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College of Health Sciences


Nursing Diagnosis: Fluid volume deficit related to low chloride level as evidenced by
dehydration, prolonged vomiting, weakness, tachypnea and blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg
Nursing Inference: Chloride is an electrolyte that helps move fluid in and out of the cells. It
works with other electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, to help balance acids and
bases in the body. If chloride levels drop, you becomes sick and dehydrated. In addition,
hypochloremia occurs when there's a low level of chloride in the body. It can be caused
by fluid loss through nausea or prolonged vomiting involving a loss of chloride in excess of
sodium or by existing conditions, diseases, or medications.

Nursing Goal: After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will be able to explain
measures that can be taken to treat or prevent fluid volume loss, demonstrates hydration,
absence of vomiting and tachypnea, regain strength and blood pressure of 110/70 mmHg.

Nursing Intervention

Intervention Rationale
Monitor urine output. Measure or estimate Fluid replacement needs are based on
fluid losses from all sources such as gastric the correction of current deficits and
losses ongoing losses
Monitor vital signs and intake and output To determine patient’s status and the
effectiveness of treatment
Review nutritional issues (e.g., intake of Imbalances in these areas are associated
sodium, chloride, potassium, and protein) with fluid imbalances
Monitor laboratory studies as indicated Depending on the degree of fluid loss,
differing electrolyte and metabolic
imbalances may be present and require
Ascertain client’s beverage preferences and To promote hydration
encourage foods with high fluid content
such as watermelon
Encourage patient to avoid food that cause To prevent further dehydration
dehydration such as coffee and tea
Enumerate interventions to prevent or A patient needs to understand the value of
minimize future episodes of dehydration drinking extra fluid to prevent fluid deficits
Educate patient about possible causes and Enough knowledge aids the patient in
effects of fluid loss or decreased fluid intake taking part in their plan of care
Emphasize the relevance of maintaining Increasing the patient’s knowledge level
proper nutrition and hydration will assist in preventing and managing the
Teach family members how to monitor An accurate measure of fluid intake and
output in the home. Instruct them to output is an important indicator of a
College of Health Sciences
monitor both intake and output patient’s fluid status
Refer to dietician as needed To  develop dietary plan and identify foods
to be included or omitted
Administer medication such as diuretics Help you replenish fluids and electrolytes
that you lose when taking diuretics, thus
helping you avoid dehydration

Nursing Evaluation
After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient were able to explain measures that can
be taken to treat or prevent fluid volume loss, demonstrated hydration, absence of vomiting
and tachypnea, regained strength and blood pressure of 110/70 mmHg

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