NCP Acute Pain

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Assessment Nursing Nursing Goal Nursing Rationale Outcome Criteria Evaluation

Diagnosis Intervention
SUBJECTIVE Acute pain related After 1 hour of INDEPENDENT The patient will After 1 hour of
to decreased nursing >Monitor and >May experience relief nursing
-Verbal report of myocardial intervention, the report abnormal demonstrate of chest pain as intervention, the
chest pain oxygenation patient will be ECG readings. abnormal findings evidenced by: patient was able
radiating to both able to: associated with to:
arms ischemia -verbalization of
-Verbal report of -Report anginal reduced pain -Verbalized that
having episodes episodes >Monitor and >Elevated values pain is relieved
of transient decreased in report elevated may indicate -relaxed facial promptly
substernal and frequency, cardiac enzymes myocardial expression and
shoulder pain duration, and ischemia body positioning -Understand ways
-Verbal report of severity to avoid
use of >Instruct to notify >Unbearable pain -increased complications
antihypertensive -Demonstrate nurse may cause participation in
medications and relief of pain immediately when vasovagal activities -reduce BP from
tobacco use chest pain occurs response, 180/100 to 120/80
-Verbal report of -Have stable vital decreasing BP -Stable vital signs mmHg
job stress signs and heart rate
-Adhere to self-
OBJECTIVE -verbalize relief >Assess reports care program and
from restlessness of pain in jaw, >Cardiac pain verbalized
-ST segment neck, or shoulder, may radiate response to
depression and T arm or hand intervention.
wave inversion
-elevated cardiac >Place patient at
isoenzymes complete bed rest >Reduces
-Blood Pressure during angina myocardial
of 180/100 mmHg attacks oxygen demand
-diaphoresis to minimize risk of
-Shortness of tissue/injury
breath with RR of necrosis
20 cpm
-anxious >Elevate head of >Facilitates gas
patient if exchange to
shortness of decrease hypoxia
breath occurs
>Mental or
>Maintain quiet emotional stress
and comfortable increases
environment myocardial

>Administer >Nitrates dilate
nitroglycerin as the coronary and
ordered and peripheral blood
maintain oxygen vessels, thereby
therapy as improving
ordered myocardial blood
flow and reducing
cardiac workload
and myocardial

>Administer >Help alleviate

opioid analgesic pain and anxiety,
as ordered lower BP, and
>Consult appropriate health
physician of care provider
persists or allows for
worsens. modification of
the treatment

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