Published by The Center For Metals Fabrication 1,: Vol. No

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Published by the Center for Metals Fabrication Vol. 1, No.


the task'of making a production-quality die set. That same

die maker was subsequently responsible for changmg The Results: Fast Delivery and
the toolrng to meet reorder specifications. repairing worn Streamlined Production
dies, and supervlsing the production press.
Handmade die sets are slow to produce, expensive. Fast response. The tool and die department has
Inexact and unreliable, anda backlog had developed for the Its backlog and respondsquickly to changing
department, Because both are handmade, a production- customer requirements The weak link In the production
quallty die set might not meet speclflcatlons even though the process has been Time to produce a prototype
prototype dld. And reorders had slmllar problems. Therefore. has been reduced from 40 hours to hours.
when a handmade die was cutting parts to specifications. Lower production costs. Fewer hours are requlred to
TAF would keep it running. bulldlng up inventory so that TAF make production toollng. for much of the time the EDM
could be assured of meetlng shipping schedules. This machine can operate unattended. This translates into
Inventory was an unproductive drain on TAF and a risk since reduced Production costs and lower costs Per Part.
the order might be cancelled or cut back. Faster tooling production.It now takes an average of
125 hours to make a long-run productlon dle set. Instead of
-he f<ey:: Way the 300-400 hours required with conventlonal machlnmg
To streamllne operations. TAF purchased a wlre-cut EDM which I'd mean an elapsed time Of to months
machlne Now, when TAF recelves a part for bid. it Imme- More reliable die sets. EDM'ed dies conslstently manu-
diately prepares a computer numerlcal control (CNC) facture to specification and run with fewer problems so that
program for Its EDM machine to cut 12 to 15 prototypes. If customers' dellvery schedules can be met without SlgnlflCant
TAF wlns the contract. it uses lnformatlon from the CNC Inventories
program to qulckly produce short-run productlon tooling. For Longer die life. Slnce the EDM cutting rate I S not affected
large orders, more durable tooling can be made while the by material hardness, dies can be made out of higher
shor?-rermtooling I S meetlng initial delivery schedules. And quality. tougher steel which lasts about 4 times longer and
because oi the repeataD1lity of EDM. all prototypes and parts needs sharpenlng jess frequently €DM can produce more
pioauced by the short-tern?anc long-term tooling WIII meet complex dle components. reduclng the number of dle parts
specifications and further increasing die life rehabi!ity and accuracy
$30,000-40.000 for a computer and software, and aaditlonal
expenses for setting up a special air-condltloned room for
increased cutting accuracy. The payback perlod was about
6 months.

‘Cage Component The Bottom Line: Fast Response Time and

A Improved Production Methods
Wire-cut EDM glves TAF the greater flexibility and faster
turnaround time it needs. Now TAF can rapidly respond to
changing customer demands and grow In a tough busrness

Other Applications of EDM

EDM can be used on any materlal that conducts
Aerospace fasteners are specifically designed to with- electrlcity Wlre-cut EDM is used by mold and die makers
stand vibration and remain lockedin place. They are when they need preclslon. when they are worklng wlth
corrosion resistant and can withstand an average of250 hardened materlals, or when no other method will do the job.
cycles of reuse. By using these long-lasting fasteners, an Vertlcal EDM uses the same prlnclple as wlre-cut EDM but
aerospace company can decrease the numberof spare can be used to machlne blind shapes. It IS frequently used
parts needed to keep its planes flying. for drllllng rnlcroholes and creatlng small and/or deep slots
For more informatlon on EDM see Techcommentary Vol. 3.
No 1.

More accurate tooling. In an air-conditioned room, the

wire-cut EDM machme cuts to an accuracy of 0.001 inch. Company Profile
Dependability. The EDM machine runs 24 hours a day Tridair Aerospace Fasteners Dlvlslon, Torrance,
and after 7,000 operating hours in 3 years has never had a California.
Improved use of die makers’ time. Die makers no Manufacturer of precision fasteners for the aerospace
longer spend their time machining dies. They do only flnal and defense markets.
assembly and fine tuning of the dies, so they have more tlme Company phllosophy:
to spend on die design. We will make any fastener for
Lower scrap rate. Scrap rate for the dies is now 0.5% any application.
compared with 10-20% for conventional machinlng. For
parts comlng off the press, the scrap rate is now about 1010,
compared with the old rate of 20-30%. Paul Hafeli, Tool and Die
Design Supervisor,says “Manu-
Energy usage and savings. Conventional machining facturers who are not using
uses a 2-horsepower motor for 6-8 hours per day for 6 days. EDM won’t be in business very
The EDM machine runs 24 hours per day and is machinlng long because the advantages of
typically 12 hours per day, 7 days per week. It runs off 440 EDM are so great.”
voltage. The significant reduction in scrap rates lowers the
average energy usage per finlshed part. More modest
energy savings result from producmg dles more efficlently
The Center for Metals Fabrlcatton wishes to thank Southern Calttornia Edisop lot
and reducing downtlme for die repair valuable contrtbutions made to this issue
Design experimentation. EDM allows the designer to go
from Ideas to physical parts in 3 or 4 hours. Now riskier CMF IS operated by Bartelles Columbus Dlviston Basic lunding I S provided by the
Electric Power Research Institute a nonprolit instilute that conducts applications
designs can be tried without enormous expenses and development on behalf of the United States electric utiltty industry TechAppiicalton
developing a quality part is easler. IS one of the ways the Center asststs industry tn tmplementtng cost- and energy
efftcient electrtc~basedtechnologies in materials fabrication and related fields This
issue was cofunded by a grant lrom the United States Department of Energy
What Did ItAll Cost? Office of Industrial Programs

TAF spent about $196,000 to install wire-cut EDM. Thls Applicable SIC Codes
cost Included $120,000 for the wire-cut EDM machine Itself. 34-23, 29 49, 89 35-11
41 44 73.
79 38-11 29 39-63 64

If you have a success story you’d llke to tell us about

or you’d lhke more Information, call or write us

Center for Metals

505 King Avenue
Columbus, Ohlo 43201-2693
(614) 424-7737

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