Industrial Automation Using GSM: MBSG Lalitha, V Akshitha, Vs Vineeth K Soundara Rajan

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International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890 (online), 2347-5013(print)

Volume No.8, Issue Special 2, pp : 126-128 13 & 14 March 2019

Industrial Automation using GSM

MBSG Lalitha1, V Akshitha2, Vs Vineeth3, K Soundara Rajan4
Dept of ECE,TKREC, Hyderabad, TS India
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Industrial Automation is extensively upgraded connected to actuators, a display (usually a LCD) and GSM
these days to reduce human errors and minimize accidents modem for communication to the user or operator.
in the industry. Manual safety is far off in controlling
accidents and hence GSM modem made through in the The figure 1 shows the block diagram of GSM based
system and as it supports GPRS technology for data industrial automation system. It consists of mainly three
transmission, immediate actions are taken. GSM is a circuit components, the microcontroller, the interface connection
switched technology. The sensors connected to the system mainly consisting of various sensors, relays connecting to
are used to report the variations for proper action through a actuators, the GSM module for wireless communication.
microcontroller. The sensors can be temperature, pressure,
smoke etc, as is present in the industry for proper The Power Supply: The main supply is converted into the
monitoring of the system. The microcontroller after the required DC voltage through a process of rectification and
detection signal is to initiate required activation process. The regulation. The mains supply is step down to 12V through a
monitoring of status in different places by sensors and transformer and is fed to a bridge rectifier for full wave
display at a control point are automated and can be made rectification of the signal. For smoothening and removing
through GSM. ripples the signal is passed through a filter, usually a pi filter
is preferred and for cost effective work a capacitor filter will
Key Words: industrial automation, GSM, Sensors. do the job.

I. Introduction
Nowadays heavy automation is incorporated in many
industries to minimize the human errors and reduce the
accidents. Manual safety is tiresome and may lead to errors
during odd hours of day. So the proposed GSM based
industrial automation system is used to protect and provide
safety at the plant.

The system needs to keep track of the values from different

detection points and monitor the functionality of the
subsystems connected to it. The detecting nodes are basically
sensors and the malfunctioning is nothing but the obtained
values deviating from the threshold setup. The sensors can be
smoke detector for any spark or fire or inert gas leakage, can
be temperature sensor for heat and fire during the industrial
process, pressure, light and other sensors can also be added
when and where required if. All these nodes should
constantly provide inputs to the microcontroller connected to Fig 1: Block diagram of GSM based Industrial automation
it for processing and providing needful action.

On receiving the signal from these sensors the microcontroller The smooth signal is now DC voltage which is fed to a
regulator for 5V DC (7805 IC), the output obtained is a
communicates this data to GSM modem and the modem sends
regulated DC voltage.
messages to the user as warning or for needful action.

The main objective of this work is to design and implement

low cost GSM based industrial automation system providing
flexibility to the user and /or operator for security and safety
of the plant.

II. Design and Implementation

Industrial automation is basically a control system of such as Fig 2: Block diagram of Power supply system
computers to control machinery or processes, reducing
manpower as well as minimizing the human errors. The MICROCONTROLLER: For the processing of received
proposed system consists of a central controller usually a signals a microcontroller is required and the basic
microcontroller or a processor, various sensors, relays microcontroller is 8051. An upgraded version of this
microcontroller is AT89S52 which is having the same

NC’e-TIDES @ 2019 Page 126

International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890 (online), 2347-5013(print)
Volume No.8, Issue Special 2, pp : 126-128 13 & 14 March 2019

architecture and some advantages over the basic one. The

AT89S52 is a low power, high performance CMOS 8-bit
controller with 8kb flash memory. The instruction set and
pinout is compatible with the basic 80C51. The
microcontroller is programmed to search always for inputs
from the sensors. If the interrupt signal is detected from any of
the sensors the microcontroller issues commands through
GSM modem to the user in a SMS form.

The microcontroller is connected to various components like

temperature sensor, smoke detector, gas detector etc,. An
interface circuit is included to connect the microcontroller and
these components for proper functioning and recognition of
the signals. The communication between the microcontroller
and the modem is through a RS232 serial port. The data
transfer takes place serially.
Fig 4: SIM900A GSM modem
RELAYS: Relays are simple switches which are operated both
electrically and mechanically. Relays consist of an SMOKE SENSOR: A smoke detector is a smoke sensing
electromagnetic and also a set of contacts .Relays are named device that indicates a fire in the arena. This is a very useful
as SPST,SPDT,DPST,DPDT. device used in offices, schools, industries as well as in homes.
The MQ-2 is one of the model used here for this purpose. This
smoke detector is used to detect combustible gas or smoke at a
concentration from 300 to 10000ppm.

global system for mobile communication(GSM) is derived
from BELL laboratory which works on the principle of time
division multiple access(TDMA)

Fig 3: conceptual diagram of a Relay.

Fig 5: MQ-2 Smoke detector
The LCD: The liquid crystal display is connected to the
microcontroller for display of status of the process and if the THE LDR : A LDR is light dependent resistor has a variable
sensor signal is not detected or the modem is not transferring resistance that changes with the intensity of the light which is
the message or any other activation initiated by the system, falling on it. This feature of LDR is used in light sensing
the LCD can be checked. applications. Here this sensor is used for switching off/on of
lights or may be utilized in the plant for any other purpose.
GSM MODEM: The GSM/GPRS SIM900A modem is used
for this work and it operates on frequencies 900/1800 MHz.
The modem is connected to microcontroller as well as to any
computer through MAX232 interface. The baud rate is
configured from 9600-115200 through AT commands.
The modem has onboard regulated power supply, the modem
can be used to make audio calls, send SMS, read SMS and
attend internet calls etc, through simple AT commands. The
major features are given below:
 Dual-band GSM/GPRS 900/1800 MHZ
 Configurable baud rate
 SIM card holder
 Buit-in network status LED
 Inbuilt powerful TCP/IP protocol stack for internet
data transfer over GPRS.

Fig 6: the LDR

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International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890 (online), 2347-5013(print)
Volume No.8, Issue Special 2, pp : 126-128 13 & 14 March 2019

III Results and Discussion The GSM based Industrial automation system has been
designed and a prototype is tested with the mobile network.
The user can get alerts anywhere through the GSM technology
thus making the system location independent. The AT
commands are used in the system for easy communication.
The communication of information from the plant is done
only through the SMS. The figure above shown is the
prototype design for the said purpose.

IV Conclusion

The proposed system shows the mobile system for industrial

automation. It is highly reliable and efficient to operate. The
system is tested and checked for two sensors. The system can
be connected to more sensors and can be connected to number
of actuators. The automation performance can be investigated
for audio and visual inputs in the future.


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Fig 7: A Prototype of the work

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