Review Material For Exam #3

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Review Material for Exam #3

1. Radio waves for Rocket 101 are emitted at a frequency of 100.9 MHz (or s –1). Calculate
the wavelength, in m, of this radiation.

2. Light with a wavelength of 465 nm lies in the blue region of the visible spectrum.
Calculate the frequency of this light. What is the energy associated with this

3. The green line in the atomic spectrum of thallium has a wavelength of 535 nm.
Calculate the energy of 2.00 moles of photons of this light.

4. The electron in the 5th energy level of Be3+ goes down to the first level. Calculate:

a. The change in energy (J) of the electron.

b. The frequency of light emitted (s–1).
c. The wavelength of light emitted, in m and nm.

5. Calculate the frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the hydrogen atom in

the electron transition from n = 4 to n = 3. What is the wavelength (in nm) emitted?

6. State whether the following are valid sets of quantum numbers and if not why:

n ℓ mℓ ms

a. 2 0 0 +1/2
b. 1 1 –1 –1/2
c. 3 2 –2 +1/2
d. 2 1 0 –1/2
e. 2 0 1 –1/2
f. 4 2 –3 +1/2
g. –4 1 0 +1/2

7. Draw the shapes (including the orientation) of all the s, p and d orbitals.

8. Give the ground state electron configuration for the following:

S2–, Te+, V5+, Nb2+, Cu, Zn+, Cl–, Ba, Re, F, As3–, Cr

9. What is the atomic number and the complete ground state electron configuration of the
yet undiscovered element directly below Fr in the periodic table?

10. Which of the following atoms, Na, Mg, S, or K has the

a. smallest atomic radius

b. lowest ionization energy
11. Which of the following atoms, Ca, As, Br, or Rb has the

a. largest atomic radius

b. highest ionization energy

12. Which of the following are larger than an N atom?

a. N3– b. N5+ c. O d. C e. P

13. On the basis of their position on the periodic table, select the atom with the larger atomic
radius in each of the following pairs:

a. Na, Cs e. Ne, Xe
b. Be, Ba f. Na, P
c. N, Sb g. K, Ge
d. F, Br h. Al, Cl

14. Explain why it is unusual for IE1 of S to be lower then IE1 of P. Give a possible

15. Identify each ion:

a. 3+ ion: 1s22s22p6
b. 3+ ion: 1s22s22p63s23p63d3
c. 2+ ion: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d10
d. 2– ion: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6

16. Write the reaction of each of the oxides with water: K2O, MgO, P2O5, SO2, CO2.

17. Use a Born-Haber Cycle to calculate the missing energy (bold) of the following:

a. ΔHfo BeI2(s) –208 kJ/mole BeI2

Hsublimation Be(s) +302 kJ/mole
Be(g) IE1 +903 kJ/mole
IE2 +1757 kJ/mole
Hdissociation I2(s) +107 kJ/mole I
EA I(g) –295 kJ/mole
Hlattice BeI2(s) ? kJ/mole BeI2

b. Li(g) Li+(g) + e–  = +540 kJ/mole

Li(s) Li(g) Hsublimation = +162 kJ/mole
1/2 O2(g) O(g) Hdissociation = ? kJ/mole O
O(g) + 2 e –
O2–(g)  = +598 kJ/mole
+ 2–
2 Li (g) + O (g) Li2O(s) Hlattice = –2800 kJ/mole Li2O
2 Li(s) + 1/2 O2(g) Li2O(s) Hfº = –554 kJ/mole Li2O
c. ΔHfo MnS(s) –212 kJ/mole MnS
Hsublimation Mn(s) ? kJ/mole
Mn(g) IE1 +721 kJ/mole
IE2 +1509 kJ/mole
Hsublimation S(s) +264 kJ
S(g) EA1 –200 kJ/mole
EA2 +446 kJ/mole
Hlattice MnS(s) –3176 kJ/mole MnS

d. ΔHfo Th2S3(s) ? kJ/mole

Hsublimation Th(s) +528 kJ/mole
Th(g) IE1 +590 kJ/mole
IE2 +1110 kJ/mole
IE3 +1930 kJ/mole
IE4 +2780 kJ/mole
Hdissociation S8(s) +279 kJ/mole S
S(g) EA1 –200 kJ/mole
EA2 +589 kJ/mole
Hlattice Th2S3(s) –10397 kJ/mole

18. Draw the best Lewis structure of each of the following. Include all lone-pair electrons
and non-zero formal charges on each atom:

CCl4, PH3, O3, CO32–, NO3–, H2CO, C2H4, N2, SiF4, HCN, NH4+

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