IoTSF IoT Security Compliance Framework Release 2.0 December 2018

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IoT Security Compliance Framework

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IoT security (like any aspect of information security) is not absolute and can never be guaranteed. New
vulnerabilities are constantly being discovered, which means there is a need to monitor, maintain and review
both policy and practice as they relate to specific use cases and operating environments on a regular basis.

IoTSF is a non-profit organisation which publishes IoT security best practice guidance materials. Materials
published by IoTSF include contributions from security practitioners, researchers, industrially experienced staff
and other relevant sources from IoTSF membership and partners. IoTSF has a multi-stage process designed to
develop contemporary best practice with a quality assurance peer review prior to publication. While IoTSF
provides information in good faith and makes every effort to supply correct, current and high quality guidance,
IoTSF provides all materials (including this document) solely on an ‘as is’ basis without any express or implied
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IoT Security Compliance Framework

We wish to acknowledge significant contributions from IoTSF members to this version of the document:

Abhay Soorya, Gemserv Ltd

Alex Margulis, Intel Corp
Arun Sambordaran, Gemserv Ltd
Chris Hills, Phaedrus Systems Ltd
Chris Shire, Infineon Technologies Ltd
Graham Markall, Embecosm Ltd
Ian Phillips, Roke Manor Research Ltd
Isaac Dangana, Red Alert Labs Ltd
Jan Krueger, Intel Corp
Jeremy Bennett, Embecosm Ltd
John Moor, IoT Security Foundation
Lokesh Johri, Tantive 4
Mark Beaumont, Roke Manor Research Ltd
Nick Hayes, Thinkstream Ltd
Pamela Gupta, Outsecure Inc
Peter Burgers, Display Link Ltd
Richard Marshall, Xitex Ltd
Richard Storer, MathEmbedded Ltd
Robert Dobson, Device Authority Ltd
Roger Shepherd, Chipless Ltd
Sean Gulliford, Gemserv Ltd
Trevor Hall, DisplayLink Ltd

Peer Reviewers
Brian Russell, Cloud Security Alliance
Colin Blanchard, BT Plc
Eric Vetillard, NXP Semiconductors NV
James Willison, Unified Security Ltd
Jeff Day, BT Plc
Marek Hubbell
Plus others – you know who you are!

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IoT Security Compliance Framework

1 INTENT AND PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.1 Key Issues for IoT Security ............................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2 The Supply Chain of Trust ................................................................................................................ 7
1.4 ABOUT THE FRAMEWORK SUPPORTING RESOURCES FROM THE IOTSF .................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Changes from version V1.1 of Compliance Framework ................................................................... 7
2 THE IOT SECURITY COMPLIANCE FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................ 8
2.1 THE PROCESS .............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Risk Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 COMPLIANCE CLASS ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Determining Security Goals – An Example .................................................................................... 11
2.3 COMPLETION OF A COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST .................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Keywords ....................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Compliance Requirements Completion Responsibilities ................................................................ 12
2.3.3 Evidence ........................................................................................................................................ 14
2.4 COMPLIANCE TERMINOLOGY AND APPLICABILITY .............................................................................................. 14
2.4.1 Terminology .................................................................................................................................. 14
2.4.2 Level of Compliance ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.4.3 Compliance Applicability – Business Security Processes, Policies and Responsibilities ................. 15
2.4.4 Compliance Applicability – Device Hardware & Physical Security ................................................. 17
2.4.5 Compliance Applicability – Device Software ................................................................................. 19
2.4.6 Compliance Applicability – Device Operating System ................................................................... 22
2.4.7 Compliance Applicability – Device Wired and Wireless Interfaces ................................................ 23
2.4.8 Compliance Applicability – Authentication and Authorisation ...................................................... 25
2.4.9 Compliance Applicability – Encryption and Key Management for Hardware ............................... 26
2.4.10 Compliance Applicability – Web User Interface ............................................................................ 27
2.4.11 Compliance Applicability – Mobile Application ............................................................................. 29
2.4.12 Compliance Applicability – Privacy ................................................................................................ 30
2.4.13 Compliance Applicability – Cloud and Network Elements ............................................................. 32
2.4.14 Compliance Applicability – Secure Supply Chain and Production .................................................. 35
2.4.15 Compliance Applicability – Configuration ..................................................................................... 36
2.4.16 Compliance Applicability – Device Ownership Transfer ................................................................ 36
3 REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................... 37
3.1 REFERENCES & STANDARDS ......................................................................................................................... 37
3.2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. 40
3.2.1 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................... 40
3.2.2 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................ 43
APPENDIX A RISK ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................................... 44
1. Risk Assessment Steps ........................................................................................................................... 44
2. Security Objectives and Requirements .................................................................................................. 45
3. Security Requirements Design and Implementation ............................................................................. 45

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1 Intent and Purpose

1.1 Introduction
The IoT Security Foundation (IoTSF) was established to address the challenges of IoT security in an increasingly
connected world. It has a specific mission “to help secure the Internet of Things, in order to aid its adoption
and maximise its benefits. To do this IoTSF will promote knowledge and clear best practice in appropriate
security to those who specify, make and use IoT products and systems”.

In more concise terms for vendors, operators and end-users: “Build Secure, Buy Secure, Be Secure”.

This IoT Security Compliance Framework (‘Framework’) leads its user through a structured process of
questioning and evidence gathering. This ensures suitable security mechanisms and practices are implemented.

The Framework is intended to help all companies make high-quality, informed security choices by guiding them
through a comprehensive requirement checklist and evidence gathering process. The evidence gathered during
the process can used to declare conformance with best practice to customers and other stakeholders.

Providing good security capability requires decisions upfront in design and use – often referred to as secure by
design. In most cases, addressing the security of a product at the design stage is proven to be lower cost, and
requiring less effort than trying to “put security” into or around a product after it has been created (which may
not even be possible). Decisions need to be made to address use-case, business model, liability level and risk
management in addition to technical concerns such as architecture, design features, implementation, testing,
configuration and maintenance.

Throughout this document, and others published by the IoTSF, reference is made to “best practice” or “best
practice security engineering”. These best practices are derived from the combined expertise of the IoTSF
members, used and tested within their own companies, and from the publications and guidance of other
relevant organisations. Wherever possible, reference is made to existing standards and best practice materials
to avoid unnecessary duplication. A list of external reference materials and related bodies is included at the
end of this document.

1.2 Intended Audience

The Framework can be used internally in an organisation to self-assess or self-certify against, or by a third party
auditor. It can also be used ‘in part’, as a procurement mechanism to help specify security requirements of a
supplier contract. The Framework is aimed at the following stakeholders:

 For Managers in organisations that provide IoT products, technology and or services. It gives a
comprehensive overview of the management process needed to adopt best practice. It will be useful
for executive, programme and project managers, by enabling them to ask the right questions and
assess the answers

 For Developers and Engineers, Logistics and Manufacturing Staff, it provides detailed requirements
to use in their daily work and in project reviews to validate the use of best practice by different
functions (e.g. hardware and software development, logistics etc.). In completing the Compliance
Checklist [ref 19], documentary evidence will be compiled to demonstrate compliance both at
development gates, and with third parties such as auditors or customers

 For Supply Chain Managers, the structure can be used to guide the auditing of security practices. It
may therefore be applied within a producer organisation (as described above); and inspected by a
customer of the producer

 For Trusted Third Parties as part of an audit or certification process

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1.3 Scope
The scope of this document includes (but is not limited to):

 Business processes

 The “Things” in IoT i.e. Network connected products and/or devices

 Aggregation points such as gateways and hubs that form part of the connectivity

 Networking including wired, and radio connections, Cloud and server elements

1.3.1 Key Issues for IoT Security

The key compliance requirements can be summarised as follows:

Key Requirement Action Required Framework


Management governance There must be a named executive responsible for 2.4.3,

product security, and privacy of customer 2.4.11

Engineered for security The hardware and software must be designed with 2.4.4,
attention to security threats. 2.4.5,
2.4.6, 2.4.7

Fit for purpose cryptography These functions should be from the best practice 2.4.8 ,
industry standards. 2.4.9

Secure network framework and Precautions have been taken to secure Apps, web 2.4.12,
applications interfaces and server software 2.4.13

Secure production processes Making sure the security of the product is not 2.4.10,
and supply chain compromised in the manufacturing process or in the 2.4.12,
end customer delivery and installation. 2.4.13

Safe and secure for the The product is safe and secure "out of the box" and 2.4.14
customer in its day to day use. The configuration and control
should guide the person managing the device into
maintaining security and provide for software
updates, vulnerability disclosure policy, and life cycle

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1.3.2 The Supply Chain of Trust

All end-use products are constructed using a set of component parts, typically sourced from a variety of
suppliers. These parts may be electronic or mechanical components, software modules or packages, including
open source. Many of these parts will be procured from third party suppliers. It is important that all parts,
together with the supply chain logistics, are subject to a security review/audit.

The final IoT product can then be provided with its own evidence of security assessment, together with the
component parts documents, as a complete package of auditable evidence. This will help users to assess how
the product conforms to the overall “supply chain of trust” [ref 36].

1.4 About The Framework Supporting Resources From The IoTSF

The IoTSF provides a number of resources to foster security best practice:

This Framework document [ref 19] is a structured list of security requirements and an evidence
gathering process to guide an organisation through assurance and evidence gathering.

The Compliance Checklist [ref 19] is a companion spread sheet to the Framework to aid collection and
documentation of evidence.

Additional Best Practice Guidelines are provided by the Foundation to help understanding of the most
important topics [ref 44].

Further resources including guides, documents, articles and blogs can be found on the IoTSF website.

All IoTSF publications are maintained and reviewed on a regular basis to keep them current – which is a crucial
attribute, given the dynamic nature of cyber security.

This is the third public release and user feedback is welcome as part of its maintenance and evolution for
addressing new security threats. You can send feedback and suggestions to improve the Framework by
emailing [email protected] with a subject line of “Compliance Framework Feedback”.

Future releases may include extensions for specific application or product categories.

1.4.1 Changes from version V1.1 of Compliance Framework

Release 1.1 of the Framework was restricted to consumer class products. This Release 2.0 of the Framework
includes products for a wider range of applications - from consumer to enterprise, including B2B markets.

New items for this release:

 Changed to risk based approach – to give a more flexible applicability

 Removal of application specific restrictions
 Addition of business and technical related keywords to allow filtering of relevant
requirements for different stakeholder interests – see “keywords” section 0
 Combination of category and applicability level
 Additional explanatory text
 A companion spread sheet is available for this Framework to support evidence gathering.

The requirements section detailed in section 2.4 and the numbering has been maintained where possible from
prior releases of the Framework to maintain consistency.

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2 The IoT Security Compliance Framework

2.1 The Process
The Framework sets out a comprehensive set of security requirements for aspects of the organisation and
product. A response to each requirement needs to be entered into a Compliance Checklist [ref 19], with
supporting statements or evidence. For requirements deemed “not applicable”, an explanation must be
provided as to why. Any alternative countermeasures to reduce any security risk should also be listed.

The compliance process breaks down into a number of steps:

•Create Risk Register

Conduct Risk •Determine CIA-Triad
Analysis on the Security Objectives
Product in the •See Risk Assessment
Appendix A for
Target Environment guidelines

Determine •Compliance Class

based on security
Compliance Class objectives
Applicable to the •Documented Product
Product Environment

Respond to Each •Complete

Question in this Checklist(Excel)
Framework •Reference Evidence
Document Documents

2.1.1 Risk Assessment

In security terms, context is everything - each application differs in use-case and operating environment. It is
the responsibility of the Framework user to determine their risk appetite within their stated usage
environment and therefore the specific compliance class (section 2.2) of the security measures applied.

To achieve this, a comprehensive risk assessment is a pre-requisite to using the Framework. The risk
assessment process will help determine the compliance class for the product/service. Section 2.2 has more
details on compliance classes and how they relate to the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability otherwise
known as the CIA Triad [ref 1] model commonly used by security professionals. As a general rule, the highest
possible compliance class should be adopted, considering not just the immediate context of the product, but
also the potential hazards to the system(s) the product/service may eventually be used within.

A basic outline of the risk assessment process can be found in Appendix A. Risk management techniques can
also be found in publications from organisations such as NCSC, ENISA and NIST [ref 39, 40 and 41].

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2.2 Compliance Class

Determining the security objectives across the full diversity of IoT-class applications is a subjective endeavour.
Even within vertical sectors such as consumer and enterprise, the security measures and strength of controls
will vary depending on the actual use case. In making the Framework more practical across a range of
applications, this version has adopted a risk-based approach derived from the commonly used CIA Triad [ref 1].
Whilst it is not a perfect model, its simplicity is its strength, and good security practice can be derived from the
core principles.

Depending on the market and application into which the product is intended to be used, a risk assessment may
require a higher compliance class in order to mitigate the determined level of risk. Consider the following
example: a fictional case of a Wi-Fi relay box used in a remote monitoring station, where the threat to the
enterprise operation is considered low, could be assessed under Compliance Class 1 requirements. However
when deployed into a hospital, with higher threat dependencies, it could be assessed to be under Compliance
Class 4 requirements. A further example is provided in section 2.2.1.

In order to apply an appropriate level of security compliance to a product, the requirements in the checklist are
classified using the following compliance classes:

 Class 0: where compromise to the data generated or loss of control is likely to result in little
discernible impact on an individual or organisation

 Class 1: where compromise to the data generated or loss of control is likely to result in no more than
limited impact on an individual or organisation

 Class 2: in addition to class 1, the device is designed to resist attacks on availability that would have
significant impact on an individual or organisation, or impact many individuals. For example by limiting
operations of an infrastructure to which it is connected

 Class 3: in addition to class 2, the device is designed to protect sensitive data including
sensitive personal data

 Class 4: in addition to class 3, where compromise to the data generated or loss of control have the
potential to affect critical infrastructure or cause personal injury

For each compliance class, the levels of integrity, availability and confidentiality are shown in Table 1 below.

Compliance Security Objective

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Class 0 Basic Basic Basic

Class 1 Basic Medium Medium

Class 2 Medium Medium High

Class 3 High Medium High

Class 4 High High High

Table 1: Compliance Class Security Objectives

The definitions of the levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability are as follows:

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 Confidentiality

o Basic – devices or services processing public information

o Medium – devices or services processing sensitive information, including Personally

Identifiable Information, whose compromise would have limited impact on an individual or

o High – devices or services processing very sensitive information, including sensitive personal
data whose compromise would have significant impact on an individual or organisation

 Integrity

o Basic – devices or services whose compromise could have a minor or negligible impact on an
individual or organisation

o Medium – devices or services whose compromise could have limited impact on an individual
or organisation

o High – devices or services whose compromise could have a significant or catastrophic impact
on an individual or organisation

 Availability

o Basic – devices or services whose lack of availability would cause minor disruption

o Medium – devices or services whose lack of availability would have limited impact on an
individual or organisation

o High – devices or services whose lack of availability would have significant impact to an
individual or organisation, or impacts many individuals

[ref 11, 12, 13 & 14 were used as the basis of the above definitions]

Please Note: the Framework Compliance Class is provided for guidance only. A supplier may know of
application specific concerns that would change the class values. Requirements deemed “not applicable” must
be supported by credible evidence to explain the case.

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2.2.1 Determining Security Goals – An Example

To illustrate via a practical example, consider the security features required by a connected thermostat used in
a commercial greenhouse. The Compliance Class selection for the device might be determined in the following

 Confidentiality is Basic: the underlying assumption is that the thermostat does not store sensitive,
confidential or personally identifiable information

 Integrity is Medium: for a thermostat in a commercial greenhouse, poor data integrity could have a
business/financial impact

 Availability is Medium: the thermostat in a commercial greenhouse setting is likely to be part of an

environmental control system. As such an individual sensor failure will have little impact, yet a denial
of service attack across multiple sensors carries a greater commercial risk

In this case, the thermostat may be classified in the following way:

Security Objective
Compliance Class
Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Class 1 Basic Medium Medium

Table 2: Example of Compliance Class Security Objectives

2.3 Completion of a Compliance Checklist

It is anticipated that compliance with the Framework will become an integral part of an organisation’s security
process and will provide the supporting evidence for business assurance. An accompanying spreadsheet, the
Compliance Checklist [ref 19], may be used at various stages in the product lifecycle. First by identifying the
need for security at the concept stage, and then listing evidence gathered to finally signing off security
requirements for production release.

The evidence gathering process can only commence after establishing the Compliance Class described in
section 2.2. This is done through the use of a risk assessment (see Appendix A).

Once the Compliance Class is determined, the applicable requirements are automatically derived by the
accompanying spreadsheet as either mandatory (M) or advisory (A). The spreadsheet could also be used to
optimise the product design and establish if a change would allow a lower Compliance Class to be selected. For
example, by not collecting or processing sensitive personal data or perhaps providing automatic failover to
alternative services for customers to maintain service availability.

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2.3.1 Keywords

To improve the usability of this document the requirements in sections 2.4.3 to 2.4.16 have been categorised
using the keywords defined in the Table below.

Primary Description Secondary Description

Keyword keyword
System The requirement Software The requirement is directly applicable to the
is applicable to software of the device or service
the technical
Hardware The requirement is directly applicable to the
elements of the
electronics of the device/service hardware (PCB,
Device/product or
processor, components etc.)
Physical The requirement is directly applicable to
mechanical aspects of the device such as the
casing, form factor etc.
Business A business Process A flow of activities that indirectly contributes to
requirement not the security characteristics of a device or service
directly related to
the operational Policy The instructions and guidelines that indirectly
function of the contribute to the security characteristics of a
device/ product device or service
or service Responsibility A role or responsibility that indirectly contributes
to the security characteristics of a device or
Table 3: Keyword Categories

Please Note: the terms Device and Product are considered to be interchangeable in this document

2.3.2 Compliance Requirements Completion Responsibilities

The Compliance requirements completion will be addressed by a variety of roles in an organisation. These roles
cannot be prescribed exactly as every organisation is different, but each section of requirements may require
the attention of Managers and other staff as suggested in the table 4 below. Responsibility for any individual
requirement may be determined by use of the associated Keywords, which can be selected by filter, when
using the Compliance Checklist spreadsheet.

Section Topic Topic Audience & Typical Responsibilities

2.4.3 Business Security Processes, Policies Management responsible for governance of a
and Responsibilities business developing and deploying IoT Devices.
2.4.4 Device Hardware & Physical Security Design and Production staff responsible for hardware
and mechanical quality.
2.4.5 Device Software Device application quality management by Software
Architects, Product Owners, and Release Managers.
2.4.6 Device Operating System Management and Design staff responsible for
selection of a third party Operating System or
assessing the quality of ‘in-house’ developed
2.4.7 Device Wired and Wireless Interfaces Design and Production staff responsible for Device
communications security.
2.4.8 Authentication and Authorisation Design and Production staff responsible for security of
the IoT systems interfaces and foundations of
2.4.9 Encryption and Key Management for Design and Production staff responsible for security of

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Hardware the IoT systems hardware key management and

2.4.10 Web User Interface Design and Production staff responsible for security of
the IoT Product or Services’ Web Systems.
2.4.11 Mobile Application Design and Production staff responsible for security of
the IoT Product or Services’ Mobile Application.
2.4.12 Privacy Management and staff responsible for Data
Protection and Privacy regulatory compliance.
2.4.13 Cloud and Network Elements Design and Production staff responsible for security of
the IoT Product or Services’ Cloud or Network
2.4.14 Secure Supply Chain and Production Management, Design and Production staff
responsible for security of the IoT Product or Services’
Supply Chain.
2.4.15 Configuration Design and Production staff responsible for security of
the device and IoT Services configurations.
2.4.16 Device Ownership Transfer Management, Design and Production staff
responsible for a products and services’ Supply Chain.
Table 4: Compliance Responsibilities

Relevant requirements should be shown as “addressed” and a reference made to the applicable evidence for
the product design.

The accompanying Compliance Checklist allows for entries, against each relevant requirement, of either the
evidence gathered to prove compliance or a link to that evidence. The evidence may be compiled from a
number of sources and people. Evidence should be verified by the person responsible for completion of the
Framework and such verification should also be recorded.

An example of completed Compliance Checklist fragment on Business Processes for a high risk Class 3 device is
shown Figure 1 below.

Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary Required

Class Keyword Keyword Compliance
and Method

There is a person or role, typically M for Class 3 Business Responsibility Class 3 Audit:
a board level executive, who takes CSO appointed:
ownership of and is responsible for (insert URL)
product, service and business level

There is a person or role, who M for Class 3 Business Responsibility Class 3 Audit: IT
takes ownership for adherence to Security Mgr.
this compliance checklist process. “name”

There are documented business M for Class 3 Business Process Class 3 Audit
processes in place for security. Business process
documents –
Intranet link

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The company follows industry A for all Business Policy Class 3 Audit
standard cyber security Classes Certificate
recommendations (e.g. UK Cyber available (insert
Essentials, NIST Cyber Security URL)
Framework, ISO27000 etc.).

Figure 1: Compliance Checklist Partially Completed Example

2.3.3 Evidence

The Framework is a summary checklist, and should be complemented with the product design documentation
including the Risk Register. Evidence of the mitigations made to address each risk line item must also be

Such records should be kept safe and secure, we recommend having back-up copies. They could be useful in
the case of real world threats to the product, but also as evidence for any business compliance regimes used in
the organisation. The record keeper should enable access, for auditing, to any referenced evidence and
supporting documents. URLs especially should be checked to ensure they will remain accessible at least for the
life of the product plus any warranty period. Attention should also be paid to maintaining any tools or
applications needed to view the evidence material.

An organisation procuring products, systems and services from a supplier which declares it has used the
Framework may request an audit of the evidence assembled, using either internal resources or a Trusted Third
Party (“T3P”). A T3P might be used in situations where the documented evidence would expose sensitive
information such as intellectual property or commercial aspects.

2.4 Compliance Terminology and Applicability

2.4.1 Terminology

The following terms "must", "must not", "required", "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not",
"recommended", "may" and "optional" are used in accordance with the definitions in RFC2119 [ref 25].

2.4.2 Level of Compliance

The applicability levels are defined as follows.

Mandatory This requirement shall be met as it is vital to meet the security objectives of
the product.

Advisory This requirement should be met unless there are sound product reasons (e.g.
economic viability, hardware complexity). The reasons for deviating from the
requirement and alternative countermeasures to reduce any security risk
should be documented.

For example in the following tables, where it shows “M of 2 and above” compliance class, this means that the
requirement is mandatory for all other levels i.e. 2, 3 & 4.

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2.4.3 Compliance Applicability – Business Security Processes, Policies and Responsibilities

This section’s intended audience is those personnel who are responsible for governance of a business
developing and deploying IoT Devices. There must be named executive(s) responsible for product security, and
privacy of customer information.

There are several classes of requirements that have been identified by a keyword. Each class should be
allocated to a specified person or persons for the product being assessed. Further guidance is available from
the IoTSF Best Practice Guidelines [ref 44].

The applicability of each requirement is defined as Advisory or Mandatory for the assessed risk level of any
device, the default is Advisory.

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class Keyword Keyword
Applicability There is a person or role, typically a board level
executive, who takes ownership of and is M for All
Business Responsibility
responsible for product, service and business classes
level security. There is a person or role, who takes ownership
M for All
for adherence to this compliance checklist Business Responsibility
process. The company follows industry standard cyber
security recommendations (e.g. UK Cyber M for Class 2
Business Policy
Essentials, NIST Cyber Security Framework, and above
ISO27000 etc.). A policy has been established for interacting
M for All
with both internal and third party security Business Policy
researcher(s) on the products or services. A policy has been established for addressing
risks that could impact security and affect or
M for Class 2
involve technology or components incorporated Business Policy
and above
into the product or service provided. Processes and plans are in place based upon the

IoTSF Vulnerability Disclosure Guidelines [ref 19],
M for All
or a similar recognised process, to deal with the Business Process
identification of a security vulnerability or
compromise when they occur. A process is in place for consistent briefing of
senior executives in the event of the
identification of a vulnerability or a security
breach, especially those executives who may
M for All
deal with the media or make public Business Process
announcements. In particular, that any public
statements made in the event of a security
breach should give as full and accurate an
account of the facts as possible. There is a secure notification process based
M for All
upon the IoTSF Vulnerability Disclosure Business Process
Guidelines [ref 19] or a similar recognised

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process, for notifying partners/users of any

security updates. A security threat and risk assessment shall have
been carried out using a standard methodology
such as OWASP, Octave or NIST RMF Risk M for All
Business Process
Management Framework [ref 35] to determine Classes
the risks and evolving threats before a design is
started. As part of the Security Policy, develop specific
M for All
contact web pages for Vulnerability Disclosure Business Policy
reporting. As part of the Security Policy, provide a
dedicated security email address and/or secure M for All
Business Policy
online page for Vulnerability Disclosure Classes
communications. As part of the Security Policy, develop a conflict M for Class 3
Business Process
resolution process for Vulnerability Disclosures. and above As part of the Security Policy, publish the
A for All
organisation’s conflict resolution process for Business Process
Vulnerability Disclosures. As part of the Security Policy, develop response
M for All Process
steps and performance targets for Vulnerability Business
Disclosures. As part of the Security Policy, develop security
M for All
advisory notification steps. For examples see US Business Process
Cert programme [ref 46]. The Security Policy shall be compliant with ISO A for All
Business Policy
30111 or similar standard. classes Where real-time or up-time expectations are
present, a procedure must be defined for M for Class 2
Business Process
notifying connected components of impending and above
downtime for updates. Responsibility is allocated for each stage of the M for Class 2
Business Responsibility
update process. and above Responsibility is allocated for control, logging Process
M for Class 2
and auditing of the update process. Business
and above
Role There is a point of contact for third party Process
M for Class 1
suppliers with security issues. Business
and above
Role Where remote update is supported, there is an
established process/plan for validating
"updates" and updating devices on an on-going M for Class 2
Business Process
or remedial basis e.g. guidance on software and above
updates is available from the IoTSF Best Practice
Guidelines Part L [ref 44]. The security update policy for devices with a
constrained power source shall be assessed to
M for Class 2
balance the needs of maintaining the integrity Business Policy
and above
and availability of the device. There is a named owner responsible for

M for Class 2
assessing third party supplied components Business Role
and above
(hardware and software) used in the product e.g.

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IoT Security Compliance Framework

The OS suppliers provided a completed IoTSF

Framework Compliance Checklist [ref 19],
document or equivalent. Where a remote software upgrade can be
supported by the device, there should be a M for Class 2
Business Policy
transparent and auditable policy with schedule and above
of actions to fix any vulnerabilities found.

2.4.4 Compliance Applicability – Device Hardware & Physical Security

This section’s intended audience is those personnel who are responsible for hardware and mechanical quality.
Guidance is available from the IoTSF [Ref 44] regarding Physical Security (part B) Secure Boot (part C) and
Secure Operating Systems (part D).

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keyword
Applicability The product’s processor system has an M for Class 1

irrevocable hardware Secure Boot process. System Hardware
and above The product’s processor system has an
M for Class 2
irrevocable “Trusted Root Hardware Secure System Hardware
and above
Boot”. The product’s processor system has a
M for Class 3
measured irrevocable hardware Secure Boot System Hardware
and above
process. The Secure Boot process is enabled by M for Class 1
default. System Hardware
and above Any debug interface (for example, I/O ports
such as JTAG) only communicates with M for Class 1
authorised and authenticated entities on the and above
production devices. The hardware incorporates protection against
tampering and this has been enabled. The M for Class 1
System Hardware
level of tamper protection must be and above
determined by the risk assessment. The hardware incorporates physical
protection against tampering to reduce the M for Class 3
attack surface. The level of protection must be and above
determined by the risk assessment. The hardware incorporates physical
M for Class 2
protection against reverse engineering. The System Hardware
and above
level of protection must be determined by the
risk assessment. All communications port(s), such as USB, Hardware
RS232 etc., which are not used as part of the M for all
System Physical
product’s normal operation are not physically Classes
accessible or only communicate with Software
authorised and authenticated entities.

Release 2 Page 17/46 © 2018 IoT Security Foundation

IoT Security Compliance Framework All the product’s development test points are Hardware

M for Class 2
securely disabled or removed wherever System
and above
possible in production devices. Physical Tamper Evident measures have been used to M for Class 2

System Hardware
identify any interference to the assembly to and above
the end user. In production devices the microcontroller/

microprocessor(s) shall not allow the
M for Class 1
firmware to be read out of the products non- System Hardware
and above
volatile [FLASH] memory. Where a separate
non-volatile memory device is used the
contents shall be encrypted. Where the products’ credential/key storage is
external to its processor, the storage and M for All
System Hardware
processor shall be cryptographically paired to Classes
prevent the credential/key storage being used
by unauthorised software. Where production devices have a CPU
watchdog, it is enabled and will reset the M for All
System Hardware
device in the event of any unauthorised Classes
attempts to pause or suspend the CPU’s
execution. Where the product has a hardware source for
generating true random numbers, it is used Hardware
M for All
for all relevant cryptographic operations System
including nonce, initialisation vector and key Software
generation algorithms. For guidance see: NIST
SP 800-90A [ref 3]. The product shall have a hardware source for M for Class 2
System Hardware
generating true random numbers. and above

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2.4.5 Compliance Applicability – Device Software

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for device application quality e.g.
Software Architects, Product Owners, and Release Managers. Guidance is available from the IoTSF [ref 44]
regarding Secure Operating Systems (part D), Credential Management (Part F), and Software Updates (part J).

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keywords Keywords
Applicability The product has measures to prevent

unauthenticated software and files being loaded
onto it. In the event that the product is intended M for All
System Software
to allow un-authenticated software, such Classes
software should only be run with limited
permissions and/or in a sandbox. Where remote software updates can be
M for All
supported by the device, the software images are System Software
digitally signed by an approved signing authority. Where updates are supported the software
update package has its digital signature, signing M for All
System Software
certificate and signing certificate chain verified by Classes
the device before the update process begins. If remote software upgrade is supported by a
M for Class 2
device, software images shall be encrypted whilst System Software
and above
being transferred to it. If the product has any virtual port(s) that are not
required for normal operation, they are only
allowed to communicate with authorised and
authenticated entities or securely disabled when
M for Class 2
System Software
and above
Where a port is used for field diagnostics, the
port input commands are deactivated and the
output provides no information which could
compromise the device, such as credentials,
memory address or function names. To prevent the stalling or disruption of the
M for All Hardware
device’s software operation, watchdog timer are System
Classes Software
present, and cannot be disabled. The product’s software signing root of trust is M for All
System Hardware
stored in tamper-resistant memory. Classes The product has protection against unauthorised
M for All
reversion of the software to an earlier and System Software
potentially less secure version. There are measures to prevent the installation of
M for All
non-production software onto production Business Process
devices. Production software images shall be compiled in
such a way that all unnecessary debug and M for All
Business Process
symbolic information is removed, to prevent Classes
accidental release of superfluous data. Development software versions have any debug M for Class 2 Process
functionality switched off if the software is and above

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operated on the product outside of the product Policy

vendor’s trusted environment. Steps have been taken to protect the products’
M for Class 3 Software
software from sensitive information leakage and System
and above Hardware
side-channel attacks. The product’s software source code follows the
M for Class 2
basic good practice of a Language subset (e.g. Business Policy
and above
MISRA-C) coding standard. The product’s software source code follows the
M for Class 2
basic good practice of static vulnerability analysis Business Process
and above
[ref 37] by the developer. The software must be architected to identify and
ring fence sensitive software components,
including cryptographic processes, to aid
inspection, review and test. The access from
M for Class 1 Business Process
other software components must be controlled
and above System Software
and restricted to known and acceptable
operations. For example, security related
processes should be executed at higher privilege
levels in the application processor hardware. Software source code is developed, tested and
M for All
maintained following defined repeatable Business Process
processes. The build environment and toolchain used to
M for Class 2 Policy
compile the application is run on a build system Business
and above Process
with controlled and auditable access. The build environment and toolchain used to
create the software is under configuration M for Class 2
Business Process
management and version control, and its and above
integrity is validated regularly. Where present, production software signing keys M for all
Business Policy
are under access control. classes The production software signing keys are stored
and secured in a storage device compliant to M for Class 2
Business Policy
FIPS-140-2 level 2 [ref 5], or equivalent or higher and above
standard. Where the device software communicates with a
product related webserver or application over
M for Class 2
TCP/IP or UDP/IP, the device software uses System Software
and above
certificate pinning or public/private key
equivalent, where appropriate. For devices with no possibility of a software
M for all
update, the conditions for and period of Business Policy
replacement support should be clear. All inputs and outputs are checked for validity
e.g. use “Fuzzing” tests to check for acceptable M for Class 2
Business Process
responses or output for both expected (valid) and and above
unexpected (invalid) input stimuli. The software has been designed to meet the
safety requirements identified in the risk
assessment; for example in the case of M for Class 2
System Software
unexpected invalid inputs, or erroneous software and above
operation, the product does not become
dangerous, or compromise security of other

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connected systems. Support for partially installing updates is provided
A for All
for devices whose on-time is insufficient for the System Software
complete installation of a whole update. Support for partially downloading updates is
A for All
provided for devices whose network access is System Software
limited or sporadic. Where real-time expectations of performance are
present, update mechanisms must not interfere A for All
System Software
with meeting these expectations (e.g. by running classes
update processes at low priority). Where a device doesn’t support secure boot,
M for All Hardware
upon a firmware update the user data and System
classes Software
credentials should be re-initialised. Where a device cannot verify authenticity of
updates itself (e.g. due to no cryptographic M for All
capabilities), only a local update by a physically classes System Software
present user is permitted and is their
responsibility. When a device cannot verify authenticity of
updates itself, it shall be possible revert to the M for All
System Software
last known good configuration which was stored classes
on the device before the update was attempted. Cryptographic keys for update integrity
protection and confidentiality are securely M for All
managed in accordance with industry standards classes
such as FIPS 140-2 [ref 5]. There is secure provisioning of cryptographic keys
M for All Process
for updates during manufacture in accordance Business
classes Policy
with industry standards such as FIPS 140-2 [ref 5]. Memory locations used to store sensitive
material (e.g. cryptographic keys,
passwords/passphrases, etc.) are sanitised as
M for Class 2
soon as possible after they are no longer needed. System Software
and above
These can include but are not limited to locations
on the heap, the stack, and statically-allocated
storage [ref 47]. Any caches which potentially store sensitive
material are cleared / flushed after memory M for Class 3
locations containing sensitive material have been and above
sanitised. An end-of-life policy shall be published which
explicitly states the minimum length of time for
which a device will receive software updates and
M for All
the reasons for the length of the support period. Business Policy
The need for each update should be made clear
to users and an update should be easy to
implement. Where possible, software updates should be
pushed for a period appropriate to the device.
This period shall be made clear to a user when M for All
Business Policy
supplying the device. The supply chain partners classes
should inform the user that an update is

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2.4.6 Compliance Applicability – Device Operating System

This section’s intended audience are the personnel responsible for the selection of a third party Operating
System or assessing the quality of ‘in-house’ developed schedulers and control sequencers quality. The term
Operating System (OS) is below used for sake of brevity to imply all such options. Guidance is available from
the IoTSF [Ref44] regarding Secure Operating Systems (part D).

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keywords
Applicability The OS is implemented with relevant security A for all

Business Process
updates prior to release. Classes All unnecessary accounts or logins have been
disabled or eliminated from the software at the A for all
System Software
end of the software development process. E.g. Classes
Development or debug accounts. Files, directories and persistent data are set to
A for all
minimum access privileges required to correctly System Software
function. If passwords absolutely must be stored in a local
file, then passwords file(s) are owned by and are M for Class 1
System Software
only accessible to and writable by the by the and above
Devices’ OS’s most privileged account. All OS non-essential services have been removed
A for all
from the product’s software, image or file System Software
systems. All OS command line access to the most
A for all
privileged accounts has been removed from the System Software
OS. The product’s OS kernel and its functions are
M for Class 1
prevented from being called by external product System Software
and above
level interfaces and unauthorised applications. Applications are operated at the lowest privilege
level possible and only have access to the
resources they need as controlled through
M for All
appropriate access control mechanisms. For System Software
example, Products with one or more network
interfaces, the uncontrolled, and any unintended
packet forwarding functions should be blocked. All the applicable security features supported by M for Class 1
System Software
the OS are enabled. and above The OS is separated from the application(s) and A for all
System Software
is only accessible via defined secure interfaces. Classes The OS implements a separation architecture to M for Class 2
separate trusted from untrusted applications System Software
and above The product’s OS kernel is designed such that
each component runs with the minimal security M for Class 2
System Software
capabilities required (e.g. a microkernel and above

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2.4.7 Compliance Applicability – Device Wired and Wireless Interfaces

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for device security. Guidance is
available from the IoTSF Best Practice Guidelines [ref 44] regarding Credential Management (Part F), and
Network Connections (Part H).

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keyword
Applicability The product prevents unauthorised

connections to it or other devices the product
M for Class 1
is connected to. For example, there is a System Software
and above
firewall on each interface and internet layer
protocol. The network component and firewall (if
applicable) configuration has been reviewed M for Class 1
Business Process
and documented for the required/defined and above
secure behaviour. In products with network interfaces, to stop
bridging of security domains, the uncontrolled,
M for Class 1
and any unintended packet forwarding System Software
and above
functions should be blocked to stop
undesirable communication paths. Devices support only the versions of
M for Class 1
application layer protocols with no publically Business Process
and above
known vulnerabilities. If an unauthorised change is detected, the
device should alert the
consumer/administrator to an issue and M for all
System Software
should not connect to wider networks than Classes
those necessary to perform the alerting
function. All the products unused ports are closed and M for Class 1
Business Process
only the required ports are active. and above If a connection requires a password or
passcode or passkey for connection
authentication, the factory issued or reset M for Class 1
Business Process
password is unique to each device. Examples and above
are Wi-Fi access passwords and Bluetooth
PINS. Where using initial pairing process, a Strong
Authentication shall be used; requiring
M for Class 1
physical interaction with the device or System Software
and above
possession of a shared secret. For example,
Bluetooth Numeric Comparison [ref 38]. Where a wireless interface has an initial
pairing process, the passkeys are changed M for Class 1
Business Policy
from the factory issued, or reset password and above
prior to providing normal service. For any Wi-Fi connection WPA2 [ref 51], or
later versions with AES, or a similar strength M for Class 1
System Software
encryption has been used and insecure and above
protocols such as WPA and TKIP are disabled

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IoT Security Compliance Framework Where WPA2 WPS is used it has a unique,

M for Class 1
random key per device and enforces System Software
and above
exponentially increasing retry attempt delays. All network communications keys are stored
M for Class 1
securely, in accordance with industry System Software
and above
standards such as FIPS 140-2 [ref 5] or similar. Where a TCP protocol, such as MQTT, is used,
M for Class 1
it is protected by a TLS connection with no System Software
and above
known vulnerabilities. Where a UDP protocol is used, such as CoAP, it
M for Class 1
is protected by a DTLS connection with no System Software
and above
known vulnerabilities. Where cryptographic suites are used such as
TLS, all cipher suites shall be listed and
validated against the current security
M for Class 1
recommendations such as NIST 800-131A [ref Business Process
and above
2] or OWASP. Where insecure ciphers suites
are identified they shall be removed from the
product. All use of cryptography by the product, such as
TLS cipher suites, shall be listed and validated
M for Class 1
against the import/export requirements for Business Process
and above
the territories where the product is to be sold
and/or shipped. Where there is a loss of communications or
M for all
availability it shall not compromise the local System Software
integrity of the device. The product only enables the communications
interfaces, network protocols, application M for Class 1
System Software
protocols and network services necessary for and above
the product’s operation. Communications protocols should be latest
versions with no publically known M for Class 1
Business Policy
vulnerabilities and/or appropriate for the and above
product. Post product launch communications
protocols should be maintained throughout
M for Class 1
the product life cycle to the most secure Business Policy
and above
versions available with no publically known
vulnerabilities. If a factory reset is made, the device should
M for Class 1
warn that secure operation may be System Software
and above
compromised unless updated. Where RF communications are enabled (e.g.,
ZigBee, etc.) antenna power is configured to
A for all
limit ability of mapping assets to limit attacks System Software
such as WAR-Driving (see Protocol anonymity features are enabled in
A for all
protocols (e.g., Bluetooth) to limit location System Software
tracking capabilities. As far as reasonably possible, devices should
M for all
remain operating and locally functional in the System Software
case of a loss of network connection and

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IoT Security Compliance Framework

should recover cleanly in the case of

restoration of a loss of power. Devices should
be able to return to a network in a sensible
state and in an orderly fashion, rather than in
a massive scale reconnect.

2.4.8 Compliance Applicability – Authentication and Authorisation

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for the security of the IoT systems
interfaces and foundations of authentication. Guidance is available from the IoTSF [ref 44] regarding Credential
Management (Part F).

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keyword
Applicability The product contains a unique and tamper-

resistant device identifier (e.g. the chip serial
M for Class 1
number or other unique silicon identifier) for
and above System Hardware
example binding code and data to a specific
device hardware. This is to mitigate threats from
cloning. Where the product has a secure source of time M for all
there is a method of validating its integrity, such Classes System Software
as Secure NTP Where a user interface password is used for login
authentication, the factory issued or reset
M for Class 1
password is unique to each device in the product System Software
and above
family. If a password-less authentication is used
the same principles of uniqueness apply. The product does not accept the use of null or M for Class 1
System Software
blank passwords. and above The product will not allow new passwords
M for Class 1
containing the user account name with which the System Software
and above
user account is associated. Password entry follows industry standard practice
such recommendations of the 3GPP TS33.117
M for Class 1
Password policy [ref 17], NIST SP800-63b [ref 26] System Software
and above
or NCSC [ref 48] on password length, characters
from the groupings and special characters. The product has defence against brute force
M for Class 1
repeated login attempts, such as exponentially System Software
and above
increasing retry attempt delays. The product securely stores any passwords using
an industry standard cryptographic algorithm, M for Class 1
System Software
compliant with an industry standard such as NIST and above
SP800-63b [ref 26] or similar. The product supports access control measures to
the root/highest privilege account to restrict M for Class 1
System Software
access to sensitive information or system and above
processes. The access control privileges are defined, justified M for Class 1
Business Process
and documented. and above

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IoT Security Compliance Framework The product only allows controlled user account

M for Class 1
access; access using anonymous or guest user System Software
and above
accounts is not supported without justification. The product allows the factory issued or OEM A for all
login accounts to be disabled or erased or Classes System Software
renamed when installed or commissioned. The product supports having any or all of the M for all
factory default user login passwords altered when Classes Business Process
installed or commissioned. If the product has a password recovery or reset
mechanism, an assessment has been made to M for Class 1
Business Process
confirm that this mechanism cannot readily be and above
abused by an unauthorised party. Where passwords are entered on a user interface, M for Class 1
System Software
the actual pass phrase is obscured by default. and above The product allows an authorised and complete
factory reset and all of the device’s authorisation A for all
System Software
information. Classes Where the product has the ability to remotely

recover from attack, it should return to a known M for all
System Software
good state, to enable safe recovery and updating Classes
of the device.

2.4.9 Compliance Applicability – Encryption and Key Management for Hardware

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for the security of the IoT systems
hardware key management and encryption. Guidance is available from the IoTSF [ref 44] regarding Encryption
(Part G).

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class Keyword Keyword If present, a true random number generator
source has been validated for true
A for all
randomness using an NIST SP800-22 [ref 4], System Hardware
FIPS 140-2 [ref 5] or a similar compliance
process. There is a process for secure provisioning of
keys that includes generation, distribution, M for Class
update, revocation and destruction. For 2 and Business Process
example in compliance with FIPS140-2 [ref above
5] or a similar process. There is a secure method of key insertion M for Class
that protects keys against copying. 1 and System Software
above All the product related cryptographic
functions have no publicly known M for Class
unmitigated weaknesses, for example MD5 1 and Business Process
and SHA-1 are not used, e.g. those above
stipulated in NIST SP800-131A [ref 2]. All the product related cryptographic M for Class Business Process

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IoT Security Compliance Framework

functions are sufficiently secure for the 1 and

lifecycle of the product, e.g. those stipulated above
in NIST SP800-131A [ref 2]. The product stores all sensitive unencrypted M for Class
parameters, e.g. keys, in a secure, tamper- 1 and System Hardware
resistant location. above The cryptographic key chain used for signing
production software is different from that
A for all
used for any other test, development or System Software
other software images or support
requirement. In device manufacture, all asymmetric
encryption private keys that are unique to
M for Class
each device are secured as outlined in FIPS
2 and Business Process
140-2[ref 5].They must be truly randomly
internally generated or securely
programmed into each device. All key lengths are sufficient for the level of M for Class
assurance required such as detailed in NIST 2 and Business Policy
SP800-57 Part 1. above

2.4.10 Compliance Applicability – Web User Interface

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for the security of the IoT Product
or Services’ Web Systems. Guidance is available from the IoTSF [ref 44] regarding Application Security (part E),
and Credential Management (Part F).

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keyword
Applicability Where the product or service provides a

M for Class 1
web based user interface, Strong System Software
and above
Authentication is used. Where the product or service provides a
M for all
web based interface, public and restricted System Software
areas shall be separated for authentication. Where the product or service provides a
M for Class 1
web based management interface, Strong System Software
and above
Authentication is used to the web server. Where a web user interface password is
used for login authentication, the initial M for Class 1
System Software
password or factory reset password is and above
unique to each device in the product family. The web user interface is protected by an
M for Class 1
automatic session idle logout timeout System Software
and above
function. User passwords are not stored in plain text
Strong passwords are required, and a
random salt value is incorporated with the M for Class 1
System Software
password. For further info see the 3GPP and above
TS33.117 Password policy [ref 17], NIST
SP800-63b [ref 26] and NCSC [ref 48]. Where passwords are entered on a user M for Class 1 System Software

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interface, the actual pass phrase is obscured and above

by default to prevent the capture of
passwords. The web user interface shall follow good
M for Class 1
practice guidelines, such as those listed in Business Policy
and above
the OWASP [Ref 30]. A vulnerability assessment has been
M for Class 1
performed before deployment and on an Business Process
and above
ongoing basis afterwards. All data being transferred over interfaces
should be validated where appropriate. This
M for all
could include checking the data type, System Software
length, format, range, authenticity, origin
and frequency. Sanitize input in Web applications by using
URL encoding or HTML encoding to wrap M for all
System Software
data and treat it as literal text rather than classes
executable script. All inputs and outputs are validated using
for example a whitelist containing M for all
System Software
authorised origins of data and valid classes
attributes of such data. Administration Interfaces are accessible
only by authorized operators. Mutual M for Class 1
System Software
Authentication is used over administration and above
interfaces, for example, by using certificates. Reduce the lifetime of sessions to mitigate
the risk of session hijacking and replay
M for Class 1
attacks. For example to reduce the time an System Software
and above
attacker has to capture a session cookie and
use it to access an application. All inputs and outputs are checked for
validity e.g. use “Fuzzing” tests to check for
M for Class 1
acceptable responses or output for both Business Process
and above
expected (valid) and unexpected (invalid)
input stimuli.

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2.4.11 Compliance Applicability – Mobile Application

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for the security of the IoT Product
or Services’ Mobile Application. Guidance is available from the IoTSF [ref 44] regarding Application Security
(Part E) and Credential Management (Part F).

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keywords
Applicability Where an application’s user interface

password is used for login M for Class 1
System Software
authentication, the initial password or and above
factory reset password is unique to
each device in the product family. Password entry follows industry
standard practice such M for Class 1
System Software
recommendations of the 3GPP and above
TS33.117 Password policy [ref 17] or
NIST SP800-63b [ref 26]. The mobile application ensures that any
related databases or files are either
M for Class 1
tamper resistant or restricted in their System Software
and above
access. Upon detection of tampering of
the databases or files they are re-
initialised. Where the application communicates
with a product related remote M for Class 1
System Software
server(s), or device, it does so over a and above
secure connection such as a TLS
connection using certificate pinning. The product securely stores any
M for Class 1
passwords using an industry standard System Software
and above
cryptographic algorithm, for example
see FIPS 140-2 [ref 5].
Where passwords are entered on a user
M for Class 1 interface, the actual pass phrase is System Software
and above
obscured by default to prevent the
capture of passwords. All data being transferred over
interfaces should be validated where
M for all
appropriate. This could include System Software
checking the data type, length, format,
range, authenticity, origin and
frequency. Secure administration interfaces: it is
important that configuration
management functionality is accessible
M for Class 1
only by authorised operators and System Software
and above
administrators. Enforce strong
authentication over administration
interfaces, for example, by using

Release 2 Page 29/46 © 2018 IoT Security Foundation

IoT Security Compliance Framework All application inputs and outputs are

validated using for example a whitelist M for all
System Software
containing authorised origins of data classes
and valid attributes of such data, see
NIST SP 800-167 [ref 34].

2.4.12 Compliance Applicability – Privacy

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for Data Protection and Privacy
regulatory compliance.

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword
Applicability Keywords The product/service stores the

System Software
minimum amount of Personal M for All
Information from users required for the Classes
Business Policy
operation of the service. The product/service ensures that all
Personal Information is encrypted (both System Software
M for Class 1
when stored and if communicated out
and above
of the device, see IoTSF guidance [ref Business Policy
44] Part H on Network Connections The product/service ensures that only System Software
M for All
authorised personnel have access to
personal data of users. Business Policy The product/service ensures that
System Software
Personal Information is anonymised M for All
whenever possible and in particular in Classes
Business Policy
any reporting. The Product Manufacturer or Service
Provider shall ensure that a data M for Class 1
Business Policy
retention policy is in place and and above
documented for users. There is a method or methods for the
product owner to be informed about M for Class 1
Business Process
what Personal Information is collected, and above
why, where it will be stored. There is a method or methods for the
product owner to check/verify what M for All
System Software
Personal Information is collected and Classes
deleted. The product / service can be made
compliant with the local and/or regional System Software
M for All
Personal Information protection
legislation where the product is to be Business Process
sold for example GDPR [ref 14]. The supplier or manufacturer of any
device shall provide information about
A for All
how the device(s) functions within the Business Process
end user’s network may affect their

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IoT Security Compliance Framework The supplier or manufacturer of any

devices or devices shall provide clear
M for All
information about how the device(s) Business Process
shall be setup to maintain the end
user’s privacy and security. The supplier or manufacturer of any
devices and/or services shall provide
information about how the device(s) M for Class 1
Business Process
removal and/or disposal shall be carried and above
out to maintain the end user’s privacy
and security. The supplier or manufacturer of any
devices or services shall provide clear
M for Class 1
information about the end user’s Business Process
and above
responsibilities to maintain the devices
and/or services privacy and security. Security of devices and services should
be designed with usability in mind.
M for All
Reducing user decision points that may System Software
have a detrimental impact on security
and privacy. The product or service only records
audio/visual data in accordance with
M for all Software
the authorization of the user (e.g., no System
passive recording without explicit
authorisation). The supplier or manufacturer performs
a privacy impact assessment (PIA) to
A for all
identify Personally Identifiable Business Process
Information (PII) and design approaches
for safeguarding user privacy [ref 49].

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2.4.13 Compliance Applicability – Cloud and Network Elements

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for the security of the IoT Product
or Services’ Cloud or Network Systems.

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class Keyword Keyword All the product related cloud and

network elements have the latest Business
M for Class 2
operating system(s) security updates
and above Software
implemented and processes are in place System
to keep them updated. Any product related web servers have
M for Class 1
their webserver identification options System Software
and above
(e.g. Apache or Linux) switched off. All product related web servers have
M for Class 1
their webserver HTTP trace and trace System Software
and above
methods disabled. All the product related web servers’ TLS
certificate(s) are signed by trusted
M for Class 1
certificate authorities; are within their System Software
and above
validity period; and processes are in
place for their renewal. The Product Manufacturer or Service
Provider has a process to monitor the
relevant security advisories to ensure all M for Class 1
Business Process
the product related web servers use and above
protocols with no publicly known
weaknesses. The product related web servers support
appropriately secure TLS/DTLS ciphers
and disable/remove support for
deprecated ciphers. For example see A for all Classes System Software
guidance at ENISA [ref 27], SSL Labs [ref
29], IETF RFC7525 [ref 28] and NCSC [ref
50]. The product related web servers have
M for Class 1
repeated renegotiation of TLS System Software
and above
connections disabled. The related servers have unused IP ports M for Class 1
System Software
disabled. and above Where a product related to a webserver
encrypts communications using TLS and
requests a client certificate, the server(s) M for Class 1
System Software
only establishes a connection if the and above
client certificate and its chain of trust are
valid. Where a product related to a webserver
encrypts communications using TLS,
A for all Classes System Software
certificate pinning is implemented. For
example, using OWASP [ref 31] or

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similar organisations’ certificate and

public key pinning guidance. All the related servers and network
M for Class 1
elements prevent the use of null or System Software
and above
blank passwords. All the related servers and network
elements enforce passwords that follows
industry standard practice such M for Class 1
System Software
recommendations of the 3GPP TS33.117 and above
Password policy [ref 17], NIST SP800-63b
[ref 26] and NCSC guidance [ref 48]. The maximum permissible number of
consecutive failed user account login
M for Class 1
attempts follows the recommendations System Software
and above
of 3GPP TS33.117 password policy [ref
17]. All the related servers and network
elements store any passwords using a
cryptographic implementation using M for Class 1
System Software
industry standard cryptographic and above
algorithms, for example see FIPS 140-2
[ref 5]. All the related servers and network
elements support access control
M for Class 1
measures to restrict access to sensitive System Software
and above
information or system processes to
privileged accounts. All the related servers and network
elements prevent anonymous/guest
access except for read only access to M for Class 1
public information. System Software
and above If run as a cloud service, the service

meets industry standard cloud security
principles such as the Cloud Security
A for all Classes System Software
Alliance [ref 18], NIST Cyber Security
Framework [ref 21] or UK Government
Cloud Security Principles [ref 24]. Where a Product or Services includes
any safety critical or life-impacting
functionality, the services infrastructure
M for Class 2
shall incorporate protection against System Software
and above
DDOS attacks, such as dropping of traffic
or sink-holing. See NIST SP 800-53 SC-5
[ref 32]. Where a Product or Service includes any
safety critical or life-impacting
M for Class 1
functionality, the services infrastructure System Software
and above
shall incorporate redundancy to ensure
service continuity and availability. Input data validation should be M for Class 1 System Software

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maintained in accordance with industry and above

practiced methods as per NIST 800-53
SI-10 [Ref 33]. If run as a cloud service, the cloud
service TCP based communications (such
M for Class 1
as MQTT connections) are encrypted System Software
and above
and authenticated using the latest TLS
standard. If run as a cloud service, UDP-based
communications are encrypted using the M for Class 1
System Software
latest Datagram Transport Layer Security and above
(DTLS). Where device identity and/or
configuration registries (e.g. thing
shadows) are implemented within a
M for all Classes System Software
cloud service, the registries are
configured to restrict access to only
authorised administrators. Product-related cloud services bind API
M for Class 2
keys to specific IoT applications and are System Software
and above
not installed on non-authorised devices. Product-related cloud services API keys
are not hard-coded into devices or M for all Classes System Software
applications. If run as a cloud service, privileged roles
are defined and implemented for any M for Class 2
System Software
gateway/service that can configure and Above
devices. Product-related cloud service databases
M for all Classes System Software
are encrypted during storage. Product-related cloud service databases
restrict read/write access to only
M for all Classes System Software
authorized individuals, devices and
services. Product-related cloud services are
designed using a defence-in-depth
architecture consisting of Virtual Private M for all Classes System Software
Clouds (VPCs), firewalled access, and
cloud-based monitoring. When implemented as a cloud service,
all remote access to cloud services is via M for all Classes System Software
secure means (e.g., SSH). Product-related cloud services monitor
for compliance with connection policies M for Class 2
System Software
and report out-of-compliance and above
connection attempts. IoT devices should connect to cloud
services using edge-to-cloud secure A for all Classes System Hardware
hardware (e.g., zero-touch provisioning).

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2.4.14 Compliance Applicability – Secure Supply Chain and Production

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for the security of the IoT Product
or Services’ Supply Chain.

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keyword
Applicability The product has the entire production test and

calibration software used during manufacture
erased or removed or secured before the product
is dispatched from the factory. This is to prevent
alteration of the product post manufacture when A for all
System Software
using authorised production software, for example Classes
hacking of the RF characteristics for greater RF
ERP. Where such functionality is required in a
service centre, it shall be erased or removed upon
completion of any servicing activities. Any hardware design files, software source code
and final production software images with full A for all
Business Process
descriptive annotations are stored encrypted in Classes
off-site locations or by a 3 party Escrow service. In manufacture, all the devices are logged by the
product vendor, utilising unique tamper resistant
identifiers such as serial number so that cloned or M for Class 1
duplicated devices can be identified and either and above Business Process
disabled or prevented from being used with the
system. The production system for a device has a process
to ensure that any devices with duplicate serial M for Class 1
numbers are not shipped and are either and above Business Process
reprogrammed or destroyed. Where a product includes a trusted Secure Boot
process, the entire production test and any related
calibration is executed with the processor system A for all
System Software
operating in its secured boot, authenticated Classes
software mode. A securely controlled area and process shall be
used for device provisioning where the production
A for all
facility is untrusted. For example, implements the
Classes Business Process
controls required in Common Criteria EAL5+/6
certification [refs 6, 7, 8 and 9]. A cryptographic protected ownership proof shall
be transferred along the supply chain and
extended if a new owner is added in the chain. M for Class 1
Business Process
This process shall be based on open standards like and above
Enhanced Privacy ID, Certificates per definition in
ISO 20008/20009 [ref 42].
2.4.14..8 An auditable manifest of all libraries used within
the product (open source, etc.) to support A for all
Business Process
informed vulnerability management during classes
deployment is maintained.

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2.4.15 Compliance Applicability – Configuration

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for the security of the device and
IoT Services configurations.

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keyword
Applicability The configuration of the device and any related web

services is tamper resistant i.e. sensitive configuration
parameters should only be changeable by authorised M for Class 1 Business Policy
people (evidence should list the parameters and who and above
is authorised to change). The configuration shall be provisioned to the device
just in time by authorised services, to replace any M for Class 1
Business Process
existing pre-configuration for secure operation. and above

2.4.16 Compliance Applicability – Device Ownership Transfer

This section’s intended audience is for those personnel who are responsible for Data Protection and Device
Ownership management.

Req. No Requirement Compliance Primary Secondary

Class and Keyword Keyword
Applicability Where a device or devices are capable of having

their ownership transferred to a different
owner, all the previous owner’s Personal
Information shall be removed from the device(s)
M for Class 1
and registered services. This option must be Business Process
and above
available when a transfer of ownership occurs
or when an end user wishes to delete their
Personal Information from the service or device. Where a device or devices user wishes to end
M for Class 1
the service, all Personal Information shall be Business Process
and above
removed from the device and related services. The Service Provider should not have the ability
to do a reverse lookup of device ownership from M for Class 2
Business Process
the device identity. and above In case of ownership change, the device has an
M for Class
irrevocable method of decommissioning and
1and above System Software
recommissioning. The device registration [ref 16] with the Service
M for Class 1
Provider shall be secure (method and reasoning Business Process
and above
needed in evidence). The device manufacturer ensures that the
identity of the device is independent of the end
M for Class 1
user, to ensure anonymity and comply with Business Policy
and above
relevant local data privacy laws e.g. GDPR [ref
14] in the EU.

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3 References and Abbreviations

3.1 References & Standards
The following organisations, publications and/or standards have been used for the source of references in this

 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project)

 CSA (Cloud Security Alliance)
 DoD (US Department of Defense)
 ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security)
 ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
 EU (European Union)
 FIPS (US Federal Information Processing Standard)
 GSMA (GSM Association)
 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
 IoTSF (Internet of Things Security Foundation
 ISO (International Standard Organisation)
 JTAG (Joint Test Action Group)
 NCSC (UK National Cyber Security Centre)
 NIST (US National Institute of Standards and Technology)
 OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)

The following references are used in this document.

1. NIST Special Publication SP800-57 Part 3 Revision 1” NIST Special Publication 800 – 57 Part 3 Revision 1
Recommendation for Key Management Part 3: Application – Specific Key Management Guidance”
January 2015
2. NIST Special Publication 800-131A Revision 1 ”Transitions: Recommendation for Transitioning the Use of
Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths” November 2015
3. NIST Special Publication 800-90A Revision 1 “Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using
Deterministic Random Bit Generators” June 2015
4. Special Publication 800-22 Revision 1a “A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number
Generators for Cryptographic Applications” April 2010
5. FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 2001.
6. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Part 1: Introduction and general model
September 2012 Version 3.1 CCMB-2012-09-001 CCMB-2012-09-003
7. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Part 2: Security functional components
September 2012 Version 3.1 Revision 4 CCMB-2012-09-002
8. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Part 3: Security assurance components
September 2012 Version 3.1 Revision 4
9. Draft Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems; NIST; October 2016

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10. UK Government advice on Password Guidance, Simplifying your approach, CESG and CPNI Sept 2015:
11. DoDI-8500.2 IA Controls:
12. NIST Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Special
Publication 800-122, NIST, April 2010:
13. Key definitions of the Data Protection Act, ICO:
14. Overview of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), ICO:
15. Annex J (normative): List of Privacy Attributes and Clause 11 Privacy Protection Architecture using Privacy
Policy Manager(PPM)
16. Example of IoT application id registry and possible privacy profile registry
17. 3GPP TS33.117. Catalogue of general security assurance requirements produced by ESTI
18. Cloud Security Alliance, Cloud Security Alliance is a not-for-profit organization promoting best practices
for security assurance within Cloud Computing
19. IoTSF Compliance Framework, Compliance Checklist and Vulnerability Disclosure Guidelines can be
20. NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
21. NIST Cyber Security Framework
22. Octave, programming language
23. UK Cyber Essentials: UK government-backed, industry supported scheme to help organisations protect
themselves against common cyber-attacks
24. UK Government Cloud Security Principles is for consumers and providers using cloud services
25. IETF – RFC2119 “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels”
26. NIST SP800-63b Revision 1” NIST Special Publication 800-63B Digital Identity Guidelines Authentication
and Lifecycle Management” June 2017
27. ENISA “Algorithms, Key Sizes and Parameters Report – 2013”
28. IETF RFC7525 “Recommendations for Secure Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram
Transport Layer Security (DTLS)”
29. SSL Labs “SSL-and-TLS-Deployment-Best-Practices” 31 March 2017
30. OWASP “Transport Layer Protection Cheat Sheet”
31. OWASP Certificate and Public Key Pinning

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32. NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 4, “Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information
Systems and Organizations” – SC-5 Denial of Service Protection
33. NIST 800-53, Revision 4, “Security Controls and Assessment Procedures for Federal Information Systems
and Organizations” - SI10 Information Input Validation
34. NIST Special Publication 800–167 “Guide to Application Whitelisting”
35. NIST SP 800-37 Rev. 1 “Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information
Systems: a Security Life Cycle Approach Risk Management Framework” or Otave from ENISA
36. Supply Chain of Trust by Hayden Povey of Secure Thingz and the IoTSF
37. Static Code Analysis Tools
38. Bluetooth Numeric Comparison page 14
39. UK Government Cyber security risk assessment guidance
40. NIST Special Publication 800-30 guidance for conducting risk assessments
41. EU ENISA guidance of Cyber Security Risk Management
42. Security Policy ISO/IEC Standards for Vulnerability Disclosures ISO/IEC 29147 and ISO/IEC 30111 and
43. Enhanced Privacy standard for Anonymous Signatures ISO/IEC20008
44. IoTSF Best Practice Guidelines for Connected Consumer Products V1.1 includes
at time of publication individual guidelines for the following topics:
A. Classification of data
B. Physical security
C. Device secure boot
D. Secure operating system
E. Application security
F. Credential management
G. Encryption
H. Network connections
J. Securing software updates
L. Logging

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L. Software update policy

45. CIA Triad has no original source , but for more info visit:
46. Examples of security vulnerability advisory programs: and https://ics-
47. Example of memory sensitization:
SEI CERT C Coding Standard Recommendation MEM03-C: “Clear sensitive information stored in reusable
ISO/IEC TR 24772:2013 “Information technology -- Programming languages -- Guidance to avoiding
vulnerabilities in programming languages through language selection and use”
“Sensitive Information Uncleared Before Use”
Other references:
MITRE CWE-226 “Sensitive Information Uncleared Before Release”
CWE-244 “Improper Clearing of Heap Memory Before Release ('Heap Inspection')”
48. NCSC password guidance
49. Privacy Impact Assessment advice can be found at
assessments/ and
50. NCSC guidance on TLS management
51. WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access is the name given to wireless security standard IEEE 802.11i-2004

3.2 Definitions and Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply.

3.2.1 Definitions

Anonymity In case of market requirements, an anonymous identity is required during

ownership transfer. EU data privacy or Germany Privacy Regulations apply.

Application Applications (also called end-user programs) are software programs designed to
perform a group of coordinated functions or tasks that may vary by installation or
model. Examples of IoT applications include a web browser, sensor management,
or actuator controller. This contrasts with system software, which executes the
operating software of the main processor in the device.

Authentication Authentication is the process of recognizing an identity. It is the mechanism of

associating an incoming request with a set of identifying credentials. The
credentials provided are checked with those in the device or within an
authentication service.

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Boot The initial process used by the device when turned on that prepares the system
for operation (Normally contains low level Secure Boot steps).

Consumer An end user, and not necessarily a purchaser, in the distribution chain of a good
or service who make personal use an IoT device and/or service.

Deployment The placing of the product into customer trial or service.

Encrypted Data secured using a recognised algorithm and protected keys so as to be

meaningful only if decoded, and decodable only by those with access to the
relevant algorithm and keys.

Enterprise An organisation in business for commercial or not-for-profit purposes that share

information technology resources.

Firmware Computer programs and data stored in hardware – typically in read only memory
(ROM) or programmable read-only memory (PROM) – such that the programs and
data cannot be dynamically written or modified during execution of the programs.

IoT Product Class Class of network products that all implement a common set of IoTSF defined
functions for that particular IOT product.

Interactive Account Interactive accounts include non-personal accounts such as root, admin, service,
batch, superuser or privilege accounts that permit infrastructural changes.

Mutual Authentication Mutual authentication refers to a security process or technology in which two
entities in a communications link verify the origin and integrity of each other
before any sensitive data is sent over the connection.

In a network, the client authenticates the server and vice-versa. It is a default

mode of authentication in some protocols.

SSH see and optional in others: TLS see

Nonce Nonce is an abbreviation of the term "number used once. It is often a random or
pseudo-random number issued in an authentication protocol to ensure that old
communications messages cannot be reused in replay attacks.

Operating System An operating system (OS) is system software that manages device hardware and
software resources and provides common services for software programs

Onboarding The method to register a device into its service or solution to enable device
registration [ref 16], configuration and data transfer.

Ownership Transfer In case a device is transferred through a supply chain and changes owner, this
method ensures a reliable and secure transfer of ownership.

Personal Information Personal Information is defined by the EU General Data Protection Regulation

‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable

natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be
identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a

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name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or

more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic,
cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Secure Boot Process that ensures a device only starts software that is trusted by the OEM.

Secure Protocol The Method to exchanging information during registration and ownership
transfer securely and reliably.

Software Unless otherwise explicitly stated, for the purposes of this document the term
software also includes any firmware elements in the product.

Strong Authentication A procedure based on the use of two or more of the following elements –
categorised as knowledge, ownership and inherence:

i) Something only the user or device knows, e.g. static password, code, personal
identification number;
ii) Something only the user or device possesses ,e.g. token, smart card, mobile
iii) Something the user or device is, e.g. biometric characteristic, such as a

In addition, the elements selected must be mutually independent, i.e. the breach
of one does not compromise the other(s). At least one of the elements should be
non-reusable and non-replicable (except for inherence), and not capable of being
surreptitiously stolen via the internet. The strong authentication procedure should
be designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication
data defined other examples include NIST Special Publication 800-63B see [ref 26]
and European Central Bank: Recommendations For The Security Of Internet

Supply Chain of Trust Where an IoT system uses device or service components with more than one
source, all sources demonstrate compliance with the relevant requirements of
this framework. This will lead to the Devices and services in an IoT system
exhibiting the following attributes:
 Engender robust Root of Trust and secure identities
 Safeguard application code at source Inhibit grey-manufacturing and
protect IP
 Ensure only valid applications are programmed
 Integrate robust key structures for ownership delegation
 Enable lifecycle updates and patching
Tamper Evident The enclosure of the product has measures to ensure that any unauthorised
attempt to open it leaves evidence of the attempt, for example, labelling across a
product’s enclosure joint that fragments when the joint is disturbed.

Tamper Resistant The enclosure of the product has measures to prevent its unauthorised opening.
Typically through the use of specialist fasteners or other features that require the
use of specialist tooling, unique to the product.

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3.2.2 Abbreviations

CoAP Constrained Application Protocol

DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security
EAL Evaluation Assurance Level
ERP Effective Radiated Power
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
MD Message Digest
MQTT Message Queue Telemetry Transport - ISO standard ISO/IEC PRF 20922
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SSH Secure Socket Shell
TRNG True Random Number Generator
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBD To Be Determined
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
T3P Trusted Third Party
UDP User Datagram Protocol
URL Uniform Resource Locator
WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup

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Appendix A Risk Assessment

1. Risk Assessment Steps

The core of the security process is to understand what is being protected and from what or whom. It is also
important to identify what is not being protected. There are many ways to accomplish this procedure, but it is
recommended to use well known, best practice, risk management standards [Ref 39, 40 and 41]. Risk
management techniques can also be found in several common business training publications. An outline of the
Risk Assessment process seen in the flow diagram and bullet list below:

Record Risk Align Risk

Register Regisiter with

Product To
Be assessed Assess Risk
Factors Compliance

Checklist Complete
Responsibilities Collate
Threats Framework
Questionnaire &
Collate Risks

 Create a list of security risks to the product

o Use brainstorming techniques, mind mapping or other Group Creativity techniques.

o Generate a list covering both business and technical threats:

 E.g. “Brand Image damage due to adverse publicity”, “cost of product recall”, “product
exposes users Wi-Fi credentials”

 Safety aspects of the product that affect users if the security is compromised

 The Framework can be used to support the creation of the list of risks by considering the
Compliance Class criteria

 Assess the “probability” of each item on the Risk List happening

 Assess the “Cost” (impact in terms of the detectability and recovery ) of each item on the Risk List – if it

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 Multiply the Cost by the Probability, this gives a “Risk Factor”

 Order list by “Risk Factor”. This could be a percentage or simply Probability x Impact

This list becomes the “Risk Register” document and may then be used to guide and justify the work needed to
address product security. The aim of the work is to reduce the risk “probability” factor to an acceptable level.

Example of Simplified Risk Register

Threat Probability Impact/Cost Risk Factor

High=H, Low =L
Encryption and Key Management L H LH

Web User Interface threats H H HH

Mobile Application threats L L LL

Privacy threats L H LH

2. Security Objectives and Requirements

The next step is to identify the security objectives and security non-objectives for the product. Items with high
risk factors that need mitigation by design are usually considered as security objectives and items with low risk
factors for which investment in mitigation is not justified are considered as non-objectives. Each objective must
clearly state the asset that needs protection and relevant threats. Any excluded objectives should also be
stated and explained, to make clear that they have been considered.

Security requirements are then derived from the security objectives. The main difference between those two is
that security objectives specify what need to be protected and security requirements are the means to achieve
the required protection. The Security requirements document is a major milestone in the product development
life cycle and should be ready before design is started.

3. Security Requirements Design and Implementation

The Security requirements document feeds the design and validation teams. Design methodology of security
features is not different from the general design methodology of regular functional requirements. However,
this is not true for validation methodology. The aim of the functional requirements validation is to verify that a
system is able to do properly what it was designed to do. Security validation shall also try to simulate illegal or
unexpected scenarios (e.g. writing to reserved bits in a register or applying an incorrect power up sequence)
and verify that a system behaviour is predictable and security assets are not compromised.

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