Detecting Malware in Portable Executable Files Using Machine Learning Approach
Detecting Malware in Portable Executable Files Using Machine Learning Approach
Detecting Malware in Portable Executable Files Using Machine Learning Approach
3, May 2022
Tuan Nguyen Kim1, Ha Nguyen Hoang2 and Nguyen Tran Truong Thien3
School of Computer Science, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam
University of Sciences, Hue University, Vietnam
Cybersecurity Center, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam
There have been many solutions proposed to increase the ability to detection of malware in executable files
in general and in Portable Executable files in particular. In this paper, we rely on the PE header structure
of Portable Executablefiles to propose another approach in using Machine learning to classify these files,
as malware files or benign files. Experimental results show that the proposed approach still uses the
Random Forest algorithm for the classification problem but the accuracy and execution time are improved
compared to some recent publications (accuracy reaches 99.71%).
PE file, PE header, Feature, Malware, Random Forest Algorithm.
The term “malicious malware”, or malware, is used to refer to computer softwares that is
developed for illegal purposes such as stealing data, corrupting data, damaging computers and
computer systems of certain individuals and organizations. Malwares can hide/attach in any file,
device on computers, and computer networks. In this article, we only focus on the types of
malware hidden in executable files on the Windows operating system environment.
In recent years, malware has become a significant threat to security in cyberspace. Malware may
survive on terminals, migrate over networks, or be attached to/hidden in executable files,
particularly Windows PE files. Currently, there are two methods for detecting malware [1-2].
Despite its high accuracy, signature-based detection confronts several challenges due to the
diversity and morphing capabilities of today's malware. This difficulty may be solved using non-
signature-based detection approaches, which are frequently employed to detect "unknown"
malware variants, which are potentially hazardous. When used in combination with a machine
learning approach, this technology helps to classify and detect malware with high efficiency
today [3-4].
PE (Portable Executable) files are executable files for the Windows operating system. These files
can either be executable or contain binary code that can be used by other executable files. The
format information area of PE files contains the information that the operating system needs to
regulate the execution of the files once they've been loaded into main memory [5]. Because all PE
files have the same structure and number of fields in the PE header, we can use these fields as
input features in the process of utilizing Machine Learning algorithms to construct malware
classification models for these files.
DOI: 10.5121/ijnsa.2022.14302 11
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.14, No.3, May 2022
As we all know, the Windows operating system uses a standardized structure for the information
included in the PE header of benign PE files. If a PE file has data in its PE header fields that is
"different" from data found in benign PE files, it is almost certainly a malware. By looking at the
data contained in the fields of a PE file's header, we could identify it as whether malware or
benign. In addition, the number of fields in the PE header is large, the data in the fields is also
related to each other, and most of the fields can be "different" at various levels. Therefore, the
Malware Detection challenge should be approached utilizing Machine Learning algorithms to
achive the highest possible accuracy.
We can collect many PE header samples of benign and malicious files, extract the characteristics
of each field, and compare the results to discover the most significant differences between the
benign and malicious files, which can then be used to classify the files. This is the method we use
in this article to experiment and propose.
Although this study is only aimed at detecting malware hidden in executable files in the Windows
operating system environment, this approach can be applied to executable files on other operating
system environments such as: Linux, Mac, Android, and so on if we know the header structure of
these files and have a trusted data set.
There are many approaches to the malware classification problem using machine learning
techniques. In this section, we will analyze the results of recently published approaches in terms
of accuracy, detection rate, and training speed.
In [5], Rushabh Vyah and partners proposed a procedure to detect malware in PE files on the
network environment. They applied four different supervised learning algorithms, Decision
Tree, K-NN, SVMs, and Random Forest, on the same data set, with only 28 static features.
Vyas chose the Random Forest model in his research. The average malware detection rate for
backdoor, virus, trojan, and worn of this model is 98.7% and the positive detection rate of that
is 1.8%.
Jinrong Bai and partners proposed an approach for malware detection in PE files by mining
the format information of these files [6]. The “in-depth analysis” skill was chosen to analyze
the format information field of PE files. Firstly, they extract 197 features from this format
information field, then perform feature selection to reduce the number to 19 or 20 features.
Then, the selected feature set will be trained by fours classification algorithms J48, Random
Forest, Bagging, and Adaboost. Experimental results show that this approach achieved the
highest accuracy of 99.1% when using the Random Forest classification algorithm.
The approach proposed by Hellal and Lotfi Ben Romdhane [7] is a combination of two
techniques which are static analysis and graph mining. They have proposed a new algorithm
that can automatically extract common and distinct, but repeatable, patterns of malware
behavior from suspicious files. This proposal is concerned with saving memory space and
reducing scan time by generating a limited number of signatures, which is distinctive from
existing methods. The approach in [7] achieved high recognition rate and low false positive
rate with 92% accuracy.
The author group then extracted the icons from the PE file to identify the most prevalent and
misleading ones in the malware. Yibin Liao [8] examined the proposed approach on a dataset
of 6875 samples, which included 5598 malicious and 1237 benign executable file header
samples. The results showed that in less than 20 minutes, this method obtained a detection rate
of more than 99% with fewer than 0.2% false positives. According to the author, malware can
be detected by examining a few major features/fields in the PE header of PE files or by
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.14, No.3, May 2022
looking at the common icons, which are false symbols encoded in these files. This reduced the
time taking to identify malware in PE files.
Currently, we have not found a method, an approach or a model that is considered to be the most
generic and optimal for detecting and classifying malware using Machine learning with the
highest accuracy. Therefore, we propose a different approach, focusing on the high-impact fields
in the PE header of PE files, as a small contribution to this research direction.
We apply machine learning algorithms such as AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, Decision Tree,
Extra Tree, and Random Forest to develop classification models of PE files - malware or benign
files - from this dataset based purely on the majority of the variables in the PE headers. The
purpose of the experiment is to find a machine learning classification model with high accuracy
and an acceptable training time.
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.14, No.3, May 2022
Reducing some fields of each PE header sample helps to reduce the size of the dataset, then
resulting in a reduction in system resources used in the classification model building program.
This reduction of fields also leads to a reduction in model training time, 13.04s and 12.52s for 54
features and 44 features, respectively.
The remaining part of our approach is conducted in the order of the four experiments listed in the
following section.
4.1. Experiment 1
We randomly divide the dataset into 2 parts, 80% is the training set (Training set) and 20% is the
test set (Test set). These two data sets are used to evaluate the accuracy and training time of
Machine learning models according to 5 different algorithms. The results are given in Table 2.
This experiment shows that the model built by the Random Forest algorithm gives the highest
accuracy, up to 99.71%, as compared to the other 4 algorithms, with the average training time.
The Extra Trees model achieves a faster training time, but lower accuracy than the Random
Forest model. The Decision Tree algorithm for the model has a very high training speed, but the
accuracy is not as expected.
4.2. Experiment 2
Although the method of randomly dividing the data set into two parts as in experiment 1 is not
complicated, the model's accuracy may be affected if overfitting occurs. To tackle the
overfit/unoverfit problem in this experiment, we apply the k-fold technique [9], with K = 10.
Table 3 displays the acquired results.
From the results obtained in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, we choose the Random Forest
algorithm to build a classification model for our proposal, because the accuracy it provides is the
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.14, No.3, May 2022
highest (99.71% and 99.72%) and with a reasonable training time.
4.3. Experiment 3
In this experiment, we will find out whether increasing the number of Trees in the Random Forest
model improves accuracy, and if so, how many Trees are needed for the model to work faster and
with higher accuracy.
We first try to create 10 Random Forest models with only one tree, then gradually increase to 500
trees, for each increase we will average the accuracy and training time of 10 models. The results
are shown in 2 charts below (Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b):
Fig. 1a. The training time when increasing the number of trees
The accuracy when the number of Trees is less than 20 is very low. After the Trees number
reaches 50 starts, the accuracy starts eventually increasing. When the number of Trees obtain
100, the training time increases with that number. This illustrates that we only need a suficient
number of Trees (100 in this case) for the model to achieve a high accuracy. The reduction in the
number of trees reduces training time and saves system resources. This is something to be
4.4. Experiment 4
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.14, No.3, May 2022
RandomForest machine learning classification model has an average accuracy rate and
remarkable training time, 99.72% and 13.17s, respectively. We experiment to further reduce the
number of selected features, to see if the accuracy rate and model training time are changed. The
results are as follows, when the number of features is selected between 13 and 15, the average
accuracy rate is 99.63% and the training time is 3.88s.
As it is shown in this experiment when reducing the number of features as much as possible, the
average accuracy rate decreases only by a negligible amount, 0.09%, but the reduction in training
time is remarkable, 9.29s (70%), compared to the original. Reducing the number of features also
reduces the size of the dataset, reduces the time it takes to extract fields from the PE header of PE
files, speeds up malware detection, and increases system performance.
Fig. 2. Comparison between the accuracy in this proposal and that of a recent research
Thus, our approach to classifying malware based on the E header of PE files has achieved the
recorded accuracy compared to some recent publications (Figure 2).
In the future, we will conduct experiments similar to the approach described in [10-11].
This article proposes a different approach for malware detection on PE files. Our proposal is
tested on a huge dataset, including headers of 149,297 PE files that consist of 44,214 malware
files and 96,083 benign files. As the experimental results show, even without evaluating total
fields in the header and removing the least influential fields, the Random Forest algorithm still
provides pretty high accuracy as compared to 4 other algorithms.
This accuracy is calculated to be up to 99.71%, with a training average of 13.17s. In addition, the
experiments also figure that the accuracy of Random Forest is determined by selecting the
appropriate number of Trees rather than a large number of Trees. Finally, the reduction of the
number of Trees and their moval of the less important fields improved the model training speed
(70% reduction), malware detection speed, and system resources.
In the future, we will research and propose more advanced solutions to improve the accuracy and
speed of malware detection on various file types.
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) Vol.14, No.3, May 2022
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Tuan Nguyen Kim (First Author) was born in 1969, and received B.E, and M.E from
Hue University of Sciences in 1994, and from Hanoi University of Technology in 1998.
He has been a lecturer at Hue University since 1996. From 2011 to the present (2021) he
is a lecturer at the School of Computer Science, Duy Tan University, Da Nang,
Vietnam. His main research interests include Computer Network Technology and
Information Security.
Nguyen Tran Truong Thien was born in 1997, and received B.E from Duy Tan
University in 2020. He has been a security researcher at Duy Tan University since
February 2021. His main research interests include is Network Security, Information
Security, and Machine learning for Cybersecurity.