Ceragon IP 20C Introduction V

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Xplornet Communications Inc.

Ceragon IP-20C Introduction

Version 0.05


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Xplornet Communications Inc. Ceragon IP-20C Introduction v 0.05 Page 1 of 97

1 Document Information............................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 Document Contributors / Reviewers............................................................................................................8

1.2 Document Approvers....................................................................................................................................8

1.3 Revision History.............................................................................................................................................8

2 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Intended Audience........................................................................................................................................9

2.2 Summary.......................................................................................................................................................9

2.3 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................9

3 Product Overview..................................................................................................................................... 10

4 Operating Frequencies.............................................................................................................................. 11

5 System Configuration................................................................................................................................ 12

5.1 MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization.................................................................................................................12

5.2 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization..................................................................................................13

6 IP-20C Hardware Description.................................................................................................................... 14

6.1 IP-20C Description.......................................................................................................................................14

6.2 IP-20C Interfaces.........................................................................................................................................14

6.3 MultiCore Mediation Device (MCMD)........................................................................................................15

7 Power....................................................................................................................................................... 18

7.1 PoE...............................................................................................................................................................18

7.2 Direct DC Power..........................................................................................................................................19

7.3 DC Specifications.........................................................................................................................................19

7.3.1 Power Input Specifications.................................................................................................................19

7.3.2 Power Consumption Specifications....................................................................................................19

7.3.3 DC Distribution...................................................................................................................................20

7.3.4 Fuse Size.............................................................................................................................................21

8 Cabling..................................................................................................................................................... 22

8.1 Direct DC and Fiber.....................................................................................................................................22

8.1.1 Power Cable........................................................................................................................................23

8.1.2 Fiber Cables........................................................................................................................................23

8.1.3 Hybrid Cable.......................................................................................................................................24

8.2 PoE and Ethernet.........................................................................................................................................26

8.2.1 Local and Out of Band Management..................................................................................................29

8.3 Grounding and Surge Protection.................................................................................................................29

8.3.1 Grounding...........................................................................................................................................29

8.3.2 Surge Protection.................................................................................................................................30

8.4 Cables and Port Glands...............................................................................................................................30

8.4.1 Minimum and Maximum Cable Diameter..........................................................................................30

8.5 Additional Accessories................................................................................................................................31

9 Antennas.................................................................................................................................................. 32

9.1 Remote Mount – Large 11GHz Antennas....................................................................................................33

9.2 Dragon Wave Antenna Adapter..................................................................................................................36

9.2.1 Dragon Wave Adapter (15GHz)..........................................................................................................39

10 Tower Loading.......................................................................................................................................... 42

11 Installation............................................................................................................................................... 43

12 Configuration............................................................................................................................................ 44

12.1 Sample Configuration - MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization...........................................................................44

12.2 Sample Configuration – 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization...........................................................44

12.3 Excel Configuration Template.....................................................................................................................45

12.3.1 2+0 Configuration......................................................................................................................46

12.3.2 4+0 Configuration......................................................................................................................49

12.4 Configuration Differences between 2+0 and 4+0.......................................................................................51

12.4.1 Automatic State Propagation (ASP) – 4+0.................................................................................51

12.4.2 In-Band and out of Band Management.....................................................................................52

12.5 MOP – Apply IP-20C Configuration.............................................................................................................52

12.6 Switch/Router Requirements and Configuration........................................................................................54

12.6.1 MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization................................................................................................54

12.6.2 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization.................................................................................55

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13 Alignment................................................................................................................................................. 57

13.1 Multi-meter (Voltmeter).............................................................................................................................57

13.1.1 MOP – Change RSL Port.............................................................................................................58

13.2 Web EMS.....................................................................................................................................................59

13.2.1 MOP – How to Access RSL Values..............................................................................................60

13.3 MOP – How to Mute and Un-mute Radios.................................................................................................62

13.4 Alignment Procedure..................................................................................................................................64

14 Post Configuration.................................................................................................................................... 67

14.1 MOP – Enable Adaptive TX Power (Web EMS)...........................................................................................67

14.2 MOP – Enable Adaptive Modulation (Web EMS)........................................................................................68

14.3 MOP – Enable Adaptive TX Power and Adaptive Modulation (CLI)............................................................69

15 Activation Keys......................................................................................................................................... 71

15.1 MOP - How to Obtain Serial Number from IP-20C......................................................................................72

15.2 MOP – How to Obtain Activation Key.........................................................................................................73

15.3 MOP – How to Install Activation Key..........................................................................................................73

15.4 Software License.........................................................................................................................................74

16 NetMaster................................................................................................................................................ 76

16.1 License.........................................................................................................................................................76

17 Ceragon Component................................................................................................................................. 77

17.1 MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization Diagram...................................................................................................83

17.2 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization Diagram....................................................................................86

18 Link Design Information............................................................................................................................ 89

18.1 Path Loss Files.............................................................................................................................................89

18.2 Mediation Device Losses.............................................................................................................................89

18.3 Antenna Specifications................................................................................................................................89

19 SNMP - MIB.............................................................................................................................................. 90

20 Training.................................................................................................................................................... 91

21 Additional Documentation........................................................................................................................ 92

22 Ceragon Support....................................................................................................................................... 93

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23 Ceragon FTP.............................................................................................................................................. 94

24 Full Channel List........................................................................................................................................ 95

Figure 1: MultiCore 2+0 Direct Mount Configuration..................................................................................................12

Figure 2: 2 x MultiCore 2+0 Direct Mount Configuration.............................................................................................13

Figure 3: IP-20C Rear View (left) and Front View (right)..............................................................................................14

Figure 4: IP-20C Cable Gland Construction...................................................................................................................14

Figure 5: IP-20C Interfaces............................................................................................................................................15

Figure 6: IP-20C OMT....................................................................................................................................................16

Figure 7: IP-20C Splitter................................................................................................................................................16

Figure 8: IP-20C OMT Dual Polarization........................................................................................................................17

Figure 9: IP-20C PoE Device..........................................................................................................................................18

Figure 10: IP-20C PoE Interfaces...................................................................................................................................18

Figure 11: Alpha Cordex Rectifier - GMT Fuse Distribution..........................................................................................20

Figure 12: Huawei DCDU...............................................................................................................................................20

Figure 13: Westell DCDU...............................................................................................................................................21

Figure 14: Direct DC and MM Fiber..............................................................................................................................22

Figure 15: Power Cable Specifications..........................................................................................................................23

Figure 16: Multiple Cable Clamp Hanger......................................................................................................................25

Figure 17: PoE and Cat5e/Cat6.....................................................................................................................................27

Figure 18: Cat5e Specifications.....................................................................................................................................28

Figure 19: Ceragon Antenna Circular Adapter..............................................................................................................32

Figure 20: Direct Mount................................................................................................................................................33

Figure 21: Remote Mount.............................................................................................................................................33

Figure 22: Flexible Waveguide (4’)...............................................................................................................................34

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Figure 23: Remote Mount Kit with 10 - 11 GHz Remote Mount Adaptor....................................................................34

Figure 24: 11GHz Wave Guide - Remote Mount..........................................................................................................35

Figure 25: Flexible Waveguide - Metric to Imperial Adaptor (11GHz).........................................................................35

Figure 26: Remote Mount Components.......................................................................................................................36

Figure 27: DW Antenna Adapter...................................................................................................................................37

Figure 28: DW Antenna Interface.................................................................................................................................37

Figure 29: DW Interface Adapter - DW Antenna Interface..........................................................................................38

Figure 30: Ceragon OMT - DW Interface Adapter - DW Antenna................................................................................38

Figure 31: 15GHz Andrews Antenna with Dragon Wave Interface Plate.....................................................................39

Figure 32: 15GHz Andrews Antenna with no Interface Plate.......................................................................................40

Figure 33: Ceragon Interface Plate...............................................................................................................................40

Figure 34: OMT Interface - Circular Adapter (Dual Polarization).................................................................................41

Figure 35: Sample Configuration - 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0).........................................................................................45

Figure 36: Ceragon IP-20C Configuration Spreadsheet 2+0.........................................................................................46

Figure 37: Ceragon IP-20C Configuration Spreadsheet 4+0.........................................................................................49

Figure 38: Switch Requirements - 2+0..........................................................................................................................55

Figure 39: Switch Requirements - 4+0..........................................................................................................................56

Figure 40: IP-20C RSL Indicator.....................................................................................................................................57

Figure 41: IP-20C BNC Voltmeter..................................................................................................................................58

Figure 42: IP-20C Change RSL Port...............................................................................................................................59

Figure 43: IP-20C RSL and other KPI for Link Alignment (summary page)...................................................................61

Figure 44: IP-20C RSL and other KPI for Link Alignment (per Port)..............................................................................62

Figure 45: IP-20C Mute or Un-mute Radio...................................................................................................................63

Figure 46: IP-20C Mute or Un-mute Remote Radio......................................................................................................64

Figure 47: OMT Adjustment.........................................................................................................................................66

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Figure 48: IP-20C Enable Adaptive TX Power...............................................................................................................68

Figure 49: IP-20C Enable Adaptive Modulation............................................................................................................69

Figure 50: Ceragon IP-20C Activation Key Cipher Sample............................................................................................71

Figure 51: IP-20C Software Activation Key Violation....................................................................................................72

Figure 52: IP-20C Obtain Serial Number.......................................................................................................................73

Figure 53: IP-20C Install Activation Key........................................................................................................................74

Figure 54: MultiCore 2+0 - DC/Fiber.............................................................................................................................83

Figure 55: MultiCore 2+0 - Single Hybrid Cable............................................................................................................84

Figure 56: MultiCore 2+0 – PoE/Ethernet....................................................................................................................85

Figure 57: 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) - DC/Fiber..............................................................................................................86

Figure 58: 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) - Dual Hybrid Cable...............................................................................................87

Figure 59: 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) – PoE/Ethernet......................................................................................................88

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1 Document Information

1.1 Document Contributors / Reviewers

Name Position

David M. Leger P. Eng. Principal Systems Engineer, Technology Development

1.2 Document Approvers

Name Signature Date

1.3 Revision History

Version Date Description

0.01 26-Oct-2017 Original draft version for review.
0.02 02-Nov-2017 Updates, fill in missing information, ready for review
Added Design section, added link to parts worksheet. Shuffled
0.03 06-Nov-2017 some sections around for more logical flow. Added some
MOPS for alignment. General clean up.
Updated 2+0 to have different channel option(no xpic)
0.04 10-Nov-2017 Updated key activation
Updated / added various MOPs
Add mention for Huawei power cable (ground kit)
Add remote mount 8’ and 10’ – 11GHz antenna
0.05 17-Nov-2017
Incorporate DW Adapters section in Antenna section

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2 Introduction

2.1 Intended Audience

This document is intended for Xplornet team members that are involved in the design, planning,
construction and operation of Xplornet fixed wireless networks.

2.2 Summary

For more than 10 years, the vast majority of microwave backhauls used in Xplornet fixed wireless
networks have come from a single vendor. In order to diversify the supply chain, Xplornet will be
deploying a new microwave backhaul solution from Ceragon Networks.

2.3 Scope

This document will introduce the reader to the FibeAir IP-20C from Ceragon Networks. It will provide a
general view of the technology and its deployment options. As well, it will show how the new
technology will be integrated into the Xplornet network. It will describe how the technology is
configured, installed and maintained.

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3 Product Overview

The FibeAir IP-20C is a highly versatile, compact and all-outdoor

wireless backhaul solution.

The FibeAir IP-20C operates within the entire microwave spectrum,

offering high spectral efficiency (QPSK to 2048QAM) across licensed
and license-exempt frequency bands (6-42GHz) with a variety of
bandwidths (28, 40, 56 and 112 MHz).

The FibeAir IP20C has a dual core, allowing a second radio carrier to
be used on the same unit, effectively doubling the available wireless

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4 Operating Frequencies
Although the Ceragon FibeAir IP-20C operates across all licensed and license-exempt frequency bands
between 6 and 42GHz, Xplornet will focus on the following 5 bands. More may be added at a later date.

 11GHz
 15GHz
 18GHz
 23GHz
 38Ghz

The following table shows the various IP-20C models that operate in the various bands and sub bands
and how they relate to ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, formerly Industry
Canada or IC) licensed bands.

Channel ISED
Ceragon Model Number Band TX Frequency ISED Band
Bandwidth Channels
IP-20C-HP-11-500-1W6-H-ESS 11185 - 11485
IP-20C-HP-11-500-1W6-L-ESS 10695 - 10955
11GHz 40 SRSP-310.7
IP-20C-HP-11-500-4W9-H-ESS 11425 - 11725
IP-20C-HP-11-500-4W9-L-ESS 10915 - 11207
IP-20C-E-15-475-1W4-H-ESS 14975 - 15135 E1-E4
IP-20C-E-15-475-1W4-L-ESS 14500 - 14660 F1-F3
15GHz 40/50 SRSP-314.5
IP-20C-E-15-475-5W9-H-ESS 15130 - 15350
IP-20C-E-15-475-5W9-L-ESS 14655 - 14875
IP-20C-F-18-H-ESS 19260 - 19710
18GHz 50 SRSP-317.8 A1-A6
IP-20C-F-18-L-ESS 17700 - 18150
IP-20C-F-23-H-H-ESS 23000 - 23601
23GHz 50 SRSP-321.8 A1-A12
IP-20C-F-23-H-L-ESS 21780 - 22400
IP-20C-F-38-BL-H-ESS 39300 - 39650
A-G (1-7)
IP-20C-F-38-BL-L-ESS 38600 - 38950
38GHz 50 SRSP-338.6
IP-20C-F-38-BH-H-ESS 39650 - 40000
H-N (8-14)
IP-20C-F-38-BH-L-ESS 38950 - 39300

The following section has a complete list of channel pairs and how they relate to each ISED band.

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5 System Configuration
The FibeAir IP-20C is designed to support multiple site configurations; however Xplornet will focus on
two deployment strategies:

 MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization (aka 2+0)

 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization (aka 4+0)

For a complete description of other site configurations options, please refer to section 2.3 in the FibeAir
IP-20C Technical Description document located on SharePoint.

5.1 MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization

The following image illustrates the MultiCore 2+0 DP (Dual Polirization) Direct Mount Configuration. An
OMT (Orthomode transducer) is installed between the IP-20C radio and the antenna. The OMT is a
mediation device that combines two orthogonal signals (horizontal and vertical). With this site
configuration, the same channel can be reused with XPIC (cross-polarization interference cancelling), to
effectively double the throughput using the same single carrier resource. In some instances, this
configuraton will be used with two separate orthogonal channels (non XPIC).

F i gur e 1 : Mu lti Cor e 2 + 0 Dir ec t Mo un t Co n fi gu r ati on

It’s important to note that the OMT device is frequency band specific.

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5.2 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization

The following image illustrates the 2 x MultiCore 2+0 DP Direct Mount Configuration. In this
configuration, two IP-20C radios are combined using a dual splitter, which in turn is mounted onto an
OMT. This option will double the capacity compared to the previous solution.

Fi gu r e 2: 2 x Mu lti Co r e 2+ 0 Di r ect Mo un t Co n fi gu r ati on

It’s important to note that the dual splitter is also frequency band specific.

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6 IP-20C Hardware Description
The following section describes the IP-20C, its interfaces and the mediation devices.

6.1 IP-20C Description

The FibeAir IP-20C is an all outdoor MultiCore device consisting of a single unit that directly mounts to
an antenna. The following diagram highlights the various components of the IP-20C.

Fi gu r e 3: I P- 20 C Rear Vi ew (l eft ) and Fr o nt Vi ew (ri gh t )

All interfaces are located on the bottom of the unit and use the same cable gland to protect against
water ingress.

Fi gu r e 4: I P- 20 C Cabl e G l and Co n s tr u cti o n

6.2 IP-20C Interfaces

The following diagram and table details the various interfaces of the IP-20C.

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F i gur e 5 : I P- 2 0 C I nt er f ac es

Interface Functionality / Specifications

DC Connection Power interface (-48VDC)
For Gigabit Traffic:
Data Port 1 (PoE)
Electric: 10/100/1000Base-T. Supports PoE.
For Gigabit Traffic:
Data Port 2 (Elect/Opt) Electric: 10/100/1000Base-T. (optional)
Optical: 1000Base-X (optional)
For Gigabit Traffic:
Electric: 10/100/1000Base-T. (optional)
Data Port 3/Ext (Elect/Opt) Optical: 1000Base-X (optional)
Ceragon proprietary interface, if this port serves as an
extension port for data sharing.
Management Port Management Port: 10/100Base-T
2 RF Interfaces Standard interface per frequency band
RSL Interface BNC connector, used to monitor RSL during installation
Source Sharing TNC connector, used for source sharing (optional)
Grounding Screw For grounding of the IP-20C

6.3 MultiCore Mediation Device (MCMD)

The IP-20C has two antenna ports and both need to be combined using a mediation device to enable
direct mounting onto an antenna. There are two main mediation device types (Splitter and OMT)

Type Functionality
Splitter Combines both ports into the same polarity
OMT Combines both ports on alternating polarities (horizontal and vertical)

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Xplornet will only use the OMT as all deployments will use XPIC (cross-polarization interference
cancelling). Both are shown in the following diagrams, however the Splitter is shown for informational
purposes only and can not be used for XPIC as it is single polarity. The Splitter should not be confused
with the Dual Splitter. The Dual Splitter is used to mount two IP-20C together, which in turn is mounted
onto an OMT to achieve the 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) configuration. The Dual Splitter and OMT are
shown above in the System Configuration section.

F i gur e 6 : I P- 2 0 C O MT

Fi gu r e 7: I P- 20 C Spl i tt er

The followign diagram shows the polirization of each radio port when using the OMT to combine both
radio ports.

 Port 1  Horizontal
 Port 2  Vertical

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F i gur e 8 : I P- 2 0 C O MT Du al Pol ar iz ati o n

All mediation devices are band specific.

The following table shows the various parts numbers for the OMT and Dual Splitters kits, which are band

Component Part Number Description

CG-IP20C-OMT_10-11 IP-20C OMT kit 10-11GHz
CG-IP20C-OMT_15G IP-20C OMT kit 15GHz
CG-IP20C-OMT_18G IP-20C OMT kit 18GHz
CG-IP20C-OMT_23G IP-20C OMT kit 23GHz
Dual Splitter CG-IP20C-DSK_15 IP-20C DUAL SPLITTER KIT 15GHz

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7 Power
The IP-20C can be powered via direct -48VDC or via PoE (Power over Ethernet).

7.1 PoE

The PoE injector is designed to offer a single cable solution for connecting both data and the DC power
supply to the IP-20C system.

To do so, the PoE injector combines -48VDC input and GbE signals via a standard Cat5e/Cat6 cable using
a proprietary Ceragon design.

The PoE injector can be mounted outside on poles, walls, or inside racks.

The PoE injector uses the same port glands as the IP-20C radio.

F i gur e 9 : I P- 2 0 C Po E Devi c e

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Fi gu r e 10 : I P- 20 C Po E I nt er f ac es

Interface Functionality / Specifications

PoE Port Power over Ethernet Port, connected to IP-20C (Data1)
For Gigabit Traffic:
Gbe Data Port
Electric: 10/100/1000Base-T
DC Power Port #2 (optional) Supply -48VDC power (40 to 60VDC) – Optional Redundant
DC Power Port #1 Supply -48VDC power (40 to 60VDC)
Grounding Screw For grounding of the PoE device

The part number for the PoE device is listed in the following table.

Part Number Description

PoE_Inj_AO PoE Injector all outdoor, -48VDC

7.2 Direct DC Power

Rather than use PoE, the alternative option, is to directly connect DC power (-48VDC) to the IP-20C. The
advantage to this solution is that no PoE device is required, liberating rack space and an additional point
of failure. Typically, when using direct DC power, a fiber cable will be used on Data 2 in lieu of the
Cat5e/Cat6 cable in Data 1. Using fiber cable instead of Cat5e/Cat6 will reduce the chances of
interference, reduce the potential of surge events on the switch and enable longer distances to be
achieved (>100m).

7.3 DC Specifications

The following are the DC specifications for the IP-20C.

7.3.1 Power Input Specifications

Standard Input Voltage -48 VDC

DC Input Voltage Range -40 to -60 VDC

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7.3.2 Power Consumption Specifications

Maximum Power Consumption 11 GHz 13-15GHz 18-24GHz 26-38 GHz

2+0 Configuration 65W 55W 48W 55W
1+0 Configuration (one carrier muted) 53W 41W 39W 41W
Both carriers muted (idle) 25W 27W 30W 27W

Note: typical values are 5% less than the values listed above.

7.3.3 DC Distribution

The DC power cable will be connected to different equipment, depending on the availability and wire
gauge being used. Alpha Cordex Rectifier

The vast majority of sites will have a -48VDC Alpha Cordex Rectifier chassis that can accommodate the
18AWG power cable on the GMT fuse load distribution. The terminal blocks adjacent to the GMT fuse
will support a wire gauge between 16 and 24 AWG.

F i gur e 1 1 : Al ph a Co rd ex Rec ti fi er - G MT Fu s e Dis t ri b uti o n Huawei DCDU

The site may also have an existing Huawei DCDU, which is used to provide power to Huawei LTE RRU. If
sufficient space is available, one of these ports can be used to accommodate 18 or 12AWG power cable
for the IP-20C radio. The DCDU has a total of 10 ports.

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F i gur e 1 2 : Hu aw ei DCDU Westell DCDU

There are a number of scenarios where the above two options may not be sufficient. For example:

 The Huawei DCDU is not available (no LTE on site)

 The Huawei DCDU does not have sufficient ports available
 A rectifier chassis is available, however 12AWG power cable is being used (cannot use the GMT
fuse distribution)

Another option that can accommodate both 12 and 18AWG power cable is to use a DCDU from Westell.
The Westell DCDU has 10 available blocks that can accommodate wire sizes between 12 and 22 AWG.

Fi gu r e 13 : W es t el l DCDU

If this method is used, an available breaker slot is required on the Cordex rectifier chassis and a 60A
breaker will be needed, along with 6AWG copper wiring.

Part Number Description

WTI-A90-GMT10-WM Westell DC Distribution GMT Fuse - 15A

7.3.4 Fuse Size

Regardless of the DCDU being used, each Ceragon IP-20C radio should be protected using a 5A GMT fuse
or breaker.

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8 Cabling
There are two cabling strategies that will be used to deploy the Ceragon IP-20C radios. The preferred
method will be to use direct DC power and multi-mode fiber optic cabling. The second will be to use
Ethernet cables with Power over Ethernet (PoE) if fiber and power cable are not available. The following
describes these two strategies.

8.1 Direct DC and Fiber

The preferred method of installation will be direct DC power and multi-mode fiber. This method has the
following advantages:

 Removes potential interference on copper Ethernet

 Protects switching equipment from surge events (fiber has no electrical conductivity)
 Eliminates the distance limitations of copper Ethernet and PoE (can exceed 100m cable lengths)

The following shows the cabling diagram:

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Fi gu r e 14 : Di r ect DC and MM F ib er

When using fiber optic cable, an SFP port must be available in the switch or router and an SFP module
must be supplied in this device for each IP-20C radio.

8.1.1 Power Cable

For power cable, the following options exist:

 < 100m 2 x 18AWG (Ceragon)

 > 100m 2 x 12AWG (Ceragon or Huawei) - The 12AWG Huawei power cable is the same cable
used for Huawei RRUs, it is compatible with the IP-20C radio and PoE device.

For following table highlights the specifications of the power cable:

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Fi gu r e 15 : Po w er Cab l e Sp ec i fi c ati o n s

For complete specification of the Huawei power cable (12AWG), refer to this document.

8.1.2 Fiber Cables

For individual fiber cables, we have two sources: Ceragon and Huawei. The Huawei multi-mode (MM)
OM2 fiber cables are compatible with the Ceragon IP-20C. Fiber cables are available in various lengths
up to 200m.

For complete specification of the Ceragon armored fiber optic cable, refer to this document.

For complete specification of the Huawei fiber cable, refer to this document.

The following table contains the part numbers for both Huawei and Ceragon multi-mode fiber optic

Vendor Part Number Description

Ceragon CABLE,FO,DUAL LC/LC,70M,MM,55mm

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14130618 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 30m
14130619 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 40m
14130620 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 50m
14130621 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 60m
Huawei 14130622 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 70m
14130623 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 100m
14130624 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 120m
14130625 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 150m
14130792 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 80m

8.1.3 Hybrid Cable

There are often scenarios where tower owners will require single cable assemblies to be used per
antenna installation. The alternative is to pay additional monthly fees for the additional cables. In other
scenarios, the time and cost to install multiple cable clamp hangers (as shown in the following image)
will outweighs the incremental cost of a single hybrid cable.

F i gur e 1 6 : Mu lti pl e Cab l e Cl amp Han ger

There are two hybrid cables option available for the two configuration options:

 MultiCore 2+0
 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Single Hybrid Cable - MultiCore 2+0

The single hybrid cable combines the following into one assembly:

 One power cable (2 x 18AWG or 2 x 12AWG depending on the overall length)

 One CAT6 Ethernet cable

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 One multimode fiber pair

The single hybrid cable connects to one IP-20C only. The cable drawings are available here.

The cable includes all required mounting hardware (cable hangers).

The following table shows the available parts.

Part Number Description

957-99023-10060 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 60m
957-99023-10070 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 70m
957-99023-10080 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 80m
957-99023-10090 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 90m
957-99023-10100 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 100m
957-99023-10120 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 120m
957-99023-10150 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 150m Double Hybrid Cable - 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0)

The double hybrid cable combines the following into one single cable assembly:

 Two power cables (2 x 18AWG or 2 x 12AWG depending on the overall length)

 Two CAT6 Ethernet cables
 Two multimode fiber pairs

The double hybrid cable connects to two IP-20C radios that are mounted face to face onto a dual
splitter. The full cable drawings are available here.

The cable includes all required mounting hardware (cable hangers).

The following table shows the available parts.

Part Number Description

957-99024-10060 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 60m
957-99024-10070 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 70m
957-99024-10080 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 80m
957-99024-10090 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 90m
957-99024-10100 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 100m
957-99024-10120 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 120m
957-99024-10150 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 150m

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8.2 PoE and Ethernet

The secondary option for cabling the IP-20C will be to use copper Ethernet (Cat5e/Cat6) and a Power
over Ethernet device (PoE). The following shows the cabling diagram.

F i gur e 1 7 : Po E an d Cat 5 e/Cat 6

The maximum distance between the IP-20C and the switch/router cannot exceed 100m (328ft). This
includes the two cables lengths (IP-20C to PoE and PoE to Switch/Router).

The specifications of the cable are as follows:

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F i gur e 1 8 : Cat 5 e Sp ec i fi c ati o n s

The shielded Cat5e cable will come various lengths and is provided by Best-Tronics. This cable can be
cut to length and re-terminated, using shielded connectors as required.

Part Number Description

CATSH810-T Cable CAT5 10' Shielded_BT
CATSH825-T Cable CAT5 25' Shielded_BT
CATSH850-T Cable CAT5 50' Shielded_BT
CATSH8100-T Cable CAT5 100' Shielded_BT
CATSH8200-T Cable CAT5 200' Shielded_BT
CATSH8300-T Cable CAT5 300' Shielded_BT

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8.2.1 Local and Out of Band Management

All IP-20C radios will have a copper Ethernet cables connected to the local management port (Cat5e or
Cat6). For the 2+0 deployment, management will be done using in-band management on the main
interfaces and the cables connected to the management interface will not be connected to a switch. It
will be used only for local management. This could be for initial configuration or for troubleshooting if
the radio loses configuration, etc.

For the 4+0 deployment, since the main interfaces are in a LAG (Link Aggregation) group, out of band
management will be used. This means that the local management interfaces will be connected to the
switch. More information is available in the configuration section.

Although the maximum length of Cat5e/Cat6 Ethernet cable is typically listed at a maximum of 100m, it
has been tested for this specific application to function at 100Mbps full duplex in excess of 200m. The
maximum fiber cable length is 200m and matching this length in Cat5e/Cat6 for out of band
management or local management is not an issue.

8.3 Grounding and Surge Protection

Typically, copper Ethernet cables (Cat5e/Cat6) must be protected before they are connected to a switch.
Similarly, power cables may also require some protection. This protection can be done in two ways.

 Grounding of shielded Cable

 Surge Protector

8.3.1 Grounding

Grounding of the cable can be done using a ground kit and is also done when a surge protector or power
over Ethernet (PoE) device is used.

Some tower owners may require additional grounding of the cable, and if this is the case, the following
part can be used.

Part Number Description

GK-FRA-9-1M-KIT High Speed grounding kit for CAT5e outdoor cable

It’s important to note that Ceragon power cable (18AWG or 12AWG) is not shielded and does not
require a ground kit. However, if using a Huawei power cable (12AWG), a ground kit should be used on
the cable. Typically, the kit would be similar to that used to ground an LMR400 or similar sized coaxial
cable. This ground kit should be provided by the installation contractor.

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8.3.2 Surge Protection

Any copper Ethernet cable should have a surge protection device connected before the cable is
connected to a switch or router. If a PoE device is used, this device will offer similar protection and a
surge protector may not be required.

However, in the case where no PoE device is used, a surge protector must be deployed; such is the case
in the 4+0 configuration where the local management is being connected to the switch or router. These
cables must be protected. The following can be used.

Part Number Description

ETH-SP Ethernet Surge Protector (outdoor)

The quick start guide for the surge protector can be found here. The datasheet is available here. The
surge protector must be properly bonded to ground to be effective.

For power cables, there may be a requirement from the tower owner to provide surge protection. If this
is the case, the following part can be used. This surge suppressor will protect 3 power pairs, meaning it
can protect 3 x IP-20C radios when using direct DC power.

Part Number Description

1101-1014 Transtector 3DC48-20 3 Pair 48VDC MOV DC Surge Protector

8.4 Cables and Port Glands

Both the IP-20C and the PoE injector require the use of ports glands to protect the cables and devices
from water ingress. Both the IP-20C and PoE injector are supplied with 2 glands each. If more than 2
cables are to be used on either device, additional glands will be required.

Part Number Description

IP-20_3XGLANDS_KIT Ceragon IP-20 3x Glands Kit

8.4.1 Minimum and Maximum Cable Diameter

To properly fit the port gland, the outer cable diameter should be between 6-10 mm. This applies to all
glands on both the IP-20C unit and the PoE Injector. It applies to all cable types.

 Fiber (Multi-mode)
 Power (2 x 18AWG or 2 x 12AWG)
 Copper Ethernet (Cat5e/Cat6)

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8.5 Additional Accessories

It’s important to note that the DC connector and SFP module are not included with the IP-20C radio and
must be ordered separately. The DC connector is included with the PoE.

Part Number Description

SFP-GE-SX-EXT-TEMP XCVR, SFP 850 nm, Multi-Mode, Industrial optical
interface 1000Base-SX, EXT-TE
IP-20C_DC_Conn IP-20C_DC_Connector

When using fiber optic cabling, SFP modules are required for the switch (Ciena or Juniper) or router
(MRV). The SFP modules in the following table can be interchanged and used in Ciena, Juniper or MRV

Part Number Description


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9 Antennas
The following table lists the compatible Ceragon antennas in the various bands and sizes.

Band Part Number Description

CG-ANT-Am-4-11WA 4' ANT,SP,11GHz,Crgn&Std UBR100 Int-ANDR
11 GHz
DPSA-8-11-A 8' ANT,DP,11GHz,Std Int-ANDREW
DPSA-HP-10-11-A 10' ANT, DP, 10.7-11.7GHZ CPR90G, Andrew
CG-ANT-Am-3-15A 3' ANT,SP,15GHz,Crgn&Std UBR140 Int-ANDR
15 GHz
CG-ANT-Am-4-15A 4' ANT,SP,15GHz,Crgn&Std UBR140 Int-ANDR
CG-ANT-Am-2-18A 2' ANT,SP,18GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int-ANDR
18 GHz CG-ANT-Am-3-18A 3' ANT,SP,18GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int-ANDR
CG-ANT-Am-4-18A 4' ANT,SP,18GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int-ANDR
CG-ANT-Am-1-23A 1' ANT,SP,23GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 - ANDREW
CG-ANT-Am-2-23A 2' ANT,SP,23GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 -ANDREW
23 GHz
CG-ANT-Am-3-23A 3' ANT,SP,23GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int -AND
CG-ANT-Am-4-23A 4' ANT,SP,23GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int -AND
CG-ANT-Am-1-38A 1' ANT,SP,38GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int -AND
38 GHz
CG-ANT-Am-2-38A 2' ANT,SP,38GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int -AND

The following SharePoint folder contains all the antenna specifications.

All Ceragon compatible antennas come with dual and single (vertical or horizontal) polarization
capabilities. The antenna may have a single polarization (rectangular) OMT interface adapter by default.
This rectangular adapter must be removed and replaced with a circular adapter to enable dual
polarization for XPIC functionality. The circular adapter may be packaged separately and not included in
the antenna packaging.

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F i gur e 1 9 : Cer ago n An t en n a Cir c ul ar Ad ap t er

9.1 Remote Mount – Large 11GHz Antennas

Typically, all deployments will use a direct mount approach. That signifies that the IP-20C radios will
directly mount to the mediation devices (OMT and/or Dual Splitter), which are directly mounted onto
the antenna. The following two images represent the direct mount installation of 2+0 and 4+0

Fi gu r e 20 : Di r ect Mo u nt

However, there is an exception for large 11GHz antennas. There may be circumstances where 8 or 10
foot 11GHz antennas are required and these antennas do not support directly mounting the mediation
devices and IP-20C radios. In this case, a remote mount approach must be used. The following images
show the remote mount installation of the IP-20C radios for 2+0 and 4+0 configurations.

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F i gur e 2 1 : Remo t e Mo u nt

With the remote mount approach, the mediation device and/or IP-20C radios will be connected to the
antenna with two flexible waveguides (4’), one for each polarity (Horizontal and Vertical). The
specifications for the flexible waveguide are available here.

Fi gu r e 22 : F l exib l e W avegu i d e (4’ )

The following diagram shows the individual components for the remote mount installation.

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F i gur e 2 3 : Remo t e Mo u nt K it wi th 10 - 11 GHz Remo t e Mo u nt Ad ap to r

The following image shows the waveguide flange connector, which is part of the antenna’s dual
polarized feeder assembly. The flexible waveguide will directly attach to the vertical and horizontal
wave guide flanges. The installation instructions are available here.

F i gur e 2 4 : 11 G Hz W ave Gu id e - Remo t e Mo un t

The following image shows the metric to imperial adaptor for the flexible waveguide to attach to the
remote mount adapter. The image shows both the front and back of the adaptor. The specifications for
the adapter are available here.

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F i gur e 2 5 : Fl exi b l e W avegu i d e - Met ri c to I mp er i al A d ap t or (1 1G Hz )

The following diagram shows how all the components for the remote mount are joined together. It’s
important to note the polarity mapping to ensure consistency with the IP-20C ports and polarities.

 Port 1  Horizontal
 Port 2  vertical

F i gur e 2 6 : Remo t e Mo u nt Co mpo n en t s

For a 2+0 deployment, the single IP-20C radio is mounted directly onto the remote mount kit. For a 4+0,
the dual splitter is mounted directly onto the remote mount kit, and the two IP-20C radios are than
mounted onto the dual splitter.

The following table shows the part numbers and descriptions, as well as the quantity required for the
two deployment strategies, for a complete link.

Quantity Required
Part Number Description
2+0 4+0
IP-20C_10-11G_Rmt_Mnt_adpt IP-20C 10-11G Remote Mount adaptor 2 2
IP-20C-Pole-Mount IP-20C DC REMOTE MOUNT KIT 2 2
Flx-WG-4FT-10_11 Flex. WG kit WR-90, 4 FT, (PBR100) 4 4
ADPT_RFU-C10_11-RM_Imp RFU-C Adaptation Kit metric to Imperial 10_11 4 4

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CG-IP20C-DSK_10-11 IP-20C DUAL SPLITTER KIT 10-11GHz 0 2

It’s important to note that the only difference between the 2+0 and 4+0 remote mount is that fact that a
dual splitter is required for the 4+0. All other components have the same quantities. No OMT is
required for a remote mount as the antennas has separate inputs for each polarity.

9.2 Dragon Wave Antenna Adapter

Similar to most microwave vendors, both Ceragon and Dragon Wave radios have a proprietary interface
to direct mount onto antennas. In the event that a Dragon Wave (DW) antenna is to be used with a
Ceragon radio, an adapter must first be mounted onto the DW compatible antenna. These adapters are
frequency band specific and available for the following bands.

 11GHz
 18GHz
 23GHz

F i gur e 2 7 : DW A nt en n a Ad ap t er

The following diagrams show the Ceragon OMT, DW Interface Adapter and DW Antenna Interface.

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F i gur e 2 8 : DW A nt en n a In t erf ac e

Fi gu r e 29 : DW In t erf ac e A d apt er - DW A nt en n a In t erf ac e

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F i gur e 3 0 : Cer ago n O MT - DW I nt er f ac e Ad ap t er - DW An t enn a

The following table shows the part numbers for the various Dragon Wave antenna adapters.

Part Number Description

CG-ANT ADPT 11 DW Ceragon Adapter for 11 GHz DW Antenna
CG-ANT ADPT 18 DW Ceragon Adapter for 18 GHz DW Antenna
CG-ANT ADPT 23 DW Ceragon Adapter for 23 GHz DW Antenna

9.2.1 Dragon Wave Adapter (15GHz)

For the 15GHz band, rather than installing an adapter as listed in the previous section, the Dragon Wave
interface plate will be removed from the Andrews antenna and replaced with a Ceragon compatible
interface plate. The following parts are required (OMT interface and Circular interface plate).

Part Number Description


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F i gur e 3 1 : 15 G Hz A nd r ew s A nt en n a wi th Dr ago n W ave I nt er f ac e Pl at e

F i gur e 3 2 : 15 G Hz A nd r ew s A nt en n a wi th no In t erf ac e Pl at e

Once the Dragon Wave interface plate is removed, the Ceragon compatible plate can be installed. The
plate is made up of two components, the plate itself and the OMT interface (aka transition hub). It is
important that the proper OMT interface be installed as there are two (slotted – single polarity and
circular – dual polarized).

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F i gur e 3 3 : Cer ago n In t er f ac e Pl at e

Fi gu r e 34 : O MT In t erf ac e - Ci rc u l ar A d ap t er (Du al Pol ar i z ati o n )

The installation instructions are available here. The instructions show the single polarity OMT interface,
which would get replaced with the circular adapter shown above.

Currently, this method will be used only to adapt 15GHz antennas, however in the future other bands
may be added (11GHz, 18GHz and 23GHz).

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10 Tower Loading
The following are the mechanical specifications for the IP-20C radio.

Parameter Value
Dimensions (H)230mm x (W)233mm x (D)98mm
Weight 6.5 kg

The weights of the various components are listed in the following table:

Component Weight
OMT 4 kg
Dual Splitter 6 kg
Dragon Wave Adapter 4 kg
Remote Mount Adapter 2 kg

The following table contains the wind load information for the various sized antennas and contains the
weight of the radio and its components (IP-20C + OMT + Dual Splitter) for the direct mount installations.

Antenna Total Radio Antenna

Configuration Axial Force
Size Weight Weight
6 ft. (1.8m) 61 kg 8647 N (@ 200 km/h)
4 ft. (1.2m) 10.5 kg
Multicore 2+0 40 kg 5326 N (@ 250 km/h)
(if using DW
3 ft. (0.9m) 22.5 kg 1792 N (@ 200 km/h)
2 ft. (0.6m) (1 IP-20C + 1 OMT) 11 kg 1290 N (@ 250km/h)
adapter, add 4kg)
1 ft. (0.3m) 7 kg 445 N (@ 250 km/h)
6 ft. (1.8m) 61 kg 8647 N (@ 200 km/h)
4 ft. (1.2m) 2 x Multicore 2+0 (4+0) 23 kg
40 kg 5326 N (@ 250 km/h)
(if using DW
3 ft. (0.9m) 22.5 kg 1792 N (@ 200 km/h)
(2 IP-20C + 1 Dual antenna
2 ft. (0.6m) Splitter + 1 OMT) adapter, add 4kg) 11 kg 1290 N (@ 250km/h)
1 ft. (0.3m) 7 kg 445 N (@ 250 km/h)

For the remote mount, the following table should be used.

Antenna Total Radio Antenna

Configuration Axial Force
Size Weight Weight
8 ft. (2.4m) Multicore 2+0
227 kg 11284 N (@ 200 km/h)
(1 IP-20C + 1 Remote 8.5 kg
10 ft. (3.0m) Mount) 261 kg 17632 N (@ 200 km/h)
2 x Multicore 2+0 (4+0)
8 ft. (2.4m) 227 kg 11284 N (@ 200 km/h)
(2 IP-20C + 1 Dual
21 kg
Splitter + 1 Remote
10 ft. (3.0m) 261 kg 17632 N (@ 200 km/h)

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11 Installation
The complete Ceragon IP-20C installation manual is available here.

The class room slide deck for the “Ceragon Installation and Commissioning Course” is available here.

The above two documents should be made available to all constructors that will install Ceragon IP-20C

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12 Configuration
There are a number of variables that must be configured on each IP-20C radio in order to create an
active link. The following parameters will be changed depending on the specific configuration:

 Ethernet interface being used (Eth1-Cat5e or Eth2-Fiber)

 Device IP address information
 Device name and location information
 Frequency band and channel size
 Type of radio: TX High or TX Low
 MRMC script (dependent on the channel bandwidth: 30, 40 or 50MHz)

It’s important to note that there are only minor differences between a 2+0 and 4+0 configuration. For a
4+0 link, there are four radios to configure instead of just two for a 2+0. For the 4+0 configuration, the
second pair of IP-20C radios will use a different frequency pair.

The second difference will be that 2+0 radios will use in-band management and radios configured in a
4+0 link will use out of band management.

The other main component is that the 4+0 configuration will utilize link aggregation (LAG) on the switch
or router to combine the aggregate throughput over the two separate links.

12.1 Sample Configuration - MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization

In this example, there is only one pair of radios. The following variables would be used.

Variable TX Low TX High

Data Port Eth2-Fiber Eth2-Fiber
Name Sharpes Mountain, NB - To Site 2 - Sharpes Mountain, NB - From Site 1 -
Lower Woodstock Sharpes Mountain POP
Location Site 1 - Sharpes Mountain POP Site 2 - Lower Woodstock
IP Address
Band 23G
Frequency (Bandwidth) - H 21875MHz - 23075MHz (50M)
Frequency (Bandwidth) - V 21875MHz - 23075MHz (50M)
Maximum TX Power (dBm) 12

12.2 Sample Configuration – 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization

In this example, there are two IP-20C radios per side. The variables will change slightly, adding an “A”
and “B” to signify which IP-20C radios are paired together. The following diagram should be used for

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reference, where channel 1 (A) will be the lower of the frequency pairs and channel 2 (B) will be the

F i gur e 3 5 : Samp l e Con fi gu r ati o n - 2 x Mu l ti Co r e 2+ 0 (4 + 0 )

Variables TX Low (same for A and B) TX High (same for A and B)

Sharpes Mountain, NB - To Site 2 - Sharpes Mountain, NB - From Site 1 -
Lower Woodstock Sharpes Mountain POP
Location Sharpes Mountain POP Lower Woodstock

Link A Link B
TX Low TX High TX Low TX High
Data Port Eth2-Fiber Eth2-Fiber Eth2-Fiber Eth2-Fiber
IP Address
Band 18G
Frequency (Bandwidth) 18065MHz - 19625MHz (50M) 18115MHz - 19675MHz (50M)
Maximum TX Power (dBm) 12

12.3 Excel Configuration Template

There are two Excel spreadsheets located on SharePoint that will help create the configuration files to
fully configure a link (2+0 and 4+0).

The user will simply input variables from the Field Plan and will be able to copy and paste the results
from the spreadsheet into the specific IP-20C radios. Many of the variables in the spreadsheet have pull
down menus to minimize input error. The spreadsheet requires that the IP-20C software version be 9.2.

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12.3.1 2+0 Configuration

Fi gu r e 36 : Cer ago n I P- 20 C Co n fi gu r ati o n Spr ead s h eet 2 +0

The following is the default list of commands used to configure a 2+0 IP-20C link created by the above
mentioned Excel spreadsheet (TX Low). The rows in green contain the variables. All other rows are the
same for all radios in a 2+0 configuration.
platform management ntp set admin enable ntp-version ntpv4 ntp-server-ip-address-1
wait 1
ethernet generalcfg mru set size 9612
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmp admin set enable
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmp version set v2
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmpv1v2 set read-community XCI_public write-community
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmp trap-manager set manager-id 1 manager-admin enable
manager-ipv4 manager-ipv6 :: manager-port 162 manager-community NetMaster_Public
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmp trap-manager heartbeat manager-id 1 manager-heartbeat
wait 1
platform security radius-admin set enable
wait 2

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platform security radius-server-communication-ipv4 set server-id 1 ip-address
port 1812 retries 3 timeout 2 secret Xpl0rnet2017Xpl0rnet2017
wait 2
platform activation-key set demo admin enable
wait 1
platform management system-name set name "Sharpes Mountain, NB - To Site 2 - Lower Woodstock"
wait 1
platform management system-location set name "Site 1 - Sharpes Mountain POP"
wait 1
platform management system-contact set name "XCI NOC 1-888-764-2424"
wait 1
platform if-manager set interface-type ethernet slot 1 port 1 admin down
platform if-manager set interface-type ethernet slot 1 port 2 admin up
platform if-manager set interface-type ethernet slot 1 port 3 admin down
platform if-manager set interface-type radio slot 2 port 1 admin up
platform if-manager set interface-type radio slot 2 port 2 admin up
wait 5
multi-carrier-abc create group group_id 1
wait 1
multi-carrier-abc group-id 1
attach-member slot 2 port 1 channel-id 1
wait 1
attach-member slot 2 port 2 channel-id 2
wait 1
compression header-compression set Layer3
wait 1
ethernet service sid 257
wait 1
sp add sp-type mng int-type dot1q spid 1 interface eth slot 1 port 2 vlan 1000 sp-name MNG_ETH
sp add sp-type mng int-type dot1q spid 2 group mc-abc1 vlan 1000 sp-name MNG_RADIO
wait 2
ethernet service add type p2p sid 1 admin operational evc-id TRAFFIC description
ethernet service sid 1
sp add sp-type pipe int-type dot1q spid 1 interface eth slot 1 port 2 sp-name TRAFFIC_ETH_PORT
sp add sp-type pipe int-type dot1q spid 2 group mc-abc1 sp-name TRAFFIC_RADIO_PORT
ethernet interfaces eth slot 1 port 2
wait 1
autoneg state set on

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wait 1
xpic set admin enable
wait 2
radio slot 2 port 1
rf set tx-level 12
rf mute set admin on

rf set tx-frequency 21875000

rf set rx-frequency 23075000
rf adaptive-power admin disable
mrmc set acm-support script-id 1510 modulation fixed profile 0
radio slot 2 port 2
rf set tx-level 12
rf mute set admin off
rf rsl-connector set source phy2

rf set tx-frequency 21875000

rf set rx-frequency 23075000
rf adaptive-power admin disable
mrmc set acm-support script-id 1510 modulation fixed profile 0
platform management ip set ipv4-address subnet gateway name local-management-port
wait 2

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12.3.2 4+0 Configuration

Fi gu r e 37 : Cer ago n I P- 20 C Co n fi gu r ati o n Spr ead s h eet 4 +0

The following is the default list of commands used to configure a 4+0 IP-20C radio created by the above
mentioned Excel spreadsheet (TX Low – A). The rows in green contain the variables. All other rows are
the same for all radios in a 4+0 configuration.
platform management ntp set admin enable ntp-version ntpv4 ntp-server-ip-address-1
wait 1
ethernet generalcfg mru set size 9612
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmp admin set enable
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmp version set v2
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmpv1v2 set read-community XCI_public write-community
wait 1
platform security protocols-control snmp trap-manager set manager-id 1 manager-admin enable
manager-ipv4 manager-ipv6 :: manager-port 162 manager-community NetMaster_Public
wait 1

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platform security protocols-control snmp trap-manager heartbeat manager-id 1 manager-heartbeat
wait 1
platform security radius-admin set enable
wait 2
platform security radius-server-communication-ipv4 set server-id 1 ip-address
port 1812 retries 3 timeout 2 secret Xpl0rnet2017Xpl0rnet2017
wait 2
platform activation-key set demo admin enable
wait 1
platform management system-name set name "Sharpes Mountain, NB - To Site 2 - Lower Woodstock -
wait 1
platform management system-location set name "Sharpes Mountain POP - A"
wait 1
platform management system-contact set name "XCI NOC 1-888-764-2424"
wait 1
platform if-manager set interface-type ethernet slot 1 port 1 admin down
platform if-manager set interface-type ethernet slot 1 port 2 admin up
platform if-manager set interface-type ethernet slot 1 port 3 admin down
platform if-manager set interface-type radio slot 2 port 1 admin up
platform if-manager set interface-type radio slot 2 port 2 admin up
wait 5
multi-carrier-abc create group group_id 1
wait 1
multi-carrier-abc group-id 1
attach-member slot 2 port 1 channel-id 1
wait 1
attach-member slot 2 port 2 channel-id 2
wait 1
compression header-compression set Layer3
wait 1
ethernet service add type p2p sid 1 admin operational evc-id TRAFFIC description
ethernet service sid 1
sp add sp-type pipe int-type dot1q spid 1 interface eth slot 1 port 2 sp-name TRAFFIC_ETH_PORT
sp add sp-type pipe int-type dot1q spid 2 group mc-abc1 sp-name TRAFFIC_RADIO_PORT
ethernet interfaces eth slot 1 port 2
wait 1
autoneg state set on
wait 1

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xpic set admin enable
wait 2
auto-state-propagation add eth-port-to-multi-radio-group eth-slot 1 eth-port 2 multi-radio-
group 1
wait 1
auto-state-propagation configure eth-port eth-slot 1 eth-port 2 asp-admin enable remote-fault-
trigger-admin enable csf-mode-admin disable
wait 1
radio slot 2 port 1
rf set tx-level 12
rf mute set admin on

rf set tx-frequency 18065000

rf set rx-frequency 19625000
rf adaptive-power admin disable
mrmc set acm-support script-id 1510 modulation fixed profile 0
radio slot 2 port 2
rf set tx-level 12
rf mute set admin off

rf set tx-frequency 18065000

rf set rx-frequency 19625000
rf adaptive-power admin disable
mrmc set acm-support script-id 1510 modulation fixed profile 0
platform management ip set ipv4-address subnet gateway
name local-management-port
wait 2

12.4 Configuration Differences between 2+0 and 4+0

As mentioned earlier in this section, there are a number of minor differences in the configuration of the
2+0 radios compared to 4+0. The following sections will cover these differences.

12.4.1 Automatic State Propagation (ASP) – 4+0

Automatic State Propagation (ASP) is used on the IP-20C radio in combination with link aggregation
(LAG) on the switch or router. ASP enables propagation of radio failures back to the Ethernet port. With
this feature enabled, if the radio link fails, the corresponding Ethernet port would be disabled. This will
propagate the fault to the switch port, which will remove that specific interface from the LAG group,
ensure that all the traffic takes the other route.

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The following CLI commands are used to add and configure ASP on IP-20C radios that are part of a 4+0
link only.
auto-state-propagation add eth-port-to-multi-radio-group eth-slot 1 eth-port 2 multi-radio-group
auto-state-propagation configure eth-port eth-slot 1 eth-port 2 asp-admin enable remote-fault-
trigger-admin enable csf-mode-admin disable

In order to view the status of the ASP, the following commands can be run.
auto-state-propagation show-config all
auto-state-propagation show-config eth-port eth-slot 1 eth-port 2

In order to remove the ASP configuration, run the following command.

auto-state-propagation delete eth-port eth-slot 1 eth-port 2

In all the above examples, the only variable would be the eth-port. It will be either 1 or 2, depending on
the cabling being used.

ASP will only be used when out of band management is being used. Otherwise, the ability to manage
the radio will be compromised.

12.4.2 In-Band and out of Band Management

As previously mentioned, in-band management will be used for 2+0 links, when a single IP-20C will be
deployed. However, IP-20C radios used in a 4+0 will use out of band. The following commands are used
to enable in-band management on VLAN 1000.
sp add sp-type mng int-type dot1q spid 1 interface eth slot 1 port 1 vlan 1000 sp-name MNG_ETH
sp add sp-type mng int-type dot1q spid 2 group mc-abc1 vlan 1000 sp-name MNG_RADIO

12.5 MOP – Apply IP-20C Configuration

The following procedure will describe how to configure an IP-20C radio that has factory default values.

1. Ensure that the IP-20C is powered up either via PoE (Eth1) or via direct DC connection.
2. Connect a straight through Ethernet cable between a PC and the IP-20C interface Eth4 (local

3. Configure local PC with IP on same subnet (no VLAN information required), for example

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 By default, the IP-20C IP address is:
 Default login credentials are: admin/admin
4. Login to the Web interface to verify that the software version is 9.2
 (admin/admin)

5. Once the software version is verified, Telnet to the IP-20C

 Telnet to
 login with admin/admin
6. Paste the complete list of CLI commands from the Excel spreadsheet into the Telnet window,
each line will execute one after the other.

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7. Once each line is executed (~45 seconds), the IP-20C radio will reset. Once it is rebooted (~2
minutes), the device will have the new IP address. You may have to reconfigure the IP address
on your PC in order to access the IP-20C (i.e. for alignment purposes).
8. After the configuration is changed and if the IP-20C radio has network connectivity to the XCI
network, the local admin/admin credentials will no longer be valid. You must use your XCI
Windows credentials to access the radio. If you are a contractor, a username and password has
been provided to access the Ceragon IP-20C radios. If IP connectivity is lost, the default
admin/admin credentials will function.

12.6 Switch/Router Requirements and Configuration

In order for the IP-20C to integrate into Xplornet switches or routers, the following are the requirements
and configurations that each device must follow.

12.6.1 MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization

For the single IP-20C, only one interface is required on the switch or router. Depending on the cable
type, this will be either a copper interface or an available SFP port for fiber optical cabling. This
particular interface must be configured as a trunk port, allowing the default Xplornet VLANS (1000 and
2000 to 2003). The management of the IP-20C will be done using in-band management (using this same

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F i gur e 3 8 : Swi t ch Req u ir emen t s - 2 +0

There will be an Ethernet cable connected to the local management interface of the IP-20C; however
this cable will not be connected to the switch or router. It is there to allow local access to the IP-20C if
the unit is factory reset or if a new out of the box unit is installed without configuration.

12.6.2 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization

For the double IP-20C link (4+0), a total of 4 interfaces are required on the switch or router. Depending
on the cable type, there will be 2 pay load interfaces (either 2 copper interfaces or 2 available SFP ports
for fiber optical cabling), plus an additional 2 copper interfaces for out of band management.

The two payload interfaces will be part as a LAG (link aggregation) group and configured as trunk,
allowing the default Xplornet VLANS (1000 and 2000 to 2003). The two copper interfaces for out of
band management must be configured as access ports with VLAN1000.

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F i gur e 3 9 : Swi t ch Req u ir emen t s - 4 +0

In the event that either IP-20C radio requires local access, the out of band cable can be unplugged from
the switch or router and directly connected to a laptop.

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13 Alignment
Before the antennas can be aligned, all radios must be configured and the radio transmitter must be un-
muted (transmitting). The configuration of the IP-20C was covered in the previous section.

There are two ways to read the RSL (receive signal level) value to perform antenna alignments.

 Multi-meter (voltmeter)
 Web EMS (Web-Based Element Management System)

13.1 Multi-meter (Voltmeter)

Each IP-20C radio has a BNC port on the back of the device as shown in the following image.

Fi gu r e 40 : I P- 20 C RSL I nd i c ato r

The DC voltage at the BNC port is 1.XX where XX is the RSL level. For example, 1.59VDC indicates an RSL
of -59dBm. Note that the voltage measured at the BNC port has a variance of +/- 2dB and should be
used only as an initial guide. For final validation and fine tuning of the antenna, the Web EMS should be

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Fi gu r e 41 : I P- 20 C BN C Vo lt met er

13.1.1 MOP – Change RSL Port

Since each IP-20C radio has two radio ports (port 1 and port 2), only one port can be mapped to the RSL
connector at a time. In order to change this mapping between port 1 and port 2, follow this procedure.

1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.

2. Click on Radio.
3. Click on Radio Parameter.
4. Click on either:
 Radio Slot 2 Port 1 (Horizontal) or,
 Radio Slot 2 Port 2 (Vertical).
5. Click on Edit.
6. On the pull down menu adjacent to RSL Connector Source, select either:
 PHY1 (Radio Port 1) or
 PHY2 (Radio Port 2).
7. Click on Apply.
8. Click on Close.

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F i gur e 4 2 : I P- 2 0 C Ch an ge RSL Por t

13.2 Web EMS

Using a volt meter will only provide the RSL (receive signal level) value for one specific radio port at a
time. In order to get a more granular view of the RSL and other KPIs, the Web EMS must be used. The
following table explains the KPI that should be referenced when aligning a link.

KPI Parameter Description Expected Value

RSL (dBm) RSL: Receive Signal Level Within 2dB of the value listed in the
The RSL is the measurement of the power Field Plan
present in a received radio signal. Also
known as RSSI.
Modem MSE (dB) MSE: Mean Square Error The optimal value is between -38
The MSE is a measurement of the and -40dB
coherence of the signal or signal quality.
Modem XPI (dB) XPI: Cross-Polarization Isolation Value should be between 25 and
While using XPIC (cross polarization 30dB. If the value is < 25dB, the
interference cancellation), the XPI is a OMT should be adjusted.
measurement of the quality of the signal When XPIC is off, this value will be 0.
(interference from orthogonal signal)

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13.2.1 MOP – How to Access RSL Values

The following procedure will show how to read the RSL and additional KPI values from the Web EMS for
a specific radio port.

1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.

2. On the main Unit and Radio Summary page, verify the Radio Information
 TX / RX Frequencies for Radio Port 1 and 2
 Channel Bandwidth
3. Verify that the Operational TX Level matches the field plan
4. Verify that the TX Mute Status is set accordingly
 Radio port is transmitting (un-muted)
 Radio port in not transmitting (muted)
5. Verify the TX and RX QAM level. By default, these should be set to 4, which indicate QPSK.
QPSK is used for link alignment and the initial configuration is set to QPSK.
6. Set the Page Refresh Interval to 5 seconds or continuously click the Refresh button to have the
page values updated.
7. Read the following KPI values while the link is being adjusted
A. RX level or RSL (dBm) – Local Radio Ports
B. Modem MSE (dB) – Local Radio Ports
C. Modem XPI (dB) – Local Radio Ports
D. Remote Receiver Signal Level (dBm) – Remote Radio Ports
8. Verify the link Status.

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F i gur e 4 3 : I P- 2 0 C RSL and ot h er KPI fo r Li n k A li gn men t (s u mmar y p age)

In addition, a user can view a single radio port by using the following procedure:

1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.

2. Click on Radio.
3. Click on Radio Parameter.
4. Click on either:
 Radio Slot 2 Port 1 (Horizontal) or,
 Radio Slot 2 Port 2 (Vertical).
5. Click on Edit.
6. Read the RX Level, Modem MSE and Modem XPI from the status page.
 The values will update every few seconds automatically. No need to update the refresh
rate or reload the page.

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F i gur e 4 4 : I P- 2 0 C RSL and ot h er KPI fo r Li n k A li gn men t (p er Po rt )

13.3 MOP – How to Mute and Un-mute Radios

Since each IP-20C radio has two radio ports (1 and 2), only one should be transmitting during the
alignment process. The following procedure will show how to mute and un-mute the radio ports.

1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.

2. Click on Radio.
3. Click on Radio Parameters.
4. Click on either:
 Radio Slot 2 Port 1 (Horizontal) or,
 Radio Slot 2 Port 2 (Vertical).
5. Click on Edit.
6. On the pull down menu adjacent to TX mute, select either:
 Off (radio is un-muted or transmitting) or
 On (radio is muted or not transmitting).
7. Click on Apply.
8. Click on Close.

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Fi gu r e 45 : I P- 20 C Mu t e o r Un - mu t e Rad i o

It is possible to combine changing the mapping of the RSL Connector at the same time as muting and un-
muting the radio.

It is also possible to mute and un-mute the far side (or remote) radio by using the following procedure
on the local radio. It is important to always have at least one radio port un-muted at any given time. By
muting both radio ports at the same time, the link will drop and a user will have to connect directly to
the remote radio to un-mute the radio port to re-establish the radio link.

1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.

2. Click on Radio.
3. Click on Remote Radio Parameters.
4. Click on either:
 Radio Slot 2 Port 1 (Horizontal) or,
 Radio Slot 2 Port 2 (Vertical).
5. Click on Edit.
6. On the pull down menu adjacent to Remote Radio Mute, select either:
 Off (radio is unmuted or transmitting) or
 On (radio is muted or not transmitting).

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7. Click on Apply.
8. Click on Close.

F i gur e 4 6 : I P- 2 0 C Mu t e or Un- mu t e Remo t e Rad i o

13.4 Alignment Procedure

The following procedure should be followed to perform a link alignment for a 2+0 or 4+0 link.

1. Initial Configuration
 After the initial configuration is applied, the following will be set by default:
 Radio port 1 (Horizontal) is muted.
 Radio port 2 (Vertical) is un-muted.
 The RSL Connector is mapped to radio port 2 (PHY2) – (Vertical).
2. Adjust the Antenna
 Based on the RSL of Radio Port 2 (Vertical), perform the alignment of both antennas.
The goal is to achieve an RSL within 2dB of the target value which is listed in the Field
 If using XPIC, and once the RSL on port 2 has been achieved, record the RSL on radio
port 1 (orthogonal port) as well as the RSL on radio port 2. For example:

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 RSL Port 1: -65dBm
 RSL Port 2: -40dBm (Target of -40dBm)
 Determine the XPI by subtracting the two RSL values. The difference should be 25dB or
3. Swap the radio ports
 Mute radio port 2 and un-mute radio port 1 on all radios (local and remote).
 If using a volt meter, map the RSL Connector to radio port 1 (PHY1) – (Horizontal)
4. Check RSL of the Orthogonal Radio Port (Opposing Radio port)
 Validate the RSL on radio port 1 is within 2dB of the target. Adjust the antenna if
 If the antenna was adjusted on port 1, flip back to radio port 2 to ensure that
the RSL on port 2 is still within tolerance. Repeat if required.
 If using XPIC, and once the RSL on port 1 has been achieved, record the RSL on radio
port 2 (orthogonal port) as well as the RSL on radio port 1. For example:
 RSL Port 1: -40dBm (Target of -40dBm)
 RSL Port 2: -65dBm
 Determine the XPI by subtracting the two RSL values. The difference should be 25dB or
5. Validate RSL on all ports
 Once both antennas are aligned using each radio port independently, un-mute both
radio ports and confirm KPIs of both radio ports (1 and 2) on all radios are within
 RSL (within 2dB of target)
 Model MSE (between -38 and -40dB)
 If using XPIC, validate that Modem XPI is greater than 25dB on all radio ports.
XPI should be the same as calculated in the above alignment steps. The XPI
should be close to the same for all radio ports on both ends of the link.
6. Adjust OMT (if required)
 The XPI should be at least 25dB. If it is not, the OMT assembly on the back of the
antenna on one side of the link should be adjusted until the highest XPI is achieved (Do
not adjust OMT on both sides).
 The OMT has 4 slotted mounting holes. Loosen the 4 bolts and rotate the OMT very
slowly in a right-left direction.

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Fi gu r e 47 : O MT Ad ju s t men t

 OMT adjustment requires very fine movements and it may take several minutes to
achieve the best possible XPI. It is recommended to achieve XPI levels between 25dB
and 30dB.

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14 Post Configuration
To ease the installation process, each IP-20C radio will be configured with the following default values:

 Adaptive TX power disabled

 Adaptive Modulation disabled and Modulation set to 4QAM (QPSK)

Once a link has been aligned, these parameters must be changed. The following procedures should be
used to perform this task during the burn in process.

14.1 MOP – Enable Adaptive TX Power (Web EMS)

The following procedure should be followed to enable Adaptive TX power using the Web EMS.

1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.

2. Click on Radio.
3. Click on Radio Parameters.
4. Click Radio Slot 2 Port 1 (Horizontal).
5. Click on Edit.
6. On the pull down menu adjacent to Adaptive TX power admin, select Enable.
7. Click on Apply.
8. Click on Close.
9. Repeat same procedure for Radio Slot 2 Port 2 (Vertical).

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F i gur e 4 8 : I P- 2 0 C E n abl e A d ap ti ve T X Po w er

14.2 MOP – Enable Adaptive Modulation (Web EMS)

The following procedure should be followed to enable Adaptive Modulation using the Web EMS. It is
important to start on the far side radio as this change will force the IP-20C to reset.

1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.

2. Click on Radio.
3. Click on MRMC.
4. Click on Symmetrical Scripts.
5. Click on FCC.
6. Select the Radio Interface:
 Slot 2 (Radio Slot 2 Port 1) or,
 Slot 2 (Radio Slot 2 Port 2).
7. Highlight the current configured script by clicking on the line
 will be adjacent to the current Script ID.
8. Click on Configure Script.

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9. In the pop up window, select Adaptive in the pull down menu adjacent to MRMC Script
operational mode.
10. In the next pull down menus, select the following modulations:
 MRMC Script maximum profile  Profile 10, 2048QAM, xxx Mbps
 MRMC Script minimum profile  Profile 0, 4 QAM, xx Mbps
11. Click on Apply.
This will force the IP-20C radio to reset. Once the radio has completed the reset, perform the
same procedure again on port 2.

F i gur e 4 9 : I P- 2 0 C E n abl e A d ap ti ve Mo d ul ati o n

14.3 MOP – Enable Adaptive TX Power and Adaptive Modulation (CLI)

To enable Adaptive TX Power and Adaptive Modulation in a single step using CLI, follow this procedure:

1. Login to the IP-20C via Telnet as per normal procedure.

2. Execute the following commands (copy and paste all lines) to get the current MRMC Script IDs.
radio slot 2 port 1
mrmc show script-configuration
wait 1

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radio slot 2 port 2
mrmc show script-configuration
wait 1

You will see the following output. Record the Script ID; it should be the same for both radio
root>radio slot 2 port 1
radio [2/1]>mrmc show script-configuration

Script ID: 1510

Script name: mdN_A5050X_117_1510
Modulation Mode: fixed
Max profile: 0; Max QAM: 4; Max bite-rate: 70683
Min profile: 0; Min QAM: 4; Min bite-rate: 70683
radio [2/1]>exit
root>wait 1
root>radio slot 2 port 2
radio [2/2]>mrmc show script-configuration

Script ID: 1510

Script name: mdN_A5050X_117_1510
Modulation Mode: fixed
Max profile: 0; Max QAM: 4; Max bite-rate: 70683
Min profile: 0; Min QAM: 4; Min bite-rate: 70683
radio [2/2]>exit
root>wait 1

3. In the following commands, replace the XXXX with the Script ID from the above output (i.e.
1510). Copy and paste all the commands into CLI. This will force the unit to reset.
radio slot 2 port 1
rf mute set admin off
rf adaptive-power admin enable
mrmc set acm-support script-id XXXX modulation adaptive max-profile 10 min-profile 0
radio slot 2 port 2
rf mute set admin off
rf adaptive-power admin enable
mrmc set acm-support script-id XXXX modulation adaptive max-profile 10 min-profile 0
wait 1

The above method will enable both adaptive TX power and adaptive modulation on both radio
ports simultaneously. It will also un-mute both radio ports.

For reference, there will be 3 possible Script IDs, which are dependent on the channel
 30Mhz  1505
 40MHz  1507
 50MHz  1510

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15 Activation Keys
The Ceragon IP-20C offers a pay as-you-grow concept in which future capacity growth and additional
functionality can be enabled with activation keys. For purposes of the activation keys, each IP-20C unit is
considered a distinct device. Each device contains a single activation key cipher.

Fi gu r e 50 : Cer ago n I P- 20 C A cti vati o n K ey Ci ph er Samp l e

Ceragon provides a web-based system for managing activation keys. This system enables authorized
users to generate activation keys, which are generated per device serial number.

In order to upgrade an activation key, the activation key must be entered into the IP-20C. The system
checks and implements the new activation key, enabling access to new capacities and/or features.

In the event that the activation-key-enabled capacity and feature set is exceeded, an Activation Key
Violation alarm occurs. After a 48-hour grace period, all other alarms are hidden until the capacity and
features in use are brought within the activation key’s capacity and feature set.

The procedure will be to initially commission an IP-20C radio with a demo license and apply the full
activation key at time of burn in. The demo license is valid for 60 days.

By default, until an activation key is installed, the following screen will be displayed when the user logs
into the IP-20C radio via the Web EMS, warning that the system is in software activation key violation

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F i gur e 5 1 : I P- 2 0 C So ft w ar e A cti vati o n K ey Vi ol ati o n

Since the radio will be configured with demo mode activated, the radio can be fully configured and the
link can be aligned and it will have full capabilities. Once the activation key is installed, this error
message will disappear and the yellow back ground will become white.

In order to activate a device, the following 3 steps must be followed.

 Obtain device serial number

 Obtain activation key
 Install activation key

15.1 MOP - How to Obtain Serial Number from IP-20C

The following procedure must be followed to retrieve the devices serial number:

1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.

2. From the main Unit & Radio Summary page, copy the serial number.

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F i gur e 5 2 : I P- 2 0 C O bt ai n Ser i al Nu mb er

15.2 MOP – How to Obtain Activation Key

In order to generate an activation key for a specific IP-20C radio, the serial number is required. Once the
serial number is known, the Activation Key Management System can be used to generate the
appropriate activation key cipher. The following link explains how to use the Activation Key
Management System.

If you are authorized to perform this task, a username and password will be created for you.

The Activation Key Management System is accessible at the following address:

 https://license-system.com/LMManage/login.aspx

15.3 MOP – How to Install Activation Key

The following procedure must be followed to install an activation key. The prerequisite for this
procedure is to have the activation key cipher for the specific device serial number.

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1. Login to the IP-20C Web EMS as per normal procedure.
2. Click on Platform.
3. Click on Activation Key.
4. Click on Activation Key Configuration.
5. Paste the activation key cipher that was obtained from the Activation Key Management System
into the Activation Key Configuration text area.
6. Ensure that Demo admin is set to disable.
7. Click on Apply.

Fi gu r e 53 : I P- 20 C In s t all Ac ti vati on K ey

15.4 Software License

The following table is a complete list of the Ceragon components that are included in the activation

Part Number Description

IP-20-SL-Capacity-500M * IP-20 SL - Capacity 500M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-ACM IP-20 SL - ACM, per carrier
IP-20-SL-XPIC IP-20 SL - XPIC, per carrier

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IP-20-SL-MC-ABC IP-20 SL - MC-ABC, per carrier
IP-20-SL-2nd-Core-Act. IP-20 SL - 2nd Core Activation
IP-20-SL-Header-DeDuplication IP-20 SL - Header De-Dup, per carrier

*Each 2+0 link will be licensed for 1Gbps and each 4+0 will be licensed for 2Gbps of capacity, regardless
of the modulation and actual throughput capabilities.

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16 NetMaster
NetMaster is a comprehensive NMS (Network Management System) offering centralized operation and
maintenance capability for the complete range of network elements in the Ceragon product portfolio,
consisting of all Microwave Radios, OEM and third party products.

NetMaster provides the following network management functionality:

 Fault management
 Configuration management
 Performance monitoring
 Security management
 Graphical user interface with multiple maps
 Network topology using perspectives and domains
 Automatic network element discovery
 HW and SW inventory
 Software download jobs
 Bulk setting of attributes on multiple elements
 Report generator
 Northbound interface to higher order OSS
 Open SNMP Adapter

In order to access the Xplornet NetMaster installation, follow this link for instructions on how to install
the NetMaster Client on your PC

You will access NetMaster by using your Xplornet Windows credentials.

The following link contains a complete list of NetMaster documentation. For the user guide only, use
this link.

16.1 License

Ceragon’s licensing structure for NetMaster is to charge per TX branch. Since each IP-20C radio has 2
cores, 2 licenses are required per IP-20C radio. The following is the part number for the NetMaster

Part Number Description

Netmaster SW Netmaster SW/RTU per TRX

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17 Ceragon Component
The diagrams in the following sub sections show the various components for the two main

 MultiCore 2+0
 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0)

For each configuration, there are three cabling options, which will change the required components.

 Separate power, fiber and Cat5e

 Hybrid Cable (combined power/fiber/Cat6)
 Two Cat5e with Power over Ethernet (PoE)

The table on the following page shows the required quantities of each component for the variables
mentioned above.

An Excel worksheet is available in SharePoint to generate part lists for various configuration options.

 Ceragon System Workbook.xlsx

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Hybrid Fiber PoE
Category Part Number Description Power Ethernet
2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0
IP-20C TxH (select based on band) 1 2 1 2 1 2
IP-20C-HP-11-500-1W6-H-ESS IP20C-11G-1W6-TxH
IP-20C-HP-11-500-4W9-H-ESS IP20C-11G-4W9-TxH
IP-20C-E-15-475-1W4-H-ESS IP20C-15G-1W4-TxH

IP-20C-E-15-475-5W9-H-ESS IP20C-15G-5W9-TxH
IP-20C-F-18-H-ESS IP20C-18G-TxH
IP-20C-F-23-H-H-ESS IP20C-23G-TxH
IP-20C-F-38-BL-H-ESS IP20C-38G-BL-TxH
IP-20C-F-38-BH-H-ESS IP20C-38G-BH-TxH
IP-20C TxL (select based on band) 1 2 1 2 1 2
IP-20C-HP-11-500-1W6-L-ESS IP20C-11G-1W6-TxL
IP-20C-HP-11-500-4W9-L-ESS IP20C-11G-4W9-TxL
IP-20C-E-15-475-1W4-L-ESS IP20C-15G-1W4-TxL

IP-20C-E-15-475-5W9-L-ESS IP20C-15G-5W9-TxL
IP-20C-F-18-L-ESS IP20C-18G-TxL
IP-20C-F-23-H-L-ESS IP20C-23G-TxL
IP-20C-F-38-BL-L-ESS IP20C-38G-BL-TxL
IP-20C-F-38-BH-L-ESS IP20C-38G-BH-TxL
OMT (select based on band) 2 2 2 2 2 2
CG-IP20C-OMT_10-11 IP-20C OMT kit 10-11GHz

CG-IP20C-OMT_15G IP-20C OMT kit 15GHz

CG-IP20C-OMT_18G IP-20C OMT kit 18GHz
CG-IP20C-OMT_23G IP-20C OMT kit 23GHz
Dual Splitter (select based on band) 0 2 0 2 0 2


Antenna (select based on band) 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hybrid Fiber PoE
Category Part Number Description Power Ethernet
2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0
CG-ANT-Am-4-11WA 4' ANT,SP,11GHz,Crgn&Std UBR100 Int-ANDR
DPSA-8-11-A 8' ANT,DP,11GHz,Std Int-ANDREW
DPSA-HP-10-11-A 10' ANT, DP, 10.7-11.7GHZ CPR90G, Andrew
CG-ANT-Am-3-15A 3' ANT,SP,15GHz,Crgn&Std UBR140 Int-ANDR
CG-ANT-Am-4-15A 4' ANT,SP,15GHz,Crgn&Std UBR140 Int-ANDR
CG-ANT-Am-2-18A 2' ANT,SP,18GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int-ANDR

CG-ANT-Am-3-18A 3' ANT,SP,18GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int-ANDR

CG-ANT-Am-4-18A 4' ANT,SP,18GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int-ANDR
CG-ANT-Am-1-23A 1' ANT,SP,23GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 - ANDREW
CG-ANT-Am-2-23A 2' ANT,SP,23GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 -ANDREW
CG-ANT-Am-3-23A 3' ANT,SP,23GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int -AND
CG-ANT-Am-4-23A 4' ANT,SP,23GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int -AND
CG-ANT-Am-1-38A 1' ANT,SP,38GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int -AND
CG-ANT-Am-2-38A 2' ANT,SP,38GHz,Crgn&Std UBR220 Int -AND
DW Adapter (only if 11, 18, 23GHz DW antennas are being used - select based on band) 2 2 2 2 2 2
ADPT-CIRC-RFU-C_11-DW IP-20C/S and RFU-C - DW antenna adapter for 11GHz
Ceragon ADPT-CIRC-RFU-C_18-DW IP-20C/S and RFU-C - DW antenna adapter for 18GHz
ADPT-CIRC-RFU-C_23-DW IP-20C/S and RFU-C - DW antenna adapter for 23GHz
DW Adapter (only if 15GHz DW antennas are being used – 2 of each are required)
RFU-C15-OMT-INT-A RFU-C 15GHz OMT Interface-ANDREW 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fiber Optic Cable (Select based on length and availability) 0 0 2 4 0 0



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Hybrid Fiber PoE
Category Part Number Description Power Ethernet
2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0
14130618 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 30m
14130619 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 40m
14130620 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 50m
14130621 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 60m

14130622 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 70m

14130623 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 100m
14130624 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 120m
14130625 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 150m
14130792 LTE Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable 80m
Power Cable (select based on gauge and availability) 0 0 2 4 0 0
Outdoor_DC_cbl_2x18AWG_drum CABLE,MATERIAL,2x18AWG,305M (1000ft),OUTDOOR
Outdoor_DC_cbl_2x12AWG_drum CABLE,MATERIAL,2x12AWG,305M,OUTDOOR
Huawei 25030671 2 x 12AWG Power Cable for DCDU to RRU (per m)
Cat5e Cable (select based on length) 0 4 2 8 6 16
CATSH83-T Cable CAT5 3' Shielded_BT
CATSH84-T Cable CAT5 4' Shielded_BT
CATSH810-T Cable CAT5 10' Shielded_BT

CATSH825-T Cable CAT5 25' Shielded_BT

CATSH850-T Cable CAT5 50' Shielded_BT
CATSH8100-T Cable CAT5 100' Shielded_BT
CATSH8150-T Cable CAT5 150' Shielded_BT
CATSH8200-T Cable CAT5 200' Shielded_BT
CATSH8250-T Cable CAT5 250' Shielded_BT
CATSH8300-T Cable CAT5 300' Shielded_BT
Hybrid Power/Fiber/CAT6 (select based on length) 2 2 0 0 0 0
Amphenol 957-99024-10060 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 60m
957-99024-10070 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 70m
957-99024-10080 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 80m

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Hybrid Fiber PoE
Category Part Number Description Power Ethernet
2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0
957-99024-10090 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 90m
957-99024-10100 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 100m
957-99024-10120 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 120m
957-99024-10150 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE (Dual IP-20C), 150m
957-99023-10060 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 60m
957-99023-10070 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 70m
957-99023-10080 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 80m
957-99023-10090 TRUNK, HYBRID (18AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 90m
957-99023-10100 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 100m
957-99023-10120 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 120m
957-99023-10150 TRUNK, HYBRID (12AWG) MICROWAVE Single IP-20C), 150m
Accessories (Ceragon)
SFP-GE-SX-EXT-TEMP XCVR, SFP 850 nm, Multi-Mode, Industrial optical interface
1000Base-SX, EXT-TE 2 4 2 4 0 0

IP-20_3xGlands_kit IP-20_3xGlands_kit 2 4 2 4 2 4
PoE_Inj_AO PoE Injector all outdoor, -48VDC 0 0 0 0 2 4
IP-20C_DC_Conn IP-20C_DC_Connector 2 4 2 4 0 0
Accessories (Ethernet Ground Kit - As required)
Ceragon GK-FRA-9-1M-KIT High Speed grounding kit for CAT5e outdoor cable 0 0 0 4 2 8
Ethernet Surge Protection 0 4 0 4 0 4
Ubiquiti ETH-SP Ethernet Surge Protector (outdoor)
Switch/Router SFP (select based on switch type) 2 4 2 4 0 0
License Key
IP-20-SL-Capacity-500M IP-20 SL - Capacity 500M, per carrier 4 8 4 8 4 8

IP-20-SL-ACM IP-20 SL - ACM, per carrier 4 8 4 8 4 8

IP-20-SL-XPIC IP-20 SL - XPIC, per carrier 4 8 4 8 4 8
IP-20-SL-MC-ABC IP-20 SL - MC-ABC, per carrier 4 8 4 8 4 8

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Hybrid Fiber PoE
Category Part Number Description Power Ethernet
2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0 2+0 4+0
IP-20-SL-2nd-Core-Act. IP-20 SL - 2nd Core Activation 2 4 2 4 2 4
IP-20-SL-Header-DeDuplication IP-20 SL - Header De-Dup, per carrier 4 8 4 8 4 8
NMS Software
Ceragon Netmaster SW Netmaster SW/RTU per TRX 4 8 4 8 4 8

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17.1 MultiCore 2+0 Dual Polarization Diagram
Fi gu r e 54 : Mu l ti Co r e 2+ 0 - DC/Fi b er

F i gur e 5 5 : Mu lti Cor e 2 + 0 - Si n gl e Hybr i d Cab l e

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Fi gu r e 56 : Mu l ti Co r e 2+ 0 – Po E /Et h ern et

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17.2 2 x MultiCore 2+0 (4+0) Dual Polarization Diagram

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Fi gu r e 57 : 2 x Mu lti Co r e 2+ 0 (4 + 0 ) - DC/F i b er

F i gur e 5 8 : 2 x Mul ti Cor e 2 +0 (4 +0 ) - Du al Hyb r id Cabl e

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Fi gu r e 59 : 2 x Mu lti Co r e 2+ 0 (4 + 0 ) – Po E /E t h ern et

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18 Link Design Information
The following information is required for the design and analysis of a microwave link using the Ceragon
IP-20C equipment.

18.1 Path Loss Files

The Path Loss Files for all Ceragon IP-20C models are available in the following SharePoint folder.

18.2 Mediation Device Losses

The losses in the mediation device are as follows.

Insertion Loss (dB) per Frequency Band (GHz)

Mediation Device Remarks
6-8 11 13-15 18 23-26 28-38

Radio to antenna
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5
ports (V or H)

Dual Splitter

Radio to antenna
3.5 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.7 4

If using remote mount for 11GHz, the insertion loss for the 4’ flexible wave guide is 0.7dB.

18.3 Antenna Specifications

All the antenna specifications can be found in the following SharePoint folder.

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Information regarding Ceragon MIB (Management Information Base) support can be found in the
following SharePoint folder.

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20 Training
The following links will provide online training:

 http://training.ceragon.com/

A username and password will be provided.

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21 Additional Documentation
For a complete reference to Ceragon documentation, consult the following SharePoint folder:

 http://sharedapp/NetworkTeam/Platforms/FW/Ceragon

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22 Ceragon Support
In the event support is required from Ceragon, the following methods can be used to contact the
Ceragon Technical Support Center.

 Email [email protected]
 Phone 1-877-Fibeair (3423247)

Provide as much detailed information as possible.

 Unit S/Ns
 Unit SW version.
 Unit info files.
 Any additional information that might be relevant to resolve the case

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23 Ceragon FTP
In order to provide Xplornet with certain files (software, firmware, documentation, etc.), Ceragon may
upload files to their FTP server. The following is the Xplornet credentials to access this FTP server.

 https://ceragonftp.ceragon.com
 Username: Xplornet
 Password: xplornet-2017

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24 Full Channel List
The following table lists all the ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, formerly
Industry Canada or IC) channels. It can be cross referenced with the Ceragon IP-20C models listed
previously in the document in the Operating Frequencies section.

Freq. Band Ch. BW ISED

Channel ID ISED Band TxL (MHz) TxH (MHz)
(GHz) (MHz) Channel
11G-30M-C1 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C1 10725 11215
11G-30M-C2 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C2 10755 11245
11G-30M-C3 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C3 10785 11275
11G-30M-C4 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C4 10815 11305
11G-30M-C5 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C5 10845 11335
11G-30M-C6 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C6 10875 11365
11G-30M-C7 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C7 10905 11395
11G-30M-C8 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C8 10935 11425
11G-30M-C9 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C9 10965 11455
11G-30M-C10 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C10 10995 11485
11G-30M-C11 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C11 11025 11515
11G-30M-C12 11G SRSP-310.7 30M C12 11055 11545
11G-40M-D1 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D1 10735 11225
11G-40M-D2 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D2 10775 11265
11G-40M-D3 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D3 10815 11305
11G-40M-D4 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D4 10855 11345
11G-40M-D5 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D5 10895 11385
11G-40M-D6 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D6 10935 11425
11G-40M-D7 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D7 10975 11465
11G-40M-D8 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D8 11015 11505
11G-40M-D9 11G SRSP-310.7 40M D9 11055 11545
15G-40M-E1 15G SRSP-314.5 40M E1 14520 14995
15G-40M-E2 15G SRSP-314.5 40M E2 14560 15035
15G-40M-E3 15G SRSP-314.5 40M E3 14600 15075
15G-40M-E4 15G SRSP-314.5 40M E4 14640 15115
15G-40M-E5 15G SRSP-314.5 40M E5 14840 15315
15G-50M-F1 15G SRSP-314.5 50M F1 14525 15000
15G-50M-F2 15G SRSP-314.5 50M F2 14575 15050
15G-50M-F3 15G SRSP-314.5 50M F3 14625 15100
15G-50M-F4 15G SRSP-314.5 50M F4 14845 15320
18G-40M-D1 18G SRSP-317.8 40M D1 17840 19400
18G-40M-D2 18G SRSP-317.8 40M D2 17880 19440
18G-40M-D3 18G SRSP-317.8 40M D3 17920 19480

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Freq. Band Ch. BW ISED
Channel ID ISED Band TxL (MHz) TxH (MHz)
(GHz) (MHz) Channel
18G-40M-D4 18G SRSP-317.8 40M D4 17960 19520
18G-40M-D5 18G SRSP-317.8 40M D5 18000 19560
18G-40M-D6 18G SRSP-317.8 40M D6 18040 19600
18G-40M-D7 18G SRSP-317.8 40M D7 18080 19640
18G-40M-D8 18G SRSP-317.8 40M D8 18120 19680
18G-50M-A1 18G SRSP-317.8 50M A1 17865 19425
18G-50M-A2 18G SRSP-317.8 50M A2 17915 19475
18G-50M-A3 18G SRSP-317.8 50M A3 17965 19525
18G-50M-A4 18G SRSP-317.8 50M A4 18015 19575
18G-50M-A5 18G SRSP-317.8 50M A5 18065 19625
18G-50M-A6 18G SRSP-317.8 50M A6 18115 19675
23G-50M-A1 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A1 21825 23025
23G-50M-A2 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A2 21875 23075
23G-50M-A3 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A3 21925 23125
23G-50M-A4 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A4 21975 23175
23G-50M-A5 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A5 22025 23225
23G-50M-A6 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A6 22075 23275
23G-50M-A7 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A7 22125 23325
23G-50M-A8 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A8 22175 23375
23G-50M-A9 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A9 22225 23425
23G-50M-A10 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A10 22275 23475
23G-50M-A11 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A11 22325 23525
23G-50M-A12 23G SRSP-321.8 50M A12 22375 23575
24G-40M-1 24G Unlicensed 40M 1 24078.5 24173.833
24G-40M-2 24G Unlicensed 40M 2 24126.167 24221.5
25G-50M-A1 25G SRSP-325.25 50M A1 25291 26299
25G-50M-A2 25G SRSP-325.25 50M A2 25319 26327
25G-50M-A3 25G SRSP-325.25 50M A3 25347 26355
25G-50M-A4 25G SRSP-325.25 50M A4 25375 26383
25G-50M-A5 25G SRSP-325.25 50M A5 25403 26411
25G-50M-A6 25G SRSP-325.25 50M A6 25431 26439
25G-50M-A7 25G SRSP-325.25 50M A7 25459 26467
25G-50M-B1 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B1 25515 25935
25G-50M-B2 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B2 25543 25963
25G-50M-B3 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B3 25571 25991
25G-50M-B4 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B4 25599 26019
25G-50M-B5 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B5 25627 26047
25G-50M-B6 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B6 25655 26075
25G-50M-B7 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B7 25683 26103
25G-50M-B8 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B8 25711 26131
25G-50M-B9 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B9 25739 26159

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Freq. Band Ch. BW ISED
Channel ID ISED Band TxL (MHz) TxH (MHz)
(GHz) (MHz) Channel
25G-50M-B10 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B10 25767 26187
25G-50M-B11 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B11 25795 26215
25G-50M-B12 25G SRSP-325.25 50M B12 25823 26243
28G-50M-C1 28G SRSP-325.25 50M C1 27545 27995
28G-50M-C2 28G SRSP-325.25 50M C2 27595 28045
28G-50M-C3 28G SRSP-325.25 50M C3 27645 28095
28G-50M-C4 28G SRSP-325.25 50M C4 27695 28145
28G-50M-C5 28G SRSP-325.25 50M C5 27745 28195
28G-50M-C6 28G SRSP-325.26 50M C6 27795 28245
28G-50M-C7 28G SRSP-325.27 50M C7 27845 28295
38G-50M-A 38G SRSP-338.6 50M A 38625 39325
38G-50M-B 38G SRSP-338.6 50M B 38675 39375
38G-50M-C 38G SRSP-338.6 50M C 38725 39425
38G-50M-D 38G SRSP-338.6 50M D 38775 39475
38G-50M-E 38G SRSP-338.6 50M E 38825 39525
38G-50M-F 38G SRSP-338.6 50M F 38875 39575
38G-50M-G 38G SRSP-338.6 50M G 38925 39625
38G-50M-H 38G SRSP-338.6 50M H 38975 39675
38G-50M-I 38G SRSP-338.6 50M I 39025 39725
38G-50M-J 38G SRSP-338.6 50M J 39075 39775
38G-50M-K 38G SRSP-338.6 50M K 39125 39825
38G-50M-L 38G SRSP-338.6 50M L 39175 39875
38G-50M-M 38G SRSP-338.6 50M M 39225 39925
38G-50M-N 38G SRSP-338.6 50M N 39275 39975

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