cultural that's well-known as
adaptations, just like the world's tallest
other expressive building that
arts. It encompasses symbolizes unison in
higher buildings that many cultures it
are built with the means that the
materials that are architects who are
important in behind these famous
expressing designs edifices boost their
and for its strong creative mindset in
foundation. establishing good
places in the world.
Live performers, It showcases the
Theater Opera usually actors or talents of the artists
actresses, are used in various aspects. It
to portray the is an organized
experience of a real performance in
or imagined event in which artists putteth
front of a live their efforts to
audience in a practice and correct
specified location, their wrong stance
usually a stage. The and movements on
performers may use improving their
a variety of gestures, presentations.
speech, song, music,
and dance to convey
their feelings to the
audience. Many
customs, such as
acting, clothing, and
staging, are also
Drawing, Painting, The artists were able The numerous
Visual Arts Sculpture to translate their artworks belonging
ideas or perceptions to visual arts show
Ex. Leonardo da into physical forms, the experiences of
Vinci’s Mona Lisa causing those who the artists. It unveiled
saw them to feel and the unique abilities
The Old Guitarist comprehend their they have in
painting by Pablo meaning. The constructing ideas
Picasso artworks were shown out of their
in different styles, imaginations,
Statue of David by colors, shapes, and perceptions into
Michelangelo lines that are natural and man-
expressed through made creations.
the self-expression
of the artist to make
his thoughts visible.

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