Cost-Effective Power Factor Correction For Underground Distribution Systems
Cost-Effective Power Factor Correction For Underground Distribution Systems
Cost-Effective Power Factor Correction For Underground Distribution Systems
Pad-Mounted Capacitor Banks
SmartBank™ Pad-Mounted Capacitor Banks Trinetics also offers the customer flexibility in the choice of a
capacitor bank; Trinetics can supply the bank in any state of
Trinetics cost-effective pad-mounted power factor correction completion to meet job requirements. Capacitor banks can be
capacitor banks are offered as a switched capacitor bank using supplied without capacitors, or with customer-supplied, Trinetics-
Trinetics UltraVac solid dielectric switches, Trinetics VS vacuum installed capacitors. Trinetics can supply capacitor controllers
switches, or Trinetics CSD oil switches combined with the reliability of from various manufacturers or provisions for the customer to
Trinetics brand capacitors to provide a complete medium voltage mount their own controller.
capacitor bank that is fully assembled and ready for installation.
Trinetics pad-mounted power factor correction capacitor banks are Trinetics pad-mount power factor correction banks, whether
also available as a fixed bank which does not contain switches but still switched or fixed, are supplied in an outdoor weatherproof
provides the reliability of Trinetics brand capacitors to provide a enclosure that meets ANSI standards. Our standard enclosure is
complete medium voltage capacitor bank that is fully assembled and mild steel, but we can also supply aluminum or stainless steel
ready for installation. enclosures to meet specific requirements in environments prone
to rusting.
Trinetics Capacitors
• For 15kV, 25kV and 35kV applications
• 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 kVAR standard sizes
• 2-bushing or optional single bushing configuration
• External or optional internally fused
• Custom kVAR ratings for power factor correction
and harmonic filter bank applications are available.
SmartBankTM Pad-Mounted Capactitor Banks
• Choice of oil, vacuum, or solid dielectric • 11 gauge enclosure
switches for switched banks • All stainless steel/all aluminum enclosures available
• Current-limiting reactors • Sized for the additional units required in the future
• Neutral unbalance detectors • Available through 15-35 kV class
• Loop or radial feed designs • Control power transformer
• Zinc-rich primer for severe environments
Tilt-out CPT
for easy service
Copy, fill out and fax this form or complete the form online at
ô Gray (ANSI 70) Munsell 5BG 7.0/0.4 ô Two Total bank kVAR rating ______________________
ô Gray (ANSI 61) Munsell 8.3BG 6.10/0.54
Capacitor BIL______________________________ System BIL and voltage class
ô Other_______________________________
ô 95kV BIL, 15kV
Volts ____________________________________
Use a zinc-rich primer? ô Yes ô No ô 125kV BIL, 25kV
BIL Rating kVA rating __________________________ kVA limiting, general purpose fuse)
ô 95 kV ô Customer specification
PT fuse required? ô Yes ô No
ô 125 kV Manufacturer ____________________________
ô 150 kV Style ___________________________________
Voltage rating____________________________
Disconnect switch desired? ô Yes ô No
Current rating____________________________
Catalog number__________________________
ô None (standard)
ô Customer specification
Special requirements Manufacturer____________________________
Voltage rating____________________________
MCOV rating_____________________________
Catalog number__________________________
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