Oa Term 1 Lesson 3

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Skills, attitudes and attributes of office personnel other people’s attitudes, habits, points-of-
view and ways of working.
The job description tells the applicant what iii. Willingness – this is the same as enthusiasm,
a job entails. The job description must therefore be i.e. an employee shows willingness when he
clear, completely detailing a list of responsibility of or she likes to take a new challenges, even
the position, so that an employee’s performance can boring ones, in order to do what the
be measure against targets and goals. organization needs him to do.
The job description/ specification will also iv. Honesty – it is important always to tell the
list the educational requirements for the job, the pay truth in your professional life just as much as
scale or classification of that job within the company. in your personnel life, and to be trustworthy,
The job description may also list the skills and e.g. with the company’s money or other
attributes required of the employees. material goods.
v. The attitude of being polite.
Skills vi. The attitude that makes sure an employee
‘Skills’ or abilities are what you bring to an office job. arrives at work punctually and regularly.
i. The ability to work efficiently – efficiency
means making the best use of the time available.
ii. The ability to be organized – to know the order Attitude is influenced by the employee’s level of
in which work should be performed, where to file satisfaction with:
documents how to meet deadlines etc.  What their job requires – if there is no
iii. The ability to speak and write English variety or challenge in a job, an office worker
fluently. may find their attitude towards the job
iv. The ability to work well with numbers. becomes negative.
v. The ability to operate a variety of office  That amount of pay that he/she receives.
machines.  The level of supervision that takes place in
vi. The ability to solve problems, and be the office – generally, employees prefer not
analytical – in other words, to think things to be supervised too closely. If they are
through before making decisions on what action trusted to get on with their jobs, they feel
to take. more of a sense of ‘ownership’ of their work,
and a positive attitude will be the result.
Attitudes  Opportunities that exist for promotion.
Attitudes are one’s outlook and perception of  How co-workers behave.
one’s job, role and place in the office. Attitude is
sometimes defined as a learned behavior that guides
an individual’s responses to situations. The importance of good relationships in the office
Attitude also very much depends on an All organizations need people, equipment’s
individual’s frame of mind and psychology. Skills, and other resources to function successfully. Good
meanwhile, are something that an employee will interpersonal relationships are essential to good
have (or not) whatever their frame of mind. teamwork in the organization, and are beneficial to
A positive attitude is something that helps the the individual as well as to the organization. They
employee to do a job well. On the other hand, if the enable the employee to make the maximum
employee evaluates his or her job and thinks it is contribution to meeting the organization’s objectives,
boring, this may lead to a negative attitude which and allow the employee to mature and achieve their
may result in the employee putting less effort into the goals. They also ensure that the customer and the
job. business get the best performance from the
i. Team-spirit and cooperation - they need to employees.
ensure that what they do and how they
behave fits into the overall scheme of things,
by cooperating continuously with other
collogues in the office.
ii. Tolerance – to work well in a team a person
will often need to accept and be tolerant of

D. Latchman (September-2018)
Relationship with supervisors
Supervisors are employed to set objectives
for their staff, and ensure that those objectives are
met. The objectives will, of course, be part of the large
objectives of the organization as a while. Supervisors
must deal fairly with each worker, praising and
encouraging those who perform well, and advising
and guiding those who do not conform to
Each member of staff must therefore see to it
that they respect their supervisor. They must also be
willing to talk to their supervisor openly if they are
having any difficulties with their work, personal life,
or other collogues in the office. In this way, solutions
to problem can be arrived at by mutual constant and

Relationships with colleagues

In dealing with other colleagues on a day-to-
day basis, an employee should show respect for the
suggestions and efforts of others, acknowledging the
positive, and making tactful alternative suggestions
when necessary.

Relationships with customers

Clearly, it is the key to the successful
functioning of a business that workers always
present a positive image when dealing with
customers’ suppliers and inquiries from outside the
office. This relationship is necessary to make
customers feel satisfied and confident in what is
offered to them.

D Latchman (2018)

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