Productivity Improvement of Carton Manufacturing Industry by Implementation of Lean Six Sigma, ECRS, Work Study, and 5S A Case Study of ABC Co., LTD

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The paper discusses using lean six sigma, ECRS, work study, and 5S approaches to improve productivity in a carton manufacturing company. Specific issues like delayed cutting and transportation processes and disorganized warehouses were addressed.

The main problems identified were a delayed process in the cutting and die-cutting department, a messy area in the warehouse, and delayed and erroneous transportation processes.

Changing the measurement process from using hands to patterns reduced the standard time. Changing from sitting to standing while working also reduced the standard time and improved worker exhaustion. Both changes led to over 10% productivity improvements.

Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 785-793

J. Environ. Treat. Tech. ISSN:

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Productivity Improvement of Carton

Manufacturing Industry by Implementation of
Lean Six Sigma, ECRS, Work Study, and 5S: A
Case Study of ABC Co., Ltd.
Piyachat Burawat*
Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand

Received: 03/06/2019 Accepted: 08/09/2019 Published: 13/09/2019

The objective of this study is to improve productivity by means of lean six sigma, ECRS, work study, and 5S in carton
manufacturing industry. The study was conducted from November 2017 to August 2018 from a case study of ABC Co., Ltd. The data
were collected from managers and supervisors and the problems were analyzed by brainstorming, cause and effect diagram, and pareto
chart. Referring to the results, it was found that production problems occurred from a delayed process in cutting and Die-cut department,
messy area in warehouse, delayed and erroneous transportation. Considering the measurement process, the measurement method could
be changed from using hand to using pattern. The standard time was then reduced from 21.17 minutes per 100 pieces to 18.10 minutes
per 100 pieces, accounting for 14.50 percent of improvement. The lost cutting time was caused by excess movement of worker while
sitting and working. So, when the movement was changed from sitting to standing, the worker felt less exhausted and could reduce the
standard time from 19.32 minutes per 100 pieces to 15.05 minutes per 100 pieces, accounting for 22.10 percent of improvement. The
messy in warehouse had caused erroneous retrieval as well as delayed and erroneous transportation. Once it was improved by cleaning,
classifying products and areas with sign boards, the results showed that the cost of loss was reduced from 45,900 THB per quarter to
21,600 THB per quarter, accounting for 52.94 percent of improvement. Employee satisfaction level was increased from 3.20 to 4.60,
accounting for 43.75 percent of improvement.

Keywords: Brainstorming; Cause and Effect Analysis; ECRS; Lean Six Sigma; Productivity; Work Study; 5S; Continuous

1 Introduction1 and theories of modern production and quality improvement

Presently, productivity improvement is one of the most were always developed.
important to business operation and management, which can According to high competition and rapid changing
be applied in both manufacturing and service industry. Due to business conditions as well as bottleneck problem in cutting
fierce competition in all businesses, especially in carton and die department, this study contributes recent studies by
manufacturing industry, which is competitive in aspects of examining the productivity improvement by the application of
price, product quality, time delivery, and customer lean six sigma, ECRS, and work study principle to reduce the
satisfaction, cross-border business, electronic commerce work process and improve the working method, while setting
business, opening countries and trade zones in both the Eastern up a new working area according to the principle of 5S to allow
and Western countries have become a stimulus for business employees in the warehouse to work more easily. In addition,
needs to be adapted to keep up with the changing business this study attempts to reduce transportation problems, wastes,
circumstances. This new knowledge-based challenge requires delays and the number of errors that affect the cost of the
effective management tools to assist the organization to meet company by continuous improvement principles which enable
customer requirements. During the past period, the principles the company to be more competitive in the industry.

Corresponding author: Piyachat Burawat, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand. E-mail:
[email protected].
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 780-793

2 Literature Review referred to as making the change stick. Once the solution has
Literature review will be gainful for advocating the model solved the problem, the improvements must be standardized
described in detail in the next section. and sustained over time (4).

2.1 Productivity 2.3 Work study

A general definition of productivity is the relationship Work study is an important management tool to achieve
between the output generated by a production or service higher productivity. It is related to human work, method of
system and the input provided to create this output (15). Thus, doing work and standard of performance. The survival of any
productivity is defined as the efficient use of resources, e.g. organization is dependent on use of the latest technology and
labor, capital, land, materials, energy, information; in the efficient methods of production. To improve efficiency of
production of various goods and services (2). In addition, production, it needs effective utilization of plant, equipment
higher productivity means accomplishing more with the same and labor. This can be achieved by using work study which
amount of resources or achieving higher outputs in terms of studies methods and evaluate the performance. It divides work
volume and quality with the same input (18). Moreover, into smaller elements, studies it, and rearranges it to get the
productivity is viewed in terms of efficiency and effectiveness same or greater efficiency at reduced cost.
of work (2). International Labor Organization (ILO) defines work
Since globalization has an effect on continuous study as the technique of method study and work measurement
competition in all business industry, many researchers have employed to ensure the best possible use of human and
recommended that the definition of productivity as the ratio material resources in carrying out a specified activity. It is also
between output and input as well as the terms of efficiency and a management service based on method study and work
effectiveness resulting from the use of that resources is narrow measurement used in examination of human work leading to
and inappropriate view for measuring the success of the investigation of all the resources that affect efficiency and
current business (10, 16). Thus, modern notion of productivity economy of situation in order to bring about improvement.
includes consideration of social and ecological costs, ability to Further, ILO states that work study is aimed to minimize cost
create value for customers and stakeholders in the supply either by designing the work for high productivity or by
chain, ability to meet customers requirements that change over improving productivity in existing work through improvement
time, survival in high competition, and agility and speed in in current methods by reducing ineffective and wasted time
adapting to meet customer needs (10, 16). (6).

2.2 Lean Six Sigma 2.4 ECRS

Lean Six Sigma is the latest generation of improvement ECRS is an effective approach of the motion study
methodologies invented during the late 1990s and early 2000s technique used to improve production lines proposed by
(3). It is an integration of lean and Six Sigma methods. Lean Mogensen (1932). ECRS represents the four core principles.
manufacturing focuses on reducing losses but cannot reduce First, eliminate waste (E) found in manufacturing such as
the process variation whereas Six Sigma can reduce the waiting time, unnecessary movement and work step. Second,
process variation but cannot reduce losses or production time combine unnecessary work steps (C) to reduce the number of
(3, 20). Therefore, both concepts are applied together, called working steps and total processing time. Third, rearrange any
the Lean Six Sigma which aims to eliminate losses in the process step (R) for reducing distance of moving or the number
production process and using statistical principles to reduce of movements. Finally, simplify (S) or propose easier method
variation in the production process. for working or introduce new equipment such as jigs, fixtures,
A DMAIC improvement cycle is the core tool and can be support tools, or machine modification, to support operators.
used as the framework for any improvement applications. The ECRS is a common technique in motion study; thus, when
completion of one cycle continues with the beginning of the any process faces with inefficient working condition related to
next. A DMAIC-cycle consists of five consecutive steps or human works, ECRS is firstly considered and gives the
phases. First, define step (D) is intended to clearly articulate effective results after implementation. When ECRS is
the business problem, goal, potential resources, project scope introduced to improve any process, the results include
and high-level project timeline. This information is typically reduction in processing time and proposing efficient working
captured within project charter document. i.e. write down what steps that can reduce unnecessary movement and waiting time.
you currently know, seek to clarify facts, set objectives, and The improvement from ECRS leads to reduction in system cost
form the project team. Second, measure step (M) aims to and energy cost while the processing time is reduced.
objectively establish current baselines as the basis for Furthermore, material cost and waste cost are reduced when
improvement. This is a data collection step, the purpose of the improvements are affected to reduce material loss from
which is to establish process performance baselines. Third, inappropriate working methods (8).
analyze step (A) aims to identify, validate and select root cause
for elimination. Fourth, improve step (I) aims to identify, test 2.5 Continuous Improvement
and implement a solution to the problem, in part or in whole. Continuous improvement can be viewed as several
This depends on the situation, e.g. identifying creative aspects. First, continuous improvement is as much a
solutions to eliminate the key root causes in order to fix and philosophy as a set of specific quality tools and methods. Thus,
preventing process problems. Finally, control step (C) is to it would be seemed to be particularly important for managers
embed the changes and ensure sustainability; this is sometimes to have an orientation toward process focusing on the right way
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 780-793

of doing things. Second, continuous improvement can be seen to maintain the clean workplaces. During cleaning, it checks
as generic characteristics which focuses on the value of the cleanness of machine, workplace and floor, tightness of
making continuous incremental changes (5). Users emphasize equipment, cleanness of lines, pipes, sources of light, current
on making small changes, modifying processes, and eventually data, legibility and comprehensibility of delivered
creating a large cumulative effect (5). Although each small information, etc. Indispensable is the taking care of and
change may not have a measurable impact, the cumulative maintenance of personal tidiness of the operator. Next,
effect can be quite profound. Third, continuous improvement Seiketsu (standardize) aims to be constant place for things,
is viewed as improving method for both products and constant rules of organization, storage and keeping cleanness.
processes which involve employees from all positions and all Worked out and implemented standards in the form of
departments in the company (14). The objective is to eliminate procedures and instructions permit to keep the order on the
wasteful practices (17) and achieve lean production (23). workplaces. Standards should be very communicative, clear
Employees continuously chip away the fatty tissues of firm and easy to understand. Regarding this during preparation and
and create lean production processes (17). Finally, continuous improving, it should involve all participants of the process on
improvement is a kind of meditation technique that reveals its the given workplace; it means direct workers. The group
profundity only through ceaseless repetition and change (21). knows the best specificity of its own activities, and process of
The Deming’s quality cycle or PDCA-cycle is used to elaboration and after that, usage gives them possibility of
coordinate continuous improvement efforts. The completion of understanding the essence and each aspect of the operation. In
one cycle continues with the beginning of the next. A PDCA- the aim of assuring all the easy access, obligatory standards
cycle consists of four consecutive steps or phases. First, plan should be found in constant and visible places. Finally,
phase (P) is an analysis of what requires to be improved by Shitsuke (sustain) aims to be automatic realization of the
taking into consideration areas that hold opportunities for above-mentioned rules (19).
change, e.g. decision on what should be changed. Second, do Implementing the idea of the 5S will demand from workers
step (D) is an implementation of the changes that are decided the compact self-discipline connected with implementing and
on in the Plan step. Third, check phase (C) is a control and obeying the rules of regularity in cleaning and sorting. It leads
measurement of processes and products in accordance to to increasing the consciousness of employees, and decreasing
changes made in previous steps and in accordance with policy, the number of non-conforming products and processes,
goals and requirements on products. Lastly, act step (A) is an improvements in the internal communication, and through this
adoption or reaction to the changes or running the PDCA-cycle to improvement in the human relations.
through again, keeping improvement on-going (4).
3 Research Methodology
2.6 5S Practices The objective of this study is to improve productivity in
The 5S practice begins each programme of improvement. carton manufacturing industry. The study was conducted from
It is the tool for helping the analysis of processes running on November 2017 to August 2018 from a case study of ABC Co.,
the workplace. The 5S is the methodology of creation and Ltd. The data were collected from the managers and
maintaining well organized, clean, highly effective and high supervisors and the problems were analyzed by brainstorming,
quality workplace. Its result is the effective organization of the cause and effect diagram, and pareto chart. The current
workplace, reduction of work’s environment, elimination of productivity is measured by the ratio between current output
losses connected with failures and breaks, improvement of the divided by current input. After measuring current productivity,
quality and safety of work (7). The philosophy of the 5S has the analyzed and improved process were developed by using
its roots in Japan developed by Osada in the early 1980s (9). by means of lean six sigma, ECRS, work study, and 5S. Next,
The name 5S is the abbreviation of five Japanese words the productivity after improvement was measured by the ratio
including Seri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. between output after improvement, divided by input after
First, Seri (sort) is aimed to sort, organize the workplace, improvement. Meanwhile, productivity growth was calculated
and eliminate unnecessary materials. Through the suitable by the ratio between the difference of productivity after
sorting, it can identify the materials, tools, equipment and improvement and current productivity, divided by current
necessary information for realization the tasks. Sorting productivity. In addition, employee satisfaction was assessed
eliminates the waste material (raw materials and materials), by questionnaires (5 is extremely satisfied and 1 is extremely
nonconforming products, and damaged tools. It helps to dissatisfied). Descriptive statistic was used to analyze
maintain the clean workplace and improves the efficiency of employee satisfaction data.
searching and receiving things, shortening the time of running
the operation. Second, Seiton (set in order) aims to visualize Current Output
Current Productivity=
of the workplace and place for everything (e.g. painting the Current Input
floor helps to identify the places of storage of each material or
transport ways, drawing out the shapes of tools makes it
possible for the quick putting aside them on the constant Productivity after improvement=
Output after improvement
places, colored labels permit to identify the material, spare Input after improvement
parts or documents etc.). It should execute the segregation of
things and mark the places of their storing. Third, Seiso (shine) (Productivity after improvement - Current
Productivity Growth= Productivity)
aims to clean and remove wastes or dust. Regular cleaning Current Productivity
permits to identify and to eliminate sources of disordering and
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 780-793

4 Results and Findings

4.1 Results from brainstorming and cause and effect diagram
Based on the participation and observation study together
with brainstorming with managers, supervisors, and relevant
employees, the results found that the major product and large
order quantity is the carton sizing of 15x12x43.5 centimeter.
Thus, this study focuses to the process of this product
composed of 6 processes including dividing/cutting, printing,
die-cutting, jump/slot, sewing, and gluing. Referring to the
defined problem results, it was found that production problems
occurred from a delayed process in cutting and die-cut
department, messy area in warehouse, delayed and erroneous
Figure 3: Improvement Measurement Method

4.3 Results of improvement in die-cut process

Die-cut process is similar to sewing process; however,
production time per one piece is significantly slower. Based on
work study and interview with three operators, the results
found that the lost cutting time was caused by excess
movement of worker while sitting and working. So, when the
movement was changed from sitting to standing, the worker
felt less exhausted and could reduce the standard time from
19.32 minutes per 100 pieces to 15.05 minutes per 100 pieces,
Figure 1: Results from Brainstorming and Cause and Effect Diagram
accounting for 22.10 percent of improvement.
4.2 Results of improvement in cutting process
Cutting process is the first process of carton manufacturing
process. Step of cutting process begins with preparing raw
material (large paper), followed by setting up cutting machine,
picking up paper and inserting it to cutting machine, cutting
paper, measuring size of paper, and transporting to next
process. Based on work study, the results presented that there
are many pieces of work in process in measurement phase as
operators measure all paper by hand using measuring tape. The
operators informed that there are many defects if they pass cut
paper to next process without inspecting size of paper. ECRS
is implemented by simplifying measurement process. Figure 4: Current Method of Die-Cut Process
Considering measurement process, the measurement method
could be changed from using hand to using pattern. The
standard time was then reduced from 21.17 minutes per 100
pieces to 18.10 minutes per 100 pieces, accounting for 14.50
percent of improvement.

Figure 5: Improvement Method of Die-Cut Process

4.4 Results of improvement in warehouse area

The initial process before cutting process is receiving raw
paper crates from the supplier and then transporting raw paper
crates from the truck to warehouse area by forklift. After work
study, the results presented that raw paper crates located in
wrong position, messy and unsafety resulted in delayed and
erroneous transportation to the cutting department.
Figure 2: Current Measurement Method

Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 780-793

4.4.1 Results of improvement in warehouse area using 5S

First, Seri (sort) was implemented by sorting necessary,
unnecessary and empty pallet. Then, unnecessary and empty
pallet were moved or eliminated from the way of
transportation. Second, Seiton (set in order) was implemented
by keeping the pallet according to the frequent and important
usage. Written and hanged labels were provided to reduce
errors and easy to utilize. Third, Seiso (shine) was
implemented by regular maintaining cleanliness, leading to no
crumbs that cause problems in the speed and safety of the
forklift as well as well sceneries in the workplace. Next,
Seiketsu (standardize) was implemented by setting standard
time and number of storage, scheduling and planning the
storage based on standard quantity and time. Finally, Shitsuke
(sustain) was implemented by maintaining the above improved Figure 7: Improvement Warehouse Using 5S
systems, communicating and announcing to all employees that
5S is essential and requires collaboration from workers and the Table 1: Details of Transportation Wastes
compact self-discipline connected with implementing and Cumulative
obeying the rules of regularity in cleaning and sorting. After Waste/Problem Number Frequency Frequency
applying 5S activities to improve warehouse area, the findings Details of trips (Percentage) (Cumulative
showed that warehouse’s employee satisfaction level was
Delayed 90 58.82% 58.82%
increased from 3.20 to 4.60, accounting for 43.75 percent of Erroneous 36 23.53% 82.35%
improvement. Products damaged
27 17.65% 100.00%
due to overlapping

Figure 6: Current Warehouse Area

4.3.2 Results of improvement in warehouse area using Lean

Six Sigma
Delayed and erroneous transportation is improved by Lean
Six Sigma using waste elimination and DMAIC-cycle.
Problem and waste in transportation were defined by using
pareto chart which was collected from 270 trips within 3
months. Delayed and erroneous transportation occurred from
151 trips. Problem details are showed in figure 8 and table 1.
Measure phase was implemented by measuring loss of Figure 9: Current Carrying Method
transportation cost. The average loss for 1 trip is equal to 300
THB. Transportation problem came from 151 trips; thus, the Improvement phase was implemented by work study,
loss in transportation accounted for 45,300 THB. Analyze continuous improvement, and ECRS. Work study was
phase was implemented by brainstorming which is presented implemented for setting standard time and specifying truck
in table 2. license plate as well as appropriate transportation route. ECRS
was implement by rearranging the counting process and
simplifying recorded document.

Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 780-793

Figure 8: Defined root causes using pareto chart

Table 2: Analyzing Transportation Wastes

Wastes/Problems Details Targeted
Delayed Deliver products to customers later than 30-60 Reduce the delayed time from 30-60 minutes to 15
minutes. minutes.
Erroneous Missing or exceeds the order quantity. There is a control of the product quantity which is
correct to order quantity. Count the number while
carrying the products to truck.
Products damaged due to The products are placed in the wrong position, placing Reduce product damage
overlapping heavy products overlapping light products.

Employees must count number of products before 5 Discussions and Conclusion

departure which is equal to order quantity. In addition, The purpose of this study is to reduce waste and improve
employees need to record number of delivered and remained productivity in carton manufacturing industry. Brain storming,
products for all delivery. At the end of working day, employees cause and effect, and pareto chart were used to identify root
must count actual quantity which is equal to remained quantity causes of wastes, bottleneck, and problems. From the define
and the last recorded one Product defect was reduced by phase results, the wastes in carton production line occurred
arranging the heavy weight products at the bottom, while the from a delayed process in cutting and die-cut department,
light weight products were always located on top. In addition, messy area in warehouse, delayed and erroneous
the paper was placed between the easily damaged products. transportation. Thus, work study was applied to study and
After implementing improvement method, the results showed improve both work method and cycle time. Measurement
that transportation problem reduced from 151 trips to 72 trips. process is non value added; however, it is necessary process
Thus, the loss in transportation decreased from 45,300 THB to which cannot be eliminated. Thus, ECRS was implemented by
21,600 THB, accounting for 52.94 percent of improvement. simplifying measurement process using measurement pattern
Regarding control phase, the satisfied results motivated instead of measurement by hands, which reduced cycle time
company to share and apply improvement concept in other from 21.17 minutes per 100 pieces to 18.10 minutes per 100
remained departments as well as setting standard work pieces, accounting for 14.50 percent of improvement.
instruction and guidelines for both transportation process and Referring to die-cut process, it is a value-added and necessary
other remained processes. process which cannot be ignored. Based on work study, the
results showed that the lost cutting time was caused by excess
movement of worker while sitting and working. Employees
felt tired and fatigued because they had to bend and stretch
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 780-793

their arms while operating machine, resulting in frequent addition, the number of crashing accident was significantly
breaks during working hours. Thus, the movement was reduced.
changed from sitting to standing, and the workers felt less
exhausted and could reduce the standard time from 19.32
minutes per 100 pieces to 15.05 minutes per 100 pieces,
accounting for 22.10 percent of improvement.

Figure 12: Level of Employee Satisfaction

Figure 13: Transportation Loss

Figure 10: Light Weight on top with paper between the Easily
Damaged Products

Figure 14: Frequency of Transportation Waste

Employees were familiar and inclined to work in the

Figure 11: Standard Time
current method, which makes unsuccessful 5S practice. Thus,
Based on cause and effect diagram, one of the delayed company announced and enforced 5S practice as one of the
problems in cutting process occurred from delayed and important policies. Meanwhile, managers and employees must
incorrect quantity transportation from warehouse department. follow them strictly, becoming a part of daily work. External
Raw paper crates were located in wrong position and messy customers satisfaction is the most important to successful of
area caused waste of time for searching raw paper crates and any business. Customers frequently feedback that company
crashing among forklift and messy pallets. Therefore, 5S delivers incorrect quantity and defect products, which leads to
practice was implemented. Once it was improved by cleaning, both low level of customers satisfaction and high level of
classifying products and areas with sign boards, the results transportation loss. Thus, ECRS and Lean Six Sigma were
showed that employee satisfaction level was increased from applied. Rearranged counting process and simplified recorded
3.20 to 4.60, accounting for 43.75 percent of improvement. In document assisted to correct quantity. Employees must count
the number of products before departure which is equal to
order quantity. In addition, employees need to record number
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 780-793

of delivered and remained products for all delivery. At the end performance which can be applied in any industry as well as
of working day employees must count actual quantity which is any size of company. It can be regarded as the promotion of
equal to remained quantity and the last recorded one. Defect the improvement techniques amongst the employees and as a
products occurred from compressed, scratches, and lacerates training method for the employees. The findings demonstrated,
defects which are eliminated by arranging and simplifying however, that there are obstacles in the effective
carrying process. Employees must check and manage all implementation of the improvement techniques for any
shipment products. The heavy weight products are located at improvement purpose. The most significant obstacles
the bottom, while the light weight products are always located identified are related to depletion of communication, gap
on top. In addition, the appropriate paper was placed between between the top management and shop floor operators and also
lays of the easily damaged products. Once it was improved by the insufficiency of training and consciousness of this activity
correcting quantity and reducing defects, the results showed amongst the employees. Thus, the full advantages of the
that the cost of loss was reduced from 45,900 THB per quarter improvement techniques cannot be experienced in the business
to 21,600 THB per quarter, accounting for 52.94 percent of sector until all the drawbacks related with application of the
improvement. In addition, the level of external customers improvement techniques are recognized, completely
satisfaction is significantly increased. comprehended and addressed. Continuous evaluation in all
Continuous improvement is known as Kaizen in Japanese. levels of firms is one major driver to change the improvement
The application of the Kaizen principles supposes a continuous culture of the company. This evaluation should be emphasized
communication between the manager and the employees on the progress and improvement of quantity and quality of
(vertical communication) and between the employees on the products, level of morale and satisfaction of employee, level
same hierarchical level (horizontal communication). The of quantity and quality of communication, financial
application of the Kaizen principles involves no major performance, and customer satisfaction.
expenses, but only more attention to details and practical ways
to do things better and more efficiently. The directly 6 Recommendations
productive employee is particularly encouraged so that they There are several recommendations as followed:
can suggest and make improvements (22). After a detailed 6.1 Japanese management and TPS techniques require a
analysis, the results have noticed that, even in the areas where top-down approach that becomes part of the corporate fabric.
no improvements are needed such as warehouse area, there are Teaching TPS techniques cannot take place in a classroom or
still plenty of possibilities to improve. A good management of through seminars, but where the operations actually take place.
human resources in the organization is one of the strategic To be effective, everyone must be fully aware of the various
objectives of the organization which should be clearly defined forms that waste can take and be constantly vigilant of any
and accepted by all members. The continuous improvement opportunities to attack and eliminate these wastes. Senior
principles are the resistance structure that should be built on, executives must regularly walk through the operations,
so that we can get to a continuous and step by step observing the activities, asking questions, and demonstrating
improvement of the company performance. Problems should their commitment to the process. Too often, companies treat
not be connected to employees because blaming employees these processes as programs that can be started and stopped as
does not solve the problem. Problem solving should use feed- needed. They seldom give it the necessary support and time to
back techniques. become part of the corporate culture.
The results demonstrated that the implementation of 5S, 6.2 Though principle of Japanese management and TPS
work study, ECRS, Lean Six Sigma, and continuous techniques are related to no major expenses, only more
improvement techniques can be applied in small scale attention to details and practical ways is required to do things
industry. These techniques involve with Toyota Production better and more efficiently together with continuous
System (TPS) which focuses on the active involvement of all improvement over time. Thus, it can be applied in both
employee categories, aiming to small but continuous manufacturing and services business. Due to the lower
development. Lean manufacturing is one of the options to resource investment, it can be implemented in any company
reduce non value-added activity (wastes) and improve like small, medium, and large company.
operational efficiency of the organization. The efficient 6.3 There are several Japanese management and TPS
implementation of 5S technique leads to improvement in techniques. This study applied some of them, i.e. Lean Six
environmental performance and thus primarily related to Sigma, ECRS, work study, Kaizen, and 5S, the results are
reduction of wastes in manufacturing. It promotes neatness in satisfied. It is necessary for all businesses to analyze and select
storage of raw material and finished products, reduction in suitable tools for their situations which may be similar or
accident, and increase of awareness and moral of employees dissimilar to this study, for instance just in time (JIT), lean
(22). Regarding ECRS concept, all 4 principles are production, six sigma, push-pull system, Jidoka, Poka Yoke,
unnecessary to be applied at the same time depending on Kamban, 8 wastes, single-minute exchange of die (SMED),
problem analysis and limitations of each company. The results Hejunka, Genchi Genbutsu, visualization, respecting
showed that even though this study applied only three employees, team and suggestion system.
principles (eliminate, rearrange, and simplify), the 6.4 Though Japanese management and TPS techniques
improvements are in satisfactory level. are pervasive implementation in worldwide business,
The findings demonstrated that Lean Six Sigma, ECRS, European and Western management and techniques are
work study, Kaizen, and 5S can be seen as an effective widespread applied as well. Since European and Western
technique that can reduce waste and improve business management are involved with high technologies, machines,
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2019, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages: 780-793

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