محاضرات تغذية عامة د جواد الوبر 1

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Basic Nutrition

Part I

Dr. Gawad Alwabr

Ass. Prof. of Public Health & Environmental Safety

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 1

It is the science of food and its relationship to health. It
is the provision of the cells and organisms with the
materials (in the form of food) necessary to support life.
.‫هو تزوٌد الخالٌا والكائنات الحٌة بالمواد (فً شكل مواد غذائٌة) الالزمة لدعم الحٌاة‬
They are elements in food (food factor) that are required
for the growth, repair, and regulation of body processes,
‫ تنظٌم عملٌات‬such as carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins,
minerals and water.
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 2
 Nutrients:
 Substances ‫ المواد‬that we must have in our diets
in order for our cells to function properly.
 There are six types of nutrients:
 Proteins
 Carbohydrates
 Lipids
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 3
Dietetics: ‫النظم الغذائٌة‬
is the practical applications of the principles of nutrition
“meals planning in health and disease conditions”.
."‫هً التطبٌقات العملٌة لمبادئ التغذٌة "وجبات التخطٌط فً ظروف الصحة والمرض‬
Balanced diet: ‫اتباع نظام غذائً متوازن‬
Is the diet which provides the body with sufficient
amount of foodstuffs selected in proper proportions. It
should be free of toxic matter or infections.
‫ ٌجب أن تكون‬.‫هو النظام الغذائً الذي ٌزود الجسم كمٌة كافٌة من المواد الغذائٌة المختارة فً النسب المناسبة‬
.‫خالٌة من المواد السامة أو المعدٌة‬
Good nutrition: :‫التغذٌة الجٌدة‬
It is maintaining a nutritional status which enables
human body to grow, develop in a good quality.
.‫الحفاظ على الحالة التغذوٌة التً تمكن جسم اإلنسان بالنمو والتطور بجودة جٌدة‬
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 4
Classifications of Foods

Origin Chemical Predominant Nutritive value

composition function
‫الوظٌفة السائدة‬ ‫قٌمة تغذوٌة‬
‫ الدخن‬/ ‫ حبوب‬Cereals/millets
Body building Pulses ‫البقول‬
Animal Protein Vegetables
plant Carbohydrates Nuts/oilseeds
Synthetic ً‫اصطناع‬ Fats Fruits
Minerals Energy-yielding Animal
Vitamins Fats/oils
Protective Miscellaneous

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 5

Classifications of Nutrients
About 50 different nutrients normally
supplied through the food we eat.

Macro-nutrients Micro-nutrients
Needed in grams Needed in < grams
‫ العناصر النادرة‬Trace elements
Main bulk of foods ‫الجزء األكبر من المواد الغذائٌة‬
Proteins, fats, CHO Minerals, vitamins

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 6

Nutrients that
• A food Calorie is
actually a kilocalorie, ‫السعرات الغذائٌة‬ Provide Energy
which is equal to 1000
calories. Calorie is useful  Carbohydrates,
in comparing the energy fats, and proteins
available from different provide energy and
foods when we are ‫ ٌنفذ‬perform other
deciding what food to eat. important functions.
 We need energy for all
For example, a small
apple contains only 80 activities. When our
Calories, while a slice of
body uses
apple pie contains almost
carbohydrates, fats,
350 Calories.
and proteins, energy is
‫فطٌرة التفاح‬ released: calories.

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 7

 Contain C, O, H, but also lots of N
 Used for structure in the body
 Provide 4 kcal/g protein - not used much
for providing energy ‫ال تستخدم كثٌرا لتوفٌر الطاقة‬
 Formed by the linking of amino acids
‫التً شكلتها الربط بٌن األحماض األمٌنٌة‬

 Most people eat 2-3 times the necessary

protein in their diet

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 8

 Proteins are substances found in every cell. The body
needs proteins to build and repair all body tissues. Protein
is an important part of blood cells. Proteins are made up
of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms that are
formed into basic units called amino acids.
 There are 20 different amino acids. Nine of them are
essential, and the other eleven amino acids can be
produced by the body.

Complete proteins Incomplete proteins

‫البقولٌات‬ Legumes

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 9

‫تتألف فً معظمها من‬
 Composed mostly of C, H, and O
 Major source of fuel for body- 4 kcal/g
 Glucose is major energy component the
body uses ‫الجلوكوز هو عنصر رئٌسً للطاقة االستخدامات الجسم‬
 Can be in form of simple sugar
(sucrose, glucose), or in
polysaccharides (complex carbs) starch
 Some complex carbs cannot be broken
down by human digestion- dietary fiber

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 10

 Athletes are not the only people who need
carbohydrates. Everyone needs them.
 Carbohydrates are the sugars and starches
found in foods. They are made up of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen.
 There are two general types of carbohydrates:
simple and complex.

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 11

Simple Carbohydrates
 Simple carbohydrates are the different forms of sugar,
which are easy for the body to process. These sugars are
fructose and glucose (found in fruits and vegetables,
lactose (found in milk), and sucrose (refined and
purified to produce table sugar).‫المكرر والمنقى إلنتاج سكر المائدة‬
 The most important to the body is glucose – the form of
the sugar that goes directly to the bloodstream and
provides quick energy. All other sugars must be changed
into glucose by the body before the cells can use them.
The cells use glucose as their primary source of energy.
Glucose that is not needed immediately is converted by
body to glycogen, a form of starch stored in the muscles
and liver, or it is converted to and stored as body fat.
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 12
Complex Carbohydrates
Dietary Fiber is another

 Starches are complex complex carbohydrate,

which comes from non-
carbohydrates that are
digestible part of plants.
made up of many units of There two types of dietary
glucose or other sugars, fiber: soluble and insoluble.
which form long chains. ‫قابل للذوبان‬Soluble fiber combines with
These chains must be waste and other substances
broken down by the body to assist in their removal
into single units of glucose from the body. (Found in:
before they can be used. ‫نخالة الشوفان‬oat bran, beans,
Starches take longer than apples, carrots, and other
vegetables). Insoluble fiber
sugars to be broken down
absorbs water and helps to
into glucose. Starches ‫السائبة‬provide needed bulk to
provide energy to the body the diet. ‫األلٌاف غٌر القابلة للذوبان تمتص‬
over longer periods than do ‫الماء وٌساعد على توفٌر السائبة الالزم إلى النظام‬
simple sugars. Breads, .ً‫(الغذائ‬Found in: whole grains
‫ معكرونة‬cereals, pasta, and potatoes
and the skins and seeds of
contain starch. fruits and vegetables). 13
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr
 Mostly C and H, few O
 Yield more energy- 9 kcal/g
 Insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents
(benzene, ether)
 Basic structure is 3 C glycerol molecule with fatty
acid attached to each C- triglyceride. (A
triglyceride or triacylglyceride) is an ester
derived from glycerol and three fatty acids
(tri- + glyceride))
 Triglycerides are major form of fat in foods, and
key energy source for body
 Saturated fats- ‫ الدهون المشبعة‬usually from animals,
solid at room temp.
 Unsaturated fats- usually from plants, liquid at
room temp General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 14
Fats (Lipids)
 Fats are the nutrients that contains the most
concentrated form of energy. Fats are type of lipid.
 Lipids are substances ‫ مواد‬that are somewhat similar
to carbohydrates, but they contain less oxygen and
they do not dissolve in water.
 Fat is one of essential nutrients important for
properly body function. A small daily intake of fat is
required. One gram of fat provides more than
twice as much energy as one gram of carbohydrate
(9 kcal/g).
 Fats are part of many body tissues and are
important as carriers of other nutrients, such as
vitamins. Fats also carry the flavor of foods –
making foods tastier, but consumption of fat
should be closely monitored..‫ولكن استهالك الدهون وٌنبغً مراقبتها عن كثب‬ 15
Types of Fates
 Unsaturated fats are
 Saturated fats are those fats that are liquid
usually solid at room at room temperature.
temperature. They  Olive oil and peanut oil
contain maximum are called
number of hydrogen monounsaturated fats
atoms. because they lack one
 Tropical oils,‫الزٌوت االستوائٌة‬ pair of hydrogen atoms.
butter, and animal fats ‫زٌت الزٌتون وزٌت الفول السودانً وتسمى الدهون غٌر‬
‫المشبعة االحادٌة ألنها تفتقر إلى زوج واحد من ذرات‬
tend to be high in ‫الهٌدروجٌن‬
saturated fats.  Fish oils and most
 A diet high in saturated vegetables oils, such as
fats can lead to an corn, soybean, and
increased chance of heart sunflower oils, are called
and blood vessel disease, polyunsaturated fats
‫ أمراض األوعٌة الدموٌة‬obesity, and because they lack two or
some types of cancer. more pairs of hydrogen
General Nutrition
Dr Gawad Alwabr 16
 Eating foods high in fats, especially saturated fats may
increase the level of cholesterol (a waxy, fat-like substance
produced by body)..‫ مثل الدهون ٌنتجها الجسم‬،‫الكولسترول مادة شمعٌة‬
 Cholesterol is part of cell membranes and nerve tissues.
.‫الكولسترول هو جزء من أغشٌة الخالٌا واألنسجة العصبٌة‬
 It is used by body to form vitamin D and other hormones. ‫ٌتم‬
.‫استخدامه من قبل الجسم لتشكٌل فٌتامٌن د والهرمونات األخرى‬
 It is found only in foods that come from animals, such as
butter, eggs, and meats.
 It is not an essential nutrient because the body produces
cholesterol in liver.
 As cholesterol levels in the body increase, the risk of heart
and artery diseases increase. ‫خطر اإلصابة بأمراض القلب والشراٌٌن تزداد‬
 Some of the cholesterol tends to be deposited on the walls
of the arteries, thereby reducing the flow of blood to the
cells supplied by those arteries. ‫ بعض من الكولٌسترول ٌمٌل إلى أن ٌترسب على جدران‬.
‫ مما ٌقلل من تدفق الدم إلى الخالٌا التً تزودها تلك الشراٌٌن‬،‫الشراٌٌن‬

Two Forms of Cholesterol
 Cholesterol is transported in the blood in
two forms. ‫البروتٌن الدهنً منخفض الكثافة‬
 LDL (low density lipoprotein): is the “bad” form that
tends to deposit cholesterol on the walls of the
blood vessels. ‫ٌمٌل إلى أن ٌترسب على جدران االوعٌة الدموٌة‬
 HDL (high density lipoprotein): is the “good” form
that removes cholesterol from the cells and
brings it back to the liver and intestines to be
recycled or excreted..‫وٌعٌده إلى الكبد واألمعاء إلعادة تدوٌرها أو تفرز‬
 Exercise has been proven to raise HDL, low-fat
diets lower LDL.
 .‫ والوجبات الغذائٌة قلٌلة الدسم أقل‬،‫وقد ثبت التمرٌن ترفع‬

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 18

Nutrients that Regulate
 Vitamins, minerals,
and water: are nutrients
that work with the energy-
providing nutrients to be sure Vitamins, minerals, and
that the body functions water are not digested by
properly. ‫العناصر الغذائٌة التً تعمل مع العناصر‬ our body, and they do
‫الغذائٌة التً تزودنا بالطاقة للتأكد من أن وظائف الجسم بشكل‬ not provide Calories.
.‫صحٌح‬ Instead vitamins, ‫عوضا‬
 Water is the most vital minerals, and water are
nutrient because it provides released from foods we
the means for all other eat and are absorbed by
nutrients to be carry the body’s tissues. They
throughout the body. ‫الماء هو‬ work with carbohydrates,
‫المغذٌات األكثر حٌوٌة ألنه ٌوفر وسٌلة لجمٌع العناصر المغذٌة‬
.‫األخرى أن تحمل فً جمٌع أنحاء الجسم‬
fats, and proteins to
promote growth and
 Eating a variety of foods in regulate body processes.
the right amounts is usually
all that is needed to get daily
supply of vitamins and
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 19
 Main function is to allow chemical
reactions to occur in body.
‫وظٌفتها الرئٌسٌة هً للسماح التفاعالت الكٌمٌائٌة تحدث فً الجسم‬

 Help release energy trapped in carbs,

lipids, and proteins ،‫مساعدة إطالق الطاقة المحاصره فً الكربوهٌدرات‬
‫ والبروتٌنات‬،‫والدهون‬

 Vitamins provide no usable energy for

the body however ‫ال توفر الفٌتامٌنات طاقة قابلة لالستخدام للجسم‬
 13 vitamins divided into 2 groups:
 Fat soluble- A, D, E, K
 Water soluble- C and B vitamins
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 20
 Vitamins help build
bones and tissues,
• Some diseases can and they also help
develop because of lack change carbohydrates
of a particular vitamin. ‫نقص‬ and fats into energy.
.‫فٌتامٌن معٌن‬
‫ وأنها‬،‫الفٌتامٌنات تساعد على بناء العظام واألنسجة‬
• Vitamins: are .‫تساعد أٌضا تغٌٌر الكربوهٌدرات والدهون إلى طاقة‬

compounds found in  Because the body

living things and are cannot make most
needed in small amounts vitamins, they must
for life and growth and to be supplied by the
prevent diseases. ً‫الفٌتامٌنات ه‬ foods we eat.
‫مركبات موجودة فً الكائنات الحٌة ونحتاجها فً كمٌات‬
.‫صغٌرة للحٌاة والنمو والوقاٌة من األمراض‬
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 21
Fat-soluble Vitamins - dissolve fat and can be
stored in the body.
Vitamin Sources Functions in Signs of Signs of
Body Toxicity deficiency‫نقص‬
Vitamin Orange, yellow, green Maintains healthy Nausea, ‫غثٌان‬ Night blindness, eye-
vegetables, liver, margarine, eyes, skin, bone vomiting, dry skin, infections, rough skin,
A and egg yolk growth and tooth rashes, ‫الطفح الجلدي‬ respiratory infections
development, hair loss,
possible aid in headache,fatigue
cancer protection ‫إرهاق‬

Vitamin Milk, eggs, liver, exposure Promotes Loss of appetite, Rickets ‫كساح األطفال‬
of skin to sun’s ultraviolet absorption of ‫ شهٌة‬headache, (poor bone
D rays phosphorus and nausea, weakness, development),
calcium to build calcification of ‫تكلس‬ malformation of
and maintain bone and soft teeth ‫تشوه‬
bones tissue

Vitamin Wheat germ, ‫ جنٌن القمح‬whole Protects red General digestive Rupture of red blood
grains, vegetable oils, blood cells; discomfort ‫االنزعاج‬ cells, anemia, nerve
E legumes, ‫ البقولٌات‬nuts, stabilizes cell ‫الهضمً العام‬ abnormalities ‫تمزق خالٌا‬
‫ المكسرات‬dark green leafy membranes ‫استقرار‬ ‫الدم الحمراء وفقر الدم‬
vegetables ‫الورقٌة الخضراء الداكنة‬ ‫أغشٌة الخالٌا‬ ‫وتشوهات العصبٌة‬

Vitamin Green leafy vegetables, Assists in normal Anemia Slow clotting of blood,
liver, kale,‫ كرنب‬cabbage; clotting of blood hemorrhage especially
K ‫ الكرنب‬made in body by in newborns ‫تخثر الدم‬
intestinal bacteria ‫البكتٌرٌا‬ ً‫ ونزٌف وخاصة ف‬،‫البطًء‬
‫المعوٌة‬ ‫األطفال حدٌثً الوالدة‬ 22
Water-soluble Vitamins
 Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water.
Because water-soluble vitamins are not stored
by the body to any extent,‫ مدى‬foods reach in
these vitamins must be eaten more often than
foods with fat-soluble vitamins.
 Fruits and vegetables are good source of
water soluble vitamins.
 Water-soluble vitamins are: Thiamin (B1),
Riboflavin (B2), Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folacin (Folic
acid), Vitamin B12, Pantothenic acid, biotin,
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid).
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 23
 Inorganic compounds that exist as groups
of one or more of the same atoms ‫المركبات غٌر العضوٌة‬
‫الموجودة ك مجموعات لواحدة أو أكثر من نفس الذرات‬

 Include Na+, K+, Mg++, Ca++, Cl-,

 Critical for nervous system function,
maintaining electrolyte levels, water
balance, and skeletal system ،ً‫اساسٌة من أجل وظٌفة الجهاز العصب‬
ً‫ ونظام الهٌكل العظم‬،‫ وتوازن الماء‬،‫والحفاظ على مستوٌات اإللكترولٌت‬

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 24

 Minerals: are simple substances found in the
environment that are essential to the body’s
functioning. .‫المعادن هً مواد بسٌطة وجدت فً البٌئة وتعتبر ضرورٌة ألداء الجسم‬
 Minerals are used to regulate a wide range of body
processes, from bone formation to blood clotting,
and they are important for the body structure. ‫وتستخدم‬
.‫ وأنها مهمة لهٌكل الجسم‬،‫ من تكوٌن العظام لتخثر الدم‬،‫المعادن لتنظٌم مجموعة واسعة من العملٌات الحٌوٌة فً الجسم‬

 Most minerals are either quickly used or lost in waste

products, therefore we must eat mineral-rich foods
daily to replenish our supply. ،‫معظم المعادن إما أن تستخدم بسرعة أو تفقد فً النفاٌات‬
.‫لذلك ٌجب علٌنا أن تناول األطعمة الغنٌة بالمعادن ٌومٌا لتجدٌد التزوٌد بها‬

 Iron is an exception – it tends to be kept and

recycled by the body, except when there is a blood
loss..‫ إال عندما ٌكون هناك فقدان الدم‬،‫ أنه ٌمٌل إلى أن تبقى وإعادة تدوٌرها من قبل الجسم‬- ‫الحدٌد هو استثناء‬
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 25
Major Minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus,
Magnesium, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, and Chlorine
 Calcium keeps the nervous system working well
and is needed for blood clotting. Osteoporosis is
disease caused by calcium deficiency. ‫الكالسٌوم ٌحافظ على الجهاز‬
.‫ هشاشة العظام هو مرض ناجم عن نقص الكالسٌوم‬.‫ وهناك حاجة لتخثر الدم‬،‫العصبً تعمل بشكل جٌد‬
 Sodium and potassium help regulate the passage
of fluids in and out of cells. ‫الصودٌوم والبوتاسٌوم ٌساعدا تنظٌم مرور‬
.‫السوائل داخل وخارج الخالٌا‬
 Too much sodium in the diet may aggravate high
blood pressure or hypertension, increasing the
risk of heart attack, stroke or kidney disease.
‫الكثٌر من الصودٌوم فً النظام الغذائً قد تفاقم ارتفاع ضغط الدم أو ارتفاع ضغط الدم وزٌادة خطر االصابة‬
.‫بالنوبات القلبٌة والسكتة الدماغٌة أو أمراض الكلى‬
 Table salt is one source of sodium in the diet. Most
sodium comes in food.
 Deficiency of potassium can lead to muscle
weakness and abnormal heart beat. ‫نقص البوتاسٌوم ٌمكن‬
. ‫أن ٌؤدي إلى ضعف العضالت وضربات القلب غٌر طبٌعٌه‬ 26
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr
Trace Minerals: Iron, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc,
Copper, and Fluorine.
 The majority of the minerals needed for the body to function
are only required in very small, or trace amounts. ‫الغالبٌة العظمى من‬
.‫ أو أثر‬،‫المعادن الالزمة للجسم لٌعمل فقط فً كمٌات صغٌرة جدا‬
 Iron is a vital part of hemoglobin – a substance in red blood
cells that carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Insufficient
iron may cause anemia, (a disease in which the body has
either too few red blood cells or too little hemoglobin). As
result too little oxygen is carried to cells of the body.
 .‫ وهً مادة فً خالٌا الدم الحمراء التً تحمل األوكسجٌن إلى جمٌع أجزاء الجسم‬- ‫الحدٌد هو جزء حٌوي من الهٌموجلوبٌن‬
‫ وهو مرض فً الجسم والتً لدٌها إما عدد قلٌل جدا من خالٌا الدم الحمراء أو الهٌموغلوبٌن‬،‫قد ٌسبب الحدٌد غٌر كاف فقر الدم‬
.‫ وكنتٌجة ٌحمل األوكسٌجٌن القلٌل جدا لخالٌا الجسم‬.‫القلٌل جدا‬
 Iodine is needed for the thyroid gland to function
properly. The thyroid gland produces hormones that
control how quickly chemical reactions occur in our
body. Too little iodine – thyroid gland enlarged. The
primary sources are seafood and iodized table salt.
 ‫ الغدة الدرقٌة تنتج هرمونات التً تتحكم فً كٌفٌة بسرعة تحدث التفاعالت‬.‫وهناك حاجة الٌود للغدة الدرقٌة لتعمل بشكل صحٌح‬
‫ المصادر الرئٌسٌة هً المأكوالت البحرٌة وملح الطعام المعالج‬.‫ تضخم الغدة الدرقٌة‬- ‫ الٌود القلٌل جدا‬.‫الكٌمٌائٌة فً الجسم‬
.‫بالٌود‬ General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 27
Function of water in the human body:
 Acts as solvent and lubricant in body ‫ٌعمل كمادة مذٌبة‬
‫ومزلقه فً الجسم‬

 Used to transport nutrients and wastes

 Medium for temperature regulation and
chemical processes
 We need about 2 - 3 L of water per day (8 -
12 cups)

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 28

 Water is found in every  Each day we lose two to
cell, in the spaces around three quarts ‫ لٌترات من الماء‬of
the cells, in the fluid water and if this water is
tissues of the body, and in not replaced the body can
body cavities. ‫تجاوٌف الجسم‬ dehydrate.
 Water carries dissolved  When minerals are
nutrients throughout our dissolved, they break
body and assists in all of apart into ions. The ions
its functions such as: formed in body fluids are
digesting foods, removing called electrolytes. These
wastes, regulating ions play a central role in
temperature, and water balance in the body.
cushioning ‫ حماٌة‬sensitive ‫ وتسمى‬.‫ فإنها تتفكك إلى أٌونات‬،‫عندما تذوب المعادن‬
‫ هذه‬.‫األٌونات التً تشكلت فً سوائل الجسم الشوارد‬
parts of our body. .‫األٌونات دورا أساسٌا فً توازن الماء فً الجسم‬

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 29

Why Do We Eat?
 Biological reason– must
supply our cells with ً‫العاطف‬

energy and building

 Social Reasons
Research has shown that we eat
more with our friends and
family than when we eat alone
 Choices depend on
many factors
‫تعتمد الخٌارات على عوامل كثٌرة‬
 Diet as child
 Ethnicity‫العرق‬
 Socio-economic status ‫وسائل الراحة‬
 Advertising ‫إعالنات‬
 Flavor, texture
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 30
Nutrient Composition of Diets and the
Human Body‫تكوٌن المواد الغذائٌة للنظام الغذائً وجسم اإلنسان‬

Our body daily needed of the different

 Total daily intake of protein, fat, and
carbohydrate is about 500g
 Mineral intake is around 20g

 Vitamin totals less than 300mg

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 31

The main functions of food
1- Growth, repair and maintenance of body tissue cells
(by protein).

2- Building and maintenance of bones and teeth (by

Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and Fluorine).

3- Formation of red cells (by iron, protein, vitamin C,

Vitamin B12 and folic acid).

4- Provides materials necessary for resistance to


General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 32

The main functions of food
5- Physiological functioning of the body processes as:
 Digestion, absorption, respiration,‫تنفس‬ metabolism, etc this need
 Vitamin B group, vitamin C, vitamin A for health epithelium. ‫الظهار‬

 Iron for cell respiration.

6- Energy needed for mechanical work is supplied by

carbohydrates (largely), fats and proteins.

7- In general, nutrition affects the growth, resistance to

infection, mental abilities and longevity. ‫قدراته العقلٌة وطول العمر‬

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 33

The energy value of different food materials is
expressed in term of calories: ‫ٌتم التعبٌر عن قٌمة الطاقة من المواد الغذائٌة المختلفة من‬
:‫حٌث السعرات الحرارٌة‬

A food Calorie: is the amount of heat required to rise the

temperature of one ml of water one degree centigrade (from
15º to 16 ºC).
A kilocalorie = 1000 calories.

The physiological fuel values of the main food groups:

:‫القٌم الفسٌولوجٌة للطاقة من المجموعات الغذائٌة الرئٌسٌة‬

Combustion of one gram:‫احتراق غرام واحد‬

-Carbohydrates yields 4 cal.
-Proteins yields 4 cal.
-Fats yields 9 cal. as available heat.
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 34
Reference man: weight 65 Kg. Age 25 years and live in
a mean annual environment temperature 10 ºC. The
caloric requirements for the reference man 3200
‫ متطلبات‬.‫ درجة مئوٌة‬10 ‫ عاما وتعٌش فً متوسط درجة حرارة البٌئة السنوٌة‬25 ‫ العمر‬.‫ كلغ‬65 ‫ وزن‬:‫المرجعٌة رجل‬
.‫ ٌوم‬/ ‫ سعرة حرارٌة‬3200 ً‫السعرات الحرارٌة للرجل المرجع‬
Reference woman: the same as man but weight 55 Kg.
The caloric requirements for the reference woman 2200

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 35

Factors Affecting Caloric Requirements
The energy requirements of individuals are depends on:
1-Physical activity: caloric requirements(rise)  by  activity.
2-Body size and weight: caloric requirements  by  body
Basal metabolic rate(BMR): ‫معدل االٌض‬
 For men E = 815+36.6W = 815 + 36.6 * 65 = 3194 calorie/ day
 For women E= 580+31.1W = 580 +31.1* 55 = 2290.5 calorie/ day

E for caloric needs and W for body weight

3-Age: there is a decline ‫انخفاضا‬in physical activities and BMR

(Basal metabolic rate) with advancing in age. So, the caloric
requirements reduce gradually by aging. ‫هناك انخفاضا فً األنشطة البدنٌة و بً ام ار‬
.‫ فإن متطلبات السعرات الحرارٌة ٌقلل تدرٌجٌا عن الشٌخوخة‬،‫ لذا‬.‫(معدل االٌض) مع التقدم فً العمر‬

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 36

Factors Affecting Caloric Requirements
4- Climate: The caloric requirements should be decreased by
5% for every 10 º C of mean annual external temperature above
the reference temperature ‫أعلى من درجة الحرارة‬and it should be increased
by only 3% for every 10 ºC of a mean annual external
temperature below the reference temperature of 10 ºC.

5-Extra needs are required for growth in: Childhood

,adolescence, pregnancy and lactation.

6-Extra needs are required for any pathological conditions. ‫الحاالت‬


General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 37

Hazards of Food
1- Deficiency of one or more of the food elements e.g. protein
deficiency, vitamin or mineral deficiency leading to certain
disease manifestations. ‫مظاهر‬
2- Certain foods are irritant to the gastrointestinal tract e.g.
spices. .‫أطعمة معٌنة مهٌجة إلى الجهاز الهضمً مثل التوابل‬
3- Some foods may produce allergic symptoms. ‫قد تنتج بعض األطعمة أعراض‬

4- Some foods may contain toxins.

5- Some foods may carry infections or parasites.
6- Over-nutrition high energy intake, high fat diet and excess
salting of foods has been associated with cancer. ‫ارتبط استهالك الطاقة عالٌة‬
.‫ وارتفاع غذاء الدهون واألطعمة ذات التملٌح الزائد مع مرض السرطان‬،‫اإلفراط فً التغذٌة‬
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 38
Relation between Nutrition and Infection:

Infections Death Malnutrition

General Nutrition Dr Gawad

Alwabr 39
Infections lead to malnutrition and malnutrition predispose
‫ٌؤهب‬to infections and both give rise to death.

Causes of nutritional decline‫ التدهور‬during infections especially

diarrheal diseases: why infection lead to malnutrition?
:‫أسباب التدهور التغذوي خالل العدوى من األمراض وخاصة اإلسهال‬

1- Reduced food intake due to: :‫انخفاض االستهالك الغذائً لألسباب التالٌة‬
a) Anorexia,،‫فقدان الشهٌة‬
b) Food with-holding and ‫)امتصاص الغذاء) الغذاء القابضة‬
c) Giving diluted food. .‫إعطاء الطعام المخفف‬

2- Decreased absorption of nutrients due to:

a) Damage to the absorptive epithelial cells (villous). ‫األضرار التً لحقت‬
‫الخالٌا الظهارٌة االستٌعابٌة‬
b) Enzyme deficiency.
c) Rapid transit of food through the gut leaving insufficient time
for digestion and absorption. ‫النقل السرٌع الطعام من خالل األمعاء وترك الوقت الغٌرالكافً لعملٌة‬40
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr
Why Infection Lead to Malnutrition?

3- Increased excretion of :‫زٌادة إفراز من‬

Nitrogen, vitamin A, C, B, and Zinc with loss of iron in
parasitic infection.

4- Increased nutritional requirements due to:

a) Increased metabolic demands associated with fever.
b) The need to repair the damaged tissues.
c) The need to replace serum protein lost through the
damaged mucosa. ً‫ الغشاء المخاط‬as in dysentery. ‫زحار‬

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 41

Why Malnutrition Leads to Infection?
1) Nutrients especially protein, pantothenic acid and
pyridoxine are needed for:
a- Formation of antibodies and immunoglobulin.
b- Formation of lymphocytes ‫ الخالٌا اللٌمفاوٌة‬B and T cells.
c- Leukocytic response and function. .‫استجابة و وظٌفة الكرٌات البٌضاء‬
d- The macrophage ‫الخالٌا البالعة‬metabolites as lyzozymes,
collagenase, interferon are also influenced by
.‫ مضاد للفٌروسات أٌضا من سوء التغذٌة‬،‫ كوالجٌناز‬،‫وأثرت على األٌض الخالٌا البالعة لالجسام المحللة‬
2) Vitamins: A, C and riboflavin are responsible for
healthy epithelial lining and prevention of infection ً‫ه‬
‫المسؤولة عن بطانة الظهارٌة الصحٌة والوقاٌة من العدوى‬

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 42

Prevention of Malnutrition
Outline a program for prevention of malnutrition in a community
as following:
1- Survey study:
Collect data about population in the study, their
socioeconomic condition, nutrition knowledge and habits,
the actually consumed diet and the magnitude ‫ حجم‬of
malnutrition problems in this community.
2- Socioeconomic development through:
• Promotion of national and family income.
• Family planning, for suitable family size and management
of the over population problem. ‫ لحجم األسرة مناسبة وإدارة المشكلة‬،‫تنظٌم األسرة‬
.‫السكانٌة على مدى‬
This is a general factor for better conditions including
nutrition. General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 43
Prevention of Malnutrition

3- Availability of food:
Increasing food production through expansion in
reclamation of agriculture lands ‫من خالل التوسع فً استصالح األراضً الزراعٌة‬
and encourage breeding ‫تربٌة‬of animals and poultry used as
food and cultivation of pulses ‫زراعة البقول‬and cereals to be
available at a reasonable prices.

4- Nutritional education:
Directed mainly to mothers and house wives, learning them
how to choose an adequate diet and the principles of
feeding practice.

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 44

Prevention of Malnutrition
5- Care of vulnerable groups through: ‫الرعاٌة للفئات الضعٌفة من خالل‬
 Feeding programs performed by maternal and child health

 Supplementation of diet by medical preparations as iron,

Calcium, vitamin D or vitamin C ‫مكمالت الحمٌة التً كتبها االستعدادات الطبٌة والحدٌد‬
‫والكالسٌوم وفٌتامٌن (د) أو فٌتامٌن‬
 Supplementary foods are provided e.g. milk powder or
cheese… ‫ٌتم توفٌر األغذٌة التكمٌلٌة‬
6-Health services for prevention and control of diseases
that cause malnutrition specially:
Parasitic disease

Chronic debilitating disease associated with anorexia blood loss,

disturbed digestion, absorption and metabolism. ‫األمراض الموهنة المزمنة المرتبطة‬

.ً‫ وامتصاص والتمثٌل الغذائ‬،‫ والهضم باالنزعاج‬،‫مع فقدان الشهٌة الدم‬
Ten U.S. Dietary Guidelines:

Aim for Fitness ‫اهداف للٌاقة البدنٌة‬

1. Aim for a healthy weight.
2. Be physically active each day.
Build a Healthy Base ً‫بناء قاعدة صح‬
3. Let the pyramid guide your choices.
4. Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole
5. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 46
Ten U.S. Dietary Guidelines:

6. Keep food safe to eat.

Choose Sensibly ‫اختٌار بعقالنٌة‬
7. Choose a diet that is low in saturated‫ مشبع‬fat and
cholesterol and moderate in total fat. ‫اختٌار نظام غذائً منخفض فً الدهون المشبعة‬
.‫والكولٌسترول ومعتدلة فً إجمالً الدهون‬

8. Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of

sugars. .‫اختر المشروبات واألطعمة للتخفٌف من تناول السكرٌات‬
9. Choose and prepare food with less salt.
10. If you drink alcoholic beverages do so in moderation.

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr 47

Diet Construction or
Diet Planning
ً‫بناء النظام الغذائً أو تخطٌط النظام الغذائ‬

General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr
Diet construction or diet planning ً‫بناء النظام الغذائً أو تخطٌط النظام الغذائ‬
Def: It means how to construct an adequate diet under different
social, economic and health conditions. ‫وهو ما ٌعنً كٌفٌة بناء نظام غذائً مالئم تحت‬
.‫مختلف الظروف االجتماعٌة واالقتصادٌة والصحٌة‬

In diet planning, we must remember the following:

1- Each day is considered as a “nutritional unit” and the diet
constructed should contain all the fundamental nutrients in proper
quantities. ‫وٌعتبر كل ٌوم بمثابة "وحدة تغذوٌه" وبناء النظام الغذائً ٌجب أن ٌحتوي على جمٌع العناصر الغذائٌة‬
.‫األساسٌة بكمٌات مناسبة‬
2- Age, Sex, occupation, health condition, pregnancy, lactation and
other characteristics of the individual or group for whom the diet is to
constructed must be taken in consideration.
3- Find out the daily requirements for protein, calories, vitamins and
minerals for the specific individual. ‫معرفة االحتٌاجات الٌومٌة للبروتٌن والسعرات الحرارٌة‬
.‫والفٌتامٌنات والمعادن لشخص معٌن‬
49 General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr
4- Select the foods which supply the protein requirements as well as
the vitamins and mineral e.g. meat , egg, milk, vegetables. From
food composition table calculate the energy contents for the selected
foods..‫من جدول مكونات األغذٌة ٌحسب محتوٌات الطاقة للمواد الغذائٌة المختارة‬

5- The rest of caloric requirements are supplied by food rich in

carbohydrates and fats. ‫ٌتم توفٌر باقً متطلبات السعرات الحرارٌة عن طرٌق األغذٌة الغنٌة بالكربوهٌدرات‬

6- All the food stuff selected for the whole day are to be divided
between breakfast, lunch and dinner with the ratio : 30%, 40% and
30%. .٪30 ‫ و‬٪40 ،٪30 :‫وتقسم جمٌع المواد الغذائٌة التً تم اختٌارها لٌوم كامل بٌن الفطور والغداء والعشاء مع نسبة‬

7- The dietary habits of individuals should be considered if

hygienic. .‫ٌنبغً النظر فً العادات الغذائٌة لألفراد إذا صحٌة‬

8- Daily food stuffs (menu) should be formulated as it should be

and not monotonous. ‫المواد الغذائٌة الٌومٌة (القائمة) ٌنبغً صٌاغتها كما ٌجب أن تكون متنوعة‬
.‫ولٌس رتٌبة‬ General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr
9- One should allow for the non-available fraction of minerals in
the food stuffs e.g. calcium and iron.
.‫ٌنبغً للمرء أن تسمح لجزء غٌر متاح من المعادن فً المواد الغذائٌة مثل الكالسٌوم والحدٌد‬
10- Foods should be cooked in the best way to preserve its
contents of vitamins and minerals.
.‫ٌجب طهً األطعمة فً أفضل طرٌقة للحفاظ على محتوٌاته من الفٌتامٌنات والمعادن‬
11- If it is required to prescribe one supplementary feed to a group
of people (e.g. school children), it must contain at least 50% of
the protective nutrients required for the whole day. The people for
whom such a diet is prescribed are usually deficient in such
dietary elements.
‫ فإنه ٌجب أن ٌحتوي على‬،)‫إذا كان ذلك مطلوبا أن ٌصف تغذٌة تكمٌلٌة واحدة إلى مجموعة من الناس (مثل أطفال المدارس‬
.‫ على األقل من المواد الغذائٌة الوقائٌة الالزمة لٌوم كامل‬٪50
.‫الناس الذٌن ٌوصف مثل هذا النظام الغذائً وعادة ما تكون من نقص فً هذه العناصر الغذائٌة‬

51 General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr

Construction of a diet on a qualitative basis ‫بناء نظام غذائً على أساس‬
Various schemes have been given for that purpose: ‫وقد أعطٌت مخططات مختلفة‬
:‫لهذا الغرض‬
A) The three food groups of Britain:‫المجموعات الغذائٌة الثالثة البرٌطانٌة‬
In which foods of similar nutritive value are included together to from
three food groups, they are: ‫ٌتم تضمٌن األطعمة ذات القٌمة الغذائٌة المتشابهة معا من ثالث مجموعات‬
:‫ وهم‬،‫الطعام‬
1- The body building food: milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish and pulses.‫البقول‬
The milk and cheese supply protein, calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin
while the rest of the group supply protein, iron, phosphorous and vitamin B.
2- The protective foods (vitality food): fresh vegetables and fruits in
addition to food stuffs of the first group. They supply vitamins, minerals and
3- The energy foods:
a-Bread, cereals refined foods ‫ تم تكرٌرها‬e.g. jam, sugar, sweets which supply
carbohydrates, cellulose, iron and also B vitamins.
b-Fat, oil, butter and margarine supply fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins.
General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr
B- The five food groups of Egypt:
1- Milk, Cheese and eggs.
2- Meat, fish, beans, peas and lentils.‫الفاصولٌا والبازالء والعدس‬
3- Vegetables salad and fruits (uncooked).
4-Leafy green cooked vegetables.
5- Bread, cereals and potatoes.

Give one serving from one or more foods from each group, at
least once, every day. ‫ مرة واحدة على‬،‫إعطاء حصة واحدة من واحد أو أكثر من األطعمة من كل مجموعة‬
.‫األقل كل ٌوم‬

Give more quantities of the first groups to children, pregnant

and lactating mother. .‫ األم الحامل والمرضعة‬،‫إعطاء مزٌد من كمٌات من المجموعات األولى إلى األطفال‬

53 General Nutrition Dr Gawad Alwabr

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