Ceragon FibeAir IP-20G Technical Description 11.1 ETSI Rev A.01 PDF
Ceragon FibeAir IP-20G Technical Description 11.1 ETSI Rev A.01 PDF
Ceragon FibeAir IP-20G Technical Description 11.1 ETSI Rev A.01 PDF
FibeAir® IP-20G
This document contains information that is proprietary to Ceragon Networks Ltd. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, modified, or distributed without prior written authorization of Ceragon Networks Ltd.
This document is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.
Ceragon Networks®, FibeAir® and CeraView® are trademarks of Ceragon Networks Ltd., registered in the
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Ceragon® is a trademark of Ceragon Networks Ltd., registered in various countries.
CeraMap™, PolyView™, EncryptAir™, ConfigAir™, CeraMon™, EtherAir™, CeraBuild™, CeraWeb™, and
QuickAir™, are trademarks of Ceragon Networks Ltd.
Other names mentioned in this publication are owned by their respective holders.
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Ceragon Networks Ltd. shall
not be liable for errors contained herein or for damage in connection with the furnishing, performance, or
use of this document or equipment supplied with it.
Information to User
Any changes or modifications of equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment and the warranty for such equipment.
Intended Use/Limitation
Fixed point-to-point radio links for private networks.
Authorized to Use
Only entities with individual authorization from the National Regulator to operate the mentioned radio
The equipment can be used in the following EU countries:
Austria (AT) - Belgium (BE) - Bulgaria (BG) - Switzerland/Liechtenstein (CH) - Cyprus (CY) - Czech Republic (CZ)
- Germany (DE) – Denmark (DK) - Estonia (EE) - Finland (FI) - France (FR) -Greece (GR) - Hungary (HU) -
Ireland (IE) – Iceland (IS) – Italy (IT) – Lithuania (LT) - Luxembourg (LU) – Latvia (LV) - Malta (MT) -
Netherlands (NL) - Norway (NO) - Portugal (PT) - Romania (RO) - Sweden (SE) - Slovenia (SI) - Slovak Republic
(SK) – United Kingdom (UK) – Spain (SP) – Poland (PL)
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Table of Contents
1. Synonyms and Acronyms ........................................................................................ 16
2. Introduction............................................................................................................ 19
2.1 Product Overview ...................................................................................................................... 20
2.1.1 IP-20G Radio Options ................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.2 FibeAir IP-20G Interoperability with other Ceragon Products ................................................... 22
2.1.3 IP-20G Highlights ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.1.4 IP-20G Protection Options ......................................................................................................... 22
2.2 Reference Configurations .......................................................................................................... 24
2.2.1 Dual Modem Activation ............................................................................................................. 24
2.2.2 IDU Dual-Modem Cascading Link ............................................................................................... 24
2.2.3 Chained Network ....................................................................................................................... 26
2.2.4 Ring with Spur ............................................................................................................................ 27
2.2.5 Aggregation/POP Site................................................................................................................. 27
2.3 FibeAir IP-20 Assured Platform .................................................................................................. 29
2.4 New Features in CeraOS 11.1 .................................................................................................... 30
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6. Feature Description................................................................................................. 74
6.1 Innovative Techniques to Boost Capacity and Reduce Latency ................................................. 75
6.1.1 Capacity Summary ..................................................................................................................... 76
6.1.2 Header De-Duplication............................................................................................................... 77
6.1.3 Latency ....................................................................................................................................... 80
6.1.4 Frame Cut-Through .................................................................................................................... 81
6.2 Radio Features ........................................................................................................................... 83
6.2.1 Adaptive Coding Modulation (ACM) .......................................................................................... 84
6.2.2 Cross Polarization Interference Canceller (XPIC) ....................................................................... 89
6.2.3 1+1 HSB Radio Protection .......................................................................................................... 92
6.2.4 ATPC ........................................................................................................................................... 94
6.2.5 Multi-Carrier ABC ....................................................................................................................... 95
6.2.6 BBS Space Diversity .................................................................................................................... 98
6.2.7 Radio Signal Quality PMs .........................................................................................................100
6.2.8 Radio Utilization PMs ...............................................................................................................101
6.3 Ethernet Features ....................................................................................................................102
6.3.1 Ethernet Services Overview .....................................................................................................103
6.3.2 IP-20G’s Ethernet Capabilities .................................................................................................119
6.3.3 Supported Standards ...............................................................................................................120
6.3.4 Ethernet Service Model ...........................................................................................................121
6.3.5 Ethernet Interfaces ..................................................................................................................138
6.3.6 Quality of Service (QoS) ...........................................................................................................148
6.3.7 Global Switch Configuration ....................................................................................................177
6.3.8 Automatic State Propagation and Link Loss Forwarding .........................................................178
6.3.9 Network Resiliency ..................................................................................................................180
6.3.10 OAM .........................................................................................................................................186
6.4 Synchronization .......................................................................................................................190
6.4.1 Synchronization Overview .......................................................................................................191
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9. Specifications........................................................................................................ 255
9.1 General Radio Specifications ...................................................................................................256
9.2 Radio Scripts ............................................................................................................................257
9.3 Radio Capacity Specifications ..................................................................................................259
9.3.1 Radio Capacity Specifications (no XPIC) ...................................................................................259
9.3.2 Radio Capacity Specifications with XPIC ..................................................................................266
9.4 Transmit Power Specifications (dBm) ......................................................................................274
9.4.1 Transmit Power with RFU-C (dBm) ..........................................................................................274
9.4.2 Transmit Power with 1500HP/RFU-HP (dBm) ..........................................................................276
9.5 Receiver Threshold (RSL) .........................................................................................................278
9.5.1 Receiver Thresholds with RFU-C ..............................................................................................278
9.5.2 Receiver Thresholds with RFU-HP ............................................................................................281
9.5.3 Receiver Thresholds with 1500HP ...........................................................................................283
9.6 Frequency Bands ......................................................................................................................285
9.6.1 Frequency Bands – RFU-C ........................................................................................................285
9.6.2 Frequency Bands – 1500HP and RFU-HP .................................................................................296
9.7 Mediation Device Losses ..........................................................................................................297
9.7.1 RFU-C Mediation Device Losses ...............................................................................................297
9.7.2 1500HP/RFU-HP Branching Network Losses ............................................................................298
9.8 Ethernet Latency Specifications ...............................................................................................303
9.8.1 Ethernet Latency – 1.75 MHz Channel Bandwidth ..................................................................303
9.8.2 Ethernet Latency – 3.5 MHz Channel Bandwidth ....................................................................303
9.8.3 Ethernet Latency – 7 MHz Channel Bandwidth .......................................................................304
9.8.4 Ethernet Latency – 14 MHz Channel Bandwidth .....................................................................304
9.8.5 Ethernet Latency – 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth .....................................................................305
9.8.6 Ethernet Latency – 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth .....................................................................305
9.8.7 Ethernet Latency – 56 MHz Channel Bandwidth .....................................................................306
9.9 Ethernet Specifications ............................................................................................................307
9.9.1 Ethernet Interface Specifications .............................................................................................307
9.9.2 Carrier Ethernet Functionality .................................................................................................307
9.9.3 Approved GbE SFP Modules ....................................................................................................308
9.10 TDM Specifications ..................................................................................................................309
9.10.1 E1 Cross Connect .....................................................................................................................309
9.10.2 E1 Interface Specifications .......................................................................................................309
9.10.3 Pseudowire Specifications .......................................................................................................309
9.11 Synchronization Specifications ................................................................................................310
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10. Annex 1: RFU-HP Transmit Power and RSL at Radio Ports ....................................... 317
10.1 Transmit Power Specifications (dBm) ......................................................................................317
10.2 Receiver Threshold Specifications ...........................................................................................319
10.2.1 Receiver Threshold – RFU-HP ..................................................................................................319
10.2.2 Receiver Threshold – 1500HP ..................................................................................................321
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List of Figures
Figure 1: Reference Configuration – Dual Modem Activation ...............................................................24
Figure 2: Reference Configuration – IDU Cascading with Dual Modems ...............................................25
Figure 3: Reference Configuration – Chained Network .........................................................................26
Figure 4: Reference Configuration – Ring with Spur ..............................................................................27
Figure 5: Reference Configuration – Aggregation/POP Site ...................................................................28
Figure 6: IP-20G Block Diagram ..............................................................................................................33
Figure 7: IP-20G Front Panel and Interfaces ..........................................................................................34
Figure 8: Management Interface Pin Connections .................................................................................36
Figure 9: SM Card and Cover ..................................................................................................................39
Figure 10: Unit Redundancy – 2 x 1+0 – Ethernet Line Protection Mode ..............................................43
Figure 11: Unit Redundancy – 2 x 1+0 – Splitter Mode ..........................................................................44
Figure 12: Unit Redundancy – 2 x 2+0 – Ethernet Line Protection Mode ..............................................44
Figure 13: Unit Redundancy – 2 x 2+0 – Splitter Mode ..........................................................................45
Figure 14: E1 Interface Protection with IP-20G Unit Redundancy .........................................................45
Figure 15: IP-20G with Unit Redundancy – Protection and Management Splitter Connection .............46
Figure 16: RFU-C Functional Block Diagram – 1+0 Configuration ..........................................................52
Figure 17: 1500HP 2RX in 1+0 SD Configuration ....................................................................................55
Figure 18: 1500HP 1RX in 1+0 SD Configuration ....................................................................................55
Figure 19: RFU-HP 1RX in 1+0 SD Configuration ....................................................................................56
Figure 20: All-Indoor Vertical Branching ...............................................................................................59
Figure 21: Split-Mount Branching and All-Indoor Compact ..................................................................59
Figure 22: Old OCB .................................................................................................................................60
Figure 23: OCB ........................................................................................................................................60
Figure 24: OCB and DCB Block Diagrams................................................................................................61
Figure 25: Header De-Duplication ..........................................................................................................77
Figure 26: Header De-Duplication Potential Throughput Savings per Layer ..........................................78
Figure 27: Propagation Delay with and without Frame Cut-Through ....................................................81
Figure 28: Frame Cut-Through ...............................................................................................................82
Figure 29: Frame Cut-Through Operation ..............................................................................................82
Figure 30: Adaptive Coding and Modulation with 11 Working Points ...................................................85
Figure 31: ACM with Adaptive Power Contrasted to Other ACM Implementations ..............................88
Figure 32: Dual Polarization ...................................................................................................................89
Figure 33: XPIC Implementation ............................................................................................................90
Figure 34: XPIC – Impact of Misalignments and Channel Degradation ..................................................90
Figure 35: Path Loss on Secondary Path of 1+1 HSB Protection Link .....................................................93
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Figure 73: Grouped Interfaces as a Single Logical Interface on Ingress Side .......................................139
Figure 74: Grouped Interfaces as a Single Logical Interface on Egress Side ........................................139
Figure 75: Relationship of Logical Interfaces to the Switching Fabric ..................................................143
Figure 76: QoS Block Diagram ..............................................................................................................148
Figure 77: Standard QoS and H-QoS Comparison ................................................................................150
Figure 78: Hierarchical Classification ...................................................................................................151
Figure 79: Classification Method Priorities ..........................................................................................152
Figure 80: Ingress Policing Model ........................................................................................................157
Figure 81: IP-20G Queue Manager .......................................................................................................160
Figure 82: Synchronized Packet Loss ....................................................................................................161
Figure 83: Random Packet Loss with Increased Capacity Utilization Using WRED ..............................162
Figure 84: WRED Profile Curve .............................................................................................................163
Figure 85: Detailed H-QoS Diagram .....................................................................................................166
Figure 86: Scheduling Mechanism for a Single Service Bundle ............................................................169
Figure 87: G.8032 Ring in Idle (Normal) State ......................................................................................181
Figure 88: G.8032 Ring in Protecting State ..........................................................................................182
Figure 89: Load Balancing Example in G.8032 Ring ..............................................................................182
Figure 90: IP-20G End-to-End Service Management ............................................................................186
Figure 91: SOAM Maintenance Entities (Example) ..............................................................................187
Figure 92: Ethernet Line Interface Loopback – Application Examples .................................................188
Figure 93: Native Sync Distribution Mode ...........................................................................................194
Figure 94: Synchronization Configuration ............................................................................................196
Figure 95: Native Sync Distribution Mode Usage Example ..................................................................198
Figure 96: Native Sync Distribution Mode – Tree Scenario ..................................................................198
Figure 97: Native Sync Distribution Mode – Ring Scenario (Link Failure) ............................................199
Figure 98: Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) ............................................................................................200
Figure 99: IEEE-1588v2 PTP Optimized Transport – General Architecture ..........................................201
Figure 100: Calculating the Propagation Delay for PTP Packets ..........................................................202
Figure 101: Transparent Clock – General Architecture ........................................................................205
Figure 102: Transparent Clock Delay Compensation ...........................................................................206
Figure 103: Figure 104: Boundary Clock – General Architecture .........................................................207
Figure 105: Hybrid Ethernet and TDM Services ...................................................................................208
Figure 106: Hybrid Ethernet and TDM Services Carried Over Cascading Interfaces ............................208
Figure 107: Hybrid Ethernet and Native TDM Services ........................................................................209
Figure 108: 1:1 TDM Path Protection – Ring Topology ........................................................................211
Figure 109: 1+1 TDM Path Protection – Dual Homing Topology .........................................................211
Figure 110: All-Packet Ethernet and TDM Pseudowire Services ..........................................................213
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Figure 111: Native TDM Trail Interoperability with Optical SDH Equipment .......................................218
Figure 112: Native TDM Trail Interoperability with TDM Pseudowire-over-Packet.............................218
Figure 113: TDM Pseudowire Interoperability with Optical SDH Equipment ......................................218
Figure 114: TDM Pseudowire Interoperability with Third-Party Packet Aggregation Equipment .......219
Figure 115: AES-256 Encrypted Link .....................................................................................................220
Figure 116: Integrated IP-20G Management Tools ..............................................................................226
Figure 117: Security Solution Architecture Concept ............................................................................239
Figure 118: RFU-HP Branching System using Adjacent Channel OCBs .................................................299
Figure 119: RFU-HP Branching System using Symmetrical Coupler .....................................................299
Figure 120: Four-Adjacent Channel Configuration using Symmetrical Coupler ...................................300
Page 11 of 322
List of Tables
Table 1: Synonyms and Acronyms ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Table 2: New Features in CeraOS 11.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Table 3: IP-20G Interfaces -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
Table 4: Hardware Assemblies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
Table 5: Y-Cable for Electrical Splitter Mode FE Traffic Interface Protection --------------------------------- 42
Table 6: Y-Cable for E1 Protection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
Table 7: Splitter Cable for Protection and Management ----------------------------------------------------------- 46
Table 8: RFU Selection Guide ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
Table 9: 1500HP/RFU-HP Comparison Table -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
Table 10: OCB Component Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 62
Table 11: RFU Models – 1RX Units---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
Table 12: RFU Models – 2RX Units---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
Table 13: OCB Part Numbers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
Table 14: OCB Part Number Format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
Table 15: Activation Key Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
Table 16: Capacity Activation Key Levels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
Table 17: CET Node Activation Key Levels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 72
Table 54: Edge CET Note Upgrade Activation Keys ------------------------------------------------------------------ 73
Table 18: ACM Working Points (Profiles) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84
Table 19: MEF-Defined Ethernet Service Types --------------------------------------------------------------------- 107
Table 20: Ethernet Services Learning and Forwarding ------------------------------------------------------------ 126
Table 21: Service Point Types per Service Type --------------------------------------------------------------------- 132
Table 22: Service Point Types that can Co-Exist on the Same Interface -------------------------------------- 133
Table 23: Service Point Type-Attached Interface Type Combinations that can Co-Exist on the Same
Interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134
Table 24: C-VLAN 802.1 UP and CFI Default Mapping to CoS and Color ------------------------------------- 152
Table 25: S-VLAN 802.1 UP and DEI Default Mapping to CoS and Color ------------------------------------- 153
Table 26: MPLS EXP Default Mapping to CoS and Color ---------------------------------------------------------- 153
Table 27: DSCP Default Mapping to CoS and Color ---------------------------------------------------------------- 154
Table 28: QoS Priority Profile Example -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 170
Table 29: WFQ Profile Example------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 172
Table 30: 802.1q UP Marking Table (C-VLAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 174
Table 31: 802.1ad UP Marking Table (S-VLAN) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
Table 32: Summary and Comparison of Standard QoS and H-QoS -------------------------------------------- 176
Table 33: Native Sync Interface Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 195
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Target Audience
This manual is intended for use by Ceragon customers, potential customers, and business
partners. The purpose of this manual is to provide basic information about the FibeAir IP-
20G for use in system planning, and determining which FibeAir IP-20G configuration is best
suited for a specific network.
Related Documents
• FibeAir IP-20 CeraOS Version 11.1 Release Notes for All-Indoor and Split-Mount
• FibeAir CeraOS Version 11.1 User Guide for IP-20F, IP-20G, and IP-20GX
• FibeAir IP-20G Installation Guide
• FibeAir IP-20 Series MIB Reference
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2. Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the FibeAir IP-20G, Ceragon’s high-
performance edge node product. IP-20G is specially designed for edge/tail sites,
and features a small footprint, high density, and a high degree of availability.
IP-20G is an integral part of the FibeAir family of high-capacity wireless backhaul
products. Together, the FibeAir family of products provides a wide variety of
backhaul solutions that can be used separately or combined to form integrated
backhaul networks or network segments.
This enables operators to utilize a combination of FibeAir IDUs and radio units
(RFUs) to build networks in which the most appropriate FibeAir product can be
utilized for each node in the network to provide the feature support, capacity
support, frequency range, density, and footprint that is optimized to meet the
needs of that particular node. The FibeAir series “pay-as-you-go” activation key
models further enable operators to build for the future by adding capacity and
functionality over time to meet the needs of network growth without the need to
add additional hardware.
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Page 20 of 322 RFU-C
RFU-C1 is a fully software configurable, state-of-the-art RFU that supports a broad
range of interfaces and capacities from 10 Mbps up to 500 Mbps. RFU-C operates
in the frequency range of 6-42 GHz.
RFU-C supports low to high capacities for traditional voice and Ethernet services,
as well as PDH/SDH or hybrid Ethernet and TDM interfaces. Traffic capacity
throughput and spectral efficiency are optimized with the desired channel
bandwidth. For maximum user choice flexibility, channel bandwidths can be
selected. RFU-C provides a range of modulations from QPSK to 2048 QAM.
When RFU-C operates in co-channel dual polarization (CCDP) mode using XPIC,
two carrier signals can be transmitted over a single channel, using vertical and
horizontal polarization. This enables double capacity in the same spectrum
All references to RFU-C in this document refer to RFU-Ce.
Page 21 of 322 1500HP/RFU-HP
1500HP and RFU-HP are high transmit power RFUs designed for long haul
applications with multiple carrier traffic. Together with their unique branching
design, 1500HP and RFU-HP can chain up to five carriers per single antenna port
and 10 carriers for dual port, making them ideal for Trunk or Multi Carrier
applications. The 1500HP and RFU-HP can be installed in either indoor or outdoor
1500HP/RFU-HP provide a range of modulations from QPSK to 2048 QAM.
Page 22 of 322
IP-20G also provides unit redundancy. Unit redundancy utilizes two IP-20G units,
with a single antenna, to provide hardware protection for the IP-20G IDU and
RFU, including protection for Ethernet, radio, and TDM interfaces. Unit
redundancy can be used with 2 x 1+0 and 2 x 2+0 radio configurations.
A power redundancy option is also offered by means of a dual-feed power input
hardware assembly option.
Page 23 of 322
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
Second Modem
2+0 XPIC/1+1 HSB
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
Page 24 of 322
the GbE1 dual mode electrical/cascading port, leaving ten Ethernet ports available
for other traffic.
Second Modem
1+0 1+0
Second Modem
32xE1s 10xGE/FE
Page 25 of 322
16xE1s 6xGE/FE 1+1/2+0 XPIC
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
32xE1s 10xGE/FE
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
Page 26 of 322
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
16xE1s 6xGE/FE (Optional)
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
32xE1s 10xGE/FE
Page 27 of 322
• The ring is connected via 1+0 links between the single IP-20G node, two of the
IP-20N radio carriers, and the upper IP-20G in the two-unit node.
• The two-IP-20G-unit node is connected to a spur via a 1+0 link between the
single-modem lower IP-20G unit in the ring node and a single-modem IP-20G
unit in the spur.
• The IP-20N unit is connected to two spurs via 1+0 links between two of the IP-
20N unit’s radio carriers and single-modem IP-20G units in the spurs.
• The network elements in the ring use the MSTP and G.8032 network resiliency
protocols for ring protection.
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
(Optional) 32xE1s 10xGE/FE
16xE1s 6xGE/FE
Page 28 of 322
Page 29 of 322
ETH-BN Over Groups Ethernet Bandwidth Section 8.3, Configuring Ethernet Bandwidth
Notification (ETH-BN) on Notification (ETH-BN)
page 189
TACACS+ TACACS+ Support on Section 11.7, Configuring TACACS+,
page 243
Importing and Exporting Configuration Management Section 4.8, Backing Up and Restoring
Configuration Files via on page 233 Configurations
Exporting Unit Info File via n/a Section 12.7, Uploading Unit Info
Page 30 of 322
Page 31 of 322
Page 32 of 322
Radio Interface 1
48V Supply Framer Modem IF
Interface RFU
(Optional Second
1588 TC/BC
(Optional) Framer Modem IF
Interface RFU
Radio Interface 2
In/Out Sync Unit (Optional)
FE Management
Ethernet Services
TDM Interfaces
GE Traffic
Processor TDM
16 x E1
TDM Pseudowire Services Services Framer LIU
GE/Cascading Services
TDM Cross
Native TDM
ABC Engine
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Page 35 of 322
RJ-45 Connector
Management Switch
TX+ 1
TX- 2
Port 1
RX+ 3
RX- 4
TX+ 5
TX- 6
Port 2
RX+ 7
RX- 8
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Page 38 of 322
Page 39 of 322
Page 40 of 322
Page 41 of 322
Page 42 of 322
Traffic and
LACP PDUs GbE Port f1
(LACP Modem 1
GbE Port
External Active IP-20G Unit RFU
Page 43 of 322
Modem 1
Optical Splitter
or Y-Cable Coupler
Active IP-20G Unit RFU
GbE Port
Port Modem 1
External Active IP-20G Unit OMT
only GbE
GbE Port
GbE Port
Port f1
Modem 1
Modem 2
Page 44 of 322
Gbe Modem 1
Modem 2
GbE Port
Gbe f1
Port Modem 1
Modem 2
Port Y-Cable
Third Party
Equipment E1
Standby IP-20G Unit
Page 45 of 322
IP-20G Management
Port (MGMT)
IP-20G Management
Port (MGMT)
Figure 15: IP-20G with Unit Redundancy – Protection and Management Splitter
The active and standby units must have the same configuration. The configuration
of the active unit can be manually copied to the standby unit. Upon copying, both
units are automatically reset. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the units
are fully and properly configured when the system is initially brought into service.
Page 46 of 322
3.13.6 Switchover
In the event of switchover, the standby unit becomes the active unit and the
active unit becomes the standby unit. Switchover takes less than 50 msec.
The following events trigger switchover according to their priority, with the
highest priority triggers listed first:
1 Loss of active unit
2 Force switch
3 Lockout
4 Radio Loss of Frame (LOF) on active unit
5 Change request from the remote unit. This takes place in the event of radio
LOF on both units; a change request is sent to the active unit on the other side
of the link.
6 Loss of Carrier (LOC) in any of the Ethernet interfaces or Loss of Signal (LOS) in
any of the TDM interfaces
7 Manual switch
LOC takes place if the Admin status of the interface is Enabled and the
Operational status is Down. If the interface is closed as a result of ASP, the
interface is not considered to be in LOC state, and switchover is not triggered.
Following switchover triggered by LOC, there is an automatic timeout of one
minute before any further switchover can take place due to LOC.
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Remote mount configuration is not supported for 42 GHz.
Page 49 of 322
All-Indoor √ −
Configuration 1+0/2+0/1+1/2+2 √ √
N+1 √ −
N+0 ( N>2) √ −
Page 50 of 322
4.3 RFU-C
RFU-C is a fully software configurable, state-of-the-art RFU that supports a broad
range of interfaces and capacities from 10 Mbps up to 500 Mbps. RFU-C operates
in the frequency range of 6-42 GHz. RFU-C supports low to high capacities for
traditional voice and Ethernet services, as well as PDH/SDH/SONET or hybrid
Ethernet and TDM interfaces.
With RFU-C, traffic capacity throughput and spectral efficiency are optimized with
the desired channel bandwidth. For maximum user choice flexibility, channel
bandwidths from 1.75-56 MHz can be selected together with a range of
modulations. RFU-C provides a range of modulations from QPSK to 2048 QAM.3
When RFU-C operates in co-channel dual polarization (CCDP) mode using XPIC,
two carrier signals can be transmitted over a single channel, using vertical and
horizontal polarization. This enables double capacity in the same spectrum
For details about supported modulation capabilities beyond 256 QAM using a standard RFU-
C, contact your Ceragon representative.
1.75 MHz channels are supported for 6 and 13 GHz.
Remote mount configuration is not supported for 42 GHz.
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FSK Chain
Controller and
(N-Type Connector)
IDU Connection
PSU Section
(BNC Connector)
RSL Indication
140 MHz
Page 52 of 322
4.4 1500HP/RFU-HP
1500HP and RFU-HP are high transmit power RFUs designed for long haul
applications with multiple carrier traffic. Together with their unique branching
design, 1500HP/RFU-HP can chain up to five carriers per single antenna port and
10 carriers for dual port, making them ideal for Trunk or Multi Carrier
applications. The 1500HP/RFU-HP can be installed in either indoor or split mount
The field-proven 1500HP/RFU-HP was designed to enable high quality wireless
communication in the most cost-effective manner. With tens of thousands of
units deployed worldwide, the 1500HP/RFU-HP serves mobile operators enabling
them to reach over longer distances while enabling the use of smaller antennas.
1500HP and RFU-HP 1RX support Space Diversity via Baseband Switching in the
IDU (BBS). The 1500HP 2RX, supports Space Diversity through IF Combining (IFC).
Both types of Space Diversity are valid solutions to deal with the presence of
1500HP/RFU-HP provides a range of modulations from QPSK to 2048 QAM.
For guidance on the differences between 1500HP and RFU-HP, refer to RFU Selection Guide
on page 48.
Page 53 of 322
• XPIC and CCDP – Built-in XPIC (Cross Polarization Interference Canceller) and
Co-Channel Dual Polarization (CCDP) feature for double transmission capacity,
and more bandwidth efficiency
• Power Saving Mode option - Enables the microwave system to automatically
detect when link conditions allow it to use less power (for RFU-HP)
• Tx Range (Manual/ATPC) – The dynamic TX range with ATPC is the same as
the manual TX range, and depends on the RFU type, the frequency, and the
ACM profile. The maximum TX power with ATPC is no higher than the
maximum manually configured TX power.
• ATPC (Automatic Tx Power Control)
• RF Channel Selection – Via EMS/NMS
• NEBS – Level 3 NEBS compliance
Page 54 of 322
350MHz IF TX TX Pre-
chain Amp
Controller and
FSK peripherals DC / CTRL
o o
n n
n n
e e RX
c c RX
LNA Extention port
combiner chain RX Main
140MHz t t
o o
r r RX
chain RX Diversity
IF & controller Board
IDU XPIC source
(Ntype conn.) sharing \ RSL ind.
(TNC conn.)
Controller and
FSK peripherals DC / CTRL
o o
n n
n n
e e RX
c c RX
LNA Extention port
chain RX Main
140MHz t t
o o
r r
IF & controller Board
RX Board
IDU XPIC source
(Ntype conn.) sharing \ RSL ind.
(TNC conn.)
Page 55 of 322
OCB main
350MHz IF
TX Pre-
chain Amp
(BMA conn.)
o o
e e
c c
sharing \ RSL
XPIC source
(BMA conn.)
PSU section t t
o o RX
r r RX
RFIC chain LNA Extention port
XPIC source
sharing \ RSL ind.
(TNC conn.)
Page 56 of 322
Note that the main differences between the 1500HP 1RX and RFU-HP 1RX are:
• The RFU-HP offers full support for 3.5M-56MHz channels.
• The RFU-HP supports the green-mode feature
Both systems are fully compatible with all OCB and ICB devices.
Page 57 of 322
If failure occurs in one of the two channels, traffic is distributed across the
remaining channel.
• Space Diversity can be used in each of the configurations with RFU-HP 2RX.
• When the 1500HP/RFU-HP is mounted in a Split-Mount configuration, up to five
RFUs can be chained on one pole mount
When the 1500HP/RFU-HP is installed in an All Indoor configuration, there are
several installation options:
• Up to 10 carriers can be placed in an ETSI rack.7
• Compact assembly – up to two radio carriers in horizontal placement (without
a subrack).
Two types of branching options are available for all indoor configurations:
• Using ICBs – Vertical assembly, up to 10 carriers per rack (five carriers per
• Using OCBs – Compact horizontal assembly, up to 2 carriers per subrack
A 19” open rack can also be used, holding a single subrack with up to four or five radio
carriers, depending on the configuration.
Page 58 of 322
Page 59 of 322
Page 60 of 322
If the system is not configured for diversity, all the relevant ports on the OCB must
be terminated using waveguide shorts. Unused Rx ports are terminated with a
waveguide termination.
(back side) (back side)
Next Radio
Next Radio
Front side
P2 P1
Circ. A
Circ. B
P2 P1
Div. Antenna Port Div. Ext. Port
Rear side
Page 61 of 322
Page 62 of 322
Page 63 of 322
Page 64 of 322
Page 65 of 322
f 6L,6H,7,8,11
xxx 000-999 [MHz] TRS in MHz
Y A…Z Ceragon TRS block designation
ZZZ Examples: Designation of the channels the OCB is
1W3 – “Wide” filters covering channels covering
03 – Only channel 03, 28MHz channel
3-5 – 56MHz “Narrow” filters allowing
concatenation using OCBs covering
channels 3 and 4.
03A – For Channel 03, 28 and 40 MHz
adjacent channels
H/L H or L Designating TX High and TX low
Page 66 of 322
5. Activation Keys
This chapter describes IP-20G’s activation key model. IP-20G offers a pay as-you-
grow concept in which future capacity growth and additional functionality can be
enabled with activation keys. Each unit contains a single activation key.
Activation keys are divided into two categories:
• Per Carrier – The activation key is per carrier.
• Per Device – The activation key is per device, regardless of the number of
carriers supported by the device.
A 1+1 HSB configuration requires the same set of per-carrier activation keys for
both the active and the protected carriers.
Page 67 of 322
Refer to Table 16: Capacity Per Carrier Enables you to increase your system’s radio Capacity Summary
Activation Key Levels on capacity in gradual steps by upgrading your
page 71 capacity activation key level. Without a
capacity activation key, each carrier has a
capacity of 10 Mbps. Activation-key-enabled
capacity is available from 50 Mbps to 500
Mbps. Each radio carrier can be activation-
key-enabled for a different capacity.
SL-CHBW-1.75M Per Carrier Enables you to use MRMC script 1075 (1.75 Radio Scripts
MHz). No other capacity activation key is Radio Capacity Specifications
required for carriers using this script.
Page 68 of 322
Page 69 of 322
H-QoS support is planned for future release.
Page 70 of 322
PM support is planned for future release.
Page 71 of 322
Including Point-to-Point, Multipoint, and TDM Pseudowire services. An SL-TDM-PW
activation key is also required to enable TDM Pseudowire services.
Page 72 of 322
If a CET activation key is not generated on the IP-20 device upon initial configuration,
the device uses by default a base smart pipe activation key (SL-0311-0). If the
operator later wants to upgrade from the base smart pipe activation key to a CET
activation key, the customer must use a CET upgrade activation key. The following
table lists the CET upgrade activation keys:
SL-Upg Smart-Pipe/Edge-CET node NG Smart Pipe Activation Key (SL-0311-0) SL-Edge-CET-Node (SL-0312-0)
Page 73 of 322
6. Feature Description
This chapter describes the main IP-20G features. The feature descriptions are
divided into the categories listed below.
Page 74 of 322
Page 75 of 322
1.75 MHz channels are supported for 6 and 13 GHz.
Page 76 of 322
Page 77 of 322
Operators must balance the depth of De-Duplication against the number of flows
in order to ensure maximum efficiency. Up to 256 concurrent flows are
The following graphic illustrates how Header De-Duplication can save up to 148
bytes per frame.
Layer 3 | IPv4/IPv6
18/40 bytes compressed
Layer 4 | TCP/UDP
4/6 bytes compressed
End User
Page 78 of 322
Page 79 of 322
6.1.3 Latency
IP-20G provides best-in-class latency (RFC-2544) for all channels, making it the
obvious choice for LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks. Refer to Ethernet Latency
Specifications on page 303.
IP-20G’s ability to meet the stringent latency requirements for LTE systems
provides the key to expanded broadband wireless services:
• Longer radio chains
• Larger radio rings
• Shorter recovery times
• More capacity
• Easing of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) limitations
Page 80 of 322
Related topics:
• Ethernet Latency Specifications
• Egress Scheduling
Frame Cut-Through is a unique and innovative feature that ensures low latency
for delay-sensitive services, such as CES, VoIP, and control protocols. With Frame
Cut-Through, high-priority frames are pushed ahead of lower priority frames, even
if transmission of the lower priority frames has already begun. Once the high
priority frame has been transmitted, transmission of the lower priority frame is
resumed with no capacity loss and no re-transmission required. This provides
operators with:
• Immunity to head-of-line blocking effects – key for transporting high-priority,
delay-sensitive traffic.
• Reduced delay-variation and maximum-delay over the link:
◦ Reduced end-to-end delay for TDM services.
◦ Improved QoE for VoIP and other streaming applications.
◦ Expedited delivery of critical control frames.
Page 81 of 322
Page 82 of 322
Page 83 of 322
Related topics:
• Cross Polarization Interference Canceller (XPIC)
• Quality of Service (QoS)
FibeAir IP-20G employs full-range dynamic ACM. IP-20G’s ACM mechanism copes
with 90 dB per second fading in order to ensure high transmission quality. IP-
20G’s ACM mechanism is designed to work with IP-20G’s QoS mechanism to
ensure that high priority voice and data frames are never dropped, thus
maintaining even the most stringent service level agreements (SLAs).
The hitless and errorless functionality of IP-20G’s ACM has another major
advantage in that it ensures that TCP/IP sessions do not time-out. Without ACM,
even interruptions as short as 50 milliseconds can lead to timeout of TCP/IP
sessions, which are followed by a drastic throughout decrease while these
sessions recover.
Profile 0 QPSK
Profile 1 8 PSK
Profile 2 16 QAM
Profile 3 32 QAM
Profile 4 64 QAM
Profile 5 128 QAM
Profile 6 256 QAM
Profile 7 512 QAM
Profile 8 1024 QAM (Strong FEC)
Profile 9 1024 QAM (Light FEC)
Profile 10 2048 QAM
Page 84 of 322
Page 85 of 322
valid, and the ACM engine will be forced to be OFF. Fixed mode can be chosen
without an ACM activation key.
In the case of XPIC/ACM scripts, all the required conditions for XPIC apply.
The user can define a minimum and maximum profile. For example, if the user
selects a maximum profile of 5, the system will not climb above profile 5, even if
channel fading conditions allow it.
Page 86 of 322
Page 87 of 322
Figure 31: ACM with Adaptive Power Contrasted to Other ACM Implementations
Page 88 of 322
Page 89 of 322
V V+h V
Carrier 1 Carrier 1
Carrier 2 Carrier 2
H H+v H
IP-20G IP-20G
Page 90 of 322
Page 91 of 322
Page 92 of 322
loss will either reduce link fade margin or increase the power consumption of the
Power Amplifier (PA) in order to compensate for the additional path loss.
Revertive HSB protection ensures that the radios with no loss are active as long as
no failures are present, resulting in the best possible link budget (0 dB loss).
Coupler Coupler
B -6d
-6d B
Coupling Path
Coupling Path
Figure 35: Path Loss on Secondary Path of 1+1 HSB Protection Link
IP-20G supports revertive HSB protection. In revertive HSB protection mode, user
defines the primary radio on each side of the link. The primary radio should be the
radio on the coupler’s main path and the secondary radio should be the radio on
the coupling path.
The system monitors the availability of the primary path at all times. Whenever
the primary path is operational and available, without any alarms, but the
secondary path is active, a ten-minute timer is activated. If the primary path
remains operational and available for ten minutes, the system initiates a revertive
protection switch. Every revertive protection switch is recorded as an event in the
event log.
Note: Each protection switch causes traffic disruption.
Page 93 of 322
6.2.4 ATPC
ATPC is a closed-loop mechanism by which each carrier changes the TX power
according to the indication received across the link, in order to achieve a desired
RSL on the other side of the link.
ATPC enables the transmitter to operate at less than maximum power for most of
the time. When fading conditions occur, TX power is increased as needed until the
maximum is reached.
The ATPC mechanism has several potential advantages, including less power
consumption and longer amplifier component life, thereby reducing overall
system cost.
ATPC is frequently used as a means to mitigate frequency interference issues with
the environment, thus allowing new radio links to be easily coordinated in
frequency congested areas.
Page 94 of 322
Carrier 1 Carrier 1
Carrier 2 Carrier 2
Traffic Eth
Eth Traffic Splitter
Carrier 3 Carrier 3
Carrier 4 Carrier 4
Page 95 of 322
Page 96 of 322
Alternate Link
With a 1+1 FD link, throughput is limited by the link with the lowest
modulation. With 2+0 MC-ABC, the traffic is aggregated over the two carriers.
• Higher available capacity (combined capacity of the two carriers)
• Additional link resiliency when using Space Diversity (IFC) for each of the
Page 97 of 322
Page 98 of 322
Radio &
Page 99 of 322 EVC
Subscriber services extend from UNI to UNI. Connectivity between UNIs is defined
as an Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC), as shown in the following figure.
E-Line (Point-to-Point Ethernet Private Line (EPL) Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)
E-LAN (Multipoint-to- Ethernet Private LAN (EP-LAN) Ethernet Virtual Private LAN (EVP-
Multipoint EVC) LAN)
E-Tree (Rooted Ethernet Private Tree (EP-Tree) Ethernet Virtual Private Tree (EVP-
Multipoint EVC) Tree)
All-to-One Bundling refers to a UNI attribute in which all Customer Edge VLAN IDs
(CE-VLAN IDs) entering the service via the UNI are associated with a single EVC.
Bundling refers to a UNI attribute in which more than one CE-VLAN ID can be
associated with an EVC.
To fully specify an Ethernet service, additional service attributes must be defined
in addition to the UNI and EVC service attributes. These service attributes can be
grouped under the following categories:
• Ethernet physical interfaces
• Traffic parameters
• Performance parameters
• Class of service
• Service frame delivery
• VLAN tag support
• Service multiplexing
• Bundling
• Security filters
E-Line Service
The Ethernet line service (E-Line service) provides a point-to-point Ethernet
Virtual Connection (EVC) between two UNIs. The E-Line service type can be used
to create a broad range of Ethernet point-to-point services and to maintain the
necessary connectivity. In its simplest form, an E-Line service type can provide
symmetrical bandwidth for data sent in either direction with no performance
assurances, e.g., best effort service between two FE UNIs. In more sophisticated
forms, an E-Line service type can provide connectivity between two UNIs with
different line rates and can be defined with performance assurances such as CIR
with an associated CBS, EIR with an associated EBS, delay, delay variation, loss,
and availability for a given Class of Service (CoS) instance. Service multiplexing can
occur at one or both UNIs in the EVC. For example, more than one point-to-point
EVC can be offered on the same physical port at one or both of the UNIs.
and destination UNI when the service frame is delivered (L1 service). A dedicated
UNI (physical interface) is used for the service and service multiplexing is not
allowed. All service frames are mapped to a single EVC at the UNI. In cases where
the EVC speed is less than the UNI speed, the CE is expected to shape traffic to the
ingress bandwidth profile of the service to prevent the traffic from being
discarded by the service. The EPL is a port-based service, with a single EVC across
dedicated UNIs providing site-to-site connectivity. EPL is the most popular
Ethernet service type due to its simplicity, and is used in diverse applications such
as replacing a TDM private line.
E-LAN Service
The E-LAN service type is based on Multipoint to Multipoint EVCs, and provides
multipoint connectivity by connecting two or more UNIs. Each site (UNI) is
connected to a multipoint EVC, and customer frames sent from one UNI can be
received at one or more UNIs. If additional sites are added, they can be connected
to the same multipoint EVC, simplifying the service activation process. Logically,
from the point of view of a customer using an E-LAN service, the MEN can be
viewed as a LAN.
E-LAN services can simplify the interconnection among a large number of sites, in
comparison to hub/mesh topologies implemented using point-to-point
networking technologies such as Frame Relay and ATM.
For example, consider a point-to-point network configuration implemented using
E-Line services. If a new site (UNI) is added, it is necessary to add a new, separate
EVC to all of the other sites in order to enable the new UNI to communicate with
the other UNIs, as shown in the following figure.
defined with this in mind, using the E-LAN service type. The EP-LAN is a Layer 2
service in which each UNI is dedicated to the EP-LAN service. A typical use case for
EP-LAN services is Transparent LAN.
The following figure shows an example of an EP-LAN service in which the service is
defined to provide Customer Edge VLAN (CE-VLAN) tag preservation and tunneling
for key Layer 2 control protocols. Customers can use this service to configure
VLANs across the sites without the need to coordinate with the service provider.
Each interface is configured for All-to-One Bundling, which enables the EP-LAN
service to support CE-VLAN ID preservation. In addition, EP-LAN supports CE-VLAN
CoS preservation.
E-Tree Service
The E-Tree service type is an Ethernet service type that is based on Rooted-
Multipoint EVCs. In its basic form, an E-Tree service can provide a single Root for
multiple Leaf UNIs. Each Leaf UNI can exchange data with only the Root UNI. A
service frame sent from one Leaf UNI cannot be delivered to another Leaf UNI.
This service can be particularly useful for Internet access, and video-over-IP
applications such as multicast/broadcast packet video. One or more CoS values
can be associated with an E-Tree service.
Any Service
• Ethernet services (EVCs)
◦ E-Line (Point-to-Point)
◦ E-LAN (Multipoint)
◦ E-Tree (Point-to-Multipoint)12
• Port based (Smart Pipe) services
Any Transport
• Native Ethernet (802.1Q/Q-in-Q)
• Any topology and any mix of radio and fiber interfaces
• Seamless interworking with any optical network (NG-SDH, packet optical
transport, IP/MPLS service/VPN routers)
E-Tree services are planned for future release.
H-QoS support is planned for future release.
PM support is planned for future release.
E-Tree service support is planned for future release.
Split horizon is planned for future release.
Multipoint SNP SNP Multipoint
SA Service Service
Multipoint Multipoint
Service Service
IP-20G IP-20G
P2P Service
Port 4 SP SP
SAP Port 9
P2P Service
User Port
Multipoint Service
P2P Service
Port 1 Port 4
Port 2 Port 5
P2P Service
Port 3 Port 6
Multipoint Service
Port 1 SP SP Port 4
Port 2 Port 5
Port 3 Port 6
The following table illustrates the operation of the learning and forwarding
13 00:34:67:3a:aa:10 15 dynamic
13 00:0a:25:33:22:12 31 dynamic
28 00:0a:25:11:12:55 31 static
55 00:0a:25:33:22:12 15 dynamic
55 00:c3:20:57:14:89 31 dynamic
55 00:0a:25:11:12:55 31 dynamic
In addition to the dynamic learning mechanism, users can add static MAC
addresses for static routing in each service. These user entries are not considered
when determining the maximum size of the MAC forwarding table.
Users can manually clear all the dynamic entries from the MAC forwarding table.
Users can also delete static entries per service.
The system also provides an automatic flush process. An entry is erased from the
table as a result of:
• The global aging time expires for the entry.
• Loss of carrier occurs on the interface with which the entry is associated.
• Resiliency protocols, such as MSTP or G.8032.
Users can modify the attributes of the management service, but cannot delete it.
The CPU service point is read-only and cannot be modified. The local management
ports are also connected to the service, but their service points are not visible to
users. The first management interface is enabled by default. The second
management interface must be manually enabled by the user. The management
ports can be used to manage the network element or to access a remote network
element. They can also be used to manage third-party devices. Users can enable
or disable these ports.
The following figure illustrates a management service.
Management Service
Port 1
Port 4
Port 2
Port 5
Port 3
Port 6
Local Management 1
Local Management 2
Service Attributes
IP-20G services have the following attributes:
• Service ID – A running number from 1 to 1024 that identifies the service. The
user must select the Service ID upon creating the service. The Service ID
cannot be edited after the service has been created. Service ID 1025 is used
for the pre-defined Management service.
• Service Type – Determines the specific functionality that will be provided for
Ethernet traffic using the service. For example, a Point-to-Point service
provides traffic forwarding between two service points, with no need to learn
a service topology based on source and destination MAC addresses. A
Multipoint service enables operators to create an E-LAN service that includes
several service points.
• Service Admin Mode – Defines whether or not the service is functional, i.e.,
able to receive and transmit traffic. When the Service Admin Mode is set to
Operational, the service is fully functional. When the Service Admin Mode is
set to Reserved, the service occupies system resources but is unable to
transmit and receive data.
• EVC-ID – The Ethernet Virtual Connection ID (end-to-end). This parameter
does not affect the network element’s behavior, but is used by the NMS for
topology management.
• EVC Description – The Ethernet Virtual Connection description. This
parameter does not affect the network element’s behavior, but is used by the
NMS for topology management.
• Maximum Dynamic MAC Address Learning per Service – Defines the
maximum number of dynamic Ethernet MAC address that the service can
learn. This parameter is configured with a granularity of 16, and only applies
to dynamic, not static, MAC addresses.
• Static MAC Address Configuration – Users can add static entries to the MAC
forwarding table. The global aging time does not apply to static entries, and
they are not counted with respect to the Maximum Dynamic MAC Address
Learning. It is the responsibility of the user not to use all the 131,072 entries in
the table if the user also wants to utilize dynamic MAC address learning.
• CoS Mode – Defines whether the service inherits ingress classification
decisions made at previous stages or overwrites previous decisions and uses
the default CoS defined for the service. For more details on IP-20G’s
hierarchical classification mechanism, refer to Classification on page 150.
• Default CoS – The default CoS value at the service level. If the CoS Mode is set
to overwrite previous classification decisions, this is the CoS value used for
frames entering the service.
• xSTP Instance (0-46, 4095) – The spanning tree instance ID to which the
service belongs. The service can be a traffic engineering service (instance ID
4095) or can be managed by the xSTP engines of the network element.
Fiber Aggregation
SNP Network
Base Station
Figure 70: SAP, SNP and Pipe Service Points in a Microwave Network
The following table summarizes the service point types available per service type.
SAP Classification
SAPs can be used with the following Attached Interface Types:
• All to one – All C-VLANs and untagged frames that enter the interface are
classified to the same service point.
• Dot1q – A single C-VLAN is classified to the service point.
• QinQ – A single S-VLAN and C-VLAN combination is classified to the service
• Bundle C-Tag– A set of multiple C-VLANs are classified to the service point.
• Bundle S-Tag – A single S-VLAN and a set of multiple C-VLANs are classified to
the service point.
SNP classification
SNPs can be used with the following Attached Interface Types:
• Dot1q – A single C VLAN is classified to the service point.
• S-Tag – A single S- VLAN is classified to the service point.
MNG classification
Management service points can be used with the following Attached Interface
• Dot1q – A single C-VLAN is classified to the service point.
• S-Tag – A single S-VLAN is classified to the service point.
• QinQ – A single S-VLAN and C-VLAN combination is classified into the service
The following table shows which service point types can co-exist on the same
Table 23: Service Point Types that can Co-Exist on the Same Interface
MNG SP Only one MNG SP is Yes Yes Yes
allowed per interface.
SAP SP Yes Yes No No
SNP SP Yes No Yes No
PIPE SP Yes No No Only one Pipe SP is allowed
per interface.
The following table shows in more detail which service point – Attached Interface
Type combinations can co-exist on the same interface.
Table 24: Service Point Type-Attached Interface Type Combinations that can Co-Exist on the Same Interface
SP Type Attached 802.1q Bundle Bundle All to One QinQ 802.1q S-Tag 802.1q S-Tag 802.1q QinQ S-Tag
Interface Type C-Tag S-Tag
Pipe 802.1q Only for Only for P2P No No No Only for No Only one Pipe SP Per No Yes No No
P2P Service Service P2P Service Interface
Ingress Ingress
Port 1 Port 2
Egress Egress
• Marking – Marking refers to the ability to overwrite the outgoing priority bits
and Color of the outer VLAN of the egress frame, either the C-VLAN or the S-
VLAN. If marking is enabled, the service point overwrites the outgoing priority
bits and Color of the outer VLAN of the egress frame. Marking mode is only
relevant if either the outer frame is S-VLAN and S-VLAN CoS preservation is
disabled, or the outer frame is C-VLAN and C-VLAN CoS preservation is
disabled. When marking is enabled and active, marking is performed
according to global mapping tables that map the 802.1p-UP bits and the DEI or
CFI bit to a defined CoS and Color value.
• Service Bundle ID – This attribute can be used to assign one of the available
service bundles from the H-QoS hierarchy queues to the service point. This
enables users to personalize the QoS egress path. For details, refer to
Standard QoS and Hierarchical QoS (H-QoS)on page 164.
When physical interfaces are grouped into a logical interface, IP-20G also shows
standard RMON statistics for the logical interface, i.e., for the group. This
information enables users to determine the cumulative statistics for the group,
rather than having to examine the statistics for each interface individually.
Physical Interface 2
Logical Interface SP SP
Physical Interface 1 Lo
al I Physical Interface 3
Physical Interface 4
Physical Interface 2 Logical Interface SP SP
This functionality is planned for future release.
• Actual Physical Mode (only relevant for RJ-45 interfaces) – The actual physical
mode (master or slave) for the Ethernet link, as agreed by the two sides after
the auto negotiation process.
Ethernet Statistics
The FibeAir IP-20G platform stores and displays statistics in accordance with
RMON and RMON2 standards.
Users can display various peak TX and RX rates (in seconds) and average TX and RX
rates (in seconds), both in bytes and in packets, for each measured time interval.
Users can also display the number of seconds in the interval during which TX and
RX rates exceeded the configured threshold.
The following transmit statistic counters are available:
• Transmitted bytes (not including preamble) in good or bad frames. Low 32
• Transmitted bytes (not including preamble) in good or bad frames. High 32
• Transmitted frames (good or bad)
• Multicast frames (good only)
• Broadcast frames (good only)
• Control frames transmitted
• Pause control frame transmitted
• FCS error frames
• Frame length error
• Oversized frames – frames with length > 1518 bytes (1522 bytes for VLAN-
tagged frames) without errors
• Undersized frames (good only)
• Fragments frames (undersized bad)
• Jabber frames – frames with length > 1518 bytes (1522 for VLAN-tagged
frames) with errors
• Frames with length 64 bytes, good or bad
• Frames with length 65-127 bytes, good or bad
• Frames with length 128-255 bytes, good or bad
• Frames with length 256-511 bytes, good or bad
• Frames with length 512-1023 bytes, good or bad.
• Frames with length 1024-1518 bytes, good or bad
• Frames with length 1519-1522 bytes, good or bad
The following receive statistic counters are available:
• Received bytes (not including preamble) in good or bad frames. Low 32 bits.
• Received bytes (not including preamble) in good or bad frames. High 32 bits.
• Received frames (good or bad)
• Multicast frames (good only)
• Broadcast frames (good only)
Interface 1 Physical Interface 1
General Attributes
• Traffic Flow Administration – Enables traffic via the logical interface. This
attribute is useful when the user groups several physical interfaces into a
single logical interface. The user can enable or disable traffic to the group
using this parameter.
• Default CoS – The default CoS value for frames passing through the interface.
This value can be overwritten on the service point and service level. The Color
is assumed to be Green.
For more information about classification at the logical interface level, refer to
Logical Interface-Level Classification on page 151.
This attribute is reserved for future use. The current release supports traffic shaping per
queue and per service bundle, which provides the equivalent of shaping per logical interface.
improper cabling. It also enables the LAG to detect uni-directional failure and
remove the link from the LAG, preventing packet loss.
IP-20’s LACP implementation does not include write parameters or churn
Note: LACP can only be used with Ethernet interfaces.
LACP cannot be used with Enhanced LAG Distribution or with the
LAG Group Shutdown in Case of Degradation Event feature.
LAG groups can include interfaces with the following constraints:
• Only physical interfaces (including radio interfaces), not logical interfaces, can
belong to a LAG group.
• Interfaces can only be added to the LAG group if no services or service points
are attached to the interface.
• Any classification rules defined for the interface are overridden by the
classification rules defined for the LAG group.
• When removing an interface from a LAG group, the removed interface is
assigned the default interface values.
IP-20G enables users to select the LAG members without limitations, such as
interface speed and interface type. Proper configuration of a LAG group is the
responsibility of the user.
Related topics:
• Ethernet Service Mode
• In-Band Management
Quality of Service (QoS) deals with the way frames are handled within the
switching fabric. QoS is required in order to deal with many different network
scenarios, such as traffic congestion, packet availability, and delay restrictions.
IP-20G’s personalized QoS enables operators to handle a wide and diverse range
of scenarios. IP-20G’s smart QoS mechanism operates from the frame’s ingress
into the switching fabric until the moment the frame egresses via the destination
QoS capability is very important due to the diverse topologies that exist in today’s
network scenarios. These can include, for example, streams from two different
ports that egress via single port, or a port-to-port connection that holds hundreds
of services. In each topology, a customized approach to handling QoS will provide
the best results.
The figure below shows the basic flow of IP-20G’s QoS mechanism. Traffic
ingresses (left to right) via the Ethernet or radio interfaces, on the “ingress path.”
Based on the services model, the system determines how to route the traffic.
Traffic is then directed to the most appropriate output queue via the “egress
Rate Limit (Optional)
GE/Radio Port Classifier
(Policing) Queue Scheduler/
Manager Shaper
Port GE/Radio
Standard QoS/ H-QoS
Rate Limit (Optional)
GE/Radio Port Classifier
(Policing) Queue Scheduler/
Manager Shaper
Port GE/Radio
Standard QoS/ H-QoS
Ingress CET/Pipe Marker
Rate Limit Services (Optional)
GE/Radio Port Classifier
(Policing) Queue Scheduler/
Manager Shaper
Port GE/Radio
Standard QoS/ H-QoS
The following figure illustrates the difference between how standard QoS and H-
QoS handle traffic:
Standard QoS
Service 1 Voice
V Data
D Eth. Ethernet
Service 2 S traffic Radio
Service 3 S
Service 1 D Service 1
Service 2 Service 2
Service 3 D Service 3
IP-20G supports a hierarchical classification mechanism. The classification
mechanism examines incoming frames and determines their CoS and Color. The
benefit of hierarchical classification is that it provides the ability to “zoom in” or
“zoom out”, enabling classification at higher or lower levels of the hierarchy. The
nature of each traffic stream defines which level of the hierarchical classifier to
apply, or whether to use several levels of the classification hierarchy in parallel.
The hierarchical classifier consists of the following levels:
• Logical interface-level classification
• Service point-level classification
• Service level classification
The following figure illustrates the hierarchical classification model. In this figure,
traffic enters the system via the port depicted on the left and enters the service
via the SAP depicted on the upper left of the service. The classification can take
place at the logical interface level, the service point level, and/or the service level.
Logical interface level Service level
• VLAN ID • Default CoS
• 802.1p-based CoS • Preserve Service Point Decision
• DSCP-based CoS
• MPLS EXP-based CoS
• Default CoS
If no match is found at the logical interface level, the default CoS is applied to
incoming frames at this level. In this case, the Color of the frame is assumed to be
The following figure illustrates the hierarchy of priorities among classification
methods, from highest (on the left) to lowest (on the right) priority.
Table 25: C-VLAN 802.1 UP and CFI Default Mapping to CoS and Color
802.1 UP CFI CoS (configurable) Color (configurable)
0 0 0 Green
0 1 0 Yellow
1 0 1 Green
1 1 1 Yellow
2 0 2 Green
2 1 2 Yellow
3 0 3 Green
3 1 3 Yellow
4 0 4 Green
4 1 4 Yellow
5 0 5 Green
5 1 5 Yellow
6 0 6 Green
6 1 6 Yellow
7 0 7 Green
7 1 7 Yellow
Table 26: S-VLAN 802.1 UP and DEI Default Mapping to CoS and Color
802.1 UP DEI CoS (Configurable) Color (Configurable)
0 0 0 Green
0 1 0 Yellow
1 0 1 Green
1 1 1 Yellow
2 0 2 Green
2 1 2 Yellow
3 0 3 Green
3 1 3 Yellow
4 0 4 Green
4 1 4 Yellow
5 0 5 Green
5 1 5 Yellow
6 0 6 Green
6 1 6 Yellow
7 0 7 Green
7 1 7 Yellow
0 0 Yellow
1 1 Green
2 2 Yellow
3 3 Green
4 4 Yellow
5 5 Green
6 6 Green
7 7 Green
Default value is CoS equal best effort and Color equal Green.
Service-Level Classification
Classification at the service level enables users to provide special treatment to an
entire service. For example, the user might decide that all frames in a
management service should be assigned a specific CoS regardless of the ingress
port. The following classification modes are supported at the service level:
◦ Preserve previous CoS decision (service point level)
◦ Default CoS
If the service CoS mode is configured to preserve previous CoS decision, frames
passing through the service are given the CoS and Color that was assigned at the
service point level. If the service CoS mode is configured to default CoS mode, the
CoS is taken from the service’s default CoS, and the Color is Green.
Service point-level rate metering is planned for future release.
Service point and CoS-level rate metering is planned for future release.
CoS 1
Service Frame
CoS 2 Ethertype
Point Type
CoS 3
• Color Mode – Color mode can be enabled (Color aware) or disabled (Color
blind). In Color aware mode, all frames that ingress with a CFI/DEI field set to
1 (Yellow) are treated as EIR frames, even if credits remain in the CIR bucket.
In Color blind mode, all ingress frames are treated first as Green frames
regardless of CFI/DEI value, then as Yellow frames (when there is no credit in
the Green bucket). A Color-blind policer discards any previous Color decisions.
• Coupling Flag – If the coupling flag between the Green and Yellow buckets is
enabled, then if the Green bucket reaches the maximum CBS value the
remaining credits are sent to the Yellow bucket up to the maximum value of
the Yellow bucket.
The following parameter is neither a profile parameter, nor specifically a rate
meter parameter, but rather, is a logical interface parameter. For more
information about logical interfaces, refer to Logical Interfaces on page 142.
• Line Compensation – A rate meter can measure CIR and EIR at Layer 1 or
Layer 2 rates. Layer 1 capacity is equal to Layer 2 capacity plus 20 additional
bytes for each frame due to the preamble and Inter Frame Gap (IFG). In most
cases, the preamble and IFG equals 20 bytes, but other values are also
possible. Line compensation defines the number of bytes to be added to each
frame for purposes of CIR and EIR calculation. When Line Compensation is 20,
the rate meter operates as Layer 1. When Line Compensation is 0, the rate
meter operates as Layer 2. This parameter is very important to users that
want to distinguish between Layer 1 and Layer 2 traffic. For example, 1 Gbps
of traffic at Layer 1 is equal to ~760 Mbps if the frame size is 64 bytes, but
~986 Mbps if the frame size is 1500 bytes. This demonstrates that counting at
Layer 2 is not always fair in comparison to counting at Layer 1, that is, the
physical level.
Queue Manager
The queue manager (QM) is responsible for managing the output transmission
queues. IP-20G supports up to 2K service-level transmission queues, with
configurable buffer size. Users can specify the buffer size of each queue
independently. The total amount of memory dedicated to the queue buffers is
2 Gbits.
The following considerations should be taken into account in determining the
proper buffer size:
• Latency considerations – If low latency is required (users would rather drop
frames in the queue than increase latency) small buffer sizes are preferable.
• Throughput immunity to fast bursts – When traffic is characterized by fast
bursts, it is recommended to increase the buffer sizes to prevent packet loss.
Of course, this comes at the cost of a possible increase in latency.
Users can configure burst size as a tradeoff between latency and immunity to
bursts, according the application requirements.
The queues are ordered in groups of eight queues. These eight queues correspond
to CoS values, from 0 to 7; in other words, eight priority queues.
The following figure depicts the queue manager. Physically, the queue manager is
located between the ingress path and the egress path.
SP1 CoS2
CoS3 Service Bundle 1
CoS4 (8 Queues)
Service CoS5
SP2 SP7 CoS7
Drop Ratio CoS1
(%) CoS2
Multipoint SP3 CoS3 Service Bundle 3
Occupancy (KB)
Service CoS4 (8 Queues)
SP2 CoS5
Multipoint SP3 CoS6
Service CoS7
users can create an over-subscription scenario among the queues for when the
buffer size of the aggregate queues is lower than the total memory allocated to all
the queues. In doing this, the user must understand both the benefits and the
potential hazards, namely, that if a lack of buffer space occurs, the queue
manager will drop incoming frames without applying the usual priority rules
among frames.
The queue size is defined by the WRED profile that is associated with the queue.
For more details, refer to WRED on page 161.
The Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) mechanism can increase capacity
utilization of TCP traffic by eliminating the phenomenon of global synchronization.
Global synchronization occurs when TCP flows sharing bottleneck conditions
receive loss indications at around the same time. This can result in periods during
which link bandwidth utilization drops significantly as a consequence of
simultaneous falling to a “slow start” of all the TCP flows. The following figure
demonstrates the behavior of two TCP flows over time without WRED.
Figure 83: Random Packet Loss with Increased Capacity Utilization Using WRED
When queue occupancy goes up, this means that the ingress path rate (the TCP
stream that is ingressing the switch) is higher than the egress path rate. This
difference in rates should be fixed in order to reduce packet drops and to reach
the maximal media utilization, since IP-20G will not egress packets to the media at
a rate which is higher than the media is able to transmit.
To deal with this, IP-20G enables users to define up to 30 WRED profiles. Each
profile contains a Green traffic curve and a Yellow traffic curve. These curves
describe the probability of randomly dropping frames as a function of queue
occupancy. In addition, using different curves for Yellow packets and Green
packets enables users to enforce the rule that Yellow packets be dropped before
Green packets when there is congestion.
IP-20G also includes two pre-defined read-only WRED profiles:
• Profile number 31 defines a tail-drop curve and is configured with the
following values:
100% Yellow traffic drop after 64kbytes occupancy.
100% Green traffic drop after 128kbytes occupancy.
Yellow maximum drop is 100%
Green maximum drop is 100%
• Profile number 32 defines a profile in which all will be dropped. It is for
internal use and should not be applied to traffic.
A WRED profile can be assigned to each queue. The WRED profile assigned to the
queue determines whether or not to drop incoming packets according to the
occupancy of the queue. Basically, as queue occupancy grows, the probability of
dropping each incoming frame increases as well. As a consequence, statistically
more TCP flows will be restrained before traffic congestion occurs.
Yellow max
drop ratio
Green max
drop ratio
Queue depth [bytes]
Yellow min Green min
threshold threshold
For each curve, frames are passed on and not dropped up to the minimum Green
and Yellow thresholds. From this point, WRED performs a pseudo-random drop
with a ratio based on the curve up to the maximum Green and Yellow thresholds.
Beyond this point, 100% of frames with the applicable Color are dropped.
The system automatically assigns the default “tail drop” WRED profile (Profile ID
31) to every queue. Users can change the WRED profile per queue based on the
application served by the queue.
H-QoS Hierarchy
The egress path hierarchy is based on the following levels:
• Queue level
• Service bundle level
• Logical interface level
The queue level represents the physical priority queues. This level holds up to 2K
queues. Each eight queues are bundled and represent eight CoS priority levels.
One or more service points can be attached to a specific bundle, and the traffic
from the service point to one of the eight queues is based on the CoS that was
calculated on the ingress path.
Note: With standard QoS, all services are assigned to a single default
service bundle.
The service bundle level represents the groups of eight priority queues. Every
eight queues are managed as a single service bundle.
The interface level represents the physical port through which traffic from the
specified service point egresses.
The following summarizes the egress path hierarchy:
• Up to 8 physical interfaces
• One service bundle per interface in standard QoS / 256 service bundles in H-
• Eight queues per service bundle
Priority 4 (Highest)
Priority 3
Priority 2
Priority 1 (Lowest)
CoS0 Rate
CoS1 Rate
Service 1 CoS2
CoS3 Rate
CoS4 Single Shaper
CoS5 Rate
CoS6 Rate WFQ
CoS7 Single
CoS0 Rate
CoS1 Rate
Service 2 CoS2
CoS3 Rate
CoS4 Rate
CoS5 Rate WFQ
CoS6 Rate
CoS7 Single
Service Point
H- QoS Mode
As discussed above, users can select whether to work in Standard QoS mode or H-
QoS mode.
• If the user configured all the egress service points to transmit traffic via a
single service bundle, the operational mode is Standard QoS. In this mode,
only Service Bundle 1 is active and there are eight output transmission
• If the user configured the egress service points to transmit traffic via multiple
service bundles, the operational mode is H-QoS. H-QoS mode enables users to
fully distinguish among the streams and to achieve SLA per service.
Queue Shapers
Users can configure up to 31 single leaky bucket shaper profiles. The CIR value can
be set to the following values:
• 16,000 – 32,000,000 bps – granularity of 16,000 bps
• 32,000,000 – 131,008,000 bps – granularity of 64,000 bps
Note: Users can enter any value within the permitted range. Based on
the value entered by the user, the software automatically rounds
off the setting according to the granularity. If the user enters a
value below the lowest granular value (except 0), the software
adjusts the setting to the minimum.
Users can attach one of the configured queue shaper profiles to each priority
queue. If no profile is attached to the queue, no egress shaping is performed on
that queue.
Interface Shapers
Users can configure up to 31 single leaky bucket shaper profiles. The CIR can be
set to the following values:
• 0 – 8,192,000 bps – granularity of 32,000 bps
• 8,192,000 – 32,768,000 bps – granularity of 128,000 bps
• 32,768,000 – 131,072,000 bps – granularity of 512,000 bps
• 131,072,000 – 999,424,000 bps – granularity of 8,192,000 bps
Note: Users can enter any value within the permitted range. Based on
the value entered by the user, the software automatically rounds
off the setting according to the granularity. If the user enters a
value below the value (except 0), the software adjusts the setting
to the minimum.
Users can attach one of the configured interface shaper profiles to each interface.
If no profile is attached to the interface, no egress shaping is performed on that
Egress Scheduling
Egress scheduling is responsible for transmission from the priority queues. IP-20G
uses a unique algorithm with a hierarchical scheduling model over the three levels
of the egress path that enables compliance with SLA requirements.
The scheduler scans all the queues over all the service bundles, per interface, and
determines which queue is ready to transmit. If more than one queue is ready to
transmit, the scheduler determines which queue transmits first based on:
• Queue Priority – A queue with higher priority is served before lower-priority
• Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) – If two or more queues have the same priority
and are ready to transmit, the scheduler transmits frames from the queues
based on a WFQ algorithm that determines the ratio of frames per queue
based on a predefined weight assigned to each queue.
The following figure shows the scheduling mechanism for a single service bundle
(equivalent to Standard QoS). When a user assigns traffic to more than a single
service bundle (H-QoS mode), multiple instances of this model (up to 32 per port)
are valid.
Interface Priority
The profile defines the exact order for serving the eight priority queues in a single
service bundle. When the user attaches a profile to an interface, all the service
bundles under the interface inherit the profile.
The priority mechanism distinguishes between two states of the service bundle:
• Green State – Committed state
• Yellow state – Best effort state
Green State refers to any time when the service bundle total rate is below the
user-defined CIR. Yellow State refers to any time when the service bundle total
rate is above the user-defined CIR but below the PIR.
User can define up to four Green priority profiles, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
An additional four Yellow priority profiles are defined automatically.
Note: When Frame Cut-Through is enabled, frames in queues with 4th
priority pre-empt frames already in transmission over the radio
from other queues. For details, refer to Frame Cut-Through on
page 81.
The following table provides a sample of an interface priority profile. This profile is
also used as the default interface priority profile.
When the service bundle state is Green (committed state), the service bundle
priorities are as defined in the Green Priority column. When the service bundle
state is Yellow (best effort state), the service bundle priorities are system-defined
priorities shown in the Yellow Priority column.
Note: CoS 7 is always marked with the highest priority, no matter what
the service bundle state is, since it is assumed that only high
priority traffic will be tunneled via CoS 7.
The system supports up to nine interface priority profiles. Profiles 1 to 8 are
defined by the user, while profile 9 is the pre-defined read-only default interface
priority profile.
Queue-Level Statistics
IP-20G supports the following counters per queue at the queue level:
• Transmitted Green Packet (64 bits counter)
• Transmitted Green Bytes (64 bits counter)
• Transmitted Green Bits per Second (32 bits counter)
• Dropped Green Packets (64 bits counter)
• Dropped Green Bytes (64 bits counter)
• Transmitted Yellow Packets (64 bits counter)
• Transmitted Yellow Bytes (64 bits counter)
• Transmitted Yellow Bits per Second (32 bits counter)
• Dropped Yellow Packets (64 bits counter)
• Dropped Yellow Bytes (64 bits counter)
Interface-Level Statistics
For information on statistics at the interface level, refer to Ethernet Statistics on
page 141.
Marking refers to the ability to overwrite the outgoing priority bits and Color of
the outer VLAN of the egress frame. Marking mode is only applied if the outer
frame is S-VLAN and S-VLAN CoS preservation is disabled, or if the outer frame is
C-VLAN and C-VLAN CoS preservation is disabled. If outer VLAN preservation is
enabled for the relevant outer VLAN, the egress CoS and Color are the same as
the CoS and Color of the frame when it ingressed into the switching fabric.
Marking is performed according to a global table that maps CoS and Color values
to the 802.1p-UP bits and the DEI or CFI bits. If Marking is enabled on a service
point, the CoS and Color of frames egressing the service via that service point are
overwritten according to this global mapping table.
If marking and CoS preservation for the relevant outer VLAN are both disabled,
marking is applied according to the Green frame values in the global marking
When marking is performed, the following global tables are used by the marker to
decide which CoS and Color to use as the egress CoS and Color bits.
0 Green 0 0
0 Yellow 0 1
1 Green 1 0
1 Yellow 1 1
2 Green 2 0
2 Yellow 2 1
3 Green 3 0
3 Yellow 3 1
4 Green 4 0
4 Yellow 4 1
5 Green 5 0
5 Yellow 5 1
6 Green 6 0
6 Yellow 6 1
7 Green 7 0
7 Yellow 7 1
0 Green 0 0
0 Yellow 0 1
1 Green 1 0
1 Yellow 1 1
2 Green 2 0
2 Yellow 2 1
3 Green 3 0
3 Yellow 3 1
4 Green 4 0
4 Yellow 4 1
5 Green 5 0
5 Yellow 5 1
6 Green 6 0
6 Yellow 6 1
7 Green 7 0
7 Yellow 7 1
The keys for these tables are the CoS and Color. The results are the
802.1q/802.1ad UP and CFI/DEI bits, which are user-configurable. It is strongly
recommended that the default values not be changed except by advanced users.
Related topics:
• Network Resiliency
Automatic State Propagation (ASP) enables propagation of radio failures back to
the Ethernet port. You can also configure ASP to close the Ethernet port based on
a radio failure at the remote carrier. ASP improves the recovery performance of
resiliency protocols.
Note: It is recommended to configure both ends of the link to the same
ASP configuration.
Users can configure a trigger delay time, so that when a triggering event takes
place, the ASP mechanism does not propagate the event until this delay time has
Ring Node 1
Ring Node 2
Ring Node 3
R-APS Messages
Ring Node 1
Ring Node 2
Ring Node 3
R-APS Messages
RPL for
Ring Node 1
RPL for
Wireless Ring IP-20G
Ring Node 4
RPL for
RPL for
Ring Node 2
Ring Node 3
ERPI 1 Traffic
ERPI 2 Traffic
ERPI 3 Traffic
ERPI 4 Traffic
G.8032 Interoperability
G.8032 in IP-20G units is interoperable with IP-20N units running G.8032, as well
as third-party bridges running standard implementations of G.8032.
MSTP Benefits
MSTP significantly improves network resiliency in the following ways:
• Prevents data loops by configuring the active topology for each MSTI such that
there is never more than a single route between any two points in the
• Provides for fault tolerance by automatically reconfiguring the spanning tree
topology whenever there is a bridge failure or breakdown in a data path.
• Automatically reconfigures the spanning tree to accommodate addition of
bridges and bridge ports to the network, without the formation of transient
data loops.
• Enables frames assigned to different services or service groups to follow
different data routes within administratively established regions of the
• Provides for predictable and reproducible active topology based on
management of the MSTP parameters.
• Operates transparently to the end stations.
• Consumes very little bandwidth to establish and maintain MSTIs, constituting
a small percentage of the total available bandwidth which is independent of
both the total traffic supported by the network and the total number of
bridges or LANs in the network.
• Does not require bridges to be individually configured before being added to
the network.
MSTP Operation
MSTP includes the following elements:
• MST Region – A set of physically connected bridges that can be portioned into
a set of logical topologies.
• Internal Spanning Tree (IST) – Every MST Region runs an IST, which is a special
spanning tree instance that disseminates STP topology information for all
other MSTIs.
• CIST Root – The bridge that has the lowest Bridge ID among all the MST
• Common Spanning Tree (CST) – The single spanning tree calculated by STP,
RSTP, and MSTP to connect MST Regions. All bridges and LANs are connected
into a single CST.
• Common Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) – A collection of the ISTs in each MST
Region, and the CST that interconnects the MST regions and individual
spanning trees. MSTP connects all bridges and LANs with a single CIST.
MSTP specifies:
• An MST Configuration Identifier that enables each bridge to advertise its
configuration for allocating frames with given VIDs to any of a number of
• A priority vector that consists of a bridge identifier and path cost information
for the CIST.
• An MSTI priority vector for any given MSTI within each MST Region.
Each bridge selects a CIST priority vector for each port based on the priority
vectors and MST Configuration Identifiers received from the other bridges and on
an incremental path cost associated with each receiving port. The resulting
priority vectors are such that in a stable network:
• One bridge is selected to be the CIST Root.
• A minimum cost path to the CIST Root is selected for each bridge.
• The CIST Regional Root is identified as the one root per MST Region whose
minimum cost path to the root is not through another bridge using the same
MST Configuration Identifier.
Based on priority vector comparisons and calculations performed by each bridge
for each MSTI, one bridge is independently selected for each MSTI to be the MSTI
Regional Root, and a minimum cost path is defined from each bridge or LAN in
each MST Region to the MSTI Regional Root.
The following events trigger MSTP re-convergence:
• Addition or removal of a bridge or port.
• A change in the operational state of a port or group (LAG or protection).
• A change in the service to instance mapping.
• A change in the maximum number of MSTIs.
• A change in an MSTI bridge priority, port priority, or port cost.
Note: All except the last of these triggers can cause the entire MSTP to
re-converge. The last trigger only affects the modified MSTI.
MSTP Interoperability
MSTP in IP-20G units is interoperable with:
• IP-20N units running MSTP.
• Third-party bridges running MSTP.
• FibeAir IP-10 units running RSTP.
• Third-party bridges running RSTP
6.3.10 OAM
FibeAir IP-20G provides complete Service Operations Administration and
Maintenance (SOAM) functionality at multiple layers, including:
• Fault management status and alarms.
• Maintenance signals, such as AIS, and RDI.
• Maintenance commands, such as loopbacks and Linktrace commands.
• Ethernet Bandwidth Notification (ETH-BN)
IP-20G is fully compliant with 802.1ag, G.8013/Y.1731, MEF-17, MEF-20, MEF-30,
and MEF-31.
TDM services
IP-20G IP-20G
6.4 Synchronization
This section describes IP-20G’s flexible synchronization solution that enables
operators to configure a combination of synchronization techniques, based on the
operator’s network and migration strategy, including:
• Native Sync Distribution, for end-to-end distribution using GbE, FE, E1, T3,
and/or T4 sync input and output.
• SyncE PRC Pipe Regenerator mode, providing PRC grade (G.811) performance
for pipe (“regenerator”) applications.
• IEEE-1588v2 PTP Optimized Transport, providing both frequency and phase
synchronization for compliance with rigorous LTE and LTE-A requirements.
E1 input is planned for future release.
E1 output is planned for future release. However, E1 via T4 output from the synchronization
interface is supported.
SyncE PRC Pipe Regenerator mode is planned for future release.
Eth IP-20G
Sync Source
Radio Link
IP-20G Node
Ethernet Interface Signal Clock = Reference
IP-20G Node
Signal Clock = Reference Signal Clock = Reference
Force mode is planned for future release.
Sync Input
Node-B Eth
(with SyncE)
sync distribution
RNC or
IP-20G at fiber node synchronized to:
Distributed clock is provided to Node-B • SyncE input from Ethernet uplink
using SyncE or dedicated Sync interface. • External Sync Input (From GPS, SSU, etc.)
Packet Based
MW Radio link
The following figure illustrates Native Sync Distribution in a ring scenario, during
normal operation.
Carrier Ethernet Ring BNC/RNC
Fiber site
IP-20G FE/GE interface
with SyncE
Ring site #2
Ring site #3
Tail site #3
Carrier Ethernet Ring IP-20G BNC/RNC
Tail site #3
Figure 97: Native Sync Distribution Mode – Ring Scenario (Link Failure)
In PRC pipe regenerator mode, frequency is taken from the incoming GbE
Ethernet or radio interface signal, and used as a reference for the radio frame. On
the receiver side, the radio frame frequency is used as the reference signal for the
outgoing Ethernet PHY.
Frequency distribution behaves in a different way for optical and electrical GbE
interfaces, because of the way these interfaces are implemented:
• For optical interfaces, separate and independent frequencies are transported
in each direction.
• For electrical interfaces, each PHY must act either as clock master or as clock
slave in its own link. For this reason, frequency can only be distributed in one
direction, determined by the user.
Sync GPS/
Syn c
-up (t t2
reque st (t3)
o n se
Radio Link
Delay = ∆y
Correction Time
∆x + ∆y + ∆z
1588 1588
Master Slave
IP-20G IP-20G
Slave 1588
Port Slave
IP-20G IP-20G
Services engine
TDM Radio
Network processor (EVCs)
Cascading Port TDM
Port Radio
Ethernet Services (EVCs)
E1 Port SAP
Cascading Port
Figure 106: Hybrid Ethernet and TDM Services Carried Over Cascading Interfaces
E1 Port SAP
Multipoint Service
Related topics:
• Synchronization
Synchronization for TDM trails can be provided by any of the following
synchronization methods:
• Loop Timing – Timing is taken from incoming traffic.
• Recovered Clock– Clock information is recovered on the egress path. Extra
information may be located in an RTP header that can be used to correct
frequency offsets. Recovered Clock can provide very accurate synchronization,
but requires low PDV.
• System Reference Clock –Trails are synchronized to the system reference
Third Party
Path 2
Path 1
IP-20G IP-20G
End-Point IP-20G
Third Party
Third Party
SNCP Equipment SNCP
Path 1 Path 2
Third Party
Third Party Third Party
TDM Network
Interface 1
Interface 2
IP-20G IP-20G
Path 1 Path 2
End-Point IP-20G
Third Party
User Port SAP SNP Network
(UNI) Port
CESoP mode is planned for future release.
IP/UDP (IETF) encapsulation is planned for future release.
MPLS (MFA8) encapsulation is planned for future release.
A subset of DS0 is supported in CESoP, which is planned for a future release.
In addition, there are a number of parameters at the PW Card level that must be
configured properly to ensure proper operation:
• Ethernet traffic port settings
◦ Speed
◦ Duplex
◦ Auto-negotiation
◦ Flow control
• TDM card IP address and subnet mask
• Clock distribution
Related topics:
• Synchronization
A key requirement of pseudowire technology is managing the synchronization of
TDM signals. IP-20G’s TDM Pseudowire supports the following synchronization
• Absolute Reference Clock (Common Clock) – All E1 lines are synchronized to
the system reference clock.
• Adaptive Clock Recovery – Clock information is included in the frames that
contain the TDM data. Extra information may be located in an RTP header that
can be used to correct frequency offsets. The clock information is extracted at
the point where the frames are received and reconverted to TDM. The
extracted clock information is used for the reconversion to TDM. Adaptive
Clock Recovery can provide very accurate synchronization, but requires low
• Differential Clock Recovery – A single common clock is given, while each E1
line has its independent clock referenced to this common clock. 29
• Loop Timing – The pseudowire output signal uses the clock of the incoming E1
lines Timing will be independent for each E1 line.
Differential Clock Recovery is planned for future release.
Support for TDM signal PMs is planned for future release.
Hybrid Hybrid
Radio Radio
SDH Optical
FibeAir IP-20 FibeAir IP-20 FibeAir IP-20
Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site
Figure 111: Native TDM Trail Interoperability with Optical SDH Equipment
Native TDM Trail TDM PW
Hybrid Hybrid
Radio Radio
Fiber Packet
FibeAir IP-10/20 FibeAir IP-20 FibeAir IP-20
Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site
All-Packet All-Packet
Radio Radio
SDH Optical
FibeAir IP-20 FibeAir IP-20 FibeAir IP-20
Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site
TDM Pseudowire
All-Packet All-Packet
Radio Radio
Fiber Packet
FibeAir IP-20 FibeAir IP-20 FibeAir IP-20
Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site
Special labels must be affixed to a FIPS-compliant IP-20G unit. These labels are
tamper-evident and must be applied in such a way that it is not possible to open
the chassis without also removing a label and leaving evidence that the label was
tampered with. These labels must be replaced whenever components are added
to or removed from the unit. Replacement labels can be ordered from Ceragon
Networks, part number BS-0341-2. Tamper-evident labels should be inspected for
integrity at least once every six months.
Northbound OSS/NMS
CLI Interface
Client NMS
TCP, Secured
SSL Channel Platform
Figure 116: Integrated IP-20G Management Tools
With respect to system security, the Web EMS includes two features to facilitate
monitoring and configuring security-related parameters.
To configure security-related features, the Web EMS gathers several pages under
the Quick Configuration portion of the Web EMS main menu. Users can configure
the following parameters from these pages:
• FIPS Admin
• Import and export security settings
• Session timeout
• Login banner
• AES-256 payload encryption
• Telnet blocking
• SNMP parameters
• Users and user profiles
• Login and password parameters
• RSA public key configuration
• Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file download and install
The Web EMS also includes a Security Summary page that gathers a number of
important security-related parameters in a single page for quick viewing. The
Security Summary page can be displayed from the root of the Web EMS main
The Security Summary page includes:
• FIPS Admin status
• Session Timeout
• Login Banner
• AES-256 payload encryption status
• HTTP/HTTPS configuration
• Telnet blocking status
• SNMP parameters
• Login and password security parameters
• Users and their parameters
• Public RSA key currently configured on the device
The option to edit the backup configuration is planned for future release.
7.13 Alarms SNMP
IP-20G supports SNMP v1, V2c, and v3. The default community string in NMS and
the SNMP agent in the embedded SW are disabled. Users are allowed to set
community strings for access to IDUs.
IP-20G supports the following MIBs:
• RFC-1213 (MIB II)
• Ceragon (proprietary) MIB.
Access to all IDUs in a node is provided by making use of the community and
context fields in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c/SNMPv3, respectively.
◦ TACACS+ server
◦ TACACS+ enable/disable
◦ Remote logging enable/disable (for security and configuration logs)
◦ System clock change
◦ NTP enable/disable
• Security events
• Successful and unsuccessful login attempts
• N consecutive unsuccessful login attempts (blocking)
• Configuration change failure due to insufficient permissions
• SNMPv3/PV authentication failures
• User logout
• User account expired
For each recorded event the following information is available:
• User ID
• Communication channel (WEB, terminal, telnet/SSH, SNMP, NMS, etc.)
• IP address, if applicable
• Date and time
7.17.6 Anti-Theft
The purpose of Anti-Theft Protection is to render IP-20 units that are stolen
unusable, thereby eliminating any incentive to steal such units.
Note: AT is not supported on units with Unit Redundancy.
Anti-Theft is configured from the NetMaster NMS, and requires an activation key
on both NetMaster and the IP-20 device.
In Anti-Theft (AT) mode, NetMaster uses HTTPS to periodically authenticate
devices on which Anti-Theft is enabled. A shared code word and Sanction Delay
Counter are configured on NetMaster. NetMaster shares the code word and
Counter with AT-enabled devices.
Each time NetMaster authenticates an AT-enabled device, the Sanction Delay
Counter on the device is reset to its original value. The Sanction Delay Counter
then starts to count down until the next time NetMaster authenticates the device,
at which time the Sanction Counter is again reset to its original value.
If the counter reaches zero, the device enters Sanction Mode. In Sanction Mode,
the device resets every 30 minutes, making normal operation with the device
impossible. The device remains in Sanction Mode until the next time NetMaster
authenticates the device. When NetMaster does authenticate the device,
Sanction Mode ends, and the Sanction Counter is reset to its original value.
Only two steps are necessary to enable AT on an IP-20 device:
• Both NetMaster and the device must be configured to use HTTPS.
• The AT activation key must be configured on the device.
Important Note: The user must configure the device and NetMaster to use HTTPS
before configuring the AT activation key on the device. Once AT
mode has been enabled, it will no longer be possible for the
device to work with HTTP.
The rest of the AT configuration is performed on NetMaster.
It is important to note that once AT has been applied on the device and enabled
by NetMaster, it can never be permanently removed or disabled. It can be
temporarily disabled from NetMaster for seven days. Disabling AT requires a
special Disable AT license for NetMaster.
Also, once AT has been applied on the device and enabled by NetMaster, the
device cannot be downgraded to a CeraOS version lower than 11.0.
802.3 10base-T
802.3u 100base-T
802.3ab 1000base-T
802.3z 1000base-X
802.3ac Ethernet VLANs
802.1Q Virtual LAN (VLAN)
802.1p Class of service
802.1ad Provider bridges (QinQ)
802.3ad Link aggregation
Auto MDI/MDIX for 1000baseT
RFC 1349 IPv4 TOS
RFC 2474 IPv4 DSCP
RFC 2460 IPv6 Traffic Classes
Note that the voltage measured at the BNC port is not accurate and should be used only as
an aid.
9. Specifications
This chapter includes:
• General Radio Specifications
• Radio Capacity Specifications
• Transmit Power Specifications (dBm)
• Receiver Threshold (RSL)
• Frequency Bands
• Mediation Device Losses
• Ethernet Latency Specifications
• Ethernet Specifications
• TDM Specifications
• Synchronization Specifications
• Mechanical Specifications
• Environmental Specifications
• Supported Antenna Types
• Waveguide Specifications
• Antenna Interface Requirements for RFU-HP/1500HP
• Power Input Specifications
• Power Consumption Specifications
Related Topics:
• Standards and Certifications
Note: All specifications are subject to change without prior notification.
Note that:
XPIC scripts (all scripts with Script ID 12XX) are not supported in
1+1 HSB radio protection mode.
Although in some cases it may be possible to configure higher
profiles, the maximum supported profiles are those listed in the
tables below.
Indications of supported System Classes in the following table
refer to the script characteristics only. Regulatory issues must be
determined under the applicable local standards.
MRMC script 1075 requires RFU-C and is supported for 6 and 13 GHz.
MRMC script 1214 provides smaller bandwidth than MRMC script 1204. Script 1214 can be
used for interoperability with existing equipment in the field. It is an Adjacent Channel script,
for use with RFU-HP and 1500HP only.
MRMC script 1217 provides smaller bandwidth than MRMC script 1207. Script 1217 can be
used for interoperability with existing equipment in the field. It is an Adjacent Channel script,
for use with RFU-HP and 1500HP only.
0 QPSK – 0 1.5-2 – –
1 16 QAM – 1 4-5 – –
2 32 QAM – 2 5.5-7 – –
3 64 QAM – 2 7-8.5 – –
4 128 QAM – 3 8.5-10.5 – –
5 256 QAM – 3 9.5-12 – –
Script 1075 requires a special activation key, SL-CHBW-1.75M, instead of a regular capacity
activation key.
QPSK 26 24 22 0 21 14 16 18 12 18 12
8 PSK 26 24 22 0 21 14 16 18 12 18 12
16 QAM 25 23 21 0 20 14 15 17 11 17 12
32 QAM 24 22 20 0 19 14 14 16 10 16 12
64 QAM 24 22 20 0 19 14 14 16 10 16 12
128 QAM 24 22 20 0 19 14 14 16 10 16 12
256 QAM 22 20 18 0 17 12 12 14 8 14 11
512 QAM 22 20 18 -1 17 9 12 14 10 14 11
1024 QAM 21 19 17 -3 16 8 11 13 9 13 10
2048 QAM 19 17 15 0 14 6 9 11 7 11 8
For 1ft ant or lower.
Customers in countries following EC Directive 2006/771/EC (incl. amendments) must
observe the 100mW EIRP obligation by adjusting transmit power according to antenna gain
and RF line losses.
6 4 24 ETSI -39
7 4 26 -1
8 4 28 -2
10 2 31 5
11 2 32 -5
13 0 36 5
15 -7 38 0
18 -7 42 0
23 -7
QPSK 33 33 33 30
8 PSK 33 33 33 30
16 QAM 33 33 33 30
32 QAM 33 33 33 29
64 QAM 32 32 32 29
128 QAM 31 31 31 29
256 QAM 30 30 30 27
512 QAM 28 28 28 25
1024 QAM 27 27 27 24
2048 QAM 25 25 25 22
1500HP only.
The following table provides transmit power specifications for RFU-HP 2RX
(1500HP) (dBm).
QPSK 33 33 33 30
8 PSK 33 33 33 30
16 QAM 33 33 33 30
32 QAM 33 33 33 29
64 QAM 32 32 32 29
128 QAM 32 32 32 29
256 QAM 30 30 30 27
512 QAM 28 28 28 25
1024 QAM 27 27 27 24
2048 QAM 25 25 25 22
• These Transmit Power values are applicable to all RFU-HP and 1500HP
Marketing Models for both Split Mount and All Indoor for RFUs produced on
or after March 16, 2014. These RFUs have Serial Numbers starting with
F114xxxxxx and higher.
• The Transmit Power values for RFUs produced prior to March 16, 2014,
identified by lower Serial Numbers, are set forth in the Technical Descriptions
for FibeAir IP-10 products.
• When using Adjacent Channels (ACCP) configuration with 28/30 and 40 MHz
channel filters, the Transmit Power is 1 dB lower than the values shown in the
tables above. This limitation is not applicable to other channels.
The values listed in this section are typical. Actual values may
differ in either direction by up to 1dB.
0 QPSK 3.5 MHz -97.5 -97.0 -97.5 -96.5 -96.0 -93.0 -95.0 -93.0 -94.0
1 16 QAM -91.0 -90.5 -91.0 -90.0 -89.5 -86.5 -88.5 -86.5 -87.5
2 32 QAM -88.0 -87.5 -88.0 -87.0 -86.5 -83.5 -85.5 -83.5 -84.5
3 64 QAM -84.5 -84.0 -84.5 -83.5 -83.0 -80.0 -82.0 -80.0 -81.0
4 128 QAM -81.0 -80.5 -81.0 -80.0 -79.5 -76.5 -78.5 -76.5 -77.5
5 256 QAM -77.5 -77.0 -77.5 -76.5 -76.0 -73.0 -75.0 -73.0 -74.0
Customers in countries following EC Directive 2006/771/EC (incl. amendments) must observe the
100mW EIRP obligation by adjusting transmit power according to antenna gain and RF line losses.
0 QPSK 7 MHz -95 -94.5 -95 -94 -93.5 -90.5 -92.5 -90.5 -91.5
1 8 PSK -89 -88.5 -89 -88 -87.5 -84.5 -86.5 -84.5 -85.5
2 16 QAM -88.5 -88 -88.5 -87.5 -87 -84 -86.0 -84.0 -85.0
3 32 QAM -85 -84.5 -85 -84 -83.5 -80.5 -82.5 -80.5 -81.5
4 64 QAM -82 -81.5 -82 -81 -80.5 -77.5 -79.5 -77.5 -78.5
5 128 QAM -79 -78.5 -79 -78 -77.5 -74.5 -76.5 -74.5 -75.5
6 256 QAM -75.5 -75 -75.5 -74.5 -74 -71 -73.0 -71.0 -72.0
7 512 QAM -73.5 -73 -73.5 -72.5 -72 -69 -71.0 -69.0 -70.0
8 1024 QAM (Strong FEC) -70 -69.5 -70 -69 -68.5 -65.5 -67.5 -65.5 -66.5
9 1024 QAM (Light FEC) -69.5 -69 -69.5 -68.5 -68 -65 -67.0 -65.0 -66.0
0 QPSK 14 MHz -92.0 -91.5 -92.0 -91.0 -90.5 -87.5 -89.5 -87.5 -88.5
1 8 PSK -86.0 -85.5 -86.0 -85.0 -84.5 -81.5 -83.5 -81.5 -82.5
2 16 QAM -85.0 -84.5 -85.0 -84.0 -83.5 -80.5 -82.5 -80.5 -81.5
3 32 QAM -82.0 -81.5 -82.0 -81.0 -80.5 -77.5 -79.5 -77.5 -78.5
4 64 QAM -79.0 -78.5 -79.0 -78.0 -77.5 -74.5 -76.5 -74.5 -75.5
5 128 QAM -75.5 -75.0 -75.5 -74.5 -74.0 -71.0 -73.0 -71.0 -72.0
6 256 QAM -73.0 -72.5 -73.0 -72.0 -71.5 -68.5 -70.5 -68.5 -69.5
7 512 QAM -70.0 -69.5 -70.0 -69.0 -68.5 -65.5 -67.5 -65.5 -66.5
8 1024 QAM (Strong FEC) -67.0 -66.5 -67.0 -66.0 -65.5 -62.5 -64.5 -62.5 -63.5
9 1024 QAM (Light FEC) -66.5 -66.0 -66.5 -65.5 -65.0 -62.0 -64.0 -62.0 -63.0
0 QPSK 28 MHz -89.0 -88.5 -89.0 -88.0 -87.5 -84.5 -86.5 -84.5 -85.5
1 8 PSK -84.5 -84.0 -84.5 -83.5 -83.0 -80.0 -82.0 -80.0 -81.0
2 16 QAM -82.5 -82.0 -82.5 -81.5 -81.0 -78.0 -80.0 -78.0 -79.0
3 32 QAM -79.0 -78.5 -79.0 -78.0 -77.5 -74.5 -76.5 -74.5 -75.5
4 64 QAM -76.0 -75.5 -76.0 -75.0 -74.5 -71.5 -73.5 -71.5 -72.5
5 128 QAM -72.5 -72.0 -72.5 -71.5 -71.0 -68.0 -70.0 -68.0 -69.0
6 256 QAM -69.5 -69.0 -69.5 -68.5 -68.0 -65.0 -67.0 -65.0 -66.0
7 512 QAM -67.5 -67.0 -67.5 -66.5 -66.0 -63.0 -65.0 -63.0 -64.0
8 1024 QAM (Strong FEC) -64.5 -64.0 -64.5 -63.5 -63.0 -60.0 -62.0 -60.0 -61.0
9 1024 QAM (Light FEC) -63.5 -63.0 -63.5 -62.5 -62.0 -59.0 -61.0 -59.0 -60.0
10 2048 QAM -60 -59.5 -60 -59 -58.5 -55.5 -57.5 -55.5 -56.5
0 QPSK 40 MHz -87.5 -87.0 -87.5 -86.5 -86.0 -80.5 -85.0 -83.0 -84.0
1 8 PSK -82.5 -82.0 -82.5 -81.5 -81.0 -75.5 -80.0 -78.0 -79.0
2 16 QAM -81.0 -80.5 -81.0 -80.0 -79.5 -74.0 -78.5 -76.5 -77.5
3 32 QAM -77.5 -77.0 -77.5 -76.5 -76.0 -70.5 -75.0 -73.0 -74.0
4 64 QAM -74.5 -74.0 -74.5 -73.5 -73.0 -67.5 -72.0 -70.0 -71.0
5 128 QAM -71.5 -71.0 -71.5 -70.5 -70.0 -64.5 -69.0 -67.0 -68.0
6 256 QAM -69.0 -68.5 -69.0 -68.0 -67.5 -62.0 -66.5 -64.5 -65.5
7 512 QAM -66.5 -66.0 -66.5 -65.5 -65.0 -59.5 -64.0 -62.0 -63.0
8 1024 QAM (strong FEC) -63.5 -63.0 -63.5 -62.5 -62.0 -56.5 -61.0 -59.0 -60.0
9 1024 QAM (light FEC) -62.5 -62.0 -62.5 -61.5 -61.0 -55.5 -60.0 -58.0 -59.0
10 2048 QAM -59.0 -58.5 -59.0 -58.0 -57.5 -52.0 -56.5 -54.5 -55.5
0 QPSK 56 MHz -85.5 -85.0 -85.5 -84.5 -84.0 -81.0 -83.0 -81.0 -82.0
1 8 PSK -81.5 -81.0 -81.5 -80.5 -80.0 -77.0 -79.0 -77.0 -78.0
2 16 QAM -79.0 -78.5 -79.0 -78.0 -77.5 -74.5 -76.5 -74.5 -75.5
3 32 QAM -75.5 -75.0 -75.5 -74.5 -74.0 -71.0 -73.0 -71.0 -72.0
4 64 QAM -72.5 -72.0 -72.5 -71.5 -71.0 -68.0 -70.0 -68.0 -69.0
5 128 QAM -69.5 -69.0 -69.5 -68.5 -68.0 -65.0 -67.0 -65.0 -66.0
6 256 QAM -66.5 -66.0 -66.5 -65.5 -65.0 -62.0 -64.0 -62.0 -63.0
7 512 QAM -64.5 -64.0 -64.5 -63.5 -63.0 -60.0 -62.0 -60.0 -61.0
8 1024 QAM (Strong FEC) -61.0 -60.5 -61.0 -60.0 -59.5 -56.5 -58.5 -56.5 -57.5
9 1024 QAM (Light FEC) -60 -59.5 -60 -59 -58.5 -55.5 -57.5 -55.5 -56.5
10 2048 QAM -55.5 -55 -55.5 -54.5 -54 -51 -53 -51 -52
Customers in countries following EC Directive 2006/771/EC (incl. amendments) must
observe the 100mW EIRP obligation by adjusting transmit power according to antenna gain
and RF line losses.
Flex WG Remote Added on remote 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.5
Mount mount
antenna configurations
1+0 Direct Mount Integrated antenna 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
OMT Direct Mount Integrated antenna 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5
Splitter Direct Mount Integrated antenna 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 4.0 4.0
CCDP with 0 (1c) 0 (1c) 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2 (5c) 2 (6c)
DP Antenna (2c) (2c) (3c) (3c) (4c) (4c)
• (c) – Radio Carrier
• CCDP – Co-channel dual polarization
• SP – Single pole antenna
• DP – Dual pole antenna
In addition, the following losses will be added when using these items:
Branching System
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Branching System #1
F1 F3 F5
Branching System #2
F2 F4 F6
7/8GHz 6
11GHz 10
7/8GHz 6
11GHz 10
Planned for future release.
PM is planned for future release.
Interface Type E1
Number of Ports 16 x E1s
Connector Type MDR 69-pin
Framing Framed / Unframed
Coding HDB3
Line Impedance 120 ohm/100 ohm balanced. Optional 75 ohm unbalanced supported
using panel with integrated impedance adaption.
Compatible Standards ITU-T G.703, G.736, G.775, G.823, G.824, G.828, ITU-T I.432, ETSI ETS
300 147, ETS 300 417, Bellcore GR-253-core, TR-NWT-000499
CESoP mode is planned for future release.
IP/MPLS encapsulation is planned for future release.
MFA-8 encapsulation is planned for future release.
6L CPR137
6H CPR137
7 CPR112
8 CPR112
11 CPR90
1500HP only.
The following table provides transmit power specifications for RFU-HP 2RX
(1500HP) (dBm).
Table 100: Transmit power specifications for RFU-HP 2RX (1500HP) (dBm)
Modulation 6L&H GHz 7 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz
1500HP only.
6 7 8 11
6 7 8 11
6 7 8 11
6 7 8 11