Ics Handbook Part1

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19 December 2012
This handbook is a result of a collaborative effort between
the “Joint Threat Assessment and Negation for Installation
Infrastructure Control Systems” (JTANIICS) Quick Reaction
Test (QRT) and the Joint Test and Evaluation (JT&E)
Program under the Director, Operational Test and
Evaluation, Office of the Secretary of Defense. The JT&E
Program seeks nominations from Services, combatant
commands, and national agencies for projects that
develop test products to resolve joint operational
problems. The objective of the JT&E Program is to find
ways for warfighters to improve mission performance with
current equipment, organizations, and doctrine.

Please visit www.jte.osd.mil for additional information on

the JT&E Program.

Handbook content is a result of the combined work of the

346th Test Squadron, 262d Network Warfare Squadron,
and the Idaho National Laboratory under the aegis of the
Air Force Joint Test Program Office with advice of Joint
Warfighter Advisory Group (JWAG)
members/stakeholders. Myriad of other agencies
influenced content by means of their publications (sources
listed in an appendix).

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................ 1
INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS “101”............................................................................................................... 5
HANDBOOK AUTHORITIES................................................................................................................................... 8
DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN ICS AND IT ................................................................................................................... 8
THREATS ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
MISSION PRIORITIES .......................................................................................................................................... 11
MISSION IMPACT............................................................................................................................................... 15
THE MOST SECURE ICS ...................................................................................................................................... 16
RISK ASSESSMENT & MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................ 19
FRAMEWORK FOR SUCCESSFUL ICS DEFENSE................................................................................................... 19
ICS SECURITY ASSESSMENT PROCESS ............................................................................................................... 21
SOFTWARE TOOLS ............................................................................................................................................. 25
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................. 26
ICS SECURITY ACTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 26
RECOMMENDED ICS DEFENSE ACTIONS ........................................................................................................... 27
POLICY ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
LEADERSHIP ................................................................................................................................................... 28
PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................................................... 29
TRAINING....................................................................................................................................................... 30
ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................................................................. 31
FACILITIES ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
MATERIEL ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
CYBER SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................ 34
APPENDIX A REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 37
APPENDIX B WEB LINKS ................................................................................................................................. 42
APPENDIX C ACRONYMS................................................................................................................................ 44
APPENDIX D GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................. 48
APPENDIX E CE BRIEFING GRAPHICS ............................................................................................................. 55
APPENDIX F RISK ASSESSMENT & MANAGEMENT MODELS ......................................................................... 56
APPENDIX G CSET ........................................................................................................................................... 60
APPENDIX H DCIP........................................................................................................................................... 62
APPENDIX I UNIVERSAL JOINT TASKS ............................................................................................................ 63

APPENDIX J ICS TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES .................................................................................................. 65
APPENDIX K ICS SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ................................................................................................. 69
ATTACHMENT 1 MAPPING INTERDEPENDENCIES & ASSESSING RISK ........................................................... 71
ATTACHMENT 2 CHECKLIST OF RECOMMENDED ACTIONS .......................................................................... 84
VERSION 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 105
ATTACHMENT 4 CSET 5.1 INSTALLATION ICS ENCLAVE EXAMPLE .............................................................. 200

1. ICS Security Assessment Eight-Step Process p. 3
2. PLCs & RTUs: The Challenge of Finding the Connectivity p. 6
3. Mapping Mission Assurance to ICS p. 12
4. The ICS Security Team p. 19
5. It Only Takes a Minute p. 34

With mission assurance utmost

in mind, this handbook is
intended to provide an
installation commander & staff
with a generalized approach to
eliminate, minimize, or
otherwise mitigate risks to the
mission as posed by Industrial
Control System (ICS)

“The most common cause of task degradation or mission failure is

human error, specifically the inability to consistently manage risk.”

OPNAVINST 3500.39C (2010), para. 4

Industrial Control Systems
Vulnerability & Risk Self-Assessment Aid


Key Points
• The primary goal is mission assurance.
• The primary focus is on risk management.
• The primary audience is the installation commander, with his or her staff as close
• The primary intent is to facilitate self-assessment of Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
security posture vis-à-vis missions’ priorities.
• The primary approach is generic, enabling broad (Joint/all Services) utility.

One of the essential responsibilities of the installation commander and supporting staff is to
manage risks to establish optimal conditions for assuring successful accomplishment of
assigned missions every day. Although not always obvious, many missions depend on the
unfailing functioning of ICS and therefore on the security of those systems.

A mission assured today is never taken for granted as assured tomorrow. Mission assurance
demands constant vigilance along with proactive risk management. Risks come in myriad
shapes and sizes—some enduring, some sporadic and situational, others appearing without
warning. ICS represent only one set among a vast array of mission vulnerabilities and risks, an
array that often competes for resources and, therefore, requires prioritization of management

This handbook is intended for use primarily by Department of Defense (DOD) installation
commanders, supported by staff members, as a management tool to self-assess,1 prioritize,
and manage mission-related vulnerabilities and risks that may be exposed or created by
connectivity to ICS. ICS include a variety of systems or mechanisms used to monitor and/or
operate critical infrastructure elements, such as electricity, water, natural gas, fuels, entry and
access (doors, buildings, gates), heating & air-conditioning, runway lighting, etc. Other terms

Other entities and programs are available to conduct formal and very thorough technical assessments, but those
must be coordinated, scheduled, and resourced (i.e., funded). This aid provides an ability to conduct self-
assessments when/as necessary or desired, and thereby, also the ability to prioritize and manage the resources
required to address identified vulnerabilities and risks.

often heard include SCADA, DCS, or EMCS.2 Throughout this book the term “ICS” is used as
encompassing such variations.

This book is intentionally generic. Whatever the category of ICS, the approach to vulnerability
assessment and risk management is similar. The applicability of actions recommended here
may be extended to any DOD military installation regardless of the specific categories of ICS
encountered. In keeping with the generic approach and due primarily to the unique nature of
each installation’s infrastructure, beyond a couple of exceptions there are no checklists,
standard operating procedures (SOP), or similar sets of lock-step actions provided here.
However, a risk management team using the handbook likely will want to develop checklists
tailored to their specific circumstances.

Among other purposes, this handbook is intended to increase awareness of how a threat
related to the ICS itself translates into a threat to the mission, either directly through the ICS or
circuitously via network connections. Every military installation has numerous mission-support
processes and systems controlled by, or that otherwise depend on, ICS. Every connection or
access point represents potential vulnerabilities and, therefore, risks to the system under
control (i.e., electrical, water, emergency services, etc.), which can escalate quickly to adverse
impact on mission essential functions (MEF) and mission accomplishment.

Fundamentally then, this handbook is provided to help the installation leadership conduct a risk
self-assessment focused on ICS and supported missions and then implement plans to manage
that risk. Most of the information contained herein is not unique to this publication. Two
unique aspects are: (1) the aggregation of disparate information into one place, distilling
essentials, and tailoring to DOD installation leadership; and (2) bringing cyber/information
technology (IT), civil engineers, public works, and mission operators together with a singular
focus on ICS security in support of missions. This handbook (via Appendices) also points to
additional resources.

The key set of activities—one exception to the “no checklists” approach—is found under the
heading “ICS Security Assessment Process.” Succinctly the process consists of eight steps,
which if implemented with deliberation and in a team environment, will set the success
conditions for all other actions recommended or suggested within this handbook (see Figure 1).
This set of eight steps represents the core of the handbook. All other information herein is
intended to support implementation of those eight steps.

SCADA= Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition; DCS = Distributed Control System; EMCS = Energy
Management Control System. Other variations exist; for example, building control systems.

Before explaining the eight-step assessment process, the handbook provides introductory,
informative and supporting information. Closely aligned with and serving as companion to the
“Assessment Process” is a section titled “Framework for Successful ICS Defense.” If the
installation does not already have a single ICS manager and/or team, the “Framework” should
be considered prior to engaging on the eight-step process.

Figure 1. ICS Security Assessment Eight-Step Process


Key Point
• Understanding ICS is not difficult; the challenge is to understand the ICS relationship to

Fundamentally Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are systems and mechanisms that control flow.
ICS control flow of electricity, fluids, gases, air, traffic, and even people. They are the
computer-controlled electro-mechanical systems that ensure installation infrastructure services
are delivered when and where required to accomplish the mission. In the electric
infrastructure, they control actions such as opening and closing switches; for water, they open
and close valves; for buildings, they control access to various doors as well as operation of the
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.

The term “Industrial Control System” is broad; specific instances of ICS may be called
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Distributed Control System (DCS), Energy
Management Control System (EMCS), Emergency Medical Service (EMS), or other terms but all
perform the same fundamental function. Also, on DOD installations, ICS are associated
primarily with infrastructure elements; therefore, though not technically accurate, they may be
referred to as “Infrastructure” vice “Industrial” control systems. The hardware components
that comprise an ICS usually are classed as operational technology (OT) versus information
technology (IT), which refers to (among other things) the computer equipment that sits on
nearly every desk. Another term used in this domain is Platform Information Technology (PIT),3
(and PITI, with the ‘I’ referring to interconnect, or connected to the network) although ICS are
only one sub-category of PIT, which also includes weapons systems, aircraft, vehicles, buildings,
etc. Terminology is not that critical. What is important is to know that ICS are critical to the

You frequently have used an ICS—though not by that term—in your home. It is called a
“thermostat.” The most simple of thermostats may not be so obvious as an ICS, but the more
sophisticated can be programmed to automatically control the flow of air (heated, cooled, or
just fan) by day, time, room, zone, etc. The most advanced allow the owner to monitor and
operate the system over an Internet connection or Wi-Fi, using a Smartphone or tablet.

The “Smart Grid,” once fully implemented, will allow your utility company to operate your
thermostat remotely. The thermostat monitors temperatures (and some include humidity) and

“PIT” is used more by the Air Force and to a lesser extent by the Navy. At the DoD level, PIT is addressed mostly
under information assurance (IA) guidance, such as DODI 8500.2. See the Glossary for a DOD definition of PIT.

then operates the electro-mechanical equipment (furnace, air conditioner, fan) to respond to
the preset conditions you have selected. If the thermostat fails—even though the mechanicals
are in perfect operating condition—the mission (cool, heat) fails. This same concept translates
to the installation’s missions: if the ICS fails the mission can fail, although the direct cause and
effect may not always be so obvious.

ICS typically are not visible to the general population. The control devices themselves are
behind panels, behind walls, inside cabinets, under floors, under roads; the master control
computers more often reside in a room in a civil engineer (CE) or public works (PW) facility.
Because they are essentially invisible to all but CE and PW, and are considered as simply
infrastructure elements, ICS often are overlooked when assessing mission dependencies.
Regardless of where they physically reside or who directly operates the ICS, every person and
every mission on the installation is a stakeholder in their properly functioning.

While the ICS field (vs. control room) elements consist of mostly electro-mechanical devices,
some are actually computers that control other field devices and communicate with other
computers in the system with minimal human interaction. The most common example of this
type is the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).4 PLCs (and their cousins, Remote Terminal
Units or RTU) are very important because they are computers, typically not under direct human
supervision, and offer multiple pathways (e.g., wireless, modem, Ethernet, Universal Serial Bus
[USB]) for connecting to both the controlled infrastructure and the network. This combination
of characteristics makes the PLC an especially vulnerable node in the ICS.

At the front end—the control center—is where most of the computers (servers, system
interfaces, etc.) and, more critically, connection to other networks reside. While PLCs/RTUs
may become connected (autonomously or by human intervention) for intermittent periods,
control center computers may be continuously connected5 to the Non-secure Internet Protocol
Router Network (NIPRNet), other elements of the Global Information Grid (GIG), and/or an
Internet Service Provider (ISP). It is especially at this node that ICS should be treated with the
same security considerations as with IT.
Whether an ICS element is continuously or only intermittently connected presents the same
fundamental security issue. Anytime an element is connected to a network, even if for only

Many will recall that a Siemens PLC was the primary target for the Stuxnet code that impacted the centrifuges in
the Iranian nuclear processing facility at Natanz in 2010. This same PLC (or variants) can be found in the critical
infrastructures on numerous DOD installations. See an informative Wikipedia article on Stuxnet here:
Another term used here is PIT-I, or PIT-Interconnect—that juncture where the ICS (or OT) connects with the IT
network. For detail on PIT and PIT-I, in addition to DODI 8500.2, see: DODD 8500.01E; AFI 33-210 with AFGM2.2;
AFCESA ETL 11-1; DON CIO Memo 02-10 and Enclosures.

brief instances, it is vulnerable to destructive attack, compromise, or manipulation. Therefore,
when assessing risk the key question is not “Is it connected?” but “Is it connect-able?”
Network mapping (via software) will not reveal such potential connectivity; only a physical,
visual inspection of an element by a knowledgeable expert (more likely an IT than a CE or PW
person) will yield specific information on what type of connection ports exist on what elements.
Where the location of an element makes visual inspection impractical or impossible, use the
manufacturer’s or vendor’s published manuals for that specific piece of equipment.

Understanding the fundamentals of ICS is not difficult. The challenge is in understanding the
dependencies of mission on ICS and therefore, appropriately managing the risks to the ICS and
to the missions they support. This handbook is intended to assist the commander and staff in
gaining that understanding.

Figure 2. PLCs & RTUs: The Challenge of Finding the Connectivity


Key Point:
• The handbook reflects breadth and depth of ICS community expertise.

This handbook was developed based on a broad collection of authoritative sources;6 underwent
field testing to validate the framework and applicability at the installation command level; was
reviewed by a Joint Warfighter Advisory Group (JWAG7) to verify broad (i.e., Joint) applicability;
and received direct input by a broad-based selection of ICS and risk management subject
matter experts (SME). Users of this handbook will gain even greater value by referencing
current publications of primary sources. Some of the major publications are listed in Appendix
A, References. Note that while this handbook is advisory, many of the sources are authoritative
and/or directive.


Key Point:
• ICS and IT share similarities, but also have unique characteristics.

Fundamentally ICS security is a combination of IA, cyber security, physical security, and
operations security (OPSEC). This same combination is applicable to IT, so is there any
difference between ICS and IT? Yes. One key distinction between ICS and other IT
architectures is that the physical world can be impacted disastrously by malicious (or only
accidental) manipulation of the ICS. For example, with IT there typically is linkage with only
other IT components; with ICS the linkage can be to the electric grid, powering other critical
assets, as well as to other infrastructure elements. This gives rise to another primary
distinction, namely that ICS must always be available while “pure” IT can survive downtimes.
Another important difference is in the “refresh” rates of the technologies: IT tends to turn over
in three years or less while OT (ICS) can be on a 20-year cycle. Why is this important to know?

Among sources: Idaho National Laboratory (INL); AF Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA); Department of
Homeland Security DHS ICS-Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT); the National SCADA Test Bed (NSTB);
DHS Center for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI); National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST); National Security Agency’s (NSA) Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS); Federal Information
Processing Standards (FIPS); and numerous SMEs who are members of or closely associated with the DoD.
JWAG participants may differ from meeting-to-meeting, but broadly represent stakeholders in the outcome or
product of a specified Joint activity or project. For this handbook the initial JWAG included representatives from
United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), Northern Command (NORTHCOM), AFCESA, INL, Sandia National
Laboratory (SNL), and various CE and communications experts from both Army and Air Force elements of Joint
Base San Antonio.

The long refresh cycle of ICS results in hardware, software, and operating systems no longer
supported by vendors. The impacts of lack of support include: woefully stale malware
detection programs, operating systems that cannot handle newer (and more efficient/effective)
software programs, and hardware that may be on the verge of catastrophic failure with no
backup or failover equipment available.

The following extract from NIST Special Publication 800-828 provides an excellent review of not
only the distinctions but also the similarities and how OT (such as ICS) and IT are converging.

“Initially, ICS had little resemblance to traditional information technology (IT)

systems in that ICS were isolated systems running proprietary control protocols
using specialized hardware and software. Widely available, low-cost Internet
Protocol (IP) devices are now replacing proprietary solutions, which increases
the possibility of cyber security vulnerabilities and incidents. As ICS are adopting
IT solutions to promote corporate business systems connectivity and remote
access capabilities, and are being designed and implemented using industry
standard computers, operating systems (OS) and network protocols, they are
starting to resemble IT systems. This integration supports new IT capabilities, but
it provides significantly less isolation for ICS from the outside world than
predecessor systems, creating a greater need to secure these systems. While
security solutions have been designed to deal with these security issues in typical
IT systems, special precautions must be taken when introducing these same
solutions to ICS environments. In some cases, new security solutions are needed
that are tailored to the ICS environment.

“Although some characteristics are similar, ICS also have characteristics that
differ from traditional information processing systems. Many of these
differences stem from the fact that logic executing in ICS has a direct affect on
the physical world. Some of these characteristics include significant risk to the
health and safety of human lives and serious damage to the environment, as well
as serious financial issues such as production losses, negative impact to a
nation’s economy, and compromise of proprietary information. ICS have unique
performance and reliability requirements and often use operating systems and
applications that may be considered unconventional to typical IT personnel.
Furthermore, the goals of safety and efficiency sometimes conflict with security
in the design and operation of control systems.

NIST SP 800-82, 2011 version, Executive Summary, p.1.

Originally, ICS implementations were susceptible primarily to local threats
because many of their components were in physically secured areas and the
components were not connected to IT networks or systems. However, the trend
toward integrating ICS systems with IT networks provides significantly less
isolation for ICS from the outside world than predecessor systems, creating a
greater need to secure these systems from remote, external threats. Also, the
increasing use of wireless networking places ICS implementations at greater risk
from adversaries who are in relatively close physical proximity but do not have
direct physical access to the equipment. Threats to control systems can come
from numerous sources, including hostile governments, terrorist groups,
disgruntled employees, malicious intruders, complexities, accidents, natural
disasters as well as malicious or accidental actions by insiders. ICS security
objectives typically follow the priority of availability, integrity and confidentiality,
in that order.”

Distinctions between ICS and IT aside, from a purely technical security standpoint, ICS may be
considered on par with IT or IA vis-à-vis security challenges, albeit with warnings about use of
certain software tools on the networks.9


Key Point:
• Threats are global but assessments must be local.

What threats could be posed to an installation’s mission by or through the ICS? This is an
essential question, but one that cannot be answered specifically in an unclassified venue or
simplistically in any venue. Generically, threats fall into categories similar to IT and/or cyber:
terrorist, criminal, insider, environmental, etc. Use of this self-assessment handbook can lead
to a deeper understanding of the infrastructure and establish mitigation conditions whereby
specific threats may be identified. But even without specific threats known many risks can be

Caveat emptor with respect to software tools. Software applications that test, penetrate, scan, characterize,
and/or defend networks should be considered equivalent to “loaded weapons” with respect to control systems.
Some tools that are entirely “safe” when used on IT networks have been demonstrated both in the field and under
controlled conditions to have negative, even catastrophic effects on ICS networks. If such tools are considered for
use on ICS, the decision must be an informed one and the tool operator must be a SME who understands potential
effects of that tool on an ICS. Furthermore, any such use must be coordinated with the relevant IT agency (e.g.,
Service CERT) because tool use on the connected ICS could trip various IT network defense mechanisms (firewalls,
intrusion detection system (IDS), intrusion prevention system (IPS), etc).

identified and managed. In other words, this handbook can help to establish a more effective
and efficient security posture to conduct formal threat assessments.

The Security Incidents Organization in a 2009 survey (not specific to DOD) assessed that roughly
75% of ICS incidents were unintentional. Of the 25% that were intentional, over half were by
insiders. In other words, external threat actors were responsible for events only about 10% of
the time. Based on percentages alone, the hostile threat actor would appear to be of far less
concern than a mistake committed by a legitimate operator. However, the external threat
actor represents a potentially far more malicious and far-reaching impact on mission than
either the intentional insider or unintentional event. Among external threats, perhaps the most
insidious is the so-called Advanced Persistent Threat, or APT. The National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) (et al) assesses that the external threat actor found ways not
only to get “inside” but also to stay there as long as he wants or needs. The APT,10 especially
nation-state sponsored, is perhaps the most ominous threat to DOD networks. Open source
information on threats is plentiful and readily available, but ICS security teams will need access
to classified intelligence resources to obtain more “actionable” information.

“The increasing interconnectivity and interdependence among commercial and defense infrastructures
demand that DOD take steps to understand and remedy or mitigate the vulnerabilities of, and threats to,
the critical infrastructures on which it depends for mission accomplishment.”

Joint Pub 3-27 (p. VII-8)


Key Points:
• Missions are interconnected and mutually dependent in complex ways.
• Priorities tend to be situational and event-driven.

The US Navy, articulating what is essentially true for all the Services and including ICS as part of
their cyber infrastructure, has stated:11
“The Department of the Navy (DON) relies on a network of physical and
cyber infrastructure so critical that its degradation, exploitation, or
destruction could have a debilitating effect on the DON’s ability to project,
support, and sustain its forces and operations worldwide. This critical
infrastructure includes DON and non-DON domestic and foreign

NIST addressed the APT in Revision 4 to SP 800-53.
Critical Infrastructure Protection Program, Strategy for 2009 and Beyond, 2009

infrastructures essential to planning, mobilizing, deploying, executing, and
sustaining U.S. military operations on a global basis. Mission Assurance is a
process to ensure that assigned tasks or duties can be performed in
accordance with the intended purpose or plan. It is made more difficult
due to increased interconnectivity and interdependency of systems and
networks. DON critical infrastructures, both physical and cyber, even if
degraded, must be available to meet the requirements of multiple,
dynamic, and divergent missions.”

“Major ship systems may be impacted by SCADA network attacks ashore and
afloat. This may impact a ship’s ability to start or stop engines remotely
disabling portions of the propulsion system and other engineering systems.”

Navy TACMEMO NWDC 3-56.1-12

Which ICS receive greater focus for security efforts will depend in most cases on what missions
they support. The 262d Network Warfare Squadron (262 NWS) defines this as the “criticality”
of the system component whereby lesser systems may receive little to no focus while very
critical and centralized systems are recommended to be hardened and protected significantly.
An example might be where it is impossible to protect every component on a network; focus
would be on critical servers, in essence accepting the risk of an individual personal computer
compromise so long as it can be isolated and secure operation of the critical server maintained.

But even on a given installation mission priorities—and the importance of the supporting
control systems—can change quickly and without advance notice. Consider the following
hypothetical scenario highlighting such a rapid change.

Daedalus Air Force Base’s primary mission is undergraduate pilot training.

Flight operations are essential to this training. Flight operations depend
on, among other things, a well-managed fuels system and properly
functioning airfield lighting—both systems controlled by ICS. Therefore
securing the lighting and fuels ICS networks will be a priority over, for
example, automobile traffic control systems elsewhere on the installation.
At 1430 on Thursday, a terrorist incident results in declaration of Force
Protection Condition (FPCON) DELTA. At 1431 the primary mission of the
installation dramatically shifts from UPT to defense (of people,
infrastructure, and physical assets). ICS that are essential now include
vehicular traffic control (not so critical under FPCON ALPHA) and
emergency services (including camera systems, alarms, door controls, EMS

and fire department dispatch, etc.). As a result of the incident, one of the
ICS was damaged. The ICS maintainer is a commercial contractor whose
facilities are not on the base. The contractor has backups of the ICS
operating system, programs and data, but all are at the contractor facility
off base. Because of the elevated FPCON, the contractor cannot enter the
base. CE can provide some limited manual operation of the system, but is
neither capable nor prepared to operate at even 50% efficiency and

Is the installation prepared for departures from the norm where ICS are part of the equation?
Do the various existing installation plans (incident response, disaster recovery, installation
emergency management, etc.) encompass ICS contingencies and emergencies? If so, have such
contingencies been exercised (not simply “white-carded” during an exercise)? These are some
of the considerations that will prove foundational to identifying ICS security priorities relative to
missions and changing mission priorities.

Figure 3. Mapping Mission Assurance to ICS


Key Point:
• If an element of the ICS and/or controlled infrastructure is compromised, critical mission
functions may be degraded or even entirely failed.

For any installation commander, mission assurance is of utmost concern. Anything that may
impact the mission rises to the top of the priority list. ICS and the controlled critical
infrastructure are deemed to be mission enablers; damage to or compromise of ICS can
degrade, compromise, or even deny the mission. With mission assurance foremost in mind,
this handbook provides the installation commander with a generalized approach to eliminate,
minimize, or otherwise mitigate risks to the mission as posed by ICS vulnerabilities.

It is important to note that this handbook does not attempt to achieve a level of specificity that
addresses vulnerabilities of specific products from specific vendors in specific applications. Nor
does it capture the range of threat actors who may be seeking to exploit those vulnerabilities.
Such level of specificity must be addressed on a case-by-case basis under the collaborative
efforts of the installation commander, CEs or PWs, communications element, and mission
operations representatives, and, in some cases, external experts. Specifically for the threat
piece of the equation, intelligence and/or law enforcement entities also must be consulted.

It is vitally important to understand that some mission-impacting vulnerabilities can be created

at nodes where it may not be intuitively obvious. For example, consider a fuels control system
directly supporting an operational mission. If this mission is assessed as high-priority, then the
fuels control system (i.e., ICS) merits a commensurately high priority for defensive measures
and may in fact be well defended. However there may be interconnections from non-mission-
related systems linked back into those that are critical, opening paths of access to even
defended nodes. For instance, there may be an unclassified IT network connection to the
vehicle traffic control system, which in turn has a connection to the EMS management system,
which in turn has a connection into the fuels management system. To discover which control
systems may present vulnerabilities to the mission requires following the trail (virtually,
logically, and physically) of all nodes and elements and their potential connections12 as well as
actual ones.

The probability of a threat actor finding and traversing all such interconnections to create
negative effects on the mission may not be high at a given moment, but threat actors

“Connection” includes wired network, wireless, radio, modem, USB port, Ethernet port….anything that enables
one element to connect to another.

continuously develop more advanced skills.13 Though current probability of a successful attack
may not be high, the advanced skill sets available to malicious actors combined with more
freely available advanced exploitation tools, many of which are created with ICS attack
components or even specifically for ICS, make this a serious threat. No system or sub-system
can be overlooked or assumed secure simply because it appears isolated. It is important to also
note that a vulnerability and risk assessment should consider not just primary effects on a
system, but potential second—and even third—order effects. Succinctly stated, an ICS
vulnerability and risk assessment should be supported by a thorough mission effects

Prioritization of defense measures and resource allocation requires more than a one-to-one
matching with missions, but rather needs to be approached comprehensively. There is added
complexity created by Joint Base administration
“The purpose of the Air Force’s Critical
Infrastructure Program (CIP) is to ensure Air
where one Service’s primary mission likely is
Force’s ability to execute missions and capabilities not the same as that of the other Services.
that are essential to planning, mobilizing, Take for example a fuel delivery control system
deploying, executing, and sustaining military on a Joint Base hosting both Air Force and Army
operations on a global basis.”
missions. For efficiency and cost savings, the
Air Force Energy Plan 2010 (p. 19) fuels delivery systems and automated control
may be consolidated. Hypothetically, for this
installation the Air Force’s primary mission may be to launch sorties providing defense of the
North American airspace while the Army’s may be to train vehicle maintenance and repair. If
the Army is lead agent for the Joint Base, do they consider the fuels system as the top priority
ICS to protect? How will this be decided where three or all Services are included in a Joint Base
structure? Such questions underscore the imperative for a comprehensive approach.


Key Points:
• No ICS is 100% secure 100% of the time.
• Misconceptions  undetected or neglected vulnerabilities  unmanaged risk.

For example, the ICS-CERT in Alert 12-046-01, February 2012, stated: “ICS-CERT is monitoring and responding to
an increase in a combination of threat elements that increase the risk of control system attacks. These elements
include Internet accessible configurations, vulnerability and exploit tool releases for ICS devices, and increased
interest and activity by hacktivist groups and others.”


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