Loans and Deposits Summary

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LD is a Contract application where funds are held seperate from Customer accounts.

LD module used for Commercial & Retail clients.

Assets: Loans, Account Receivablesm Commitment, Leasing
Liabilities: Commitment, Deposits, Sundry Deposits
Interest can be fixed or floating
Contracts can be Interest bearing or discounted (Advance payments of Interest by
deducting interest amount from principal amount)
Loan/Maturity can be Fixed maturity or at Call/Notice (0-999 Days)
Account Receivables: Withdrawing Sundry Deposits
Commitment: Guarantees
Sundry Deposits: Advance deposit to back for reuse. No interest charged by bank
Term: Fixed & Call/Notice
Requirement of Loan: Limit, Term, Interest Basis, Interest Type
BASIC.INTEREST: contains the interest rate. "Interest Key" field in LD. Id-
KeyCurrencyYYYYMMDD (Ex: 1USD20130225)
BASIC.RATE.TEXT: Contains the text

Tables & Files in LD

Parameters files
LMM.INSTALL.CONDS: holds accrual dates/cycles for both LD & MM. Id=CompanyCode.
"Days Post Maturity" Field is the days after which it will move move from live to
history. "Days Prior Pdo P" means days in which it will move to pdo from liq
LMM.CHARGE.CONDITIONS: Id: seqNo. specifies the charges & fees that can be applied
by the system. Contains one field "Monthly Amortisation", if yes the charges amount
needs to be paid in monthly. "Charge Code.Type" field will coantain value from
LMM.ADVICES: (id=CategoryCode) controls how the activity is perfomed
LMM.ACTIVITY: (id=any 4 digit number) for advices the activity is performed, the
activity is defined here

LD.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION: Id=CategoryCode. to define the set of rules govering

specific LD category codes like min/max value for Term, Draw down amount, default
interest rate
LD.GROUP.CONDITION: (Id: C-CUSID)defines special conditions applicable to specific
group of customers or individual customers
APPL.GEN.CONDITION: Condition on fields

LMM.TEXT: contains 18 text (9 credits & 9 debits) that can be printed on advices
whenever suspense account is used.
LMM.ACCOUNT.BALANCES: contains the finacial info to all LD & MM. auto generated
file once LD or MM is submitted. Id = IDofLDorMM00

Suspense account: Internal account for assets & liabilities

Interest related tables/files

INTEREST.BASIS: types of interest is defined here, which is used in LD
INTEREST Types: Fixed Interest, Floating, Periodic Manual, Periodic Straight,
Periodic Automatic

BASIC.INTEREST: (ID: InterestKeyCURRENCYYYYMMDD): table used for floating type of

interest. here we define the interest rate
PERIODIC.INTEREST: based on period rate is defined in this table. Used for periodic
interest calculation
Enter 1 LD
ID: LD/YYDDD/nnnnn, where DDD = Julien Date & nnnnn = auto generated number
Status: can be Cur (live), Fwd (Value date is in future), Liq (Reached maturity
date), Pdo (Past dues)

Charges, Fees & Commissions

Types are defined in the app LMM.CHARGE.CONDITIONS

Schedules: defined & maintained automatically or manually

Manula schedules can be activated through input in fields AUTO.SCHEDULE
Schedule Types: A
LMM.SCHEDULES: dairy for all authorized cantracts in MM and LD application
LD.SCHEDULE.DEFINE: here we define any schedule
LD.BALACES.FULL: Enq to view full contract


ACCOUNT.CLASS: If account related to loan is closed, so suspense account will give

info about customer, to contact them.


STMT.ENTRY: If any transaction is there there will be one entry in this table that
this amount is transferred in this account.
if records are not found use .DETAIL table

Parameter Tables

Why we use module

BULK Credit, Bulk Debit - FT what application you use for bulk
Parameter Table for LT LMM.INSTALL.condition
Manadatory fiedls in FT
where do you define transaction type, in which table in FT =
Delivieries = Carriers, process

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