Induction Coils: How To Turn Them Into Powerful Business Tools

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Induction coils

How to turn them into powerful business tools

Coils customized
for your business
Single-turn, flexible, multi-turn cylindrical, left-turn, right-turn,
rod-shaped, hair-pin, parallel, ear-shaped, new, reconditioned,
tiny, big, unbelievably enormous. At EFD Induction we design
and make practically every type of coil imaginable.

But making coils is only part of the story. We can support

you and your business with worldwide coil refurbishment and
logistics services. Contact us today to learn more. We have
coil-related testimonials and case stories from customers
around the globe—and we’d love to share them with you.
The world’s best induction
coil company?
To get the most out of EFD Induction equipment you should use EFD Induction
coils. But even if you use non-EFD Induction power sources, we can still provide
you with new, more efficient coils. Alternatively, we can re-condition your existing
coils to increase their working life and productivity.

Coil services
Our logistical and tracking support will help ensure you tested to see if it works as expected in harsh working
always have enough coils to hand. We also make sure that environments. However, such testing requires specialist
coils are replaced before they pose a threat to uptime and equipment—the kind you find in our worldwide network of
productivity. labs and coil workshops.

Wordwide network of labs and coilshops Skilled specialists on call

Designing and testing coils is often the process with the EFD Induction coil engineers are specialists at building,
longest lead time when devising an induction heating solu- testing and reconditioning coils for many of the world’s
tion. That’s because the design must first be rigorously leading manufacturing companies.
With EFD Induction you benefit from specialist engineers and specialist
equipment… in a worldwide network of manufacturing facilities and coil

Every EFD Induction coil is a customized business tool—precision crafted

to deliver maximum uptime and heating results.

Reduced costs Advanced tools for maximum coil lifetime

EFD Induction coil services lower your costs through: Coils from EFD Induction are state-of-the-art components. We
— Maximum uptime. Maximium coil lifetimes saves you typically use the following tools and processes to ensure their
money by reducing the number of coil changes and mini- longevity and performance:
mizing production disturbances caused by aging coils.
— Consistent quality. Our coil services help to ensure — 3D design programs.
you consistently achieve desired quality levels. You — Advanced simulation tools and software.
get things right the first time. Scrap is minimized. — Mandrels to achieve tight tolerances.
Yield is maximized. Reworking is reduced. — Testing and final dimensional check on customized
— Professional planning. Reduce associated costs for alignment gauges.
coil logistics, storage, upgrades, etc. — Rigorous pressure and leakage testing.
— Computer simulation. We use advanced digital simu- — Quality Management System certified to ISO 9001.
lation techniques to specify the best possible induc- — Use of Health, Safety and Environment Management
tion solution for your needs. It also shows how various Systems throughout the design, testing and manu-
solutions affect your materials, work processes, etc. facturing phases.
— Lower energy consumption. Our coils help you optimize
your induction equipment to run it in an efficient way.
This can help you save energy.
Three coil challenges
The induction coil, also known as an ‘inductor’, is essential to induction heating. Many
factors contribute to a coil’s effectiveness: the care taken to make it, the quality of the
materials used, its shape, its maintenance, its correct matching with the power source,
etc. That’s why it’s so important to insist on professionally made and maintained coils.

Here are just three of the many hurdles to be overcome in A booster pump is sometimes needed to maintain the
order to make safe and efficient coils: desired flow and velocity. Professional designers will
also specify a purity level for the water to in order to
Challenge one: water flow and speed minimize coil corrosion.
It is generally important to achieve an adequate flow of cooling
water through the coil. When high power density is expected Challenge two: impedance matching
in the inductor, the coil designer must consider the flow rate It is necessary to achieve the correct impedance matching
and the water’s velocity. This is because velocity significantly between the coil and the power source in order to use the
influences the heat transfer between inductor and coolant, latter’s full power. The coil designer must also consider that
and therefore has a major impact on the longevity of the coil. coils need five to ten times as much reactive as active power.
Designing and making induction coils is
technically challenging. The details of every
single EFD Induction coil are entered into a
constantly updated database. As a result we
can quickly and smoothly replace or repair
any coil, anywhere—without compromising
quality or productivity.

Challenge three: magnetic flux concentrators — Pure ferrites are efficient with small magnetic fields.
Concentrators focus the current in the coil area facing the But they suffer from low saturation flux density and
workpiece. Without concentrators much of the magnetic heat conduction. Their brittleness makes them difficult
flux may propagate around the coil. This flux could engulf to treat.
adjacent conductive components. But when concentrated,
the flux is restricted to precise areas of the workpiece. — Iron powders offer high flux densities and are easy to
Concentrators are made from laminates, or from pure fer- shape. But since powders have a relatively low working
rites and ferrite- or iron-based powders. Each material has temperature (< 250 – 300 °C), care must be taken to
its own pros and cons: prevent overheating caused by internal losses and radia-
tion from the heated workpiece.
— Laminates have the highest flux density and magnetic
permeability. They are less expensive than iron and fer-
rite-based powders. However, laminates are stamped in
a few standardized sizes and are therefore less flexible.
They are also labor intensive to mount and can usually
only be used up to medium frequency range (<50 kHz).
You’re never far from EFD Induction coil expertise and support services.

From coils to complete solutions

We’ve been developing induction-heating solutions for more
than 65 years. Today, we’re one of the world’s largest in-
dustrial induction equipment makers, with sales and service
companies, manufacturing plants and R&D centers around
the world. We are particularly strong in devising complete,
customized systems. We usually start in the lab, with materi-
als analysis and computerized simulation of various solutions.
We also look at coil design, and determine which fillers, fluxes
or atmospheres are best suited to your tasks. And of course,
we don’t consider our job done until your systems are fully up


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