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Malware detection using machine learning

Conference Paper · November 2009

DOI: 10.1109/IMCSIT.2009.5352759 · Source: IEEE Xplore


48 10,932

4 authors:

Dragoş Gavriluţ Mihai Cimpoesu

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza


D. Anton Liviu Ciortuz

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza


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Proceedings of the International Multiconference on ISBN 978-83-60810-22-4
Computer Science and Information Technology pp. 735–741 ISSN 1896-7094

Malware Detection Using Machine Learning

Dragoş Gavriluţ1,2 , Mihai Cimpoeşu1,2 , Dan Anton1,2 , Liviu Ciortuz1
1 - Faculty of Computer Science, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania
2 - BitDefender Research Lab, Iaşi, Romania
Email: {gdt, mcimpoesu, dan.anton, ciortuz}

Abstract—We propose a versatile framework in which one used to identify patterns of behaviour for viruses in Windows
can employ different machine learning algorithms to successfully exectable files.
distinguish between malware files and clean files, while aiming
to minimise the number of false positives. In this paper we In this paper, we present a framework for malware detection
present the ideas behind our framework by working firstly aiming to get as few false positives as possible, by using
with cascade one-sided perceptrons and secondly with cascade a simple and a simple multi-stage combination (cascade) of
kernelized one-sided perceptrons. After having been successfully
tested on medium-size datasets of malware and clean files, the different versions of the perceptron algorithm [12]. Other
ideas behind this framework were submitted to a scaling-up automate classification algorithms [13] could also be used in
process that enable us to work with very large datasets of this framework, but we do not explore here this alternative. The
malware and clean files. main steps performed through this framework are sketched as
1. A set of features is computed for every binary file in the
M ALWARE is defined as software designed to infiltrate
or damage a computer system without the owner’s in-
formed consent. Malware is actually a generic definition for all
training or test datasets (presented in Section II), based on
many possible ways of analyzing a malware.
2. A machine learning system based firstly on one-sided
kind of computer threats. A simple classification of malware
perceptrons, and then on feature mapped one-sided perceptrons
consists of file infectors and stand-alone malware. Another
and a kernelized one-sided perceptrons (Section III), combined
way of classifying malware is based on their particular action:
with feature selection based on the F1 and F2 scores, is trained
worms, backdoors, trojans, rootkits, spyware, adware etc.
on a medium-size dataset consisting of clean and malware
Malware detection through standard, signature based meth-
files. Cross-validation is then performed in order to choose
ods [1] is getting more and more difficult since all current
the right values for parameters. Finally, tests are performed
malware applications tend to have multiple polymorphic layers
on another, non-related dataset. The obtained results (see
to avoid detection or to use side mechanisms to automatically
Section IV) were very encouraging.
update themselves to a newer version at short periods of time
3. In the end (Section V) we will analyse different aspects
in order to avoid detection by any antivirus software. For an
involved in the scale-up of our framework to identifying
example of dynamical file analysis for malware detection, via
malware files on very large training datasets.
emulation in a virtual environment, the interested reader can
see [2]. Classical methods for the detection of metamorphic II. DATASETS
viruses are described in [3].
We used three datasets: a training dataset, a test dataset,
An overview on different machine learning methods that
and a “scale-up” dataset. The number of malware files and
were proposed for malware detection is given in [4]. Here we
respectively clean files in these datasets is shown in the first
give a few references to exemplify such methods.
two columns of Table I. As stated above, our main goal is
− In [5], boosted decision trees working on n-grams are found to achieve malware detection with only a few (if possible 0)
to produce better results than both the Naive Bayes clasifier false positives, therefore the clean files in this dataset (and
and Support Vector Machines. also in the scale-up dataset) is much larger than the number
− [6] uses automatic extraction of association rules on of malware files.
Windows API execution sequences to distinguish between From the whole feature set that we created for malware
malware and clean program files. Also using association rules, detection, 308 binary features were selected for the experi-
but on honeytokens of known parameters, is [7]. ments to be presented in this paper. Files that generate similar
− In [8] Hidden Markov Models are used to detect whether values for the chosen feature set were counted only once.
a given program file is (or is not) a variant of a previous The last two columns in Table I show the total number of
program file. To reach a similar goal, [9] employs Profile unique combinations of the 308 selected binary features in the
Hidden Markov Models, which have been previously used with training, test and respectively scale-up datasets. Note that the
great success for sequence analysis in bioinformatics. number of clean combinations — i.e combinations of feature
− The capacity of neural networks to detect polymorphic values for the clean files — in the three datasets is much
malware is explored in [10]. In [11], Self-Organizing Maps are smaller than the number of malware unique combinations


Algorithm 1 The Perceptron Training Subroutine
THE T RAINING , T EST, AND S CALE -U P D ATASETS . Sub Train (R, LR M alware, LR Clean) :
γi = 0
Files Unique combinations i = 1, . . . , n
Database malware clean malware clean
for all record in R do
Training 27475 273133 7822 415
if Fitness(record) 6= record.label then
Test 11605 6522 506 130
Scale-up approx. 3M approx. 180M 12817 16437 for all γi do
if record.Fi 6= 0 then
TABLE II if record.label = 1 then
Training Dataset Test Dataset
γi = γi + LR Clean
Malware Unique combinations
type Files of feature values Files end if
Backdoor 35.52% 40.19% 9.16% end if
Hacktool 1.53% 1.73% 0.00% end for
Rootkit 0.09% 0.15% 0.04% end if
Trojan 48.06% 43.15% 37.17% end for
Worm 12.61% 12.11% 33.36%
for all wi do
Other malware 2.19% 2.66% 20.26%
wi = wi + γi
end for
End sub
because most of the features were created to emphasize an
aspect (either a geometrical form or behaviour aspect) of
malware files.
forcing (if possible) a 100% detection rate for one category.
The clean files in the training database are mainly system
In the sequel we will use the following data structures:
files (from different versions of operating systems) and exe-
cutable and library files from different popular applications. − F = (fa1 , fa2 , . . . , fan ) is an array representing the feature
We also use clean files that are packed or have the same form values associated to a file, where fai are file features.
or the same geometrical similarities with malware files (e.g use − Ri = (Fi , labeli ) is a record, where Fi is an array of file
the same packer) in order to better train and test the system. feature as above, and labeli is a boolean tag. The value of
The malware files in the training dataset have been taken labeli identifies the file characterised by the array of feature
from the Virus Heaven collection. The test dataset contains values Fi as being either a malware file or a clean file.
malware files from the WildList collection and clean files − R = (R1 , R2 , . . . Rm ) is the set of records associated to
from different operating systems (other files that the ones used the training files that we use.
in the first database). The malware collection in the training
We use non-stochastic versions of the perceptron algorithm
and test datasets consists of trojans, backdoors, hacktools,
so that we can parallelize the training process. This measure
rootkits, worms and other types of malware. The first and
will enable us to speed up the training process on large
third columns in Table II represent the percentage of those
malware types from the total number of files of the training
Algorithm 1 is the the standard perceptron algorithm. In-
and respectively test datasets. The second column in Table II
stead of working with floats, it uses a large integer repre-
represents the corresponding percentage of malware unique
sentation for the weights wi , i = 1 . . . n, where n is the
combinations from the total number of unique combinations
total number of attributes/features. This adaptation is non-
of feature values for the training dataset. As shown in the first
restrictive, assuming multiplication with a certain factor related
and lasts column of Table II, the distribution of malware types
to the representation. Other notations used by this algorithm
in this test dataset is significantly different from the malware
distribution in the training dataset.
The third, large dataset was used for testing the scaling- − γi , i = 1 . . . n, are the additive values that will modify the
up capabilities of our learning algorithms. This dataset was weights wi after one iteration;
divided into 10 parts denoted as S10, S20, .., S100, where Si − LR M alware and LR Clean are the learning rate con-
represents i% of the total dataset, and Si ⊂ Si+10 . We used stants for the malware and respectively the clean sets of files.
these parts in order to evaluate the training speed and the The perceptron’s fitness
malware detection rate for larger and larger datasets. Pnfunction is defined as:
Fitness (Ri ) = Sign( j=0 wj Ri .Fj − T hreshold), where
Ri .Fj denotes the value of the feature faj in the file record
Ri . We define Sign(x) = 1 if x ≥ 0, and -1 otherwise.
The main goal of this section is to modify the perceptron Algorithm 2, henceforth called the one-sided perceptron is
algorithm [12], so as to correctly detect malware files, while a modified version of Algorithm 1. It performs the training

Algorithm 2 One-Sided Perceptron K [15]. The resulting kernelized one-sided perceptron is the
N umberOf Iterations ← 0 Algorithm 4 given below.
M axIterations ← 100
repeat Algorithm 4 Kernelized One-Sided Perceptron
Train (R, 1, -1) for i = 1 to n do
while FP(R) > 0 do ∆i ← 0
Train (R, 0, -1) αi ← 0
end while end for
N umberOf Iterations ← N umberOf Iterations + 1 for i = 1 to n P
until (TP(R) = N umberOf M alwareF iles) or n
if (labeli × j=1 (αj × K(i, j))) ≤ 0 then
(N umberOf Iterations = M axIterations) ∆i ← ∆i + labeli
end if
end for
for one chosen label (in our case either malware or clean), so for i = 1 to n do
that in the end the files situated on one side of the learned αi ← αi + ∆i
linear separator have exactly that label (assuming that the two ∆i ← 0
classes are separable). The files on the other side of the linear end for
separator can have mixed labels.
In the specification of the one-sided perceptron, the FP(R) The algorithms 1, 2 and 4 presented above will be used in
function is assumed to return the number of false positives for the sequel as bricks in cascade (or: multi-stage) classification
the R set, while the TP(R) function returns the number of algorithms. Given a set of binary classification algorithms
true positives for the R set. {A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak }, a cascade over them is an aggregated
There are two steps inside the repeat loop of Algorithm 2. classification algorithm that classifies a given test instance x
The first step, Train(R, 1, -1), performs usual training on the as follows.1
labeled data, obtaining a linear separator (see the perceptron
algorithm). The second step, while FP(R) > 0 do Train(R, Algorithm 5 Cascade Classification
0, -1), tries to further move the linear separator, until no clean if Ai1 (x) or Ai2 (x) or . . . Aik (x) then
file is eventually misclassified. return 1
For what we call the mapped one-sided perceptron, we will else
use the previous perceptron algorithm, except we first map return -1
all our features in a different space using a simple feature end if
generation algorithm, namely Algorithm 3.
Remember that we noted F = (fa 1 , fa 2 , ..., fa n ). We map
F to F ′ so that F ′ = (fa1′ ′
, fa2 ′
, ..., fam ), where m = n(n + IV. R ESULTS

1)/2 and fak = fa i &fa j , i = [k/n] + 1, j = k%n + 1, k = We performed cross-validation tests by running the three
1 . . . m, where & denotes the logical and operator. versions of the cascade one-sided perceptron presented in
Section III on the training dataset described in Section II
Algorithm 3 Simple Feature Generation (7822 malware unique combinations, and 415 clean unique
pos ← 0 combinations).
for i = 1 to n do For the kernelized one-sided perceptron, the following ker-
for j = 1 to n do nel functions were used:

fapos ← fa i &fa j • Polynomial Kernel Function:
pos ← pos + 1 K(u, v) = (1+ < u, v >)d , where
end for < u, v > denotes the dot product of the u and v vectors;
end for • Radial-Base Kernel Function:
K(u, v) = exp( 2×σ 2 ).
The number of resulted features in F ′ will be n(n + 1)/2, The results shown by the tables in this section have been
where n is the number of features in F . The computational obtained for the previously presented algorithms.
time increases heavily (e.g. for 308 features in F , we will The following notations will be used in the sequel:
have 47586 features in F ′ . However, the detection rate (i.e
• COS-P – Cascade One-Sided Perceptron;
sensitivity) at cross-validation increases with about 10%, as it
• COS-P-Map-F1 and COS-P-Map-F2 – Cascade One-
will be shown later in the results section.
Sided Perceptron with explicitly mapped features, after
Finally, we used the same one-sided perceptron (Algo-
rithm 2), but in the dual form [14] and with the training 1 It is understood that the execution of the A , A , . . . , A
i1 i2 ik algorithms
entry mapped into a larger feature space via a kernel function that occur in the definition of the cascade algorithm is done in this order.

application of feature selection based on the F1 and F2 3- FOLD C ROSS - VALIDATION R ESULTS ON THE T RAINING D ATASET.
statistical scores;
• COS-P-Poly2/Poly3/Poly4 – Cascade One-Sided Percep- Algorithm TP FP SE SP ACC
tron with the Polynomial Kernel Function shown above, COS-P 2269 9 87.04% 93.01% 87.34%
COS-P-Map-F1 2023 36 97.62% 69.70% 96.08%
with the degree 2/3/4; COS-P-Map-F2 2029 40 97.38% 69.05% 95.71%
• COS-P-Radial – Cascade One-Sided Perceptron using the COS-P-Poly2 2535 41 97.24% 70.12% 95.87%
RBF Kernel Function with σ = 0.4175. COS-P-Poly3 2551 48 97.84% 64.82% 96.18%
• TP – the number of true positives; COS-P-Poly4 2554 54 97.95% 60.97% 96.09%
• FP – the number of false positives; COS-P-Radial 2534 48 70.49% 58.79% 69.90%
• SE – the sensitivity measure value;
• SP – the specificity measure value;
• ACC – the accuracy measure value [16].
For feature selection in conjunction with one-sided percep- Algorithm TP FP SE SP ACC
trons we used the F-scores statistical measures. The discrim- COS-P 1342 5 85.83% 93.98% 86.24%
COS-P-Map-F1 1209 18 97.25% 74.09% 95.97%
inative power of the ith feature is described commonly by
COS-P-Map-F2 1212 17 96.98% 77.50% 95.83%
the statistical F1 and F2 scores defined below. The larger the COS-P-Poly2 1518 23 97.05% 71.57% 95.76%
values for the ith feature, the more likely this feature possesses COS-P-Poly3 1532 29 97.95% 64.10% 96.25%
discriminative importance. COS-P-Poly4 1533 31 98.01% 61.69% 96.18%
COS-P-Radial 1524 30 73.70% 60.00% 73.01%
|µ+ −
i − µi | (µ+ 2 −
i − µi ) + (µi − µi )
F1 = + − , F2 = + 2 − 2 (1)
|σi − σi | (σi ) + (σi )
Here, µ+ − + −
i /µi and σi /σi denote the means and standard Cross-validation tests for 3, 5, 7, and 10 folds were per-
deviations of the positive (+) and respectively negative (-) formed for each algorithm (COS-P, COS-P-Map, COS-P-Poly
subsets of the training dataset. The numerator describes the and COS-P-Radial) on the training dataset. For each algorithm,
discrimination between the two classes, while the denom- we used the best result from maximum 100 iterations.
inator measures the discrimination within each of the two Figure 1 shows a comparative view between the F-measure
classes [17]. values produced by our algorithms at cross-validation on the
Our measurements have shown that there is a quite good 2(SP ×P P V )
training set. F-measure is defined as F m = SP +P P V ,
(although non-linear) correlation between the F1 and F2
where P P V (Positive Predictive Value) = T PT+F P
scores. That means that most probably we will get similar
training results when taking the same percentage of (F1 and T P/F P designate the number of true/false positives.
respectively F2) best-scored features. The cross-validation results found in Tables III–VI show
Then we performed feature selection based on the F1 and that although the COS-P-Poly4 algorithm has the best malware
F2 scores to see whether we can find a subset of features that detection rate (i.e sensitivity) on training dataset, the number
will produce similar classification results with those obtained of false alarms produced by this algorithm is much higher
when using all features. Towards this aim, we have split the
training dataset in 2 partitions, i.e a training partition with TABLE V
about 66% records and another one for testing with the rest 7- FOLD C ROSS - VALIDATION R ESULTS ON THE T RAINING D ATASET.
of 33%. We tested the cascade one-sided perceptron (COS-P)
Algorithm TP FP SE SP ACC
algorithm using the first 10%, 20%, 30% . . . 100% features COS-P 957 3 85.67% 94.94% 86.14%
selected with F1 and respectively F2 scores. The results (not COS-P-Map-F1 863 13 97.25% 74.37% 95.99%
shown here) indicate that both F1 and F2 with the first 30% COS-P-Map-F2 866 13 96.95% 76.47% 95.74%
features have similar results compared to the results obtained COS-P-Poly2 1084 16 97.01% 72.05% 95.75%
by the same (COS-P) algorithm when using all features. COS-P-Poly3 1092 20 97.74% 64.81% 96.08%
COS-P-Poly4 1094 21 97.92% 63.12% 96.16%
The COS-P-Map algorithm, i.e the one-sided perceptron
COS-P-Radial 1085 30 74.09% 61.92% 73.47%
with explicitly mapping, uses a lot of features. This will slow
down the training algorithm. This is why for the COS-P-Map- TABLE VI
F1 algorithm we used 30% of the original features given by the 10- FOLD C ROSS - VALIDATION R ESULTS ON THE T RAINING D ATASET.
best F1 score values, after which they were transformed into
1830 new features using Algorithm 3. It should be taken into Algorithm TP FP SE SP ACC
COS-P 667 2 85.27% 94.47% 85.74%
account that after selecting the first 30% features, duplicates
COS-P-Map-F1 603 8 97.10% 75.43% 95.91%
appeared in the training datasets and after the elimination, COS-P-Map-F2 605 7 96.77% 80.06% 95.79%
6580 entries remained. COS-P-MAP-F2 works similarly to COS-P-Poly2 758 11 97.00% 72.29% 95.75%
COS-P-Map-F1, with the only difference that we sorted the COS-P-Poly3 764 15 97.79% 63.83% 96.08%
original features using the F2 score; 6644 records remained COS-P-Poly4 766 15 97.97% 61.65% 96.14%
after duplicate elimination. COS-P-Radial 761 14 85.07% 94.95% 85.57%


Algorithm Time (min) Size (MB)

COS-P 6.25 0.1216
COS-P-Map-F1 13.5 0.732
COS-P-Map-F2 14.5 0.732
COS-P-Poly2 22 532
COS-P-Poly3 22.25 532
COS-P-Poly4 22.75 532
COS-P-Radial 2 532

Algorithm 6 Optimised One-Sided Perceptron

N umberOf Iterations ← 0
M axIterations ← 100
Fig. 1. Comparison of F-measure values for 3, 5, 7, 10-fold cross-validation repeat
with the cascade one-sided perceptron (COS-P) algorithm on the training
Train (R, 1, -1)
R′ = R−{all malware samples}
TABLE VII while FP(R′ ) > 0 do
Train (R′ , 0, -1)
Algorithm TP FP SE SP ACC R′ = R′ −{all samples correctly classified}
COS-P 356 3 68.73% 97.46% 74.06% end while
COS-P-Map-F1 356 2 83.76% 96.97% 85.54% N umberOf Iterations ← N umberOf Iterations + 1
COS-P-Map-F2 357 2 83.22% 97.14% 85.17% until (TP(R) = N umberOf M alwareF iles) or
COS-P-Poly2 455 9 87.84% 92.37% 88.68%
(N umberOf Iterations = M axIterations)
COS-P-Poly3 466 19 89.96% 83.90% 88.84%
COS-P-Poly4 465 20 89.77% 83.05% 88.52%
COS-P-Radial 451 17 50.97% 83.90% 57.08%
in such a way that it will not use all the data when it tries
to minimize the number of false alarms. This can be easily
than the one obtained for the COS-P algorithm. (Note that the achieved as follows.
number of files that are actually detected is much higher since
One could immediately see that inside the OS-P algorithm’s
the algorithm works with unique combinations of features and
loop, the second step, i.e the one where the weight vectors are
not with actual files.)
modified so as to reduce the number of false alarms, only
The results for the test dataset (Table VII) show that both
affects the weights corresponding to the clean files.
COS-P-Map-F1 and COS-P-Map-F2 algorithms produce good
Let us assume that Rx = f a1 , . . . f an are the feature values
results, with a good specificity (83%) and very few (2) false
for a clean file, and wi , i = 1, . . . , n is the weight vector of
positives, even if the malware distribution in this dataset is
the OS-P algorithm (Algorithm 2 in Section III). Also, let us
different from the one in the training dataset.
assume that at the iteration k of the execution of that (second)
From the technical point of view, the most convenient
step inside the OS-P algorithm — where the number of false
algorithms are the cascade one-sided perceptron (COS-P) and
P gets reduced — we obtain such a value for wi that
its explicitly mapped version (COS-P-Map). Both have a small
wi f ai < 0. As already said, further work at this step in the
memory footprint, a short training time (Table VIII), a good
OS-P algorithm affects only the clean files, which means that
detection rate and few false alarms.
wi will decrease until the number of false alarms eventually
V. W ORKING WITH VERY L ARGE DATASETS becomes 0. More exactly, at iteration k+1, the elements of the
All the results presented in this section are obtained on the weight vector will become smaller or equal toPthe values they
large (“scale-up”) dataset that was described in Section II. We have had at the P previous step. Therefore, if wi f ai < 0 at
will present two main optimisations that we incorporated in the iteration k, then wi f ai will be even smaller (or 0) at every
implementation of the one-sided perceptron (OS-P) algorithm subsequent iteration. That is why we no longer need to do
introduced in Section III, and then we will address the problem training on that (clean) sample Rx after iteration k.
of overfitting caused by human adnotation errors in the training Algorithm 6 incorporates this first main optimisation into
datasets. the OS-P algorithm. It sequentially reduces the size of the
Obviously, on a very big dataset (e.g. millions of both training lot and thus increases the training speed. Using this
malware and clean files), the time required for training may optimised version of the OS-P algorithm we obtained a speed-
be a problem. Since we used the non-stochastic version of the up factor of ten or even better (see Figure 3 and Figure 3).
perceptron algorithm, this problem could be easily overcome Now we present the second main optimisation. A quite
by using distributed computing on a grid system. Another so- simple idea that in fact was already incorporated in the
lution is to modify the one-sided perceptron (OS-P) algorithm code of the one-sided perceptron algorithm (Algorithm 2 in

wi f ai AND wi &f ai .

Standard sum Ticks Optimised sum Ticks

mov ecx, 0 1 mov ecx, 0 1
mov esi, 0 1 mov esi, 0 1
sum loop: sum loop:
mov eax, features[ecx] 1 mov eax, features[ecx] 1
mov ebx, weights[ecx] 1 and ebx, weights[ecx] 1
imul ebx 10 add esi, eax 1
add esi, eax 1 inc ecx 1
inc ecx 1 cmp ecx, nr of features 2
cmp ecx, nr of features 2 ja sum loop 1
ja sum loop 1

Fig. 2. Training time (measured in milliseconds) for the cascade one-sided

perceptron (COS-P) algorithm, on the scale-up dataset.

Fig. 4. Comparison of the detection rate (SE) reduction for the COS-P and
COS-P-Map algorithms on the scale-up (large) dataset.

Fig. 3. Comparing the optimised COS-P algorithm with the standard COS-P
algorithm, on the scale-up dataset. On the vertical axis: the training speed-up
factor. form of human adnotation errors. Not all of the malware
designated samples are actually malware, and not all of the
clean samples are clean indeed. That is why, the bigger the
Section III) consists in writing the whole algorithm using 32 database, the more likely is to get misclassified samples in
bit integer values rather than float values. This can be easily the training set. Because our algorithms aim to reduce the
achieved by multiplying the threshold and the weights with number of false alarms to 0, the detection rate (sensitivity)
a big number (usually a power of 2; we used 216 ). Now the obtained on a large dataset will be much smaller (due to
learning rate will become 1 − the smallest non-zero value that the misclassification issue). In Figure 4 we can see how
can be represented using an 32 bit integer. the detection rate decreases when the data base gets larger.
This simple representation issue can lead to an important Table X shows that the accuracy, specificity and the number of
optimisation in the implementation of the one-sided perceptron false positives roughly decrease while the size of the database
(OS-P) algorithm.
P Remember that the testing function for the increases.
perceptron is: wi f ai , where wi . Let us assume that f ai has
two values (0 and 0xFFFFFFFF) instead of the usual values VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK
0 and 1. In this caseP we can write the testing function for the Our main target was to come up with a machine learning
OS-P algorithm as wi &f
P ai , since it has the same as the framework that generically detects as much malware samples
classical testing function wi f ai . as it can, with the tough constraint of having a zero false
As shown in Table IX, at assembler level, P the number positive rate. We were very close to our goal, although we
of CPU ticks necessary for computing the P wi f ai sum is still have a non-zero false positive rate. In order that this
2 + 17 × nr of features, while the sum wi &f ai requires framework to become part of a highly competitive commercial
2 + 7 × nr of features CPU ticks. Since using the OS-P-Map product, a number of deterministic exception mechanisms have
algorithm implies that the number of features will be very to be added. In our opinion, malware detection via machine
large, it follows that the second (optimised) code will be about learning will not replace the standard detection methods used
2.5 times faster than the first (standard) one. by anti-virus vendors, but will come as an addition to them.
Finally, a problem that occurs when working with large Any commercial anti-virus product is subject to certain speed
datasets is overfitting caused by the noise appearing in the and memory limitations, therefore the most reliable algorithms

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