Reaction Paper # 2 Marketing Management

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Reaction Paper # 2

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, once said “People influence people. Nothing
influence people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral is
the Holy Grail of advertising.” I really do agree with this statement because I personally
trust what my trusted friends would say about a product more than what is advertises the
product to be. Let’s face it, advertising products or services are often fantasized and far of
from reality just to catch the attention of the customers. However, the best advertising for
me is through word of mouth. This topic on marketing and consumer relationship and trust
was what stuck to my mind the most during out last meeting’s discussions.

The first topic discussed was about creating long-term loyalty relationship with
your patriots. As a marketer, this is very important because you should not only focus on
gaining new customers but also sustaining the current ones. It is when you create that
relationship with you consumers that stability and growth may happen for your company.
For me, there are two main things that would make me want to stick to a brand of product,
and that is quality, and customer service. Quality is the first thing because why else would
you want to continue patronizing a product or service if you are not satisfied with its
quality. Next is customer service. Your relationship with the company does not end with
you buying the product or availing the service. The after care of customers is important.
For my case, I can say that I am loyal to the Asus brand of laptop because aside from its
quality, its customer service centers are just accessible. If I would like my laptop to be fixed,
I can just go to the service center and often I wouldn’t have to pay for anything as long as
no hardware are replaced. This accessibility of service center is a big plus for me when in
comes to choosing the laptop brand that I want. With these kinds of benefits that Asus
provides, it makes me want to continue buying their products. However, what may be true
to me may not be true to all. Each individual has his/her own reasons as to why he/she
would stay loyal to a certain brand. What is important that as a company, you should know
what are these reasons and work on it so that you can keep that loyalty from your

Another topic that we discussed was about analyzing the consumer markets. One
thing that really stuck to my mind was the buying decision process. I can say that I have
applied the buying decision process especially when buying essential and significant things.
The first question that would really go through my mind is that ‘What do I need?’. Upon
identifying that need of mine, that is when I gather information about the products that
would-be solutions to my need. Then I would have alternatives as to which choice is better
or not. Upon reaching the decision as to what to finally buy, that is when I can finally
evaluate if I choose the right one or not. If not, I would maybe try again the other
alternative that wasn’t chosen if the same need arises so as to compare results. There is a
quote from Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, that I really like, and I think would fit in analyzing
the consumer market. Jobs said, “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you
tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” This somewhat
encompasses the buying decision process of the customers because as an organization, you
have already created a solution to a non-existent problem. There is innovation and the
mark to start the trend.

The last topic that was discussed was about analyzing the business market. So, it is
not only the consumers that have a market but also the businesses. This is a business to
business relationship. One thing that can be noted in this topic is the fostering of
relationship between entities. The interaction is already between two entities each with
different goals and objectives. It is important that as a company, you need to choose on who
you should interact and do business with. You need to assess the best supplier that you can
get for a certain raw material. You need to evaluate which organization should you foster
partnership with to increase company image and reputation. You need to know which
company to avoid transacting with due to bad publicities and promotions. There are a lot of
things to be considered before engaging with another business entity. The important thing
is that the company should be well aware of the decisions and the consequences of the
decisions being made because it will impact the company as a whole.


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