2020 General Election Voter's Guide

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November 3rd will mark the most important election of our lifetimes. We will cast vital
votes for President, Congress, State Legislature, and local races, including St. Louis
County Executive and Council members. Vote wisely, by voting like me.
At the bottom of this guide are links to local County and St. Louis City elections, with
issues and candidates. You can always find your specific ballot issues, based on your
address, at SOS Jay Ashcroft’s WEBSITE.


Amendment 1: Term Limits for Statewide office

I am a NO on 1, and here’s why: I see this as a
solution looking for a problem. I know the
Republicans in the legislature approved this, but
none have been able to satisfy my question about
its necessity. We do not have a current statewide
office holder who has been parked in the office for
years. It just seems unnecessary.
Official Ballot Title:
Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to extend the two term restriction that
currently applies to the Governor and Treasurer to the Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor
and the Attorney General?

State and local governmental entities estimate no costs or savings from this proposal.

Fair Ballot Language:

A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to impose a two term restriction on all
statewide elected officials, which currently only applies to the Governor and Treasurer.

A “no” vote will leave the terms that statewide elected officials may serve unchanged.

If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.

Vote NO on 1!

Amendment 3: Cleaner Missouri

I am a YES on 3! This fixes a major disaster in the
making that was deceivingly funded by dark money
from outside of Missouri in 2018. Please ignore the
deceptive ads being run by those same forces now,
claiming that this somehow overturns the will of
the people. Voters were bamboozled in to thinking
they were reforming lobbyist rules. In reality, they
unknowingly turned over all legislative re-
districting to a single person, who will be currently
appointed by Democrat Nicole Galloway. The
stated goal was to make districts “50/50”, but the
real goal was to reverse Republican gains in recent
years. Amendment 3 reverses that and returns re-
districting to a bi-partisan commission made up
equally of R’s & D’s. This is just common sense and
keeps districts tight and compact. Eric Holder
opposes it. That’s really all you need to know.
Official Ballot Title:
Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:

 Ban gifts from paid lobbyists to legislators and their employees;

 Reduce legislative campaign contribution limits;

 Change the redistricting process voters approved in 2018 by: (i)

transferring responsibility for drawing state legislative districts from the
Nonpartisan State Demographer to Governor-appointed bipartisan
commissions; (ii) modifying and reordering the redistricting criteria.
State governmental entities expect no cost or savings. Individual local governmental entities
expect significant decreased revenues of a total unknown amount.
Fair Ballot Language:
A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to reduce the limits on campaign
contributions that candidates for state senator can accept from individuals or entities by $100
per election. There is no change for candidates for state representative.

The amendment prohibits state legislators and their employees from accepting a gift of any
value (which is currently $5) from paid lobbyists or the lobbyists’ clients.

The amendment modifies the criteria for redrawing legislative districts and changes the process
for redrawing state legislative district boundaries during redistricting by giving redistricting
responsibility to a bipartisan commission, renames them, and increases membership to 20 by
adding four commissioners appointed by the Governor from nominations by the two major
political party's state committees.

A “no” vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution regarding campaign contributions,
lobbyist gifts, and the process and criteria for redistricting.

If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.

VOTE YES on 3!

PRESIDENT: Donald J. Trump

 Because you are not an idiot.
Congress, Dist. 1: Anyone but Cori Bush
 Cori Bush is a Squad member who would
defund police and the Pentagon.
 City and County Republican Committees have
now pulled their support for GOP primary
winner Anthony Rogers, and are asking people
to write-in Martin Baker.
Congress, Dist. 2: Ann Wagner
 Jill Schupp is a hard-left, pro-abortion, tax-
raising disaster.
Congress, Dist. 3: Blaine Luetkemeyer
Congress, Dist. 8: Jason Smith
Governor: Mike Parson
Lt. Gov: Mike Kehoe
Secretary of State: Jay Ashcroft
Treasurer: Scott Fitzpatrick
Attorney General: Eric Schmitt
St. Louis Co. Executive: Paul Berry III
 Sam Page is Steve Stenger without the
personality. He also ignored the will of the
people with his ridiculous Covid shutdowns.
St. Louis Co Dist. 2: Anybody but Kelly Dunaway.
 Dunaway has allowed Sam Page free reign and
pulled County Council hard to the left. Jerry
Bowen is the Republican candidate, although I
have not met him.
St. Louis Co Dist. 3: Ernie Trakas
St. Louis Co Dist. 4: Curtis Faulkner

JUDGES: Circuit, Appeals and Supreme Court

This is a toss-up. Every Judge running for retention
has been given the thumbs up by the Missouri
Judicial Performance Review Committee. They
claim to review feedback by lawyers and jurors,
and any complaints. I’ve included a link to that list,
so you can see the judges running in your area.
There will also be local County judges not included
on this LIST.

NOTE: In St. Louis City, there are two tax increases,

a residency issue, and an open-primary
 NO on Prop D – Creates open primary, runoff
 NO on Prop R – Property tax increase
 NO on Prop T – Gross receipts tax on phone
 YES on Prop 1 – Lifts City residency requirement
for all employees. FREEDOM!
Local Missouri races: Ballot info on other Missouri
Counties can be found on these links:

 St. Louis County  Lincoln County

 St. Louis City  Warren County: Nothing listed
 Jefferson County online, but you can search the SOS
 Franklin County Office for your sample ballot.
 St. Charles County  State of Missouri

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