The NEW Healthy Food Pyramid!!: Other Fats, Oils and Low Fat Spreads. Meat Group Milk Group Max 1 2 2 3 5+ 6+

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Nutrition Revision Notes Ms.

O’ Toole

The NEW Healthy Food Pyramid!!

Two things that can guide us towards a healthy balanced diet:
1. The Food Pyramid.
2. The Healthy Eating Guidelines.

MAX 1 Other

2 Fats, oils and low fat


2 Meat Group

3 Milk Group

Fruit +
Veg Group

Bread and
Potato group

 The food pyramid helps us plan for a healthier BALANCED diet.

 The food pyramid tells us the name of the food groups and the number of portions we
should be getting from each food group.
 **This picture is different from the picture of the food pyramid in your book. A new
shelf was added to the food pyramid in 2013.**
 The second shelf above is the new shelf which was added to the food pyramid.
 Fats, oils and low fat spreads were separated out into their own shelf as they provide us
with the important nutrient--fat--, however it is important that these foods are eaten in

Healthy Eating Guidelines Key Terms

 Eat less fat Balanced Diet

 Eat less sugar
Eating the correct amount of foods for
 Eat less salt
what our bodies need.
 Eat more fruit and veg
 Eat a variety of foods
 Drink more water
 Drink alcohol in moderation
Nutrition Revision Notes Ms. O’ Toole

Chapter 1: Food and Nutrition

Factors which affect our choice

Why do we eat food?
of food.
 Food helps the body to grow.
Our Senses
 Provides the body with energy
and warmth Lifestyle (Family and Friends)
 Protects the body against Nutritional Value


The table below has a key terms Availability (Staple foods/in
which you need to know in order to season).
understand the study of nutrients

Nutrient A chemical found in food Classification of the 6 Nutrients

that nourishes the body
There are six nutrients that our bodies
Composition What the nutrients is need. These are protein, carbohydrates, fat,
made up of vitamins, minerals and water.

Source A food that contains the

Macronutrients Micronutrients
Function The job the nutrient has
in the body
Needed by the Needed by the body
Recommended The amount of each
body in large in small amounts
Daily Allowance nutrient we should eat
each day
They are too big They are small
Deficiency An illness that occurs in to be absorbed by enough to be
Disease the body caused by the the body so they absorbed by the
lack of a nutrient must be broken body once eaten.
Classification Putting things into
groups based on Minerals and
Protein, fats and vitamins
something that they have
in common.
Nutrition Revision Notes Ms. O’ Toole

Structure and Composition Classification

• There are different types of Amino Acids, and some amino acids are
• Proteins are made up of basic units called Amino Acids.
of better quality and therefore more essential in the diet.
• Amino Acids are small units that join together like beads on necklace.
• These high quality amino acids are called ESSENTIAL amino acids.
• They are joined together by peptide links to form chains of protein.
• Proteins are classified according to their quality (i.e. the amount of
• Each Amino Acid is made up of the elements:
essential amino acids they contain).
1. Carbon
2. Hydrogen  N.B High Biological Value Low Biological Value
3. Oxygen Nitrogen is Protein Protein
4. Nitrogen needed for
Contains all essential Do not contain all
amino acids essential amino acids

Normally comes from Normally come from

animal foods vegetable foods

Function Sources

 Growth High biological value sources Low biological value sources

of protein of protein
 Repair of worn out or damaged cells e.g. healing wounds
 It forms hormones and enzymes Meat, Fish, Eggs, Cheese, Soya Peas, Beans, Nuts
Nutrition Revision Notes Ms. O’ Toole

Structure and Composition Classification and Sources

Saturated Fat Unsaturated Fat

 Fats are made up of fatty acids and

Milk, Cheese, Meat, Butter Oil, Oily Fish, Nuts, Seeds

 These link together to form an E-
shaped structure.

 Each molecule of glycerol is attached

to three fatty acids.

 Glycerol and fatty acids contain

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen.

Function How to reduce fat intake in the diet

 Heat and energy

 Grill instead of frying

 A layer of fat in the skin insulates our body keeping us
 Cut visible fats off meat

 Delicate organs in the body like the heart and kidneys are  Use low fat foods
protected by a layer of fat around them. Also helps the
nerves in our body.  Cut down on fatty foods like chips etc..

 We get fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K from fats

Nutrition Revision Notes Ms. O’ Toole

Structure and Composition Classification and Sources

 The most basic unit of carbohydrates are simple sugars, for
Sugars Starch Dietary Fibre
example glucose is a simple sugar.
Honey, Fruit, Potatoes, Pasta, Brown Bread, Whole
Ice cream, soft Rice, bread. meal pasta / rice.
 When several simple sugar units join together they form a chain drinks
of starch.

 Carbohydrates contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, and



Functions How to increase Fibre Intake

 Provides energy
RDA: 30g for an average person

 Fibre rich foods gives a feeling of fullness 1. Eat more whole meal cereals like brown bread, brown pasta,

brown rice instead of white

 Fibre helps prevent constipation and other bowel 2. Eat high fibre breakfast cereals
problems. 3. Eat more fruit and vegetables

4. Eat more nuts and seeds

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